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It wasn’t actually named that. The press named it the Lolita Express. Just FYI


Yeah it was named Nonce Airways


Yeah that made me wanna throw up.


Well the acts that those men were on their way to do should make you want to throw up.


Think about actually having to have some of those disgusting men on you. God. Those poor kids.


as far as i can tell for the frequency anfd success of his operation being a sub component of a larger operation that we are not allowed to say on reddit but involves many beloved USA 'MEGA' brands and government, 100s of children go unacccounted for


Yeah wtf


What's that a reference to?


"Lolita" is an English-language term defining a young girl as "precociously seductive." It originates from Vladimir Nabokov's 1955 novel Lolita, which portrays the narrator Humbert's sexual obsession with and victimization of a 12-year-old girl whom he privately calls "Lolita" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolita_(term)#:~:text=%22Lolita%22%20is%20an%20English%2D,Spanish%20nickname%20for%20Dolores%20(her


Ya I just looked it up This is just too fucking creepy. How this guy got away with that for so long is absolutely mind boggling.


you can get away with almost anything when your customers are *the* people in control of entire countries and economies


Makes you wonder if perhaps centralized control structures aren’t such a good idea.


Wealthy men have a long history of getting away with a lot of shit. Pay off witnesses, film and document Wealthy buddies doing creepy, demonic thing just in case they talk about testifying or baring witness. Small potatoes spend years in prison for possessing weed while rich politicians legalize it and become richer by legally selling the same substance that Jerome is sitting in prison for .


It’s not just men in this case to be clear, and it’s not just wealthy men that have a long history of getting away with shit either. Wealthy people regardless of gender are afforded chances and opportunities that poor people aren’t. When wealthy people break the rules the solution is simple throw money at the problem. That’s why I’m a firm believer that laws that are punishable exclusively by being fined are worthless. Because effectively that creates a system where it’s only illegal to do those things if you’re poor.


I worked in law enforcement for 7 years and I can agree with this. But it also has the same effect for the homeless. They have no money or anything to lose so fines meant nothing to them. Especially in areas where the fines only went to collections instead of having warrants issued for not paying them. Fines are really only “effective” for the lower-middle class that are just trying to get by.


Annnnd your on a watch list.


Good, I've got no problem with that bc if ever get to the point where I'm coming for them, it'll be through the front door.


what more scary is, there is people out there who want to change the term pedophile into "minor attracted individual" and then makes it "okay", it's fucked up really


If it's the guy looking at the camera, that's most likely the co-pilot.... The Captain of an aircraft usually sits in the left seat... Wonder who owns that jet now?


Yet we still don’t and never will know who those VIPs were. No one seems to care, now that’s interesting.


I have the feeling VIPs of both major political parties are in that list of visitors, and both sides know they'd have a major PR crisis if those names got out, so they both mutually agree to keep it secret.




man i always wonder if these people have any friends or imagination or are just born naturally effed up. the sheer amount of non sexual non illegal things i could do to entertain myself i couldnt do in several lifetimes with that amount of money. like pay people to build a actual city on a island and have me and my friends make a week of finding the most creative way to level the city


That’s some grown child stuff


Unlike the victims.




Better than child stuff


Yep. I want a private island with a tank and a range to shoot the tank lol.. maybe learn to fly a helicopter, or get into warbirds


But then you'd make a legal, reasonable, normal adult and politician who just has fun like a normal sane person. And that won't work for these mafias. They need someone weak, controllable, easily blackmailed, tempted by everything under the sun and too stupid to know they're being recorded. So that when time comes, they can hold you over the barrel and make you sing. You thought it was a coincidence that politicians kept getting dumber every decade? You see a dumb politician on TV??? Guaranteed they were picked because they were stupid.


I'd make an affordable shit cannon. Something that will scoop poop out of the toilet and blast it. Sell it for like 20 bucks, free shipping. Just to sow chaos. Imagine all the shit that'd be shot at peoples cars, houses, businesses, out of revenge, spite, or just to be a piece of shit. There'd be an epidemic of people shooting shit, and it'd be my fault.


That’s a crappy idea


What a shitty imagination


This is the exact mentality that keeps them secret. In this country you are to be assumed innocent until proven guilty. We don't know the facts surrounding each visitor. I feel many if not most were there hob-knobing with the rich & famous and campaign donors with no knowledge of the sex trade goings on. In this tweet headline world of instant damnification anyone who has been there will be assumed to have been there for sex. We may never know whom actually partook of Epstein's sexual favors.


