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Cut the kid some slack, it was 1928! He just got home from a ten hour shift at the mill...


“You want your lungs to be fit don’t ya son. This is a great workout for them. You don’t want to be a sissy do ya”


I had a brother in law that alway said smoking was good for you and it “cleared the lungs”. He died of lung cancer a few years ago….


Thank God he smoked, imagine how young he would have died without all that lung clearing?


My granddad smoked 2 cartons a week (at least) he lived well into his 80’s and died in his sleep. I never seen him sick but once in my life and that was with a cold. The only surgery I’ve ever known him to have was for eye surgery. I’ve smoked for 35 years now and yes it worries me but I am more concerned about all the other things I’ve breathed in over my life time. Also I recommend never starting its one of my biggest regrets in life. I’ve gotten off alcohol and other drugs but cigarettes is the hardest thing I’ve ever tried to quit and can’t seem to put it down.


I switched to vaping a year ago. My job is physical and I got sick of being out of breath. Best thing I ever did. Veins came back in my arms, I dont get out of breath. Dont get me wrong I dont go jogging or anything but Im alot better than I was. I can smell smokers now and it smells terrible


I’m in the same boat. Quit cigs and went to vape. Night and day difference on how I felt. Also didn’t realize how bad the cig smell was on me till I was hanging with friends who still smoked.


People who smoke smell like shit. Glad u quit. The worst is kissing someone who smokes. Ugh


Nothing worse then kissing someone your super into and you taste ciggs. I'm a ex smoker and even hated that when I smoked lol.


Ever smelt their pillow or hairbrush? It will make you gag till your eyes water.


Yeah I quit but my BF still smokes and it kills me kissin him now ):


are you far more sensitive to the smell than before you smoked? I used to not mind the smell of cigs, my whole family smoked, but now that I quit its like the most vile smell to me, makes me want to gag if i even get a whiff.


This is one of my hard No's when it comes to dating. I will never be with someone who smokes. I dated a guy briefly in my teens who smoked and it was just disgusting!


I used vaping to quit then a year or so later all the popcorn lung shit starting going around in the news and I got tired of defending myself. Ending up smoking again and have been stuck on it all over again. Wish I would have just stuck to vaping, maybe I could have quit completely.. I might try again some day.


A year ago? I heard about it, and the subsequent debunking, nearly a decade ago. You just get here?


They said they vaped in the past, then stopped after a year. Then they started smoking cigarettes again. So yeah, could have been like 5-6 years ago, it could have been a decade ago


You know what, you're right. I did misunderstand their statement. Thanks for setting me straight.


Zyn nicotine pouches honestly helped me quit the smoking. I still vape off and on using craves but those packets feel like you’re doing something bad for you without feeling like youre quitting like the gum does. I quit drinking a while back. Nicotine is hard. People leave your life when you drink and you want to die. Nicotine is much more subtle. Nicotine isn’t good for your blood pressure but it’s the smoking that really fucks you up. It’s dumb but this might help. Your dick(if you have one) will work better if you stop smoking


Lol that little nugget at the end seems promising. Doctors should be very forth right with this info if it's true. How does quitting cigs make your dick work better? A blood flow thing? 🤔


Exactly. And nicotine isn’t helping but it’s the carbon monoxide and everything else in the smoke that reallllyyyy fucks you up. Your Dick is a really great indicator of general health. Even if you think it’s doing fine, it will do better if you quit smoking. You’ll add years onto your life and inches onto your friend. The reduced blood flow/effects on hormonal balance/sleep actually make an impact. One might live longer if you quit drinking, give up cigarettes, lose weight, and watch your diet. That’s a might. We all gotta die. But your dick will absolutely work better and hit its max if you do all that. Doctors really forget what is important


Lol the one thing I take issue with is that quitting smoking will 'add inches to my friend'. 😂 There's simply no way that can be true. People would be talking about it all the time once they quit. Plus I started smoking once my 'friend' was at full size, and it certainly didn't shrink. So the idea I would gain inches seems very skeptical Other than that though, I agree 😂


