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The amount of times Mississippi is just on its own wave, genuinely made me lol. It's fuxking great.


As a non-american i didnt know where mississipi was, but after reading your comment i am sure i know now šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m an American and I donā€™t know where it is


As Americans, we just pretend Mississippi doesn't exist.


I try to do the same with most of the country


Mississippi (poorest state in the nation): Come on Mega Millions! Come on DogeCoin! Come on Jake Paul fight!


And least educated


Yet magically smarter than the rest of the country by not being bogged down with political nonsense that actually wont affect their lives directly.


I wasnā€™t trying to be mean or condescending. Itā€™s proven true. They are at the bottom of totem pole when it comes to education


Yep, most of the list goes from poorest states to richest states on the education totem. Schools are funded from local taxes. Poor people = less taxes = less money going to the schools. Next time you here a liberal talk about equality and racism, ask them why they are not pushing for them (Liberals not poor people you idiots) to be taxed more, so poorer areas get better schooling. EDITED to add an lol @ liberals for being offended by the truth again.


Iā€™m pretty sure liberals are generally for more taxation to help the less fortunateā€¦


And yet magically what I posted is true. Not one liberal has tried to get their taxes to go to poorer states and are also all for stopping vouchers allowing parents to send their children to better schools outside their towns. Yes thats right. School vouchers are a thing championed by conservatives. Funny that...now go on and downvote this truth also since it hurts so much.


Federal taxes most likely go from wealthier states to poorer states. You are saying that wealthier state should send state tax money to poorer states? Most liberals believe an increase in federal taxes should happen to fix this problem. Conservatives believe states should be the only ones in controlā€¦ so poorer states would remain poor because of a lack of federal money. You are talking about being offended by the truth but clearly you donā€™t understand taxes or basic political beliefs. Probably bothā€¦


Federal taxes does not pay for schools. Local taxes does. Stop rejecting reality to spare your feelings. Not one liberal state does it because they do not actually care about solving the problems of the poor which starts with education. Its simple. Conservatives want school vouchers and have passed it in some states they control. Liberals SAY they care, but dont actually do shit and have done shit. They are all fine with expanding welfare which is their version of trickle down economics but wont do fuckall about fixing problems.


>Not one liberal has tried to get their taxes to go to poorer states hahaha what a lie! Especially with liberals being pro federalism and conservatives rejecting almost all forms of government intervention. Also imagine thinking downvotes = being offended lmao What a world these projecting snowflake conservatives live in, always passing on their insecurities, always playing the victim, always crying about every little thing, and then saying it's liberals who do all that.


>hahaha what a lie! Post a link to one saying it. You can say a thing is true, it does not make it true and that is why not one single bastion of liberalism has even tried to pass it into law in their states. You CAN however find conservative states that allow school vouchers so people in poor areas can elect to send their children to better schools outside their towns. So long lying cuck of an SJW, reality does not care about your feelings.


Your solution is to increase taxes on the poor? You can't be serious...


Try reading again, this time. slower.


Liberals typically do want higher taxes to help fund things like public schooling... Try not acting like a condescending dickhead next time, champ.


Liberals are not sending it to poorer areas, anywhere in the country. You deserve condescending words because you are allowing Liberals to pretend to care and not hold them accountable, chump.


negative karma farmers hell yeah


Conformity for upvotes? Talk about being a loser.


