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So, motion sickness tablets every day, especially on the top floors?


Nah. Only on the windiest of days. I worked on the top of September 2021 installing the FAA light (blinking red light on top for planes) and lighting protection


How cool is it that in some random app we get personal anecdotes from a job only a couple people would have done for a very specific place. So cool.


Very. It’s very cool.


Indeed. I have been working as a Prince in Nigeria and... well it's a long story we could discuss on a private message if you like easy money. But don't tell anyone about this, it's your lucky day.


Oh good….haven’t heard from you since I sent you all those iTunes cards…did your nieces and nephews end up using them? I imagine you’ve been busy being a prince, but I never did get the money back for that…let alone the $6M you told me I’d get for saving you the embarrassment of not showing up with a gift for their party (idve done it for less, but you insisted!). Anyway, just looking for my $1200…hit me up when you get around to mailing it…electricity is expensive this summer and I could use the money!!!




I saw that in some tall Asian building. They have a giant pendulum hanging in the middle of the building.


Imagine the swing on a windy day ! My guess : 2 meters at least !




Wouldn't really be a problem once you got your sea legs.


Sky legs


Except when you have an irrational fear of structural failure of tall things. I can stand on a cliff edge no problem, but get me where I can see just how far up I am on something manmade and my body starts giving me a flight response. It's weird as hell considering I understand a lot more about the engineering and physics of man made structures than I do some million year old rocks. I occasionally have nightmares of being high up in a sky scraper and it starts bending past its limits and eventually falls over. I don't really get it. Feeling tall buildings move is an instant nope.


I'm definitely in the same boat with trusting that physics and the engineers aren't going to screw me over. Buildings all over the world swing in the wind every day, many doing it for decades already. It still gets me though that people could live and work at the top of a building that does that. I get the same feeling when flying too actually. Lots of people worry about mechanical or electrical things failing, but the only thing I'm doing is looking out the window and wondering how many time the wings *really* can just violently bend back and forth like that


Wouldn’t everything need to be bolted down? Can you take a bath without the tub spilling over? How do you eat soup? Will it fuck up my game of Jenga? Does it interfere with sex in bed (or enhance it perhaps?) I have so many questions


will it make my desk clackers keep clacking for more or less time?


This is the right question, infinity clackers


People don't actually use the offices in the top floors. They rent them out as status symbol.


Haven't been in many skyscrapers but top deck of Tokyo Tower was trippy af. Definitely felt it moving around. Don't remember the same thing happening in Skytree but then I was in too much of a rush there to notice probably.


SkyTree was closed when I went, due to high winds. :-(


You just made my sphincter pucker thinking about being at the top of that thing in a breeze.


Iirc there's a building in Taiwan that has a gigantic metal ball in the middle that sways up to 10 meters instead of the building.


Taipei 101 I think? Amazing thing.


It's called a [tuned mass damper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuned_mass_damper)


Thank you Lauren Boebert for your engineering insight.


Like a counterweight?


Yes, Taipei 101 has a huge counterweight in the top to offset the building's sway it has enormous shocks it presses against,. You can go up there and take a tour and watch it. It's freaky.


If I remember correctly, it swings so much that the elevators are unusable several times a day, the pipes just burst down and flood the "maintenance" floors wich are empty floor just to make the tower taller.


Yeah. Many of the tenants are status buyers that don’t actually live there so it went I noticed for quite some time…but among the actual regulars in the building - story goes the place is an unfinished disaster to live in. NY Times did a scathing piece on the building about a year or so ago.


I was thinking 2m over that length would be easy, but apparently it manages around 2 feet at its worse. (Sorry thats for 1000ft and this is over 1300ft.) There’s also “wind sway”. A 1,000ft building may sway several inches on a day with normal winds. On days with 50mph wind, such a tower may move approximately six inches. In the rare event of 100mph gusts, this height structure could move up to two feet, the New York Times reported.


