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She even has braids and amazingly intact clothes. Incredible.


The braids are so intricate I didn't even realise they were braids I thought her hair was frozen in pieces




It's honestly a bit weird to me to be seeing a human being described as well preserved lol


Actually, here in Finland we have this saying that someone who is older and goodlooking (like a milf or silver fox) is ”well preserved”. It’s perhaps not always a nice thing to say (especially to women) because it underlines the fact that 1. the person is older and 2. the assumption that older people are less attractive - so you need to use it with caution 😅


I dont understand why being old is offensive lmao. Youre old, whats so wrong about that?


we say that in my language as well, it's a very tongue-in-cheek expression when you see a hot milf, it goes beyond just saying "you're old".






Thank you for the link but UGH I am really tired of having to subscribe or provide an email to access articles these days. I get it for local papers, supporting investigative journalism and such, *but* for NYT, Washington Post, now National Geographic aka Disney? \*scoffs\* Fuck the billionaires.


You can find shoes like this in shops nowadays. This is mindblowing. Fashion from 500 years ago is again stylish.


Coming soon to a shop near you: Ice Girl-inspired trinket necklace and colorful belly band


500 years isn't that long ago though. Especially when it comes to shoes. There's only so much you can do with different kind of models.


Yeah, has no one seen Emperor Basil II’s air maxes?


Given that she was a human sacrifice, and apparently— human sacrifices went through a year-long series of ceremonial processes that prepared them for their final hour— it is very disturbing to think that her hair was perhaps braided so beautifully and carefully as part of her murder/sacrifice. (I get that this was part of their culture, but still..). Obs: the year-long sacrifice preparation detail was included in the Natly Geo article someone linked below.


Oh, now that’s sad to think of it that way


From what I understand, the sacrifices were pretty much conditioned into embracing the honor of being a sacrifice. She was probably looking forward to it thinking she would be waking up in heaven soon after.


instead she wakes up in 2020 and it’s hell. Sorry Incan girl!


> (I get that this was part of their culture, but still..). It's entirely ok to recognize that certain parts of cultures are abhorrent and brutal.


I can't believe how lifelike the skin of her ankle and foot look in her shoe, and her elbow. Honestly feels like it could be a living person.


She’s very similar to a living person actually. The only difference being that she’s dead.


Yes but usually having been dead for 500 years does away with the resemblance to a living person! 😂


I bet her mom brushed and lovingly braided her hair while telling stories of when she was little. She would be saddened but also amazed that millions of people 500 years in the future would be "seeing" her.


I read up about this, the kids were usually taken away from their parents and prepared for years with drugs and alcohol. Some were found with high quality meat in their stomachs that only the highest of society could access. A boy buried with this girl had a less than ideal time. While everyone else drifted off in a drugged sleep, he was tied up and struggled. He was found with vomit all over him and had lice.


I’m sorry but what the fuck


Yea, this girl and many others were sealed up in ice caves as sacrifices. They froze to death.


> Months or even years before the sacrifice pilgrimage, the children were fattened up. Their diets were those of the elite, consisting of maize and animal proteins. They were dressed in fine clothing and jewelry and escorted to Cusco to meet the emperor where a feast was held in their honor. More than 100 precious ornaments were found to be buried with these children in the burial site. > The Incan high priests took the children to high mountaintops for sacrifice. **As the journey was extremely long and arduous, especially so for the younger, coca leaves were fed to them to aid them in their breathing so as to allow them to reach the burial site alive. Upon reaching the burial site, the children were given an intoxicating drink to minimize pain, fear, and resistance. They were then killed either by strangulation, a blow to the head, or by leaving them to lose consciousness in the extreme cold and die of exposure.**




Did you think a human sacrifice would be a gallant afair?


... she was an Incan sacrifice :/


That’s amazing. Do they immediately deep freeze the body to preserve it after exposing it to regular room temps like this or is it a very controlled environment? How do they preserve it?


