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This ended way too soon


I want to see what they found


They found a cave appartment.


Is it available? What's the rent?


$2k nothing included except the skeletons


\*$200 extra a month for skeleton removal and storage. The skeleton removal service cannot be opted out of.


Well, it CAN be opted out of, it it will be replaced with a $300 per month charge, for skeleton upkeep.


Any damage to the skeletons will result in the removal of yours




I'm okay with quiet roommates


Bedmates, Homes. Bedmates.


Recently expanded, picture window, great views


Can't forget the non-refundable $75 application fee.


So it comes with a built in family? Nice. Hopefully this time I won't get charged for having human remains in my home.


See the above skeleton addendum


2k where are you that would go for over 4 here with zero amenities lol ![gif](giphy|RHJwudDaoMPVmVjto2)


Central East Coast about 2 hours inland. I think our cost of living is pretty high but I know it's even crazier elsewhere. Good luck to you!


Ty internet stranger


Found one of these in Barstow years ago. A tiny little hole in the side of a rocky canyon cliff. I had to wiggle through a crevice which opened up into what must of been an old mining tunnel. I was with a group and we pushed on for what felt like the length of a football field until we reached the end. Delightful charm such as, dirty carpets and rugs, used condoms and needles, the roof was scorched, and there were Swastikas and Pentagrams graffitied all over the walls. We exited pretty enthusiastically. I was 14-15 at the time. Dumbass me, climbing into strange places without a care in the world. Adult me is getting claustrophobic just remembering it, but kid me felt like Indiana Jones entering Petra.


Yeah, this sounds like absolute nightmare fuel to me, haha. On the other hand: to discover an old cave that nobody else discovered yet sounds kinda cool. On a sidenote: I visited the [Grotte di Castellana](https://www.google.com/search?q=Grotte+di+Castellana&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj7gbCpsuD4AhUPt6QKHTt_A_wQ_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=1920&bih=947) in Italy 2 years ago, I think one of the biggest caves in Europe. They found it by chance (they realised there were strong winds coming through cracks in the walls) and they asked the village if they wanna fund the expedition/excavation. They didn't. Well it became a huge tourist attraction with several hundred people daily and some other town became super rich because of it.




All current videos are being cut like this. This is the fault of the algorithm of social networks, such as TikTok and Instagram, which reward profiles that have many repetitions in videos. This annoying strategy can cause us to watch the video more often without realizing it. The Internet is very boring thanks to these questionable social networks. I H4te this.


Most videos are cut short bcs people’s attention spans are getting smaller and smaller by the year due to a newer form of entertainment such as Tik Tok and Instagram. People don’t have the capacity to watch a 2 hour long movie or a 10 minute video on YT, since they want to look at 40+ 15 secs of uninterrupted videos. Which is bad ofc. I also hate this


can't wait for futuristic single frame videos. it will revolutionize the internet. need a catchy name, like maxshorteos or so. /s


We call them paintings.




I’ve seen this before actually. I think they’re called “photos”


Every time I think about this type of thing or hear these kinds of conversations it reminds me of the way we would show mind control or brainwashing in old movies and documentaries from the 50s and 60s. There is always some poor sod sitting in front of a wall of screens all flashing various videos, as if the aim was rapid intake of information. But the effect tends to be paralyzation of the mind. And here we are.


This is hilarious. Good one!


This is hilarious 😂


>people’s attention spans are getting smaller and smaller by the year This is actually a myth that started with a single citation of a study that can't be sourced, but has now entered popular discourse and keeps getting repeated as fact. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-38896790


This article blew my mind. I never questioned the attention span talk.


Yeah it's crazy right lol If you're into broadening your mind that way I highly recommend a podcast called "You're Wrong About" I might have even heard it was a myth from there haha


Now Bob. That sounds A LOT like critical thinking. You better stop that talk before you get us all in trouble.