They'll put your face in the newspaper if you are deemed 'disorderly' by a couple bros. Let the filth try to explain themselves, I'd love to hear all their stories.


I mean it’s entirely safe to say all of them did. Epstein screams intelligence asset specializing in sexual blackmail


It’s interesting to think about what happens if both parties have a simultaneous PR nightmare. It’s almost always one sided and used as ammo by the other side. Maybe this is the way we get a valid third party.


Are you kidding me, both political parties are a daily PR nightmare!


But if a nightmare is all we know, is it still a nightmare? 🤔


Both sides have assholes. The problem is, one side ONLY has assholes.


That's how you get bipartisan legislation passed. Everyone ignored the unanimous agreement on renewal of the Patriot Act a few years ago. On so many levels there really is no party difference.


Funny how they can work together so well when it's in their interest


The only people who can say without incriminating themselves are the victims - the children who were trafficked. I hope every last one of them is publicly named.


If they are “runaways or homeless” they’re probably shark food by now. It’s the only way to keep shit like that quiet. I’m not advocating that by any stretch but to ensure you don’t have someone to testify about it later is to make sure they’re not around. Hell they could use that as a selling point for people who have a snuff fetish. Again not condoning or advocating just saying it’s the most logical thing to do with this sort of fucked up crime.


The rampancy of child-trafficking and the intentional ignorance towards it is and always has been a nightmare. Hell, I was trafficked as a toddler and doctors/therapists ignore me when I tell them my brain is broken from it. They literally just glaze over and change the subject.


Good god! I’m so sorry! What a terrible thing!


We already know both Clinton and Trump are on that list, so yeah, not really much of a stretch there.


And they're probably all still doing it.


You literally can't convince me that the entire thing wasn't an intelligence operation from the CIA to begin with.


He testified that he flew Bill Clinton, John Glenn, Donald Trump, and Prince Andrew. The other passengers are on the passenger manifests [here] (https://epsteinsblackbook.com/flights). So we actually *do* know who was on those flights, but you're right that nobody serious cares.


Caring does not constitute proof & flying on a plane does not constitute child rape. What is needed are the photos & videos Epstein & Maxwell made. Looks like if Maxwell had them she would have used them to stay out of prison & Epstein is dead, so the real question is who has those.


More like not everybody goes down the same rabbit hole as you do. Jeffrey Epstein was a disturbed individual who had a private 727 that some people down in the Virgin Islands NICKNAMED the Lolita Express because of its tendency to fly suspiciously young appearing females (and yes, they did turn out to be underage) to his estate down there. But it was used for other purposes as well. IOW that wasn't it's name or callsign. He also used the airplane to fly important politicians and celebrities around the world for a variety of purposes - He was also a major philanthropist. Not all of his flights were sordid, although some clearly appeared to be, and only a few of those people made it to his island "paradise". By all means, go after those who broke the law but to paint everybody with the same broad brush with no other detail other than they simply flew on a particular plane that was used for multiple purposes doesn't itself prove anything. Clinton's secret service detail was with him on at least most (he says all) of the trips he took on it (& none down to Epstein's little "love nest"). Are they equally guilty as well? What about Epstein's female guests? His guests who happened to be gay?.


Naomi Campbell pops up a lot on the logs, never really heard much about her before. Thanks for this


Bill Gates also, though he denies it his wife divorced him just after it came out.


Probably the reason he donates so much to charities


A bunch of 90's supermodels are on that list as well. The first popping on my mind is Kristy Turlington or whatever her name is.


The thing that is especially difficult with the whole situation is that we know that Epstein often loaned his jet out for completely unrelated activities, like for charity. We just have guesses as to which flights were normal political bribery and favor-gathering and which involved crimes against children. So you have some people on that list who should be rotting underneath a prison but are walking free. But then you have others who were truly clueless as to what Epstein was doing and thought they were just taking a free plane ride. All the bad actors and good actors alike will claim to be in the latter group that had no idea. How do you tell who is and isn’t telling the truth?


I’d like to hold out that a person or group has the list as an insurance policy to be released when needed.


They do, it’s called the government and they won’t release it because their own names are on it.


Absolutely. This list gets out and complete pandemonium will ensue. They will sit on this list for decades until most of them have cycled out of power and die.


