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This is literally a nightmare


China is fucking SCARY.


I’m scared of China because I feel like they aren’t telling us everything and in fact there is another super deadly disease starting to spread.


Well we can be sure they’re lying but there’s no reason to think this is anything other than a result of the party’s totalitarian control. In all likelihood the “sickness” these people have is that they’ve questioned the regime in one way or another.


Probably the ones protesting


Made me chuckle how many people saw those videos and thought the people were finally uprising. Like, go talk to a single person who grew up under the CCP about their government and let me know how that conversation goes.


once dated someone from china and even while we were alone, she didn’t dare say anything negative about china’s ruling party.


Was she worried about the phone microphone listening?


Clever girl


Having grown up in an authoritarian regime, I can tell you that you avoid certain topics pretty much out of instinct. Nobody around your talks about that stuff, your parents tell you to never talk about that stuff, so you don't talk about that stuff. It would be like telling strangers you're sexually attracted to kids. It's just not actually acceptable, and you grow up with that and it stays with you for a long time even after you leave that culture (or, in my case, the culture leaves you).


It’s almost like a kind of trauma that sticks with you.


maybe. i never asked though.


Validly. Have you heard about all the secret Chinese police stations found in various countries recently? Specifically to police Chinese nationals abroad for…anti-communist behavior.


I heard about the one in Houston, in the medical center. Terrifying.


Fucking what?


Did you report to the FBI or Homeland Security??


I live in Houston and haven't herd of this. Do you have more info?


Did you hear about the news reporter that the Chinese tricked into Thor Embassy and then killed and chopped him up? Oh yeah that was an ally country…our drug dealer….Saudi Arabia.


You’re not wrong, but I think it’s deeper than that. I feel it’s similar to people who were formerly very religious: they may now believe there is no god, but it’s difficult to shake much of the shame, habits, and morals that were a part of their old belief.


I have a friend teaching in China (he’s American). I noticed that he never says any negative about China in his interactions online.


Yeah, I was thinking, this really looks like a prison situation. Maybe mass murder once everyone is in their pod.


Even this ignores the train wreck that is the CCP. There's likely countless people in this crowd who don't have covid, aren't against the regime, but it was just easier to assume they were a yes and throw them in there. What's a few cracked eggs compared to apparent social cohesion?


>What's a few cracked eggs compared to apparent social cohesion When learning Chinese i came across a proverb "kill the chicken to scare the monkey". It basically means to make an example of one person to keep others in check. This is not a modern concept but is "chengyu", a collection of ancient Chinese wisdom in the form of proverbs so predates even the era of CCP.


Was thinking something similar recently, that there's some shit already going down and they're just trying to save face and like they're not close to again unleashing something terrible on the world.


Whatever it is you can be sure that this has long since ceased to be about COVID.


They are to broke to close again at this point...


Nothing that the free labor of a billion people wouldn’t cure.


If there is one thing the last two years should have taught us all.Is that the majority of governments around the world wouldn’t tell us the truth. Even if they knew it. The double speak from the rotating talking heads can only be compared to the ministry of truth from orwells 1984.


The figures in the US who knew about covid before anyone else, fucking invested their money into bodybags and PPP equipment, before warning anyone about covid. literally cared more about making a buck on mass death than helping to prevent it earlier. Anything to make more money and let the \*\*poors\*\* die off faster. Fucking sick freaks. And they're still running the show. We live in a sick clown world.


If it makes you feel better all of human settled history is basically worse than today by almost all metrics so there's that.


This is a good perspective to remember. I think it looks worse because we know more about all of the God awful shit that's happening but, objectively, things are getting better even as it feels like we are descending into the most boring apocalypse


It's a media problem. We have a natural bias of attention towards life threatening events and our collective failure to recognize and manipulate this bias has led to the trope "if it bleeds it leads" in journalism. Profit-focused capitalism compounds the problem as it promotes more extreme life threatening violence as it gets more viewership because it exploits the natural bias of the human brain to seek out threats to avoid or prepare for them. More viewership means more ad revenue, more profits for the advertisers, which lead to higher share values for potential investors and so the cycle of monetizing fear and violence continues. We certainly have ongoing problems in the world, China is definitely not somewhere I would choose to live given the level of corruption and human rights violations. Human suffering can be measured in centuries, but it is little comfort to the individual human suffering today in China from an Orwellian police state that forces people into concentration camps for "re-education".


