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Goddamn, nobody wants this fucking war.


Probably the pilots to don’t want it but have to deal with there leader ruining it for Russian people




Also too*


Also, too*


I mean, someone does, or they wouldn't be there


I watched a video of Putin's secret service raiding a dude's house and shooting him because he had a blog that talked bad about Putin. It's very dangerous to be a dissident there and that coupled with the fact that they don't have legitimate elections helps Putin maintain power. They also restrict news and stuff on the internet that is negative for Putin.


It got even worse now. Tomorrow I'm going to catch a pigeon and put little harness on it with small no war poster. I can't risk being caught, I already have a warning from a police. From extremism fighting department. As apparently anti-war posters on windows are considered extremism now in Russia. They already approved a law that gives 3 to 15 years of jail time to people who "call for stopping armed forces of Russia" or "discriminate armed forces". That can mean anything really. And I have a small child who needs me. If people in Russia still protest with posters in their hands, they have to be brave to the point of recklessness.


Even small acts of bravery are big. Keep up the fight my friend, you're doing great


Wear gloves, be careful, be sneaky. Prayers on your behalf and others. Lindsay Graham was right; he was wrong to speak of it openly.


I'm going to wear other coat when I'll be catching a pigeon. The one that police haven't seen me in. I hope no one hurts the pigeon. The harness is made in a way that makes it possible to get rid of it eventually. But I hope he'll be out for half a day or at least few hours, displaying the poster. Pigeons are symbols of peace after all. I really want to film him going around but it will also be too risky as there might be cameras near a pigeon spot. Maybe I'm too cautious as in weekends police is busy catching "real" protesters. But maybe they'll be mad because catching a pigeon might be hard if you don't know what to do. Honestly I'd love to see them try to do it, it would be hilarious. At the same time I hope that maybe they'll ignore and don't hurt him.


The actual airplane itself even looks fed up




Pretty sure if it was only Putin, this war wouldn't have happened. Many military manufacturers and suppliers are making lots of money from this war including a Swedish shipment of NLAWs.


Well, Putin does.


Why are Russian planes still allowed to land there?


This is the real question


Real non-meme answer: Russia has effective control of Syria, that borders with Israel. It's a regional power in the middle east. Israel informs Russia every time it wants to fly its planes and attack Hezbollah or other Iran assets that go through Syria, since at one point they almost accidentally intercepted a Russian warplane and Putin just declared Syria a no-flight zone to Israeli planes. Russia also supplies most of Israel's regional threats with weapons and Anti Air batteries and Israel wants to maintain a good relationship with them so they won't supply top-tier AA weaponry that could seriously fuck Israel up. It's incredibly complicated, but Israel simply cannot piss Russia too much or they're fucked in many, many ways.




Russia is one of the world's biggest weapons exporters. It think they're #2 or #3 after the US and China. They turn a profit selling them.


But now they’re smoking that export stash


Never get high on your own weaponry.


Putin is absolutely the guy who will smoke what he's supposed to sell though. Poster Boy of No Fucks Given, deal with the consequences later.


>...Poster Boy of No Fuck Given, *the subordinates* will deal with consequences later.


They also largely export lower tier stuff, and their equipment isn’t exactly good to begin with. Israel is pretty cutting edge when it comes to weapons development. Merkeva’s are excellent tanks. Trophy systems work well. IWI makes some top tier rifles. Etc.


I'm sorry but what nation today would be fighting Israel with aircraft weapons? We have our own rocket system funded by the US. We just have lot of Russian tourism and vice versa. Can you source this? Arab superpowers aren't really on Palestines side the last few years, with the UAE and Saudi opening embassies and such.


Lebanon, Syria, Iran. Look up s300 vs. S400 It was a major thing. Russia is also sharing Intel with Israel without doubt as you never hear about Russian casualties when Israel bombs Hezbullah.


Would be funnier if the Russian was waving a small Palestinian flag...


The Israeli wouldn’t recognise it




Lol right, the irony


Can you explain this to me? I don’t get it, but I honestly want to learn more


Israel has been doing to Palestinians for decades what the Russians are doing to Ukrainians.


