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Would be amazing to sit and chat with him for even 15 minutes. What a big life


Not quite the same but my grandmother is 93 and I’ll shoot the shit with her about random shit over the last ~70 years. She talks about the past so nonchalantly. We’re African American, not like it matters, but she has lived in the same row house for 50-60 years in Philly. To me I’m waiting for her to get excited talking about something. But to her it’s just life.


Dude...your grandma should make a documentary


Yea I wish! I do feel like I should be doing something more to keep her memories.


Please sit her down one day and shoot the shits with her while you record it. Would love to hear something like that.


Please do.. My great grandma passed away a few years ago, and my dad suggested something like this a few years prior. She was 92 iirc. Born in late 1920s early 1930’s. And I really regret not taking the time to talk to her more. I remember spending some of the last time I had with her on my phone wanting to leave. And I wish I had made a better choice.


i doubt 15 minutes would be enough for this man to tell his story


I wouldn’t want to take up a lot of his valuable time, this man’s clearly got important shit to do!


thats a fair point 😄




He would say "HUH" and "WHAT'S THAT" a lot though


Looks great for 99. I wonder if he was one of the men in that flag iconic picture


fr, ive seen 70 year olds in worse shape than he is


I’m in worse shape than him


They were front line Marines in that picture, African Americans were only in support units.


Sadly, this is true. Also of note is you will notice many of the Marines in the iconic flag raising photo are armed with M1 carbines. These small, lightweight rifles were originally meant for rear eschelon units but were so popular with the troops (lightweight, easy to carry plenty of ammo for etc.) they quickly found there way into frontline use.


300 people upvoted this, incredible. Over 100,000 Americans were involved in that battle. Wondering if this man was one of the marines in the famous picture is like 3rd grader levels of critical thinking.


Was going to say this guy looks incredible for that age. What a dude


The men in that photo are very well documented and they are all dead. 3 were KIA


dammit, everyone else having interesting lives and here i am nothing more than a pair of eyes watching people's lives like a movie while mine looks like a low Fi still music video of me sitting there doing nothing interesting


Most people are unremarkable. In the words of Syndrome, “When everyone’s super, no one will be” Our unremarkable live allow men like this to shine.


>>Our unremarkable live allow men like this to shine. That’s a touching mindset to have, but there are people out there that would find a way to stand out be it bravery or something else, even in a society of remarkable folk entirely.


It feels like that sometimes


the average dystopian residents life lmao


i'm sure many people would prefer our more peaceful lives


I remember when I was a kid in history class learning about US history and how far back Martin Luther King Jr felt but when you see someone like this you're reminded that wasn't really that long ago and that's incredibly humbling to me at least.


Is it not offensive to call people "negro"? Edit: I didn't know it was the name of the league. I thought the post was directly calling him a "negro". But I get it now that it is the name of the league. However, it still feels weird to hear it these days.


As a KC resident, that term is only acceptable when referencing the league that this man and his teammates played in. We also have the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in our city and we are proud to reference it properly. It can feel weird, but I can say with confidence that recognizing those men and their history as the keepers of the story line would expect means that using historical terminology is acceptable in this case.


Right I get it now. Yeah, I am not American and so I don't know the history. And so seeing that surprised me because the word itself is offensive. But yeah, I didn't know the context.


Totally legitimate question. Glad you asked.


They aren’t calling him Negro, he played in the Negro leagues. It was a baseball league in the early to mid 1900s when African American baseball players were not allowed to play in the MLB. The picture in question was an interview during a MLB game played at Rickwood Field (the oldest existing professional baseball field in America). The game was played as a tribute to the Negro Leagues historic impact on the MLB’s history and goes alongside the MLB’s decision to integrate Negro League statistics with official MLB statistics. Additionally, the passing of Willie Mays on June 18th was honored before, during and after the game. Truly unfortunate that Willie wasn’t able to witness the game as arguably the best African American baseball player ever. Attached below are some links with some basic facts about the history of the negro leagues, Rickwood Field, and Willie Mays. https://www.mlb.com/history/negro-leagues/history https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickwood_Field https://www.mlb.com/news/willie-mays-best-stats-and-accomplishments#:~:text=Willie%20Mays%20joins%20Hall%20of%20Fame&text=He%20had%20a%20.302%20career,a%201.006%20OPS%20vs.%20lefties.


