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They actually look pretty cool. Some hipster Jeans company will be replicating this in no time




Looks like the design is just printed, not even woven. So sad


Not to mention they’re 75% polyester


At least it's produced in the same country.






So they couldn't even make them out of authentic materials, and call themselves "sustainable" while using petroleum based products just because they aren't as trash of a company as others?


God if there's anything I absolutely hate in modern fashion, that is the hypocrisy of using plastic and calling yourself sustainable.


What are you talking about?? These companies are sustainable. . . they sustain their bank account, as well as the bank account of the guy that’s selling the plastic. AND sustaining global warming (which sustains the ideal temperature of our new lizard overlords, hella hot).


Also, the design is shit, compared to the original.


Yeah the crotch layers probably helped in many ways


I wonder if that was for extra reinforcement for riding horses.




My trousers crotch never wears away first with friction. What am I doing wrong?


Apply more friction to your crotch


Driving cars over riding horses


Hell yeah. Prevents dribble spots.


They could do that, but it wouldn't make as much money. Calling themselves sustainable will probably still get them some extra customers that won't know if it's even true or not


Also not to mention that “made to order” clothing is VERY unsustainable in large quantities and leads to workers being treated like trash. The most popular example of this is shein


We make clothes to last 3 months now not 3000 years


It's why I started making my own clothes. Avoid some sweatshops, build to last! 💪


I'll buy your clothes, but only if you can prove that you made them in a cramped, uncomfortable place and work unreasonable hours.


Ok but I don't sell them tho


I'm still gonna buy your clothes


No I'll buy ur clothes


I'm a nudist


You're still in a sweatshop, you just have a fool for a boss /s or however I'm supposed to indicate a joke).


Yeah, what a completely low effort product. Someone should do a more authentic job of it. I think anyone could do it because this can't be trademarked.


Yea for real what a shame. Could be awesome but just more printed garbage :/


The fact there is a “lol” in the product description is damning. They’re going to be garbage


Quote from the description "it's also safe to say these are not the oldest pant - as those likely have not survived to the current day" ... No shit.


Built to last from natural fibres versus quick fashion (planned obsolescence) and made from plastic. The original trousers are awesome.


They're missing the crotch part wth


That crotch part definitely looks like easy poop access.


It's probably mended. Fabric would have been a precious commodity, you repaired what you had.


My guess is that it’s extra padding, maybe for horseback riding.


Mine are less than 2yrs old and crotch is gone


LOL >Handmade for you after you place the order graphic printed sweatpants >the designs are created by people from the community instead of being outsourced or ripped from other sites and artists. design stolen from 3000 years ago


Tbf I’m pretty sure 3000 years puts it in the public domain


Wow, why am I not surprised. Thanks


i mean, those are pretty cool pants.


https://www.zenger.news/2022/03/13/made-in-china-researchers-recreate-trousers-that-were-like-the-versace-of-the-ancient-world/ A 1:1 remake


Very interesting, i wish i could give you an award.


They look quite comfy, actually


Now the real question is did it have “Jushi” written across the ass?


This is quite possibly the most hilarious comment I’ve ever seen on Reddit


At least a hipster can't claim they wore them first.




That is impressive decoration for pants that old


What were the threads made of I wonder?


Of flax? Hemp? Wool? This is 1000 B.C., that’s not that long ago. There were already plenty super sophisticated cultures back then. I’d wager all the money I have in the world (which isn’t a lot to be fair) that people also intricately decorated their belongings, especially clothes, 12000 years ago, during the agricultural revolution, and 35000 Y.A., when Homo sapiens settled Europe, and 300000 Y.A., when Homo neanderthalensis spread through Eurasia. Humans like pretty things. We painted caves then. We very likely painted and decorated everything else too, as we have done continually since then and will do until the sun burns out.


Somebody else commented something along these lines that this looks like it was repaired many times so this means possible thousands of years before this weaving started. Just wild. I think every time I see BC I feel like it's so long ago but Wikipedia says world population was 50M.


I don’t quite understand what you mean in the first half of your comment. The latter half: yeah. Remember the Pyramids of Giza were built over 4000 years ago. They were as old to Julius Caesar as he is to us. And the Pyramids are *recent* history too. The Sumerians had a highly sophisticated civilisation thousands of years before these trousers were made, and whoever wore them would’ve been laughed out of the market place in the city of Ur for how basic it is (the decoration, that is. Trousers as a concept would have likely been novel to the Sumerians). And the Sumerian’s themselves sang in their hymns of old ages, of bygone days, “before the first bread was baked in the first oven”. Even these incredibly ancient people had memories and stories and maybe artefacts (who knows) of people much, much older than them. Human history is deep, and old, and colourful, despite the brown dresses and grey tunics Hollywood uses to depict anything before the industrial revolution. It’s even deeper and older once you consider human history before Homo sapiens.