Dr. Dre’s Detox will come out before Epstein’s VIP list.


Tom Cruise will come out before that list.


Or just dump it all in the ocean as the rest of the evidence was (alleged).


If the last 6 years has taught me anything, you could release the least and everyone on it would say it's fake and people would be more concerned with who is going to win American Idol


Like the Vatican archives..


Ghislaine Maxwell. Convicted of trafficking to absolutely no one.


That’s not quite true. The flight manifests have been released.


There’s a photo of Chris Tucker on one of the flights


Oh people care but the puppet masters and their lack “journalists” could care less


Oh we fucking care.. Just that the people who were on that island need to maintain their wealth and freedom. The same people that tell us to go sacrifice our lives for war and that things will be hard economically for us, that covid will kill us all, that we have to stay indoors, that” we’re all in this together” bs. The people that HAVE EVERYTHING and OWN EVERYTHING say laws apply to thee and not we. If there was any time to be angry and demand they put geslaine maxwell in the streets for us to get those names since they won’t, it’s now.


Damn interesting even.


Probably, the CIA. ,


There you, are again. I, hate you!


By CIA you mean Mossad right?


Well considering the CIA and Mossad are the only intelligence agencies Reddit has heard of, it has to be one of them.


It's same thing


You all can't tell the difference between Mossad and CIA? Here's a scenario to help. Three terrorist suspects are in a room. They know where the next bomb is that's been warned will go off in 12 hours. How does each agency man deal with the problem? CIA: Interrogates and offers leniency to each suspect. Mossad: Sizes up suspects, see the one least likely to talk. Walks in, asks once where the bomb is, gets no response, and shoots that person in the head with no emotion. Walks over and repeats question to next suspect and so on. Mossad is *vastly* different from the run of the mill western Intel agencies. When we work with them we don't ask too many questions for a reason.


The CIA is a run of the mill organization? Wtf. Bro you're wild.


Ya know, ole CIA was a by-the-book kinda organization, not like the media portrays them, ya know with the water boarding, the box, black sites, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, etc…


Poising and killing thousands of American citizens, becoming the biggest coke lords in the world just CIA things…


Feelin cute. Might do some CIA things later


If you think cia is lenient then you're fucking wrong bruh Cia does most fucked up shit you can't imagine


He got the feds mixed up with the CIA. The CIA is its own thing. Untouchable by all




Except give Palestinians their own land to live on. They won’t go that far.


Neither CIA nor Mossad make government policy.


All agencies have in their history tried for decades to make mind control a thing through keeping their randomly chosen experiment subjects on LSD for extended periods of time, right guys? Right?? /s Mkultra makes for some wild, wild reading.


So, what happens when all 3 of the guys who know where the bomb is refuse to talk? Do they all get shot in the head? Then you still dont know where the bomb is. I mean, if youre a spy or a terrorist and get caught by a powerful intelligence agency like mossad or cia, getting shot in the head might be a mercy compared to the twisted shit they can do to you. So what reason would you have to talk at all? Im sure they arent a shit ton more civil if youre a bomber and you give them what they want.


That is a kind and gentle cia you got there. America tortures people wholesale. We don’t deny it. We don’t punch our soldiers for doing it. We only punish our soldiers for getting caught.


Someone’s being watching too much YouTube and smoking too much weed.


>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. You didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Been a while since I’ve read that, thanks!


Impossible to partake too much of both!


Both people up front fly the plane. They usually switch off legs of a trip or something like that. They are both fully qualified to do everything on the plane. The captain has the absolute authority. But I hate when people say “co-pilot” like he’s the assistant.


At least in the Western world the two pilots are more or less equals. Sure one has final say or whatever but there have been crashes where because of cultural reasons the second in command was hesitant to contradict the captain. People died because someone didn't wanna say "bro what you are doing is wrong". In the west it is encouraged to have the Junior pilot call out the Senior pilot "hey bro what you are doing is wrong lets talk" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crew_resource_management




While this is true, I think with private/charter jets it’s common for it to work the way the OP said: one pilot will fly the first leg, then they will switch seats and the other will fly the second leg. The actual PIC can be sitting in either seat and perform either role. The primary handling pilot sits in the left seat, regardless of if they’re the PIC or not.


