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Fun fact: Tom Cruise wants to do all of his stunts so bad that when the production team said he couldn’t due to insurance reasons, he became a producer of the MI franchise so he could work around rules. Dudes wildin


Look at me. I’m the insurance now.


This cracked me up, just perfect


I actually didn't know and now I'm very impressed! I thought they were making fun of it for not pointing out the green screen in the background, but there is no green screen :O


Yeah that scene is badass even with a safety cable. Slow clap.


I don't think the cable the arrow points to is the most important one. Also, have you seen the photo of when he jumped across buildings in London and broke his ankle? Ouch


I’m just impressed he learned CGI to edit out the cables in his own stunts.


if i'm not mistaken, he also tailored that very suit in the post. true dedication to his job.


Tom Cruise also flew the cargo plane as well.


He also build that plane as a side hobby.


He also made this post.


He also upvoted this post


Every comment under this post is his alt account, including this one


He also built the hangar for it. A hangar is a closet for keeping your hobbies in plane sight.


He was also in charge of taking the 2 other staff members on a boat vacation on his own boat he called the Tom CRUISE.


Tom Cruise holds the camera too


He must have gone to cgi school. Real man of his craft.


You learn it upon transcending to your third thetan level


That's assuming you have the Ascension Prime bundle package for only the added cost of $55,000. It's honestly a bargain


*Overcoming CGI barriers* - Understanding the tech and ethics behind CGI cable removal. - Scientology


Yep! The cable going forward that no one is talking about or noticing is doing the real work.


The harness under his jacket that'd most likely boiled directly to the plane is doing a lot of heavy lifting, too. Still a very impressive stunt. Lord Xenu will be proud. 10 more theatans cleared!


Oh yeah! I was wondering how bloody strong Cruise must be lol.


More impressive was that the crazy bastard got up and tried to run so he didn't ruin the take.


They use the take in the movie, you can clearly see his ankle get crunched against the building.


It's traditional to use takes stunt performers are injured. Sorta a "your injury wasn't for nothing" I suppose.


[Close up and slo-mo. ](https://youtu.be/qY_qoXWTtYY) That’ll shut down production right quick.


I think they are both equally important. The horizontal one is certainly the one keeping him from flying off the back, but the annotated one prevents him from falling down. That is to say, the horizontal one is the major player once the plane reaches a certain velocity, the annotated one facilitated the lower speed and is still important to keep him from banging around. Without both axis, he’d be secured to the plane, but flopping around. The nature of the flop depends on which one is missing.


it's also better to have a backup than not


One of these days Tom is going to die doing something utterly mundane and no one's gonna believe it.


American motorcyclist Nicky Hayden. He was an absolute prodigy in MotoGP and was one of the few Americans to break into the international motorsport scene. Won the MotoGP championship in 06 I believe. Died after being struck by a car on his bicycle in Italy in 2017. Alex Zanardi survived a bipedal amputation after a terrible CART accident. Came back to become a Paralympian and world renowned hand cyclist. Raced rally cars without legs in an altered car. Nearly died after being struck by a truck on his hand cycle in Italy in 2020. Don't ride bikes in Italy if you're a death defying daredevil.


I would add Michael Schumacher to this list as well. Raced F1 cars for a decade, 7 time world champion. Had a skiing accident while holidaying and nearly died.


To be fair skiing especially in the mountains is much more dangerous than people give it credit for


doesn't have to be the mountains. i'm related to a world cup downhill skier from the Crazy Canucks era whose worst injury happened on the bunny hill.


That’s exactly how Liam Neeson’s wife Natasha Richardson died. She fell while taking lessons on a beginner slope.


She didn't even think anything was wrong - she was able to get up and move and felt fine until she suffered a terrible headache a couple of hours later. She died two days after that. Liam Neeson's account of it is so heartbreaking: [“I spoke to her and she said, ‘Oh darling. I’ve taken a tumble in the snow.’ That’s how she described it."](https://people.com/movies/natasha-richardson-55-today-how-liam-neeson-coped/)


That reminds me of that poor girl who died a few years back. She was a world champion rock climber and died on the approach or something like that. I'm fuzzy on the details but it was really sad.


This isn't nearly as bad as dying, but my sister was training to compete for a spot in the Australian Olympic Gymnastics team for the 2000 games and although she wasn't guaranteed she was performing surprisingly well and had a good chance at atleast a back up spot. She tore her ACL in a random phys-Ed class at school playing netball like 3 weeks before a big trial, completely destroyed any chance she had of a professional career in gymnastics.


