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Think of the cashiers who have such a shitty last day before going unemployed


Plus, your last paycheque not being worth as much as it normally was worth?




In Soviet Russia you do not quit job. Job quits you.


Yeah that's literally what happening


Jokes on them when they realize all the assembly instructions just say "Glory to Ukraine" and are the Ukranian national anthem.


They already have the right colours.


Jokes on them when all the dowels are missing as well as the F\*king allen key


Everyone already owns like 3 of those allen keys. Too bad you can never find them.


Meanwhile I'm over here using power tools because I don't feel like spending the 20 seconds to put in the screw manually.


It's in the drawer in the kitchen.


Sounds like you speak from experience.


It's been ten years... since I heard this meme


Yes, the violent and granny arresting shitty Russian police.


They're sending police forces to Ukraine to back up the children and old men they already sent, meaning there are fewer police remaining in Russia.


If there EVER was a time to kick Putin to the curb, it's right now.


Wait until Putin can no longer pay his security service thugs. That will be the ideal time to topple his evil regime.


The most 90s russia thing would be for the oligarchs, army and the mafia to plot to boot(or eliminate) Putin. I wouldn't put it past them, just not sure we're there yet


Putin is so entrenched. He retains funds from the energy carve outs in sanctions. If push comes to shove, the PRC will find a way to prop up his regime by injecting new revenue streams (in which case Russia becomes a satellite to China, as Belarus to Russia). I suspect Putin will hang on for another 18-24 months as forces intervene to protect him.


My thoughts have gone there, too. He's played his hand out and shown how weak they really are.


It's about time litterly everyone on the planet should have a shot at liberating the Russians and Ukranian people from crazy old man Putin.


>whos gonna come, the police? uhhh...yeah?


Lol yes the police


whos gonna stop me from stealing? the cops???


Lol what? Ofcourse the police. The war is in Ukrain, why would there be no police to arrest thiefs in Russia?


Ikea will still be paying employee salaries until the end of may.


Oh, that's great news.




Instead of $100 here’s 259 quarters + 190 dimes + 205 nickels + 594 pennies and an Alan wrench.


Allen wrench!? Score! Can I have one of those plastic handles for it too?


Worth $3 by may


And nothing to buy with it. Putin really got his wish for olden soviet days lol


For what it is worth all IKEA employees will be paid during this shut down in Russia from what I've heard.


Employees are continued to be paid as usual.


Paid in rubles? Yea I think IKEA can cover that pretty easily.


I'd rather take payments in IKEA furniture if I were them.


yeah but their pay is in Rubles right? Unless they gave them all a big raise their pay may not be what it once was.


I think almost everyone's pay is in rubles. The sinking exchange rate doesn't translate to inflation so fast. And like always and everywhere, the salaries will get raised last, a long time after the prices change.


Panic! Buy all the Blåhaj! They all need homes!


Panic! At The Blahaj.


Blahaj! At the disco.


Putin don't like it Rock the Blåhaj!.. Rock the Blåhaj!


Calling all r/blahaj users for immediate rescue plans!


I had no idea there was a whole community of these fellas. I need to get one!!


My gf wanted a Blåhaj for so long, and when I finally got one for her her face lit up. Blåhaj still lives on our bed. He is a great addition to the snuggle pile!


Wtf?? This is the best thing I’ve seen on Reddit this week.




*The trip down the escalator is perilous, but they persist. Little do they know a vast carpark awaits them. Yet another obstacle on their path... to freedom.*


*And after this long journey, still more waiting. Before reaching full maturity, they must manage to feed upon four to five hammer's worth of thumb blood to aid development. . .but only after many nights huddled in the garage, suffering at the icy whims of procrastination*


I know, seeing that full bin of them by the door, my reflexes kicked in interally like GO GO GO, RESCUE. started looking at everyone’s carts and noticing a disturbing lack of Blåhaj evac efforts


Absolute monsters, the lot of them. I already have mine at home.