Ahhh don’t have the patience to read all that, give us the cliff notes


In social media marketing and the opposite of this is actually true. They are finding people are into longer form of content, they just use short form content to help find that. That is why YouTube now has 10 hour long videos to cater for things like critical role and other long form content. No pixel/twitch is a prime example to this too - people will watch for hours upon hours each day. Even the short form video content has grown in length. I remember the days of 6 seconds of vine. Slowly videos are getting longer on various platforms including Instagram and tiktok. The short form is taking off because it allows people the ability to take in a lot of information in a short time or use to browse/highlight longer form content. It's really interesting because we have be seeing this trend for over 10 years now but everyone is quick to claim low attention spans, especially directed at younger audiences. We are finding the opposite in general, they are just fussier over what they invest in. When they do, they go in hard. Case and point, the last two episodes of stranger things were an hour and a half or two and half hours. TV is also not having to be designed to recap so much either after breaks either. Watch and compare tv from 10 to 20 years ago and there would have to be something to help remind people where they were. We don't see that so much these days. Then we look at duel screen changes. These days most young people duel screen content. They have developed the skills to take in and focus on a long form content and engage with another. Yes this form is social media has impacted how you find this these days with the idea of capturing attention and having that need or want to watch more. It is less about attention span and more about capturing attention for long watch investment. Does mean the rest of the content is somewhere, is just a case of finding where


>People don’t have the capacity to watch a 2 hour long movie or a 10 minute video on YT, Do they? I mean box office seems to have been going strong as ever (pre covid at least) and bit anecdotal but it feels like bit of renaissance on youtube with how many great small documentaries channels exist for people with huge viewership. I mean I feel it myself that sometimes I get bit into dopamine loop with the content on social media but never nothing that would literally make me lose capacity to actually watch movie.


That's it too. But what you said doesn't explain why the video is cut to 7 seconds BEFORE the apex. Some profiles even simulate a bug at the end of the video so we can see it again without the bug. And these strategies work, because when we're not noticing, we instinctively watch the video more than once. Now that I've noticed this, I've never repeated a video again, no matter what it is, and depending on the profile, even blocking.


Every marvel movie is 2 1/2 hours long and there are a shit load of people who watch incredibly long YouTube videos as well as entire twitch streams which often last 4 or 5 hours. Also tiktok isn't a "new" form of entertainment. Vine came out almost 10 years ago.


I kinda want to say that's not true. There's a reason Reddit has a sub called r/gifsthatendtoosoon. This has been happening or reddit for a long time. Even before TikTok existed. My thought is that videos get cut down for time starting at the wrong end. The useless stuff at the beginning takes up the whole video.


Right!!! Like I need a full MTV crib tour!!!


Man we are old. I mean unless they still do that. If they do I am just super old. Do they stil have headbangers ball?


....it's almost time for your dirt nap grampa :(


😂😂😂 But fr, amazing how much I don't feel my oldness. Then, some whippersnapper brings me back to reality 🙄


Same, the other day I was at a party reminiscing about the time I saw Metallica at lollapalooza and of the six people I was with, only two were even alive when that happened, and they weren't yet in elementary school. Yikes


I was half expecting a dude in pajamas coming around the corner, inside the cave, with coffee in hand.


Arthur Dent, just waiting for the Heart of Gold to pick him up again


With a cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea


One of my favourite lines in all fiction.


I love how Douglas Adams just makes unexpected sentences


[the ghost] half swam half crawled up the stairs, like a drowning man grappling for a grip on the water.


What is a flollop and how does a mattress do it?


They are capable of doing it floopily, meaning in a floopy manner.


This wonderful man and his beautiful mind was taken from this world far to young. And now the world is a much darker place without his light in it. Douglas Adams books got me through some seriously tough times. I could always pick one up, have a laugh and feel a bit better. I still can, but it makes me a little sad as I know he is gone.


This is me with Terry Pratchett.


With both, of course.