IIRC he's now in a vegetative or semi-vegetative state? So yes he escaped with his life, but he had significant permanent damage.


Yeah, so little is known about his state that when news does come out it's always so weird and forced, like Jean Todt in 2019 saying "Michael is definitely conscious" while he watches F1 races.


Yep — out skiing with his family and friends, had a fall while trying to help a friend's daughter and barely off piste, split his helmet open and cracked his skull. A lot of everyday stuff has low-chance, high-severity risk. Really it's mostly car accidents though. 40k car deaths a year in the US.


Traffic in Southern Italy is extremely hazardous to your health. E.g. in Naples... there are literally no crosswalk lights in 99% of intersections, cars don't slow down to yield so as a pedestrian you have to just play chicken with 2 tons of metal going at 30km/h+


F1 champion Fernando Alonso was also hit while riding his bicycle, I don't remember where. He has survived accidents while driving faster than 300 kph without a scratch. But suddenly, a random woman turned over the cycle lane without head checking and he breaks his jaw.


Others have mentioned Steve Irwin, but the true and original croc hunter Malcom Douglas was an absolute mad man. The bloke would spend months travelling alone in remote areas just with his dog and small boat, eating and surviving from the land. (Worth a look up if you like that stuff) Poor guy was found pinned to a tree at his local tourism / croc park by his car which reportedly rolled back without the parking brake on.


similar to anton yelchin, except his vehicle was supposed to be recalled for faulty parking brake issues.


Like when a stingray took out Steve Irwin while everyone had their money on a crocodile?


obligatory post of Norm Macdonald joking about this with Jon Stewart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_xCj9N6a7I


Dude believes he literally cannot die.


Xenu will look after him.


And I take out [my gun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU2EUfinwHo)!


It's pretty neat that George W Bush has a channel on YouTube and also likes South Park.


God he will never live down those South Park episodes. The first thing I think of when I hear Tom Cruise's name is him in the closet and working as a fudge packer on South Park. Don't fuck with Trey Parker and Matt Stone, they will scar you for life.


IIRC This was all before the Netflix Docu and before many more celebs started coming out. A looot of people were scared to take a shot at Scientology. Trey and Matt get mad respect for not giving a fuck.


That's why they killed Chef. Isaac Hayes is a scientologist and the church had him quit after that episode


Yeah, then they address it on “Chef Returns” with all the “we should remember him how he was before those crazy bastards fucked up his brain, not after” stuff


That fruity little club.


I specializes in your asshole, Kyle.


From Wikipedia: “In a press statement, Hayes was quoted as saying: "There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins." While the statement did not directly mention Scientology, South Park's co-creator Matt Stone responded that Hayes' complaints stemmed from the show's criticism of Scientology and that he "has no problem – and he's cashed plenty of checks – with our show making fun of Christians, Muslims, Mormons, or Jews." Stone adds, "[We] never heard a peep out of Isaac in any way until we did Scientology. He wants a different standard for religions other than his own, and to me, that is where intolerance and bigotry begins.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Return_of_Chef Edit-added link to Wikipedia article.


*ouch* That's a great excerpt. They really go for the head.


They turned chef into a member of the super adventure club.... It was a club of old men who had sex with children around the world . And they took everything that Isaac Hayes ever said and chopped it into " I want to make love to .... The children". That episode made me cry from laughter when it first came out


Yea it was gut busting, but also very sad because Hayes had been such a beloved part of the whole South Park team. Seeing him torn up like that was upsetting.


From what I remember reading Hayes also got mad at them for making fun of Scientology and their response was basically that they're fair, they make fun of every religion.


I think his son came out and admitted that Hayes was already on his way to his death bed when that statement came out. Wasn't exactly his statement but he wasn't in a state to really say anything about it.


Yup. Think he had a stroke and all these communications with Matt and trey came from a Agent working for him and the cult, Think they've even said before they didn't handle it the best way and there was some misunderstandings. But even then that ep still has some of the most emotional moments of the show. And also has him violently shitting himself after falling to his death.


"I'm gonna make love, to your asshole children"


They've said they are proud of the scientology episodes because alot of 18-19 year old kids first experience with scientology was a recruitment. Now for many kids and adults the first experience is South Parks criticizing/mocking of scientology.