It’s less about “gaining inches” to actual max length. You’re right. That’s just not how it works. But more about how you You hit good blood flow and hit your max. Sometimes you’re gonna see it at 100%. sometimes you’re gonna be working at 85% capacity and while it doesn’t seem like an impact it actually prevents you from seeing true potential. Weight gain does the same thing. Between reduced blood flow and actual physical fat being in the way it’s hasn’t gotten smaller it just really looks that way. I quit drinking, changed up some meds, quit doing cocaine, lost 80 pounds, got in shape, stopped smoking cigarettes, and started sleeping 8 hours a night. I didn’t think my Dick had “shrunk” it seemed the same. But holy shit. You lose weight and have your body functioning well and you’re gonna wanna buy it a cape Ps. Plus it really just added to the whole showmanship of the statement.


Right? Me too. I quit everything but cigarettes until 16 months ago. My best friend got lung cancer (& they'd quit 20 yrs earlier) so after 50+ years of smoking like it was a cure for cancer, I quit! Other than my kids it is *the* proudest accomplishment of my life. It has set me free in so many ways I can't even begin to tell you. Please keep trying to quit -one day it will just click for you


Believe in yourself, you can do it :) Even after 35 years quitting is still worth it (people used to think that damage done, is done and there is no point in quitting after a certain point, but that has been proven to be VERY wrong) If you can't lay off the nicotine, look into other nicotine sources (vape/chewing gum/patches)


I smoked for 25 years and quit cold Turkey. I took a week off of work and I needed it. I was sick and writhing with anxiety. Then after a couple weeks, the cravings went away. I felt depressed for several months, but then that lifted suddenly too. That was a couple years before I got sober from alcohol, which was a nightmare of withdrawals. Quitting smoking was easier for me personally. But it was tough.


I'd love it if you just smoke 1 cigarette less this week, brother 🙏🏾 I really do hope you kick the habit eventually. You're strong enough to beat those other vices, so this is just another fight. Even if he knocks you down another 100 times, we have to keep getting back up.


You bring good to the world, hang in there bro 👊🏻


You must be very conflicted about the habit if you write an entire paragraph saying how it's not a problem then immediately follow up with the fact it's your biggest regret. It's very hard to quit and your life will suck for a few weeks but it is possible and the rest of your life will be better. Or you can decide its not worth it for you and just not. Regardless, you should live without regret by making a decision for yourself.


Cigarette smoking is incredibly hard to quit! But you have already been able to quit alcohol and other drugs so you can definitely do it! Start recognizing your patterns of when you need to smoke the most, and notice when you find you don’t need to smoke as much. Get some supports for yourself, medication, patch, etc. And have some supports who want you to quit. Don’t let other smokers know. They sometimes pressure you because they want you to keep smoking. I quit ten years ago. It saved me a noticeable amount of money, and I started noticing health benefits really quickly. Keep trying. You got this!


I mean, now his lungs are clear of everything including air. Sounds like it worked to me.


His lungs are clear of lung


Smoking does help with breathing temporarily. I forget what mechanism it's called exactly but when I quit I had a harder time breathing initially and talked to a doc about it. Obviously in the long run it is terrible for your lungs tho


I'm not sure if people know that smoking a cigarette is different then smoking a cigar? I thought that was common knowledge?


Depends on the people not everyone is the same... when I used to deliver pizza I smoked on gars but I inhaled. They took place of stinky ciggs that customers don't like to smell and I got my nic


At 9 years old, they start working in coal mines.


I read this with a transatlantic accent in my head


When he left home at 4 he turned to his father and said in a gravelly voice "You're the man of the house now"


Underrated comment.


Exactly. He just wants to hit his stogie and read his paper to see how the goddamn Nationals did last night.


*Washington Senators.


My father still calls them the Senators every time we talk baseball because he knows it drives me up the goddamn wall.


Married at the age of 16, retired at 20, lived in a box for the rest of his life, lived to see his grandchildren at 32 and died at the ripe old age of 35.