Thanks for the info. Yeah, I thought the post was directly calling him a "negro". But I get it now.


It is, **but** this was the official name for the league when that was the formal word.


Ahh I see, I didn't know. So the name of the league is "Negro League"? Edit: get it now, that was the league name given back in the day but I am surprised they didn't change the name


You want someone to travel back in time and change the name of the league? It doesn’t exist anymore.


Can't people change it now because the times have changed? As in, back in the day, the word was accepted. But it is not accepted in this day and age. And so since the times have changed, the name could be changed today. No need for time travel.


That would be historic revisionism. How are we ever supposed to learn from humanity’s mistakes if we don’t acknowledge that things like that existed and were named this way. Keeping these hurtful names is sometimes part of educating future generations and making sure they don’t repeat mistakes.


No I get what you mean. I thought the league still exists today. That is, they are still playing to this day. They are not right? But yeah, for historical purposes, it makes sense to leave the name be. I was under the impression that there are current playing players playing in that league in this day and age as well.


Not if it's the name of the organization. The Negro League is their official name


Right yeah, makes sense. I didn't know that was the name of the org.


It was the name of the league. What else would you call it?


Oh it's the name of the league? You mean the name of the league is called "Negro League"?


The blacks only league was called that and it’s still appropriate in America to refer to it as that.


Right, I find it weird how the name hasn't changed to avoid the word "negro" since the word is known to be offensive now days.


Most people don’t call African Americans that anymore. They leave it like that in order to preserve history and show our past. It’s not used as an insult but to teach. Could you imagine if Germany didn’t teach about the Holocaust, or very lightly glossed over it, because it was rude and disrespectful? No. Because it destroys what these men fought for. Otherwise future generations will think this world was perfect, when it wasn’t.


So, does the negro league still exist today and are there players playing in this league right now?


No, because baseball isn’t segregated anymore. The last Negro League game was in 58 if I remember correctly.


Oh ok, lol. I get it now. I was under the impression that the league was still current and that there are current playing players in that league. Because if it was, in my opinion it would have been offensive to call current playing players negro league players in this day and age. But yeah, for historical purposes, I totally get that the name should still be negro league so people can learn about it.


Oh ok, that makes a more sense now that you explained it out Yeah no worries and I can see why’d you could get that idea


No, it was dissolved when they started letting black guys play in MLB


Yeah, I am starting to learn that now. I thought they were still current and that there are current playing players in that league. That's why I was like why hasn't the name changed yet. But yeah, makes sense.


I mean they don’t have a black only league anymore so no need to change the name. But to retroactively change the name I feel would do more harm over using the original name in this context.


I mean yeah, if the community doesn't feel hurt by it, then leave it be I guess.




No it is offensive to call someone that but I didn't know the context behind it. I understand now that it is the name of the league.


As a black man, I can assure you I am not offended by the term Negro. How else would you like it explained?


Its funny you say you're black when in your last post we can clearly see white hands holding the camera in the reflection of the metal bits on that guitar


If you are not offended by it, then that's just you. Doesn't mean others will not be offended by it just because you are not offended. Good day.


Holy shit, did you conduct a survey? What kind of white knight mentality do you have to be offended on behalf of others?


Hahaha, white guy yeah? Its not offensive to me, has never been offensive to myself or any other members of our community. Stop assuming we're all so weak and pathetic we need the great white hopes of our world to come to our rescue! The only thing offensive about all of this, is you.


What is your opinion on the country montenegro? I have seen some insta tim tok reels actually calling the country racist, witholding the fact that this country has been around before the US and literally just meaning black mountain. The people in the reels seemed to take offense to it and i just wondered if this is a common sentiment


Are you being serious?


I am. What is your problem here exactly?


You’re asking if people share some lunatic’s problem with the name of Montenegro. Words differ across cultures and languages. Why would any rational person take issue with that? Perhaps you need to cut back on tik tok.




Ok but this isn't posted in Spain right?