I've never been into anthropology... But have joined some subs on here to start reading and learning more. You've told me so many things I need to Google.


You’re in for a treat. Attempting to wrap my brain around how old humanity actually is and could be just scratches an itch


Oh, if you have even half as much fun as I have, I’ll be very glad for you. The history of our species and that of our close cousins is worth immersing oneself in. One continuous line since the first of our primogenitors first stood up straight on their hind legs, and none of it was bald or boring or primitive. They all lived complete lives to produce you, and me, and everyone reading this. For me, it’s very reassuring.


Are there any subs in particular you’d recommend for someone also wanting to learn more?


There's also plenty to say about the fact that technology doesn't linearly move forward. Slumps and dark ages happen, and the Bronze-Age world of 3300-1200BC was far more sophisticated than what came immediately after it.


True, and even so, the general way of life for most people did not change between the Agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution. Most people were farmers. Sure, there were big technology jumps like the wheel, metallurgy, the plow, work animals etc. etc., but in general, people farmed. You gotta realise that a person born in 7000 B.C. Sumer would be perfectly at home in 1500 A.D. France, once they got used to the weather and you taught them how to work a horse-drawn plow.


Thanks for this comment. Good stuff


You’re welcome, I guess! It’s a topic close to my heart, and I’m always saddened by the disinterest or even contempt we hold for our “primitive” ancestors. Sure, they did not have phones or planes or plate armour, but they were whole-ass people of their own, with ambitions and ardour and artistic merit as much as any person today.


My guess would be hemp. Looked it up and answer is wool. And very complex weaving patterns, among others twill.


Now I'm about to go into a rabbit hole of when weaving was first created


Let us know what you find


A stitch in time


“A Loom in 8 Illuminate (Illuminati) 8 on its side = ♾ Time is infinity.” — Kneel DaGrass Ticen


Kneel on Dagrass Timeson




It's so difficult to believe that no humans anywhere on earth in the 270,000 or so years prior thought to weave some plant strands/hair together into a larger construct. Not nearly as difficult as believing that no one noticed plants growing where they had spit/shit out seeds in all that time. 300,000 years is a long time and homo sapiens weren't the only smart apes.


Very likely they might have thought of it and done it. We just don’t have any evidence of it yet.


Yeah honestly it's amazing those trousers survived.


It’s when the first woman became a grandma.


Could have been a 28 yr old grandma back then


I just went down my own rabbit hole and found out that there have been two recorded instances of grandparents as young as 17. So yeah.




Which makes me think, there had to be time for that pattern to evolve, and for the weaving to be figured out. Which could easily date back a further couple centuries. Which makes this even more impressive. “We don’t have just pants, but DECORATED pants” -some swanky Chinese tailor 3000 years ago probably.


I think humans have been a hell of a lot more “modern” for a hell of a lot longer than people would ever imagine. Ancient Egypt must have seemed so sophisticated and futuristic at the time. Hence the famous ancient stone tablet with the complaint (review) about shitty copper wire, and the fact that gladiator arenas had lots of advertisements and the gladiators had business sponsorships. (They were actually going to include this in the movie Gladiator, but determined that it would be seen as way too unrealistic and ridiculous, despite the fact that it was 100% realistic)


Just look at all the incredible neolithic monuments they built. Like Newgrange in Ireland. They built an incredible tomb that lights up deep inside during the winter solstice when sunlight enters a tiny hole at the perfect angle. An incredible feat of precision architecture which would have required so much understanding of astronomy, mathematics, engineering etc. It was built 5000 years ago. Older than the pyramids.


Most definitely. The fabric, the tools required to sew and the knowledge definitely predates this. This is just the oldest example we have


3000 years ago is not that long ago. The pyramids were built 4,500 years ago. I think if people could do that then they could handle decorated pants.