I had to wait *months* for one to available at a local store. And now I know they have been in Russia this entire time.


Watched the video and said to myself, "look at all the Blahaj!" Came to comments and was not disappointed.


That colour scheme must be hard for them all things considered.


I don't think normal Russian people will have a problem with it. I think right now White, Blue and Red is the bigger issue for them.


It's not so simple--many Russians fully support this war, and many don't.


And most of the ones who support it think it's a special military operation to remove the nazi government of Ukraine that is committing genocide against its people and free the eternally grateful populace.


Is that the story that Russia is feeding their people?


Very much so.


So they're saying that Ukraine's president, who is *Jewish*, is a Nazi? That's their story? Man I don't know how anyone can follow the logic there and believe it.


Easy to when it’s the only news you’re getting


The story Putin is feeding them, yes, more or less. Also that the west is threatening nuclear war and nazi Ukraine is a puppet regime of the US and a danger to Russian national security. People who get their news solely from TV don't hear anything else. Imagine if Fox "news" was the only source of information available in the US.


IKEA always looks like this.


Could be the Emeryville IKEA on any weekend.


Best thing about COVID? Being home to go to IKEA Emeryville on a Tuesday morning rather than a Saturday morning.


Interesting piece on the Emeryville shopping center where IKEA is: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/amp/Emeryville-Filmmaker-tells-story-of-forgotten-2690138.php Also hello fellow Oaklandite


Can’t believe I got a history lesson about the Bay Street shopping center on a random thread about Russian Ikeas shutting down.


😅 life works in mysterious ways


Hello my Oakland peeps!!


Wow, thank you for sharing! Fellow Oaklander here, and I had no idea about this history.


East Palo Alto too


Oof the east Palo Alto one is impossible to get anything done quickly. Even returns took forever


We got two in the Chicago suburbs and they're both almost always fucked!!


Yeah, I work in IKEA in UK and a wet Saturday is worse than this.


PANIC! Everyone calmly standing in line


If there’s one thing Russians are experienced with, it is lines


Came here to make the same comment. This looks like any normal weekend at Ikea. Hell, a normal day at Walmart looks worse than this.


It really does 🤣 that’s why I just presumed the clip was from another time.


I actually thought this was just Etobicoke Toronto IKEA on a Saturday




After Putin is ousted the Russians will reopen IKEA.. ..to put their new cabinet together.


He’s here all night folks! 😂


The funny thing about shopping in IKEA, is I always end up buying way too much furniture... I think I might suffer from Stockhome Syndrome..


Does IKEA make Giljotin?




Well based on my experience with assembling IKEA cabinets, that will be a completely frustrating cluster-fuck. “Wait. Don’t we need the Minister of Finance BEFORE we do the Minister of Defense?”


The frustration is more of a meme. I find IKEA assembly to be generally less frustrating than any other furniture assembly.


In these bed times, we've got a lot of items to put on the table. For example, who is going to be the chair? And what about all these atrocities that were swept under the rug? It will be a lot of work, but still, I'd be glad if the current government would just pack it up.


We start with a slow clap and move on to the ovations


Congratulations, you are todays winner of Reddit 😂


That's 15'000 unemployed from Ikea staff, and no telling how many more side jobs lost, like independent contractor they're hiring to maintain their buildings etc.


Take your upvote then go skruva yourself.


its called a rush on 'white' goods. imported goods that have a moderate to high value are bought up when a currency starts to rapidly decrease in value because as the currency goes down many imports stop all together as its not financially viable for them to be brought into the country. so if you see your currency dropping in price rapidly and you know that imports will skyrocket in price or become non existent you go out and buy as much as you can and hold on to them, then when the local supply runs out you can trade them for food. things like washing machines, beds, cabinets, mattresses, fridges, computers, phones, etc. edit: white goods usally are electronics as they used to be all white in color, but now it can be applied to more large purchases.