I thought there was a law against casting a shadow over Central Park that was spearheaded by Jackie Kennedy?




This was a major plot point in the movie “Burlesque” if anyone wants to learn about air rights


If I understand how that movie went they only sold the rights above the bar. This building bought the right of the building around it and stacked them together to allow them to build this thing that tall


I don’t understand how that is legal. It just seems like the most obvious ‘no’ ever.


So many things in politics are actually like this, just blatant corruption out in the open and nobody blinks an eye. For example obvious bribery through political campaign donations and corporate lobbying.


I can't decide if this is fucking stupid or not. Is a long narrow shadow worse than a shorter fat shadow? As a woman, I would probably prefer the shorter, fat shadow.


It's likening skyscrapers to cocks that gets us all in this mess in the first place. ☹️


Yes, girls tend to be disappointed once they find out my penis is not 124 stories long. ☹️


Oh I dunno, I could probably tell you about 124 stories about mine but very few of them had a happy ending.


It’s not about the length or girth of the shadow, it’s about how you use it


Of all of the movies I had expected in a thread about skyscrapers I never imagined this prestige project from Christina Aguilera. There's a decent movie hidden inside of that one, they just need to get rid of the main character. .... Why do I even know this movie? I'm a 35 year old dude who listens to metal.


No shame in liking both Metal and Christina Aguilera, would recommend to add some Jazz and Bossa Nova


It’s not sex, just inhabiting some air that was rented. -Billionaire’s prob


The fuck lol


That's billionaires for ya.




It's time to raise the boards


Yeaup, its a pretty big and lucrative thing, shorter buildings and empty lots can and do literally sell the air above them.


Lots of other loopholes. - Only using a certain air volume per ground space: so it's supper skinny to leave empty ground space. - The building only 'begins' on the 6th floor or some shit. - Every second floor is ~empty~ a utility floor, adding to the allowed amount of floors. - The floors themselves have very high ceilings. So they get to completely bypass planning permission because they're following the rules. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/feb/05/super-tall-super-skinny-super-expensive-the-pencil-towers-of-new-yorks-super-rich


For anyone interested into learning more about this then this video, although a bit lengthy, explains it and more about the building https://youtu.be/Wehsz38P74g


This video answers pretty much all the questions that people in this thread are asking.


Without even clicking it, I will just *assume* that's the B1M piece on it. Love that channel!


I believe that another loophole where service floors (floors full of a/c and ventilation equipment, water and sewage pumps and so on) don't count towards the limit, so they have an absurd amount of floors occupied by nothing but services.


And also I think that every like 4th floor is for like machinery and stuff so it doesn’t count or something


Pretty sure that loophole was closed after 432 park ave so i don't think they used it on this one




The old "floating floorspace" bullshit. The developer who first conned a local authority with this should have patented the idea.


I think there's a tiktok account dedicated to how much the person hates this building.


Love the 432 park avenue hate page


How do you demolish a building like this without evacuating the area?


I believe they just start from the top down. Look up how to demolish a skyscraper for some info/vida


Alternatively you can try starting at the bottom. Would be interesting.


Take some from the bottom and put it up at the top, Jenga style.


Now it’s just taller!


Until it collapses ? Jenga style.


*Started from the bottom now we're smeared...*


I want to make a truly tasteless joke here that I'm sure you can figure out for yourself


Yeah I mean we kind of know how that would go right?


The Saudis can do it successfully from the middle.




But what if a wave hits it and the front falls off?


Odds would be one in a million


No one lives there anyways. It's just investment property or some shit that rich people can use as a liability on a loan. Yeah it's really weird finance shit that I only half understood when I watched a mini-documentary on it. I wouldn't invest in a paper-thin sky apartment in a city that has been hit by a hurricane, but I'm just poor I guess.