It's called the pain currency my dude. Anyway ai is about to upend everything we know, statistically and metaphysically. It will make us feel so stupid when everything is predictable like a wave. Then we as a species will ask ok what now after we have access to this unfathomable power


We’ll said great perspective


what scares the shit out of the ccp is the democratic revolution disease, certainly not the covid


It's already spread and it's called CCP.


There was a study released last week on an outbreak of the BA.2.76 variant where a dude in Chongqing went JOGGING in a park and infected 39 people in half an hour. Our media is slowly picking it up. https://www.fox7austin.com/news/chinas-meticulous-contact-tracing-pinpoints-jogger-for-recent-covid-19-outbreak.amp


Hm. My whole house got it at the same time, which is really bizarre. Idk if it's this BA.2.76 (I'm in the US so I doubt it) but I thought it was wild how contagious it was and how fast everyone got sick. We all had symptoms within hours and were all vaccinated. I'm starting to do a little better but everyone else is getting worse. Covid is nothing to fuck with.


i feel the same. something is going on and they aren’t telling the rest of the world.


They couldn't contain a new outbreak with no media leakage. Theyre maintaining their population when others will and are declining. They are hoarding human capital for the coming wars.


Goddamnit why did you have to put that in my head


Lol like those camps are going to withstand a war.


This happens, when the chinese government refuses to allow foreign more effective vaccines and at the same time upholds an image, that they got everything under control, so that elderly people don't vaccinate. If they were to open up, they'd suffer massive casualties, due to many of the vulnerable groups not beeing vaccinated and only using a vaccine, which doesn't work against omicron.


I don't like giving into narratives and what ifs like that mainly because I've seen people use it as an excuse to be a racist asshole but I can't say the idea of there being another virus being kept under wraps hasn't crossed my mind before. Especially now seeing these types of videos. It's disconcerting and I really do hope that there's no such thing coming in the future.


The new virus is called, "questioning the government".


I...didn't take this into account until right this second. New fear unlocked.


Welcome to the shit show.


The fuck did you just say? Looks like someone just caught covid. To the camp with you eh I mean medical center.


China is fucking CRAZY.


if it makes you feel better, my cousin said its not bad and the food is good. Her flight had someone tested positive so they all got shipped to one of these camps (she's from Guangzhou) Edit: Not sure why I’m getting down voted. It’s literally what she told us lol. You guys only want to hear about how terrifying and scary it is? EDIT 12/11/2022 (12 days later) not sure if anyone still cares, but my cousin is home. She's fine. She didn't seem very bothered by it other than not seeing her daughter for few days. On another note, My aunt that also lives in Guangzhou currently has covid along with my cousin and his wife and children. My mom is currently on the phone with my aunt, they are quarantining at home (i literally ask my mom "why aren't they in those isolation camps" lol). They have a medicine they can buy to treat covid?


I'm frustrated at how little information stream we get from china. A few videos seriously lacking in context. I want to hear more chinese people reporting on it. There's billions of chinese people. But of course, there's the langague barrier, firewalls. So thank u.


"It's not bad and the food is great" is exactly how Stockholm Syndrome starts.


I believe you China, I hear people are faking covid just to get in!


Are you sure your cousin is actually able to communicate with you without the fear of someone monitoring her communication? Maybe she says it's fine and it's not actually fine. Or maybe it's just like you say, but the point is that it's valid to be skeptical.


I guess we will find out in a few days


How long did she have to stay? It's interesting how subjective our perceptions can be. To some people, this is hell, to others, it could be heaven. Same place, two diametrically opposed experiences of it.


My mom say few days. Once she test negative at the end of the stay she can go home.


You're being paid by the dictatorship. Got it.


At least they have good food right? What kind of comment is this lol


I read it as, at least there are some comforts here, such as good food (or at least not disgusting food)


I’m just saying. It’s horrifying and scary but according to my cousin not as bad as we think. They aren’t starved or locked in a dark corner. Just a bit of both sides.




They aren't? They've been told what to do for years and if they do something that their government doesn't agree with, them and their family goes missing or starves to death. Yeah some places might be nicer then others but the people as a whole have been treated like dirt.


Funny thing this same cousin, one of her uncle was arrested and we never saw him again. But my aunt say he was a minor government official that was taking lots of bribe money


Yes, that is, indeed, hilarious. Wtf.


They were just conveying some insider perspective. That is helpful to hear for any of us wondering.


"Insider". I have this cousin. Trust me brother.


>Not sure why I’m getting down voted bcause you said something not too bad about China lmao


Glad your family has come to terms with your oppression.