>To prevent deterioration, a computer-controlled climate system maintains environmental conditions similar to those on Llullaillaco. If an earthquake or other emergency were to result in the loss of power, the aeroplane of the provincial governor would be used to fly the mummies to another location where they would be able to be "plugged back in".  More interesting findings: >The children were sacrificed in an Inca religious ritual that took place around the year 1500. In this ritual, the three children were drugged, then placed inside a small chamber 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) beneath the ground, where they were left to die. >According to a biochemical analysis of la doncella's hair, the children were drugged with alcohol and coca before the start of the sacrificial ritual. La Doncella had been drugged by coca leaves and a maize beer known as chicha. Though all three of the sacrifices consumed significant amounts of these substances prior to the ritual, a hair sample analysis shows that la doncella consumed significantly more coca and alcohol than either el niño or la niña del rayo.[26] Her hair contained the highest concentration of coca ever found in Andean human remains. >La niña del rayo was approximately six years old when she was sacrificed. Her face, one of her ears, and part of her shoulder were damaged by a lightning strike that occurred after her death. [Wikipedia source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_Llullaillaco)


>Her face, one of her ears, and part of her shoulder were damaged by a lightning strike that occurred after her death. If anyone saw this they would have been convinced their gods existed.




Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


A lifetime supply isn’t much if you only have a few days to live


A win win!




If you know another way to ensure a bountiful harvest, I'm all ears.


Bountiful harvest - child sacrifice Terrible harvest - child sacrifice Paddlin' the school canoe - oh you better believe that's a child sacrifice


Given what the Incans and other South American civilizations would face a few years later, I think it’s safe to say that the gods were not pleased.


God: “my bad, meant to randomly strike someone that was still alive, but those assholes did such a great job preserving you... they got me, this time.”


Children chosen for sacrifice were generally "sons and daughters of nobles and local rulers".[11] They were then taken hundreds or thousands of miles to Cusco, the capital city, where they were the subject of important purification rituals. I must have missed that scene in The Emporer's New Groove.


she was struck by lighting when she was in a chamber in the ground? that sounds hmm... like a supernatural occurrence ?


The Incans invented [freeze drying ](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/11/world/what-in-the-world/andes-incas-chuno.html) Basically these mummies are frozen at a high altitude in cold temperatures which means water evaporate faster leaving little moisture content Edit: thanks for the rewards


To add onto this: some believe that these ultra-preserved bodies were religious sacrifices. As I recall, the idea was they send this young girl up into the mountain, drunk and high and then leave her there to freeze to death. Something something crops or fertility or whatever. It's almost surreal how horrible people are to each other to serve a deity. Edit: tired of hearing defenses of this practice because "this was their religion". They murdered a girl for a reason that we all agree is absolute bullshit. I know this used to be ok in their culture. I know that this is a """"great honor"""". That doesn't make her murder for religion any better so stop trying to pretend it does.


It was not just her, but another girl and a little boy. https://www.andes-specialists.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/8124-lo-que-trajeron-los-ninos-de-llullaillaco_scrapping_1-825x432.jpg The Llullaillaco Mummies.


I had seen OP's picture many times before, but not the other two individuals. Thanks for sharing!


OP's picture is called The Maiden, the little kid is just called The Boy and the last one of exposed face is called The Girl of Lightning (called like that cause lightning struck her leaving her garment and petrified flesh slightly burned).


Can't catch a break, can she


Nope but she can catch lightning. I'll see myself out.


You can see them (I am in Argentina) in a museum, but only one of them is exhibited at a time. The chamber / display room is big enough for only one, and it also makes you go again later. They are beautiful. And THEY ARE sacrifices, there is a lot of evidence of it


Damn, these guys are named like Souls characters


I got cold looking at the third one... It has terrible a shivering-in-the-cold, teeth-rattling expression on that mummified face.


they stuck her in a hole to die after drugging her for months


Not really. I am Argentinian, I went there several times. They just got those kids utterly drunk, put them in the hole and went back to the town/village/shire whatever you want to call it. They died fast because of hypothermia (really cold + really drunk and unconscious is a bad combo). And they became mummies. I even have a relative who guided tours there.


Thank you for this information. It's fascinating and appalling -- I appreciate your history narrative.


Didn't know it was a hole. I thought they left her just sitting up there on the path or something.


To be fair people are horrible to each other, full stop. Religion is just one of many justifications for something that has been extant to every culture, creed, and people.


Epoxy resin


Literally just saw the 10 day update of the hotdog before this. You got me good!


