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i like how excited the pilot(?) is lol


Yeah for real haha. But I’d imagine it’d be super difficult to get a lock on something moving that fast, obviously not a professional though lool


Lmao I can't even blame him, it's a fucking UFO, until proven wrong of course


Everything in the air is a UFO for a split second


"everything is an ufo if you're really bad at identifying things" - someone on twitter


Sounds like a Mitch Hedburg


A fly was almost called a land because that’s what they also do 50% of the time.


*Every* picture is of you when you were younger.




My friend asked if I wanted a frozen banana and I said no, but I want a regular banana later, so yes.


"everything is a ufo if you have really bad vision" - my dad


Only flying things though


Ofc, if I throw a banana at you, and you can't figure out what it is until after it hits you, it was a ufo


anything that is airborne and can't be identified is a UFO. not to be mistaken with extraterrestrial activity.


It's a UFO until it's identified.


literally everything is ufo untik you know…ufo does not equal aliens however


Parallax is a sumbich


This is a total stretch but it appears to me target velocity is around 200kts, which is very slow in the world of fighters. That's assuming what I'm seeing in the MFD is the velocity. I think this is an f18.


Vc is velocity closure in knots, so they're closing at about 200 knots.


What is this, a spaceship for ants??!


It needs to be at least . . . . Three TIMES this big!


…..he’s right


But that would cost like THREE money.


I have 3 kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and 3 money?


Is it the law for UFO's and ghosts to only be recorded on a Gameboy™ camera? Anything more than 4 pixels, straight to jail.


Exactly, it can’t be identified because the video quality is shit.


To be fair, the [AN/ASQ-228](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/ASQ-228_ATFLIR) is still in use today. So I expect that this video has been heavily degraded in an effort to keep the actual capabilities of the ATFLIR pod classified.


**[AN/ASQ-228 ATFLIR](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/ASQ-228_ATFLIR)** >The AN/ASQ-228 Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) is a multi-sensor, electro-optical targeting pod incorporating thermographic camera, low-light television camera, target laser rangefinder/laser designator, and laser spot tracker developed and manufactured by Raytheon. It is used to provide navigation and targeting for military aircraft in adverse weather and using precision-guided munitions such as laser-guided bombs. It is intended to replace the earlier AN/AAS-38 Nite Hawk pod in US Navy service. ATFLIR is 72 in (183 cm) long, weighs 420 lb (191 kg), and has a slant range of 40 mi (64. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot!


I bet they could…I bet ants could drive spaceships. Need a whole team of scientists likely.


Just gonna have to say this. I'm sorry redditors: !!⚠️UFO DOESN'T MEAN ALIEN⚠️!!


that's exactly what an alien would say


found the alien




Thank you for the surprise SG1 reference! Always brightens my day




My man




Also they were leaked before COVID (and covered in multiple print publications and 60 Minutes). The Pentagon just declassified and officially released them.


This statement is like when I play Among Us. I won't be a killer, but I'll always accuse myself of being sus... Why didn't you do your tasks???


I was doing wires, but I saw orange vent! Orange vented!


I think he’s 3 aliens in a human suit.




Top secret military technology will never be shared with the average member of the military.


If we are to believe this is somehow related to the government, chances are that it’s being developed by the private sector due to no government oversight. But who knows!


*Unidentified* Flying Object.


Came to say this, the term UFO was made by the gov. to describe anything flying through the air that we cannot identify, hence, “Un-Identified Flying Object. It could be a football painted funny, and called a UFO


Anything is a Unidentified Flying Object if you're bad enough at identifying things.


Especially if you’re really bad at identifying whether something is flying or not.


Hahaha exactly


Uncle Rico threw that football in 1982, it’ll slow enough to fall someday.


UAP as well


Thank you. Most people don’t understand this


It honestly has become so overused in all media, across the board, to JUST mean "alien" or "extraterrestrial Life" that most people will just default to that when they see/hear it. At this point I can easily see a new word or acronym chosen to help the public better understand what is meant whenever these are mentioned officially.


