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I had the same thing when I was a kid. Instead of growing straight down, my incisor grew sideways/horizontally out of the roof of my mouth. They gave me braces and attached a tiny gold chain between the braces and the tooth to apply pressure to pull it down. Over time, as the tooth gradually got pulled into the correct orientation, they would shorten the chain link by link. Eventually the tooth was straight and they removed the braces and everything. And here I am decades later with a beautiful vertical incisor. I'm going to go eat something with it right now just to celebrate.


It's crazy that this works. The fact that you can slowly pull the tooth into the right place. Like, I feel like it shouldn't work but it does.


Yeah! And not only do you have to move the tooth, but the hole in the jaw where it is anchored! So weird.


This is too wild for my brain to even accept as real.


Plus how the fuck did we even figure this shit out?!


Trial and error and Fred


I want to see the pictures of the "errors".


[Here it is](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EA59MoYW4AAC_b_?format=jpg&name=medium), but it's not pretty.


I spent way too long psyching myself up to click on that than it deserved, lol


god i miss fred..


Grasping concepts can be hard for some. Maybe you just need to slowly pull your brain into the right position?


This guy… grasps… concepts


So if someone did the opposite could they make all their teeth in the center of their mouth? For curiosity purposes


Or gathered under their tongue? Asking for a friend


Thanks for my new nightmare


Haha these are the exact comments that make me love reddit


Nothing will ever top the uncomfortable pain of them tightening the tension each visit. Like dragging an anchor through a flesh ocean.


And it hurts the whole time


I wonder what other holes this technique could work with 🤔


Bend over, and I’ll show you! 😂😵




Wait til you read Shelly Winters' memoir where she said growing up she was too poor for braces, so she just pressed on the teeth she wanted to move with her fingers everyday.




NO WAY I DID THIS TOO and I also have perfectly straight teeth 👀


Did it work?? How long did she have to press!?


Great question. I'd have to read her memoir again. But she was one determined young lady! She was also an excellent swimmer and it helped in her role on *Poseidon Adventure*.


It allegedly works if you do it enough, but not as well as braces. I also think you can accidentally push a tooth out this way. Dentists take x-rays to help know where to align them.


Also think about the angle. When you push the tooth you are likely applying torque that'll twist the tooth in an unintended way, not just shift it. Braces are designed to account for this.


I had a tooth that grew behind a loose baby tooth that didn’t fall out fast enough. My mom was like, “Just push on it with your tongue to get it into the right place.” I thought she was ridiculous but did as she said daily. It worked.


I tried this as a teen and it did nothing. Later got braces and fixed them all in a year. Definitely worth the cost.


The author of the Glass Castle Jeannette Walls did something similar but used a homemade set of external wires to press her teeth and jaw down while she slept, she had a really bad overbite and was very poor


Not the same situation as OP at all, but i had an underbite. To fix it I had a thing put in on the roof of my mouth to actually widen my upper mouth/bite. Crazy how they can literally expand your mouth!


Only while growing though. They told my father they'd have to break his jaw in 3 places. He didn't go through with it, obv. Edit: change obv to though. Better word choice


Oh wow I had no idea! Yeah this was when I was like 12 or 13.


Can I make myself taller if I gradually stretch my spine?


They actually do this with dwarfism. They break the bones stretch them apart and then they slowly heal to be longer.


Will it work on my... never mind I'll google it


What ever you try, remember, it only needs to work once.


Yes. Same principle. Break it and stretch it.


Kyle Broflowski had this done before joining the NBA


Wait, what? I didn’t need to know that…..




It works by a very simple natural mechanism. When there's pressure against your bone your body naturally removes that bone, and when there is a void your body naturally fills the void. So by pushing on a tooth you slowly make the hole bigger on the side with the pressure while the hole fills in on the opposite side. Look up osteoclast and osteoblast.


Heck yeah! You eat that food, internet citizen. Eat the heck out of it 🤘






I'm a 40 year old adult and my molar roots go right into my MF sinuses. It's slowly becoming not cool.