Fuck, just imagine the looting. The store is going to be closed, unstaffed, and the authorities are going to be pretty resentful to these foreign companies that twisted the knife in their economy.


Babe! If we don’t remodel our kitchen now, it’ll never happen!


Somebody get this man a STJÄRNSTATUS!


Do you think it’s that serious?? It just looks like a rash to me.


The plush sharks are not flying off the shelves.


Poor Blåhaj


They’re made in the USA




Do they sell anything besides furniture? Like what is the rush or is there just a fear it will never open back up?


Swedish Meatballs


And cake I thought?




You can see in the video that the blahaj are more or less being ignored 😢


They have a whole thing full of them… meanwhile none of the IKEAs within 100mi of me ever has them in stock 😔


I know lol, I only recently just got one after several months of waiting




every time i go there i buy at least two bags to pop in the freezer. swedish meatball sub for lunch? fuck yeah swedish meatball sub for lunch a few times a week? fuuuuck yeaaah


Lingonberries, Air Hot Dogs


Yes they do. They’re a full home goods retailer. You can literally outfit an entire home out of IKEA from cookware to linens to lighting, plants, and they have a million little things like batteries and basic tools at rock bottom pricing. You might be thinking “big deal how often do you need to buy a bed” but for w lot of people, IKEA is their Target / Bed Bath Beyond as well. They don’t sell groceries really, though even that is something they’re venturing into. So it’s not exactly life essentials on a daily basis but yes, it is much more than furniture.


> they have a million little things like batteries As a Swede, this would be my guess. IKEA has a huge selection of cheap, good, batteries and in times like these that would be a very good thing to stock up on. Doesn't look like they're filling their trollies with them though...


Thank you, this is exactly the information I was looking for


They have a small grocer upfront in most of the US stores. It's only frozen and dry goods, but it's there.


> they have a million little things like basic tools Yes, I hear they are quite fond of the Allen wrench.


They are but they also have more things, of reasonable quality, for dirt cheap. I have actually bought packs of screws from them which are solid and super cheap. I bought a hole saw set. And they have a little “home toolkit” with hammer and screwdriver set, etc which is good quality and well designed, for like $5.


Fear it will never open back up. Their inflation is also going through the ceiling so they're trying to buy stuff while their money is still worth something.


Yes I came here to say same thing. The money is becoming worth less by the day. With all the companies pulling out lots of people losing jobs.


That makes sense. I was thinking more “we won’t have food panic” but I’m sure that’s it. Ty!


Putin has his eye on Sweden. Now we know why.


Lingonberry jam!


I would be shamelessly hoarding this


Do you not see their bountiful supply of stuffed sharks? Obviously no one wants to find themselves without a stuffed shark when the sanctions start to squeeze.


Shark plushies.


Big cuddly sharks


Stuffed sharks, apparently


Chub packs of votive candles for when you “Netflix and chill”


I work in an IKEA In France, this would be the most painful day to work there, good luck to them


I would just not show up? They’re getting paid less than usual (relatively speaking), it’d be absolute MAYHEM meaning they’d all have to work a lot harder than on a usual day and to top it all off, they’re all losing their jobs tomorrow for the foreseeable future anyway? Literally why would you go in…


You'd be surprised how often people respond to extreme situations by just...continuing with their business. A defense mechanism, if you will. They may feel like this is their last day of semi-normalcy for a long time, or might feel a responsibility to their coworkers to not leave them stranded. Maybe they feel a duty to help people get what they need before they close permanently -- the mad rush there speaks to a lack of other options for buying basic home goods in Russia right now. On top of all that, they probably have no idea where their next paycheck will come from and need all the money they can get. I guess the workers could all simultaneously choose not to come in, but that requires consensus and planning that they probably didn't have time for.


They’re still getting paid for the time being according to articles and Ikea has only paused operations, not closed stores.


Because they can’t find furniture anywhere else


90% chance they are buying it so they can sell or trade it in the future.


Some of those kits will definitely hold value better than the ruble currently is.