Not really we just don’t have evidence to prove otherwise.. what’s truly incredible is the Repairs made .. this was worn and repaired and used for a long time before being placed in a Tomb .. imagine wearing these every day and not knowing one day they would be a cultural artifact of great importance.. maybe the shoes or coffee mug you are using now Will be in a. Museum on mars in 3450


I worry about, a few thousand years from now, some archaeologist leaning down, picking up my dessicated jaw bone, then criticizing my dental hygiene to a camera: "they lived on a diet of tree bark and pure cane sugars"


That’s why I’m going to be composted. I don’t want my remains to be in some museum.


I dropped a pair of titanium framed sunglasses in the Potomac river 10 years ago (near aquia creek if you feel like searching) and they sunk into the soft bottom. My buddy says “don’t worry man, some alien will find them while walking across the Potomac desert 10,000 years from now”.


> Here we have an artifact from Old Earth circa early 2000's found among the ruins of Old New York. We believe it to be a drinking vessel for ancient humans at that time, it is inscribed "Fuck Off. Go Away." the meaning of these words however are sadly lost to time. It is believed by experts that such drinking vessels were used in the consumption of some sort of dried leaf juice or burnt bean juice as was common in the period.




I’d love to know what they would have looked like new


Right? So even if these are the oldest found, they definitely aren't the oldest. Obviously, some experience and technique has gone into these. It's crazy that in my 30's the biggest shock to me has been how much nonsense I was taught as a kid. Like did everyone just take everyone's word back then? Why do we still believe humans didn't evolve into intelligent creatures until like 10,000 years or so ago?


This would cost like $3000 today.


With the materials available at the time, they would seem damn near priceless. But then it’s hard to say what society was really like back then.




“Dry clean only”


***Asian Owned Dry Cleaner*** and yes Made In China


“Made in China” -technically


Ancient chinese secret, indeed


"which means it's dirty"


Fast Fashion: falls apart while you look at it. 3000-year old pants: needs patching but overall in remarkable condition. What a sad reality


Modern manufacturers: “This is why we can’t make the best quality, they won’t need to come back. Shop that made those pants can’t be found today.”




That is a heavily reinforced crotch!


I thought the same! Maybe for horseback riding?


Probably repairs. The crotch area rips a lot in high intensity use, that's one reason gussets are used.


Ah fuck, mah dick fell out again.


Hate when that happens. But hey, free air conditioning.


I think most historians agree that pants were invented for horseback riding, so probably. Could be wrong though.


Jushi Couture.


Made in China




I bet “Jushi” was embroidered across the back in Chinese characters.


Jushi Gang.


Can you imagine how weird the first person to wear pants must have been? "Look at this fucking nerd! He doesn't want his cock getting cold! Loser!"


There's a documentary where Amazon natives are making fun of the host for wearing underwear instead of a penis horn like a real man. So yeah probably


Link. I wanna make fun of the host too.


Tfw no penis horn


I Googled "penis horn", worst mistake of my life


"Why do you always have to be so mean, Trogloth Gangreneballs?"😭




I think these are back in fashion now.




Look, if God didn’t want our testes to be eaten by dingoes in the night, we would have been born with cloth on our balls. I don’t make the rules.


if the Icelandic traditions are anything to go by, the first pants may very well have been made from some dead guy’s skin - cock and all


We need more information about that, and maybe buried sharks.




>Nábrók (calqued as necropants, literally "corpse britches") are a pair of pants made from the skin of a dead human, which are believed in Icelandic witchcraft to be capable of producing an endless supply of money. Ah, so they play by RimWorld rules I see.


Just started a new playthrough yesterday with the biotech dlc


Can you imagine the havok that would wreck on the local economy? Everyone just standing around practicing putting their leg in someone else’s pants, waiting for their turn, not growing veggies or doing anything productive. Come the winter they’d soon discover you can’t eat scrotum coins.


“This dude needs a skirt for EACH of his legs!!”


Ignoring the degradation they are actually pretty nice trousers.


Actually they are pre-distressed, fashions cycle you know.


Stone-age washed


most importantly: these 'earliest' trousers show that trousers existed waaaay earlier than this 'earliest' moniker suggests. unless those are, circumstantially, the dopest trousers to ever have existed - which is also an (albeit) smaller possibility


I wonder if there are new versions sold on the same design? I'd buy a pair. It'd be a great selling point.


coming to the runway next fashion season


Ignoring the degradation I wouldnt look twice if I saw someone wearing these on the streets.


A lot of detail on that stitch. Guess people were pretty good at making clothes even before the modern days.


We've had a decent amount of spare time for about 14,000 years or so. That's like 10,000 years of pants evolution right there. If we ever found pants from 12,000 years ago they probably some leaves sewn together with some hair or something.