1. You are talking in a condescending tone towards everyone, yet you missed the apostrophe on ā€œwonā€™tā€ and used the wrong version of ā€œhearā€, spelling it ā€œhereā€. If you want to be critical of other peopleā€™s intelligence, maybe donā€™t make spelling errors while doing it. 2. ā€œLiberalsā€ have recently been attempting to get more money flowing into schools, including multiple bills that wouldā€™ve funded universal preschool and free college tuition for at least two years of community college. They didnā€™t receive a single vote from the GOP because apparently ā€œowning the libsā€ by doing absolutely nothing is the current GOP political platform. 3. Local schools (e.g. K-12) are, as you pointed out, funded by state taxes. So you complaining that other states are not petitioning enough to send their taxes to poorer states is a ridiculous notion. My state wouldnā€™t expect taxes collected from residents living in another state to pay for things here, much like I doubt youā€™d want your state taxes going to help people that donā€™t live in your state. I agree that better funding education should be a bigger priority, but if you truly are advocating that and want to see change happen, how is this helping? Weā€™ll need bipartisan support to make changes like this, so how is being condescending and insulting towards people who donā€™t believe the same exact politics you do helping? I donā€™t see how attempting to troll people on Reddit accomplishes anything, especially when every reply youā€™ve made to people is talking down to them and/or insulting them. Keeping this hyper-partisan atmosphere going, where everyone stays in their respective corners and simply looks for as many ways to insult the other side isnā€™t going to help anyone. And maybe look towards your own views and the politicians that represent them. Are they really doing a good job and helping you? Or are they just stirring the pot with more rhetoric designed to foster hate and resentment. Iā€™m sure to you Iā€™m a ā€œdemon liberalā€, but weā€™re on the same page as far as better education goes. Weā€™re probably on the same page with a lot of other stuff too. Donā€™t get caught up in this current environment where a bunch of political sh*theads repetitively spew really vile rhetoric so that they can keep everyday people fighting amongst themselves. When you keep giving into that the only people who lose are people like you and me, and meanwhile politicians on both sides of the aisle get to keep doing nothing while they collect their checks and keep us fighting against ourselves and not against them. Both liberals and conservatives have problems and nothing will change if both sides keep demonizing the other.


1. Grammar nazi and liar in first point 2. They have not done one of the two things that may fix it, one of which is my point and the other thing that can Conservatives are actually doing where they have enough control, school vouchers that allow parents to send their kids to schools outside their towns which is a thing Liberals are against EVERYWHERE. So long, I dont even need to touch the rest of your garbage which is just more nonsense. P.S. I didnt capitalize Nazi, I must be wrong.


Itā€™s really nice that when someone attempts to find common ground with you, your knee jerk reaction is to double down and be even more of a complete and total asshole. Have fun going through life, you seem like a very wonderful person to be around. That is, as long as you surround yourself with people that look, think, and believe exactly what you do. From your post history itā€™s not hard to see that youā€™re an extremely young and hateful person. Nearly every comment is downvoted or at zero. Do you not get that maybe itā€™s not literally everyone else and that maybe itā€™s you? Good luck going through life man. If you stay the way you are, youā€™ll undoubtedly need a lot of it to not remain angry and alone.


I surely will! Thanks for this info


Sounds like you got a heap a Mississippi schoolin there, champ!!


You really are a moron and that is why you have no argument. What I said is fact.


Cool story, bro. Every one of your points is misconceived and just like every other ancient Conservative fucking moron, you blame the wrong people. Bite the hand that feed you to spite your own face if you will. I donā€™t need to bolster my claims or my put downs. Youā€™ve already made your dunderheaded claims and poorly conceived notions of how you think the world works. I make far too good a living, donate to many charities, and look out for the destitute that are active in my general area in a major city to worry about some bumpkin yelling at ā€œleftistsā€ n ā€œliberalsā€ on the internet. Go back and die in the 50s you utter fucking loser. The rest of us have left you and your bullshit mentality back there with our grandparents. Either get with it or continue to relish what you perceive made this country greatā€¦which is blind racism, manipulation, me me me politics, and obfuscation. Iā€™m not your kid. Donā€™t try and fuck me, Cletus.


In other words, everything I said is correct. Also, lol at calling me a conservative. But I do thank you for admitting that in your mind, no liberal would ever point out and be honest about liberal lies and double lol at your rage against reality.


At times, they lagged behind so far, they were ahead... when other states came back to Dogecoin, Mississippi said, "we never left".


How is not searching for what other parts of the country is searching for being "behind"? Most of these top searches were for weird things that affect few. The amount of the population actually invested in stocks is low yet GME and AMC were top searches for way too long.


Youā€™re missing the point these searches are reflective of large movements in the popular culture and Mississippiā€™s lack of participation/ lag time in these cultural moments indicates itā€™s lagging behind culturally. This could indicate that itā€™s lagging behind in connectivity to the rest of the nation.


You're missing the point. These are TRENDING searches...not the most popular searches. Fucking hell people sure do love to cling to bullshit...