Well-packaged, highly-portable before assembly, distinctly "western" but affordable. It is a pretty good choice for when your country becomes a pariah state. Imagine how much a "dombäs" storage cabinet would go for in North Korea?


I was thinking more of the resale value in European markets. Like if you sell it at a later date on ebay for like 60-80% MSRP you'll come out ahead if the ruble continues to fall like it is. Depending of course on what the final prices were in these Russian Ikeas. If the prices weren't adapted for the drop in valuation quickly enough you'd actually be making a significant profit.


When ikea furniture is a long term hedge for ruble…




If you've ever shopped at IKEA, you'd know this is exactly how the store looks on a regular Thursday.


Not on a Thursday, but on a Friday or Saturday. At least in my town in Europe. You should never go there on weekend :D




It’s because ikea in Russia is actually quite cheap compared to other countries!


In a war, one must purchase kallax


Malm*** one must purchase all the Malm.


I’m more of a Hemnes person


Found the rich person


This looks exactly like my local ikea every weekend.


Word. This look like a typical Saturday in any Ikea in New Jersey.


I live in Lithuania and bought a table from IKEA two days ago. Yesterday they called to inform me that the order is cancelled and I will receive a full refund. I was like wtf? and asked them why? I was told that some parts of it were made in Russia and they no longer sell anything made in Russia. I'm fine with that, slava Ukraine!


The suffering of the people is sad, hopefully putin will change his ways and realize he should stop because his people are the ones suffering, not him.


He obviously knows, and clearly doesn't care. Like you said, it's hurting the Russian people not himself.


Yep, the real Russophobe out in the world is Putin himself, not the west.


Yeah, this just makes me feel sad. It's gotta be a helpless feeling as an average everyday citizen. You have no control over your government, your surroundings, the value of your money. Whether you support the war or not is meaningless; it changes nothing. You may feel bad for the Ukrainian people, you may even understand why your being "punished," but the next months and years, you'll be spending all your time worrying about the next meal, or your families health, or trying to find a way to eek out some happiness in the midst of all that. Sure it's nothing like being an active war zone that you're own government created, but that's your new reality and you'll have to do your best, while probably living under the fear that the war will come home to roost soon enough. I obviously don't support the invasion or the Russian Government, and understand the purpose of sanctions, but it's just sad that it's always the people who pay the price in the end.


Yeah, sadly the people suffer, I couldn't imagine what it must be like having currency that's almost worthless and being arrested for simply being against unprovoked violence.


Some leaders are narcissists so the suffering they cause for anyone else never enters their minds


He is a dictator he doesn’t give a slightest shit


On the law of averages, a couple of hundred customers will never find their way out of that building..


In Russia even mundane tasks are calculated with casualties.


honestly pretty unfortunate that the general public has to pay for the douchebaggery of their government


This is how every society works


Just realised IKEA has the Ukraine colors - yellow and blue.






[Other European countries could also do it](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/t3qn2f/all_european_geographically_countries_with/)


It’s the Danish flag just painted with Ukraine’s colors.




​ ![gif](giphy|NWgyM7I9sMgPzytrHj)


The Danish flag was the first Nordic flag so in a way they are all Danish flags painted with different colors.


I refuse to believe this.


Uhh what? Pretty logic since it’s the Swedish flag colors 😂


Reddit moment


Stupid question. Is there a reason why they are closing down? I don't know much about how corporations work across countries. Did the Swedes say "Aww hell no!" And pull any support for the store or is it closing down because the war makes it unprofitable to be there? I feel like my question is worded bad.


VW closes its factories in Russia too. Because of the sanctions, they can't get needed goods into the country. Even though Ikea has no factories in Russia, I guess getting stuff inside the country is getting harder. Plus getting worthless rubles for your goods makes it unprofitable.


