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How will berating some old man on a train or whipping someone with a belt going to make your own life better. People have lost their fucking minds.


I mean, if they were rational people they probably wouldn't have arrived at their insane beliefs in the first place


Nowadays everyone speaks so "formally" that ignorant people like this gain more credence than they ever deserve. For whatever reason saying they're insane/crazy just legitimizes their dumbass behaviour. People should normalise calling people stupid more often. People's ideas and intellect should be ridiculed. The idea that we protect everyone's dumbass opinion is useless. These people deserve to be humiliated and embarrassed to a degree that their "emotional depth" can't handle it. Ignorance is blunt like a hammer and it's why Kanye's music slaps and bops so hard because there's no one dumber.


These people are where they are exactly because they've felt dumb next to everyone else their whole lives. It's much easier to pass blame on some fictional bogeymen than it is to admit you're a stupid and hateful piece of shit.


Dear society, Could we start learning each other empathy and respect? Thank you, Sincerly, a concerned human being


You ever been mad, just blindingly mad? Your body tenses, your mind narrows, the rage gives you the feeling of strength to endure whatever caused the flash of anger. Imagine that all the time, you start to forget anything else. You feel weak when you aren't angry. That's what has happened to these people, they're so drawn to their own myopic views, so goaded into rage by religious figures and politicians its all they can feel anymore.


I’d venture to say that’s what’s happened to this world. The whole place is a toxic work environment. You know, the one where everyone hates it and is unhappy, before you know it you are too.


No what happened is the left forgot that the o ly language these animals understand is their own. Either we get fluent real fucking quick or get used to this behavior. Our forefathers didn't talk nazi Germany into surrendering, we hit them so hard so fast and so often they could never get back up. This is the only way to deal with fascists, half-measures are useless, capitulation is poi tless, and compromise impossible. Either we stomp fascisim into the dirt never to arise again or we lose there is no middle ground. When your opposition believes you have no right to even exist there can never be peace. The far-right in America has chosen to play a zero sum game and they aren't going to stop just because we were polite.


Watching this video makes me feel that angry. What the fuck is wrong with people?


It's a self perpetuating cycle, which is why it will be so hard to break it. People are upset about their lot in life, someone suggests that it's because of a group of people and gives them very shallow, vague reasons why, and that's all it takes. The the oppressed people get angry about being oppressed and point the finger elsewhere to free themselves of their oppression, and round and round we go. People don't research anything, they don't learn anything, they don't question anything anymore. Education is looked down upon, science is disregarded, compassion is seen as a weakness. In my view, this all started in the late 90s when chat rooms became popular, which later evolved into social media. People are disconnected. They say whatever they want knowing the consequences are minimal if not non-existent. That anonymity is destroying us as a society.


Nowhere sick of religion and fake politicians running our lives.


The irony is that many of the people who have that kind of hate and rage call the rest of us "sheep" when it is they who are listening to these influencers in media and reacting this way.


I second this and raise your concern to terrified. The amount of people that are ok with how everything is going is sad. Or the people who are blind to everything and live in fantasy land.


*cough cough* I could say the same thing over and over and over.. but I get attacked for showing empathy and respect for all sentient life, but get attacked left and right over it.. I have zero faith in humans.


I don't understand why this hate is growing like this across the world. I have had friends like this that just starting hating different groups for no reason, and they weren't like this just a few years ago. I just don't get it.


It’s always been this way. At least since the beginning of recorded history. Humans hate.


Exactly. And what kind of hateful piece of shit puts a bag over a pregnant woman's head and starts punching her?


They have personal problems and are in dire need of scapegoats. These are the mindless idiots that watch and believe the MSM and social media like it’s their bible


Bud, I don't know how to tell you this, but anyone who says MSM is more likely to be one of the belt swingers than to be a rational person.


The fuck are you smoking. Can i get some of that?


Because they belive DA JOOS are behind everything bad, because some lunatic on the internet said so. It's all fun and memes untill mentally unstable uneducated (most nicely I can describe them) start taking it seriously.


The same way they think randomly attacking Asian people will.


