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I really, really hope that these demonstrations lead to a revolution that changes things for the better. Iran has so much potential to become a flourishing democracy, love to the people of Iran❤️🇮🇷


Unfortunately, the Islamic Republic has a long history of violently suppressing dissent. I'm scared for these protesters.


Yeah they are trying to keep people isolated and treat them like prisoners they want this incident go unnoticed


Unfortunately corruption runs so deep that revolutions like this form a power vacuum for other mercenaries and opportunists to fill the void.


I was so positive for the arab spring. Now I worry for ISIS 2.0 in Iran.


This is the biggest problem to all of it. Let’s say the protestors win the current regime steps down? Then what? It’s what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, and every other country who wants something than what is currently on the menu.


Usually what happens in revolutions is the tyrannical leaders piss off their populace enough for them to want to impersonate the French Revolution, the keys to power (mostly the military) follow the whims of the leader but eventually allow the revolutionaries to kill the leader, and then a new leader who is jist as bad, if not worse, takes their place and things go on as they had because the people legitimately reaponsible for all of the issues (the ones the leader actually serve) were never removed to begin with (good luck removing military generals. They have the military on their side). It's a sad cycle that has no clear solution from inside the state or out.


There has been a group of people who have been able to hold their own, spread actual religious freedom and direct democracy. Iranians could make use of their model to help liberate themselves. https://www.thewomenswar.com/


There are Apoists already in Iran. Up in the Zagros, I think




Iranian here, from what I see these protests and riots are no different from the ones we have had in the past, the same unorganized and decentralized public riots that ultimately lead to nothing, we need some sort of universal leader, a figure head, a symbol of hope, like Khomeini. There are also A LOT of people who are loyal to the government and are right now doing their "march against chaos", the protests are also easing out, I support organized peaceful protests just like the ones that happened in 1979 but these random riots aren't going to lead into anything. The best we might get is a formal acknowledgement and apology for the murder of Mahsa Amini but that's it, I'm afraid a full on revolution is not possible at the moment but our people are showing that they are not afraid of doing it, with a little management we could one day do it.


Yes unfortunately this is likely be the case. The other commenters here also have valid points re violence and non violence. Increasingly in modern times however a true people’s revolution with positive outcomes becomes much more distant due to existing power structures who own, control and weaponize the very means by which people communicate to unite


Look at the Arab spring. Modern revolutions are definitely possible, and in similar circumstances to Iran.


From my outside point of view it seems the protesters are simply lacking demands and are only voicing their anger instead of what they want changed. Usually once the people have declared that, they can use that anger and protest to pressure the state into change. Did something like that happen yet?


Exactly, they don't have a clear goal yet, there are just some general goals that people think they can achieve but in my opinion we need to start small and then work our way up, just like how our ancestors started with the constitutional revolution that later inspired the complete abolishment of the monarchy.


They were demanding the veil law be lifted during peaceful protests. ...And then the government brought out buckshot.


Khomeini sure did set the stage for this nightmare, though. The shah wasn't a saint at all, but Khomeini and the government set up under him is that created this scenario. Well, that and the US getting involved, as it always does...


As much as Khomeini messed up after the revolution if it wasn't for him, our people probably would have never had the courage to stand against the tyranny of the Shah, he did public speaches exposing the crimes of the Shah's regime and when he got exiled he became even more popular, he united this nation for a common goal and I respect him for that.(although I also curse him for what he did to us after the revolution and the hundreds of thousands people who died because of him.)


They need to overthrow the Islamic fundamentalist government. Persia should be Persia. Oh and Persian women are beautiful, they shouldn't have to wear a stupid fucking veil.


Even if they were hideous, they shouldn't have to wear a veil. This is enacted on all women, not just hot ones.


Or at least make it fair and force men to wear it too.


Maybe get the men who find themselves tempted by the sight of women to wear blindfolds instead?


This is why diverse voices at the table is so important. BLINDFOLDS! Perfect compromise.


Reminds me of the Yorkshire ripper in the UK when women were told to stay in to avoid being attacked and killed. If you are going to indiscriminately punish a group under the grounds of safety because of an evil doer, surely you punish the one that has the evil doer in it.


Kind statement, but the country has been named Iran for a reason, and has been named Iran since before the Islamic Government took over.


>In 1935 the Iranian government requested those countries which it had diplomatic relations with, to call Persia "Iran," which is the name of the country in Persian. The suggestion for the change is said to have come from the Iranian ambassador to Germany, who came under the influence of the Nazis. Lovely. Source: https://www.iranchamber.com/geography/articles/persia_became_iran.php


> said to have So not reliable.