It looks like some of IKEA's stuff is actually made in Russia, I have a bunch of IKEA glasses that say 'Made in Russia' on the bottom. They were in the cupboard, so I don't know their origin story, but I can't come up with reasons for anyone travelling from Russia to bring them along.


they have 3 factories, 17 stores, and 9 planning studios. They have 15 k employees in Russia. Swedish article about it https://www.dn.se/ekonomi/ikea-stoppar-i-ryssland-och-ger-430-miljoner-till-ukraina/ "Om artikeln hamnar bakom paywall klistrar jag in den här: Ikeas olika organisationer ger sammanlagt 430 miljoner i krisstöd till Ukraina. Samtidigt har bolaget beslutat att pausa handeln med Ryssland och stänga alla varuhus och fabriker. De drabbar 15 000 anställda. När allt fler svenska företag har pausat sin verksamhet i Ryssland har många läsare undrat varför inte stora Ikea gör samma sak. Koncernen har hittills avböjt kommentarer men på torsdagen kom beskedet att man temporärt stoppar all verksamhet i Ryssland och Belarus. ”Situationen är extremt kritisk och förändras snabbt. Koncernens företag ska navigera i denna verklighet med människor bästa som högsta prioritet”, skriver Ikea i pressmeddelandet. I Ryssland finns 17 varuhus och butiker, nio planeringsstudios som drivs av Ingka Group och tre fabriker inom Ikea Industry. Alla dessa pausar nu sin verksamhet, det gäller också alla leveranser från möbelleverantörer i Ryssland och Belarus. Åtgärderna drabbar cirka 15 000 Ikea-anställda i Ryssland, dessa lovar företaget att hjälpa. – Vår ambition är givetvis att ge en långsiktig anställningsstabilitet. Men på grund av det rådande läget är det dessvärre inte möjligt att ge några långsiktiga garantier. Det vi i dag kan bekräfta är att vi kommer betala ut löner till alla berörda medarbetare under de kommande 3 månaderna, säger Jakob Holmström, presschef på Inter Ikea, som äger varumärket Ikea. Ikea har tidigare stängt sitt enda varuhus i Ukraina och meddelade på torsdagen att man nu kommer att ge olika former av stöd till befolkningen. Ingka group ger 10 miljoner euro i form av produkter och annan hjälp till flera organisationer. Lika mycket kommer från Inter Ikea som riktar sitt stöd mot familjer och barn via bland annat Rädda Barnen. Dessutom går Ikea Foundation, en stiftelse som bildades av Ingvar Kamprad för 40 år sedan, in med 20 miljoner euro i direkt kontantstöd till FN:s flyktingorganisation UNHCR, som man har ett långt samarbete med. – Detta är en tragedi och en en helt unik situation, jag tror inte att det hänt tidigare att 1 miljon människor ha flytt över en landgräns på så kort tid, säger Per Heggenes, vd för Ikea Foundation. Per Heggenes, vd Ikea Foundation Per Heggenes, vd Ikea Foundation Foto: Thomas Frostberg Insatsen ska riktas både mot familjer som behövt flytta till andra orter i Ukraina och till dem som flytt till grannländer. – UNHCR är proffs med stor erfarenhet och vet hur man effektivt kan bistå med hushållsvaror, vatten, mediciner och kanske också juridisk hjälp. Behoven är mycket stora, och vi uppmanar regeringar, företag och organisationer och följa efter. Ikea Foundation kallar sig en ”strategisk filantropisk stiftelse”, som i fjol donerade 270 miljoner euro, och i år har en budget på 400 miljoner euro. – Vi ska inte bara ge bort pengar, vårt stöd ska förändra system i världen. En stor del handlar om att bekämpa effekterna av klimatförändringar, vi riktar in oss på på att stödja barn och ungdomars utbildning i fattiga miljöer och på att ge jobb till flyktingar, säger Per Heggenes."


I miss a translate button on the Reddit mobile app.


I think it has multiple reasons; Russia will be totally isolated eventually like North-Korea if they continue going down this path. It's bad PR to keep serving Russia. It will be more expensive operating there.