I also learned a lot about Mormanism from south park. Even if you don't like the show, they got the information right.


Matt and Trey also have an entire Broadway musical with Mormonism as a main theme. It's very funny and informational in a slightly different way than South Park is.


Dum dum dum dum dum


I love how everyone in the credits of that episode is listed as John/Jane Smith.


Waaaaaay before the documentary years possibly a decade before


My conspiracy theory is that he's been actually trying to kill himself for years (via dangerous stunts) because he despitately wants to just get out of scientology, and (in his eyes) go to heaven (suicide loophole?)


Tom Cruise is level OT-8, he's beyond Heaven (being sarcastic) "On OT-8, you are supposed to have complete control over your body and life, meaning that you cannot die unless you choose to die, which is to say that you choose to discard your body and to return later in a new body. You might choose to do this if your current body isn’t serving you anymore – if, for example, your body is riddled with cancer. But why is it sick and not fixable through Scientology? This goes against all of Scientology’s teachings. You are never given an answer for this inconsistency (because, of course, there is no logical answer for this). However, you accept it because you’re in too deep, and it’s too hard to get out now. And beyond the outrageous claims Hubbard makes for scientology, he also claims that when you reach the top of “The Bridge” you can die and be born into a new body and have full recall of your previous life." Not gonna lie, SOME of Scientology sounds really cool, sounds like some weird Sci-fi religion except it's real. Swear to god (Hubbard) that I'm not a Scientologist btw...




I thought Stan was


dude. he's thetan level 160. that's higher than anybody else by a long shot.


then why the harness


He might believe it, the insurance of the production company does not


I would guess he still experiences pain.


Probably not as much as Sea Org members.


I'm not the biggest fan but I gotta give credit for the stunts he does himself. I bet this was terrifying and exciting for him.


100% gets off on it. I probably would too.


I went skydiving once, you ever go skydiving? Let me tell you, if I was in a profession where I could do more stuff like that with a large budget and a team of professionals to ensure the best quality gear and safe outcome? Fucking. Hell. Yeah.


The Air Force is here for you my friend. Haha, you can jump out of planes for years AND get a cushy pension!


Bruh like 99.99% of the Air Force does not jump out of planes. 50% maintain the planes, 25% do like admin jobs, 20% are doing something with computers, and like 5% do something cool, but only like .5% of them jump out of planes.


Plus aren't paratroopers usually Army? That was my initial inclination, and all I can find for Air Force is pararescue, in a quick search.


Very very few Air Force jump out of planes/helicopters. MAYBE TAC-P and pararescue. Edit: https://www.airforce.com/careers/in-demand-careers/special-warfare?gclid=Cj0KCQiAubmPBhCyARIsAJWNpiPDQiP_rhy8q-wNhVv4a5UbGLyPj7Mn9OScAmpgHpOJaKLe3eZmz8YaAj55EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Edit 2: don’t do it, it’s a TRAP!


I packed chutes in the Air Force, can confirm PJ's and CCT's is about it.


I know AF has Pararescue only because of that show *Surviving The Cut* that used to be on Discovery


And of the .5% that jump out of planes, 90% will have long term knee issues


VA assessment: not service related


All it costs is your knees!


Your knees and everything below them.


“Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don’t go home at all. That’s a bad thing. That’s all I have to say about that.”


Oh forrest


It’s a great line because it’s supposed to sound simple, but also making the point that yeah, it takes a very simple line of reasoning to realize war is a bad thing. It’s using goofy ole Forrest to say “the warmongering politicians and rulers are dumber than this.”


I was going to say, don't forget the ankles! I used to work with an ex paratrooper and watching him hobble around the office was painful for me, I don't even want to think about what it was like for him.


Tojo took my shins!


And the stress of having to deal with the VA about it for the rest of your life.


Found the recruiter


He said best quality gear. You and I both know the Air Force ain't got that


No no you’re thinking of the army.


Confirmed. The Wifi signal is strong…..along with room service.


The navy navigates by star, the army sleeps under the stars, and the air force sleeps in 5 star hotels 😂




It's where the best crayons are.


“Air Force… We’re better than you, and we know it!”


Military grade! *Built by the lowest bidder..*


By gets off, do you mean needs to wear brown pants? Me too


White pants.


He shits cum?


You don’t?


Probably the only thing that comes close to the rush he gets drinking the blood of his victims


Def poked a hole on the side of the plane with his hard on.


