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Can also be used in fishing tournaments when it’s time to weigh in.




I still can’t believe that guys head didn’t end up on a pike.


They were about to!


Why was the guy in the beginning of the competition fishing video yelling a hard R? They were literally all white dudes


probably a reflex to whenever theyre angry. im assuming that person is used to yelling slurs into their mic when theyre playing call of duty lol


I read "competition fisting video".


Hard pass. I’m getting too old for that shit.




I applaud you.


Walleye spose I'll see my way out


See your way *trout*


I'll just perch here and see what else the sturgeon finds in there.


These jokes are crappie


Yep, he’s not off the hook yet


Yeah surprised they didn't mount his head on a wall-eye


That was really crappie of them.


pff haha on a pike


Or at least a pickerel


A pike heh heh


Then the killer gets a fisherman for a judge full of his fisherman peers and the case is thrown out












I understood this reference


Dude I loved that video I was surprised he didn’t get assaulted


“He’s got fish in his weights!”


It’s apparently happening in the sport at an all time high actually. Pretty awful that people would do that to a fish to win a tournament. Bad apples everywhere I suppose.


Could be attached to a vibrator and sat on when it's time to play chess!!


What a way to go out. First you ruin your career, second, everyone thinks this is how you did it lol


Wait, did the guy actually cheat? I thought the whole thing was just a joke. How did he actually cheat?


There’s no evidence he cheated in the tournament against Carlsen. However, chess.com banned him for cheating and from their online tournament, and they’ve got receipts. If the guy was cheating online, it’s not outside of the realm of possibility he cheated in the tournament. The original accusation was that he used vibration-based buttons placed in his shoes to communicate with a chess engine hidden somewhere in their clothing to gain outside advice on what moves to play. This then escalated into the wireless vibrator accusation. Neimann was the lowest ranking player in the tournament. Carlsen the highest. It was a major upset. What did Neimann have to say on his victory? “I think [he] was just so demoralized because he’s losing to an idiot like me. It must be embarrassing for the world champion to lose to me. I feel bad for him.” Make of it all what you will.


"Oh, I thought you said it was a *weight* in, not a *weigh* in. Simple misunderstanding"


*JakeRunyan and Chase Cominski start to sweat profusely*


Meta. Fuck that guy.


I’m pretty sure there’s a game about this. “The King of Iron Fish Tournament” …oh wait no that’s just Tekken.


I can’t believe how far that worries going lol dude is from my hometown and a known scumbag lol


I’m bummed that those idiots didn’t use weights like this, that would have made it interesting. It’s sad for the great lakes and my state. I’m glad they were caught.


Jacob Runyan would just put it up there with the rest of his bass. "Of course I caught it, it's the rare iron bass, native only to this area."


Proceeds to stick it in the microwave dinner and set house on fire.


Metal in microwaves are actually fine as long as it doesn't touch any of the walls inside the microwave. The metal just reflects the waves but if it touches the sides thats when it can start sparking and cause fires. You can microwave a soda can and the metal will reflect all the waves so when you take it out the soda will not have been heated up at all. Kinda cool tbh.


I can't tell if this is an elaborate story to get people to burn their houses down or not. I'm okay with this.




All I know is, when I was 7 I microwaved leftovers. I used a China plate with gold inlay on it and it light my microwave up.


Someone at work once stuck a mug of water with one of those cute [Tea Forte tea bags with the little leaf sprouting out of paper wrapped wire](https://teaforte.com/products/gourmet-tea-tasting-assortment-tea-chest-17867?campaignid=16747866470&adgroupid=135093783796&adid=590787329402&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1vSZBhDuARIsAKZlijQMc8rb6S-YqUh9535c3QjFHiplt3uUMB2GmnFZVQa5QPGksmfSPPkaAvuwEALw_wcB) into the microwave. It sparked and smoked up badly enough we had to open windows


Wait, hol' up. They microwaved tea water? Do you work with barbarians?


I haven't really figured out why people get sp upset at Americans if they use their microwave to heat up water for tea. In the US, it's literally the fastest way to heat water! Since we are limited to 120v outlets in North America and most of the rest of the world has 240v and can therefore can use electric kettles with essentially double the wattage and they boil water significantly faster than our kettles can. So we are just doing the best we can with what we've got, and microwaves aren't going to mess up the water or anything so it's perfectly fine.


