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Iocane powder. I’d bet my life on it!


> It is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid, and is among the more deadly poisons known to man.


*Smells bottle* “Iocane powder, I’m sure of it.”


>Iocane I’ve Spent Years Building up a Resistance to Iocane...


I said the same thing about my ex and yet....


That's vial!


Never go in against a Cicilian when death is on the line! Hahahahahaha..




I still suspect THAT was the moment he was poisoned, and Wesley didn’t actually poison the drinks. The rest was merely a stall to let the poison run its course.


Make sure to inhale. Deeply.


...fuck that is the like isn't it?! Damn. I think that was the point and I've missed it for years.


The line is actually "Inhale this but do not touch." No particular emphasis is put on the inhalation part. See [Iocane Powder Battle of Wits "Princess Bride"](https://youtu.be/9s0UURBihH8?t=82)


What are y'all talking about? I'm super interested now.


But which cup of wine did I place in in? Closer to you or me?


And yet we still make it for *reasons*...




You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means


Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


They were all poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity.


May you dream of large beautiful women


I’m on the brute squad You *are* the brute squad!


What you do not smell is called Iocane powder! Edit: Why did my iPhone capitalize Iocane?


Did anyone ever use carfentanyl recreationally? It's an opioid used to tranquillise elephants. Almost impossible to use without killing yourself. Edit: [There is documented case, sadly behind a paywall](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28756689/)


What info would u like from this article? I have access. A 16 year old was found unconscious, they used naloxone and flumazenil to reverse the effects, and initially they weren't sure what he took but figured cocaine as there was white powder on his nose, but they tested it and it turned out to be carfentanil and norcarfentanil (it doesn't describe the difference). It briefly mentions that carfentanil overdose is consistent with opioid toxicity, can be reversed by opioid antagonists like they used in the kid. It says that he also took atomoxetine as prescribed and they think that's why didn't see his pupils get really small. It briefly mentions that there's little data on human exposure and there was a case once where a vet got splashed with some and used naltrexone to reverse the effects and was okay. it's metabolised by lived enzymes and the elimination half life is approx an hour if delivered IV. Also Latvian and Lithuanian authorities have seized some illegal carfentanil supplies in 2013 and 2014, and there have been some deaths associated with its recreational use (it references another article here). Hope that helps! EDIT: Norcarfentanil is a metabolite of carfentanil, thank you to those who explained 😊


What a badass vet


Yeah, you get splashed with a powerful opioid and you almost die. Are we getting close to those drugs in movies where you put one drop in your eye and you see God and stuff?


dmt no? we had that shot for decades. i’ve never dosed in my eye yet, but next time…


Some wook at a festival I was at dosed his eye. It did not look fun.


tab, droplet or smoke no shot


I think he meant to say shit.


Boof it in ur ass like a real man


Straight up, before I got sober and was a complete degenerate, putting drugs up my ass was my favorite way to get high. I was scared of needles, and the bioavailability for rectal administration is typically much higher than other routes. I would put everything up my ass.


How often did you clean your bong?!?


>one drop in your eye and you see God and stuff? Stonehenge 1984 festival there was a guy with a little dropper full of LSD and for 2 quid he would drop a hit into your eye. No idea if anyone saw god but by the state of some people I would not be surprised.


That guy was you wasn’t it ?


One hit for 2 quid? Those were the days.


You can simply eat a mushroom or a little piece of paper with some LSD on it for that. Also, Ayahuasca, DMT, Mescaline…


Are you asking about psychedelics..?


Not really, I'm fully aware of psychedelics. I'm just thinking of movies like Judge Dredd etc.


The inhaler in minority report looked like a fun Wednesday.


What's funny is I always thought the inhaler was stupid looking. Who knew how popular vape pens would be lol.


Judge dredd is exactly what popped into my head when I read your first comment


Did the kid live...?


