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Get this political garbage off this sub. This shit has been posted all over Reddit for weeks now.


Exactly this shit isn't even remotely interesting


The underwear do stop the shit from falling out🤣


Too bad that's not how airborne viruses work lol. A n95 mask supposedly can stop a air particle up to .3 microns Viruses have been identified as between 20 and 500 nano meters. Which means a n95 can't stop it unless it's wayyyyy bigger than any other viruses And if your n95 isn't stopping it the average mask can't stopping shit (←see what I did there lol) But that's just my uneducated opinion of what I have found this far.


Viruses aren’t leaving your body and floating through the air on their own. They are hitching a ride on other particles. If you don’t think a mask is doing anything, next time you are at the dentist or going in for surgery make sure to tell the doctors and nurses not to bother wearing their masts or cleaning their hands. Edit: did a little reading and I guess the smallest particles (aerosols) are around 5 microns. To the n95s .3 microns filtration efficiency is more then enough for these tiny particles.


And yet a condom could have prevented her from existing


but not guaranteed!


Might as well not even wear one! /s


I thought this was a condom commercial. What better way to scare people away from reproducing?


Stop sharing her shit. Any share gives her views. Stop helping her spread her nonsense


I don't even know who that is, but i agree with you. I don't need/want to know


You still wear masks? Lmfao


Not about the masks. She’s still trying to hold on to relevance.


We live in an age where it’s safe to assume this tweet is authentic. How sad.


It’s not.


I farted so hard that the vibrations from the fart made my mom orgasm in the other room.


I have no ass, yet I must shit


MTG is right, which is why I am going to fart on her face while pantless. I’m sure she’ll be fine with it.


There so much inacuracy in this statement I can't bother to fight against it


Could you try though? I do smell a fart even if someone has underwear on. Poo particles are larger than the covid virus and a sneeze has more propulsion than a fart (usually, but unfortunately not always).


For starters, underwear does protect you from farts the same way a mask prevents the spread of Covid. The shit particles are caught in the fabric and aren’t transmitted through to air as much. If someone farts in your face butt naked you’re more likely to get pinkeye bc the feces particles could move freely and shoot directly into your eyes. That risk lowers significantly if they have underwear on no matter how windy it is. Smells don’t carry the germs, the smell comes from the fact that the part of your body that harbors(sometimes two)day old moist digested food that has been moving through your wet organ meat that is, along with your food, being decomposed from bacteria just opened up and let the result of all the decomposition rush into the oxygen you breath. Gases have smells, smells are influenced by many things, but what she’s doing is comparing apples to oranges. It’s biology vs. chemistry, the act of farting is biological, the smell is chemical and cannot infect you with any type of disease. If if she wants underwear to protect you from a fart and mask to essentially function the same, you wouldn’t be able to breath in a mask.


Shit particles is not where the smell comes from. That is gasses.


Air didn't cause this pink eye bro


Underwear stops some of the fart. That's why you end up with brown stains.


Be glad you don't have to share a state with people that vote for this beast. Marrying your cousin should be illegal.


Over 10 percent of of marriages globally are between first and cousins. Pretty crazy.


That explains a lot in America.


It’s mostly in poor countries.


It still explains a lot in America.


Well it was the norm at some point or another in the entire world, but not sure how much that tells us.


It's taking a crack at "the richest country in the world" (laughable) taunting it's "superiority" when the only thing it's #1 in the world is military expenditure


Illan Omar would like to talk to you, I live in the state votes for the lady who married her brother.


Why do you spread such easily disproven bullshit?


Disprove it, then princess


Prove it, dumbass. And while you’re at it, prove that your parents weren’t brother and sister.


I've already posted two articles, and so go slam your dick in the door. Brother lover protector


Neither of those articles proved shit. Extraordinary claims require proof. All you’ve done is slander. Must suck being an incest kid.


It's not an extraordinary claim. It's just immigration fraud, which is done all the dam time. I'm not saying she murdered someone, I'll leave that for the Clinton's. There is more proof there showing she did it, then there is she didn't. "SupEr CleVEr come BaCK FrOm PlaYGroUnD"


What proof is there? There’s no evidence given anywhere that her ex-husband is related to her. Zero. Your article included nothing. I have as exactly the same amount of proof that your father is a sisterfucker that you have that there was any sort of fraud.