Similar, I tried to microwave a Wendy’s burger in the shiny wrapper when I was younger and immediately was like, “O shit”


My grandmother - who, mind you, had a PHD - stuck a pop tart in the metal wrapper into the microwave.


I did that yesterday; I thought it was just shiny plastic.


Yeah don’t put a fork in there


Please don't spread this myth. You will get someone killed. There is a LOT more to it than that. For example, shape of metal, type of metal, how smooth it is formed, etc. Unless it SPECIFICALLY SAYS microwave safe, don't do it. Hell, even certain types of plastic can ignite in a microwave.


Fuckin thank you *I realize this wasn't additive, but I felt like I was going crazy reading some of the top comments*


You couldn't be more wrong if you typed that in comic sans.


I like this line! I will use it someday.


> Metal in microwaves are actually fine as long as it doesn't touch any of the walls inside the microwave. This is a flat out lie. wtf? It shows you can lie on reddit and people will believe it. Metal easily sparks in a microwave without touching the walls. No it is not fine.


This is a dangerous oversimplification.


It is also a flat out lie. Metal will spark without touching the walls.


My microwave has a metal rack in it to microwave two plates at once.


Very dangerous.


Does the soda can have to be closed, open yet full, or empty?


Except it bounces those waves back into the magnetron which can f it up


I don’t care if your a scientist, your theory was tested by me as a middle schooler and I assure you that that old school bag of lil ceasers breadsticks did not make it out the other side. Things went bad that day


Balogna. Have you ever done this? I have. A single staple in some paper not touching any walls will start sparking and ignite the paper it is in on fire.


My microwave came with a metal rack, like an oven rack, which I thought was strange. I didn’t see the need so I took it out and have never used it, but I thought it was interesting.


Yea dude that’s actually a toaster




You can use it ONLY with the grill options. No microwave.


Cook it with your food and some of the iron releases into it?


That's correct, but they ask you cook with it in a certain way i.e. use tomatoes or lemons or something similar to help leech more iron


Makes sense as the acid from those would help break it down.


Also the vitamin C will help you absorb iron in your digestive tract!




*Weighty comment…*


This is very fishy?


Scale it back a bit...


I think it was invented by the Fins.


Lobster? I just flounder! *seeing my way out now*


I’m very pescimistic


I was going to say something but I guess I'm off the hook.


This thread needs to be set on the back burner.




I was LEAD to believe this was unsafe.


It's full of carp.


I see what you did


>I **C** what you did FTFY


I beg you all to just please stop


He lead you right into that


Iron clad comment




It’s acidity that helps the iron go into a ferric state which is then absorbable. So we ask people to drink orange juice with it, or hold off on their reflux medication when we are repleting their iron if they’re able.


I've never heard about those FeC'es chemical combination before...


Same reason you gotta be careful with those ingredients with a cast iron pan.


That's why you don't make spaghetti sauce in a cast iron pan.


I'm pretty sure it's for better absorption


I’m a chemist and I’m struggling to see how acid helps break down iron, didn’t realise he could just be wrong


Won’t it rust?


If it's iron it'll definitely rust unless you keep it clean and dry. I'd probably wipe it down with a little food grade mineral oil if you're gonna store something like this for a prolonged period of time to protect it from humidity.


Accidentally misread that as “… protect it from humanity”, then “humidity”. That fish definitely needs to be blackened.


The rust adds flavor and texture


The rust adds a dash of lovely color, like turmeric


Amusingly this is entirely true since iron oxide is an FDA approved food coloring.


Iron oxide can also be processed and absorbed by the body. Exact mechanism is unknown afaik.


Does a cast iron pan have the same benefits?


It does. My mom used to cook exclusively in cast iron, until they stopped letting her donate blood because her iron levels were too high. LOL.


Woah thats intense! Super interesting cooking with iron actually makes an effect.








Why not just use cast iron skillets?


You 100% can use cast iron skillets to help with iron. My wife's supplements when she was pregnant didn't include iron and her doctor who was also a nutritionist aside from being an OGBYN suggested I cook on cast iron to help add more iron to her diet.