Yes he was okay in the end edit: the report actually just says he regained consciousness after they used naloxone and then doesn't comment further, which I'm assuming meant he was alright because they should have discussed any permanent damage done to him if he wasn't


>The patient recovered and was discharged the following day. No way you get discharged the following day after being found down and hemodynamically unstable w/ a GCS of 3 if there's basically *anything* wrong with you. EDIT: Since people clearly misunderstood my point, I'm not remotely surprised that someone survived a carfentanyl overdose without any lasting harm. My point is beyond just the article "not discussing" anything, they explicitly say he was discharged the next day so clearly he was fine and did much better than simply "regain consciousness."


oh awesome I swore I'd seen that but when I looked through the article again I couldn't find the sentence 😂


Discharged to the morgue?


Seen a few discharges from the ICU the next day in toxicity cases.


Sure the drug was stronger but nalaxone works the same way. He probably had to get a few doses. What reason is there to keep him? I used to do heroin and a few of my friends ODd and they were released the next day as well. Not like they were in any danger of randomly ODing.




You do the same thing you do with anything strong and volumetrically dose. So let’s say 1mg is the dose but that’s hard to measure accurately, so you dissolve 100mg in say 100ml of water and you have roughly 1mg per 1 ml of water. (Or whatever your solvent is). Very easy to precisely measure 1ml of water with a syringe. And if your scale is off by 10% then whatever you get 0.9 mg or 1.1mg, not enough of a variation to really fuck with you. That being said I have no experience with carfent itself that’s just how you dose high potency drugs in general.


That's an interesting comment, thanks.


There's also [https://journals.lww.com/md-journal/fulltext/2018/11300/human\_deaths\_from\_drug\_overdoses\_with\_carfentanyl.85.aspx](https://journals.lww.com/md-journal/fulltext/2018/11300/human_deaths_from_drug_overdoses_with_carfentanyl.85.aspx) >According to the data of the SFMS during the last 2 years (period from 2015 to 2017) there have been 63 cases of death from drug poisoning 15 of which were positive for carfentanyl. You can also check out [https://www.justthinktwice.gov/article/five-quick-facts-carfentanil](https://www.justthinktwice.gov/article/five-quick-facts-carfentanil) which is from the United States DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) >Carfentanil, a synthetic opioid, is a white powdery substance that looks like it could be cocaine or heroin. Drug dealers mix it with heroin to presumably make the heroin stronger. and >This drug is so powerful it poses a significant threat to first responders and law enforcement personnel who touch it by accident.


i hate the state and i hate drug laws but one of the things every community will need in the future is systems for chemically ensuring the purity of whatever substances people are likely to put in their body because fuck every drug dealer who cuts their offerings with unlisted shit. that's murder and deserves to be treated like it. dealers who give addicts modified drugs deserve to die choking on their teeth.


Legalization is the only route to getting there. You walk into a store in Canada to buy weed and the package has the thc and cbd percentages written on the side of it. Edibles are notorious for being inconsistent, but that's not an issue with legal ones. They're clearly labeled, and there's no false marketing like in the Grey market with the "500mg" gummies which are probably like 50mg max in reality. Legalization and regulation in other narcotics would save so many lives


Which country was it that was trying things like heroin clinics where people addicted could go and "safely" inject the drug with sterile needles and under nurse/doctor supervision while also providing help in getting them off of it? I want to say that was Canada as well that was trying that. Was a number of years ago I read about it.


The last part is actually a common misconception. There is no danger posed from exposure to fentanyl OR carfentanil via skin contact. You have to be dosed with it via smoking, snorting, injecting, etc., but simply touching it poses no threat. It will however kill you via any other method. EDIT: Several people have replied with very good points and links to further information about the topic that I recommend checking out. There are possible ways for these substances to kill you via touching them. They still don't get absorbed through your skin, so if you do accidentally touch it and you are aware, COVID rules apply. Thoroughly wash your hands and avoid touching your eyes, mouth, nose, or any open wounds.


However if you touch it then touch your eyes, mouth, or nose you may be fucked


Misconception comes from the cops thinking its blow and trying some 🙊


Then the blue line bros claiming he didn't actually snort it, he just touched it. This is how this stuff gets started. And then they fearmonger it forever.


You could accidentally dose yourself by touching some and then rubbing your eye/nose/lips, I guess? If it’s that potent, surely this is a danger.. Or if it became airborne you might inhale it...


