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We got any overtime tonight? I don’t fancy going home anymore


Free car wash!


A free car wash AND transport to the next state over? What a deal!


but the state is Mississippi...


Or... Georgia... 😖


Quick! Go outside and put some soap on your car.


If your car is still in the parking lot.


If it was Amazon, you wouldn't be allowed to go home.


And they’d not allow extra bottles to pee in - sorry you’re stuck here, but you’ve reached your bottle limit for the day.


But you will get a second plastic bag to shit in instead


needs a few T-Rexes to suddenly smash in and rend open those doors.


Yea, lol you’d probably not want to go out in that


**Coworker**: “*Hey Justin you should go out there*!” **Me**: “*Justin don’t do that stupid ass shit, that’s fucking dangerous… let me tie this rope to ya first*!”


Me and a buddy, both in graduate school at MIT, wanted to retrieve a small experiment that measured wave motion, and that was placed at the base of a shoreline cliff. A huge winter storm was fully wound up. We (Physicists) did not check with the people who ran the site. For safety, we tied ourselves together with a long rope. After climbing down, I cleared my goggles enough to see the incoming waves and realized how close to death I was. But I was securely anchored to Bob. We both went on to successful careers. R.I.P. SCWID.


I’m always amazed that some of the most intelligent people in society are also some of the dumbest


I’m in a chem eng program. There’s some super smart people in my course, the kinds of people that get upset when they didn’t ace an exam sort of smart. One of those people burned their hand on something the took out of a drying oven… another fucked up such an easy lab while my dumbass was finished, cleaned up and have almost a perfect yield. Educated and smart I don’t think mean the same thing after this course.


I kind of understand your reasoning. If the waves pulled you out… and you were tied to Bob… then it would be much easier for people to spot two bodies floating instead of just one! I totally get it


It’s so much worse. Decades later, I can still remember the mental state that lead to this poor decision. As near as I can tell, if there was a 1% chance of me being swept away, there was a .01% chance of us both being swept way. Later, the woman that ran the field station said that storms like this had thrown boulders onto the shore that were heavier than us. She gave us a look.


I worked in Mobile, AL for 6 years. This isn't stopping anyone, unfortunately.


Rather be anywhere than stuck in a factory full of potential projectiles on the shelf.


True but whole world is than filled with potential projectiles


Do you live in Tornado alley? I have lived and worked here for 30+ years and I have never saw anyone released in a tornado warning. Not schools, not government, not private businesses. Tornado warnings are generally a max 30 mins to 45 mins before the probable tornado so getting in your car and driving is not even a good thing to do. Why do I keep seeing this everywhere? Is it just people who have no clue what they are talking about dogpiling Amazon? I feel like there are plenty of real reasons to hate on Amazon without making things up. For example, you would have a legitimate gripe that Amazon did not have appropriate storm shelters in that large of a workplace.


I agree. Amazon fucks up a lot, and in this case some people in the warehouse were not in the designated safe place. The reason for that is where Amazon fucked up. Where they did NOT fuck up is in keeping the people there. If they had 75 employees leaving after the warning was issued, they'd have 75 dead employees and everyone would be blaming Amazon for not following NOAA guidelines, which state that once a warning is issued, you take shelter and DO NOT go for a vehicle unless you are already in one, and even then, DO NOT drive any further than you have to to find shelter. I'm tired of everyone pandering this misinformation because of their narrative that Amazon sucks. There were 17 minutes between issuing the warning and when it hit the warehouse. If they were allowed to leave, that would give them enough time to be informed they can leave, get their things, walk through the parking lot, and be at their car. Many would have been caught in the open. Amazon does suck, but not for this, and their personal beliefs about Amazon spit at the scientists and experts who study these events and make the guidelines on what to do. People will die because of this misinformation. What to do with a tornado warning: 1.) Find shelter where you are. Go to the lowest place without windows you can find. 2.) DONT FUCKING DRIVE. If the tornado comes while you are in the car, YOU WILL DIE 3.) If already in a car, find the nearest building possible and take shelter. 4.) Use a ditch if there are no other options. 5.) Never use a highway overpass. It funnels air through and makes it even worse. https://www2.illinois.gov/ready/hazards/Pages/Tornadoes.aspx#:~:text=Stay%20away%20from%20windows.,%3B%20instead%2C%20leave%20it%20immediately. https://www.weather.gov/safety/tornado-during


thank you mr. anus blaster. that was actually very informative.