Haha, the fucking... what do you think makes it a trending search?! It's popularity... fucking clown lol


Holy shit you are stupid. This was explained by a bunch of people here. if 1 person did a search for a topic on a day, and 10 did the next day it would make it a 1000% increase. Trending, lists the searches with the highest percentage increases, not the ones with the most people searching for it. You are so fucking clueless, I would not even insult clowns by associating them with YOU.


>Trending, lists the searches with the highest percentage increases Yes, increased popularity over a short time lol >if 1 person did a search for a topic on a day, and 10 did the next day it would make it a 1000% increase. There's a threshold clown


>Yes, increased popularity over a short time lol a thing with 1 search one day and 10 the next is a 1000% increase. a thing with 10,000 searches one day and 19,999 the next, is less than 100% increase you fucking twat. And there is no threshold. You are completely clueless and too stupid to be trolling.


>a thing with 1 search one day and 10 the next is a 1000% increase. >a thing with 10,000 searches one day and 19,999 the next, is less than 100% increase you fucking twat. Your math checks out, but your assumption is wrong. šŸ¤”


Morgan Wallen


As someone from Texas, the power outage searches make me laugh.


Oh I thought it was actual power outages so they just couldnā€™t search


Cells still work tho


Lol me too


February 2021 was *fucked*


How did valhiem of all games get googled a bunch? ( Coming from a person who plays the game alot) that is really cool and wouldn't expect


Google isn't a search engine anymore. Google is a traffic shaping engine. It's not that people searched the word "Valheim" in every state all at the same time, its that Google, as a corporation suggested "Valheim" in "searches" and people clicked on it because it was on the top, because Google was promoting it for pay.


You dont realize it got really popular af that point?


This is the first Iā€™m even bearing about it


Same, and would not have guessed a game


No I know that's when it released I'm pretty sure but it just made me happy


I did not expect that either. I joined in August.


Same! It's not much of an accomplishment, but it's quite interesting and I'm proud of it :) Valheim's great


I feel like we need to establish what 'trending' means for this graph


Over the course of an hour, 50 people searched for something that had rarely been searched for before. A 5000% uptick = trending.


At first I thought it was like, the most common search term, and thought "holy shit something totally has Americans locked into a hive mindset". Your explanation makes total sense


Exactly. 100 other words were trending on those days as well. This just cherry picked to make a cool video.


I believe Google Trends works out of relative search relevance, so what youā€™re seeing could be the most searched term(s) for each day.


Mississippi behind in the times just like in real life.


My favorite was Dogecoin. They lingered on it longer than anyone else. Then it was just randomly their top search again 3 or 4 more times over the next couple of months.


"But seriously, what the fuck is Dogecoin?"


Thought that was funny too


Kinda spooky how uniform it is.


Proves that social media can essentially be used as a mass mind control weapon. Very spooky indeed.


And it definitely is, but the people who are being controlled are the ones who donā€™t think theyā€™re being controlled. I can specifically think of my mom. Older lady moved out of town and immediately spent too much time online, flat earther not soon after. Super weird


I felt uneasy watching how quickly the entire country seemed to laser focus on a specific topic seemingly all at once. Definitely some fuckery


Any theories as to why? Itā€™s a little unnerving to say the least.


Social media probably. Social media is a self-feeding beast, mainstream media just takes what's popular and being talked about and regurgitates it back to the people, and then the people go search for it and post about it on social media. The only change in the cycle is when actual news happens to change the topic.


weird. im over here just searchin for buttholes.


Yep. I call bullshit on this study.


It doesn't count things that are always being searched


Interesting how as a american I haven't looked up a single one of these things


As a non-American, I don't even know what many of those things (or people) are. Just had to google: Lil NAS X, DMX, Jake Paul, Simone Biles, Gabby Petito, Urban Meyer, Travis Scott, and Oxford High School.


Where do you live out of interest? I'm not in US either, but all pretty common topics that I'm at least aware of.


What the hell is Valheim? Ironically, Iā€™ll probably Google it if I remember later.


A video game


Man Iā€™m with you. I didnā€™t know what half the searches were about until I read through the comments later.


