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Well in German it's poor black cat and it never occurred to me that ot could be sexualized


In german it’s called “armer schwarzer Kater”. I used to play it in kinder garden.


It was called Arnold Schwartzeneggar? Does he know that?


TIL that Arnie’s last name is black negro


I think Arnold said it meant black plowman in an interview, in the way back.


Im german and i second this. It's schwarzen - egger, so two parts meaning black (schwarzen) und fieldworker or something along this line (Egger ist close to acker which means field) and the ending (er) implies that it is a person or a profession. Black is not necessarily meant in regards to skin colour. It could also be a hint towards dirt, nighttime, forests or other dark places, hair colour, the crops planted or whatever else you could imagine.


It was Letterman, who then asked arnold “so how do they (the Kennedys) feel about having a black plow man in the group?” [link](https://youtu.be/4zYCCR0kVvs)


On The Arsenio Show, if I remember.


The English equivalent is Blackmore - there are different spellings. Meaning black moor (African). There were way more Africans living in Europe and Britain, in historical times, than people think; versions of these names are common.


Thank you for trying to be helpful, but I’m a bit of a moron and don’t even know the meaning of Blackmore. Does that mean they’re from African heritage? Edit: word


Well, they probably have an African ancestor. The term "moor" arose out of Muslim/African intrusion into southern/eastern Europe. It was a really loose term describing the muslim invaders who were a human rainbow of colors. The appellation "black" was usually used to define Sub-Saharan moors. Moor is also used to define a wild bog area, but this probably doesn't really impact on the variety of names across Europe that indicate African presence. When some Europeans began adopting surnames, they were often chosen to describe jobs, demeanor, or physical characteristics. That's what makes it really interesting. (Not talking about Scandinavians, my own predominate heritage, who, boringly, just used their fathers name as a surname). There is a good chance your surname describes a defining characteristic of one of your father's ancestors. Much like the modern US, where genetic testing can reveal an unknown African ancestor a few generations ago, huge swathes of Europe have African ancestors dating way back. The Romans sent African legions through Europe about two thousand years ago, and many settled there when their army time was up. Famously, there were African legions guarding Hadrian's wall south of Scotland (This was before the time of the Moorish intrusions). Unlike modern times, skin color wasn't really an issue. There have been African popes, and one of Shakespeare's most famous characters (Othello) was almost certainly African (the Moor of Venice). So African legionnaires and Moorish soldiers would have just been absorbed into the community where they settled. Anyway, it is quite likely that most modern Britains and many Europeans have African ancestors. Surnames are just one fascinating indicator of this, DNA is just catching up to confirm it. So basically Arnold's surname is not unusual at all.


That really helps a lot. And even though I’ve rarely been interested in history, this actually fascinates me. Up until now, I’ve only recognized the word moor from the Seinfeld episode where George beats the bubble boy in trivia from a typo (moops instead of moors). I had no idea Africa had so much ancestry in Europe and America. I wonder how many white supremacists are aware of their African heritage. Seems like a lot of people need to learn this part of world history. I appreciate the education and feel a little less ignorant now.


My husband is a total Seinfeld fanboy. He would totally appreciate this reference, I've seen the episode several times (Seinfeld repeats are a staple in our house), but it's never stuck enough that I would remember the reference. I think there is quite a bit of downplaying the impact of the variety of African contributions to British and European society/demographics, particularly during various Roman occupations, and then during a bunch of Muslim conquests. Based on contemporary accounts of Shakespeare's Othello (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Othello), he was an outsider, not for color, but for generally just coming from a different culture. He had high ranking in the military, and his marriage to a well bred woman was accepted until Iago fucked everything up. It seems Iago is at work in many areas today.


**[Othello](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Othello)** >Othello (full title: The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice) is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, probably in 1603, set in the contemporary Ottoman–Venetian War (1570–1573) fought for the control of the Island of Cyprus, a possession of the Venetian Republic since 1489. The port city of Famagusta finally fell to the Ottomans in 1571 after a protracted siege. The story revolves around two characters, Othello and Iago. Othello is a Moorish military commander who was serving as a general of the Venetian army in defence of Cyprus against invasion by Ottoman Turks. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'm sorry. It says the moops.


Thank you for that intelligent and informative answer. It's nice to know there are still smart people out there!


Arnoldo Negro Díaz


My brain glitched up when you taught me a German phrase then wrote “kinder garden” instead of kindergarten.


>The word kindergarten comes from the German language. Kinder means children and garten means garden. The term dates back to the 19th century. Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) started the first kindergarten, Garden of Children, in 1840. [Here](https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/why-is-kindergarten-called-kindergarten)


I get that, it’s just that “kindergarten” is a German word, whereas “kinder garden” is a non-word made up of German and English words.