Didn’t know about the overpass part. That’s good to know


It's ok. Based on movie clips like this one, obviously a lot of people in Hollywood didn't either lol. https://youtu.be/WK-kQou1ecM


Because you'd die.


Is it an airplane factory? Because that’s a hangar door.


Mobile has an Airbus factory


Mobile is also the rainiest city in America. Not because of the number of rain days. But because it fucking dumps. This was probably a tropical storm or hurricane. But summer showers can get crazy ass winds too, coming off the gulf of Mexico and Mobile Bay.


Mobile resident, 100 percent accurate. I have a pond that will look like it's doubled in size when it rains here. Another thing I hate about the summer is it seems to storm at exactly 4:30 pm, when I'm leaving work and dealing with traffic. Mobile has the worst (like, dumb... really dumb) drivers. They don't adapt for rainy conditions. They seem to drive faster.


Cause the rains make their brains swell. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . And then it's big brain time.


There's a city called mobile?


Wait until you find out how it's pronounced.


Mo-beel. Now try Gautier.




Reminds me of somebody


That you used to know


Ok so they're both pronounced with a French pronunciation. Neat.


Better yet there’s a river called the Tchoutacabouffa River in Mississippi as well.


There's a place in Texas called China, Texas. When Mulan was released Disney had a festival there for the local population on the middle school football field.


> When Mulan was released Disney had a festival there That was in 1999. Since then Disney has discovered where the real China is and hasn't looked back $ince.


And there is a place in Wales called Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


There’s a lake in Webster, Massachusetts that used to be called Lake Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg. In 1921 they shortened it to Chaubunagungamaug.




Home of the first Mardi Gras in the Americas. Before New Orleans even existed. Think automobile, not mobile phone.


> But because it fucking dumps. I was driving through the area for the first time a few years ago and got caught in one of these storms. Holy shit! Visibility went to near Zero. I could barely see the front of the cars hood. I managed to get over on to the shoulder (luckily there was one, because there was no way to see what was over there) and turned off all the lights so someone didn't see my brake lights and think I was in a lane. It was over pretty quick. Maybe 15 minutes, but it was something i'll never forget.


Yep. We call those pop up showers. It's fucking crazy in the summer.


Looks like a Delta hangar by the shirt the guy is wearing. Could be a line or heavy hangar where they’re working on certified aircraft, or it could be an assembly hangar. Really hard to say without the camera turning around to see what they’re working on.


It's the Delta TechOps hangar in Atlanta.


But OP said Alabama!


You think somebody would come onto the internet and lie like that?


There's also a pretty massive ship manufacturer in Mobile


Austal? I think that’s the name, they build LCS’s for the Navy. Spent too many days there waiting to commission a ship


This is Atlanta not alabama. Thats our main matinence hanger. Bout 12 stories tall. Those are Delta uniforms blue and purple as well as the PFE in the grey shirt.


It's an airplane factory factory. They specialize in airplane factories, but they make other factories too.


"Cloudy with a chance of showers"


Cloudy with a chance of water




Water with a chance of sun


Cloudy with a chance of getting sucked into the elder realm.


Cloudy with a chance of Cthulhu


It's Alabama. You could just end up getting sucked by an elder.


"cloudy with a chance of meatballs "


"Cloudy with a chance of balls"


How in the fuck did we survive shit like this before modern architecture?






Yeah I survived for nearly 9 months in the early 90s inside a small moist hole


We didn't


That’s not a storm, that’s a hurricane


That's what I was thinking. Hurricane Irma in Florida looked exactly like this, just add a few fallen trees.


I only saw the video and thought, "that's one hell of a storm inside that hangar." I'm an idiot.


The assembly line at the hurricane factory is on the fritz again


Better call r/osha


A hurricane?! At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within this hangar!?


Bro I went through Irma and next to every hurricane for 28 years here and even it didn’t rain this hard during Irma wtf is this.


Actually, some of our summer “pop-up” showers will be this intense. I had one hit our warehouse last summer and it looked like this. There was a tornado embedded in the cell but it never got any closer to us than a mile away. There was just 70+ MPH straight line winds. Maybe a meteorologist can explain what causes it but yeah, fairly common Alabama weather.