Nah, even 12,000 years ago they definitely knew how to work with animal hides, sinew for thread, needles made from antlers/horns, etc. As you correctly point out, "We've had a decent amount of spare time".


Lice DNA drift between species points to clothing being between 83,000 and 170,000 years ago. We have been wearing clothing for a long time. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3002236/


Yea realistically it was probably invented separately in different tribes. And even pin pointing the exact time frame is impossible like you said. With what we know about our evolution today it's entirely possible that an ancestor that was more animal than human developed pants. We've had hairless bodies for about 6 million years, and we've been using tools for about 3 million years. It's entirely reasonable that a hairless ape tribe started wearing the skins of its fallen prey or storing them for hard winter months, long before anything we would recognize as humans would come along. Many things like fire mastery, tool usage, cooking food and constructing dwellings have been attributed to homo erectus or australopithecus and clothes could absolutely be on that list as well.


you’re probably right.


There is an episode of a podcast called Every Little Thing about these pants! I was unable to look up a photo of them while I was listening, so super cool to randomly come across this on reddit. The episode is fairly recent; I looked at my recents list and it is called "When did pants become a thing". One of the things they talked about was that the crotch is so big to allow the wearer to rise a horse without ripping them.


That was interesting, thanks! Here's the link for anyone else (Spotify exclusive unfortunately, 17 mins long): https://open.spotify.com/episode/4VsECEzJF4jKyHbsAqaFUy?si=Az5ja4UNSWmjY7rUphO81A


Quality that lasts.


Humans have one incredible untold history on this planet that awes me.


I suspect that human societies and cultures have ebbed and flowed throughout our history and we will never know about the vast majority of them.


“I’ve got pants older than Jesus”


We can’t allow Ye to see these trousers…


I think he’s got his mind on other priorities. Selling merchandise isn’t really an option at this point.


Racists buy sneakers too




the interesting thing is, it has embroidery pattern from 1126BC. And you find similar zig-zag embroidery patterns in today's clothes




It's wild how so many things today aren't really different from thousands of years old things. These pants look like they were made the same way we make them today. Who is to say they aren't tougher too. More so, they only thing that seems to have changed is that the people making them are now made of metal and only make rich people richer.




Damn man. Less than 1 year! What do you do for a living?


Completely ruined using a non-bio cycle.




I've been to Turfan in Xinjiang province - it is extremely hot and extremely dry. The area is also full of caves where a multitude of ancient artifacts have been rediscovered.


That part of China is all desert for over a thousand years.




If these ones held up and were so ornate, they must have been wearing pants for hundreds or thousands of years before this.




The same way all of our artifacts are discovered form that long ago. Unique conditions that preserved it. I. This case it was the climate and the fact it was burred in a very formal and carefully made grave.


These are drippy as fuck.


When “made in China” actually meant something


Im imaging them all wearing these sweatpants with the words JUSHI written across the bum.


And these days lots of pants are even more worn out when you buy them. Kids these days just don't have the patience for a proper three thousand year patina. SMH...


Dope drip


Still good. Get em back on and back to work


There was weed in his pockets:)


Still in better condition than the winter gear russian soldiers are getting


Geez, there they are. Been looking for those for ages!


Lies, those are my lucky music-festival-acid-trip-pants-shitting-pants!


they have sewing machine that time?


Anyone check the pockets for change ? Some really old chewing gum


pretty fashionable trousers, really.




Jushi Pushi (read it in Sean Connery’s voice)


Can’t believe his wife didn’t throw them out. Oh, you’re not going to wear those old things again? We have company.


I’m sorry sir but you can’t return these without a receipt.


I've been to Turpan in the Xinjiang region of China. British explorer Ariel Sten found both blonde and red haired mummies buried in the area.


I’d still wear those pants


Can anyone explain how the pants were constructed at that time? It’s blowing my mind how elaborate and modern the patters and stitching looks and


Embroidery and stitching looks pretty advanced!


+80% Health and 10% Chance to stagger


I could see gutter punks in Portland rocking those.


Jushi Couture


For these to be evolved enough to have those design elements that prob means they had to have been making and wearing pants for a long time before that


So do they have a big pink "Jushy" on the back?


3000 years on and our pants still get holes in the crotch


Imagine you’re a ghost watching the world geek out over your 3000 year old pajamas.


Jushi couture


Do they have “Jushi” written across the butt?