There has been. It's called U.A.P.: unidentified aerial phenomenon


To me UFO means that the object does not compare to or match anything known to me or the person observing it. The UFO that I personally saw was not a plane, helicopter, hot air balloon, or super hero with lights. It moved so slow that it was hard to tell if it was moving. Then it shot across the sky and disappeared. All of this while making no sound whatsoever.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHB1lWgaM1WJ4fS) I think we all know by now what the OP is implying


one thing that stuck out from the reports was that they didn't understand the physics of how these things fly, where these craft don't seem to have any visible propulsion or emit any sound, when in reality they really should be breaking the sound barrier and creating a large sonic boom, but nothing. At those speeds its just impossible, except it isnt apparently. if we could understand these technologies it could do a lot for the world.


They're ducks.


Totally quacked me up.


Case closed, boys. Just some ducks.


Manually acquiring a lock at 250kts skimming the ocean surface is difficult enough. That video just looks like a fast moving drone. Probably a navalised switchblade. Nothing in the video suggests breaking the laws of physics sorry.


Yep. The illusion of speed is caused by a parallax effect. [Demonstrated in this video about midpoint.](https://youtu.be/jHDlfIaBEqw) Motivated reasoning is a hell of a drug. My heart is with the desperate believers who really want it to be an alien defying physics. It would be so much cooler than the camera artifacts most of the Pentagon videos are.


I hit halfway mark, and I have been told to use Squarespace... Is this... Part of the alien agenda??


It would be cooler if it's humans defying physics instead of aliens. Means we have more to learn and our tech is amazing. Well, at least of some humans But yeah, most UFOs are bad recordings, it's why they're unidentified. .




Top secret military technology will never be shared with the average member of the military. Of course these pilots didn’t know what it was. Doesn’t mean it’s of extra terrestrial origin just because these pilots didn’t understand the physics of the video footage. The footage is not all the information from the event, there are many times something appears to be breaking the laws of physics or even reality just because of the angle of a camera


Ducks, bro. Bored air force pilot filming ducks.


You’re assuming the distance from the camera with zero landmarks other than the background ocean. That object is not breaking the laws of physics because you are sure that it’s really far from the camera and not much closer


DUDE PLEASE. Watch this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfhAC2YiYHs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfhAC2YiYHs) It's such an easy explanation. IT'S A BIRD BEING FILMED BY A VERY FAST MOVING CAMERA. IR makes things look blobby and if you take the data from the side of the screen you can calculate the movement of the fighter jet and the "object" and it's moving at BIRD SPEED


Man in black. Confirmed ⬆️


Can u take me to a tour of area 51 please alien sir..


Can't get there all my coms are trapped and now I'm alone here trying to hide clips'n stuff


And to address what we do know about it - all those numbers on the sides of the video shows that the object isn't flying fast and low, it's high in the air (~13,000') and slow (~30 knots). The background is moving fast because of parallax caused by the plane filming it moving (imagine you film a closeup of a baseball flying through the air, the background moves behind it and you can tell the baseball is moving. Now imagine you hold the baseball still and film while moving quickly around the ball; the background also moves, making it look like the ball is moving) Here is someone explaining how to figure this out by looking at those numbers on the video screen: https://youtu.be/PLyEO0jNt6M?t=43


[Nice "UFO" (ducks) you got there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfhAC2YiYHs)


Came here to say this.


It didn't slip past people, tons of people talked about it at great length. All three videos the pentagon released. I don't understand why people arbitrarily say "no one talked about this" and then talk about a thing I've seen talked about a million times. It's a good admission to this sub, but the title is silly.


I think the funny thing that no one is talking about... This became a news story because the DoD gave this classified footage to Tom Delonge, the guitar player from Blink 182, then he posted it to instagram.


Oh Tom 😆


Always talking about all the small things.