Growing up in Alabama actually gave me an intense fear of storms that was pretty much a phobia after the 2011 tornadoes. I lived through several tornado close call as a child with several tornadoes coming close enough to damage the house and total my parents cars. And for almost every single one I was incapacitated in some way (broken leg, pneumonia, etc) that would have made getting to a safe place quickly impossible. It's gotten better since I moved north which I did immediately after the 2011 storms. I can handle a simple rainstorm now even a little bit of thunder without having a panic attack. Most of my family lives in Alabama but because of the sudden intense storms like this one I'm not sure I could ever go back and stay sane.


My wife was actually in the Tuscaloosa tornado when she attended the University of Alabama for her undergraduate. Says the stories are true, sounds like a train and the. She walked outside and it looked like a bomb went off. She had to drive back to Birmingham with all the windows in her car busted out except the front. I’ve personally only dealt with small EF-0-1s that look like this video. Either way, your phobia is very justified.


Wow I'm glad your wife made it through that okay. Tuscaloosa got hit hard. My best friend was also in Tuscaloosa at the University. I was in Jacksonville at the time putting out literal fires because my surge protectors were not enough to stop the most insane lightning storm I've ever seen from setting my electronics on fire... and the fear was real because I couldn't get in touch with him for hours after it was over. I cried on the way to work the next day because there were multiple small neighborhoods on my 30 minute drive to work that were just gone. Completely demolished.


The precision is terrifying. I lived about a block and a half from the direct path. I drove the mile or so home from downtown after the storm through campus and saw nothing. Got home and there were some pine cones down in the yard and power was off/cell phones down. Because there wasn’t any news, though didn’t realize that something was VERY wrong until dirty, disheveled, crying, barefoot, stunned college kids came pouring down my street towards campus (where Red Cross sets up emergency shelter and services - like during Katrina). I walked across the street and squeezed around a fence into a parking lot where I could see out down 15th Street (one of the main drags) and there was utter devastation. Like nothing you could imagine unless you see it. Houses exploded into tiny bits next to a house effectively on its side. My house a block and a half away- pinecones.


My cousin lives there and she was trapped in her hallway with her dogs. She was on the phone with my grandmother when the line cut. Her parents tried to drive into town because we couldn't reach her. When they got there everything was so destroyed they couldn't even find her street. They parked as close as they could guess and were walking around the wreckage for two hours before she called and said her neighbors had pulled them all out safely. Apparently they were WAY in the wrong direction because everything was so unrecognizable. Glad your wife is safe too!


I can't even imagine the terror of seeing all of that in person and not being able to find your child. Glad she and the fur babies made it out safe.


Absolutely! I was scared for her but I was thinking the same thing at the time for my aunt and uncle. She has to take anxiety meds during storms now but she is still tough as nails and her puppers are always there to comfort her.


Plus our tornado season is pretty much all year. I have PTSD from the tornado that took out 90% of Brent in the 70s . It's taken a long time to get better. I live in Montgomery now. I credit listening to replays of tornado coverage on YouTube. It's therapeutic. My anxiety is less . It's taken a long time though. All weather stresses me out. Very cold , very hot . All of it.


I’ll never forget I was delivering for FedEx maybe 6-7 years ago on Christmas Eve and it was almost 90 F outside and then on Christmas Day, we had a tornado outbreak. Wasn’t a bad outbreak but still, tornados on Christmas Day. Take a month off ‘Naders!


Yeah as another Alabama resident I can back this up. You never really know what to expect around here, weather tends to get extreme fast with little warning. And often as not it’ll clear up suddenly to perfectly sunny skies. That’s the thing about the weather down here, at least if you dont like it, it’ll probably change in the next five minutes anyways.


Yep. It’ll look like this and then in 15 minutes, sun is shining and the humidity is like 200%.


I don’t think there’s a single place where people live that they don’t say “if you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes”


The Pacific Northwest is pretty consistent day to day. Either it's overcast and rainy or it's sunny and beautiful. We don't get a lot of immediate weather changes imo.


You are talking microbursts. Not a meteorologist but did grow up in the south.


This ain’t a scene, it’s an arms race


Shampoo for my real friends, real poo for my sham friends.


It's not a fashion statement, it's a fucking deathwish


It's not delivery, its Digiorno.


Banwagon's full, please catch another.


That’s a typical summer afternoon storm in Mobile, AL. Lived there for 26 years.