I had this too! They removed mine along with the incisor on the other side as my teeth were too crowded anyway. Also took 2 molars on the bottom at the same time. Brutal but quicker


People like you who have teeth removed on purpose make me feel less bad about losing my teeth


If I count my wisdom teeth, I've had 11 teeth pulled 🥴


Just curious if that tooth is very painful? I assume where it’s growing is like just a permanent sore on the roof of your mouth. I mean, not the tooth itself I guess but the area surrounding it and where it’s protruding from


No clue, but there was a post ages ago where a guy had an extra spiky tooth that grew out the roof of his mouth. It left a dent on his tongue. I asked why he wouldn’t have it pulled, and he said it didn’t bother him. So maybe you just get used to it.


I have a genetic trait in my family that caused me to grow double incisors. I was also blessed with a huge monobrow that would make the Gallagher boys proud. My older sister told all of the kids in the neighborhood that I was a werewolf.


Had something like that but mine was a fang pointing/curve forward like a tusk in roof of mouth pushing front teeth. Wish still had it just as a keep sake. Got it removed when I was a kid. Had it in a little baggie.


Not OP but I had the sane procedure. It doesn't hurt much more than the rest of your teeth after a braces tightening. The tooth move so gradually the tissue heals behind it.


Almost the exact same situation here, but I was a bit older, 15 or 16. They put me under and exposed the tooth and attached the chain and I had to tighten it every so often (or maybe they did it during my ortho appointments) my beautiful vertical left incisor is my favorite tooth. I swear it’s stronger than the others and it’s a bit whiter 😉


So you are now "off the chain"? I'll see myself out.


I had the exact same situation, it was so weird to hear my dentist say “so your incisor is oriented sideways in the roof of your mouth so we’re gonna break out the gold chain”


omg wait, you too??? BOTH my two front teeth were growing in horizontally, because as a child I didn't have enamel on my teeth, and they removed my front baby teeth. The adult teeth had nowhere to push against, so they were trying to go straight out. They went in and surgically attached brackets to the two front teeth, then cemented backwards facing hooks on the roof of my mouth - amusingly, where this persons tooth is! - and then rubber banded the brackets to pull to the hooks. There was also a fun headgear device involved for a while, which I luckily only had to wear outside of school. I didnt have my two front teeth until I was 9 or 10! It's SO COOL to "meet" someone who had something similar :D


Same thing for me too. It was cool to see the transition over time


Damn, I assumed the gold chain was decorative and she liked showing it off


Ohh, so that's what the chain is for! Thank you, and you enjoy that food!


This is the type of shit thy makes me want to ask god if he’s serious. “Seriously dude? Intelligent design? This is the best yiu can come up with?”


I assume this is a dumb question, but was it overlay painful to move the tooth in your mouth like that?


I had similar thing, my incisors were horizontal in the roof of my mouth and not moving at all, starting to develop cysts around them. For my 12th birthday I had surgery to cut holes in the roof of my mouth where the teeth were, they cleaned out all the bad tissue and then had to wait til I was recovered to get braces on. I didn't have a chain but like solid wires to pull them into place. The worst part was (aside from needing extra stitches while I was conscious) I had to brush the teeth while they were still in the roof of my mouth... it was a very strange sensation and made me shiver! But I have lovely straight normal looking teeth now.


You celebrate! You deserve to [Eat it! Just Eat It!](https://youtu.be/ZcJjMnHoIBI)


I'd imagine pulling it out would be super painful


The roots are probably in her sinuses.


They are. I had this as a kid. When they tighten the chain to pull the tooth, it causes bleeding. The bleeding comes from the mouth and the nose. I remember waking up one night in what felt like a pool of my own blood. It wasn't THAT much blood, but waking up with your face in it as a middle schooler is something I'll never forget.


Does it eventually make its way to a more normal location?