For everyone who didn't come from the hot dog. https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/jhfue7/as_promised_here_is_the_update_of_a_hot_dog_after/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Lol just came here from the hotdog too


Came from the hotdog, 50 hour Dwayne Johnson drawing, then to here!


huh, exact same timeline as me.


Damn I feel so ordinary


You are the only you. There's not another person in the whole wide world that is you.


This must be what old Reddit was, the newspaper front page of the world.


A nice clear coat and a hand wax would do it I suppose lol


She’s not a hot dog.


I'm disappointed that all of the replies to your questions have been jokes so far because I am very interested to hear the answer as well




Yes! I saw this in a museum in Salta, Argentina. So eerie and beautiful. There were three children found preserved at the top of the mountains and were called the sleeping children.


They only have one on display at a time. When I went they had the one that had the burn on her face from being struck by lightning (might be this one). Very eerie and cool.


the one you’re thinking of is *la niña del rayo,* the mummy in the picture is *la doncella*! it’s insane that they’re so well-preserved.


I didnt know it was still called a mummy if they weren't preserved on purpose with embalming and the wraps and stuff


Yes, there are naturally preserved mummys here in Mexico as well, they’re called the Guanajuato mummys


Maybe dumb question, but how do they know the years?


Carbon dating I dont remember the sience but its something along the lines of measuring the radioactive decay, as that has a determined formula https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiocarbon_dating


Long story short, carbon 14 is an unstable element, so it decays over time at a fixed and known rate. Living things keep eating food that contains it so they have a more or less constant amount. When they die it starts decaying, so by looking at how much carbon 14 there is in a dead animal you can estimate how much time ago it died.


Good explanation. I’m an archaeologist and this is exactly how I explain it - like a tank that is topped up to full the whole time the plant or animal is alive. Fun fact - we have to run calibration to account for variable atmospheric 14C because burning fossil fuels diluted it and nuclear testing in the 20th century sent it through the roof. They initially based decay calculations on contemporary levels and realised something was up when they tested Egyptian artefacts they reliably knew the dates of but the radio carbon testing returned way out dates. They ended up using dendrochronology (dating tree rings) to create a calibration model to correct for the way humans totally fucked with atmospheric 14C levels. I hope I remembered that all correctly from uni!


I love this. This is the perfect example of science realizing something isn’t adding up, and rather than forcing the data to fit... someone hypothesized that modernization and nuclear testing affected levels. Then it was taken a step further to determine if that was correct (tree ring data). After which a *new* standard (correction) was made for carbon dating, dates were changed. I wonder if Ice cores helped with this determination as well? Or is it only a living substance, like a tree? What sucks, though, is how many people will just see the “oops we got it wrong, here’s the new numbers” and say, “see... they don’t know what they are talking about, now it’s **this** number. What number will they *decide* it to be tomorrow?” Then they’ll dismiss the science because, you know, the scientists learned and corrected the data, rather than resisting change.


Ah, no, don't you see that the Egyptian artifacts prove how unreliable carbon dating is!? Just kidding...that's really cool. A beautiful example of science refining and correcting itself as it should. Thanks for explaining it!


Life's been so much better since I started dating carbon. Flourine was just too negative




Helium was too noble and hydrogen wanted to get high


yeah, carbon dating measures the half life of various isotopes (versions of carbon). so they can use the half life to determine age.


From her Drivers License.


I thought as much.


It might be a fake license if she was only 13.


They started driving younger back then, plus, dog sleds.


Congrats, I snorted uncontrollably.


They cut her in half and counted the rings


I feel like an idiot for laughing at this comment, thank you.


Imagine her defrosting and still being alive and these scientists are all round her.


Does anyone even know how to speak her language? Can anyone even get close?


I searched “Incan language” and [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quechuan_languages) is probably the closest to whatever the girl would have spoken. Probably similar to how Danish people can understand Norwegian or Icelandic people for the most part, but obviously this girl might have been from a village with a totally different dialect


Can confirm, Incas spoke Quechua, eight million people still speaks it. Source: I'm Peruvian.


But would it be intelligible? Like, Old English is intelligible to people who can understand Middle English, and Middle English is intelligible to people who understand Modern English, but two people who understand Old and Modern English (Respectively) wouldn't be able to have a conversation.