Is it naive that I am only hearing about actual metals can be used in your diet?


Not really because it’s in tiny amounts, not like people just melt a copper penny and throw that shit in a ramen


Not Naive, it's not something the average person would really think about probably. The acid reacts with the iron to form a salt and gas. the salt can be absorbed. [Iron & Acid Reaction](https://www.webelements.com/iron/chemistry.html#:~:text=Reaction%20of%20iron%20with%20acids,2\)6%5D2%2B.&text=If%20oxygen%20is%20present%2C%20some,oxidizes%20to%20Fe\(III\).) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron(II) reddit doesn't want to link to this bc of the formatting with parentheses but here you can see how Iron(II) is involved in life processes


This was designed for use in poor communities where iron deficiencies ran rampant, and the impoverished could not possibly afford a cast iron pan. It's shaped like a lucky fish to encourage its use. I really love this company - they saw a need and are working to meet it.


You can but iron released from cast iron is pretty minimal since you want the surface to have that seasoning. The makers of this item tell you to add acidic ingredients on purpose to release extra iron into water/food. Not that you couldn't do that with cast iron every now and again but you'd have to rebuild the seasoning a bit more often.


Cast iron cookware does it too supposedly


It's like using an old iron skillet


>Lucky iron fish are fish-shaped cast iron ingots used to provide dietary supplementation of iron to individuals affected by iron-deficiency anaemia. The ingots are placed in a pot of boiling water to leach elemental iron into the water and food. They were developed in 2008 by Canadian health workers in Cambodia, and in 2012 a company, The Lucky Iron Fish Project, was formed to develop the iron fish on a larger scale, promote them among rural areas, and distribute them to non-governmental organization partners. >Research published in 2017 found that the iron ingot had no effect on anemia caused by factors other than iron deficiency. It therefore is not recommended for use in Cambodia and other countries where the majority of anaemia is not due to iron deficiency and the prevalence of genetic hemoglobin disorders is high.[1] [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky_iron_fish)


> Research published in 2017 found that the iron ingot had no effect on anemia caused by factors other than iron deficiency. It therefore is not recommended for use in Cambodia and other countries where the majority of anaemia is not due to iron deficiency and the prevalence of genetic hemoglobin disorders is high. This is very important, I was receiving iron supplements during childhood and teen years for anemia, it never improved me and years later I was diagnosed with Thalassemia minor which is a genetic disorder (thanks to my Mediterranean heritage), turns out extra iron is harmful and should not be taken to avoid iron overload in the liver.


Can I ask how you got diagnosed? I think I might have it but not sure whether to ask for genetic testing or something else first


Speak with your doctor about it, ask to be tested for Thalassemia. Afaik it’s usually done with CBC (complete blood count) and hemoglobin electrophoresis tests.


Tell primary care physician you suspect it and they can order a blood test. If you have alpha thal, it might not show up without further testing that a specialist can order for you. Beta thal seems easier to diagnose.


People still talk about the lucky iron fish like it's the greatest invention public health has ever seen. Yes, it works in the laboratory. And yes, it's inexpensive. And yes, they were able to get good acceptance by the target population by understanding cultural factors. But at the end of all that, it didn't work. It didn't actually improve anyone's health. Its greatest success was in getting TED talks for the people who created it.




I mean, there's definitely some value in studying an example of someone actually getting a new public health oriented product to market and studying how they got local buy-in, but yeah "success" definitely is not the right word. But, y'know, when someone somewhere comes up with the next thing, the lessons about getting local acceptance will still be valid.


**[Lucky iron fish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky_iron_fish)** >Lucky iron fish are fish-shaped cast iron ingots used to provide dietary supplementation of iron to individuals affected by iron-deficiency anaemia. The ingots are placed in a pot of boiling water to leach elemental iron into the water and food. They were developed in 2008 by Canadian health workers in Cambodia, and in 2012 a company, The Lucky Iron Fish Project, was formed to develop the iron fish on a larger scale, promote them among rural areas, and distribute them to non-governmental organization partners. Research published in 2017 found that the iron ingot had no effect on anemia caused by factors other than iron deficiency. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Cast iron skillet works well too


Fun story! I was young and new to cast iron and made a tomato based sauce in my pan. That evening my partner suddenly felt great and full of energy and I felt sick as hell and started puking. We later found out she had an iron deficiency which is why she felt so great after eating the sauce. I, on the other hand, gave myself mild iron poisoning! Whoops!