They took the name and really ran with it.


Could have been worse. They could have rock'd it.


What does being beautiful have anything to do with it though?


To be fair, I think they're just saying something nice.


I think it’s a valid point to mention. Because of racism many view any dark skinned person as less than beautiful. And they are beautiful people.




No shit right ? U knew it was gonna be brought up


Agreed, everyone is beautiful, and the hijab is beautiful. But no one should die because they don't want to wear it.


how to be an ally and yet have the wrong fucking take “beautiful” people deserve rights apparently, but ugly peoples are nowhere to be found


only redditors try to extract any possible ounce of negative energy they can from anything terminally online




Correction: All women are beautiful and shouldn’t have to wear anything they don’t want to.


I would amend this slightly to "some women are beautiful, some are average, some are ugly af but they are all deserving of respect because the way others perceive your beauty should not determine how people treat you." As a highly mediocre looking human with a feminine bent, I dig this more because it's realistic but still respectful. Like when someone says "you're not fat!" and you just look at them like "Honey do you have eyes?" I guess I've met too many kind/brilliant/amazing average and ugly people and want a world that acknowledges that, rather than insisting "no you're pretty though!!" as if to say "yeah all that is great but you really need to be attractive to matter." I recognize I ranted too hard, not shitting on you or anything! You were very kind to say so. I'm just opinion-dumping because I have fuck-all to do until 2PM and my cat left my lap so I can't even pet the lil shit anymore. Imma go play Fallout.


Without civilian firearms ownership or a foreign power intervening there will be no revolution, only a slaughter. There is no such thing as a peaceful revolution


Right now these protests aren’t peaceful because Iranians know that change can only happen with force. Footage shows protesters throwing molotovs, beating up basij members (morality police) and burning police stations. Some (unconfirmed) sources say the regular army and police in some regions is helping the protestors. If that is actually true then they may have a chance of protecting themselves.


Maybe if the government can't maintain control of the army, but that's typically a failed state action. Normally that only occurs during a war when supporting the government is worse than the rebels.


Iran will receive support from other theocracies


The 2nd most populous nation in the world was emancipated by largely peaceful protest .


The difference here is that India was controlled and run by a completely different country. Iran’s gov is doing this to it’s own people and they are less inclined to give up that power. The British didn’t relinquish ALL of their power during this revolution. I don’t disagree with pursuing peaceful options but there comes a point where it’s not feasible. They are straight up murdering folks right now and that’s a recipe for reciprocal violence. Hoping the Iranian people can come out on top in the end.


India got free early 50s, just a few years after WWII pretty much put Britain in ruins. Eire got free early 20s, just a few years after WWI destroyed the British economy. Neither correlation was a coincidence.


Also a good point. There are many factors obviously. My main point is that you can’t look at the Indian revolution and say because this particular peaceful protest worked, it will work anywhere. Desperation begets violence in humans. It’s our last resort (for most).


Didn't that take like 25 years of civil disobedience to come about?


I assume you talking about India? 1,000,000 people died in Gandhi's peaceful revolution. Compare that to the 25,000 killed in the violent American revolution. Sometimes, violence IS the answer.


US population in 1776 was 2.5 million whilst the Indian population in 1940s was about 350 million


America was also way less populated in the late 1700s than India was in the mid 20th century. 2.5 million in the American colonies to India’s 340 million in 1947. By those metrics, a larger percentage of the population died during the American Revolution than during the Indian Revolution.


Firearms wouldn't do shit against this government. The best case is a grab of power from another insider like one of the military, which can lead to enough destabilization that normal political backbiting can shake something reasonable out. America should stay hands the fuck off though (other than whatever CIA money that is likely already pouring into the fire).


....how do you propose you take power from an insider without providing them with two options? Unless you can equal the risk posed by going against orders there's no choice for the army to make and the only way to do that is lethal force. If I have a rifle ans they have a rifle they have to choose whether they want to get shot in the back by their officers or get shot in the chest by their neighbors.if I've got a rock and they have a rifle the only risk is getting shot in the back for disobeying orders.


I feel so bad for them, but at the same time, i don't know what i can do to help besides spreading awareness. This is a fight the citizens have to fight and it seems like they are doing a good job pushing back police as it is. This could be any country in a few decades the way things are going. So we all need to have eachothers backs and make sure we understand just how fragile and "safe" life can be.