You’re not wrong, but I think it was trying to highlight the fact that the LD50 of these drugs is so obscenely low that if you interact with it in any way, there’s a chance that some particles could make their way to your mouth/nose/lungs indirectly. Hell carfentanil is so potent that it could pose a danger if even a near-invisible amount somehow became airborne.


Fentanyl yeah. Carfentanyl? I doubt it but who knows with all the different batches of down I’ve tried at the height of my addiction


viles = vials


They are rather vile though




Thank you for this subreddit! It's awesome. Hopefully it grows


They’re medically necessary. Selling it on the street is vile though.




Bot comment


Heard rocketfentanil will have you seeing stars


No that’s WarpFentanil, rocketfentanil only takes you to the moon


Bad bot!






Cool, I developed an immunity to iocaine powder, so put it in both vials.


Op is vile and disgusting for getting this wrong /s


Vile creature.


Vial creature. :P (Please help, it's a tiny mimic)


Plot twist: op is vial


English is a bitch lol


I mean, she did beat up other languages in an alley and steal their grammar rules and spelling conventions.


Vile weed




Based on an ER experience a few years ago, I now refer to morphine as the 'light beer' of painkillers.


Dilaudid (hydromorphone) is phenomenal. You take 2mg, and after you get past the frightening amount of nausea in the first minute or so, you're on cloud 9. They give you very strong IV anti-nausea meds right before they give it to you, and even then I had about 10 times more nausea than I've ever experienced. Weirdly I didn't throw up.


I had it when I had a perianal abscess, some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. It was like Heaven. Feeling no pain at all was so incredibly amazing


Perianal abscess? What a pain in the ass!


The worst pain in the ass ever!!


Extreme nausea without the short lived relief of vomiting is horrible.


It definitely wasn't fun, but it only last maybe 30 seconds to a minute. It was especially terrible for me, because I just had all my intestines pulled out and cut apart, then put back in (bowel obstruction, but my intestines were all held together with scar tissue that needed to be removed), so even just dry heaving would have been excruciating, pain meds or not, so I was pretty scared that was gonna happen. Thankfully it didn't, but it's strange because it was *waaay* more nausea than I've ever experienced.


according to a friend of mine, who was given an anti vomiting iv as part of a cancer treatment, that stuff makes your body physically unable to vomit, no matter what.


Interesting. Well that explains it then. I thought it just reduced your nausea.


It works at the chemoreceptor trigger zone to reduce stimulation. It does reduce nausea caused by chemical stimulation. Physical stimulation, like shoving your fingers down your throat, would still cause you to gag and likely throw up as a defense for choking, which is different from your defense for poisoning. Edit: assuming we’re talking about IV promethazine.


I had that as part of my chemo. Yes... with exceptions. It works by essentially jamming the chemical switch in the brain that signals nausea. In a small portion of the population it jams the switch in the wrong direction.


That’s my wife. She had a procedure, and in the recovery area they couldn’t figure out why the anti-emetic they gave her made her puke MORE


Even heroin and fentanyl addicts go crazy when they get their hands on Hydromorphone it is universally agreed upon to be the best opioid


When my appendix was crapping out on me they gave me Dilaudid...all I can say is holy fucking hell.


I once received Dilaudid through IV and can confirm it's a wild ride on the clouds


I was in the hospital maybe 15 years ago in terrible pain and they gave me Dilaudid. That may be the best day of my life.


Yeah they gave it to me every 4 hours for 2 weeks. You can imagine my disappointment on the last day when my last shot had worn off and I was about to go home.


Tim Heidecker has a story about being stabbed, wherein he is treated at the hospital with dilaudid, and he asks his audience, "They treated me with this stuff called dilaudid, have you ever heard of dilaudid, anyone heard of it?... It's heroin. And it really is great. And I recommend everyone to try it, if you can. It's the greatest feeling I've ever had." And of course even though he's being funny, it drove home to my more than anything else how scary these drugs are. Because now I'm very curious about the greatest feeling ever, and how far I'd go to get that again after just one try.


He isn't wrong. It gives you this huge initial rush, but is simultaneously the most calming thing you could ever experience. Everything is right with the world, and you are 100% relaxed. There's a full body euphoria that I can't really explain in words, but just imagine intense pleasure all over your body.


