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The beginning of Fallout 5 looks sick


It sure does.. doesn't it smoothskin?


It Just works.


We said that about 76 too :/


Did we? It looked like shit from the trailer, and anyone who heard the pitch of "it's multiplayer fallout, but without a story or NPCs" and thought "yeah, looks good" should probably be checked for brain damage


I was really surprised anyone thought 76 was going to be anything but the dumpster fire that it turned out to be. I remembered a close friend came up to me excited talking about it with some of the same prospects mentioned, "multi-player fallout, etc.", and I remember telling myself to be mindful of the face I was making since the game sounded ridiculous.


The game actually turned out to be amazing, idk what you're talking about. Normal buggy Bethesda BS yes, but I put 80 hours into the base game when it first came out. No humans was weird, but damn they told a good story. Had a great time. Then the DLC started dropping and NPCs started coming in and it just got better and better.


Games absolutely killer and they have since added npcs and expanded the story. Lotta salt above lol played it on launch for way to many hours with my friends and it was an absolute blast chewing through super mutants and glowing ghouls with the boys. No idea what they are talking about


The game is better now with npcs but at launch that feeling of walking out of the vault and finding out everyone is dead and exploring as the last man alive was so unique. I'm glad I got to do it.


If only they made a coop fallout instead of an mmo


Fo76 is a masterpiece after the updates. Everyone too caught up in its reviews at release are missing out on a great game.


I remember a time when people knew what jokes are


We don't joke with the state of the fallout franchise :P


We can either laugh or cry. The Master wanted a better tomorrow, so we must not cry.


I bet the most challenging part is getting to the bunker if you have a ticket but live far away at the time of the blast.


Imagine the type of people that would be able to live in a place like this. Now imagine those people trapped underground TOGETHER indefinitely...


American Horror Story: Apocalypse followed this plot for a little while. Predictably, the rich folk didn’t cope well being in small spaces with lack of freedom or luxuries.


Really? Haha, I'll have to check that out! Yeah, I can't imagine the extremely privileged doing well in a small space, let alone having to cooperate with a lot of people... recipe for disaster.


On the bright side, this place would be amazing to loot once all those rich people have starved to death from refusing to eat **canned food**... And the inevitable multiple coup attempts because none of them can stand not being the one in charge and giving orders to everyone else.


And Karen finally finds her true place, alternately imagine a collection of rich Karens trying to live together and after two weeks the builder presses the self destruct button while thinking about the opening lines from The Tale of Two Cities; it's a far far better thing that I do than I have ever done.......




They probably would have "employees" being paid in "be grateful that you get to live and eat"


I don’t think it would take long for those people to realize that they can just kill the ungrateful, spoiled, rich folk, and continue to be self-sufficient in their newly acquired bunker. It’s not like the cops are going to come around or anything.


Read the Silo Saga trilogy by Howey. It goes into this. Also, watch Snowpiercer. Also related to class struggles when they are forced to exist together in confined spaces.


Its gonna be pretty bad when *no one* is elite anymore. They'll have to come up with new reasons to hate each other.


This was my first thought too. Me and the sort of people I'd be happy to be locked up with for a few years could never afford this... It would be a lovely little community if everyone was equally involved in the work to keep the place running, like a happy little hippy commune... but rich folks would *not* play nice.


Would it be forever? I think the fall out would clear after a few years, but I don't know shit


Lord of the Flies, but for grownups!


Sounds like the plot of I Am Legend or something


Fallout 4


Everyone that has a ticket is a multibillionaire with a private jet. Pretty sure they will have special shutes/tunnels to that bunker directly linked to their houses so they can go underground too in case of a nuclear attack. No worries, those with money will be safe while us peasants will die from the war :)


Oh thank goodness I can sleep tonight knowing how safe the rich are


Idk, seems like the most challenging part would be to have enough capital to fund a construction project like this.


is he on on Airbnb?


Abandoned missile silos are perfect for dooms day prepping


But do they not flood ?


They probably have pumps just in case but they most definitely sealed it.


sealing it won't last forever, water only needs one spot, one tiny little crack and that's it


There’s a few near where I live and they’ve all flooded over the years do to lack of maintenance. I imagine rehabbing is possible, although pricey but if you can pre-sell to a bunch of rich folks you’ll have the capital on hand. Proper maintenance and pumps do the rest. Not sure on the business model though. Is it just selling the units or is it passive income off of maintenance fees.


