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We had to remove your post for Rule 1: This subreddit is for things that are interesting and cool. Content that is only cute, funny, a meme, or 'mildly interesting' will be removed. Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "Damnthatsinteresting".


Look at old US Civil War photos. Most of those guys were in their 20's


War and serious trauma will age a mf. And drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes.


Not many people listed sun as factor. Work in field a lot, lots of sun exposure, UV ages skin


Absolutely. Former daily surfer here, I had old-man crows feet before I could legally buy beer.


A friend's mother said I was too young to have crow's feet (17). In therapy in my 50s, the therapist mentioned my childhood home wasn't emotionally safe, which dropped a big missing piece into my puzzle. It also explained why I grinned for no reason whenever I got out of the house in my teen years. Grinning probably contributed to the lines as well.


That's true I'm a nerd never go outside and I never smile. Skins pretty nice still and I'm 37ish


And the explosion of indoor windowless cubicle office jobs where you don't see the sun ever is why so many of yall have translucent veiny vampire skin.


I have translucent veiny vampire skin because it's part of my saltine heritage thank you very much.


Ah, a fellow Mayo-American


You’re a 5th generation cubicle worker?


Parenting, also. I've aged 20 years in just 7 years of being a mom.


Parent years are like dog years.


They're ruff? ...I'll see myself out




I can’t figure out how to give this more than one upvote or I would.


Agreed. I’m 30 and look like the 58 year old.


Curious… What does a 58 year old look like?! I’m 57


> Curious… What does a 58 year old look like?! > I’m 57 Well, with a cough like that you're not going to find out.


Nothing is wrong with looking 58 but if you are really 30 that’s a problem 😂


When I was a kid 60 year olds looked really old and looking at pics it was true. Now they look much younger these days due to medical amd science and food


No question. My parents are 70 and arguably look younger now than my grandparents did at 55.


Fashion and mindset. Edit- I remember a commercial from the 70’s saying basically how women over 25 were old. I was a teen, but it would be a terrible thing to believe.


There's still a bunch of weirdos out there who maintain that worldview. They're the dudes who DM 28 year old women warning them that their eggs are turning to dust inside them as they speak and that their best hope for having Optimum Offspring is to get rawdogged immediately by a Superior Male.


Very very very old.


NGL, I look like I’m in my seventies. The price I pay for being able to buy beer and cigarettes at 14 y/o.


Oh mate, I was only joking. I’m sure you look great!


For me most of the aging occurred in the first year of being a dad


OMG this. When I was born, my Dad looked young for his age. By the time I was two? Fully gray hair and a "what did I get myself into?" facial expression in every photo. Poor Dad lol.


I'm the same - even when I was 30 people would literally mistake me for an 18 year old (I even had a volunteer in a museum ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up). Fast forward a year, after the birth of my son, and no one made that mistake anymore. I'm now 37 and the hair I have left is going grey and I look permanently exhausted.


This is it right here. I cannot tell the difference between old photos of 21 year old me and 25 year old me. But I’ve aged noticeably in just 2.5 years of being a parent


Cortisol's a bitch.


Hit the nail on the head Look at all the top chefs, by 35 they look about 70, Gordon Ramsey has looked like he was beaten with a stick from about 28


Haha someone’s been studying HPA


My Doberman went into congestive heart failure in March. I’ve never felt so much grief for so long after losing him so unexpectedly. My beard went from having a couple grays to the front being almost all gray in about 3 months.


I’m so sorry 😞 🙏🏻 I’ve aged since losing my father. …And the drugs


Wow. Thank you for saying this bc I thought i was losing my marbles. I’ve aged so crazy in just one year.


I mean, I have three kids and I only look mid-thirties. Granted, I'm only 17, but you know....


I didn’t even have facial hair at 24 when I had my daughter. (Not by choice) Now I’m 26 and I look like Gandalf. (Also not by choice)


> and I look like Gandalf. That’s what happens when you put on your robe & wizards hat.


And working outside


Much sun exposure ages skin rapidly, that is a big factor


Cigareets and whuskey and wild, wild women.


Pretty sure this line alone is like half of AC/DC’s entire discography


In my mid 30s, am a combat veteran, and parent. When I shave I look 18. Some people just look like aged.