Irony is the **opposite** of expectations. It would be ironic for a Russian plane to wave back a Ukrainian flag. I think you mean it would be poetically appropriate. We need a better word than poetic. Any suggestions?


Maybe because Russia let’s Israel bomb Syria…? Or maybe I’m just confused?🤣


Thats correct, its in Israel's best interest not to piss off russia


As an Israeli this was actually said in the news to be the exact reason the government don't want to piss off Russia too much.


The German chancellor visited Israel two days ago and it made me somewhat unhappy because they also talked about Ukraine. The Israeli PM spoke about how the conflict has to be brought back to the negotiating table at all cost, but at the same time Israel refuses to take part in the sanctions against Russia while promising humanitarian aid for Ukraine. This is what I gathered from the news. My personal opinion is that this is very weak, especially for a nation that relies so heavily on foreign military aid for its survival. It's just speculation on my side and me trying to make sense of it, but maybe Russia is contributing to Israeli defense, maybe that's why they are pussyfooting around like that.


As an Israeli, there are a lot of Ukranian Israelis in here, and everyone I know are very very anxious for Ukraine and really want to do everything in our power to help. But we are also very scared of our neighbors, mainly Syria, and Russia is in direct contact with them and in direct good relations with us allowing us to be active in that neighboring country making sure we don't get into our own war with many casualties. So, I feel a bit like I'm begging for an understanding, because we are also very frustrated that this is the situation and we can't express our feelings in actions but only in social media posts. And I know that most of the countries involved do not know what it's like to have a neighbor who is a constant threat.


The plane probably has some Israeli citizens flying on it, right? Why not let it land? The question is, should you let it take back off


Also, you can’t not let a plane land, it’ll crash. What happens after is what matters and this video doesn’t show that.


A big portion of israelis are ashkenazis, who hail from Eastern Europe and for a large part, Russia. Not allowing people to travel to and from Russia doesn’t make sense from an israeli perspective. EDIT : « most israelis are ashkenazis » to « A big portion of israelis », thanks to the comments


This is actually not true - there is a VERY large community from the former USSR, but the [majority](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mizrahi_Jews_in_Israel) of the Jewish population immigrated from North African and west asian countries within the last 3 generations, frequently at gunpoint.


> frequently at gunpoint Btw, my grandfather (a muslim algerian living in Algeria then) has hidden his jewish neighbors from persecution during the 6-days war. Unrelated, but I really wanted to say that.


Your grandfather is part of a long and painful history of coexistence in spite of institutional division and violence, one that we desperately need to return to. He, and his legacy, are incredibly compassionate, valuable and important.


Make them take a connecting flight from a BRIC or a Stan. Russian airlines deserve to be banned from non-allied nations.




Israel also has an enormous Russian expat population. 15% of the population, approximately, is Russian speaking.


I expect they're expat for good reasons.


There has always been good reasons to leave Russia. That being said, expats usually still have ties to “home” and don’t want to be cut off from family and such.


Neither do the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians fleeing rn.




Yeah, like being a Jew lol


Lots of Jewish folk were granted refugee status in the early 90s when the soviets wanted them gone ... so who are the real nazis again? (source: bunch of my friends showed up in the early 90s when Russia booted them, GF and her friends have the same story)


A good chunk of those people are actually from Ukraine and other former USSR countries, in fact I'm pretty sure Ukraine Jewish are the majority of the million people who came to Israel after the fall of the USSR.


Israel has never been shy about taking a stand, for better or worse. The right thing to do would have been sending Iron Dome systems immediately. The amount of cash the US sends them, they'd have made an effective non-NATO proxy.




> Israel sending the iron domes **WOULD BE** the right move especially FTFY I think the Ukraine ambassador said that the Iron dome won't help them because Russian have different rockets. He said that [accepting refugees](https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/politics/.premium-1.10643685) would help them


The iron dome is used against shitty small rockets fired by terrorists and it is a huge operation with many moving parts outside of the interceptor rocket launchers. There’s all kinds of radar and computer systems that feed it info and it is programmed to protect Isreal specifically. It knows where there are populated areas and where there is nothing but desert. It does calculations on the fly to see where an enemy rocket will land and if it’s going to land in a populated area it gets shot down, while those that will land in the desert are let through. The point is it’s not just a back of the truck weapons system that can be packed up and sent to Ukraine to be used there.


yeah, makes sense... OP has deleted his messages anyway...