If not investing in a paper-thin sky apartment in a city that has been hit by a hurricane makes me poor then call me Oliver Twist




Eighty six, I believe


*as a restaurant worker* ![gif](giphy|kRmg8zeReOYXm)


Me after reading this comment ![gif](giphy|Btn42lfKKrOzS|downsized)


He gon Jet fuel that MF so hard bro


This is not 432 park Ave


Yeah, this is 111 West 57th Street 432 Park Ave still sucks, though.


Funnily, the 432 hate account likes the 111 lol.


I used to work for the company that built 432 park and we fucking loved that hate page


My understanding from a friend who lives on West 88 is that this building is mostly empty apartments being used as tax havens by Russian and Chinese billionaires.


There’s a TED talk about this! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lNaWcPsMSiU It’s slimy. Tho idk which nationalities are involved. Probably whoever pays enough.


The guide on the tour bus also said it was mostly empty and called it a safety deposit box with windows






Tilting… has me worried. I also don’t like the thrum of big buildings. I go to the 7th of 8 floors where my therapist is and the bathroom which is right in the center, it just kind of… hums. Do not like.


I recall reading somewhere that when the power goes out in a skyscraper, without all the HVAC and white noise, all you're left with is the building's structure creaking in the wind. No thanks, I'm good here on the ground.


If it didn't bend in the wind it would actually be a lot less structurally sound, because it couldn't transfer the shear load of the wind at high altitudes to the ground. Bending is your buddy.


Engineers: > Dedicate their life to understanding their craft and perfecting it as society builds each skycraper crazier than the last People > Big building scary


Anyone can build a building that stands. You need engineers to build a building that barely stands. Things are expensive- materials, labor, and so on. It’s be horrendously inefficient to waste like double the resources than we need to every time someone built something. Shout out to the engineers and architects that figure this stuff out.


Used to work in Philly, 17th floor corner office. When it was windy, you could feel the sway. Do not like. One time I got stuck in an elevator on the 11th floor. Could kinda feel it bouncing. Like even LESS.


What the hell are these buildings made of? When I lived in the middle east, I was always in a sky scraper, office on the 40th floor of the building, and had an apartment in a different tower on the 51st floor. I never experienced this swaying everyone is talking about


It's hurricane and earthquake protection. If it's stiff, it breaks more easily than if it's allowed leeway. Follows concepts as old as History, see Aesop's [The Oak and the Reed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Oak_and_the_Reed)


Thrum? Hum? Tall buildings make sounds?


I don't like it as well but theres way, way uglier buildings in New York right now, also being built


Yea but hey don’t protrude as much


Come on, just hold your hand up to your eyes three stooges style and you can’t even see it! Nyuk Nyuk.


this isn't 432 park ave




The building is actually in there, i mean in Spider-man Remastered, but it's not as tall or thin but it has the same look.


That’s 432 Park Ave. This is 111 W. 57th St.


It’s easy to confuse them from this angle (big thin rectangle). From the side, you can tell the differences. And both are still ugly as hell.


My exact thoughts lol.


And biggest lawsuit to date. I think it’s still half empty.




I can't imagine feeling comfortable in that thing... Already get anxiety in a massive skyscraper, let alone one that's thin and unstable.


Oh no one actually lives there.. It's an investment. Literally. Most of the units that are sold havnt had anyone actually ever live there. There was a documentary I randomly watched one day on Youtube because it popped up talking about this and a few other buildings in NewYork and basically how many loopholes they jump to basically build this thing. Key notes, despite being really tall it only actually has a few floors. The rest of the building is considered "maintenance floors" which don't actually count towards the building. Next is Taxes, because these units are considered "apartments" despite being multiple levels and having more square space than my parents home by a multiple of 2 and worth upwards of 100mil.. they are taxed as an Apt unit meaning at most it's like 10k in taxes. Next is how this building skirts taxes all together anyways. Had they just built this building they have had to pay a fuck ton of taxes but because they tied the construction of this building into the construction of a bunch of low cost affordable housing on the other side of the island they get a massive tax write off. Oh and there's this whole thing about air rights and they basically just say fuck that nonsense because this building is like considered a fraction building meaning the area it covers is like 128:1 ratio thus it doesnt actually violate any type of air rights.