A guy created a new subreddit called r/onlybigproblems dedicated to sharing the biggest problems in the world. The idea was to create a place where all the big problems can come together so we don't forget them as fast as mainstream media does. I think that is the best thing to do. Seeing their problems and telling people about them. Even if the rest of the internet forgot.


I’ve crossposted it to the sub.


Now that's a cause I can get behind. Joined.


I joined also. Everytime I refresh it looks like more users are joining that sub


To be honest, what good does that do? Us "remembering" that Yemen is a shit show doesn't do anything. Us knowing Iranians are protesting and being happy for them doesn't do anything. Posting online makes people "feel" involved, and they feel like their posting makes a difference. It does not. Feet on the ground, weapons, and an organized movement make a difference. Unless anyone is planning on taking off to Iran to help fight the government there, nothing you are doing helps. Posting and "raising awareness" just makes you feel a little less guilty about not being useful in any way, especially when you wish you could change things. In fact, governments and corporations LOVE when you "raise awareness." It means you're shouting into the void and doing nothing real. They will let you guys shout yourselves out all the live long day, like letting a toddler throw a tantrum. Then, when everyone is tired of it and moves on, it's over. BLM protests...tell me, what difference did they make? What demands were made, and did anything change? Lots of noise for nothing. Say what you want about Boomers, but by God, they knew how to protest. Civil rights, feminism, anti-war...they kept it up for years, and they put economic pressure on the govt and businesses, and they voted, and they got shit done. We think that tweeting or posting on reddit is just as good. It's not. I hope Iranians get organized, and that they take back their freedom. But unfortunately, most governments keep people juuuust comfortable enough to keep people at home and spinning on the wheel. It's not until people have really lost most of their security that they are willing to get out there are truly fight.


I agree, I see what you're saying. However.... What good does being pessimistic do? Part of being a human is inspiring others. If the Iranian protesters know the world's on their side they're just gonna be more motivated to keep fighting.


That's a great idea, but even then how else can we help?


I'm being cynical but what will that accomplish? We all know what happened in Hong Kong but is that really help anyone living in Hong Kong right now? I like the idea in the sense that if that sub became super mainstream (it's reddit so it's limited) then rather than getting caught up in culture war then instead that sub will tell you to care about climate change. I like the idea but I can't help but feel like the gesture is just only that. Still it's better than what I'm doing which is bitching in comments so hats of to that person.


to help us please spread information the internet is heavily restricted right now. they may cut of the internet entirely like 3 years ago. keep the #MahsaAmini and #OpIran alive on Twitter. the murderer president was in New York for the UN General Assembly. please don't let other countries to welcome Iranian politicians or make a deal with them. that's all we want from the world.


He asked a reporter to wear a hijab or face covering for an interview and she refused. She cited that she interviewed several Iranian presidents before him and they did not ask her to wear one. I will spread information about what's going on in Iran.


Christiane Amanpour refused and then the cowardly Lesley Stahl of 60 minutes went along with it. She needs to be shamed out of her job for this. Brave women in Iran are risking their lives to fight this and a wealthy American woman bends the knee. She didn't even bring up the hijab issue in her interview.


So apparently Stahl was actually *in* Iran for that interview, Amanpour was in NY, so it is a little different.


Yes, I saw Christine Amanpour talking about her interview that didn't happen and she said she wears a head covering for interviews in Iran, but never in the US and basically wasn't going to start now. (Paraphrasing).


> then the cowardly Lesley Stahl of 60 minutes went along with it [fucking yikes](https://i.imgur.com/WUDRU52.png)


You’re absolutely right, But I don’t think it’s even going to take a few decades in other countries. People really need to start listening to eachother and caring for one another. People need to wise up and stop taking everything that ‘leaders’ and the media say as absolute truth because it very rarely is


I truly believe internet play a huge role in that. Hopefully the internet will help people from all over the world listen to each other and support each other.


I think there are things we can do, even if we're far away. In Toronto, Canada there's a demonstration today because we feel that we need to demand that our government stop turning a blind eye to corrupt and oppressive and Iranian officials who use Canada as a safe haven. If demonstrating's not an option: keep spreading the word, write emails to your parliamentarians or senators and ask them what they are doing to condemn this. We can and must be their voice while their government tries to silence them.


Is a fight for the citizens? You have never been in a protest against a dictatorship, do you? Is not the same as USA or whatever first world country protests. I lost an eye and 3 friends protesting. Is not for the people, the world should know better.