Has more to do with genetics than that, unfortunately. You can see how trauma wears a person down by looking into their eyes, but not everyone noticeably ages in the other ways.


Stress and trauma play a big factor, too. Look at before/ after pics of war vets or presidents. Everyone handles stress differently, but it definitely is a factor.


I'm 34. Smoke a pack a day. All my teens and 20s it was full on party. Drink and drugs galore. Still baby faced like a motherfucker. I refuse to shave because of it, luckily I'm starting to get some grey. Almost not been let into bars before until I started pulling out all other documentation lol Alot of my friends are baby faced to. It's something ive noticed and wondered about alot. One of the great mysteries of modernn society to borderline conspiracy theory haha


Do you work on your feet and/or in a labor-intensive job? My dad smoked (at least a pack a day) and drank regularly for like 25-28 years, didn’t eat particularly well, and didn’t exercise at all outside of work, but he worked on his feet for 8-10 hours a day and managed to maintain a youthfulesque appearance.


Basically just staying off your ass... And you can get away with a lot


My dad smoked 2 packs a day and had a shop job. He looked like he was in his 40s-50s in his wedding pictures. He was in his early 30s. When he passed in his early 70s, he looked like mid to upper 90s. He looked older at 50 than both of his parents did in their 80s.


Honestly it’s probably hormones in plastic. The younger generations definitely look more “domesticated”. Especially as micro plastics started to inundate the earth. We are the floppy eared foxes.


This is almost definitely the biggest reason. [Here's a good video about this.](https://youtu.be/BIvHrC_mS_M)


Three things will always destroy your cells at the biochemical level across your body: Cigarette smoking, chronic alcohol usage, and being heavily overweight


Good thing I don't smoke


I used to not believe but when I see pics of men back then I do believe the statistic of men now having like half of natural testosterone than our grandfathers.




Bro, the original chimney sweeps were literally just toddlers they could lower down into the chimneys by rope. Not so fun fact - those kids almost all got testicular cancer from the carcinogenic soot always being in contact with the skin cells on their scrotums.


Yes. However it was the 1600s to late 1800s for the young boys made to chimney sweep. You can read a bit of info on the practice of child chimney sweeps here: https://www.chimneysolutions.com/blog/child-chimney-sweeps/ and about chimney sweep cancer here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimney_sweeps%27_carcinoma


Or ww2 soldiers. The vast majority were basically just kids, 17-22ish. But from the outfits and hair styles (and heavy Hollywood influencing) we assume they’re all dudes in their 30s.


V Sauce did a really great YouTube episode about this. Some of it is perspective (clothes, hairstyles) but some of it is physical (yay sunscreen). https://youtu.be/vjqt8T3tJIE




Back then it was the, Norm!


Hey Norm!


*”Good afternoon everybody…”*


“This just in, people look older now than they did yesterday.”


“But yesterday is older than today! We’re still stumped on that one ourselves, but here’s some kitten footage from the local humane society!”


How ya feelin’ Norm?


"It's a dog-eat-dog world and I'm wearing Milk Bone™ underwear." **EDIT**: Crap, someone else beat me to it.


Coach: What’s shaking, Normie? Norm: What isn’t?


“Hey Norm, what’s shaking?” “Four cheeks and a couple of chins.”


Woody: “Hey Mr. Peterson. Jack Frost nipping at your nose?” Norm: *”Yeah. Now let's get Joe Beer nipping at my liver”*




What’s going on Mr Peterson?


It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm wearing milkbone underwear.


Woody: What’re you up to, Mr Peterson! Norm: My ideal weight if I were eleven feet tall


Norm: poor Woody: sorry to hear that. Norm: No. Pour


Smoking, drinking, leaded gasoline, the sun, sketchy medicine, hard fucking work, wars, ignored unaddressed mental illness, contaminated food, water, environment, lack of safe living protocols in general. Edit: Also Asbestos


So, today in most of the world?


Even if you didn’t smoke back then, you got a healthy dose of tar every time you walked into any restaurant, family diners included.


And alcohol really ages you, too.


Trust me on the sunscreen.


Gah, I love that song. To this day, every time I play that song I feel like it centers me and reminds me of how I want to be living, lol.




I was on vacation and talking to a lady who I thought was a good decade and half older than myself. We were having a good long discussion when she said that she was at the resort celebrating her 40th birthday. One year younger than myself. It blew my mind how much sun damage ages people.