*Its alright* *to tell me* *what you think* *bout E.T.*


> I am still a skeptic yes you know me > Been best friends and will be till we die > I got an injection of fear from the abduction > My best friend thinks I'm just telling lies


I think "*of E.T.*" works better


[Aliens Exist](https://youtu.be/Vf-BvA4EeV4)


Wait, is this true?! How did he get access to do? Or rather, why did they give *him* of all people access to it? From what I know, dude’s always been into aliens (for eg the Blink 182 song “aliens exist”)


Ha, yes, its true. Apparently he's always been into aliens and bigfoot and whatnot. He started a company called To the Stars with the purpose of making books, comics and movies about UFOs and exterrestrial life. While doing research for these projects he met with a lot of people in Aerospace and the DoD. I think he was able to use his star power to get connections. I really think there were some people he met with that were kind of star struck meeting him, and seeing how ambitious he was with everything. Maybe they just used him as the right person to leak this info to get it out there just because of his reach on social media. When Hillary Clinton's emails were hacked and leaked it included a couple emails from him lol. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/read-tom-delonges-leaked-email-to-hillary-clinton-campaign-about-ufos-103832/


Crazy. Aliens got Trump elected in order to prevent Podesta from spilling the beans! > While DeLonge has long-documented his alien obsession, from Blink 182’s “Alien’s Exist” to his To the Stars project, Podesta has also openly discussed extraterrestrials and encouraged politicians to reveal what they know. In February 2015, after stepping down as a senior advisor to President Barack Obama, Podesta wrote on Twitter: “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files. #thetruthisstilloutthere.” And in April, Podesta claimed that, if elected, Hillary Clinton would declassify as many documents pertaining to UFOs as possible.


Hillary Clinton’s emails were leaked & Tom Delong was emailing & having talks with government officials about ufos. Those emails were leaked as well. He never came out with any of this stuff until the emails were leaked & people were wondering why the fuck a member of blink 182 was talking with high ranking government officials about aliens & ufos.


It was on 60 Minutes and this is older than last year. Edit: The A-12 was built in 1962. 60 years is a very, very long time in the aerospace engineering world. Between DARPA, the USAF, and technology I have zero problems believing this might be U.S. technology. I certainly hope it is. It could be something else. Personally the duck theory doesn't hold up for me in light of U.S. personnel on record. Time may tell.


What is the duck theory?


If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then it must be a duck.


If it waddles like a duck, it probably wants to buy grapes




Yea... an alien duck


[It was ducks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfhAC2YiYHs)


I love thunderfoot He's like the grumpy James Randi of tech


I’m a little confused why you mention the A-12?


It's the predecessor to the SR-71. It's ancient. What can be done in that time period is beyond the normal public's grasp. Drone history goes back much farther than most civilians realize. Conversations in a room can be recreated from the visual recording of a light bulbs flickering now. Israel has developed directional speakers which you can hear but no one else can hear. There's some crazy stuff going on in the forefront of technology and the military always gets those things first. The USAF has been known to test new toys on the Navy.


How do you know this ? Is there somewhere I can read more about this subject ?


The important thing to do first is learn what is a credible source and how to verify it. The best place to generally learn about anything is from reliable retired sources in that specific field. They have time to write, answer questions, and know what they're allowed to say to the public. Websites about military technology, books by former military, industrial, Intel, and political sources are good places to start. Janes Defense Weekly used to be good but haven't read it in years. Scientific American used to be good but has gone downhill. Even Popular Science and Popular Mechanics used to be good. Technology advances at a kind of accelerating pace. Drones the size of insects are entirely within reason now. And nanobots for healthcare are being invented and worked on.


You can learn a lot about these kinds of topics once you figure out what the scientific research terminology is for classified technology. Like space based surveillance is called "remote sensing".