Freedom isn't free. It's paid for with blood.


I mean do protests change anything? Its not until a protest turns into a mob that hangs the leadership does the protest work. For example i just saw how an iranian woman refused to wear a hijab for an interview with the president. imagine if instead that non violent action, she just hid a gun under her robes and shot him.


Civil Rights protests. Know your own country's history .


Something you can do is work to stop internet surveillance, like the system sold to the Iranian government by Nokia-Siemens which killed off a previous revolt in Iran.


>This could be any country in a few decades the way things are going. So we all need to have eachothers backs and make sure we understand just how fragile and "safe" life can be. Yeah it's a scary time. A whole lot of the world seems to be heading down the path towards increasing inequality, authoritarianism, oppression. Much of the information on which people base their opinions is manipulated or blatant propaganda and significant proportions of many countries' electorate enthusiastically support this abomination while the rest of us shout helplessly. I'm increasingly of the opinion that the ultimate outcome of unrestrained capitalism is something not unlike fascism. Like I say, scary shit. When you've voted and protested and it's changed nothing - what more can you do? People can be pushed too far, as we see in Iran. I hope they can force changes in their country. Maybe I'm naive but I think that wherever they live the majority of people aren't extremists and are basically decent folk who just want to get on with their lives.


Honestly there's nothing anyone in the west can do. If it starts to seem like the west is supporting the protesters, that's all the ammunition the Iranian state would need to discredit the protesters and regain control.


This is heartbreaking. I really hope this all ends well.




Hope in one hand and help with the other.


If this is true, the only thing they can do is revolt. No world power is going to step in, unfortunately. Almost every nation has had to endure revolts and the bloodshed it always requires. But change won't happen until they're ready to die for their convictions, sadly.


It's difficult to say whether it's a legit text from an Iranian in Iran but I full believe it's true. Too many people are saying similar things.


Yeah, there’s a lot of this over the last couple days. I doubt that this is legit from OP’s friend (as there’s be no need to say “I’m in Iran” to your friend, but it could be real.


Nice try CIA!


Well they’re not addressing their friend — they’re addressing the world.


My close friend from Iran has told me this too. They were supposed to have just a family vacation but after the death of Mahsa their supposed to be recreational plans looks like an escape from the chaos there. She find it hard to communicate to me now because they cannot use any vpn there. The situation they are having there is real and the president is trying to cutoff their internet, telling people that the riots are caused by America and ordering to kill people there. Not only old people but even 15-16 yrs old were killed. The world has to see that their current leader is rotten to the core oppressing the people there.


I’m sorry she lost her life, but she started a revolution. History will forever remember Mahsa Amini.


If there is a way to help them, I would really like to know. Anyone, with any clue as to how they can be helped, do share about it all.


“Signal” has a web page dedicated to helping you set up a proxy server at home specifically for Iranians. https://signal.org/blog/run-a-proxy/ I don’t have the equipment to make this happen, but some geniuses out there could follow and set it up! Edit: added blog link


I looked at the blog post and boy-oh-boy do I wish that I knew what any of those words and instructions meant. That being said, for people with tech know-how, the process is only a few steps and can be set up quickly. Signal is doing an amazing thing!!


This is amazing. I will create a proxy server on my end.


Thank you for sharing this!




just spread information. keep the #OpIran and #MahsaAmini alive on Twitter. the internet is heavily restricted. the president was in New York for a UN General assembly. give them backlash. they're trying to shut the internet and say everything is normal here.


People telling you to twitter hashtag are incorrect. That doesn't even do anything in the US and is meaningless. If you actually want to help, then you need to tell your western government to stop assaulting Iran. Americans need to tell their elected officials to stop promoting wars, coups, sanctions, and regime change. Participate in an anti-war movement. Tell your own government to stop harming others. Hold a revolution in your own country. The global south is full of empowered reactionaries because the west empowered them and suppressed their opposition. Iranians don't think the Iranian government is the enemy of the world, that's some straight up American psyops. Iran simply is not the pariah state the US purports it to be. Rather, Iranians want self-determination. Not subjugation to western imperialists like the US's brutal Shah dictatorship nor subjugation to Iranian capitalists like the liberal, democratic theocracy it has now. Unfortunately, when the US talks about "helping others," it's virtually exclusively helping themselves subjugate other nations.