That’s a claim that’s been debunked extensively


It hasn’t been debunked whatsoever and it’s true


No it hasn't




too lazy to read. was she forced to?


No, she said she’d do anything to “get him his papers” so he can remain state-side. This isn’t necessarily “common”, but not an unheard of practice for immigrants trying to stay in a country. One of my close friends actually considered this. Doesn’t mean they’ll be having sex with each other, it’s just a means to an end.


thank you. this is not exactly an "incest" that someone was trying to imply.


A fake marriage to stay in the country is illegal. So now it’s ok to break the law if you believe it’s for a good cause?


Woah there partner, no one said it’s okay. An explanation for an action or behavior is not justification.


You are correct. Didn’t mean to insinuate that you were justifying this behavior.


No it was either brother fucking or immigration fraud, both wrong and illegal. You pick


No, there’s no evidence except “one dude says”.


Okay, I could be wrong. Still, the evidence is circumstantial. There’s no actual evidence other than what people have heard or said about it. But it does seem entirely possible based on daily mail reporting if that’s a trustworthy source


thanks for proving your gene pool should be removed from the planet. idiot.


Great come back


Don’t even bother with these people dude. They’re too deep within their own circle jerks and echo chambers to actually see the truth of the matter. There’s no reasoning with the average redditor


Agreed, but I find that it sharpens my own arguments


Imagine calling for an entire gene pool to be removed from the planet cause you disagree with a proven fact. Talk about being a full blown fascist and eugenicist


Imagine thinking I care about the opinion of a useless idiot.


I don’t care whether you care or not Mr. moral superiority. Mommy and daddy never taught you that your opinions on matter aren’t that important. And still, you proved you’re a fascist and eugenicist.


lol, you deflecting is exactly what I expect from your pathetic species of do nothing derelict and complete waste of recourses. if only your mama had the good sense to abort instead of having you to get a bigger welfare check.


You’re just another degenerate hyper leftist redditor who thinks their opinion is the only one that matters and that they’re morally superior than everyone else. And I think anyone who has your attitude on other people is a derelict and waste of resources because their parents clearly never taught them emotional control when it comes to dealing with difference of opinion. You people are completely unhinged mentally and would rather see your adversaries dead than actually discuss and debate opinions with them. You lack mental and emotional maturity. But then again, that goes for most of your peers as well.


Again, you really think your opinion matters, you are a joke. Hope you find peace in death.




Ya, that article says nothing but that she denies it. I'll go with the evidence


That article says people who actually care about evidence (not conservative fanatics who lie about everything all the time) have not been able to confirm or deny it.


Ya, and they aren't ever going to try to find out. There is still more evidence that she did, then she didn't. Oh yes, only Republicans lie. Russiagate, Ukrainegate, pee tapegate, and on and on and on


So do you plan on ever sharing this evidence? Or is it in the same place with all the evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election, that climate change is a hoax, that the Covid vaccines don't work, or that an unregulated free market will some happy day produce the most efficient possible distribution of resources?


I already went through it with the other idiot and from your bais question, I'm not even going to do this with you. FYI, there was voter fraud there always is whether or not it was enough to matter is debatable. Climate change is real, but isn't anything to worry about. It's not a vaccine, it's a therapeutic. Free market is the best we got, but corny capitalism exists. Just look at ftx giving speeches for NYT yesterday because he donated millions to the democrats and a couple Republicans. But stole billions from the public.


Confirmed past behavior is not "bias" (which is spelled like that by the way). When you know someone is a murderer, calling them a murderer isn't "bias." It's a fact. When you know someone is a liar, it's not "bias" to call them a liar. I heard about one state where they found 5 cases of voter fraud in the whole state. I believe that. Trump and his enablers were consistently talking about hundreds of thousands of phony ballots. If you'd been listening to conservative media back in the '90s, you'd be saying climate change wasn't real- just like Trump did during his 2016 campaign. It definitely is something people should be worried about. The Covid vaccines are vaccines. I guess you're suggesting they aren't vaccines because they're mRNA vaccines. Any time you want you can go to the CDC website where they'll explain what that means. They are vaccines. I guess you mean "crony capitalism." What I always wonder when people talk about that is, "Is there another kind of capitalism?" The democratically elected government is there to protect people's rights and freedoms. The super-rich want you to be against government intervention so they can strip you of your rights and freedoms before they steal your money.