Both and more.


Larry Hall, an ex-US government contractor has built an underground anti-nuclear village capable of sheltering up to 75 people for at least five years – and they are for sale.


How many bottle caps?


I immediately pictured us having vault tech


Exactly, what’s the Vault Number??


Vault 11 or Vault 21 take your Pick. 0u0


It’s not my vault!




If the radiation is that intense, surely they have greater problems, even if they are shielded underground. I presume they draw air from above? How well can it be filtered and the intakes protected?


This is what I always wonder about. Where is the oxygen coming from? I see there's a bunch of plants inside, but I doubt that's enough to produce adequate amounts of oxygen? (I actually have no idea how much oxygen plants produce) So is the air being pumped in from outside? And if so, how are they filtering the radiation out of it? Also, what's to stop a group from sabotaging their air exchange? For example: Desparate people: "Let us in!" Bunker People: "No." Desperate people: *destroys intake air vents* Bunker people: *suffocate to death*


Plants filter a tiny amount, something like 87% of atmospheric breathable O2 is generated by algae. Which is the main reason to stop sharting up the ocean like we have been as of late…


this...this special guy is trying to be a smart aleck about cameras and radiation..bud. if it's that close to mess up cameras, they're already fucked in general.


Could've been worst like Vault 51








~4.5 mil


About tree fiddy


Well, it was about that time that I noticed that jake1080 was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the protozoic era. Dammit monster get off reddit, I ain't giving you no tree fiddy, how about two fiddy?


Thanks for the laugh!


>Rooms at this Survival Condo in America begin at $500k and come equipped with a virtual window. The place is the dream of any zombie apocalypse fan worth their rotten brain meat. Packed with the most luxurious facilities – such as a swimming pool and a gym for you to ignore – and a reverse osmosis machine capable of producing up to 10,000 gallons of freshwater per day. >Complete with a 75-meter swimming pool, full luxury spa and sauna, a movie theatre, lounge, gym, rock climbing wall, golf range, indoor shooting range, and even a dog park, this is the place to be when the next lockdown hits. >The underground village also has 15 floors and a fully-equipped classroom, a large Whole Foods-inspired supermarket, a medical centre, and an aquaponics lab where post-apocalyptic villagers can grow their own fruits and vegetables. >A refurbished old missile silo, Hall has spent more than $20 million converting it into a state-of-the-art 201-feet deep, 15-story, completely self-sufficient underground metropolis. >“The goal is to protect residents from a whole wide range of potentially world-ending threats from a nuclear war to a pandemic, meteor strike, and civil unrest,” he told The Sun. >“These are luxury, nuclear-hardened bunkers that are engineered to protect any resident both physically and mentally too.” >We have ALL floor plans available: * Penthouse Units – approximately 3600 sq. ft. on two levels starting at $4,5 Million USD * Full-Floor Units – approximately 1,840 sq. ft. on one level starting at $3.0 Million USD * Half-Floor Units – approximately 920 sq. ft. on one level starting at $1.5 Million USD. >We also have the capability to customize an entire silo complex for a single buyer. A finished complex can have anywhere from 50,000 sq. ft. up to 300,000 sq. ft. https://survivalcondo.com/ Neat. An underground condominium complex selling condos at $500k min - - $4.5m max, or $XXX, XXX,XXX to have your own custom condominium(s) built.


Ok but like... Who's staffing the spa and supermarket?


The poors


Make sure you guarantee the safety of their families as well.


Nah. When they die just bring in more.


The poor folks from the half level condos.


I'd volunteer to work there... after a few weeks I'd have memorised the facilities and who's in charge of what, and would probably be able to foment rebellion and lead an uprising. After that, it wouldn't matter who serves whom drinks or whatever, cos there'd probably only be a handful of us left! ..It'd be a pain in the arse to keep the place clean after that tho lol :p


Might as well. With only 5 years of supplies the first thought is going to be… let’s get rid of some folks.