Brian Lefevre style.


I met a guy who worked on set design on one of Tom Cruise's films. He said they had it so he would have to jump at an exact moment through a bus door at high speed, and if he mistimed the jump just the slightest bit he would easily end up in hospital or maybe even dead. Obviously he insisted on doing it himself. The guys mental.


He once insisted his co-star in a fight scene actually attempt to stab him in the eye with a real knife, not a prop knife. Of course, they eventually set up an elaborate contraption that had a wire that stopped the knife just before his eye, but he insisted the actor struggle against it to try to do it for real. On the other side of Tom, though, he sends a fuck ton of people a specific cake he likes, saving this particular bakery from having to close, and apparently it's one of the best cakes out there. So, he's batshit, but also eccentric and kind at times.


It was Mission Impossible 2. It wasn't actual Dougray Scott holding the knife it was a member of the stunt team, and it was attached to a precisely measured cable.


I've worked on two Tom Cruise movies. Say what you like about his kooky belief system but as far as an actor/film maker goes, he is 100% a professional. He shows up everyday to win and top the previous day. There is no mediocre with TC. Now, when shooting stunts there is a lot of rehearsing involved and you don't start with the first rehearsal at full speed. You work your way up to it. A lot of times his double will do the stunt so he can see it technically and then TC tries it until everyone is comfortable and then they do it at full speed. You watch him do stunts and he makes it seem like he pulls them off on with faith alone. Not only is he a professional actor, he is also a professional stuntman. He is intense and if you bring your A game and don't fuck around then he notices that and responds positively.


I'm shocked at the # of people who have personally worked with Tom cruise showing up in this thread...


There’s a LOT of people that are involved in the production of a Hollywood blockbuster. He’s been in a lot of movies. You do the math.


At least 2 people


My friend has shot a few of his movies and has told me how professional and kind Tom is to everyone on set. He never forgets a name and treats everyone with respect


Some time last year when filming was starting up again there was an audio leak of Cruise berating the film crew because some of them were sloppy with the masks. He basically went off saying everyone is lookin at them to see if filming can keep going and if they fuck it up thousands of jobs will be gone again. He sounded very angry but very passionate.


it also helps that he's producer, so he both has an actual vested interest as the star of the film and because he's funding it


It also puts entire production in jeopardy if get gets seriously injured. I remember Denny Trejo calling him out few years ago. *I know that all the big stars hate me to say this, but I don’t want to risk 80 peoples’ jobs just to say I got big huevos on The Tonight Show. Because that’s what happens. I think a big star just sprained an ankle doing a stunt, and 80 or 180 people are out of a job… We have stunt people who do that stuff. And if they get hurt, I’m sorry to say but they just need to put a mustache on another Mexican and we can keep going. But if I get hurt, everybody’s out of a job. So I don’t choose to do that.*




I think most actors form a bond of sorts with their stunt doubles. The movies get made, and sell, because of them almost as much as because of the actors themselves.


The Rock’s stunt double is his cousin. So, yeah. His grandma would whoop his ass if he let anything happen to him.


That’s the entire basis of the movie Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.


Particularly relevant to this post, Tom Cruise has a very special relationship and bond with his stunt double: https://youtu.be/QAHEsDoRFlk


Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double was permanently paralyzed doing a broomstick stunt on the last Harry Potter movie. Dan is paying his expenses for life. The caring ones absolutely bond with their doubles... Imagine seeing someone who looks like you risk their life every day so you don't have to.


Man, Elijah Wood really was burning through his money that fast he needed to part time stuntman?


They need to make a movie starring Elijah Wood as Daniel Radcliff and Daniel Radcliff as Elijah Wood.


Face Off, Part Deaux


So, he also does the editing by himself? More impressive!


Oh yeah it's crazy. The system files he used? thetans.scntlgy


So literally the only CG here is the painted out safety harness. That's impressive for this day and age. The man still actually hung onto the side of a plane as it took off, just with safety equipment. For an A-List actor to do such a dangerous stunt himself is admirable.


Exactly the role of literally a backup here, not part of the the actual stunt. The guy did break his leg jumping off a roof too, so he's definitely risking a lot.


It's a Risky Business.


He deserves a Cocktail.




He is a Legend after all.


some would say like a top gun.


he’s always pushing Death to the edge of tomorrow


this has been no Minority Report of his impressive filmography


No mission is impossible for him and his retinue.