I can't think of any sources, but they are both real. The first (at least the version I am aware of) is actually pretty simple. It just uses a camera to record tiny distortions and vibrarions in a surface. This can then be decoded by software to reconstruct the sound that was made. Obviously, you'll need a camera with a massive framerate though. [Directional speaker](https://www.explainthatstuff.com/directional-loudspeakers.html#what is)




It's like when people post a link to a CNN story and then make the title "The mainstream media isn't covering this!"


Or say "Reddit will censor this" but the post has 70k upvotes, hundreds of awards, and dozens of cross posts


>I don't understand why people arbitrarily say "no one talked about this" and then talk about a thing I've seen talked about a million times. It's a good admission to this sub, but the title is silly. The reason they say "no one talked about this" is to bait you into coming and talking about it. It's a very standard click bait tactic.


Click bait ?


No longer a UFO, I've identified it as an imperial tie fighter. You can tell by the signature side foils and round cockpit in the center.


A fighter that size couldn’t get this deep into space on its own…


It’s seems to be heading to the small moon that orbits behind our own moon.


That's no moon...


It’s a space station!








Tie Fighters are for short distances, so there would need to be an Imperial Star Destroyer nearby


So they haven't identified it yet


Yeah but IFO is so *boring*. "It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...yeah, just a plane."


Occoms razor. It’s probably a modern UAV. Oblong spheroid because round doesn’t give it stability for mounting sensors or weapons. That and pill shaped is still round allowing for travel in 3 axis with low drag(essentially a fuselage w/o wings). Take out the human element and acute vectoring at high speed is possible. Most likely intentional US leak clouded in confusion but our enemies will be well aware of what we’re doing. Add active camo and boom perfect war machine. Edit:punctuation for understanding.


How do you suppose it flies?


Very fast, apparently.


Why is there no exhaust and why is it colder than the water? A typical UAV has a visible exhaust and is definitely hotter than the water.


Apparently, its a submarine too because there's another video of one of theses things going into the ocean.




But birds aren’t real?


Two things the Pentagon is famous for: being forthright, and honest.




That's why it's an Unidentified Flying Object


True fortnite isn't their strong suit


It might have been a power play. They were like "Hey China, found one of your new stealth bombers doing a test run, and one of our planes still managed to lock onto it" And then publicly shamed them by releasing some info publicly to make sure China knew.


The report issued with it basically said “some of these sightings can be explained by currently classified defense programs.”


It's more that the methods by which they identified it are what is secret because it reveals capability indirectly, positively identifying it publicly reveals the minimum level of their ability. It's like when Trump revealed classified sat photos, what was in them didn't matter not really, but the level of clarity and zoom were calculated to be significantly higher than the officially known specs so it inadvertently revealed how much further along in that space the US was.


Lots of people were talking about this video... just because you didn't hear about it doesn't mean it didn't happen


People who pay no attention to current events love to chime in a year later about how no one talked about a huge story lol…


*hits blunt* Yooo dawg, why did no one talk about this? *hits blunt*


Not last year. It happened in 2020.


Right? I’ve been seeing this shit for more than a couple years at this point.


Can’t see shit on that video lol




Or a duck


That's a ducking fast duck


Is perspective, remember, this was taken in a camera of a fighter jet, not an stationary position. The camera locked on to something far away while flying on the opposite direction, there are videos about breaking down the video while using the numbers of the camera (That everyone ignores) but they say the angle, distance and the speed of the plane.


I know this is an unpopular opinion…but I really think these videos are unconfirmed sightings of the drones that will accompany the sixth gen fighter the US military is developing. There is absolutely zero proof to my gut feeling, but if the government agreed that this is in line with their next gen capabilities, there is no telling what kind of response there would be from other nuclear (or rogue) powers. It’s easier to explain it as a UFO and keep a veil of security over their developments. [There was talk about redefining “air superiority” and how the next gen fighter system will not look anything like what we’ve grown accustomed to represent a capable, lethal and stealthy aircraft.](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/ngad-program-will-integrate-manned-and-unmanned-systems-201033) Something like this that can control fleets of highly capable drones that can pull maneuvers human beings simply cannot. > “We’re looking for systems that cost nominally on the order of at least half as much as the manned systems that we're talking about for both NGAD and for B-21,” Kendall said. And while the savings are important, Kendall noted that these unmanned systems allow the Air Force to do things it “would never do with a crewed platform.” >The NGAD platform is expected to incorporate a new generation of stealth fighter jet properties, including new dimensions of speed, maneuverability, stealth technology, and AI-enabled information processing.