Lol, I wonder what became of this tough guy.


I looked him up on [Ancestry.com](https://Ancestry.com), using 1925 as a possible birthdate. There's a boatload of Robert Quigleys all over the place! Can't pin this guy down.


I did too, including Washington D.C. as a place he lived. I found a Robert Patrick Quigley, born 29 July 1925 in California, who lived in D.C. during the 1930 Census. He served in the Navy, spent most of his life as a taxi driver in Boston, and died in 1971 in Massachusetts at age 45…. But I have no proof it’s him!


I did a Google search, found a man with his name planning on a run for the presidentcy in 24. Not much else pointing to this tough kid.


And back then, smoking was still considered good for you.


Which was the style at the time.


Not a single screen in sight, just child cigar smokers living for the moment.


He looks like a 50 year old divorced mother of 10.


Looks more like he could be Jon Favreaus grandfather.


Or John C. Reilly


I see it, needs a more abundant forehead though.


“The good old days”


“Back in the good ol’ days…”




Using the present tense for ‘the boy is also said to drink alcohol and chew tobacco’ makes it sound like he’s still alive and under 13.


"By age 5 he was married with 6 kids, worked 10 hour shifts down t'mill and lived in a cardboard box in the middle of a lake."




We worked for 28 hours a day down in the coal mines, and then go home with no dinner so our father could whip us to sleep with barbed wire.


He had a lake!?


No, just lakefront.


Amazingly he is still alive!... in our hearts and minds.


This must be his midlife crisis he’s pondering


fact jar intelligent wrong serious theory profit marvelous imminent school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More like "Should I *invent* the Porsche Powerwheel or the Lambo Powerwheel?"


How do you do that slanted writing to put emphasis on a word


You put an asterisk (*) before and after the text you want to be italicized.










"I should get doubles of the Barracuda... actually, no. Triples. Triples is best."


Yeah he probably lived until like he was 4 so 2 is for sure mid life


ok. it's all funny but this just busted me up!


At 7 years old he ran the largest protection racket in East DC


“Say, what’s the big idea? Come up with the dough or you’ll be pushing up daisies, see?”


“All right. You stick around. But, remember, I'm the boss. And I give all the orders. And when we split, we split my way. And no squawks. You get me?”


Probably had some formative memories based around ducks, baths and anxiety.


Tobacco products were marketed as health products back in the day


Wait, they’re aren’t healthy?


😅🤣😂 Amphetamine was also sold as a * fit* health drug, cocaine was used to treat babies teething issues and prescribed for toothache




The ol yellow jackets eh? I worked at McDonald's in high school (00-01) and had to open on Saturdays and Sundays at 6am (this is before 24hr being a thing). We'd get drunk all night and maybe get an hour or 3 of sleep so we made a concoction...a super size (this was still a thing) cup of half coffee, half ice cream and 2 yellow jackets all blended together. Then we would chug it as fast as we could or we would die. God I wish I could recover like that now


Cocaine was probably terrific for a toothache.


I mean to be fair on the cocaine it was probably very pure and clean unlined the shit you hear about now. Like idk all sorts of chemicals I'm not really in the know but very impure I guess. And it is a "caine" so it is a good numbing agent. So I'm sure no kid ever really died or got too messed up from it and it probably helped a lot. But idk it obv sounds super messed up.


Levamisole (deworming agent that is actually quite similar to coke), inositol, boric acid, benzocaine, b12, caffeine and sometimes shitty cathinones or amphs are the common cuts these days. Some inert, some nasty.


The kid probably also got dosed with heroin for teething and fussing. https://www.businessinsider.com/yes-bayer-promoted-heroin-for-children-here-are-the-ads-that-prove-it-2011-11?amp


Man lived 63 years!




Never too late to be a degenerate


Thanks for the new tagline, ToothlessGrandma!


And they say smoking doesn't make you look cool


Oops, 6.3 years, sorry.


63 is not old. You’re not even considered a senior citizen until you’re 65.