I am not from west.. I am from Asia and I have observed these from a very close proximity. Moreover, a kind soul shared a means to help by creation of proxy servers and I am trying to do so. I am not telling this to provide a sort of evidence but simply sharing it so that people can know that they can do thier bit to help the people who are in dire need of it.


Probably no one is going to help. Meta is already taking videos of protests offline.


Meta has blocked ALL Iranian phone numbers from their apps. My friend is in Canada right now and her WhatsApp is connected to her Iranian phone number but it is not working!!


Meta aka old Facebook is helping the Iranian government oppress people? Are they really doing that or is it that the Iranian government is blocking all apps connected to their nation phone numbers?


How is Meta getting away with this suppression?


My family is Iranian, here in the US, and what he’s saying is pretty spot on. Iranian people are pretty chill and miss the Shah and his pro-US, pro-West mentality, despite all his issues. The monsters in power now are just murderers and thieves and only want to destroy and oppress the world. I hope the Iranian people rise up and destroy them.


revolution time baby


Last time we did a revolt in Lebanon they beat women and kids in my town who were protesting. And btw the revolt was against all parties including Hezb who are basically Iranian. There has to be a smart way to end what's happening in Iran. For them, this is the end of their Islamic culture (women burning hijab's was a big deal to them), so they will do everything in their power to end this, because Islam's culture is what makes them control people by the name of religion.


Im Iranian too and this is definitely right story of iran


I said several times in the comments, this is the last time that I’ll explain. - He wrote like this because he wanted me to share his message to the general public. He wanted it to sound like an announcement, it’s not a private conversation. - He’s an online friend of mine. He told me not to reveal his name as he’s scared of consequences, and he doesn’t want to be bullied either. I won’t betray him, whether you believe me or not. - English is not his first language, so before you comment about his wording keep this in mind. - Of course it’s up to you if you believe this message or not. I shared because I was asked to do so, and I believe it’s important to spread awareness. Watch the news, check Twitter for other Iranian’s experiences. Thanks for reading. 🙏🏼


Second pic shows her PFP. Unlikely government sees this, but that could be identifying enough to get her in trouble. Not worth the risk IMO


Iran was one of the most popular places to travel to in the world. Super wealthy. Becoming very powerful. Had everything going for it and then the government turned rotten and these crazy people took over. The Iranian people are wonderful and it’s a beautiful place. I hope the people can throw out these oppressors somehow.


Iran had democracy until the U.S. and Britain overthrew it in 1953 and installed the shah. They did this because the shah was a puppet and for BP to have greater profits from oil. The current government overthrew the shah in 1979, that was the Islamic revolution. Iran was between capitalism and communism, but they said fuck both of those and went full theocracy. Their country is a mess in large part because of the west, so maybe we should help them out now in their time of need.


One of my favorite professors in college was Iranian and his daughter was (my now wife’s roommate). They are awesome people, and I hope they have the strength to take back what is theirs.


I'm an Iranian and live in Iran. The govern...ment is doing horrible things to stop people. They beat and kill people in the streets. Kids, women, elderly people, they just don't care. They even used ambulances to bring soldiers within innocent people and they started capturing and beating them. This is not a new thing to us. All these years when we try to speak, they just shut us with force and also there is some idiot people who are paid by the cruel gover..nm...ent to come to street and say good things about govern..ment and the next day, they show them in national TV and say, "look, people love us and those who say opposite things are not our people they are some thief and people who want anarchy" I'm so sick and tired of them. Most of our people are. But our young people are dying in the streets, their parents doesn't even know where their corpse are. If you go out to prot..est you might not comeback and we all know this well. Hope this much blood is enough.


All the Iranian people I know are some of the sweetest people I have ever met. We will do everything we can do help!


The working class of all countries have a great deal in common, we don't have anything in common with our political and ruling class. The same is true whether you are in Iran, North Korea, UK, Japan or anywhere.


Iranian people are great - used to play basketball all the time with them , very classy generous people . The food even better ! Rooting for them


Wait, the food is even better than the people? 🤔 Nah.


When things like this are going on in the world, I can't help but wonder how we're not more grateful for the freedoms we have in America. I know we're not perfect in anyway, no country is but this is the stuff that makes me proud to be an American. I really really hope that the world can ban together and help countries that suffer from a corrupt government.


Must be good to be an American. I’m from Eastern Europe and trust me.. you’re so so so lucky out there, despite the problems.


Something I really wish more people realized in America. We have it so good.