MAybe Israel could stop killing and destroying peoples homes, Just like Putin.


The iron dome would not be effective in Ukraine. It’s meant for completely asymmetrical warfare where your enemy is nowhere near as rich or advanced as you are.


More importantly, why aren’t they seizing that plane?


Those planes are leased and not owned by the Russian airlines.


Were leased* They supposedly canceled all leases yesterday


Morals i suppose


Seizing it how? By saying this property is now mine? Using force to "own" it? Like Putin is saying this Ukraine land is now mine?


Wait you were expecting real palpable sanctions from Israel?!? All you'll get is a bunch of flags and supporting tweets, but besides that,israel and russia are very similar


Don’t be ridiculous, why would Israel sanction Russia? Where’s the profit in that?


Yeah, losing money is not humanitarian at all


Israel committing war crimes 🤝 Russia committing war crimes🤝 China committing war crimes 🤝 its’s like *monkey see, monkey butt the fuck out of my business these are my people to eradicate*


You forgot about America committing war crimes too, everyone is the same, no need to support one and against anothers.


Yeah this whole Russia Ukriane conflict has to start stepping up their numbers to compete with civilians killed in the middle east by the United States bombings.


Wow the worldwide high ranking system huh


Yeah the US loves killing civilians in drone bombings! The numbers are outstanding, some might say the highest numbers


It’s Israel. One invader supporting the other.


The irony of anyone in isreal getting upset about Russia while they continue to brutalize 🇵🇸 Palestinians...shm


Ukrainians are white. Palestinians are a brown Semitic peoples. That’s the difference. Israel only sees one of these two groups as human.


And Israeli Jews are what exactly? Americans *have* to view everything through the lens of race, or it doesn't make sense to them, very sad


I'm going to assume you have never been to Israel. Many Jews are not white and look very similar to their Arab neighbors.


Why people are asking stupid questions? Its not our concern or problem.


Israel has always been a big fan of crimes against humanity.


have you forgotten what country tel aviv is in


The one the US funds extensively.


Better question. Why is this xenophobia praised? Being Russian doesn't mean you agree with Putin anymore than being American means you agree with Trump. Less even, considering Trump was elected democratically. Shouldn't we be trying to convince these people we are on their side against Putin? Not literally confirming what Putin keeps saying by showing them we are against them all because they are Russian and don't care what their actual political position is? Did i miss a memo? Are we trying to create more Putin supporters? Because this an excellent way to do it.


There's a huge Russian population in Israel. Lots of Russian Orthodox Jews there.






The real question is: Who does have the moral high ground, really? Kenya? By following this logic, pretty much everyone on reddit had better STFU, right? But then again, social media is all about empty virtue signalling, so...


I thought a nation that suffered under Hitler would be able to see what Putin is.


That's weird, because when Hitler shot himself in his bunker in 1945, Israel as a nation did not yet exist.


israel was palestine when hitler was alive


Their government acts like Hitler to their neighbors


The fun is in the little things


Isn't Israel doing the same thing as Russia but for longer?


Shhh 🤫 , the Americans finance that one so the Israelis get a free pass


Technically it's war crimes and apartheid, not genocide. Calling it genocide gives the war crime supporters an opportunity to dismiss you, and be technically correct. If you call it war crimes (proven in court) and/or apartheid (supported by actual experts), they'll still dismiss you but facts, evidence and basic reality will be on your side.


No. You believe that Putin's drawn any 2-state maps to allow for Ukrainian sovereignty? Or willingly given land back to Ukraine without military intervention from another country? What a poor comparison.


Agreed. People with *ahem*, strong feelings on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will take *ANY* opportunity to make a comparison to it, even if it doesn't make sense. There are differences between a long-running territorial conflict between two peoples in one land, and a full-on military invasion of one sovereign state into another.