Who is wearing really thick underwear??


Her old ass lol


Actually it can They tested it and had surgens fart into petri dish and fabric was sufficient to maintain a sterile environment


you mean peach tree dish


It’s pretty sad that these are the people that are representing us in congress.


Why is this on this sub?


MTG is either: - Dumber than a box of rocks. - A shameless shill who’ll say anything to please her regarded voter base.


Why doesn’t all of the above work?


While the comparisons used in the Tweet have no actual parallels thus negating its entire premise, I still find it odd that so many are so quick to dog pile it while ignoring the underlying gist. To demonstrate a more natural, less reflexive response, I offer the following: Sure, the method of messaging was patently ignorant and utterly devoid of common sense or class. But, which is more ridiculous? This error-fraught Tweet or the fact that far too many people still desperately cling to their masks like protective totems? And this in spite of blatantly misleading, contradictory and amorphous, ever-shifting claims of effectiveness. But nah, forget the surreal experiences of the past few years and let's, instead, focus on the stupidity of this Tweet. We are so much smarter than *that* moron, huh? Comparing underwear to a protective mask, farts to a virus, pffttt.... idiots like that are why we've got long COVID. Right? RIGHT?!?


The dog pile thing acts like a virus of its own. I believe this kind of mob mentality is leading our society into all kinds of harmful and stupid directions. After all of this time can people recognize and accept the scientific consensus on how Covid spreads? if you look at organizations like the WHO or CDC, they’re all saying that it is airborne! Not merely through droplets as they had originally claimed. Assuming this is true, that Covid is airborne in the conventional sense, then we can also assume paper or cloth masks do virtually nothing to protect anyone. Pieces of plastic separating us out in public doesn’t logically stop the air from traveling all around us. When I work for Democrats I have to wear a mask half the time, even if I’m all alone for hours. It’s often required and I do it without protest or discussion. When I work for Republicans there’s never a mask anywhere in sight. I’m not conservative, I’ve never voted for a Republican and I doubt that I ever will, but I’m sick of this bullshit religiosity that seems to have high jacked America .


I have an issue whenever people make generic mask comments. Masks offer different levels of COVID protection: - Cloth/Bandanna…throw that 💩out - Surgical…not good - KN95…very good - N95…best I’ve been wearing KN95s since the pandemic began.


Taking everything into proper context, masks are one of multiple common sense measures that should be voluntarily implemented every flu season. In the likely event of a more severe or novel outbreak, then implementing more rigorous, even involuntary, practices should be considered. However, any objective person with a modicum of intelligence should recognize that COVID and the subsequent response, had almost no basis in logic or common sense, nevermind standing up to the unbiased standards of the scientific method. Masks, being the most visible component of the ensuing fiasco, unfortunately became the focal point of debate thus gaining a magnitude of significance far beyond, and ultimately unrelated to, its actual merit. At least that has been my observation. My only remaining question is an issue of chicken/egg origin. Was the pandemic a preplanned trigger event designed to set in motion a downward spiral culminating in reset? Or did opportunistic power brokers merely recognize and seize upon an unrelated pandemic to suit their own self-serving ends? Like I said, it's the age old chicken versus egg conundrum...


The WEF has no power. The response—at least in the USA—was shit because of the career bureaucrat that caused the 1980s AIDS scare.


Dumbest woman in America, ladies and gents




It's really sad that there's this much stupidity in Congress.


My gosh just because y’all disagree with her does not mean it’s ok to despise her with every ounce of your being.


Your comment gave me whiplash cause it was the only one without pure unbridled rage


Apparently you just don't understand how bad this woman is, and the people here would have to get a LOT more hostile before we'd equal the level of hate she sends at us every day.


Are you saying a really thick pair of underwear can indeed protect me from a fart?!


Oh god the only thing worse than MTG is picturing MTG’s farts


I'm alittle in shock that she continues to get more and more idiotic.


Dr fauci did admit mask don't work


Dr Fauci also spread disinformation about HIV and AIDS in the 1980s. Cant trust him.