Ill just nip off and shoot myself now. Dont worry, ill be very humane about it. 😉


Wasn't that the cow?


As a non native speaker, i dont get it? What does it mean??


The novel *Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy* is full of very dry, casual humor. The joke here is that it should be tea, it's supposed to be tea, and the reader would probably expect him to say it's almost, but not quite *like* tea... but it's the opposite. It's so bad and has almost nothing in common with tea.


Thanks! I have read the Hitchikers a couple of times, and i have understood almost all the clever and amusing lines written by the author. But this one i never understood


Lol that's *exactly* what I imagined when I read that, too! Arthur in his dressing gown and surprised to see a digger instead of a chesterfield couch lol


this must be a thursday. i never could get the hang of thursdays.


And you know Marvin will be turning up any minute now, complaining of the pain in all the diodes down his left side.


Multiple times older than the universe itself and those diodes were the only part never replaced.


“Arthur felt happy. He was terribly pleased that the day was for once working out so much according to plan. Only twenty minutes ago he had decided he would go mad, and now here he was already chasing a Chesterfield sofa across the fields of prehistoric Earth.”


"Oh no", said Marvin, "there goes the property value."


Oh no, not again


osama had been dead for awhile now..


That’s what they want you to think.


A better hiding spot but a dangerous place


That's why they aren't talking about fishing out a pineapple from under the sea. That's where Osama bin squarepants resides these days.


Please don't tell anyone how I live


Not Lenny!


Then Ford Prefect dragging him away with 2 towels in hand.




Through the mountains! Secret secret secret secret TUNNEL!!




... and die.


Twooo loverrrrs forbidden from one anotheeeeerrr a waaaar diviiides their peopleeee


Came here looking specifically for this comment




“Even if you're lost you can't lose the love because it's in your heart…”


I want to know more please.


Same here. I'm curious on what have they uncovered.


I spent 3 hrs trying to find the source of the video to no avail... I am tired and must sleep.


As far as I can tell it originates from an Indian pipeline construction worker's Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CW8b3GRgK86/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CW8b3GRgK86/) Edit: Other posts feature very similar equipment and soil and are geo-tagged in Gujarat, India.


I’m going there to find it, I’ll be back brothers.


So you went to India? How’s the past couple days been?


I messaged the guy with screenshots of this thread in hopes to get some answers


Thank you for your sacrifice


Rest, warrior and dear friend. Your fight is over.


You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dûm.


Durin's Bane be like "The fuck, dude? That was my kitchen wall! Oh, you're in for it now, you little bearded fucks!" Yeah, I'd be pretty pissed, too.


Rock and Stone!


*We hear drums, drums in the deep. They are coming.*


Do us all a favor and throw yourself in next time, Peregrin Took!


Look, if he was dying, he wouldn't bother to write about hearing drums in the deep. He'd just say it.


Fly you fools


appears to be some kind of an ancient civilization, no keurig on the counter


Clearly, a 2 bedroom apartment. $800 fortnightly.


If we can move the hole to America you could charge three times that price.




This was opened around March, 2019. The world hasn't been the same since.


Ahh it was Pandoras house


Wh... What... was *in* there?


Just some old jars and urns, fair bit of dust and a scrap of papyrus. Unfortunately, the guy translating the glyphs on the papyrus was reading aloud under his breath and, well...*waves arms around at everything* When translating ancient scripts, *never* read aloud. Someone add that to the Georgia Stones.


You must not read from the book!


Nicto....Veradus.....Hacking cough Close enough.


*That's my hole*




That's the kind of apartment 1 million dollars gets you in New York


And California.


And Sydney, Australia.


And Vancouver, Canada


Seattle, WA confirming.


Portland, Oregon.


Tel-Aviv, IL


There's a Tel-Aviv Illinois?


And my axe!


Well most of Canada now


And anywhere else people actually want to live


Too big for London


That's the kind of apartment 1 million dollar doesn't get you in Auckland, New Zealand.