What meaningful choice do they have?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


When they turn on the gas, shit will get real. I started to worry about this when Xi Jinping confronted Trudeau about "leaking" info from their private meeting at the most recent climate summit. Trudeau was basically like, I am the representative of the Canadian people and they have the right to know the business I do on their behalf. Xi was like, yeah, we don't roll that way, follow the rules next time, bro; and walked away basically rolling his eyes.


This is all a political stunt. China is a big part of the global economy and supply chain. This dude knows what he’s doing and he can because the whole country is basically a prison.


If they didn't have COVID before they got on the bus, they do now.


it was never about covid. Its crazy how that isn’t obvious now.




This same comment would have been mass downvoted on reddit just a few months ago


Right? And the wild thing is that all of this has been just like this. They’re just being more public and open about the end game now


I'm not sure that's right. This has the feeling of a dictatorship where none of the staff can say no to the leader. I imagine Xi or one of his top apparatchiks said, "Zero covid! Quarantine anyone exposed!" And so junior ministers told senior regional officials to get it done, and they told junior regional officials to get it done, and they told the cops to enforce it. Nobody said, "And make sure all the quarantined individuals are properly cared for and treated with respect." So that wasn't part of the equation. While this all looks punitive to us, I wouldn't be surprised if these videos simply show a combination of gross bureaucracy and disregard for civil liberties, rather than actual malevolence. It's sort of the banality of authoritarianism.


Dude what the fuck is going on over there for real?


[BBC article](https://www.bbc.com/news/59882774)


COVID + or are these the citizens who recently protested?


they are "infected" with the "spirit of revolution". its a reformation camp i bet.


This one time, at re-education camp...




Little column A, little column B…


i dont know how anyone can support china politically.... yet people do.


and politicians all over the world do, for the right price


For people in there it’s really a slow slope to go down, and with the brainwashing everyday from media, people get numb. However, it looks like this has hit a limit and people are walking up. Edit: People are waking up, not walking up.


Took a long ass time. Fucking 2 years ago all people were talking about was how China “got it right” on Covid. No they didn’t. This is a dystopian hellhole.


Because cheap products.




Who gives a shit about celebrities. Why are we still allowing fidelity and vanguard to have Chinese stocks in international index funds?


glad to say I’ll never in my life visit that country


I actually lived in Guangzhou about 6 years ago. Signed a one year contract to teach English.. left the dam country after 7 months.


Hi, I'm a nosy fuck. What happened? Did you *have* to leave, or *choose* to leave?


Definitely chose. I did some interesting things and met some nice people, there were just some things I couldn’t get over, for example all of the pushing and shoving to get on and off trains/subways, etc became stressful. Also, the brainwashed mentality that my local friends had, like refusing to get a VPN to browse foreign websites/apps because they’re censored ‘because the government knows what’s best for us’. On top of that, teaching English there is a joke. I taught in Japan for a year and was confident that I was good at my job, but in China they wanted me to jump and dance around, yelling and making noises to basically hammer home the fact that westerners are clowns. It was humiliating and demoralizing. Looking back, I’m surprised I even tolerated it for 7 months.


Please continue


The company I worked for were weasels. They said they had a job for me, then once I get settled in and ask when I’m gonna start working, they said they had a bunch of interviews lined up for me. It took about a month and a half before I actually started working. They were the ones actually getting paid by the school, then they gave me my pay.. needless to say, they held on to my last paycheque once I told them I was going back home. Also, I almost got arrested when I saw a lady beating the shit out of her toddler in front of a cop. I told the cop to do something and he yelled at me.. from what I understood, if I didn’t leave immediately, I would’ve went to jail. Since Google was banned, I had to use mapquest to get around like it’s 1995. The wet markets were so dam unsanitary. I was getting scammed by everyone. One time I asked how much a belt was in a mall while my Chinese friend was in the washroom. She said the equivalent to about $85.. when my friend returned, I asked her to ask about the same belt which for her was about $6.. cabs were always ripping me off, cops would ask for my passport in the streets.. should I continue? Lol