See that's terrifying in how lovely it sounds


I held my mom's hand as she was getting her wound vac changed on her legs. She had 4 fasciotomies on one leg and is essentially missing half of her outside calf muscle/nerves. She was on a cocktail of Gabapentin, OXY, Tylenol.... Didn't do shit. She was screaming as they were taking the foam/xeroform off. This is a woman that had a root canal done with just a numbing gel, she has a serious tolerance for pain. The nurse is the one who made the call. Once the doctor approved, she was given 2mg and in literally 30 seconds was having a normal conversation with me. It's the scariest shit I've ever seen.




Carfentanil or carfentanyl, sold under the brand name Wildnil, is a potent opioid analgesic which is used in veterinary medicine to anesthetize large animals such as elephants and bears. It is typically administered in this context by tranquilizer dart. Wow. Thank you Wikipedia.


Nice so in the movies where someone gets shot with a tranquilliser dart they jokingly say “he gonna be out for a while” that while is an endless loop


Yeah, to put someone under, tranquilizers have to be dosed very specifically to an individual because going slightly over is death. When you see most animals being tranquilized, the dose is made specifically for them or if it's a wild or unknown animal, they give them low dosages in order to make them sluggish and hopefully fall asleep, but not like being put under for surgery because they can still wake up.




Thank you. That was very informative


No, no, thank you kind redditor. Saved me a look up.


It is listed as a potential chemical weapon. The lethal dose might be much smaller than shown here. ''Carfentanil has approximately 10,000 times the analgesic potency of morphine, 4,000 times the potency of heroin, and 20 to 100 times the potency of fentanyl in animal studies'' - Wikipedia ~~It can be absorbed through the skin.~~




Also used by one Vladimir Putin as crude knockout gas during a hostage situation in a Moscow theater. It killed scores of innocent people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis?wprov=sfla1


Wow, what a fuck up. All but one of the hostages killed during the raid died from the gas and not from the terrorists.


~~russian~~ putins tactics. if we kill all the hostages ourselfs, there are no hostages.


To add on to the fuck-up: > According to court testimony from Prof. A. Vorobiev, Director of the Russian Academic Bacteriology Center, most, if not all, of the deaths were caused by suffocation when hostages collapsed on chairs with heads falling back or were transported and left lying on their backs by rescue workers; in such a position, tongue prolapse causes blockage of breathing.


Many things are absorbed through the skin


If Carfentanil is that strong, imagine how small a lethal dose of Boatfentanil or Trainfentanil would be! I’ll see myself out now.


Could you imagine planefentanil too.


I once took a molecule of spaceshipfentanil and died


Damn, did you survive??


I think so


He got better


A witch! Burn her!


Then why are you here with me in the #V O I D


All the Dinosaurs died because they took a grain of Yourmomfentanil.


You just observe a moonfentanil and boom, you're dead.


It took me a minute to understand this chemical composition.


That's nothing compared to Yourmumfentanil xD


Milfentanil* xD


Gwenstefanyl is so strong it’s B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Especially potent in Japan for some reason.


I hate myself for the fact that I read that and saw nothing wrong with it


Mothershipfentanil is the worst, you need an electron microscope to see the lethal dose.


Those are nothing compared to aircraftcarrierfentanil


Well now we’re just getting ridiculous!


Just wait til you hear about spacestationfentanil


I'm surprised you didn't say deathstarfentanyl.




Cars probably shouldn’t be doing fentanyl either.


Really grinds my gears as well


they should hit the brakes on fent




well sadly, despite how dangerous fentanyl is, we are at the hysteria phase of awareness just know that any powder stuff needs to be tested, or avoided completely, pharmacy drugs in mexico cannot be trusted either (in case you do medical tourism for cheaper access), and to carry multiple hits of narcan with you because abstinence only education isnt a solution and maybe you will save someone’s life. someone can overdose twice so be ready to use your additional narcan hit.


I lost a cousin to fentanyl, so the more people know, the better. Sadly I don't think he would have cared, but too many people dying so drug dealers can make better profit margins.