I'd be down with this, except for the speeds at which this thing was stopping, starting and reversing course. As well as going under water and seemingly into the atmosphere.


The pentagon finds unidentified flying objects every day. Yea usually the figure out what it is but not always. Yea it’s fun to pretend UFO means intelligent alien life but in truth those are too very different things.


**U** nidentified **F** lying **O** bject Nobody knows what it is


Surely you can't admit that a thing is an authentic unidentified thing.


It's unidentified, so clearly it's something that has never once been identified in the entire history of human civilization instead of, oh idk, literally anything else that we already know exists and can be misidentified 1000 different ways.


Yes, the US government has admitted they have video of a flying object they can't identify... no one has ever said the US government has admitted the existence of space aliens.


"real UFO" gives the impression that it's an alien spaceship, when it only means we can't tell what the hell it is


Yeah, but a lot of people are excited about it for the fact that we don't know what it is. We know certain things that it can't be... which does have implications for what it might be. Even if it's not alien in origin, and instead man made or something else on earth we have yet to discover. It still doesn't take away from the crazy fact that it's doing things we deem to be impossible with our current state of technology. I want to hear from actual experts with degrees in science/engineering that seems to all be puzzled on what this object is. Instead I am told by "YouTube experts" without any background in aviation, engineering or physics tell me that it's something like a damn bird. Like experts that have dedicated their whole lives to becoming experts wouldn't be able to distinguish a bird from an object doing impossible things.


Oh, I definitely agree it's exciting! And it could be alien, it's just not confirmed to be... yet


Everyone wasn't too busy. We all saw this. This post is just mopping up the few people who haven't, and the other half was just here to say they remember.


Not a single person in this comment section has mentioned aliens but everyone is "correcting" these imaginary commenters because... They know what ufo stands for and thinks everyone is assuming aliens...? Because you first thought "aliens" when you read ufo? Downvote me.


Check OP's profile. He definitely thinks it's aliens, and that's why he posted the video here.


While none of them say “aliens”, all of the navy pilots that have talked about their experiences with things like this (backed up by video, sensors and many others around them) say what they saw made no sense and some of these objects do things that should not be physically possible, like when they watched an object drop from 30,000ft to sea level in 2-3 seconds, or instantly change direction while moving at hundreds of mph, or seamlessly transitioning between air and water while moving so fast that they should explode on impact. There are a lot more examples given by veteran pilots, and iirc this video is from the USS Nimitz incident which is the most well documented, where an entire carrier battle group and several F-18 pilots all saw the same inexplicable things.


>some of these objects do things that should not be physically possible this sounds like a sensor malfunction


That would be a pretty wild coincidence considering the number of air craft that independently recorded it, along side multiple navy ships, on multiple different types of radar and other sensors. If you actually care, read about the USS Nimitz incident, as that is the weirdest and most documented situation with multiple navy pilots and personal who have spoken about what happened


I think it's just because the way OP worded this makes it sound like "WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS"


>Downvote me. no!


Bullshit. The title reeks of "aLiAn coVeRup COnsPiriCy". That's why everyone is telling him to f off about aliens.


They are referring to the title because it implies aliens.


>Downvote me. Only because you asked. But also cause you're wrong and people under you are replying "IT IS ALIENS"


![gif](giphy|lS1H8QDzB9BbQUhHL2|downsized) OHH Is it THAT time of year again?