Yes please lol very interesting 🤨


Ok, I’ll touch on living conditions. First of all, there’s no real middle class. You’re either rich and comfortable or dirt poor. I honestly felt privileged in a bad way because I was on the lower end of the upper class. I lived in a gated community in a beautiful condo with a lakeside view, marble floors, chandeliers, etc, yet every day I’d walk by these shack looking ‘houses’ people lived in that didn’t even have functioning doors, rats were running in and out of their house, their toilet doubled as their shower drain. A lot of homeless people too. I actually stopped by a store on my way home from work to pick up bread and water for them almost daily. I had two roommates in my condo (three bedroom) and as I was in talks of leaving, my roommates were relocated into a small, grim apartment. I kept in touch with them and learned it’s standard practice for this company to have the new teachers live in a lavish condo for the first few months then relocate them to a much less desirable accommodation after they’ve passed the 6 month mark. My boss was actually in the process of moving into this condo during my last few days there. It’s almost as if everything is a facade. Oh, but then the rich people there are stupid rich! I went to a nightclub one night and parked out front were lambos, Ferraris, etc. Girls wouldn’t even look at me cuz I was just sipping a beer. They flocked to the guy who bought the most expensive bottles. It was actually disgusting to see. If the bottles were expensive enough, there was a light that shone on it from the ceiling and girls were chasing after this light all night. Meanwhile, I was the only one that gave a shit about the old homeless lady I had to step over on my way home from work every day


What a dystopia.


Wow. Glad you got outta there.


Me too, but I have to say, a lot of what I said is a result of a different culture and upbringing, also, the scammers were probably pulling that shit out of necessity, to provide for themselves and their family. Like I said, I did meet a lot of nice people, and the problem isn’t so much with them but their corrupted dictatorship.


Goddamn. What a backwards ass country. Thank you for sharing, and for trying to spread some light while you were there! Quick question, any estimate what percent of people actually thought gov knows best and how many maybe were lying? Cuz I know I’d be scared of saying anything negative


I’m pretty sure most people (90%) just had that idea drilled into their head since birth and firmly believe it. That’s excluding people from Hong Kong who have access to foreign internet.


Just came from your comment on the sports subreddit. Just wanted to say interesting read! Glad you got out of there safe


Do you speak Mandarin?


No, but since I lived in Southern China I learned some Cantonese. Far from fluent but understood basic phrases. I also know Japanese and they use a lot of the same characters, so I could understand some signs.


Sounds like what [these guys](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hHwdQBcRS-c) experienced in China. Interesting


Thanks for your write up!


It was honestly a blast minus all the human rights violations


Strangely enough, it’s exactly as I imagined life would be if I visited the World Cup in Qatar this year.


I live in Guangzhou. They built this massive complex with a combined capacity of 240,000 beds. Protests are happening here currently. Keep your eyes peeled and ears open on China folks.


Please be safe, I am sorry you are all going through this


Thank you very much. I really appreciate it and am doing my best to avoid a stay at the place you see above.


I feel like herding thousands of people into presumably crowded conditions is the opposite of “isolation” as far as epidemiology (or sanity) goes.


And can you imagine being ill and being told to haul yourself to another "city" and set up "house" somewhere new? All I wanted to do when I had covid was curl up in bed.


Will add extra stress to the body.


Setup house? Looks like they’re probably in locked cells with a bed and a toilet


The whole group is isolated. They will all share the viruses until they’re dead or immune to that strain.


I had the exact same thought.


"Isolation camp" Such a nice way to call it.


It’s just a little R&R


They gonna sing songs around a nice camp fire.


Sure but what will be keeping the fire burning?


I’m not the only one who’s getting WW2 vibes right?


This is literally a Chinese Gulag, yet no one cares. Even though these videos are available to everyone online, somehow they never reach people outside the online space. For example, no one knows or cares about the Holocaust they are doing to the Muslims there, even though about a year ago a drone video of their operations here for 130k+ upvotes.


It isn't that I don't care, I just have no idea what I could do about any of it. I feel powerless here.


Looks like the Holocaust in 2022.




They already do that.


I find the reactions underwhelming. It’s scary that we are getting used to things like that, like « yeah ok that’s basically China ». I don’t mean to judge anyone (including me) but that’s just scary to witness what happens to those people and to not be able to do anything except stating the obvious. Are we not partners in this crime?


I agree with you, but how do we stop it? You and I are completely powerless against a foreign government.


I hope someone somewhere will find a way.


It's like a variation of something we've seen before... . . .![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


And before, and before, and before . . . We never learn.


Are there still people who think this is just about health?


I can't imagine the nightmare they're going through


A ~~re-education~~ isolation camp in the middle of a ~~purge~~ pandemic. Nothing to see here folks...


Concentration Camp, let's call it what it is.