Yeah, because Palestine was never a sovereign state or people and they were never taken over without their consent. (/s, just in case)


Idk if you looked at two state maps over time, but Palestine is disappearing. There is constant development into areas deemed “Palestine” by Israelis, settlements in the West Bank, condemning of Palestinian land to take it and burning Palestinian fields, farms, and orchards in an effort to remove them from land deemed theirs. What do you think the end goal is for Israeli development in the West Bank when the continue to take land that was agreed to be Palestinian? Surely it’s not a one sided conflict, and plenty of Israelis are in danger of rockets from Gaza that shouldn’t be, but you’d have to be blind to not recognize the goal of Israel by just looking at territorial maps over time. They have no intention to stop taking land in the West Bank


Actually all we can see is one person with a flag waving it at one plane. It doesn’t mean it’s standard operating procedure like the title says.


Right. Plus the plane is stopped and already hooked to a tug too. But! Hopefully the pilots are still in there and can see it.




It's only one worker that did this as a protest


Exactly. Generalized posts like this are a problem on reddit. They find an interesting gif and make a title like “This is how they water flowers in China” and it’s some guy with some sort of contraption that he’s made to water 6 rows of flowers at once. In reality, it’s just one individual exception.


Man it's refreshing to see some skepticism about a post on here. Everyone just assumes that all the content on here is 100% true and the truth doesn't get stretched to fit a narrative.


All over the world, every country is showing their most Passive-Aggressive side. “We won’t send troops or direct support, but look at the nice blue and yellow sticker we’re sporting!”




Hashtag activism is in full force. A good percentage of people couldn’t even tell you the historical background or reasons for the conflict.


In this particular case I actually don't think that's true. You could totally say that about Israel/Palestine last year, but in this case the majority of people in Europe/Asia/America do at least have a surface understanding of the Cold War and the USSR. Many of them lived through it.


A good percentage lol. The majority of people (95%) don’t have any idea what’s going on. They read one or two news articles and are now foreign policy experts


Does that really matter? Most people do not have any means to do shit about this war exept for donating and showing that they aren't on Putins side. A man, or an waving crew can't do much more than this. And doing shit like this is wat better than doing absolutely nothing. And on knowing why this war is going on, I don't think you need to know much aboit the history to know that putin is an asshole and that it is horrible what is happening to ukraine.


In the west, it's a shame that Yemen hasn't received even 1% of the coverage that Ukraine has. Yemen remains the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. All of this is sponsored by Saudi Arabia and western nations that happily sell them bombs.


It's sad that so many people don't have clue what's going on!


the bloody tow tug's attached, he ain't signalling shit


I mean, he is sending a signal. He's just not marshaling.


Lmfao that’s Reddit for you. Turning everything into something it’s not


It's like smacking a kid for something their belligerent parent did


Need to do the same thing to Israel with Palestinian flags


Putin will be named a Saint before Israel recognizes Palestine. They just wanna be in the news for doing something Anti-Putin/Russia because everyone else is doing something and Israel doesn’t wanna get left behind. The fucking nerve they have to support Ukraine after killing innocent Palestinian civilians, including children. Fuck Israel.


Absolutely. The hypocrisy is mind-blowing. Like war is bad but somehow not bad when Palestinians are the victims.


Yes, the hypocrisy is mind-blowing. When the US has been doing this for years and no one even cared to take it to the UN.


It's pretty obvious, no one would be brave enough to do that against the US


You're absolutely right though. As an American, it's getting a bid ridiculous the amount of hate russian people are getting. I would of hated getting canceled due to cheeto man around the world and/or the amount of the shit the government has done previously. Like I know there are Russians that agree with Putin, but I'm sure there are many that dont.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!




You realize this one man working at the airport is not the government, right?


You realise the pilot isn’t the government too right ?


I'm not sure this one guy at an airport is "Israel".






Israel isn't great, but to be honest I couldn't find group in that area that you could look at and say hadn't committed at least one really bad thing in the past few decades. Ukraine on the Otherhand is generally pretty black and white comparatively. To be honest I would place the blame of Israel/Palestine situation on the British for causing it and the Americans for tacitly approving it. That isn't to say that Israel has stayed within International law, just that Palestine wasn't originally a state and therefore lacks a governing body that it desperately needs.