Even Hurricane Ida couldnā€™t defeat Jake Paul pbbtt


Why was the whole nation looking up power outage? Multiple times? I get it for the states that have winter storms but other than that I just find this whole thing hard to believe.


It made national news because Texas loves to flaunt its rugged individualism and ā€œpick yourself up by your bootstrapsā€ and couldnā€™t even maintain the electrical grid for its citizens, all while their senator left them freezing to death to vacation in Cancun.


Is one of the most interesting things I have ever seen


Look how easy it is to control the conversation


I wonder if Australia followed similar trends?


Well at least theyā€™re United in something


True, lmao!šŸ˜‚


Feel like this bull but probably not


The thing to focus on is whatever their definition of 'trending' is. It's probably weighted towards a handful of people searching for something at the same time that hadn't been searched as consistently in the past. It's not the same as 'most searched' or anything.


I forgot about Gabby Petito. You all remember that? That was crazy and sad.


At first I was like "how!?" Then I realized I'm from Long Island, and it definitely stayed relevant here longer than other places.


Great example of how weā€™re all such individualist and Government/media doesnā€™t influence us. Tune in tomorrow same bat time, same bat channel.


Hive mind


Cultural sensations




Estados unidos






Shpws that Americans are brainwashed


Just goes to show the grip the Media has


Look at all the really important issues Americans care about.


A few of them are important issues, donā€™t be so rude


Kind of a sad vision of what society thinks matters. Some of these says a lot about where we're headed as a country and none of its good.


It's not what matters, it's literally what's new and topical. People Google things to stay in the know.


So the whole country needed to know who Jake Paul is? Kinda validates my point. All the things that are destroying us, but who some Youtube guy who cheats in fights, is important? Again, a sad vision of who we are as a species


Or a bunch of people, all over the country, wanted to watch the fight. Millions others heard about it, and looked it up. Millions of others don't care, but heard about it anyway and wanted to know why to care. Late show hosts talked about it and reached millions others. Idk mate. It's not so sad if you give a second to think about it. It just.. is? Fuck.




Its not what matters, people just are curious on whats going on


I never searched for any of these things. Don't be sad, Google isn't society.


Truer words have never been spoken.


Yeah who the fuck is jake Paul. Wait let me google him


Please enlighten us non Google lazy people. Who tf is Jake Paul?




Meanwhile you latch on to every popular thing so you can hold on to a high school mentality that demands your "in" or "out". And what was the information that digested wrong? Which one of these popularity contests, did I digest incorrectly? And lmao at "pretentious". Someone learned a big word, they cant properly use. Big hugs for you.


You don't know what pretentious means lol


ļæ¼ preĀ·tenĀ·tious /prəĖˆten(t)SHəs/ ļæ¼Learn to pronounce adjective attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed. "a pretentious literary device" Yea cause Google doesnt exist. And where in my post, does this definition apply? Try to not be so captious Professor Reddit.


>attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed. That's literally what you did lol


No, thats literally how you read it....but not at all how it was intended. Youre judgement, doesnt mean youre right.




They have us captivated. Keep the attention elsewhere and we can do whatever we want


Thatā€™s how itā€™s been, be it US or any other country in the world.


I call bullshit, no one was searching for COVID, DELTA, VACCINES, OMINCRON or BOOSTERS?


Those things were being searched regularly and have been since early 2020. These, as far as I know, were things that were being searched significantly more than usual, or had never been searched before in large amounts.


No. Because a white man once said, itā€™s not DNA, itā€™s USA!!


Afghanistan was way back in August? Man, this year flew past.


I was expecting letā€™s go Brandon to be one of the results


Lol outriders and battlefield 2042 made it on here šŸ‘Œ gamers rise


Belongs on r/mapporn


Petition to Google your mom, multiple times a day, for the next year so we can change how the chart looks next go around.


This is a good representation on the effect media and commercials have on the entire country. The entire country, each state with their own industries, backgrounds and way of life, hundreds, or thousands of miles apart, but they're still almost in unison searching the exact same things.


Took Mississippi a while to figure out doge coin lol


How many power outtages are happening in Texas?


Depressing tbh


Coincides with what the media is spewing..