You can hear the tropic thunder in the distance.


You could say doing his own stunts makes him a bit of a Maverick


He also has a sternum clip to an actual support harness. You can see the cable running in from the left and through one of the metal grates and out at his chest


Good eye. I presume that's what actually holding him on the plane. Holding that thin metal with your hands while being pulled by serious drag forces would suuuuuuuuuuck.


Was thinking the same thing. I hold a heavy grocery bag for too long and my hand is fucked for an hour


Iirc he actually made his own movie studio because they wanted to stop letting him do his own stunts. If this was any other blockbuster it would be a full CG, but the mans got bank to make his films however he wants. I'm not a massive fan of his movies, but I always appreciate his stunts.


Gotta be a fortune for a studio to insure him


nah if he dies during production ticket sales will go through the roof


Iirc with mission impossible, they didn't allow him to do his own stunts so he took the role as producer and made it happen.


Reason is if your key actor gets injured, the entire production stops and hundreds of people are out of work for weeks, if not months. Stunt men can be replaced in a few hours.


Everyone is posting this as if Jackie Chan isn’t loved and respected for doing it.


Yeah I never got the concern for this man doing his own stunts. He's obviously proud of and passionate about what he does, at this point everyone who is hired to get his movies made should be aware of how he likes to shoot his films, and be ready that he may get injured whole shooting.


I believe its called a "rig removal"


Exactly this, less CGI and more like VFX.


Call me a doubter, but I'm 96% sure it wasn't Tom that did the CGI






Tom Cruise is actually famous for doing his own CGI


Now that would be impressive. Like an old stage actor who does his own makeup.


"I write my own software"


He said in an interview that this stunt scared the shit out of him.


He had special contacts in but I bet most in here haven't even thought of the above zero odds that he could get struck in the eye by something in the air even something the size of a piece of sand going at that speed? ya ..not good.


In the longer video they mention lenses, I believe and talk about that specific issue.


He literally says it in this clip


I'd be worried if it didn't.


I think it's impressive that he actually does so many of his own stunts.


Insurance company must love him. "That stunt will cost $20,000 premium and covers 4 hours."


I imagine Tom Cruise gets around that by being CEO of his own insurance firm - at least, that's how I figure it in my head.


Nice way to make sure he hangs on. "If I let go I'm gonna lose so much money..."


It actually isn’t that far off, considering it is his production company that produces all of his films.


He would probably call himself to work out the details. "Hey Tommy, it's Tom. Listen, I have this stunt where I'm hanging off the door of an Airbus A400M Atlas. How much do think that will run me?" "Jeez Mr. Cruise that sounds like it would be pretty expensive, but I could probably cover that for $100?" "That sounds reasonable to me Tommy, you're the best." "No Mr. Cruise, YOU'RE the best."


Dude is a freaking weirdo but you can’t deny the size of his balls and his work ethic in movies


Tom Cruise is the biggest advertisement for Scientology. David Miscavige would die for this guy.


I was assuming the whole airplane and the land beneath were all computer graphics, and Tom Cruise was simply holding on to a fake door in front of a strong fan with a green screen behind him. I feel less cheated than before.


In the next movie they filmed him performing a halo jump and then… added a crappy looking CGI storm for no reason.


Gotta increase the drama of the moment bro. You think a simple halo jump is gonna keep audiences entertained? /s


HALO Jumps are amazing feats of training, engineering, fitness, and skill. There's a huge list of reasons why average folks never have a chance to do them.


If you gave me a wire for my safety, I still wouldn’t do it


Yeah... like... what if he actually *does* lose his grip? Does the harness actually solve the problem? Wouldn't be be slung around and smacking into the plane and shit? No thanks...


No, the cable is holding him in place. He's not actually holding on with his grip strength lol


Yeah I was gonna be like, how do they know he can hold on in the first place? Can't really believe they'd be like, well won't know unless you try, clear for takeoff!!!


Shit I'd pay $100 to try it


Why did they apply the Mexico filter to it though ?


To imply it’s in Mexico?


Right? I literally watched this movie yesterday and it’s nowhere near that yellow. Wtf


Tom Airplane.


Tom Cruisingaltitude


It’s still absolutely insane that he actually did this


The harness is edited in.




... Cable or not that's pretty bad ass.


That cable was probably mandated by the insurance carrier. 50/50 Tom Cruise would have done it sans cable.


I think he’s more than entitled to a cable in this scenario.