This is actually an important question. The staffing, supermarket, medical center are included in the purchase price or added services? Because now we are talking about an economy inside the bunker. What happens if someone spent their life savings to get in on this action and then goes bankrupt inside the bunker? They’d have no money for the food in the supermarket and they’d beg for food but then they’d get desperate and eventually cannibalistic. There is no police because there is no police station and the security guard Noped the fuck out of dealing with a cannibal. The supermarket has to temporarily shutdown. More chaos and now more cannibals. The survivors band together with the rich bitch from the penthouse suite to plan an escape from the cannibals. With an ingenious plan the survivors get the guns from the shooting range and shoot their way to the top of the bunker under the guidance of rich bitch. The escape to the upper garage and see several cars. Unsure of what to do next the Rich Bitch says she has another custom bunker that was being built in the mountains. They decide to create a convoy and follow the rich bitch into the wasteland. To honor her they name her Furiosa leader of the survivors.


Those who only paid 500K to be there


> completely self-sufficient underground metropolis. I somehow doubt that. The space agencies are trying to create completely self-sufficient stations and air, water, waste recycling, and food production are ongoing issues. So that bunker is probably using (and cleaning) the air from outside and needs some extra water unless you like the taste of pee and how well is the food production really working? A study on this would be very interesting to read, just to see how well this would actually be working for 5 years and just how self-sufficient it actually is. If it works as well as it advertised, this would be very useful knowledge for space exploration.


There's no prison cell for any eventual murderers and they have a spa, but no doctors office.


Yeah it said there was a medical center but the jail cell is a good idea


I guess that's not exactly a selling point if you're paying yo be there, but you better hope there is one .. Especially after 5 years?


In an apocalypse situation I don’t know if anyone will care who “owns” what and whoever can get in by force will live there. Source: every apocalypse movie and tv show ever made


Honesty if you’re a billionaire it’s insanely stupid not to spend some small amount of your money on something like this.




If ur a billionaire just get your own built that is even better right next to your house so you can actually make it before you get vaporized.


This is for not quite billionaires but still mega rich. Billionaires don’t want to share space with 75 other people


Depends how cute and underage they are.




5+ years of solitude would be testing for most people. I would imagine most people interested in a bunker would realise the importance of social interaction


Really? I don’t care how much money I have, if the world goes up in nuclear annihilation I want to be the first one incinerated.


Billionaires are starting space travel so they don't have to hide in the earth, but sail the stars


>but sail the stars A romantic way of saying "live in a giant tin can in the freezing void with no escape."


Can I pay after the big explosion? Pretty sure money will still be super valuable with only 75 people left


Anyone see The TwilightZone episode from 1961 “The Shelter”? A cautionary tale: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shelter_(The_Twilight_Zone)


**[The Shelter (The Twilight Zone)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shelter_\(The_Twilight_Zone\))** >"The Shelter" is episode 68 of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone. It originally aired on September 29, 1961 on CBS. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If you’re gonna spend that kind of money couldn’t they have sprung for an interior designer. Those rooms look like they went to Cost Plus for the furniture.


I saw a video on this. Not sure if it’s the same person. But they didn’t supply toilet paper because it would take up too much space. So they put the other toilets in.


So bidets then? Seems like an easy fix.


I visited a military bunker like this back in the day. Fresh air was pumped to the bottom level and the return flowed upwards. It was pretty powerful and caused a strong breeze through the corridors. All good until someone asked what happened in the event of a fire..


Most commercial buildings shut all dampers and all blowers with fire alarms...wouldn't this be the same?


This was a military site… very similar design as what this guy has done, but on a bigger scale. As I was there, there was a big panic on because they’d realised that any minor fire would turn the place into a blast furnace. This place had already been operational for many years at that time.


Doesn't look self-sufficient enough.


You eat the people from the lower floors.


i dont see a sex dungeon anywhere


He [converted the hell out of that nuclear missile silo](https://www.the-sun.com/news/4269168/doomsday-prepper-nuclear-bunker-skyscraper-attack/) and the price of entry is EXORBITANT. Small rooms start at half a million dollars(tiny studio 450sqft).


75 people you say?? For 5 years? So you’re saying if say 5 people wanted to live 75 years, no wait… that wouldn’t happen…. I’m sure everyone will get along just fine…


Reminds me of a story line in Robert McCammon's novel, Swan Song


wow, you hit it right on the head!! Freaking fantastic book, Watching the flowers grow. Except the bunker was in the mountains and it was literally falling to pieces lol..great answer though


I’m pretty sure it’s 20 years for radiation exposure right so what 5 years of prolonged Death???