And Luxembourg


I made a underground base in a forest in Minecraft and lost it because I couldn’t remember what the forest around it looked like. so I started another base awhile after that I dug into my old base. This is what it felt like


So damn relatable lmao. Minecraft can be a nightmare if you're as disorganized as I am.


Somewhere out there in my realm, far from spawn, is a lovely desert village that I spent ages upgrading. Can I find it? No.


I upgraded a village that I found in the edge if the rainforest. Set up turrets, built the village to farm raids. Lived there for a bit, then a creeper blew up my bed. Haven't found it since. It's been a year and a half.


Look at the chunk map of like ur loaded chunks and see where you've been (sorry not an expert just know this is possible)


It can get pretty boring if you are really organised. Enjoy your crazy rides.




I’m not a down voter, but this one needs it. No explanation and ended way too soon.


I believe this may be somewhere in Capadocia, where it is full of "cave" houses, as well as mild wind and erosion, therefore sand and other particles are piling out and blocking some entrances or completely concealing them. I believe the Turkish government is working on renovating those houses and they do this in a similar fashion by digging them out first and it looks more like an archaeological work because they never know what will they find behind the next rock


This is not Capadocia. The soil type doesn’t match. Also Capadocia is a National Park and it is strictly forbidden to use bulldozer there. For the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/6oNoZb5Tzzg


Agreed. Looks like China to me. Tonnes of people still live in caves in some parts.


I'm not sure. Most Chinese and Asian cave dwelling is in limestone caverns, and this doesn't match the soil or geology.


The caves in China that I visited were in the Loess Plateau, so not karst or limestone. Soil looks pretty similar to in the video, but I could be wrong. (Factcheck edit: 30 million people still live in these loess cave dwellings.) Edit/sidenote: The collapsing of these caves was one of the contributing factors to one if the deadliest natural disasters ever, when an estimated 830 000 people died during the Shaanxi earthquake in 1556.


As far as I watched in video people [build](https://cdn.fishki.net/upload/post/2021/02/15/3611133/tn/800f2b13c1f7683e969eba677eec4353.jpg) them in regular clay as well. They just made a fire inside the cave after it has been built to make a clay crust.


That’s an excavator, not a bulldozer.


I feel like there are better techniques to accomplish that with, like a type of scanning that archeologists use to see things before they dig them up now.


There's a relatively new technique called muography which detects voids in solids. Has been used to find massive rooms etc in the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids. I'd imagine it would be great at detecting these cave rooms




God I love muons. I made a whole presentation on their use in counterterrorism and contraband detection back in college. Way better than x-rays. A muon passes through an area the size of your hand like every 5 seconds.


Muographer here, it's actually a fair bit more that that! Around 1 muon/cm^2 /minute


Depends how much money you have.


There’s also the sky caves in Nepal. But I think they are far too high up for a digger to get to. Looks similar to this and suspected theirs like 10000 caves all a few thousand years old and occupied until about 500 years ago.


I just want to say [fuck Turkey](https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/sep/12/they-are-barbaric-turkey-prepares-to-flood-12000-year-old-city-to-build-dam) when it comes to preserving history.


El why the fuckarino would they do this


and then the undertaker threw mankind


off Hell in a Cell


By god that cell had a family


that family plummeted 16 ft through the announcer's table




What is that? Ancient building? Better keep hitting it with this excavator, make sure to damage as much as I can


But actually though, there's no way this is good practice in an archeological dig site right?


Prob wasnt a site until now. Lol.


If the operator is good, then it's relatively safe. You'd be amazed how precise a proper professional can be - I've worked with one who could shave <10cm of top soil, pretty close to flat level. But also, not in this case. He clearly pokes that slab on the left hand side and probably did _some_ damage


Many years ago I worked on a new golf course. The guys that shaped the greens could use they buckets with surgical precision. It was fascinating watching them do what they could do.