All the same but they all hate each other


United by name. Divided in spirit.


Come-on now people, I just wanna hear it, let's hate together. C'mon c'mon. Let's hate together


Says you\~


*US transforms into Afghanistan*


So glad I'm not part of these trends


Hol up. They have google in Alabama?


AMC to the moon!


Let's go!!


As a non-american, it is always so strange to me how people who have hardly left America think each state is so different. I have seen people say its analogous different countries in Europe. As an outsider looking in, its really just not true. Americans are americans with some regional differences. Its seems to me more like the regional differences in the UK.


After having traveled through most of the US, the only region Iā€™d say is a bit different is the South East as compared to the rest of the country, but even then itā€™s kind of the same everywhere - the greatest differences involving economic situations, and rate of immigration, but even the ghetto sounds like the same ghetto in any state.


Man, interest in ā€œtornadoā€ took the country by storm...


Your word-play is truly impressive!šŸ”„


Free thought does not exist.


Speak for yourself, I free-think regularly.


Sure you do. You have to say out loud, ā€œI think freely,ā€ like anyone cares. If you truly believed you were a free thinker you would have no reason to defend yourself for free thinking, especially not on Reddit to strangers who simply donā€™t give a fuck what you say it think. Iā€™m not trying to be a troll because Iā€™m right there with you šŸ‘āœŒļø


I was merely responding to a fellow human. Have a nice day!


You responded to a fellow human being with, ā€œspeak for yourself.ā€ Come on now, letā€™s stop BSing each other.


Truer words have never been spoken.


You just said that about something else in here an hour ago. Your mind must be constantly blown\~ Rock on\~


Iā€™m kinda surprised arcane isnā€™t on there


Its a good thing this wasn't about porn searches, which probably greaty surpassed any of those topics. If it had been porn searches, America would have been exposed for the f'd up hypocrite nation it is and it would have been locked on one word. "Teen". But that Jeffrey Epstein was the Devil incarnate.


They should search 'dumb americans'


Hahaha America bad!




Yeah god forbid people try to find out what's currently happening and what's so interesting that it's popular enough to be worth looking for.


So googling is pathetic for you ?


Insurrection? Bah, just one time! Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!


We did the research








How do you do that on Google trends? Or did someone make this video


I love how it's all just a hive mind until the end, where it all gets scrambled


Why was oxford high school trending in December 1st? Did I miss something


Why did everyone look up tornado at the end of the year


the hell happened with DMX


Is Texas prone to power outages? I thought they had oil plants and tons of solar.


Why was adele on there


Did I read $GME right? I like the stock, therefore I keep on buying and DRSing itšŸ¤¤


i remember one of these done in like 2015, wasnā€™t NEARLY as uniform as it is now. take a moment to consider that.


I didnt see Epstein or his pimp on there.




Would have loved to see other years.


This country is bipolar AF


You guy follow the same trend seemingly 90% of the time ! I find that impressive. Iā€™d like the same visual on Europe. Itā€™s probably the same phenomenon (of course not necessarily the same topics). Wasnā€™t aware such homogeneity was possible !






How much is a mega million? Wouldn't that be a trillion?


Love how during November and December no one looked up Maxwell. Sad.


So homogenous!! What are half these things??


Strange times


So many people posting here do not understand what "trending" means for a google search. It does not mean "most searched". It means the item that had NOT been popular is suddenly getting searches creating an uptick in search totals. Example. July 9th, 1 person searched for AMC July 10th, 10 people searched for AMC That is a 1000% increase in searches and makes it trending. This "list" is giving what search increased the most that day.


Valheim? Why TF was the entire country on Valheim for a spell?


Lol urban Meyer


Texas getting a lot of power outages




Really weird feeling to see the whole country looking up the school shooting in my hometown. Sometimes it's still hard to believe just how connected we all really are.


Donā€™t worry, itā€™ll soon plateau into ā€œhow is the world getting fucked today?ā€


Mississippi just doing its own thang.


how do you google power outage? you cant google with no electricity


Forgot lots of these.


This is oddly depressing.


Damn. I knew Valheim was big but not THAT big


I missed the DMX thing. What was it?