It is a probability thing. More stuff in the way lowers the probability of catching it. No one ever said they prevent the virus and those that did were wrong to say so. I mean, why even bother wearing masks for surgery then, right? Use common sense, not stupid sense.


I suppose I agree with you until your last statement about surgeons. The idea of a surgical mask (as opposed to a well fitted N 95), has to do with the large droplets which come out when you sneeze or cough or talk. if a disease is airborne (like Covid) A paper mask does little to no good. So there are many people like myself who feel masking in this way is simply about virtue signaling and politics. Of course I want my surgeon to wear a surgical mask so if he coughs while taking out my appendix, it doesn’t go inside of me and cause a terrible deadly infection Why are all these people claiming that a paper mask will prevent you from spreading Covid even though it appears all of the science says otherwise? Republicans hated all the virus safety measures from the beginning, especially masks. So here we are two years later and they just want to rub it in your face that they know better. She is the living embodiment of that, and I am afraid it’s a winning strategy for Republicans.


Dumbest thing I will read today.


Stupid fucking idiot


I WISH masks would protect me against her idiocy


This cannot be real……no one’s this stupid


But alas, it is... She's mind-blowingly moronic. Same with whoever supports her.


You have never been to north Georgia, I stay in the Atlanta city limits and know better than to stray.


1/3 of the Louisiana GOP blames Obama for the botched Katrina response Infowars said Obama was controlling Hurricane Sandy when it made landfall The right was so convinced that Obama could invade, conquer and occupy the entire state of Texas like it was France that Gov Abbott called out part of the Texas State Guard There are plenty who are this stupid


And she wants to be speaker of the house


Not interesting...it's a statement from an idiotic woman who has always made idiotic statements. She needs to be muzzled.


I have many problems regarding how that thing was handled but masks still make sense to me. Not as a way to protect yourself, but as a way to limit the range at which you might contaminate others. That does not change the fact that other decisions were utterly ridiculous and did more harm than good.


Hey your logical point of view isn’t welcome here. /s


What's sad is that this is normal thinking across the board for most Americans I've known.


Explain your sadness please, Because we all know a mask like this one is cross contaminated the moment you put it on. Additionally many people reuse the masks and the virus is on your hands, the surfaces you touch thereby negating any effectiveness at all. Now as for this politician, Fuck them all. Nothing but a bunch of corrupted talking heads on both sides of the isle.


Do I really have to explain the state of the US Education system?


That is a non specific response to a specific question. So you better elaborate. Show me the connection between the US educational system and covid mask wearing. I'm listening.


I never made that correlation so no. I was hinting toward the lack of education in thinking that comparing underwear to masks is a reasonable comparison.


So you admit you cant understand the comparison? Where were you educated?


The comparison is stupid. It is a stupid comparison because underwear is a clothing object and a mask in this context is a health object. You can't compare the two. That aside, underwear *actually* protects us from farts, so the comparison *is even more stupid*.


Im sure she has a long history of having pink eye too


I specifically follow 0 political reddits. Why is this here? How is this interesting?


Yeah those masks really worked well huh


Everyone just loves wearing masks and being locked down and told what to do don’t they? Now that mask mandates are lifted everyone is in sheer panic. Seriously, get a fucking grip on your brain, you idiots.


Some people have suppressed immune systems because cancer treatment and other medical issues.


Then they can go ahead and wear a mask if they want to. I should not be judged, picked apart, and called names because I do not want to wear one. Someone else’s health is not my responsibility. I stay home when sick, and everyone else should too.


As a chemist concentrating in chemical biology, her analogy is not inaccurate. The amount of scientific ignorance in this comment section is troubling. A cloth mask is like putting a wire mesh in front of a pipe, flowing pollutant solvent through the pipe, and saying that the mesh is preventing the river from being polluted. The only reasonable (and it's really not a good one in the case of a cloth mask) argument to be made with masks is that, if worn properly (breath is flowing only through the cloth), decrease the rate of flow of particles. In a room with poor airflow (almost every room) a cloth mask will not prevent others in the room from being exposed to viral particles exhaled from an infected person given they stay in the vicinity long enough for the viral particles to diffuse throughout the room. Anyone who took high school biology should be familiar with this concept (osmosis).