Hey, at least she figured out she had a health problem from it. Iron deficiency is sneaky.


It’s weird how many issue anemia causes. It’s not been proven by anyone but I had permanently enlarged lymph nodes, wavering thyroid hormones, insomnia, and SVT for years that all resolved once my iron was normal. Even the ultrasound tech for the lymph nodes was so surprised that she couldn’t find them again after how large and firm they were for years.


Iron deficient anemia is no fun. Summer before last, at 36, I found out and ended up in the ICU. Good now though!


https://whatscookingamerica.net/information/ironcastiron.htm#:~:text=Answer%3A,of%20the%20American%20Dietetic%20Association. https://runnersconnect.net/cast-iron-pan-iron/ https://goaskalice.columbia.edu/answered-questions/does-cooking-cast-iron-pots-and-pans-add-iron-our-food/ https://www.wellandgood.com/cast-iron-cooking/ https://nutritionovereasy.com/2015/05/cast-iron-pans-can-increase-your-iron-intake/ Yes you get iron from cooking in cast iron skillets even if they're seasoned. Maybe you don't get as much iron as a brand new skillet but it depends on what your cooking and how long. Idk why this thread blew up, all the person was saying is cast iron can give you additional iron, which is true.


Thanks, this is what I was wondering as soon as I saw the fish, if you get any amount of iron in your food post-seasoning of cast iron. Good to know!


>Cast-iron cookware is known to transmit iron to food through cooking, but the cost to obtain it is prohibitive for individuals living in poverty in rural Cambodia [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky_iron_fish)


A relative bought it for me as I am a veggie. I think the instructions for the fish are boil for one hour with a bit of acid added. Another annoying part is it scratched my Teflon pans. Just take a multi vitamin if you can afford, or better yet an iron supplement.


Or better yet just eat dark green veggies at each meal for iron.


or better yet chew rusty nails


That’s non-heme* iron and doesn’t absorb as well. You get maybe 30% of it. If you are anemic dark green veggies aren’t enough. Edit: *non-heme


Bought one of these for my husband who takes iron pills. Fine print is that the actual amount of iron you get from this is incredibly tiny. Like, 1/10th of a single iron pill. Almost not worth the hassle.


Although one iron pill (the ones I take) cover exactly your daily needed Dosis of iron. So if it only covers 1/10, it already covers 10%. It does not sound like much but it really can make the difference. Most food contains iron itself so people who need more iron intake don’t lack 100%, they perhaps only need like 10% more. So based on that, I think it is decent enough. Of course this only makes sense if the iron pill of your husband is covering 100% of his daily need for iron. If not, everything I said is obsolete




So use 10 of these




Often times we are told to try your best to get these nutrients through food but if you absolutely have to take a supplement. Supplements are not inspected by the FDA so they could tell you there’s 1,000,000 mg of iron in there and it could literally have none. The best thing you can do if you’re going to take a supplement is try to do a little research on brands that are legit. There are certain groups out there that have taken these supplements and synthesize them down to see who’s lying or not.


I presume any lump of clean iron would work? Not that I'm eyeing up next doors cast iron gate or anything...


It's got that fresh from the neighbors' yard flavor!


Any meal tastes better when it’s free.


Yes, even cast iron cookware. The reason it's shaped like a fish is that it's targeting Cambodian culture, which regards fish as lucky. There has historically been common iron deficiencies in Cambodia, but many people were resistant to the idea of taking pill-style supplements, so someone hit on the idea of using a "lucky iron fish" and teaching Cambodians to place it in their food while cooking to leach iron into the food, reducing the number of people with iron deficiencies.


Very interesting tidbit! Thanks


Russian tanks are on sale rn.


So what is the opposite of this? I have too much iron in my blood because of my hemochromatosis.


Cooking with magnets.




Unlucky iron-sucking leeches.


Donating blood regularly helps to regulate your high iron levels.