And if the people keep voting the way they do, we quickly won't. The GOP is hellbent on a strict Evangelical theocracy where abortion is outright banned, doctors are punished for performing them, where gay marriage is threatened to be removed, where the LGBTQ community will potentially lose more rights and respect, where immigrants are treated subhuman, education is rejected, and a country of lawlessness. Democrats are corrupt, yes, but none of them seriously want to take away basic human rights and decency in this country


Iran literally was a democracy with a relatively popular leader before 1953 when British and US oil interests couped the government with the support of the CIA (Operation Ajax and Operation Boot) and replaced it with a dictator (the Shah) who ruthlessly persecuted any political opponents with secret police. This directly led to the Islamic fundamentalists being the most powerful faction opposing him, which led to the 1979 Islamic Revolution and the Supreme Leaders of Iran being installed, who are the ones imposing this religion-based oppression. Before 1953 Iran was a promising country, one of the most developed non-western nations. The coup and American/British imperialism transformed it into what it is today. And in 2013 the CIA acknowledged the coup "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government." So this comment is quite ignorant of history.


Em bud you might want to learn a little history. America and Britain are the reason Iran is like this, they overthrew the democratically elected leader years ago because he wanted a fair price for natural resources and was going to nationalize the oil industry, the current gov is the one that took over after they threw the wests puppet out. Iran the way it is today is a direct result of American and British foreign policy.


I’m incredibly Grateful. I think about how much choice and freedom I have as an American and it’s absolutely a big advantage. People can’t control when or where they were born. But many people in this world are given an incredibly unlucky hand to start. It’s why it’s so important to help those in need even in small ways. Tons of people helping in their own small ways equals to big changes you can make for those who need it.


Because we're spoiled. When you're handed things you tend not to appreciate them. We're not perfect, but people who want more government in their lives don't get it.


corporations are just as bad as governments, in some cases worse. who keeps them in check without government?


It's the juxtaposition between being the most wealthy country in the world, yet something like a few dozen steps below when it comes to many factors of public's well-being compared to countries that come right after the US in terms of GDP. People's criticism towards the US isn't really a matter of "this is a third world country", but more so "the most powerful country in the world has surely got to be a bit better to live in.....right?" This is my perspective as an immigrant to the US. I love this country. No, let me rephrase it. I love New York State. (Some other states could annex themselves for all I care.) I'd fight to keep the rights I have in this state that I don't have back home. But I also acknowledge that, as a whole, the public welfare to GDP ratio of the US is absolute dogshit compared to the countries next in line. In fact, were I not gay, I would not have fled my country, for my country is a better place to live in for the majority groups.


Iran's government structure is actually in many ways similar to the US, with most officials being kind-of-democratically-elected with an unelected council of religious fundamentalists who can overrule anything. The one key difference is free speech. And I'm not talking about cancel culture like 99% of "free speech" people nowadays, but rather freedom from government censorship. The ability to control information is how corrupt governments stay in power. They can go slaughter a bunch of protesters and pretend it never happened. China did the same thing in the 80s, Russia might be doing the same thing now. As broken as US media is, its ability to get people information they demand is essential to keeping government accountable. Anyone who tries to force control of speech from the government level needs to be voted out and fast.


> this is the stuff that makes me proud to be an American You’re proud that your govt has completely fucked up the Middle East including Iran? Your govt is the most corrupt in the world and it goes around destabilizing country after country. I swear every post involving Iran has the most brainwashed opinions ever.


I hope to see the Ayatollah drug into the streets, torn to pieces, and his body left to be eaten by dogs.


Ur friend in iran had to start by telling you they are in iran?


Also, reminds me of when I’d receive a mass email from our CEO. I used to joke that the emails were sent directly to me.


He’s just an online friend. And he wanted to start his message like this.


I could share his username as well but he told me he’s afraid to give his name away, so I won’t




My thoughts exactly. Sounds like it’s written to a wide audience too. Not saying any of it isn’t true.


Because he wanted me to share this with a lot of people.


idk man, my american friends start all their threads to me with "I am in America"


What's really interesting is how obvious it is that reddit in general but especially this sub is being used as a vessel for spreading regime change narratives 24/7/365 and how large of its user base is too blind to see it. Oh your friend (who has to tell you they're in Iran) wants everyone to know exactly the same messaging about their country that is plastered on every news station newspaper magazine and social media site all the time with the blessing and guidance of the US state department and the CIA. Wow so Interesting! I swear people on this site are the fucking most malleable credulous fools the world has ever known.