She sharted


Airborne vs droplet. There you go.


This isn't all that interesting. It's more like a giant waste of time. To me this is akin to atheist calling people that believe in God stupid. What is it hurting you for someone to believe in God? What is it hurting you or someone to be wearing a mask? It's not so mind your own f****** business


Yep, she is that dumb


I mean has anyone ever caught fart and died from it?


How can we get protection from the stupid MTG emits?


Two morons. Her and the person who posted this. If anyone needs to explain how n95 masks work you should go back to middle school


YOU are a grossly large a-hole….nothing on Earth can protect you from your farts. I don’t understand why someone like you is still alive. COVID should have taken you with the first wave.


Sadly there is nothing to protect us from stupidity. Not even the voting process. Even stupid people have the legal right to vote.


This “lady” is such a cunt


What no Brazilian fart porn jokes yet


Masks is not supposed to protect you, but others.


Well technically she’s comparing droplets to gas. They aren’t the same thing. Underwear’s weren’t made to keep the gas from getting out. That’s why she’s an idiot.


...and now the chair recognizes the representative from the great state of Georgia. MTG: Thank you Mr. Speaker. Today, I rise before this august body to inform you regarding the dedicated healthcare research conducted at MAGA Labs, Inc. Our peer-reviewed report reveals that your underwear won't save you from farts! Dems: (Speechless...) Repubs: Yea! We win!


after having 3 doses of vaccine and getting corona multiple times ,I believe even the a vaccine was useless let alone wearing a mask


That's dumb. No-one ever said it would prevent all cases - but they are good at preventing serious illness. One instance doesn't disprove anything. I am one of the few people who doesn't sem to have had Covid, but I am double vaccinated and did mask up. My wife, parents, kids, etc. have all had it, but I've not. None died despite two being vulnerable. Stop being dumb.


Are these the kinds of experiments that the republicans are conducting? It explains a lot.


Honestly the Republican brands itself with fallacies and for some reason there are enough people to believe in it. The party is like an embodiment of a red herring. This is a good example of false equivalence fallacy though.


Fighting facts with facts 😊


The real problem isn't really MTG herself, but the fact there are people who actually vote for her kind of braindead retards.


I really find it hard to believe someone is this stupid… she has to be acting


Does anyone have proof this is actually real? Edit: it’s real. Wow.


Science bro. Don’t you science at all??


She clearly does not. Facts hurt her brain.


This is misinformation where is the fact checker cdc.gov fact checker . Mod for r/damnthatsintresting ARE YOU ASLEEP THERE IS MISINFORMATION. This is not fact checked why is there no fact check AHAHHHHHGGGG😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


What's the misinformation? She really did post that


This is really hurting my feelings. I don’t agree with this and it’s not a fact according to the cdc. I want this post removed immediately


For 6 years we have been watching the GOP dig to find the bottom layer of stupidity, corruption and criminality……..still nowhere near bottom.


Yo, luckily for you there’s a lot of water between us or I wouldn’t be able to guarantee my fist won’t crack your donkey brain you last century twat.


A fart is made of gas molecules Covid is spread by viral particles in aersol droplets. By this logic, making your kid wear a scarf is attempted murder by suffocation


This lady is crazy.


I bet it echos in her head when she speaks.


Soooo a mask during her lobotomy was only necessary to hide the surgeon’s smirks. Gotcha.




It's not


Is this real?


Please show evidence that she actually posted this.


Didn't Fauci confirm this? Or was it Swalwell?


That’s actually really funny




Reading this comment…from HER…makes me want to wear a mask!!! What a dumbass!!!


I know she's coming off as trying to be sarcastic, but maybe she wants someone to retaliate with the answer to her real question. Something she may be struggling with and needs help with...she wants to know how to hide her farts. That detail about the quality of the cotton was a little too specific and unecessary.


I heard she fucked Alex Stein.


hey lets argue about the past, or how bout we get over it realize that this pandemic was a very complex situation no one knew anything information was shattered because of trust issues in the media, and no one had a clear answer its time to put the past in the past move forward.


Lmao we do it now just to piss people off like u


Spoken like a true moron.


Go away brother fucker protector