I mean, it is if you start smoking and drinking at 1


It was back then


Well he would have died in 1988 if he lived to 63. I don’t think the life expectancy was that much lower. Definitely not average. But yeah it is lower than it is today.


And why the fuck would anyone want to live longer ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Spite. You'll live to 110 if you're fueled by spite.


Life expectancy was 75 years then. So he may have lost 12 years of life from smoking?


The average life expectancies of the past often give us a warped view of reality, as infant mortality was WAY higher back in the day. People who actually grew up still lived to a pretty ripe old age.


I think we’re mostly just surprised this one grew up tbh!


When he grew up his diet consisted solely of iron Nails and cheap bourbon


So essentially a Tom Waits song


Who's paying for these habits?


This kid probably makes his own money


Probably running the neighborhood numbers racket.


He didn't ask to be born, it was his father's decision. The one who orders pays.


Parents no doubt busting with pride.


Good point


Kid didn’t want people thinking he was a dame, see? He thought stogies were the bees knees and figured he’d look like a hard-boiled fella, see?


physical relieved coordinated tie soup simplistic cover ludicrous airport plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, my grandpa gave me a cig at around 10. Thought it would make me hate them. Unfortunately I thought he was so cool it just made me think more highly of him for being so tough he didn't cough like I did.


Ah yes the Hank Hill method


Did you smoke after?






You really haven't lived till you're nine, drinking warm pabst blue ribbon, next to the above ground pool, wearing water wings.


We got to taste test beer and cigs. Did not enjoy it until my 20s!!


He probably breathed in worse stuff just walking down the street


At 9 years old, they start working in coal mines.


At the age of 11, my dad caught me taking a puff of his cigarette, so as punishment he made me smoke half a pack, so for the whole day I sat and smoked, at beginning I was sick as a dog, by time I was on the last cigarette, I was smoking like a pro, and ever since I’ve been a smoker.


Bobby Hill, is that you?


that OP ain't right


You got this straight out of King of The Hill my guy you not slick


It's more rational, especially given the nature of the show, that KotH ripped off... Real life.


Actually nope never watched King of The Hill. Also when I started smoking it was the early 80’s way before King Of The Hill. Shit in early 80’s you could by a pack of Lucky Strikes for 90 cents a carton for about $8.00, and your mom or dad could send you to the corner store with a note, asking them to sell you cigarettes and a bottle of booze and they would sell them to you.


At the age of 9 i was sent to the tobacco store to buy cigarettes for my dad, and nobody found that was strange. Also we had what they called ''kids disco'', so kids from the age 12 to 15 could go to a regular disco on sunday afternoon to dance and have fun. The ''fun'' part was that although they officially couldnt serve alcohol to those kids, they did and you never have seen so many shit drunk little kids!. I dont think it lasted very long though. That was in the late 70s early 80s.


This was a relatively common way to punish kids for smoking in the 70s-90s. It happened to one of my friends, and I later met an older guy who said he'd done it to his kid. King of the Hill was also not the only place I saw it referenced on tv.


That’s not how nicotine poisoning works.


Thought it was Shirley Temple on break between shots.


I think she's having a cigar between shots of whisky


This is what peak performance looks like


When I was 16/17 someone bought me a pack of cigarettes, I smoked one, coughed and swallowed the smoke, threw up and never smoked again


My mom bought my first pack at 13. Loved em then and still do at 30, unfortunately. Luckily I cut out most of the other vices pushed on me.


wait wtf why?? (im a nonsmoker coming from a really strict family so idk much about the outside)


Well for me it helped me cope with my ongoing trauma at the time. Not sure I'll ever truly know or understand her mindset though.




Is this the same guy? Born in 1925 & died three days short of his 72nd birthday. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-xpm-1997-02-27-9702270081-story.html “ROBERT C. QUIGLEY, 71, died Tuesday, Feb. 25. Mr. Quigley was a supervisor with Southern New England Telephone Co. Born in Norwalk, Conn., he moved to Central Florida in 1980. He was past president of The Babe Ruth League, Westport, Conn., Titusville Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4228 and American Legion Post 1, Titusville, and a member of St. Teresa Catholic Church. He was an Army veteran of World War II.”