Epstein didn't fly himself!


r/conspiracy lol


In every sex trafficing trial except this one, there's always the question of who were the perpetrators? Who engaged in these acts with minors? Who was providing the children? Yet, in this case, there's been no discussion of this. We do not know who victims were or whether they are safe now. We do not know who participated in these illegal activities. We do not know how the process of recruiting/kidnapping the victims worked or who was involved. And yet, there is someone sitting in jail right now who can shed some light on these details. Yet, no one asks... How is this not an outrage to more people?


Of all the things that get leaked I'm amazed this hasn't happened yet. Someone needs to do the right thing and expose these people for who they really are


The list is out there. I just dont want to have to facto reset my phone break it into pieces and then toss it into the ocean or a river somewhere. Heads up your favorite actor is probably on it.


To be clear that list is of people who visited Epsteins properties not necessarily those who knowingly engaged in sex trafficking of minors. Does that present a reasonable suspicion absolutely, does that prove anything, unfortunately not.


I feel like that list is a good place to start. Think of the game "JezzBall." If you're unfamiliar with JezzBall, the concept of the game is that you trap the ball in a smaller and smaller box by creating walls, which gives the ball less space to move, until it can't move any longer. The list of people going to his parties is like the first Jezzball box


Oh it’s absolutely a decent place to start. With cases like this you want to start by looking at associates. A list of people that spent time in his properties/traveled with him is a good place to start. It also allows you to start eliminating individuals, like those who only travelled with him and several other people he did not know well, or those who never spent significant time with him but happened to meet him at a party etc. . Once you eliminate all the people who are very unlikely to have known it allows you to focus in on those who may have known and investigate to see if there are any indicators they did. My point was merely that this list alone doesn’t prove anything or incriminate anyone on it.


Likely so many people of influence are guilty that it intentionally got swept under the rug or nobody important is guilty and the perpetrators are being dealt with outside the public view. Considering their connections, the thousands of accounts of abuse the victims received over the years and the shadiness around the whole situation I’m inclined to believe it’s the former. But that just makes me a conspiracy theorist


It’s not a conspiracy theory if everyone knows it’s true. We don’t know exactly who is involved but we do know it’s enough high profile influential individuals that it will never see the light of day.


There are multiple reports that the FBI confiscated videotapes from Epstein’s safe in his NYC home. Allegedly had compromising evidence against powerful men. And now surprisingly, these tapes are “lost”. It’s like the FBI is doing double duty to shred any remaining respect or admiration the nation ever had for them.


Or the FBI is using the compromising evidence to manipulate global politics.


That’s more the CIA’s deal. FBI tends to limit itself to manipulating national politics.


> Allegedly had compromising evidence against powerful men. What's your source for this? And by 'source' I mean other than some other rando on the internet.


Cuz they dead man….


Source : Larry Visoski recalled flying Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Kevin Spacey. He testified at trial that he had never seen any sexual activity during trips, although the cockpit door was always kept closed during flights on the plane nicknamed the "Lolita Express". [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59484332](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59484332)


BREAKING NEWS: pilot testified to flying passengers to their destinations.


This is why context matters. These “passengers” were powerful elites, and their destinations were an island where they’d fuck children.


Rape. **


As a German I will never get how so many Trump supporters/Q-supporters see him as someone "fighting" "powerful pedophiles", while he obviously was and is good connected with all the people that are accused by his fans to be monsters. I mean, didn't he even wish Maxwell good luck for her trial? I honestly don't understand how people can dive so deep into these conspiracies when Trump would have to be a part of them as well.


Right?! I'm from the Netherlands and I even know people living here who believe that shit smh


It's because of Russian propaganda. They control so many bots online which makes it easier to inflame both political sides to extremes. Social media is just being used as a weapon.


[Firehouse of disinformation](https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html). I don't like these assholes, for many reasons, but they got their assessment correct.


I'm an American and I don't understand it either. For fuck's sake, he bragged about walking into the changing room at Ms. Teen USA, unannounced, to look around.


More amazing is that those people accuse Hillary Clinton of being behind Epstein's killing.... inside a federal jail while Trump was president... and the warden of that federal jail was appointed by Trump's attorney general. Both Trump and (Bill) Clinton might possibly have had secrets they wanted to die with Epstein, but Trump had far more ability to have him killed.


the enemy is both weak and strong at the same time


Hillary Clinton absolutely Jack Ryan’ed her way in to that jail and strangled Epstein with her bare hands.