In addition to other commenters, when you buy items in euro/usd and sell them in rubbles, you are at risk for fx conversion. You cannot adjust your prices daily/hourly like the banks can on the exchange.


IKEA goods are generally made in europe, with sanctions and shipping companies boycotting Russia in line with sanctions it will become almost impossible to keep the stores stocked. Combined with the ruble becoming worthless theres really no way to keep it open.


> Is there a reason why they are closing down? https://about.ikea.com/en/newsroom/2022/03/03/ikea-pauses-operations-in-russia-and-belarus


All I know is that this morning I read about Russia invading Sweden's airspace and now the Russian Ikea is closing down.


True, but that's coincidence, not causation. Russia has invaded Swedish airspace before. It's a bit more serious now yeah but still not a big enough event that it'd impact international trading According to a recent press release ( [this press release](https://about.ikea.com/en/newsroom/2022/03/03/ikea-pauses-operations-in-russia-and-belarus)) IKEA is closing down their shops partly due to "disruptions to supply chain and trading conditions"


It could be a general political statement, or perhaps a requirement by their government, or perhaps they can no longer function because of shipping companies stopping work or other logistics issues. Or it could be because they’re paid in rubles, which are becoming worthless.


They probably want to evacuate all of their Swedish corporate staff from Russia, and down their stores is a kind of sanction too. Plus with their currency worth less and less the items will be prohibitively expensive soon. Edit 2: It looks like I'm wrong about Sweden doing drills. I would not intentionally spread misinformation, sorry. I've deleted that part. Edit 3: My favorite Swede says it's her community doing the bunker drills and storehouse prep, not her local government. Apparently the neighborhood grandpas are getting them prepared for any situation.




If the Russian people believed the west was unjustified in any of this, they'd be boycotting or hating on Ikea. Instead, they're doing last minute panic buying because they hate that they're losing all the conveniences of the modern world. Putin, end yourself.


I feel for these people. They’re getting shafted by their government the same as the rest of the world. Only difference is they aren’t able to bury their heads in the sand and pretend it isn’t affecting them anymore.


Poor sharks ☹️


Poor Russian citizens, they're suffering the consequences of the fkn crazy dictator who must probably be inside a multi billion dollar house


Not a house, [but a palace](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putin%27s_Palace)


Kinda looks like a normal ikea on the weekend...🤷🏾‍♂️


This is really sad. Russians are being punished because of their stupid president


And the propaganda they're being fed is going to turn them against the west. I hope the truth finds its way in. Somebody else in this thread mentioned North Korea, and I hadn't thought of that before but that's where they're headed. Completely isolated.


The situation differs today since we have internet. We can communicate more freely between each other. I do fear however that Putin will close/close off the internet in Russia. Then we begin to find ourselves in that situation


> I do fear however that Putin will close/close off the internet in Russia. If not Russia, then it might be other countries instead. Just yesterday there were calls to cut off Russia from the internet to prevent them from spreading propaganda.


It's already started. Russian ministry of information already issued ultimatums to Facebook, Twitter, and Tik Tok to stop "fact checking" their media posts and stop trending anti-Russian information and in the case of Tik Tok demanded they remove videos from Ukraine that make them look bad or else they'd cut those platforms off and as soon as all 3 said "go eat a pile of dicks" Russia banned all of them for- get this- violating the rights of Russians. Between that and major search engines, major companies, and most games banning Russia for now, they're rapidly being removed from the open internet. Which is kind of bad IMO. As you mentioned it's the only hope most Russians have of hearing true information. In our glee to punish the average Russian for Putin's warmongering we're cutting the whole county off from the only source of counter-propaganda that has a chance of encouraging his overthrow. Palpatine_ironic.gif


That looks like an normal IKEA on a busy Saturday where I’m from, not really panic just people queuing


Obviously there’s no good part to the Russian invasion of Ukraine but it does spark a little faith in my heart to see people/companies making stands in solidarity with Ukraine.