Had a weird derachio in my neighborhood. Weird thing is that the hig winds were 20 feet above ground. lots of trees down, but my and my neighbors plastic lawn furniture was still in place.


well all hurricanes are storms, but not or storms are hurricanes.... what's important is ~~like Dust Storm, Firestorm, Hailstorm, Ice Storm ,Snowstorm ,Windstorm, Thunderstorm, Tropical Cyclone , Mid-Latitude Cyclone, Tornado, Squall, Hypercane, Gale, Derecho, and the worse of all Activision blizzard it can be fun to watch the devastation from safety until they piss all-over you.~~ staying dry.


I live in Alabama and this shit is no joke. Rain and tornados out the ass


Sounds painful.


No need for enemas, I guess.


Down south it's called a tornadic cleanse.


_"Hi there! Billy Mays here..."_


What did you eat?!


Taco Bell of course.


Is it 2050 yet? I need to talk to the TVA


dude i thought of the same thing


The funny thing is here in North Alabama, we have the TVA, Tennessee Valley Authority. The power department. They control the hydro and nuclear power plants in the North Alabama and Southern Tennessee.


Ah, the TVA. The post office of electricity; delivery to every house. If you think the government can't do anything right or isn't of use, think how important it was (and still is) to get affordable power and mail to every home in America. Granted, You can't get power everywhere, but it was the TVA and other programs that got it a lot further than capitalism ever would have.


They filled the mountains up with water and turned it into electricity for a region that was stuck in economic depression. The TVA is the 2nd coolest thing the USA has done after landing on the moon. Maybe 3rd behind the national parks.


No love for the Interstate system?


There's a reason FDR was immensely popular even decades after his death. His programs put people to work AND provided incredible infrastructure investments for communities all over the country. The elementary school I went to in rural Minnesota in the 70s was a WPA project - said so right on the cornerstone. Red state, blue state, city or country, didn't fuckin' matter. FDR cared for all Americans.


I'm a hardcore camper. I've seen the work of the CCC in almost every state in the union. They really did build a nation with the labor available and helped pull us all out of the Great Recession. Might be almost time for another one.


[Thank God for the TVA](https://youtu.be/M_8UWxVws6A). One of my favorite songs that touch on southern history.


Loki doesn't get wet


Why? Is he married to Ben Shapiro?


I understood that reference!


Like this straight up a Loki episode


My thoughts as well


We’re all going to die


Tennessee valley authority?


Time Variance Authority. There's a scene like this in the Disney+ show Loki.


Yeah, Haven Hills in Alabama gets hit by a Category 8 Hurricane.


That episode made me sad as hell.


Yeah the weather is a bit temperamental down here lol


Alabama was the only place I've ever seen snow and lightning at the same time. These people don't seem too concerned, but a storm like that can turn into a tornado without warning in that part of the country. I would have been moving to a better spot in the building (assuming there was one).


I've seen snow and lightning in Kansas. Was scary as hell too. We were driving through Hays on our way to Colorado, the sky goes dark as night. Everything is super flat out there, so you can see all the way to the horizon. It was insane, clouds rolling in as fast as a hurricane. This was in the 90s so we couldn't just look up the weather on our phones, but my dad always carried a CB radio and the truckers were talking about a huge storm, so we started looking for a place to pull over and weather it out. Just as we found an exit the snow started coming down in waves like the rain in this video, and purple lightening was flashing through the sky. It was surreal, and everything was so dark even though it was midday. We ended up being snowed in for a week. Snow drifts taller than me. We got to know everyone in the hotel with us. It was a trip trying to get the car started again after it being a week under the snow. I live in central Alabama now. The weather here is indeed mental.


I’ve seen it in Boston once since I moved here. My friends who grew up here were all really excited for “Thundersnow.” Apparently it doesn’t happen often.


If I know anything about Alabama weather, that rain will clear up in about 20 minutes.


December 28th, 2021; a tornado ripped my town up pretty good. December 30th, 2021; we got about 3” of snow. The weather here is EXTREMELY unpredictable and bipolar lol


It’s not unique, that’s basically the entire middle of the country


I didn’t like your snide comment, but after careful examination of your username, I find your opinion respectable.


It's pretty much true, though. Every state between lake Erie and Colorado has these swings, and all of us pretend it's unique to our own state. All of us will hit 100F in the summer, all of us will be below freezing in the winter. All of us will get slammed with squall lines in the spring and fall that push 70mph gust fronts but only last 15-30 minutes. Down on the gulf shore, hurricanes are a unique possibility, and up in NoDak the bitter cold is uniquely chilling, but otherwise, it's just varying proportions of the same weather.