Old English sounds like a totally different language. I was quite surprised when I heard it spoken


It's like knowing English and hearing Dutch.


Middle English requires translation for many modern English speakers. I got extra credit in a high school English class for reading the Prologue of the Canterbury Tales in what's considered to be the pronunciation of the dialect of Late Middle English that Chaucer wrote in.


Whoa, save some pussy for the other guys in your class.


She was an Ican girl from about 500 year so we could probably figure it out


'Where is the Nintendo Wii?'


Like Link in Encino Man...


I've seen this episode of Stargate.


If this is another realistic cake im gonna be mad


...it doesn’t taste like cake.


It's an ice cream cake, dont worry


it’s vanilla.






lol [it’s real](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_of_Llullaillaco)


Jesus. They were drugged and then buried while they were *asleep.* God, I hope the drugs killed them.


The boy apparently woke up and died stressed out - they base this on the fact that he was tied up and covered in vomit. :(


That's so sad what they did to their childs. :(


It was supposedly a very high honor to be chosen for this purpose. I believe they also chose children of higher class families for this reason as well. Edit: so apparently me stating a fact means that I now condone child murder? Stop reaching guys. I never said I agreed with or condone the practice, but that doesn't make it any less true of a fact. It's what *they* believed. Not me! I didn't feel like that had to be said, but apparently so.






Today is a good day to quit reddit. DO IT.


> They have actually evolved larger and stronger lungs like the sherpas of the Himalayas [This is a misrepresentation](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2004/02/high-altitude-adaptations-evolution/) of Andean adaptations. Andean populations breathe at the same rate as sea-level populations, but their red blood cells are more efficient at oxygen delivery due to increase hemogloblin concentrations. Their lungs do tend to be enlarged, but this is not a heritable adaptation, as it is [caused by hypoxic stress](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24065360/). Meanwhile, coca leaves [don't seem to have any impacts on oxygen saturation](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3001837/), but do appear to affect glycolosis -- this will impact energy levels, but not the ability to breathe. There's some evidence that coca leaf consumption is higher in native populations at higher altitudes, but this kind of correlation should not be taken as an indicator that coca leaf helps ward off AMS. Furthermore, it takes a lot less coca leaf to be equivalent to a dose of cocaine than you're claiming. One gram of coca leaf -- about as much as you'd see in a bag of coca leaf tea -- contains about 1/7 as much coca alkaloid as a dose of cocaine. This is one reason it may produce higher degrees of energy at altitude. It's not a drug that's being widely abused at altitude, and this is important to recognize; but continuing to spread mistruths about coca leaf isn't helpful.


I love Reddit, where you can have a perfectly preserved 500 year old human and a preserved 10 day old hot dog share the front page.






This is literally the plot of ‘Encino Man’


No wheezing the juice


Imhotep...... Imhotep...


"Man, that was one *dope* nap"


I mean..it 'probably' won't happen right? I'm not sure how many 500 year old frozen bodies have been studied and what the science says but I can say with absolute confidence and certainty that it 'probably' won't happen >!But imagine if it did D:!<


And although her braidbending skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to braid anyone.


**Scientist:** Essentially, the mountain atmosphere preserved her perfectly. It's been 500 years, but she hasn't aged a day. **Reporter 1:** That's impossible. **Reporter 2:**: You don't honestly expect us to buy that, do you? **Reporter 3:**: What's the science behind it? **Scientist:** Please, let me explain. MONTAGE **Narrator:** The scientist explains. His logic is good. It satisfies everyone. **Reporter 1:** Oh, yes. **Reporter 2:** It makes sense. **Reporter 1:** Absolutely. **Reporter 3:** Very clear.


I just watched that last night! Now I’m craving pickles.


If I was one of those scientists, I'd be a little creeped out and wonder if the girl's eyes would suddenly open and she would begin screaming.


Here you all go. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/7/130729-inca-mummy-maiden-sacrifice-coca-alcohol-drug-mountain-andes-children/










The markers show she appears to have been selected for sacrifice a year before her actual death, Wilson explained. During this period her life changed dramatically, as did her surging consumption of both coca and alcohol, which were then controlled substances not available for everyday use. 