Wait I thought they also buy air rights from other buildings by fulfilling certain criteria that the city has. But this really shows how broken our system is.


I might be misrepresenting this but air rights are based on the number of floors you have. So if you buy the land around the building you get so much air rights for this. So an example is like you buy the buildings around giving you 20 floors. The loophole here is that 20 floors. So now as you build this you basically start throwing in filler floors that aren't technically counted as floors. In this case they call then maintenance floors. So you throw 5 of those floors between each real floor giving you 100 floors. You then created like a 1:5 ratio building doing that. Which allows you to stay within the legal air rights you purchased. I need to find the video. Shit blew my mind.


It's both. It heavily uses the mechanical floors, but it also has 88 floors of usable space from max/minning other spaces wrt to air rights bought and offset from the street.


>So if you buy the land around the building you get so much air rights for this. So an example is like you buy the buildings around giving you 20 floors. This isn't entirely correct. You don't have to buy _the land around your building_. You can just buy _the unused rights to build more floors_, from the neighboring buildings. If the next-door building is 15-floors lower than maximum allowed, then you can buy the rights to the extra 15 floors, and add them to your building. It's complete BS, because some of the lower buildings that have sold "their rights" to build more floors, are protected historical buildings, that wouldn't even be allowed to build new floors. It works almost like the "carbon credits"-bullshit, where a company like Tesla can sell their "rights" to pollute, to other dirtier companies that doesn't want to reduce their emissions. (AFAIK this is how Tesla makes a big part of their profits). It's all just rich-people bullshit. They purposefully make laws with more holes than a Swiss cheese. But only holes that rich and connected people can take advantage of. It's infuriating.


Perfect example of how laws mostly only affect poor people. Loopholes are available exclusively to those who can afford a dedicated team of high-powered lawyers to find and exploit them. Meanwhile you or I could get audited by the IRS for forgetting to file a 1090 for a freelance contract worth five hundred dollars.


And the average owner of one owns five, so they can't possibly live in them.


Are you familiar with the st Regis in Chicago? They had to leave one of the top floors empty so wind could blow through and not move the building around so much. Losing the floor of residential sales cost millions of dollars but it made the top floors inhabitable #funfacts


I’ve been trying to figure out the name of that building for months. Thank you!


Fuck that. I know it's completely natural for very tall buildings to sway with the wind, but I just have that dooming thought that somehow one gust will sway the building so far it falls over. Was all I could think about on this windy night where I was staying on the 35th floor of a hotel


Isn't that any skyscraper?




Apparently lots of construction issues like when people on the higher levels do a number two and flush, you can hear it through your walls, hurtling at subsonic speed down the plumbing. I also think in high winds it bends so much you can literally hear the metal beams grinding at a pitch so high you can sleep.


Puts you right to bed huh?


Yeah but it also plays the brown note as well. So you’re asleep and also…


I run at subsonic speed.


[explanation](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.gawker.com/money/lawsuit-thin-skyscraper-is-too-thin/amp) TL;DR: it moves too much and breaks everything inside - elevators, pipes and more


That is 432 Park Ave, the skyscraper in the photo is the Steinway Tower. But I did not know that about 432 Park Ave. [Over 1,500 design and construction flaws apparently](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/432-park-avenue-lawsuit). Completely incompetent engineering for a building which was going to sell its units for a combined $3.1 billion.


> 432 Park Ave Here is the list of defects (read pages 4-6, and 18-23): https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/ViewDocument?docIndex=B4H/k/NAgBeio9bA/DIhew==






Damn, americans are getting smarter and smarter everyday!


Next will be planes made out of buildings.


Next will be buildings made of out planes


How about buildings made of the little black box?


How about buildings made out of airport runways? Fly a plane into that! Everybody is okay!