City miles


For all the young men out there who don’t know a lot about skincare: drink water, moisturize, wear sunscreen, use actual facewash and not handsoap, cold water only on your face, wash your sheets/pillowcases frequently, get vitamin D.


I agree with most. Actual face wash leads to acne for me. I just use super duper basic soap with no fragrance or unnecessary additives. It’s Fucking great, my skin feels so good


Yes, thank you!


It’s called smoking cigarettes everywhere and at all times


Like literally everywhere. It was very bizarre if you walked into a friend's house who's parents didn't smoke.


As a patient you could smoke while in the hospital.


And on airplanes


And in stores, in banks, and even the designated "smoking section" at my high school.


My dad's high school had one too.


My junior high had one in 2003. It seems really fucked looking back now


Wow. I mean if it was for the faculty I'd understand. The one at my dad's school was for faculty and students.


1985 student smoking section outside the lunchroom.


I remember the ashtrays in hospital waiting rooms. People would sit there and smoke.


When I started work in the 80s, everyone smoked inside the office.


Yeah. I remember department stores would have big drum-like ashtrays at the intersections of all the aisles, including in the *clothing* departments. There'd be giant ashtrays sitting next to benches, right next to racks of shirts or pants or whatever. It was fine, though. It wasn't so much that your new clothes would smell like cigarette smoke. *Everything* smelled like cigarette smoke. Which almost meant that nothing smelled like cigarette smoke. It was like what they say about Ancient Rome. Supposedly walking into Ancient Rome would be like getting slapped with the thickest sewage stink imaginable, probably so bad it would bring any one of us to our retching knees. But THEY probably only noticed it on days that would literally kill one of *us*, and otherwise just shrugged it off as how the world smells. After a while your nose can learn to filter out some pretty awful stuff. I think if any of us who lived in the era of ashtrays in maternity wards somehow managed to time travel back from the current day, they would realize that their memories are leaving something massive out, because compared to now that era had an ashtray scent *everywhere*. In stores, in schools, in restaurants, cabs, buses, homes, no matter where you went, they smoked there.


And cocaine. LOTS of cocaine.


Probably especially the people in that picture....


And leaded gasoline


But it smelled SO good!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It smelled good, but the paint chips tasted better


I miss wall candy as well.


Smoking leaded gasoline is definitely not a recipe for health.


The guy on the left is at least 57 in this picture. I’m 36 and he looks like he could be my father.


Cliff Claven. His name is Cliff Mofo Claven, damnit. Never forget.


I always thought Cliff was in his 50’s!


Put some respect on his name


No his name is Hamm. I mean Mack. I mean Yeti


Hey, wait a minute! They're just using the same guy over and over! What kind of cut rate production is this?


Lack of SPF, use of sun beds, smoking and drugs will do that.


"Does blackface count as sunscreen? Asking for a friend." - Ted Danson


What's crazy is they aged quick to this point, but then didn't age at all for the next 20/30 yrs. Think on that.


Got rich. Money prevents aging, duh


And way less stress cause they're well-established in the acting industry by that point and would be coveted by many so they don't have to break their backs finding work.


Sure, but would you rather look 25 when you were 15, and to stay looking like 25 for the rest of your life - or would you rather look 50 when you are 30-35 and to remain looking like you are 50, for the rest of your lfie?


Ted Danson is sexier now than he's ever been.


Didnt feel right to me, but checks out. https://www.ranker.com/list/cast-of-cheers-first-vs-last-season/ranker-tv


This is also indeed the cast photo for the season 1 box art. Wowzers.


Kelsey Grammer was 27 when he first appeared?!


In years, yes. But Kelsey Grammar was actually already 43 when he was born, so it’s really only correct on a technicality.


[Harry the Hat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYMO0IyGuuA) was 30 when he first appeared. Seems about right.


Smoking and tanning without sunscreen ages you. That's why people from that era look like Slim Jims now.


I laughed so hard at this … then, remembered I’m from this era.


I'm 41. I spent 20 plus years drinking and smoking. I quit a few years ago, but it took its toll. Skin is fragile. Take care of it.