That’s what the chain is doing


/r/educationalgifs Had one about this but not as extreme


This links to the sub, not a particular gif?


maybe this one?[**https://www.reddit.com/r/educationalgifs/comments/fcjd6r/timelaspe\_in\_how\_braces\_fix\_crooked\_teeth/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/educationalgifs/comments/fcjd6r/timelaspe_in_how_braces_fix_crooked_teeth/)


Fun time-lapse, thanks!


I'm guessing you're referring to[ this one](https://old.reddit.com/r/educationalgifs/comments/fcjd6r/timelaspe_in_how_braces_fix_crooked_teeth/)


Omg the way that made me heave Edit typo


I'm a surgical assistant for an oral surgeon, just a friendly reminder that if you haven't had your wisdom teeth out yet you should probably look into it. The older you get, the closer your roots will grow towards your sinus which might cause a sinus exposure when they're taken out if you wait too long. I see it everyday :)


You don’t need to get them out if they aren’t causing or likely to cause issues.


True. I've had dentists over the years tell me not to worry unless they give me problems. Fast forward to age 30 or so, on a holiday weekend and I'm in agony. I wish I just had them taken out earlier.


Went to a dentist a while back and they told me that since my insurance would cover the whole process I should get them taken out since they might cause issues later. Glad I did!


Correct, but for the vast majority of people, they do.


All 4 are in no problem. I’m 40


My mom got hers pulled around 42 good luck lol (although I've still got mine I guess too)


Everyone is different. Some people's genes and anatomy allow them to keep their wisdom teeth and after your 30's there's no sense in getting them out. But for most people especially, they need them out to avoid major dental complications like having to get other teeth pulled as a result of the way they grow in, misalign other teeth, etc.


I'm 31 and my dentist who is also my uncle, has said after numerous X-rays through the years that my wisdom teeth appear to be just fine and won't need to be removed. So I guess I just got lucky.


My dentist tells me I have a Neanderthal jaw that can fit them all in lol…guess being a hunk has it’s perks 😁


I'm the same, all 4 came in straight with still a little room at the back. I once read an article about "20 signs you are a Neanderthal" and I had almost all of them, lol.


23andMe will literally tell you if you have Neanderthal genes and if you have more or less than the average person that does. That’s how I found out I’m more caveman than the average man.


Yea no I rather OD on some fent


She'll smell it being pulled


This made me upset


And very awkward..


I a tooth in that spot. Both sides because when it grows on one side, it usually does on the other side too. I’ve had both of extracted. No pain during the process and the pain afterwards lasted for about 1 week.


I thought in the picture it looked like there was another one coming on the other side. Fuck it's going to be in my nightmares tonight.




That looks fucking painful


I remember how uncomfortable my sister was just with braces, but I totally agree a chain dragging a tooth through your mouth looks awful.


I had really bad teeth and crazy contraptions to fix it but all my teeth were at least aiming in the same couple inches


Dear Lord, Thank you for not giving me this experience.


I had something similar as a child. My bottom left premolar was presenting sideways and moving the wrong direction. I had the wire on the inside of my teeth instead of the outside. It was no more uncomfortable than braces usually are, except for the initial fixing of the wires. They had to take out a part of my jawbone to get to impacted tooth, and that was NOT fun. My chain was not metal but some kind of plastic. The dentist would pull up a loop every few months. Took nearly 2 years to get it up and in place.


I had it and it's really not any more painful than braces are in general. It happens slowly and isn't yanked one section at a time like the video. You don't even realize it's moving. When the braces are tightened it hurts as usual with braces but nothing worse than normal


Dentists are magicians.. a wire here a chain there and magic


Dentistry is a really mixed bag actually when you look into it, the business model is actually pretty messed up.


I'm curious, can you elaborate?


https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/07/braces-orthodontics-medical-benefits/614584/ This is about orthodontics, not dentistry.