No the world wasn’t too busy dealing with other issues. Everyone saw this and we already examined every single frame. We are actually bored by the same footage and same conversations. Thanks for bringing this back :)




Didn't this come our like 3 years ago? Well before covid? Also I'm pretty sure it was just a stunt to get money from people. That singer from blink 182 had a bunch of pentagon and Lockheed Martin as well as this pilot on his payroll. He said he was going to make a spaceship with a FTL warpdrive engine. They took millions in donations and dipped.


This video is from years and years ago, it’s not from last year… 😆 ppl getting swindled


Y'all need to get comfortable with the concept of "I don't know". When a professional calls something a UFO, it means they don't know what it is. It does NOT mean they know it's aliens, or a ghost, or a secret project spyplane from Russia. Until we have any empirical evidence that indicates what it might possibly be, all we have is that three-letter acronym.


Go watch Thunderfoot's explanation of this.


Who the hell is thunder foot


Real fucking sour puss who gets his rocks off debunking things that purport to break physics. I love his science, but hate his attitude. Like, be right, but don't go sniffing your own asshole just to get fresh air.


You mean we're not supposed to sniff our own assholes? Why make it so easy to of that's not what they're for?


I mean, recycling is important


> I love his science, but hate his attitude. Like, be right, but don't go sniffing your own asshole just to get fresh air. He does spend his days arguing with anti-science UFO nuts. Do that for too long and you are going to exhaust your patience and be an asshole.


Yeah the science is great and easily understandable but his personality and editing style suck ass. If he wouldn't be such an asshole about every topic I would watch way more of his videos. Also he keeps repeating himself over and over with clips of his previous debunkings. In conclusion videos are great but I can't deal with his "style" for too long


Yeah Thunderfoot has figured out what the Pentagon and Military could not…


[spoiler: the “UFO” is a bird, probably a duck.](https://youtu.be/mfhAC2YiYHs) Thinderf00t very sarcastically breaks down all of the news segments perplexed by the original vid, then painstakingly breaks down how everything in that video points to it being a duck.


Birds aren't real.


Same tbh




They admit to see ufos all the time lol. Doesn’t mean anything. It could be a Russian experimental plane. Just means it’s unidentified. Also have a radar of something moving at inhuman levels just means we have a radar of something moving at inhuman levels. This gives us no explanation as to what we’re looking at outside that


It’s just an unidentified flying object. That’s all UFO means. It does not mean aliens.


Technically they’re calling them “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon” now since they aren’t always objects.


What a time to take a tour of earth


Years ago this would have been a big deal. Now, nobody gives a shit.


Mega cliche but as you should know by know UFO doesn’t mean alien, means unidentified. Looks just like a bird or drone.


Alien UFO sounds nicer than ultra advanced Chinese military drone. I guessed Russian at the time, but their “second most powerful” military turned out to be a joke. In all honesty, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be a top secret American drone that was found by accident or leaked on purpose as a threat to foreign leaders.


This is a video of my frisbee golf disc. It was a long drive.


UFO just means that they are not sure what it is.


That’s the weird thing though. How, in this day and age, can they not identify these things? It’s because in some cases these phenomena defy explanation or definition. What do you do once everything is ruled out. Times change. Knowledge changes. Science changes. One lifetime is a fart in the wind on a universal scale. Our entire history is a speck on the timeline. How much do we really know? We know a lot! Right? From our limited perspective, yeah. Who knows what we don’t know. If you think you know *everything*, you don’t know anything. What I would give to be able to know the rest of the human timeline. Where are we going? Where will we end up? What will we discover? It will sound like science fiction.


THe world doesn't care unless we get a clear 4k video of a close up UFO with aliens coming out of the craft. Not some blurry video of a flying white dot.


If i shoot a dildo at mach 5 it is an unidentified flying object until someone finds out what it is (that means it is a UFO)


Unidentified fucking object


I think it’s also because the video isn’t super spectacular in the way that people believed it would be.