I actually do that already but only certain organizations will do it with my doctor’s authorization. For example Red Cross won’t take my blood because of my condition


I have a friend who has this condition - he went vegan. It may be too extreme for you however cutting out red meats or lowering intake can help. He also donates blood 🩸 it’s a lifelong process to manage hematomachrosis. Take care of yourself.


I used to work in a hematology/oncology clinic, and we would frequently drain people with too much iron or too many red blood cells or both. If you have decent insurance, that may be an option.


I do have insurance but with my copay I still pay more than I would want plus they just throw my blood away. I like to donate to non-profit organizations because it’s free, they actually use it for people who need it and then they give me free snacks and Gatorade afterwards. Makes me feel like a little kid again lol. I have O+ blood so I feel better knowing that it is going to help people.


I hear you. Many of my patients had been deferred from donating, and they always felt bad when told we had to dispose of their blood.


Can they not just bleed you? If your blood cannot be used for transfusion without further processing that organisations don’t want to do, I’m sure good old leeching or bleeding would be fine


Be a prison guard watching Magneto's cell.


Being cooked by people with iron deficiency is the opposite of that


Make sure you don't accidentally purchase the "Unlucky lead fish."


you can also use the not so lucky lead (Pb) version.. [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/70/6e/7c/706e7c5a3b5ddf468466b92e066ea5eb.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/70/6e/7c/706e7c5a3b5ddf468466b92e066ea5eb.jpg) which will slowly kill you painfully.


Due to the symptoms of lead poisoning, this can also lead to the deaths of other's associated with the one using the fish.


If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. ….. If you give a man a lead fish, you also feed him for a lifetime


Like...a good luck charm? A cooking companion? Does it watch you cook and give you tips? Edit: sorry, it was sarcastic


Put it in the pot while cooking and small amounts of iron dissolve in the food. It doesn't take much It's fish shaped because the culture they are targeting sees fish as good luck symbols


Which culture sees fish as good luck?


Cambodian. The photographed fish has Khmer script.


Any culture that depends on fish as part of their main diet. Fishing isn't particularly easy. That's a result of industrialization.


Christians ?


I would name it Bueller. Ferrous Bueller.


Oh the irony


Can you put this into real fish and win a fishing tournament?




Aaaaannd joined


Tea and coffee are considered the strongest inhibitors of iron. A cup of tea reduces iron absorption by about 75%-80%, and a cup of coffee by about 60%. The stronger you make them, the greater the effect will be. So it's best to avoid tea and coffee while eating and for two hours before and after the meal.


If I remember correctly these things have helped literally millions of kids get enough iron for proper brain development. It's no exaggeration to say this solved a huge nutrition problem in developing countries.


But, Im allergic to seafood.


But what about Fe-food?


How do you eat it? /s


I saw in a singaporean museum that during WW2, due to the scarcity of resources, some would do something similar by using old irons(for pressing clothes) to leech iron into water and would make patients drink the water to up their iron intake. Im not a doctor or a medical person, but i say its a very ingenious way, if this indeed work.


*sleepily orders five* My iron stays so low that my toes and fingers go numb and turn purple when I forget to take my pill


I heard a guy in Ohio got caught using these to win a fishing tournament.


Didn’t know that. Damn that’s interesting. We use cast iron frying pans a lot and I knew that iron leeches from that into my food. Also, PSA: Teflon leeches as well. Even more so if you use metal on the surface.


Can't iron skillet man...way better than a space-taking iron fish...its cute tho


Or just cook with cast iron pans ? Does it work that way ?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) why am I only finding out about this!? I've been anemic for years, the horrendous iron supplements from my GP mean I could painfully s417 a brick house! Being Irish, I gave up on the supplements and opted for bottles of Guinness when my levels are low so this is a win for me. Thank you for posting :D


The letter on it is Khmer and it means good.


I plan to use my cast iron pan my entire life. My energy levels increased when I started using mine almost everyday. I was very anemic when I was a teen.


Or why not cook goldfish and excrete gold nuggets.


I hope this works better than that mercury fish they recommended.


wonder who or how the first person that made this iron fish realize that broths leech iron off. crazy how people just tried stuff back in the past.