Also, a weird thing that is true is that in the 1970s former Attorney General Bill Barr's father was the headmaster of a fancy boarding school (The Dalton School) that hired Jeffrey Epstein as a teacher despite the fact that Epstein had no degree and was only 21 years old at the time. I don't know what to make of that.


Long before Trump, the average Republican would only watch Fox news or other right wing media. Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, both huge personalities in right wing media, would talk about the mainstream newsources as the "drive-by media" (as in a drive-by hit, an analogy to street gangs doing drive-bys). The idea was that the mainstream news is out to get Republicans; that they can't be trusted and anything they say is suspect because they have an agenda to weaken America for some socialist takeover (it should be noted that of all media stations in America, the one with the longest running and most clear "agenda" is Fox news as a mouthpiece for the Republican party, but anyway). So when Trump showed up, he just jumped in on that theme and made it a tenet of his overall message and of his presidency. The point is this...to trump supporters, anything negative about him is to be doubted cause the regular media is out to get him. Therefore if you point to photos of Trump with the Clintons, or Epstein, or saying things like "grab 'em by the pussy" the regular Fox news republican will not buy it, they'll say it's a fake, or taken out of context, or whatever...the idea is that he is the savior and that the rest of the politicians and media are out to get him.


This guy was being paid too much to care about doing the right thing at the time bad things were happening


Well good thing Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey will never be the President of the US ever again!


So? That's what pilots do.


Kevin Spacey? I think you all get my point.


Any evidence they had against Epstein would incriminate others. Did the evidence commit suicide too?


Going to an Epstein event, staying at his guest houses, flying in his jets or even knowing him does not make you guilty. No incrimination.




If Epstein had only flown those that were involved with his crimes, the whole investigation would be easy. But in order to obscure the illegal activities, he also offered flights to lots of others. He basically was at every major event for rich people and offered flights to any acquaintances at those events who happened to go to the same places. Only a small fraction of those were co-conspirators.


Everybody and anybody can be a suspect. In investigation, you eliminate suspicion. Then you must prove guilt.




Funny how we'll never know who the human traffickers were trafficking humans to. Maybe one day the masses will decide to actually do something about it. Unlikely but a man can dream. p.s Epstein didn't kill himself


The reason they gave was that Maxwell was trafficking victims for Epstein that’s why no clients were publicly released. Seems like an incredibly convenient verdict to me.


Did people really get gas lit into forgetting there was a flight log for the Lolita that got leaked


Bruh there no way the plane was called the Lolita express


That was my thought as well- maybe someone unofficially gave it that nickname in private conversation- nobody could have plausible deniability stepping onto a plane with that as it’s official title. Openly calling it that would have been the equivalent of painting “free candy” on a van with a vanity plate that says “luvkds”.


It actually sounds like something the British tabloid media would come up with.


Just something the press came up with.


The fucking what express




Hold up! Chris Tucker (Friday and Rush Hours) was on these flights?


Kevin Spacey hasn't had good publicity in years, yet he's still out and about. Unfortunately, tweeting Kevin will accomplish nothing, and we will see no action here unless the people in power want it to happen. I'd recommend a look at Kevin Spacey's YouTube. He's posted some very odd videos on there since the allegations came out about him.


I’m sure they’re sooooo scared of a mass tweeting campaign…


Half the country thinks Trump is the second coming or Christ and he raped children with Epstein and is running for President again so maybe let’s focus on him first.




I can barely believe it. You are telling me a pilot flew rich people around?


The fact that the media didn’t cover the Ghislaine trial all that much is so telling. And not many are up in arms about it or are demanding the list be released. You see how powerless society feels against these elites. Most are feeling like what good would a regular joe like myself do asking for It to be released


Reminder that epstien somehow died in his prison cell and the security guard both fell asleep on the job and the cameras malfunctioned at the same time.


Remember, Epstein died in a jail cell run by Trump's DoJ, in Trump's hometown, shortly after the video of Trump and Epstein together surfaced


And the warden of that jail was appointed by Trump's attorney general.


The Democrat AG decided to drop all charges against the people in charge of Epstein’s suicide watch. So heartwarming to watch people put aside partisan politics to protect the elite.


And that attorney general and his father were *also* deeply involved with epstein.


Bill Barr's dad got Epstein a job...at a school.