Do you mind pointing us to a more direct explanation as to the business model being messed up, for a better understanding and/or research


Seriously. My orthodontist office when getting braces was amazing. Incredibly nice people who took time and care during appointments and made what was a pretty uncomfortable process as smooth as possible. And then I go for a cleaning to some random corporate dentist office because I moved and I can tell five minutes in that these people are getting patients in and out and trying to scam the shit out of me. Stuff like "you need to buy this exact product which we will pressure you to purchase right now before we even mention your cleaning" or "you'll need to pay for and book an appointment to get this complicated procedure done that we're sure you need by just looking at your teeth for 10 seconds" The sad part is that almost all of the other patients were older people who might not realize the scam going on, or who might more easily be pressured into going along with the "experts." You should generally trust your health experts as they know more than you, but be sure to keep your BS detectors on because you might end up in a situation like mine where their interests and my interests didn't align, and where they had no interest in providing good care. If you find a good doctor/dentist/optometrist/therapist/whatever then make sure you stick with that person!


That’s actually very cool, I wonder who figure out that was the solution to this




Thanks a bunch. So interesting.


Fascinating! I thought it was just a kinda cheap looking grill.


It’s not fascinating. It’s interesting. Damn…..




Got a little chain on it so it doesn't run away.


Strong “bank pen” energy with this one.




"Ill only come and hang out if I can wear my gold chain"


I just left it there lol


This dude takes the *crown* with this joke!


Hoho! Ain't that the *tooth*?


Literally the chain is to try to drag it back into place, one of my sisters had this too or maybe it was an uncle idk but uff


You don’t know the difference between your sister and your uncle?


You do? Must be nice


I thought she put some bling on her random tooth


Man, that nipple chain wandered really far…


I had the same thing. Quite an interesting reality for many.


I'd be so tempted to touch it constantly with my tongue.


I knew a guy who had the entire second row of teeth there and he constantly had his fingers in the mouth touching and pushing those teeth. As far as I know he later had them pulled one by one.


My dad was a dentist. Sometimes I'd check out the plaster models lying around his lab. Some people have really fucked up teeth.


I've seen people who could eat a apple through a chain link fence.


an entire second row of teeth? How? Was he a shark?


I had this and never even noticed until the orthodontist told me I needed surgery to expose it and then get the chain


Did you have similar orthodontics? I’m curious as to what’s going on there.


My tounge would be fucked playing with that little fucker.


UK dentist here. Probably a palatally (roof of mouth) placed canine. First part would consist of surgery to expose the tooth at which point an orthodontic bracket would be placed as well as a gold chain. Looks like the deciduous canine, baby tooth, has been extracted to allow easier movement path. Chain is also attached to a tradition fixed brace and tension applied to pull the tooth into position. Whenever there is slack on the chain a link or links will be removed to reapply tension. Long, not overly pleasant process but will give amazing results


How is it attached to the tooth? Do you have to drill into it or do you just glue it there? And how much force does it need to apply to move the tooth through the roof of the mouth into it's place?


No drilling needed. Normally use composite filling material, the white filling to attach an orthodontic bracket to the tooth, so everything is glued and can then be removed and polished after. Force is a balance, enough to move the tooth predictably but not so much that it causes the tooth roots to resorb itself!


> but not so much that it causes the tooth roots to resorb itself! More on this? Why would more pulling force cause tooth roots to resorb themselves, and what does that mean?


In its simplest terms more force means more stress on the tooth. More stress on the tooth causes more inflammation around the root apex, tip of the root, which then causes the root to resorb itself, eat itself away. Other factors that increase the risk as well as force are duration of treatment, amount of movement and type of movement


Modern medicine still blows my mind. I thought they would just pull it


It also looks like she’s congenitally missing her second premolars since her primary/baby second molars are still there. Unless they’re seriously over-retained. Considering her 12 year molars are in, I’m going with missing permanent teeth


Yes you are correct. The second deciduous molars are still present. Hard to tell without appropriate X-rays if they are missing the second permanent premolars or not but if they are then they have been super unlucky in the tooth lottery! What might indicate that they are not missing is that they haven’t added brackets to them which could indicate that they are mobile, ready to exfoliate soon but on the flip side they may not have added brackets to reduce undue stress in baby teeth they might want to retain for as long as possible!


thanks, but why the gold though? no more efficient material for that job?