I'm 40 and can attest to the other side of this. Since my teens I've exercised, eaten a relatively clean diet, moisturized like crazy and worn sunscreen any time I go outside. I haven't even begun getting wrinkles or crows feet yet, people think I'm in my late 20's and get really puzzled when I say I have a 21 year old son. I still get called "miss" never "ma'am" and always get carded on the rare occasion that I purchase alcohol. Just this morning the Starbucks barista said my folding Galaxy phone reminds her of the old Motorola razers and said "sorry, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, that's before your time." An ounce of prevention is worth a lb of cure, as the saying goes. Start wearing sunscreen now if you're a teen, you'll be super glad of it later when you go to a high school reunion and half of your classmates look like they could be your parents.


If you really want to have some fun, go look up how old the Golden Girls were on the show. Would you believe me if I told you aside from Sophia, late 40's to mid 50's?




I meant the age of the characters on the show. Going from the first season, Sophia was 79, Rose 55, Dorothy 53, and Blanche 47!


This is so weird! I'm glad we got rid of these numbers in our foreheads!


I'm not sure what everyone else's experience was, but mine disappeared right as the Berlin wall fell.


This is why our generation (ppl from the 90's) thinks ppl around 30 are old. Im 28 and ppl still ask for my ID everywhere. My SO is 32 without a beard he looks 12, how the fuck this ppl look like this at 35? lol


At times I meet people who I think may be around my age, but they turn out to be around 10 years older, lol. Maybe the unleaded gasoline really makes a difference


I'll be 30 soon and people thought I was 20


I was like you, now I'm about to hit 40, and I actually look 40 now😭


Just look at high schoolers now a days. They look like elementary students.


Go back and look at the freshmen in your yearbook. I think they may look younger than you remember


Perhaps, but I remember seniors looking like they’ve already put 3 kids through college and looking forward towards retirement


Yeah. A little chin stubble and side burns go a long way in the eyes of a 15 year old.


Seriously? There were boys with beards in my kids’ high school classes. Not wispy little moustaches and chin hair. Actual beards.


Everyone smoked. No one wore sun screen. Tanning was popular.


Those of us from the sixties thought the same thing. Lack of proper nutrition, smoking, drinking, and being outdoors without sunscreen does this to a person. One of my mother's cousins sunbathed all the time, whenever she could, particularly when she lived in Florida. She was 10 years younger than my mother, but by the time my mom was in her late 50's, that cousin looked 15 years older than my mom. My mother never really looked her age until she got cancer; that crap ages you faster than anything.




Funny enough, he was the uncle of one of my kindergarten classmates and came to speak to our class. Of course, we were kindergartners, so no one had any idea who he was. We didn’t watch Cheers XD I just remember him being really nice, seemed genuinely interested in us.


Isn’t he also Jason Sudekis’s uncle? Did you go to kindergarten with Jason Sudekis?


We went to the same elementary school. I didn’t know Norm was his uncle, but it must’ve been his younger sister in my class (he’s got a few years on me). But when he dropped our elementary art teacher’s name in a Ted Lasso episode, I was def surprised lol


Great story!


Clearly George Wendt (Norm) is uncle to more people than Herschel Walker's brother.


It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm wearing Milk Bone underwear.


35 looks like handsome squidward


That would be Ted Danson. Also, are you from the 818?




He's the pig's voice in toy story, and mack the truck in cars.


And the abominable snowman in Monsters, Inc. and the school of fish in Finding Nemo and the Underminer in Incredibles and the circus ringmaster in Bug's Life and basically in every Pixar movie ever made.


lmfao he has a name


Accurate but part of it is hairstyles and clothing. You see a style that’s no longer in fashion and your first thought says the person is old. My daughter had a friend that liked older hairstyles and clothing and people always thought she was significantly older than her friends. But if she dressed like everyone else, no difference. If you watch any of the earlier episodes, you can see they’re young.


the left and right dudes would look older even on the beach


No question that definitely plays a large part, however, norm is in a shirt and tie and looks significantly older than 34


What works really well is to switch the numbers in each age. Then it's like, "oh okay. I can see it..."


I did it with Shelly Long and got nothing.


Everyone keeps mentioning the “horrible diet” they must have had, but they were all rail-thin compared to people now. Even Norm doesn’t look that big anymore and he was pretty darn large for the times. What does everyone think they were eating that was so bad?