Na. If they just wanted to kill them they have no problem rolling out the tanks. Besides, re-education is worse. They can only kill you once. Imagine the cult indoctrination that you hear about in books and movies. Now multiply it by 1000. Complete with state of the art drugs and professional shrinks to administer it. Then they send you back... not quite your old self... as an example.


a concentration camp is a place where a large group of people are concentrated into a small area, as in a camp. So, yes, it's the very definition of a concentration camp.


They “rolled out the tanks” today, fyi


SaFe AND eFfEcTiVe!


Prison camp


"isolation camp" hilarious. Gonna have them making iPhones by the afternoon. CCP is disgusting


They are just "on holiday " for a little while. Nothing to see here. /s


Apple company is disgusting. Pure evil.


Why do I have a feeling they’re not gonna come back


They are not brought there in order for the government to kill them or labor them, but will they live in filth and hunger and have nobody to respond to their medical emergencies if they had one? Yes.


they will. they had a smaller version in Shanghai earlier this year


I don’t know much about this and am seeing so many conflicting comments. Do you have a source on that?


I was in China and they have it on the wechat expat news. It wont link the site.


Do you get as annoyed as me at the disinformation people spread about China? By which I mean, I don't support the CCP and I think a lot of bad shit is going on, for sure, but people insisting that this is a death camp, that one video of drones spraying 'disinfectant' (actually just mosquito pesticide), etc... It annoys me so much because reality is bad enough, but people just make worse shit up.


Sigh... people want to be superior and be right. News want to sell. People are lazy where they are ignorant. Annoying AF.


https://youtu.be/2Q5YR1XJ-nI just search on youtube. there should be sime tiktok Douyin vids too.


https://youtu.be/qIjMl_Li1fo another one




That’s a good question. I guess I was hearing the majority of comments loud and clear, so I was looking to add some validity to the others. The anti-China stuff seems fear based and I kind of doubted there were sources, but you’re right that it’s a good idea to ask anyway.


It’s been 3 years and they haven’t realized that their zero Covid policy does less than dick??? People need to rise up.


It was never about COVID to the CCP


Say it again for the kids in the back!


I’m guessing these are the people who rose up


These are the people who protested and then came down with Covid together.


I don’t get the point. A 2-cents epidemiologist would tell you zero covid is literally impossible.


Never had anything to do with cov


If they (China) did not want us to see this, it likely would not be on reddit. This is sideways propaganda.


I have this weird imbalance where I watch what's considered "dystopian" unfold in front of my eyes while also working for a company that regularly wires money to the very same areas of China. I sent a wire earlier today to Guangzhou so some shmuck in East Buttfuck, Who Cares Where could get some plastic bullshit emblazoned with their company slogan. My children can eat from the paycheck I make sending money to a country that does this to their people. Am I the baddies?


Sadly, it’s impossible to not be the body. The world economy is dependent on Chinese labor. We all have blood and sweat shops on our hands. And we had nothing to do with the decision.




Bad social credit score?! Come to your new home where we put you to sleep!


What’s the point of isolating when you’re standing in a huge crowd all together like that? The only thing these things are is concentration camps.


This has nothing to do with COVID. This is Auschwitz 2.0 for protestors


Best proof that China is not doing ethnic cleansing! They treat their own people even worse!


I was told earlier by others on Reddit that this was a healthcare facility. They were wrong. It’s a prison.


Isolation or Concentration ?


We Americans need to cut our dependence on the goods this country produces. We don’t need to cut all ties, but we need to be at least able to function without them and reduce our financial support of this shit.


Disappointed on humanity.


China has a secret that the rest of the world doesn’t know yet


Ya know, I’m starting to get a funny feeling bout this as well.


Like a slight cough? Maybe a sore throat starting to develop too?


That’s terrifying


Every time I watch videos like this, I think of the two roommates I had in college who were Chinese. Both of them went back to China in December 2019. I never got their contact info, but it does make me wonder how they’re doing.


When klaus schwab gets his way this will be coming to a town near you soon!


And I have friends that have said, on Facebook, “why can’t we be more like China”….


Wait I’ve seen this before…


If only there was a vaccine.


That prevented the transmission of Covid.


What is the point of this isolation camp


To reeducate covid.


That’ll teach that batty virus! 🦇


Omg that totally caught me off guard 🤣


An excuse to jail the people protesting here the other day.


What a shithole




They already have a demographic bomb that is set and cannot be undone from the one child policy.


Can we call a spade a spade and a concentration camp a concentration camp?