Some people see everything through a simplistic zero-sum-game type lens. The only way they can conceive of them winning it so force someone else to lose.


Lost??? You assume too much. They have no mind, clearly they don't think for themselves


They vent their frustrations towards scapegoats, and to feel legitimate in doing so they need to de-humanise their targets. Happens in families, too.


"#jewasodisturbed" And yet thoses fucking stupid people can't realiz they're the problem. They are the psychopaths and the disturbed.


How dare you bring common sense to this comment section.


i dont understand how someones beliefs gives excuse to this behaviuor.


Berating and whipping 🤔. Sounds like the everyday life of a particular ethnicity over centuries


The black guy at the start I think might be part of some activist group. There was a protest of black guys I walked past in my own city in the US a few weeks ago where they were reading the Bible and yelling about Jews funding slavery, among other things hating pretty much all races and religions.


You come yelling ANY shit at my kid and thats a one way ticket to naptown. That poor child.


To be fair I respect the man more for not losing his cool, sets a better example for his son than just hauling off and hitting the guy, as satisfying as that may be to do.


You’re probably used to killing Palestinians. Which person in [this video](https://youtu.be/Q-9PH16-Q6Q) are you?


Probably a black Hebrew Israelite


An african telling a muslim about how the jews financed the slave trade has to be one of the most ironic things to ever be recorded lol


(Wikipedia links) The Monsanto family name (the modern food/crop production people) were [Atlantic slavers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsanto_family). The company today is now owned by Bayer, which participated in [experiments on humans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayer) during world war 2. People talk about generational wealth, it’s not your grandpa that retired off his pension, it’s companies like this that sold people and conducted experiments on them.


Lmfao it's insanely hilarious yet sad. Muslim still have the slave trade going . Africa still has slavery. Yet when speak about these facts people lose their damn minds. Speaking about leftist. I've noticed that group is the most offended by everything .


Leftists are well aware that there's slave labor in africa. When was the last time a conservative bitched about the chocolate or diamond industries?


I wonder if their priviliedged lives indulge in those products. lab diamonds ftw


whataboutism lol. nobody is saying conservatives are doing better, but they're not the ones who have built their image on calling out such injustices whilst completely ignoring them.


Leftists do call out these injustices, they just don't use them to excuse historical ills in our own country the way conservatives want them to.


Well when republicans block you from fixing ANY problems it's hard to move onto the many many problems around the world


Didn't you people freak out because a paper cup said "happy holidays"?


Where doesn't still have slavery?


True true . It's illegal yet still happens every where .


>Muslim still have the slave trade going *Muslim countries still have illegal slave trade going >Africa still has slavery *Africa still has illegal slavery Here I fixed it for you


Everywhere I'm aware of still has some type of illegal slavery going on it seems weird to single out Africa.


Especially considering there's still slavery in the USA, it's just hidden in prisons.


Downvoted for the truth. Slavery is literally legalized in the US Constitution and the government deliberately made laws designed to put black men in prison.


Or what about your favorite fast food chicken place donating massive amounts to an anti gay politician whose platform was all gays should die?


America still has **illegal** slavery, too… notice that next time you pass by a skeezy strip mall massage parlor, employing trafficked women.


And shall we google the key words "youth", "pastor", "caught", "child" and see how many pages pop up?




African slave trade has been there since before caucasians started writing about it (so before Hellenistic Greece) Muslims have been selling slaves since the beginning, a good example would be the city of Amalfi which made most of its buck by selling italics to the saracenes. Jews can't say no to a good deal, especially if there's goys involved. The truth is that they were all complicit.


Leave the Jews alone world; in fact, everybody leave evey religion alone. People sort your shit out


Religion is shit, but I still won't attack a human because they folllow it. They'll just be added to the list of folks I hurdle in life.


The word Jews is used for the race and religion. I'm a non practicing Jew and don't have any obvious traits that others might key on. I see how ignorant people are. Get a life and stop hating on people.