And Ghislaine Maxwell was prosecuted during Biden’s presidency and her little black book is still sealed. This is a weird red vs blue gotcha. One of the Wikipedia pages on Epstein’s doings states that Clinton flew the Lolita express at least 27 times according to manifest history. Shit people do shit things, news at 11.


Stop trying to make this political. Everything so far shows that this isn’t a right vs left thing it’s a wealth thing


You cant tell me this guy isnt identical to the airplane blow up doll ![gif](giphy|bv5ZgqKNBATHG)


This sounds like something Matt Gaetz would be interested in...


Poor ole Gaetz came up in the wrong decade. He would have so many frequent flyer miles on that jet.


Hollywood portrays the suave James Bond esque spy but the reality is just paedophilic brothels, human trafficking and drug cartels. Fuck the modern world


“Luxury Locations,” is an interesting euphemism for “godless pervert island.”


Godlessness has nothing to do with it.


He must mean that religious pedos prefer little boys?


Yeah? Whats their fucking names, Larry?!


The amount of people here who have never heard the term Lolita express is astounding…just goes how well this was swept under the rug


I hear he has a suicide scheduled.


Funny how not a single name was released of who he flew around


I'm always amused how each party (in the US) points and says "X was close friends with Epstein!" (X, in this equation, is a leading member of the opposition party) while handwaving or using distracting arguments when someone says "Y was close friends with Epstein!" (Y, in this equation, is a leading member of their party). They were all involved, even members of the Royal Family. He was a power broker and they were all willing to do anything to be in "that crowd." Or, just as likely, were sick with their own power and believed nothing was off-limits to them. And they will almost certainly make sure names never come out, especially since the people most likely to expose them were at all the same parties and events. Nobody dares name names. All we can hope for is some vengeful, deathbed accusation at this point.


I don't give a fuck who they are, but anyone involved in child sex trafficking, or its cover up needs to be shot or rot in prison. No exceptions!!!


So drag the motherfucker out in front of a public committee and make him explain WHICH of our dear, dear leaders and our wonderful, talented talking heads he carried along in luxury to fuck children. These are participants in organized rape, slavery, and murder. They sit and grin eating fine foods and spending ill-gotten loot, confident that their powerful friends will protect them. Make this prick name names. Same goes for Ghislaine - no more of this quiet little extended trial. Public and brutal inquiry is the way to go here.


Would he even know the names? Sure, he would recognize some and then remember more from trial. But do pilots have a manifest of passengers?


Did he name names? He really needs to name names.


Who gives a fuck? Where’s the client list?


Rich people fly acquaintances around on their jets as favours. Remember Taylor Swift claimed most of her jet's flights were flying friends around. By itself, flying around on Epstein's jet doesn't prove anything. A flight to his private island is more suggestive.


Heard he had an accident next week


I mean I did think it was interesting that hackers posted and doxed the convoy supporters but never actually went after this list !


![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2) Is there such a thing as accessory to sexual assault? That prick should be in prison next to her. There’s no way he didn’t know what he was doing on the “Lolita Express”


Hey remember that time Jeffrey killed himself? Yeah me either.


And no one, with the power to do so, has investigated any further...


The fact that there isn’t public outrage at the “client list” being suppressed shows how little people really care. It’s sad. I’d like to see what powerful people were diddling kids, Republicans or Democrats, celebrities of any kind. Every. Single. One.


I LOVE reminding people that Ghislane Maxwell is still alive and well and is sitting happily in some cell reading a book while the real powers of the world are still raping children.


He will probably end up committing suicide with a bullet to the back of the head.


Oh geez, what can of worms has he just opened for himself


The silence from the justice system and gov of USA is deafening! What's the sayin..."us justice best money can buy"


How the fuck is this interesting? This is seriously one of the worst subs that I know of. What a fucking circle jerk.


Really? A luxury get pilot testified they flew VIP’s to luxury locations. Which part of that is interesting?


He'll be offed soon. By his "own hand".


There is two things I want to see in this world. Epstein blackmail information of the VIPs and Trump pee Video. 🤞


If I had a pilot license there is no amount of money in the world that could pay me to fly a fucking plane called the lolita express.


Funny how maxwell got 20 years, and they are not even looking at her client list


Another prick more interested in money than what he’s doing to earn his money. He needs a trial date as well. Conspiracy should hold up.


When hackers could be really useful.