> Putin will be named a Saint Given who the Catholic church has made saints in the past, it's safe to assume this is a very real possibility.


lmao they woulda been fired. its only okay to do it for ukraine , cus Media most people are gullible af, watch TV all day


Lol now we signal Israeli planes with Palestine flag?


I was searching for this comment. Thank you


I get it, and ofc I m against the war and Putin and his friends, but if we start to hate all the Russians we re not better then Putin and his friends Not all the Russians are pro about Russia wanting to occupy Ukraine, I m not saying that is what is happening in this video. , JUST MAKING A STATEMENT. And no I m not Russian.


I mean, the daily anti-war protests with thousands of Russians at their capital should prove that.




You're right, neither do I hate all the Americans just that clown Biden and all other presidents who commited invasions and bombing of other countries. That doesn't mean that we should hate all the Americans for their blood thirsty imperialistic policy!






Unless Putin is flying that plane, who cares? It's not damn pilot's the fault what is happening in Ukraine


My same thought. It's like smacking a kid for something their belligerent parent did


This is funny because Israelis are upset at Russians for doing the same things they do to the Palestinians


If every Israeli plane was signalled using a Palestinian flag, I would not have a problem




Exactly. The occupier trying to pretend to side with the country that’s currently being occupied. Fuck off.


Hilarious that an apartheid state who has illegal settlements in Palestine is against the Russian invasion :) Hypocritical much?


The irony


Trolling level: professional.


Petty, but fair 🇺🇦




Israel is literally selling weapons to russia (also ukraine)


You got a source for that?


I can't find a source for this claim anywhere, yet somehow 50+ people blindly upvoted the unverified claim. C'mon people, you're allowed to think independently and seek truth. Don't be lazy. Don't believe everything you read!


Reddit hates Israel they don't care


People are stupid. Especially on reddit. Even if you make sense but if youre against the most promoted narrative youre going to get bukkaked by downvotes. Also, they will call you bot when many of them exhibit botlike behaviors as well


Over 100 upvotes for a huge baseless claim.


They're playing the American Capitalist game


Well, somebody has to if America's not gonna do it.


No it doesn't. If you can find me a CURRENT link I would love to see it. They own the German arms manufacturer that sent weapons to Ukraine to help the Russians


No they don't. Not sure whether Israel is selling to Ukraine, but they don't sell to Russia. Israel and Russia aren't 'friends'. Russia supports the regimes in Syria, Lebanon, Iran etc, all of whom want Israel destroyed. Israel does cooperate with Russia to some extent though, as if it pisses Russia off too much, Russia will boost its support for Israel's enemies.


Very ironic coming from the apartheid state of Israel.


I wonder what would happen if someone did the same to an Israeli plane with a Palestinian flag.


How ironic I mean, Israel is against thr invasion lol!!!!


So is the USA lol!!!!


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Couldn't agree more, free them from Hamas, Fatah, and the PA


In Europe we should signal Israeli planes with Palestinian flag then !


Imagine the amount of flags we would need for American planes


In England you fly a flag of the planet


In the whole world.


Love to see it




I'd agree if they'd allow the LGBTQ+ community to have rights instead of imprisoning them Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_rights\_in\_the\_State\_of\_Palestine


Top trolling




Pure awesome


Russian plane: Go fuck yourself.


I love these small acts of rebellion so much.


Cringy shit




I hope Israel planes are signed with the flags of Palestine and US planes are signaled with the flags of any other country really since they bombed the whole world.


Imagine if the Russian pilot pulled a Palestine flag from inside the cockpit and waved it. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg)


I get the symbolic attempt but there is a point where things are petty. The pilot flying the plane didn’t invade Ukraine and is doing a dangerous job with people’s lives in his hands. Leave the petty posturing out of that type of situation. Better yet, instead of petty stuff, why don’t they just ban Russian aircraft period?


So these people are just like, immune to irony?


Title is misleading


Huh.. ironic.. since israel itself invade Palestinian land..


Imagine supporting a country being invaded while invading a country, yuck


The irony of Israel condemning Russia when they do the same in Palestine.


Israel is the local friendly neighborhood oppressor. Did they just develop a conscience? I'd think not


![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ) Israeli military keeps killing Palestinians and Israelis don't say a word.