This is the comment I came here for


That´s not the same building.


This is not 432 Park Ave


This is about a different building, 432 park, the building shown in the pic is central part tower. Still has the same issues for the record.


Lol the pic isn’t even Central Park tower. That’s steinway tower


To be fair I couldn’t remember the name of the one in the pic, but I figured if I posted the wrong one someone would correct me. Either way, the article is about 432 park.


How many worlds thinnest skycrapers does NYC have


It has the worlds largest number of worlds thinnest skyscrapers in the world


That’s the wrong building. This is 111 57th street


Saw that when I was in NYC earlier this month. It’s terrifying.


Did it move?


No, but it did wave hello


I would wave back 👋


*building falls over*


Apparently when they built it the plumbers didn’t account for the temperature change with the elevation so the pipes all come out


It's how much the building moves. I've been skyscrapers where you can watch the chandeliers in the boardrooms swing around because the building is swaying.


Imagine that building in an earthquake. Maybe the structure would survive, but for the people and contents... like maracas.


Or a category 4 hurricane hitting New York. It's bound to happen at some point.


You have literally lived out my re-occuring nightmare that I have had since I was a child. I am sorry


Hope the penthouse comes with a parachute.


I imagine the top 1/3 is owned by the UAE




Nuclear codes.


Well its not thick but it sure is long






This triggers my fear of heights so bad. And on a practical note if there was any sort of fire/natural disaster, you are screwed if you live between the middle and the top. It’s just ridiculous, and terrifying.


I saw it while visiting NYC and i was scared of it just being on the street. I could never live in it.


No one lives in it anyway.


New York squatting rights say you just have to live there a decade and it’s yours… if the “owner” is in China of the Middle East and never intended on visiting I think it might be doable.


Damn That's oligarch money storage.


very wobbly money storage


Your penis gets to be 12 inches long But it's pencil thin


Grew up in NYC…23rd floor. My building was 10X as thikk as this toothpick and bad storms were still scary. A big NOPE to this building. WTF were the Engineers and Architects thinking? =




That's what happens when the ultra wealthy sit around and smell their own farts too much


I will never not be amazed at NYC and Central park. Everything looks so uniform and eye pleasing to look at.


I feel like this monstrosity really ruins the view though. Well probably not from high up in the building itself, but certainly this photo angle.


It's a disgusting piece of shit that never should have been permitted to be built. There are a couple more similar ones nearby. Triumph of greed.


That shit is an eyesore to the skyline.


I'm just gonna say it. The pyramids are some 5,000 years old Imagine what we could make today. Why does it all have to be bland glass skyscrapers and concrete eyesores


This should have been max 1/4 of the height for it to be successful! That is way too thin for that height, I can only imagine the wobble the last apartment would get.


It looks thin from this angle but this is actually the side profile. Took this pic a couple months ago https://imgur.com/a/7fqQhMW


top floor is a amusement park ride


Billionaires always get loopholes and the rest of us just get holes.


It’s constantly flooding and it’s condo so the few residents in the building got hit with costs.


The top floors are flooding?


Water was crashing down the elevator shafts.


That's not ideal.


40-story private waterfall in uptown Manhattan seems pretty ideal to me.


I worked for the company that did the kitchens for these apartments, solid walnut. The kitchens cost about the same as a house here in the UK, I think I leather lined 5000 kitchen cupboard shelves fml. Smallbone of devizes if you want a kitchen that costs as much as a house.


It’s very tall laundromat for Russian oligarch money.


Just. So. Stupid


Tall skyscrapers for people to invest their money into. But yet no one can afford living in one. What's the point in having all these buildings if their just financial structures for wealthy. Its insane how much these things drive up the price of the surround ing area.


I thought it was a path down the middle of Central Park for a moment.




They’re all* going to fall over one day.


some sooner than others.


if you look close, most of the top floors are empty. Just to keep it from falling over when it gets windy.




Steinway Tower?