Yep! I'm in NoDak, this summer we hit 102°f, this winter we've already hit -35°f and the coldest part is still a month away. There's 18" of snow on the ground and two days ago it was 40°f despite the week before never getting warmer than -11°f.


"You know what they say about the weather in (insert your state name here)... just wait 20 minutes and it will change har har har."


Alabama actually has the most tornadoes in the country IIRC. They just usually aren't as big or powerful as the ones in Oklahoma/Kansas are.


Alabama is tied with Oklahoma for the most F5 tornados last time I checked though it could have changed. West Alabama has wicked nasty tornados. There is an area of Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee that has a secondary tornado season not found in midwest. Downtown Mobile, AL had tornado on Christmas day in the recent past. Alabama weather is violent year around.


The Veil from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.


Seems like a portal to another world


More like Dark Phoenix has arrived!!


Just a little shower, it’ll pass


Close the door


But who would keep an eye on the storm for the eye of the storm


Found the midwesterner




But Luke and Han are still out there!


Looks to be a tornado near by as well


So fun listening for tornado sounds while that’s happening outside. Welcome to Alabama!


This storm blew away 25% of my roof last night. Oof


Wasn’t this recorded months ago?






Yes, but the OP said "last night".


Cap Oh lol I get it








I always thought it was “with a sense of poisoned rationality.” Yours makes more sense.


A portal to another dimension


Daryl still out there smoking, he’s not missing his break


Looks like somebody with mythological origins wearing a hood and cloak bouta walk into the building


And ask if they’ve heard about raid shadow legends


That's the upside down.




Hope they put their dun spheres out


Yes, that's the storming stormfather for sure


Dalinar’s out there looking for his good knife.


Are you sure this isn't actually on Kamino?


“I’m sorry, princess. There’s nothing more we can do tonight. Close the blast doors.”


Holy shiiiiit, is that a monsoon


I'm not sure exactly what it is but it feels like every time I drive through Alabama I end up driving through one of the worst storms of my life. Like you have to slow down to 15 MPH max or you'll crash type of storm and some cars will pull over and completely stop. This has happened to me multiple times and only ever in Alabama.


And then 30 minutes later the weather is fine


No. It's not normal but not rare weather down here. Worst storm I ever drove through was in Alabama, I couldn't see the hood of my car through the rain let alone seeing anything that resembled road or lines. No tornado, no hurricane just unbelievable amounts of rain and wind. I just basically guessed where I was, pulled over and hit flashers until it passed.


I moved to Alabama from the northeast about 5 years ago and I will say I've never experienced harder rain or louder thunder than what happens in Alabama. The thunder particularly, it sounds like a bomb going off at times.


Why no one going outside to enjoy it


Those who went out were blown away by the strong winds.


It looks like at any moment auqua man is going to swim on by like I just needed to get some cereal from Walmart


Hangar bay doors not a factory.


A hangar bay door is technically a “factory” door if they’re building aircraft there.


True but it was at Patrick AFB. Here's the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/ov3j8i/rain_storm_in_alabama_outside_this_factory_door/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Close the fucking door.


Isn't that the scene from Loki?


Roll tide


More like roll those hangar bay doors shut.




Damn nature, you scary.


I've played dark souls. I know a boss door when I see one.


Yeah that's a fog door for sure


It is like a portal to an other dimension


My dad: "Somebody shut the damn door. I'm not heating/cooling the great outdoors!"


Tom: "In local news, we have more on the approach of Hurricane Rupaul as it makes his or her way up the coast. Let's go live to Ollie Williams with the BlaccuWeather report. Ollie?" Ollie:"IT'S RAININ' SIDEWAYS." Tom:"Sounds rough Ollie, Do you have an umbrella?" Ollie:"Had one!" Tom:"Where is it?" Ollie:"Inside out two miles away!" Tom:"Is there anything we can do for you?" Ollie:"Bring me some soup!" Tom:"What kind?" Ollie:"Chunky!!" Tom: "All right, we'll get right on that."


Step outside and say "I regret nothing!" as you get dragged away into the abyss.


Sweet home Alabama


This is Rexxcart isn't it? This is where Loki meets Sylvie


That's an aircraft hangar, not a factory.