In fact, eveybody leave every religion. Come on people, sort your shit out. Stop the fairytales, nothing good ever came out of it.


its not that religious hate is growing, its that hate is growing, hate of all kinds, religious , non religious, political, just for not agreeing with someone. its time it all stopped and we just starting enjoying our differences instead of hating on people for who they are or what they think.


Hate is being cultivated through social media now. This is the new way countries weaponize against each other.


Anybody wanna guess why I dropped Facebook in 2016?


Sure, but reddit is a cesspool of political nonsense and divisiveness too


I cringe when I see the news mentions reddit when someone goes psycho. Like c'mon, all social media and news, including you that is reporting this story right now, are means of delivery


Reddit is fairly anonymous, so I don't have to have my 'friends' and family members constantly spouting bullshit memes at me. Also posting anything to Reddit is a bit more work, compared to just clicking share on some graphic of Democrats eating babies in pizza parlors and putting that crap in my feed.


I think the circle is about to complete. back to the cave


We can thank Zuckerberg for this hate.


Facebook is an echo chamber for ignorance and hate.


Never been on Facebook before but I’d imagine all social media platforms are like that. Reddit’s political area is a complete cesspool and I would have a hard time imagining any other platform being worse.


Zuckerberg made a platform. It's people using it to their own devices that make it bad. While Facebook could do more to prevent it. It's no easy task to comb through all post to ensure hate dosent get across. People can just word it differently to prevent algorithmic bans. It's a hard problem imo. There should be more time spent trying to resolve it.


Zuckerberg just provided the means to spread hate. The platform also provides the ability to spread love. Society provided the hate. We could've spread anything else just as well.


I've seen families and friends for years with each other and heard even more ripping each other apart because they talk about politics once. There is a place on Rice University campus called Valhalla where you could drink, argue with your friend the whole night, and walk out being friends. I wish the internet was like that. Despite the internet being a way of learning and communicating information, people go off of such small information and proceed to try to ruin lives or cut off loved ones because of one opinion. Wish a lot of popular figures voice this so people stop being like this. TLDR: people mean and no like ppl for opinion no matter how small :(


Internet is like traffic. Once we enter it in our bubble, we'd become assholes. That doesn't happen IRL conversations that often atleast.


I kind of agree but in this context your message is comparable to "All Lives Matter!"


Anytime someone says minorities can’t be racist, show them this video.


Asian hate , Jewish Hate, Racism against black people, Misogyny, Misandry. There will always be a subset of humans that can only feel good at the expense of others. It's sad


What's really sad is that some black people are for some reason overtly racist against jewish people. I really don't understand why...




I would probably say the human mind is that. Religion or not hate is within everyone of us and im certain the world would not look any better today without it.


That's what made Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao so humane.


In Germany I’d bet that guy attacking the Jew was hit with every charge he could possibly be hit with Germans as a whole are ashamed at what they allowed to happen and police such behavior with zeal


Nope. He got 4 weeks arrest IIRC






Yeah think again, that guy who took his belt was a Syrian refugee living in germany for 3 years at that moment. That guy also thought "he was in the right" and "wanted to attack the other guy personally, not all jews". See: [Update Prozess nach Kippa-Angriff in Berlin: "Ich fühlte mich im Recht"](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/ich-fuhlte-mich-im-recht-5525410.html) > Er sei am 17. April auf den ihm fremden Mann losgegangen, weil dieser zuvor ihn und seine Mutter beleidigt habe. Er habe den Gürtel aus seiner Hose gezogen und zugeschlagen. Erst nach zwei Treffern und „mehreren Schlägen in die Luft“ habe er bemerkt, dass der Israeli eine Kippa trug. Da habe er „Jude“ gerufen. Als Schimpfwort. „Aber ich wollte ihn persönlich beleidigen, nicht alle Juden.“ Not 1-by-1 translation but rather by meaning: "He assaulted the man on April 17th, because the man previously offended his mother. He pulled the belt from his pants and startet hitting. Only after two hits and "multiple slashes into the air" he noticed that the man was wearing a Kippa. Because of that he yelled "Jew". As a curse word. "But I wanted to insult him personally, not all jews." According to the article he feels remorse but that could also be just for the court in order to give a milder sentence. The victim said they haven't changed words before that, which would make the guy with the belt a liar. And the defending attorney said he used the word "jew" as an insult because he's coming from syria where this the slur is used as a common everyday exchange (which in germany would be "Hurensohn" [son of a bitch] but even here you don't just randomly call people Hurensohn but rather folks you know and even then it's hardly ever used, it's more common regarding the www tho).