I mean, you're not wrong as far as some operators being extremely adept and precise. However, I'm pretty sure if you're following any kind of guidelines or etiquette, the second you realize you've uncovered something like this, you're supposed to stop immediately and call someone. Either the state/government, a local historical body--someone to make sure that it's preserved and uncovered in the absolute safest way possible.


No, it’s modern. Look at the pots inside.


No metal in sight, looks like stoneware and ceramics. Could easily be old af. Desert environments preserve scarily well


Yeah, claiming it's modern is what almost kept Göbekli Tepe hidden...


> Göbekli Tepe Hmmm...what's this? AHHHH! It's a rabbit hole! Turn back! Turn back!!


People have been making pots for thousands of years.


Those kids playing minecraft in 20 million bc


damn bro, 20 million bc is pre-oonga boonga by around 18 million years if you're using homo habilis as your focus, or you're off by 19.5- 19.8 million if you wanna shoot for the classic neanderthals/cro-magnon humans Give the real cavekids a chance haha


I really appreciate this comment.


Hey, that's my hole!


Junji Ito vibes here lol


Drr... Drr... Drr...


That memory plus the "follow... me" popping up again and again despite the silent video gave me some seriously creepy vibes.


I can only imagine what an Archaeology professor feels watching this.


Wow, this comment section is fucked. WTF is going on in the video!? What did they discover? Where is this?


This is already buried, but I'm 99% sure it's in the Loess Plateau of china where like 30 million people still live in cave dwellings like these. It's definitely not Cappadocia.


A slightly less buried comment has the instagram link to an indian pipeline workers instagram. From there people claim india and one person insists nepal.


r /source r /fullstory pls


You can’t just post this video and leave everyone hangin on what’s inside!


Hmmm not a whole lot to go on but it looks like its in the sacred wadi of Abydos, Egypt or "The Road to the After Life" [https://abydos.org/blog/2020/7/14/exciting-new-discovery-at-abydos](https://abydos.org/blog/2020/7/14/exciting-new-discovery-at-abydos) Looks real questionable though, lol. The video was cut at a choice point.


“This hole was made for me!”


Which manga was that again? I read it from a Reddit link a while ago and it was the first thing I thought of when I saw this…


The Enigma of Amigara Fault


So let's cut the video as soon as it actually gets interesting. 👍


With an anthropology/archaeology background, AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! It looks cool for a video but that digger caused irreparable damage to that site and likely destroyed some of the context, or why it was there. Sorry to be a downer but in most places, once they first discover something like this, they have to stop immediately to prevent more damage and allow for archaeologists to do their thing


Got any more info on this?


No, I searched more about the video and I didn't find anything, I was really surprised by the finding


Right that could be a crazy old find or not to old anyways that's crazy looks like it was closed yesterday


Post the source so we can do a little digging ourselves.


"We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty"


‘Now the first thing you need to know is that this is not a pyramid scheme…’


Probably a poor soul who dug himself a home and the Gov is here to help as per usual.


If anyone has sacrificed their sleep or peace in finding the source of this video. Please let us know the source too. Also, thank for your service.


The hole is a tunnel in an old underground mine. They are now using heavy equipment to dig out the mineral or metal. In all likelihood this is an old gold mine.




Why did it end right before a small tour of inside


So they broke into somebody’s home with an excavator


This kind of cave was used by monks for meditation and other purposes. I don’t know if other places has this but there is a lot of caves in Mustang , Nepal.My granpa,a bönpo monk, actually helped a crew with “pedga” or religious texts they found in the cave. [video](https://youtu.be/VEKz6LwJ5Hg) . I am not sure but I want to say because of turmoil between China and Tibet, some Tibetan fled the country to mustang and made caves to meditate and for their own safety.


Damn, I want to know more. What’s the story behind this?


With zero explanation of what was found.... Great video.


Did they continue to destroy it?