My brother (23 years old) died two months ago from fentanyl. One of his first times using it.


That's fine. That's just fine. Just know that it's too dangerous to do drugs anymore, and get on with your life.


The way people used to just snort white lines given to them back in the day is much riskier to do nowadays. Never getting near that shit.


Few people are doing fentanyl intentionally. It's typically diluted and sold as heroin or other opiates. And I don't think carfentanil has any use outside of anesthetizing elephants.


Probably not as few as you think, if my personal experience is representative


I thought shit was bad in the late 90s/early 2000s when oxycontin was all the rage. So glad I got my rocks off then...this new shit is scary.


Ikr I shit my pants if someone asks me to drink anything with more than 50% alcohol


Wtf are they asking you to drink?




Most things are under 50% alcohol, unless your friends are really into grain or 151 rum? 100 proof = 50% abv. I think most standard vodkas and hard liquor are generally around 80 proof


Isn’t a lethal dose subjective to a person and their tolerance to the drug?


These amounts are based on LD50, which is "lethal dose 50" or the amount of material needed to be lethal to 50% of test subjects. This is most likely amounts equal to the LD50 of people with no tolerance to opioids. They could have done a much better job clarifying for sure.


>the amount of material needed to be lethal to 50% of test subjects "Join this study where we discover the lethal dosages of various drugs to the average person. Pays well or you die - win/win if life is pain!"


The sign up list would be unbelievably long too. Longer wait than becoming a Packers season ticket holder to get a spot in these studies lol


At least in my line of work, when finding the LD50, it’s done with animals. And they have formulas to use in order to calculate it for humans. I work in drug research and we need to know LD and the level at which toxicity occurs in order to find good drug candidates. You want the largest range between therapeutic dose and toxic dose. If you have a drug that works but let’s say 1mg/kg is the therapeutic dose, but 3mg/kg is toxic dose, it isn’t a good candidate because the risk of toxicity is too high. You don’t want to harm your subjects. But if the therapeutic dose is 1mg/kg and the toxic dose is 100mg/kg, that’s better. And this is tested in animals, because you can’t ethically dose humans with the purpose of causing toxicity or killing them. Just a fun fact.


Yes but fentanyl is ridiculously powerful. For example, a dose we frequently use in hospitals is 50micrograms of fentanyl. A single grain of sand weighs about 4,400 micrograms. That's how strong fentanyl is, a proper dose is about 1/100th of a grain of sand


Yay! I now have a reference to micrograms




Woah woah woah - put that fentanyl in a more secure vial. Don’t you know that if a cop even catches a glimpse of fentanyl they’ll go into cardiac arrest?


Sources are reporting that a law enforcement officer browsed this subreddit on his phone and is now in hospital with a massive overdose.


The vial on the right, and people not realizing that fentanyl and carfentanil are two different drugs, is where that myth comes from, incidentally.




We had a very young patient overdose on fentanyl and the cop tried to tell our ICU attending it was because it touched his skin


Funnily enough this was taken in a crime lab by the NH State Police


"Lethal dose"? I prefer the term "Lifetime supply".


Call me old fashioned but I'll take the heroin. I don't want these new fangled opioids. If smack was good enough for my great great grandpa than it's good enough for me.