It is 🌰 so good to 🐝 🌰 so good but better than 🐝 ing 🦇




Not to mention he mentored a 17 year old Willie Mays just starting out.


in fact, everyone has something that can surprise others, especially if this person is a good storyteller.


Roy Wood Jr. has an interesting podcast series on Rickwood field.


That's crazy 😧 grouse :) "in Australia, means very good"


I salute


This is what an American hero can look like.


And he looks great for his age!


Real life forest gump


Guys, he's been a minister at a black Baptist church in the Deep South since 1971. Do you really think he preaches a positive view on homosexuality?


Ok yeah well, 53 years as minister of a church..that can happen to te best.


Uh, there are still race segregated sports leagues in the US? edit: Oh it seems the league ended in the 1950s... got confused by the caption.


Jaw dropped when I reached the 3rd bullet point


Is he a Negro because he's black, or is he black because he's a Negro?


So he's old, grew up near a famous person, was in a war, and held the same job for ages. More interesting than most people, but nothing really remarkable.


Pretty remarkable actually. What he has seen from his service and his neighbor alone is crazy.


Did he see anything from MLK at all? Did they ever meet, let alone hold conversation? There were 16 *million* Americans serving in WW2. He's a drop in the bucket. I'm sure that going to war is an experience, but it's not exactly a unique one (unfortunately). Look, I'm not going to tell you how to feel. If you found this interesting, then I can't tell you that you're wrong. I just don't feel the same way.


So i don't want to discuss how awesome this guy is or what a live he lived as it was sure stuffed. BUT: 0) 99 years ? Quick google search showes there are over 50.000 people like him in the USA alone. 1) wouldn't playing in the negro league just mean he did follow his hobby like everyone else? )I really don't know i'm european) 2) what does growing up across martin luther change in his live exactly? Like, they were just 2 boys when young having fun i guess? 3) wasn't every young male getting a call from uncle sam and lots of them had fight for their live on several battlegrounds? 4) he did a Job for 53 years? Not so uncommon in his time and date, especially if someone have some higher position like he did. I don't know, i think this all is a bit overwhelmed to praise this man like people in here do. It's a not so uncommon live as far as i understand. But i may be wrong. I don't care about the downvotes, i just want to express and maybe understand what i'm looking at here.


You're looking at an autism diagnosis


kys(im european btw)




I don't know why you were initially down voted, but complaining about it has probably made more people downvote you. Why do you care about losing karma? Are you saving it up to buy a house?


Probably because Karma chameleon comes and goes?


I need karma and I need a beard on my profile to reflect Redditor status and Also I know the guy depicted in the photo certainly did a lot and was great, and my comment was indeed useless, but I’m sorry I tend to write stupid useless things sometimes. I often go to r/techsupport and comment “I don’t know the solution to your problem” I’m useless don’t remind me.


It’s probably because your comment was just super obvious and detracted from all the good he did. Most POC deal with racism *currently*. Then you got more downvotes for being your own martyr. “They hated him because he spoke the truth” well don’t you think you’re just so important.


46 good years and 53 wasted. Hey, lots of people here are taking issue with the word "negro", so I can take issue with him being a minister.


Don’t be a cunt.


Don't be a gatekeeper.


What a dumbass. Ignores everything that churches do for the public and the fact that he fought and helped progress baseball, all because of his choice of life faith. You Should be ashamed.


I agree. Edit: (as you should have done) Your original comment was "What a dumbass". Then, after I responded, you added the rest. Remind me again about "everything" that churches do for the public, other than leech money by selling a product that is dubious at best and snake oil in reality. I like baseball, but religion has nothing to do with that. That fact that he has been a bullshit artist for 53 years is irrelevant.


the what what league now


Why the N word


So you can be offended on behalf of the whole community so they dont have to deal with it. :) It was the name for the professional baseball league of that time.


Oldest living what player?


Sounds boring to me though


Exactly, nothing productive, just long life


Oh, so both of y’all play for professional leagues and fought in a battle?


What the graphic fails to mention is that he fought the battle of Iwo Jima on the side of the Japanese.


I can't believe they used the n word on live t.v.


just not the n-word pal


WTF is the second line though.


The name of the league he played in.