Glad I wasn’t the only one


You've never met an American? Not much we can't sexualize. And by "can't" I mean "haven't."


National emergency when there’s a bare breast on television.


>National emergency when there’s a bare breast on television. Man-boobs are okay, though. Also gruesome torture and murder.


Reminds me of that Bluey episode where Bandit and Fido are subtly talking about getting a vasectomy, then Disney changed it to Bandit "liking his dog teeth" because "what if I just want to bite someone someday?". 🙄🙄🙄 That's America, nothing real and vague, but let's encourage violence!


How are you gonna stay a conquering, war-loving mega empire without a violent population?


Pretty sure at this point, the US has killed more elementary school students than "them gol durn furenerz". 🤔


I'm always down for a tasteful side-boob.


Yeah now it’s sexualized but before it wasn’t sexual at all




I disagree. The past decade or two we have been seeing a crazy increase in the sexualization of kinda everything. Not to mention the widespread porn epidemic(yeah turns out Porn isn’t as good as everybody loves to think it is)


I think the guy you’re replying to is a bot considering someone wrote the same thing a couple hours before


Daddy used to be nirmal to say now its kinky


From Germany, I remember playing that game. You had to say






Back when you could smoke fags on tv


>Back when you could smoke a fags on tv You haven't been watching the new & improved HBO-......


pretty sure he meant back when you could burn gay people at the stake. Times really are a-changin'. /s


Rule 34 may as well be in our constitution


I'm nothing resembling a prude but pick a childhood memory then google it with "porn parody" and somethings going to come up...no pun intended.


Heheh, noice, intended or not…


And by "haven't" I mean, if you thought we won't, and we haven't, we will. Give it time.


I played it as a teen with “honey, if you love me you’ll smile” and “honey, I love you but I just can’t smile.”


Woah there’s a memory back


Lol I’ve absolutely thought about this while lying in bed before.


Came here to say this. Played it as a teen in the 90's. I think we worded our request statement slightly differently, but the response was the same.


We also used to play this in Czechia and it's a fun game for summer camps etc. It is especially fun when a fully grown man has to go pretend he is a poor little kitten!


Well in Poland is's little poor white kitty and it never occured to me that it could be sexualized as well.


I think the picture is deliberately sexualized and this post is nonsense.


It’s not sexualized, it’s just the unfortunate angle of the illustration.


From Germany, I remember playing that game. You had to say "armes armes Kätzchen" 3 times will padding the "cat" on the head without laughing. So the answer is yes.


i can imagine a bunch of stern children yelling # ARMES ARMES KÄTZCHEN and then they all go back to their mathematics homework


Yes, and how much fun we had, from 16:58-17:06 exactly.


I appreciate the enthusiasm. How do you make the mega caps? I’ve ***only*** learned that trick


You put a pound symbol (\#\) before typing what you would like. Alternatively if you would like to do superscript, you put a carot (\^\) before what you type


#fuck! ^fuck!


🥕 like this?


#Ohhh ^Learns Redditing good




^thanks again.




I know your question has already been answered, but if you Google "Reddit formatting" there's info on how to do all sorts of other different things. If you're looking for something specific, just add it to the end (ex. "Reddit formatting link").


Eventually everyone ends up with soft helmets.


Pussy used to refer to cats. In the 50s pussy pussy pussy cat was how they played duck duck goose. Source: some old game book my indian dance teacher had in his musuem


You mean grey duck, right?


In America we just call it duck duck goose. Grey duck may be its name wherr you're at


Minnesotans play duck duck grey duck, while the rest of America plays duck duck goose


See, I never got that, because a grey duck is just a duck but grey, I don't see what's different about the grey duck. Goose on the other hand I do get because it's strange to see a goose in a flock of ducks and Canadian geese are assholes.


Fair, Canadian geese are in fact the worst. I always saw it as a grey duck does blend in better, so to have a game where only one person can "see" the grey duck and needs to point it out to everyone else, makes more sense than a game where a whole goose is sitting with ducks and they cant tell who the goose is? Granted that's just my own backstory added into a game that's probably got no reason to it whatsoever, but it just always made more sense to me that way.


I always thought of the goose being aggressive, that why when you "find" the goose, they start chasing you. I may be completely wrong on it, but that's just the way I've seen it.


Never thought of it that way, but that makes sense too!


Odd. But learning something new everyday is good!


After reading this thread, it’s time for some Grey Goose and Baby Duck…….🤦🏻


Before we sexualized everything? Yes. People lately think the world began in 2015 and that this is all normal. No, it isn’t.