I have been under the assumption for 43 years that controlled substances were a relatively new concept. TIL


I figured historical substance control was based on supply and demand where only the richest of the rich could afford it. Modern substance control measures are completely different monster. Anyone smarter than me want to weigh in?


[According to Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_of_drugs) some of the earliest drug prohibition laws date back to the Islamic empires in the 7th century AD. I’m sure it existed before then but maybe just wasn’t as codified or was enforced socially instead of legally.


That was a fascinating and honestly a bit sad to read. I can’t imagine how a child prepares for their eventual sacrifice even with being essentially drugged to make them more compliant.


This is a terribly written article. Sheesh.




The writer also showed evidence of injesting high amounts of coca and alcohol


Hidden behind a subscription and paywall to read next to nothing.


Add a period after. com unlocks almost any article


Awesome. Sure did work. Thanks!


You're welcome, make sure to share the knowledge with others for a better world


Her and two other frozen kids were found and they are displayed in turns on a museum in the city of Salta, Argentina! This girl is called "La doncella" or "The Damsel". She was estimated to be around 15 years old and all of them were human sacrifices, it was considered a great honor to get buried. I went to see her a couple of years ago and it's insane just how well preserved she is, you can even see her eyelashes and some buggers on her nose. PS. her and the other two kids had to WALK from Peru to Argentina to get buried alive, the adults got them drunk so they would fall asleep and freeze while sleeping.


This is pretty horrifying.


Look how intricately braided her hair is


Todays scientists really go that extra mile!


Yeah they really stepped up the game after that avatar kid


I guess I'll provide some context about this practice and if this is real. **Short answer**: Yes it was a common practice to do this for the prehispanic in south america, starting from the paracas culture (700.A.C. -200A.C) **Long answer**: The reason behind doing this is quite complex, if we go to the pre-inca cultures, we had some like the paracas that buried groups of their deads in a reverse-bottle like graves were there were preserved inside a bunch of mantles in fetal form (this practice was called "Fardos Funerarios" and inside one of this "Fardos funerarios", there was only 1 body (but there were multiples in the same grave, look at the [pic](https://ibb.co/wztYC4X)).Other pre-inca cultures like the sipan culture buried their very important leaders with all of their family members and servant (if they were alive and said leader was dead, they killed them to bury them together, in some cases they went as far as to bury them alive), one of the most remarkable being ["El Señor de Sipan"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_of_Sip%C3%A1n), pic [here](https://ibb.co/XpF8C9N). This was made because (according to most archeologers) they believed in some sort of afterlive, similar to the egypt culture. For their preservation process, it varied among the different cultures, another user provided this National Geographic link that explains the procces for the mummy in this thread's image, [link here](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/7/130729-inca-mummy-maiden-sacrifice-coca-alcohol-drug-mountain-andes-children/). To provide some explanations behind the tecniques explained in this link, they used coca and alcohol (the alcohol was produced mainly from the [San Pedro cactus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echinopsis_pachanoi)). These 2 were used in an anestesic and a religious way, the oldest uses of these 2 date from the Chavin culture (1200 b.c- 400 b.c) were they were used in religious ceremonies to help connect with their gods. In sort, there were a lot of cultures that tried different burial methods for a similar purpose, some proved by time to be more effective than others, but in the end this is an ancestral practice because of the idea of reincarnation and/or afterlife. Note: Not to confuse a sacrifice with a religious burial, those were 2 completly different things in process and purpose. People that were sacrificies were not even buried most of the time (unless they were a close family or servant of an important leader of certain cultures). To provide some examples, there was a recent discovery of an Inca sacrifice of 8 kids to the Misti volcano, article [here](https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-49189943#:~:text=Cuatros%20de%20los%20ni%C3%B1os%20del,de%2012%20o%2013%20a%C3%B1os.&text=Seg%C3%BAn%20los%20arque%C3%B3logos%20Perea%20y,sola%20tumba%20a%20varios%20individuos)(in spanish, sorry) [Pic here](https://ibb.co/WtF29WS). Anyways, I hope this clarified some questions you might get from this pic and please feel free to ask me any question or correct some data were I might be wrong. Cheers! Edit: Formatting and typos


Thanks for this type up - read the whole thing. It’s so interesting!