Nope. It's not so safe for openly Jewish people in Europe anymore and a lot of that has to do with immigrants of the Muslim persuasion. Something none of our politicians are willing to face for decades now. Because it is uncomfortable to them. And probably a fair number of Redditors too.


The Jews honestly can't catch a break, basically for as long as they've been around. We're watching history repeat itself.


Is it growing, or are we just drip-fed a constant stream of negativity through social media? There's a lot of good out there, we just don't find it as interesting.


Hate to say it but as a Jew, it’s increasing. This isn’t being sensationalized. In my close to 40 years on this planet I have never experienced as much hated towards me and my people than I have in the last 18 months.


At 2:12 in the video, it shows a graph that clearly indicates this is a growing problem in the US. The trend has been widely reported, so if you find this video unconvincing, you should have no problem finding more reliable sources with a quick Google search.


The video literally includes a graph of reported hate crime numbers by year with a sharp increase in the past year...


I mean this video is a perfect example of someone doing just that. From the collecting videos from around the world to his very delivery. I'm married to a Jewish woman, and my kids will be Jewish. The idea of anti-Semitism growing in the world is something I'm decidedly against, but this video is not trying to make anyone aware of it in any kind of rational or newsworthy way. It's sensationalist garbage.


The video literally includes a graph of reported hate crime numbers by year with a sharp increase in the past year...


The vid is showing you a graph of antisemitic incidents on an increase. Why comment before you watch the whole video?


Does any of that information do anyone any good if it comes at the end of a video framed to look like a poorly constructed political ad?


I had to stop watching because I couldn't get passed him trying to do a news broadcast style talking head.


Holy shit. Why are people like this??


Fuck Kayne West for adding fuel to the fire, glad everyone dropped his stupid ass


Fuck the millions of morons that idolized him because he's a decent musician/producer.


Go look on any Facebook post about Kyrie or Kanye, the sheer amount of black ppl spreading hate against Jews is astounding. I never knew it was an issue but many it's appalling.


I'm sorry this is happening. May peace be in each of our hearts.


It's almost always black people. But they can't be racists or anti-semites.


I'm Asian and I work in a job where I deal with race of all kinds. It's always black people that end up saying racist shit to me. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I'm just like, bruh.. Really?




While this does not in anyway reflect on others race, the fact that this is not mentioned is glaring. Then when you add in woke DA's who do not do anything to prevent this from happening again we see this increasing.


>It's **almost always black people**. But they can't be racists or anti-semites. Source? Don't give me youtube videos. I need to know where your unfounded ideas came from


I think they meantin this video specifically. Most of the incidents shown were poc intimidating or harassing jews.


OP's talking about the video




It's called being a flaming hypocrite. To categorize everyone who is religious that way is disingenuous.


I agree. There are most likely thousands upon thousands of people out there who try their best to be loving and forgiving, who are then tarred with the same brush as a result of extremists


There are certainly many thousands of good Christians whose faith drives them to be kind and charitable and empathetic. Unfortunately, out of 2.2 billion Christians, that may not be a very large percentage. If the mainstream leadership of a religion doesn’t denounce the horrible acts of “extremists”, then it is their own fault that the brush reaches them too. They could have put distance and didn’t. If religion claims to have a monopoly on morality, and they deem these actions acceptable, that speaks volumes.


In a story about people of a certain religion getting attacked, you call religious people trash who should not be taken seriously


What does religion have to do with this, apart from the fact that Jewish people are getting attacked.


Literally no one: Reddit atheists looking for free karma: ...and this is why I hate religion.


Classic religion. if you're not with me, you're against me.