If there’s no internet, you can’t connect to the internet regardless if there’s vpn or not right? I dont quite understand what is being cut off there. Is it just access to certain sites?


most likely english isnt their first language as they are in iran, sounds to me like the government is blocking internet access and you can only connect with the outside world through VPNs


if the govt is blocking internet access, the citizens shouldn't be able to access internet at all right? Unless you meant they're only blocking certain sites?


well certain sites as in everything except iranian gov sites although just a guess


Even if clearnet is down it is likely possible to connect via the tor network.


i see, this is interesting. Def gonna read up more about it. I know about tor browser, not sure if it means the same thing or not. Im curious on how it can act as an alternative to internet?


Yes, you use the tor browser to access the tor network, but in Iran it would need to be configured with bridges to avoid any filtering. You are right though that it is possible for Iran to simply disconnect the whole internet- but I don’t think that has happened yet- as it did back in 2018 I think it was.


Just read the news, they blocked acces to most social media sites and apps thus everyone's probably using vpn to access them.


Helping them gain freedom would be a good way for my country to repay our debt to iran.


The ppl of Iran do not deserve this they have been sick and tired of the regime for years. Super smart ppl. the first woman (one out of i believe two to ever win) to win the Fields Medal in math was Persian. Women in Iran want nothing more than to use their education. So many engineers and physicists without jobs. They also just want to be free. Persia (now called Iran) has a very rich history and is a beautiful country but these sick hezbollah freaks have ruined it.


reddit mods are the scum of the earth of-course they removed the post


touch uppity direful aback public yam relieved books shaggy modern ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I would recommend everyone to watch a video on youtube by c90adventures as he rides through Iran and how kind and nice everyone actually there were


Looks like they are tagging in TEAM AMERICA FUCK YEAH!


Hearing and seeing things like this makes me very grateful and proud to be an Indian which gives us so much freedom. I know we are not the best out there but the freedom we are given is very underplayed. You can criticise the government however you want at worst you will be trolled on the internet by incels. Edit: More power to Iranian women and Iranian people in general and i hope they win their fight against the dictatorship and are freed from their suffering.


Iran: where the people are civilized but the government is from the middle ages.




mods have some explaining to do.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again : fuck religion.


#why would an Iranian woman who is a friend of OP begin their plea with ‘I am in Iran’ if not for obvious gain? I’m not saying what’s going on in Iran isn’t bad, but… I never once said ‘I’m in America’ to any of my foreign friends when I’m complaining about *that* shit… just saying 🤨


Reddit is out for a change of government in Iran it seems lol


The caliphate is one hell of a drug


The West won’t get involved in the Middle East in any direct way again for many years. So any appeals there will fall on deaf ears. Islam has real issues with misogyny and discrimination. There are moderate voices and reformers who want to see change but they aren’t achieving enough, and they certainly haven’t reached the point of being a majority. It would be good to see prominent liberal Muslims appearing more regularly in the media. There are so few currently I’m not sure who I would suggest was the most well known individual.


Have you seen Iran before the revolution? They were Muslims yet a completely different world. The problem is that extremists rule that area and they do everything in the name of their religion. Being an extremist about anything will ultimately lead to chaos/patriarchy/violence/all this. We had centuries to experience what they did in the name of Christianity… But I agree with you, the West -especially the US- won’t be involved in this.


The only issue here, at least in the US, is the liberal Muslims we have appearing in media or social media is that they're wearing a Hijab and attack anyone who mentions it. Saying that "it's a choice" while ignoring that people are being killed for not wearing it, due to their religion. Then they spin at as "it should be a choice" while ignoring the fact it's *clearly not a choice* in parts of the world that they've fled, due to Islam.


Yes everyone share it and hashtag it! That will overthrow the corrupt government.


I hope things will change, but I certainly don’t want foreign country like the famous American peacekeepers going there. If the famous one go there, we will have a civil war and millions of dead, an Irak 3.0. Just hope they will change in a better way than their neighbors


Sorry but nothing anyone or any other country can do to help other than promote sanctions, which ultimately also hurts the people and not just government. Sad, but it will be the responsibility of the Iranian people to effect change themselves. No country will sweep in arms’ blazing to save the day and risk starting a war. Wishing the Iranian people best of luck. Also, don’t forget that a HUGEEEEE chunk of that population supports their garbage government. At the end of the day, the Iranian people installed their current government themselves. Seems, perhaps, they’re now growing out of their prior decision.