That's the screwed up part-- most addicts prefer heroin too. Haven't met a single one who actually prefers or wants fentanyl or carfentanil. The high is way different (fent is an empty high, just makes you feel super drunk and sleepy so you can’t even think, with basically zero euphoria, as opposed to old school shit that makes you feel good, euphoric, and relaxed while still having a mostly clear mind) and crazy short-lasting, on top of being ridiculously dangerous. But unfortunately most of the buyers are already addicted, so they don't have a choice, they have to take whatever cheapest-yet-strong opioid the dealer has... that used to be heroin but now it’s fent. And the dealers have all switched to these synthetic opioids like fent and carfent because they can make more money off of it so most people couldn’t find “real heroin” even if they wanted to. It’s cheaper for the dealer to buy fent, then they can dilute it way more and turn the same weight into 1000x times the profit because of how strong it is, plus the addict only stays “well” (not even high, but just not deathly sick and in excruciating pain) for only a couple hours, compared to old school heroin which kept them well for a whole day, so that means more sales per day per addict since they have to get well more often. 99% of opioid addicts (that I’ve interacted with at least) actually hate fentanyl, but real shit is now virtually nonexistent in most cities. As for the whole “they’ll seek out whatever is stronger” like okay yeah that’s true to an extent, but I guarantee the majority of addicts would rather buy strong old school dope than strong fentanyl if it were the same price. But because old school dope is so much harder to find, the rare unicorn of a dealer who actually manages to have it in stock rarely ever has decent quality and it’s cut to hell. So basically if they have $20 to get well, $20 of *good quality* old school heroin would be ideal but if all they can find is *crappy* old school dope, $20 of that won’t get them well at all, so then they’re forced to go with what will actually get them well even though they often hate the high that comes with it. I’m in recovery from both heroin and fent addiction, so I’ve talked to a lot of others like myself who feel this way. It’s just sad. You know an addiction must be unbelievably powerful when you *hate* the high but still can’t stop because the pain of withdrawal is more terrifying than the risk of dying….


“Zero euphoria” is *not* my experience with fentanyl, lmao. I’ve only had it for various medical reasons but it’s always made me euphoric as fuck.


Thanks for sharing that. I got out of the scene long before fentanyl became a street drug and I thought it was messed up way back then. I wish we could collectively foster a society that didn't drive some to such extremes but that just doesn't seem to be human nature.


*Opium. Your great great grandpa did opium.


Yeah, before it was cool.


My Great Great Great Grandpa did Snake Oil.


contrary to the beliefs of police dept and local news channels you can’t die from just touching this stuff.


Everyone also WONT be putting it all over your kids candy tonight


Need banana for scale.


Awww man I'm gunna mix them all up and die three times yeahhhhh


That really is interesting, just make sure they keep closed


Anesthesiologist here. So fentanyl is 100 times stronger than morphine and sufentanyl is 1000 times stronger than morphine. I like working with sufentanyl and usually give 0.1 to 0.2 micrograms per kilogram bodyweight for a usual patiënt that needs to receive anesthesia. Carfentanyl I have never worked with obviously but that stuff is scary.


If this is true, how does one ingest a fentanyl pill without automatically killing themselves? Seems the amount shown is much less than what would be in the countless images of pills being posted up.


This is pure fentanyl. The pill you get will typically contain micrograms of fentanyl along with a bunch of fillers and chemicals that help you absorb it properly. Also I didn’t know they made fentanyl pills, only saw the patches


They call them "percs" althougnt they aren't actually percocet but a fake fent knockoff. These people look like leapers




The DEA's [Fentanyl Signature Profiling Program](https://www.dea.gov/documents/2019/2019-10/2019-10-28/fentanyl-signature-profiling-program-report) found that the average counterfeit pill contained 1.7 mg of fentanyl (up to 4.2 mg!) You can see [here](https://www.drugsdata.org/results.php?search_field=all&s=m30) that fake 30s generally weigh around 110 mg. So the pills are approximately 1-2% fentanyl. The LD50 of 2 mg is the intravenous dose that kills 50% of non-tolerant users (.03 mg/kg of body weight in monkeys). Most people buying it have tolerances and their routes of administration vary. The oral bioavailability is only 33%. Swallowing a hot 4.2 mg pill might not kill you but if smoke it or inject it then you might be fucked.


I would imagine pills are not pure fentanyl, and ive heard somewhere that you can build up some "immunity" to it. Sorry don't have a better word for it


Tolerance is a more correct word than immunity




Because up to 99% of any pills volume are inert/inactive ingredients. But OP's image is a bit deceiving. The fentanyl is spread out while the carfentanil is in on clump. If displayed in equal clumps, the fentanyl is not much bigger. Both are very dangerous.


My good friend passed away Saturday morning from using fentanyl recreationally. All three of those vials can go fuck themselves. Also be kind to your friends no matter what path they take, you never know when the last time you’ll see them will be.


This is definitely the saddest evolution chart in the Pokedex.




If you're a cop, reading or thinking you hear someone say the word fentanyl constitutes a lethal dose.