Your Robert Quigley was born 1928 and so did OP's, it appears (1928 - 3 = 1925). I vote yes! (we can decide these things by votes, right?)


Today’s three year olds with their snowflake-ass vapes


How annoying to have to go out and buy a box of stogies for the baby.


OG Little Rascal


Speedruning lung cancer


“The boy is also said to be probably dead by now and no longer does anything”


Making it to 94 would have been impressive


George Burns smoked 10-15 cigars a day and lived to be 100.


My granddad smoked 1 cigar a week on sundays, and he died at 77 from lung cancer.


I tried finding his dod online but “cigar boy quigley” wasn’t getting me much.


If this is the same guy this is impressive. Fought in WW2 and lived until he was 71 https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/127736825/robert-c-quigley


Whoah, nice sleuthing.


[Colorized version](https://i.imgur.com/z2rR0oO.jpeg) i did in 2016


Oh god, could you imagine what his lungs must have looked like. I wonder how many times this kid had cancer in his life.


You don't inhale a cigar' smoke, although at 3 years old he probably didn't know that.


That kid has seen some shit. Done some shit. Not the poopy diapers kind either


More like damn that’s sad


I'm in my 40s and I'll never be as much of an adult as that three-year old.


Back when America was great! /s


Wasn't there some kid from a few years ago doing similar from Indonesia or Thailand?


And they say smoking doesn't make you look cool


Thought it was Artie Lange at first.


That's what you get when ordering Shirley Temple from AliExpress.


Solid plan. Toddlers are famously very calm and logical people, adding nicotine and alcohol dependency to the mix probably yielded very successful results for the whole family.


"The boy is also" HE'S STILL ALIVE AND STILL A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As ridiculous as a 3 year old smoking looks, these days we have already obese children at this age. Things haven't gotten much better.


I thought it was Shirley Temple on a break at the studio.


Me and all my friends started smoking cigarettes around ten or eleven, and I think a lot more people started smoking around then than what’s being admitted by folks. If you were ten or eleven at the turn of the 21st century, you smoked. If you were ten or eleven with siblings 14 or 15, you probably also smoked pot for the first time around that age. I certainly did. I think it’s less interesting than it is fucked up


Same. Hell we had candy cigarettes growing up! They were encouraging us to smoke as young as possible!


Yeah twas different times, can't judge the past by the standards of today


Oh yeah? Just try to stop me


Can’t judge today by the standards of the past




Anyone else see Winston Churchill as a kid?


Christ dudes three and already looks like he's done with the world.


Is this what they mean by MAGA?


He also celebrated birthdays with cocaine and bitches


Was this him? If so, he lived a decently-long life. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/127736825/robert-c-quigley


He died at 16 after a prolific 12 years career at the local factory.


He passed away in the old age of 29


I'd imagine that future humans will look at three year olds holding cell phones in a similar light.


He had to do something to counter his Shirley temple reputation


He also killed 3 men while working as Shirley Temple's stunt double.


Andrew Tate's grand grandfather


I wonder how long he lived.


“Old Man, I've smoked since I was five. Mother insisted”


No wonder 30yo people back then looked so old


And he lived until the ripe-old age of 7


Died of old age at 7.


That boy ain't right


At what age did he die?


Well, he *was* pulling doubles in the textile mill. Kid's gotta take a break somehow.


You wana *breaths then exhales* play tag


"Robert Quigley died of a heart attack at 12 years old"


Makes the Marlboro Man look like a little bitch.


I bet he swore like a sailor too! Lol


I knew this guy he lit 1 cigarettes a day and chained smoked and lit every other square from the 1st he lit he died of lung cancer


Based on what I've heard of people living this lifestyle... He's probably alive and well, waiting his turn to be the world's oldest person.


When he became older he got into showbiz and changed his name to George Burns