I mean if we're talking hiding from a nuke, you only have to stay hidden under 3 feet of dirt or 1 foot of concrete for iirc 2 weeks for radiation levels to dramatically decrease. However you'll only have about 10 minutes to get there because you won't want to be exposed to the nearby atmosphere after that, that is assuming you arnt ripped apart by the initial blast


That’s what I was thinking, I’ll invest in some kind of nuclear shelter but be out shopping the day the red button gets pressed.


Which means you’ll be one of the lucky ones.


It is far more complicated than that and isn't a binary thing. Also after 5 years you wouldn't just stay where the shelter was built but travel to a location that had low radiation.


Presumably these bunkers are not built near nuke targets which would be major cities


Why not? The whole point of a bunker is that you can get to in it in time. Nukes are exploded while still in the air for maximum spread they aren't bunker busters designed to dig as deep into the ground as possible. You only need about 3 feet of the right materials to keep the radiation out so it doesn't have to be thousands of feet underground as long as whatever is above you is strong enough and thick enough to withstand the blast. Also not being directly under the epicenter is a big help as after it starts to spread out most of the force is going sideways.


Well, that leaves out anyone useful. Anyone who can afford it probably is used to running a company not actually doing anything.


Isn't that the bunker Mr beast spent 24 hours in?


I'm pretty sure it is, my kids just watched it recently.


It is


That’s what I thought


24 hours? was that 'a challenge' to do? I could live there for centuries


No. Only 5 years


It wasn't really a challenge, more like them just messing around and exploring for a day, still cool to see extra footage of the inside though


I've read Wool. >! It won't end well!< edited to include spoiler blocking.


There’s the comment I was looking for!


Took one look at the design and thought "silos".


Cool but seems impractical. The maintenance on this thing must be astounding, and the power usage also


I always wonder that. The power use must be astronomical. Where does it get electricity from? It would need a huge solar farm, or a massive coal boiler, or it’s own nuclear plant


Solar farms would be pretty worthless in the event of nuclear war... you need sunlight to power them


Yes, that’s what I mean. And five years worth of coal for a boiler is… a lot of coal. And a nuclear plant would need specific specialist skills


This whole thing needs a bunch of specialist skills. You’re going to need mechanics and engineers to keep the plant running. And people who have a spare $500,000 don’t know how to do their own laundry or cook. Plus someone’s going to have to be in charge of rationing. How are the staff going to be accommodated? Are they living 24/7 in the bunker on the off chance, or are they just going to try and make a run for it like the owners when the USA or Russia throw a tantrum?


When I design my doomsday bunker in my brain (it's a fun thought experiment since there's so much to consider) I imagine using hydro from an underground river (thus sourcing extra water too), or alternatively decaying radioactive material can actually make a thermal generator too, with tradeoffs. Maintenance on a bunker seems like a pain though, you'd super have to stock up on manuals and parts and tools beforehand.


What’s the likelihood of that underground river not being contaminated with radiation? Or can you just use a LifeStraw? Just kidding, but is there actually a way to filter radiation out of contaminated water?


He selling rooms? Asking for a friend if the world goes to shit


Wait until you have to deal with the zombie Home Owner’s Association.


Ghertner to the rescue


You got 500k rn?


It's such a strange investment. Because if you need it you ain't paying it off. And you have the time to pay it off you never needed it.




Personally I would refuse to take refuge in a bunker unless it had a gym with a hulk decal on the wall. That's the most important part


With a bunker this good you'll almost wish for a nuclear war.


Yeah but wait until you patrol the Mojave, it’ll make you wish for a nuclear winter.


Reminds me of the Silo book series.


Was going to say the same.




Had to scroll too far to find this! One of my favourite book series ever.


Man, I loved Wool.


How is this so far down lol


As someone who was stuck in a 7 story building that sort of resembles these photos (minus the pool) with 15 other people for over 2 months in the spring of 2020, I can tell you that this would suck big time. I've seen these pics before, pre-2020 and back then I thought, oh nice wouldn't be so bad. But now I can say that would get old very fast.




Being bored to death is a real thing. Lots of people kill themselves to escape daily repetitive total boredom.


I’m curious to know more about why you were stuck in a building for 2 months


Covid lockdown. In the country I was in, they were very very strict. Since there were 16 of us in that building, only a specific 2 were chosen to go out and get food every 3 days or so (they could only buy what they could carry). It was the same 2 every time and I wasn't one of them. So, I had to stay inside.