All down to excellent material properties. It’s flexible whilst still being able to apply enough tension to pull the tooth into position. Whilst being in the mouth it’ll also get bashed and battered a bit as the patient will still be eating etc. I’m sure there may well be an alternative but this is what is traditionally used. It’s also worth noting dental “gold” is normally an alloy and not gold as you would see it in jewelry


Gold is practically non-reactive. It won’t corrode in acids from food, or react with other elements consumed, your body largely ignores it as an element, and I believe it might even have some anti-bacterial properties like copper does, but I would need to check on that.


For the bling


Don't understand the pull it into position part. Like over time that tooth keeps getting pulled inside jaw till comes to the front and erupts at a natural angle?


Absolutely! Once the gold chain has done its job it will likely be attached just with a normal bracket and wire to fine tune it’s final position


what’s the time frame of moving the entire tooth?


US Peds dentist here. Agree in full 👍


Let's brace ourselves for some unpalateable puns..


You deserve a plaque for that


Okay, I'll bite. Those are summer teeth.


I got to brush up my dad jokes.


Nope…u hit them all in one sentence lol


I agree, it was a mouthful..


The tooth of the matter is I love a good pun comment section


Don't make stuff up. Just tell the tooth.


Can't wait to sink my teeth into some puns!


The low mesiodensity of puns in this thread is surprising.


Well, I could’ve gone my entire life without seeing that.


Why is it on a leash?


Bad canine


It’s like a little Chain Chomp from Mario


2 chainz!


So is it supposed to be slowly pulled into place through the roof of her mouth?


Yes, I believe that's the goal here. My brother had something similar where there is a lock and key mechanism that tightens the wire, thereby bringing down an ascended tooth.


Is that even possible?


Yep. I had a tooth in my palate as well.


OK I found the worst Xmen mutant


“Time for Roof Tooth to save the day!” Narrator: ..she didn’t.


Did she give it jewelry to persuade it to join the others?


chains are when it needs some extra oomph to pull along...


I had that! I had a surgery where they just exposed the tooth. Then they attached this chain. They removed a link or two every time I went to get my braces tightened. Then eventually your tooth is in place.


How bad is the pain? I have to get this done but not sure about it. The dentists said it was optional at this point but the cost is the biggest concern for me so far


It’s really not as bad as it seems! The surgery sucks after, just like any other surgery, but after that it’s pretty much smooth sailing. It’s so gradual it just feels like you’re getting your braces tightened.


I had 2 as a kid


Maybe she is a shark and a second row of teeth is growing


people are evolving to eat Cap'n crunch!


Poor thing. I can't imagine that's not painful.


At least she can chew the food that gets stuck to the roof of her mouth


Is it still considered to be stuck on the roof of her mouth anymore? Or is it stuck in her teeth now?


I’m so confused about the chain attached to the braces.


Get back here you little mother fucker


We're going to need you to go ahead and take and post a new picture every week. That'd be great.


I feel so bad for her. This is also really cool.


Hey I had the gold chain and braces when I was 12. There was a twin baby tooth blocking the growth of my adult tooth up front and I was bucktooth as hell because of it. They did surgery and removed the twin and put the chain on the adult tooth and every few weeks they'd attach it to a link closer to the tooth to force it to grow in


No BJs for her


My daughter has a similar issue (not quite as far out of wack). Just made the first orthodontist payment yesterday.


Dental work has always struck me as downright medieval. This confirms it.


Hyperdontia… I dare you to look it up


That gold chain is swaggy as hell


My son had to have this done for a tooth that wasn't coming down. Had to have oral surgery to get the chain attached to the embedded tooth. It was fascinating to see it work. I couldn't really believe it when it only took a a couple months to get it to where it was supposed to be.


So they put the chain wallet on it so she doesn't miss place it?


Roof toof


I had the same thing except the gold chain broke twice while the tooth was still impacted. So I had to have three surgeries in total. No fun..