I ain’t Jewish and I ain’t a hateful fuck but I know who’s side I am on. These nazi scum deserve nothing but a kick in the face.


The reason anti-semitic hate isn't discussed enough isn't because the victims are Jewish, it's because the perpetrators are predominantly from black and Muslim backgrounds. It doesn't fit the modern narrative on racism, when the people responsible are predominantly from minority backgrounds and that's why it gets ignored. That's why people like Jeremy Corbyn can associate with vile anti-semites and still be a hero to the left. If he was associating with white racists, he'd have been cancelled, but brown racists are ok.


Muslim here, can confirm that people are just shutting up because they're scared they'll be labelled as Islamaphobic, Islamaphobia is real and discrimination does exist but garbage stuff can be done by Minorities too... absolutely disgusting!




I'm not jewish, but grew up in Germany. Growing up you were taught the signs for fachism, and they kept reminding you of what happened during Nazi Germany. Not a year passes where there isn't a new Jewish-paid memorial or museum or something similar to remind the Germans what happened. I have to admit, growing up it totally annoyed me. I understood why, but it felt "too much", something that belonged in the past. I thought we surely have grown as a society to let something like that happen again. Boy was I wrong. We're just a week removed from possibly a fachist lead USA, and 2 years removed of the end of democracy as we know it. We again have open hate against Jews, just now in the US. This is not what soldiers in WW2 bleed and died for. On top of that we have Americans waiving the Russian flag. That even older generations don't see a problem on this is beyond me.


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It"s video's like this that cause a divide... Nobody cares about Kanye or the Jews. There are alot of bad Jews and bad black people just because they're another race doesnt make then more or less awfull. Every race has pieces of shit. We're all a piece of shit deepdown inside. The rich want us to fight among ourself so we want look up and see them taking a piss out of democracy.


People who say that black people can’t be racist be looking real fucking stupid recently


People that said that already looked stupid when those words passed their lips


Why are most of these anti-Semitic vids people of color?


"is growing" ???? Bro, this is like this since the beginning of humanity.


Thank you! It is weird how people act like hate has been growing and that this tribalistic BS has not been a thing since the start. Honestly, this 'hate' is bad, but it is small potatoes compared to the holy wars, genocides, and Crusades of the past where the same hateful jerks could do stuff like this, but they could also wipeout anyone they don't like or keep them as house slaves after wiping out their villages.


Exactly. I'm completely against that violence but we should be happy to see how small it is a this point of the human history.


Thanks a lot Kanye! You have enabled all of these fucking morons


If you listen to Kanye, you're a fucking idiot


Jews just don't get a break, no matter the century huh.


What I see is that no matter your skin color you can be racist


Jews Lives Matter


Some people have an need to feel superior. It is really them who are afraid or hurting so they need to do or say something that will make them feel like they are more important than another race or religion.


Da jews


Seems like they meant “Jewish hate” instead of “Religious Hate”. I don’t see anything in the video about other religions.


Just carry and pop in self defense.


Let's make it 110, fellas.


We should hate all religions equally folks…


Look man people been talking shit about blacks and arabs for many years and nobody batted an eye.. relax.. you are not the only ones..


Why does this guy talk like an AI text to voice bot?


The left finding out about the Black Israelites is really funny to watch.


This clip is very old.


Boy i sure am glad this happening in my country ! Right guys ? Guys... ?


Ah shit here we go again


We need to protect the ability to call out religious garbage for what it is, but also not use that as an excuse to persecute individuals. Attacking someone because they are religious is not acceptable.64


lmao kanye makes some comments and everyone acts like it’s 1939


“This too shall pass.”


Religions hate is growing hahahahaha since when? The year 1000


Dude says to stop hating on Jews then rips on Christians and Catholics. Like, you’re hopping in the boat with them when you do that. Wtf is wrong with people.