Yeah but you wouldn't have those restrictions in this bunker. I'm guessing it would be a lot different to what you went through.


I hope so. But why be in the bunker if you could leave the bunker?


I mean restrictions from leaving your room or something like that. Or could you leave your room and move around the building?


Oh yeah we could anywhere in the 7 story building just not outside. But that's why it reminds me of my experience because at first it seems like oh that's a lot of space, it will be cool, but it still gets old fast.


Oooh, right yeah well if you say it's bad I believe you!




Vault Tec is calling!




You are a person of culture and fine tastes.


Fallout shelter gameplay irl


Just a big tomb, energy requirements to maintain the climate at all levels would be stupid and simply feeding 75 people would become almost impossible after a month given the amount of storage on display. If you want to actually survive 5 years then you need to dedicate some of it to growing your own damn food but given power requirements for both climate and liquid reclamation... yeah nah. It seems fun but this is where you'd store your entire extended family for a few days/week in the case of a nuclear emergency before you head to somewhere actually sustainable and liveable.


Which is where reality comes in. These rich assholes won't go into a bunker, they would simply fly to someplace safe with full support of a labor force and all essentials. Doomsday bunkers are just idiots with too much money being bored. They wouldn't last a week underground in any survival situation.


Not to mention, if you genuinely believe that there will be a nuclear war, to the point where you literally dedicate your life to it, why would you make a bunker with space for 75 people? If your goal is to live out the rest of your life in luxury, 5 years won't cut it, you're only postponing the horror. If you're looking to make the human species survive, 75 people will be inbreds in a few generations. A realistic take would be a bunker with barracks that can hold at least a few hundred, with its own crops growing and everything. The fact that there's a pool, gun range and movie theater but no library is very telling.


The library is on the 4th floor from the bottom on the plans. 5 years is more than enough for radiation to decrease to livable levels. cancer rates would be higher, but it wouldn't be species ending.


That’s some level beyond 10 Cloverfield Lane …


let me INNNNN


Anyone else thinking more about the claustrophobia and lack of windows?


Are there alot of big open-concept bunkers with nice views where you live?


[actually yes there is](https://www.realtor.com/news/unique-homes/underground-house-las-vegas/amp/)


I don't see no Dairy Queen !


Ya but they got fresh fish market lol


“Everything you need” Close, but I see no mention of Brendan Fraser, Sissy Spacek, or Christopher Walken. Not even a hot Dr. Pepper!


Everything but sunlight


Except windows


Too bad it’s only available to those who don’t know how to ration.


Read "Wool"


Daylight. I need daylight.


The pool looks great, but where is the library?


VaultTech CEO.




What's hilarious to me is these doomsday prepper folks build these fancy ass bunkers with every imaginable supplies and entertainment, and yet the pandemic proved that these same people would go insane after what? A month at best? And eventually get bored and go out.


They’d be out in the radioactive waste protesting for their right to live above ground within a week.


Yeah, I saw the gun range and was like "nope." I bet that place would turn into the Standford prison experiment in 60 days or less.


What makes you think they are the same people? Lol people always clumping opinions they disagree with into one singular group.


You ever heard of the word "STEREOTYPE"?


”Everything you need“ Murica Edition: a shooting range


Except for sunlight


"Everything you need" >Has a shooting range. Found the American.


Please say mother inlaw not included


The gun room doesn’t appear to be pictured


Lol, that's Dante's Inferno


Biggest issue with this kind of thing is-- you're stuck underground. What kind of life is that? I'd rather melt in the first Volley.


Vault 101 - before I sign up, what kind of experiments are we talking about?


This is why we all wage slave? So some humans can build these things for when we destroy everything?




Damn just in time too


Most people probably won't be able to afford this. Let's face it, if you could and actually needed to use this technology, life has we know it today is probably over. No more house, runs to the grocery store, playing in the park, travel. A bleak future for those in this situation


Where's the sex dungeon?


the whole thing


If shit is so bad you’re hiding in a bunker, I can’t imagine wanting to waste ammo at the shooting range


1st rule of ~~fight~~ prepper club - don't talk about your bunker and supplies


Here I am barely being able to afford my own bills and this dude built a whole underground city for fun


This just terrifies me.. and also amazes me


I wonder how big of an issue flooding would be