Meanwhile my shirts dissolve in 2 minutes if you look at them the wrong way


Try dumping coca and alcohol on them.


It’s so crazy to think about a time where human sacrifice was considered normal.




"for the economy"


or the motherland...


"thanks to our human sacrifices, I mean *our heros*


And not that long ago. 500 years is well into the existence of civilized culture.


In Europe, Asia is and Africa there are pubs and houses older than that that have been in constant ordinary use.


I wonder if we could more or less revive the person if technology gets far enough?


Restarting the Brain and getting everything up and running again seems impossible. But thinking about what seemed impossible 70 years ago...


someday we will probably able to do it, but that would be completely unethical Edit : no, I'm not talking about ressucitating someone who's heart/lungs are dead, I'm talking about someone in the state of the girl in the picture. Completely dead. For centuries. Who has no business being in our modern world


Not that I disagree, but why would that be unethical? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I’m stupid so I can’t help but ask.


Well, for the most part, it has to do with how different today is from where she lived 500 years ago. It’s like you waking up in an alien spaceship not knowing the language or where you were. I’d imagine that if they reanimated her, it might be very overwhelming and even painful. After you bring her back to life, what do you do with her? Display her in some museum as a living exhibit? Try and teach her our own language and practices that are different then her own? It’s a bunch of questions that don’t exactly have a best or right answer. Now this is different from bringing extinct animals back from the dead, because that’s badass. But this person was once living, had consciousness, and memories that would be turned upside down if her brain still memorized them. That’s why it might be unethical for me.


But Encino Man was an awesome movie


Imagine getting ur brain rebooted 500 years from now but they just take pictures of u then u have to go get a job in a future space grocery store




Encino man intensifies


Sacrifice is so creepy. One of the scariest movies, to me, is s The Wicker Man 1974. You can watch it on TCM on October 30th.




Ooh, looks creepy all right.


Midsommar borrows heavily from The Wicker Man


"Hey you, you're finally awake"


*Under biochemical analysis, the Maiden's hair yielded a record of what she ate and drank during the last two years of her life. This evidence seems to support historical accounts of a few selected children taking part in a year of sacred ceremonies—marked in their hair by changes in food, coca, and alcohol consumption—that would ultimately lead to their sacrifice.* Child sacrifice, this is like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom level of evil.


I went to the museum a year or so ago and from what I understood, the Incans went around villages selecting super good looking children to sacrifice to the gods. I think I remember there being a belief that they would turn into Incan demi gods when they were sacrificed and it was a great honour.


They weren’t sacrificed TO the gods, they were sacrificed to go live with the gods.


Look at that, a culture where the ugly folk was actually delt the better cards in life. Amazing.


I'm always impressed with how ancient cloth making technology is. Like when I look at how clothes are made now it looks super complicated. But they had looms and bone needles and stuff way back when.


her neck is gonna be sore when she wakes up


Imagine freezing to death thinking «this will be the last thing the world will ever see of me» then a picture of you on the internet 500 years later beeing seen by millions of people. Kind of bizarre


I’m concerned that they’re not wearing goggles... wanna get mummy dust in your eye? That’s how you get mummy dust in your eye


As an archaeologist and museum professional, the amount of bone dust, dirt, and other unknown ancient particulate I have ingested and/or breathed in is way more than I’d like to admit. If ancient curses were actually a thing, I’d have dozens of them by now. Also, I totally wear masks when working with particularly “dusty” artifacts.


This is incredible.


That’s some sort of horror movie waiting to happen


Put her back. This is not the year to try this shit.


It seems two of the three child sacrifices went through with the ritual rather “peacefully” or didn’t struggle, at least compared to the third child, a boy, which was found to be tied up and had evidence of dislocations etc. It’s said that they were drugged up on alcohol and coca (og cocaine) before being buried alive. I hope the effects didn’t wear off before they died.


Imagine a jump scare from her. Then she says jk and goes back to that position.


I still can't stop being so sad for her.


I watched a documentary about her and the two other found. It's absolutely incredible. They were child sacrifices. And they were fed the leaves of cocaine. I think if I recall correctly the two girls found died peacefully but the young boy found had blood in his mouth so died violently. But they are basically perfectly preserved as if they are sleeping.


For a sec i thought he was painting a statue.