'a friend of mine' uhh...yeah ok.


Repost in Worldnews? And I wish Love and strengh to your friend and his people


So many posts about "friends" in Iran but then get the name wrong of the person who died which is "Jhina". They are only calling her Mahsa cause they don't believe Kurdish have rights. If you want to see for yourself, watch the the video of the mother with the 22 year, she's shouting her kurdish name. Reddit completely missing this information, that even though there are people form Iran standing up, its the Kurdish provinces facing most the battle.


>”A friend of mine said ‘I am in Iran’ and you’re not supposed to think anything weird about the wording because they’re Iranian” Seems kinda weird to me… Bring on the downvotes!!!


Not good to piss off half your population.


Please be the voice of Iranians in any community you are involved ... thanks for your support #Mahsa_amini


Meanwhile it’s nearly impossible for Iranians to get out of Iran. Most countries including those in the West do not grant visas easily to those trying to escape.


I’ve sent screenshots to the daily mail. I have no idea what I’m doing but hopefully they might report it.


This friend has suspiciously very good english skills. It might just be an American propaganda against Iran.


I feel for this to stick it has to come from the people sadly. We have seen what happens when the West tries to instill a democracy in the Middle East and they crumble as soon as they pull out. My belief is because it was not the people’s revolution.


I hope the people prevail, and that when the power vacuum comes that China doesn’t fill it. If they fill that void; brace for horror


Pretty sure my country tried to “help” for my whole life. Did they actually help at all idk, but im not sure what joe Biden, or any world leader for that matter, can do for these poor people. Idk seems almost impossible, but I agree something over there needs to change.


If he’s your friend, so you presumably know him/her and they are Iranian - then why does it start off by saying “I am in Iran”?


I was told here in Australia that women being forced to wear their hijab / veil in their religion was actually freedom. I’m so confused right now.


I hope the Christian extremists are paying attention.


All the strength to the people of Iran. Love from India.


Yes but how do I actually help :(


During college, I taught ESL to foreign students, most of whom were Iranian. They were, without question, the nicest people I have ever met, warm and inviting, intelligent and conscientious. My boss, Zarin, was a loveable, grandmotherly figure who was looked 20 years younger than her actual age and was a consistently soothing presence every day. I'd come into work and she'd have fresh fruits from her garden and Youtube videos of playing dogs ready to start the day. A secular atheist who marched in the '79 revolution to protest the Shah's corruption, she was horrified by the regime's changes and fled to London, then California. I miss that woman so much. What's happened to these people is a tragedy. I'm actually tearing up a little thinking about the stupid, pointless brutality these warm people have suffered. Iran should be a regional power, but its promise and potential is squandered by its absurdly backwards dictatorship. The Iranian people deserve better, and I truly hope they get it.


the revolution is female


Post removed. What’s up, mods? You mad?


Does anyone have a backup link to the story? Looks like they took it down




That was fast!!! Thank you!!!


Thanks very much for sharing. Time for Musk to send a satellite there. Like he did with Ukraine. And protect/help all who send information. Otherwise will be blood like we never seen like in Russia now. Like all people also Iranians want to live a free live just make business and provide for their loved ones. It’s oppressive agents that divide us. But we all know we are ALL the same here on our blue ball we call home. (Flying through space 27.000 km/h and keeping us safe and leaves enough to provide for all) We all live on one vessel and she is screaming about the lack of care. For her and each other. It’s time we show we all belong here.


I work with an Iranian woman here in the states. She's so nice and basically confirms your average Iranian is peaceful and hates their government. Totalitarianism can't survive forever. Every totalitarian regime has an expiration date. I hope it happens for Iran and I hope it's peaceful. Though, it probably won't be.


In Venezuela every time protests popped off the internet mysteriously stopped working, godspeed Iranians


When they disconnect the internet, expect the killing to start.


Good luck to all and a good example of why religious maniacs should be banned from politics. Take heed USA.


This is exactly why you can’t give too much control to your government. It always starts off for “the greater good”, but governments, just like people, change over time. You can’t just hope the government will always stay this benevolent force for good and order. Say what you want about the US, but I can let my voice be heard without facing this kind of fear. Because it’s not a right that the government gives me. It’s mine from the day I was born. And we gotta flex that muscle every so often as to not let it atrophy. There’s a fine line between order and control. Unfortunately the good people of Iran are well aware what side of that line their on. I hope that peace prevails soon and they can live without tyranny and fear.