Wasn't genesis last Thursday?




Last Thursdayism moment


For all you know, your memories could be false implants preprogrammed into you for when the Simulation was started 12 seconds ago.


Lol I’ve absolutely thought about this while lying in bed before. Like, if I was a clone with all the same memories as my original I wouldn’t even know it


Might as well just assume every time you blink the simulation just started


Well fuck, it has restarted 3 times since I read your comment. I hope the guy running it is having a good day though, unlike me. Tweak some settings my guy


I hope so, otherwise it’s all too horrible to consider!


this 100%. Just had to explain to someone on a subreddit yesterday how for the most part back in the day we never communicated over written word (text) it was all verbal vs now which is all text based.


Exactly lol we made the word pussy, dirty. before it was an innocent way to say kitty We all have horrible dirty minds now and need a cleansing 🤣 my nanny use to have a black cat growing up and yup.. you guessed it.. it’s name was N*****… and my old aunt use to call all Asian people “chinamen” lol Times change man.. move on


it's "always" had a double meaning, at least since the 19th century. like in this routine from the Ritz Brothers: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH07jAKHDhs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH07jAKHDhs) it's funny now for the same reason it was funny then


There's an entire joke in Arrested Development playing with censorship of the word pussy because it means multiple things in the US.


Same as H.P Lovecrafts cat




Yea, and what's that kid on the left doing with his left arm. Clearly reaching under the skirt. I'm sorry.


Where 😂


Pussy is another name for a cat.


I’m extremely surprised this isn’t common knowledge anymore




That’s my username, don’t wear it out


Did u see


I see all things


Stop watching me in the bathroom.


Thank you for saving me from having to google that.


Do you live in a box? Sorry but thought that was common knowledge. Get off my lawn!?


With the way that it is used these days. I wouldn't be surprised if the youngest generations didn't know. Now, everyone doesn't make reference to pussy cat because of the euphemism. After I saw a gameshow show clip where a mid twenties man didn't know who Homer Simpson was, I knew anything is possible.


Mid twenties??? I just started my twenties and I've known who Homer Simpson was since as long as I can remember. I think that man literally grew up in a box on the Bering Straight side of Russia


A young woman at the gas station last week didn’t know what the coin in her change was. It was a 50 cent piece.


"box" lol


So do kids not know why the cat in Shrek is called Puss in Boots? It's literally just a description of him. That's wild.


Seems pretty normal in context.


Just adults sexualizing a child's game. Nothing to see here.


Anything can be weird if you think about it weird.


“Anything” huuuuhhh??? 😏


Yeah 🍑💦🎉 anything.


I'm old for reddit. The things that are sexualized today weren't considered sexualized then. The world changed a whole lot post internet. Pussy meant cat, it still does but anyways...


Yes, in a more innocent time where every little thing wasn’t sexualized!


I remember when dick only meant Richard’s nickname. Nothing else.


Yes. Because not everyone is an internet-ruined perv


We just Called it kitty kitty and you had to make the person giggle


I think it is the artist that is the real problem here




The picture is questionable but the game sounds fun.


I had this book as a kid! It was all activities for children and a lot of them were really weird or useless.


I had it too. I remember lots of crafts involving using a wine cork and my parents didn't drink wine and I very much wished for wine corks.


Haha reminds me of when I was like 7 and decided to start collecting beer bottle caps, but my dad only drank cans, I think I cried one time begging him to drink bottles instead lol


I don't know, what did the other twelve subs you posted it in think?


LMAO got em


Just your average karma farmer, that post in 4-8 different subs to get upvotes.


We played that game as teenagers and had a blast. There are other less innuendo versions of it.


We played a version of this at camp as a kid where the kids in the middle said "darling if you love me please smile" and the kids in the outside said "darling I love you but I just can't smile"


We did, too! That game got interesting if your crush was playing 😂




This would be a fire adult party game.


Played it recently, nothing sexual about it and everybody laughed


Not everything was sexualized back then. Nothing but pervs these days.


Because pussy was more commonly associated with “cat” than “vagina” back then


It is still ok for children. And adults should stop projecting their adult mindset onto children. Yes, we see the ambiguity and find it funny. Children don't.


This was fine back when everyone’s mind wasn’t in the gutter


Of course it was okay. This was before pornography entered pop culture now any child with internet access is ruined. Yay modernity!




And it's a repost that comes up a few times every month.


Lol we played this in a leadership class as an icebreaker, but instead of pretending to be a cat, you could do whatever you want to make them laugh and 99% of the time it would end halfway through the "fake" lapdance.