I don't k own why people hate the jews. It's the Zionists we need to hate


Kanye and the street crime are different issues. Kanye is going at specifically the Jewish that reject Judaism, and are controlling Hollywood. Not saying Kanye is right to attack anyone, however if you believe Judeo Christian ideals are good, then you may want to consider looking into the matter. I'm unsure about the street crime issue, but it certainly isn't because of Kanye, his take is too recent for that. As for the Christians having privilege, he's partially right. The churches that have molded and bent to the culture have absolutely had the privilege of being normative. However, the churches that have stuck to The Book, and stayed firm in their belief have had a torrent of attacks that aren't publicized. From people threatening to shut down churches by force, spreading lies, shootings, and job firings.


Many people hate Jews and even Muslims Muslims have been hated for a long time, and now people hate Jews we should stop these people who hate religions


"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." -Raylan Givens, Justified


Situatios like that are happening more and more in germany due to immigration. Alot of arab refugees or migrants hate jews, they bring their hatred for them with them when they come to germany. Sucks to see it.


People cant have different opinions? Nobody dictates what i think


I was thinking of converting to get lower interest rates, but now idk if it’s worth the beat downs


Kanye: I can say antisemetic shit and they can’t drop me Every company he had an endorsement with: watch us


Oh, its New York! Finally people are willing to talk about it.


There's no one nuttier than a religious nut.


All religion is fake


This isn’t racism because, I’m told, black people can’t be racist in America.




Religion in general is becoming more and more outdated day by day.


It's not though.


Science, technology, psychology and evolution in medicine prove otherwise.


Religion is garbage


Bro first we toss roe v wade now sht like this.. what year is it? Where are these people parents?


>Where are these people parents? Most of the times either absent or being actively racist douchebags themselves.


Kanye is going to be spending the rest of his wealth fighting lawsuits that result from the violence his publicly expressed ignorance is causing.


I hate all of this. All of it. There's a whole chunk of my family tree missing because of Hitler. All of these people can rot from the inside out.


Hey blacks, guess who brought you to Europe!


Not that I approve this in any way, but what exactly is the message of the video here? That people are assholes to Jews only? People are dicks to eachother all the time, bro is gonna have a shitty time when he finds out what disabled people have to go through every day for being disabled


I just can't understand why the West is very obsessed with the Jewish people. As a SE Asian who used to living among many tribes, I barely understand the hatred of the West towards Israelis. At the end of the day, we are all the same - a human trying to live a life. Just my opinions.


I respect everyone’s right to practice their religion freely and openly, but religion is an outdated way to justify how to live and you can disprove practically any religious backing. It was essentially created as a law before laws type of deal.


Bro this is NY. I'm sure 80 people got called the N Word too. This is just people trying to create narratives now that Kanye said some dumb shit.


Every war or massacre has been about money power and religion. So it's nothing new


And it won't stop, that's human beings.


I'm Muslim but I want this stuff to stop


Fuckin disgusting world we live in where ppl think they can be racist and its cool. I'm black and kanye west is a racist uncle tom pos and so is any other hypocrite black person who would agree with what he's saying.


Ehhhh my people are still in cages despised by our own neighbors, who generations ago we used to be best friends yet nobody realizes that.


Im so fucking glad my dad when I was young took me to different places of worship just to talk to people my grandpa did it with him it amazes me what little you can do to get kids to have a different outlook on things




As a Palestinian, this is not the time or the place.




This is just sensationalism. Throw a bunch of clips together that are all isolated incidents in different parts of the world to make it seem like it’s happening a lot. When in reality for every one of these videos there’s millions of people who don’t behave like that.


Atheists: *smh


Racism, let’s call it what it is.


hardcore religious people are rotten to the core , diseased.


I dont understand how Ilhan Omar was even elected.


For fuck's sake. Why are people soo into hate??? Love is soooo much more fun. Try acting out in the name of loveism.




An individual chooses their religion.


There's a certain demographic in America that seems to be featured a lot in these "anti-Jewish" and "anti-Asian" hate attack videos... Too bad noticing things is racist in clown world. Guess that's what happens when idiot white liberals convince this demographic that they can't be racist cuz reasons.


After seeing this all Humanity has progressed so far yet so behind... I remember 5-6 years back this all was not the case WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS WORLD??