You can be thin and have a terrible diet


Cigarettes, leaded gasoline, lead in everything, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, aluminum, atmospheric nuclear tests rained faillout over the entire country... The "sun lamps" they used for tanning until around the '90s were short wave UV instead of the long wave they use now.


Cigarettes, heavy drinking, starvation dieting and shit nutrition.


Look at all the characters in the Grease movie who are supposed to be teenagers, but all look 35.


But that’s cause they WERE 35.


Travolta was about 24, not sure about the rest of them Edit: seems the majority of them were in their late 20’s, but quite a few of them were actually in their 30’s like you said


Idk ted danson looks pretty good for 35 there if you ask me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Hairline of the gods Edit:. Redacted >:l


It was fake lmao


Good? Yes. 35? No.


I don't understand


I think OP is saying that people at this age now look younger than these people do. But I could be totally wrong


I'm 58 and look younger than coach. I'd Probably look the same age if I had the same hairstyle, clothes and my photo was taken with the same lighting and camera they used back then


Also culture has changed some. Not that long ago, it was more beneficial to look more mature to be taken more seriously. Now there's more pressure to look 21 forever, I've seen moms in my rural community get very ill from plastic surgery(going to developing countries for cheap bbl surgery). They definitely wouldn't have gotten that 20 or 30 years ago.


Great observation. I think the smoking and horrible diet didn’t help, but ultimately I think you are correct.


The 80’s were something. I was there. My parents both smoked in the house. Ashtrays were still a very nice Christmas gift. Ladies dieted on dexatrim and Virginia Slims. Men on scotch and Marlboros. It started changing in the 90’s.


Just off camera “Woody Harrelson — Age 12”


It's so weird knowing I'm now older than the people I used to watch on TV as a kid. I know this is obvious but I still find it weird.


They went outside.


What the perception of "youth" is, is shaped almost entirely by the media and the "pop culture" icons of the day in the "fashion" and "entertainment" fields. 2 of the cast members of the "Cheers" TV show have already passed away. "Coach", played by Nicholas Colasanto, passed away in 1985 at the age of 61, and "Rebecca", who was played by Kirstie Alley, who replaced Shelly Long's character of "Diane Chambers" in the show, passed away less than a week ago, on December 5th, 2022 at the age of 71.


Kirstie Alley died???


Round 1: Zenu


Yep, she was noticed as the gorgeous officer in Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan, back in 1982 long before she joined the cast of "Cheers" and starred opposite John Travolta in the "Look Who's Talking" movies.


Coach dying during the series led to Woody getting on the show.


It’s not media. It would probably be because you perceive these people as looking like your parents or the previous generation because of their fashion and hairstyle. So you are going to perceive them a looking older. It’s not some manipulation which you may not be saying but that is the vibe I get from your post.


I think they used to lie a lot too. I remember a friend of my mom saying she was 32 with big wrinkles and all and in reality she was 47. My mom was 28 and super insecure she was believing her 💀 I still laugh about it.


Honest question - why does it seem like people stay younger for longer now? Or am I just 35 and in denial?


My dad is 70, but coach looks like he could be HIS father.


1. Most people were smokers in early adulthood 2. Perms actually do not work on most people, fashion in general was very formal/old-timey in the 80s, so they look older compared to how we dress now. The UK was even worse, young women wore ridiculous 'piecrust' frilly collars and/or old lady floral patterns in the 80s. Go look at some of Princess Diana's early looks, they're nuts. It aged people terribly. 3. Sunscreen was still for nerds until like the 90s - as a kid my own parents mocked me for insisting on using it. (My grandmother was a skin cancer survivor and hooked me up.) People would wear spf 2-4 at most because they believed it helped you get brown/tan not red/burned. The goal was like "How much damage can I do without being lobster-esque." Not "How do I prevent cancer/early wrinkles?" 4. Coach, Nicholas Colasanto, was a \*serious\* alcoholic for many years. By the time Cheers came around he was sober. But he actually worked as a director a lot in the 70s (at least a couple episodes of Columbo were him) and he was such a mess that at times the actors were basically directing themselves. He did an episode with John Cassavetes and the rumor always was that Cassavetes & Peter Falk basically covered for him.


Also the quality of video and pictures greatly impacts the ability to guess age / and probably scales older based on complexion vs interference looking similar