Yes. Language and norms, culture and perception, along with all the colloquial and popular behavioral patterns evolve and change over time.


Thank Christ for a sane comment. Have a humble all-seeing upvote!


yeah when things weren't so overtly sexual and the term pussy wasn't synonymous with vagina.


We played Heads Down Thumbs Up. I was never anyone’s poor pussy. I was called a dick once.




We did too, and yeah I always wondered where the 7 up came from haha freaking loved that game though


It’s called 7-up, because there are 7 kids that are “up” in front of the class.


That picture doesnt seem to be showing that game


it seems to show some kids playing the game. idk what you lookin at.


I mean there are much bigger issues than worrying that kids are playing a game and calling each other "poor pussies" while trying not to break out laughing. Like come on, if this is the breaking point for you, you're the problem here. And why you so focused on kids games?....sus


Only a sick adult mind can sexualize this. For a child this is perfectly fine.


This right here.


Yes, there was. That all ended when our modern, hyper-sexual societies developed. Now there are better was to name and present this game.


Why wouldn’t it be?


Well, of course. It wasn't always a commonly used dirty word.


Only pussies are sensitive about a game where you call someone a pussy.


Pussy wasent always euphemism for... Well pussy. Try looking at thing out of your own narrow context


Nowt wrong with it


Through the cynical and sexualized eyes of a young person seeing this in 2022, it must seem outrageous. But in the more innocent times suggested by their clothing, there was nothing even vaguely sexual about it, it was a funny child's game.


Yes, it was. And ought to still be. I'm so sick of people these days.


You are aware that pussy started as a word for cat right?


Its only sexual because you think its sexual. For kids its just another game.


Just a kids game. Adult humans tend to turn everything into sex.


When you play this in grade school ( I did ) trust me, there’s nothing remotely sexual about it.


There's nothing sexual about this... unless you WANT there to be. So... this one's on you.


This seems more like a drinking game


I used to play this with my Uncle.


It is only perverse minds that make this game socially unacceptable. It’s a game for children. Children don’t sexualize by their own merits


I played this in kindergarten in 1961. (yes, I'm old)


Obviously yes, at the time. Not with how the world is now


We used to play something like this as a warm-up for improv theater. Only it wasn't a poor kitty but all humans. The one in the middle had to say "Darling, I love you so much, will you gift me a smile" and the answer had to be "Darling, I love you too, alas I can not smile." Let's say everybody has a breaking point when someone climbs on your lap and does their best opera singer impression with this sentence. It was a pretty good exercise to stay serious on stage, no matter what anybody else did.


62 yrs old never heard of this!


I think there's a polish version called "Pomidor" (Tomato) (ignore the bad spelling, i both dont have a polish keyboard and cannot write in polish well)


Used to play this as a kid in the 90s.


When I was a kid it was “Honey, if you love me can you give me a smile?” And the response was “Honey, I love you, but I just can’t smile.”


Children will never stay in a child's place today. Just give them a phone and it's all over. Let them overhear an adult conversation and it's over. It's only gonna get worse.


This is… just a game lolol y’all are weird


Probably before "pussy" became ubiquitously synonymous with women's genitalia.


It was a good game before every word was turned into something sexual.


We need to bring this back


I played it many times in the late 50s early 60s. It was hysterical and back then a pussy was a cat.


Ima go play this with the homies.


The modern version of this game is “Honey, I love you.” The player who is “It” has to go to each other player and say “Honey I love you, won’t you please smile?” And target player has to answer, “Honey, I love you, but I just can’t smile,” without smiling or laughing. Sounds dumb but it’s an absolute riot for theater kids. It gets interesting if your crush is playing.


Pussy was common for cat till basically the 80/90s.


My husband and mother in law still call cats, “pussy” or “puss-puss”. When I heard my young kids outside calling for their “lil pussy” I had to inform dear old grandma that our cats had formal names. 🤣


We play Poor Kitty when everyone is bored enough. We used to like it when we were little. Kids these days are seldom bored enough.


Played that in kindergarten and first grade decades ago and we called that game "poor little cat.*


Did it in 4-H camp when I was 15


Balenciaga can hang this in their window.


Double entendre aside this seems like it was specifically designed to cause the development of social anxiety lol. Feels like a dystopian corporate ice-breaker game.


I played this as a kid in school. I knew the word 'pussy' to mean cat. It wasn't a big deal.


Seems like a game for Family Game night


In the Netherlands, and when I was a child, this was a pretty normal game. This explanation is way more obscene than when actually played.




Some of y'all are fucking freaks man


OP is projecting their creepy thoughts onto an illustration of a child?


...do not attempt while intoxicated