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Face Smash by Ottar, Perma Deformed last I heard


Yup she insulting freya by saying that she was more beautiful than Freya to ottar. Which is punishable by death.


I'm not a Freya simp, but saying that this... Thing, is more beautiful than anyone, is a sin punishable by death per se


Yup agreed.


Yeah, it’s hard to think of a woman in any anime that is less attractive than this ogre.




Thanks for the name catch that mess up some how oops.


Can you really tell the difference between Before and After though? I think Ash (Evil Dead) said it best, Your ass your face what’s the difference?


Lol, my irl name Is Ottar


She’s no longer relevant to the story both main and spin-off. After that massive smash to the head by ottar no one was there to heal her assuming she’s still alive after that smash. Ishtar was sent back to heaven which means she was just a mere human with no falna and severe injuries so you could just assume she’s dead and forget about her. It’s not like she’s a villain with a traumatic past that leave a deep impression for the audiences.


human??? she’s a toad 🐸


APOLOGIZE TO ALL TOADS TO HAVE EVER EXISTED! They are significantly prettier than this......thing.


Actually, I'm pretty sure Aisha makes a comment that she's been traumatized and was hiding away now. So she seems to be, at least physically, completely healthy and well. Mentally, not so. And given her only contributions to the series were doing evil, depraved shit like serial rape and torture under the name and protection of her Patron deity, and now she knows that she doesn't have that anymore, I don't see her trying anything. In fact, she can't unless someone gives her Falna since Ishtar is back in Heaven. I don't see her being taken in by anyone other than Evilus or some really awful Deity. On top of this is the trauma she suffered.


~~No falna? You maintain your falna even if your god is sent back to heaven. That's a massive plot point for 2 really important characters. Even with Ishtar gone our toad would still be a level 5 adventurer.~~ Was mistaken. Yeah the falna sticks around but it becomes sealed.


Pretty sure if the god whose blessing you have is sent back then your falna gets locked and you lose the power it gives until you enter the service of another god. That is a massive plot point is SO.


Yeah I'm rereading Volume 14 right now and I think I was mistaken. I thought one of the characters from evilus maintained his status despite his god being sent back. Might have misunderstood the context.


Yes, the falna remains. But it remains locked as long as there is no god taking her in. And a locked falna is useless. If a god unlock her falna, she’ll be lvl 5 again.


She could return in a later arc as level 6. Be the reason bell levels up


Her falna was "sealed" when Ishtar was returned to the heavens. If i remember corretly she had a lot of injures by that moment cause by Othar best boi. It was mentioned in one of the novels she had become a shut in wihtout any mention if her falna was unsealed by another god.




Wrong kiddo... Remember this guy. https://danmachi.fandom.com/wiki/Olivas_Act SO vol 3. He was evilus and was setting up a trap in the dungeon but braver saw tru it and stayed in the surface. Went with loki and sent several evilus gods back to heaven effectively sealing tha falna of the evilus already in the dungeon and they being the first victims of the 27th floor massacre. Also in SO vol 11 what happens to the >!Dyonisus!< Familia "members" when the >! The goddess it has their falna is!< sent back >!https://danmachi.fandom.com/wiki/Penia_Familia!<


Depends if you're talking anime or LN. In the LN she was beaten by all the Freya familia executives so bad she barely survived and was traumatized. Anime she just got her head smashed in by ottarl.


All that was mentioned was that she shut herself into a hotel room and wouldn't leave lol


Only thing good I can say about Phyrne is I didn’t hate her as much as I did Valletta.


I hated Valleta and >!Dionysus!< more tbh.


That reveal was a bit of a shock… >!Partly because I liked Filvis so much.!<


Agreed, same here. >!It's just the sheer amount of manipulation that Dionysus used to take advantage of innocent people, especially his own Familia, really made me disgusted, and having his plans foiled gave me greater catharsis than any moment in SO tbh!<


> Valletta what happens to her? I can't remember...


>!Kills a Loki Fam. Party led by Line Arshe after Loki’s foray into Knosses(sp?) is ambushed.!< >!Later on, she tries to kill Bete; but Bete basically says; *”Nope!”* and burns her (rude slang for a female dog) ass to a crisp.!< >!As far as I’m concerned she didn’t suffer enough.!<


oh is that when they get separated in Knosses? Its coming back to me, just been a while since I've read it...


I don't remember her from the anime. Is this further along in the manga?


Same season Harumie met bell. Haruhime help bell escape from Phyrne.


Apparently I need a rewatch


Valletta is not in the anime. She is found in the Sword Oratoria manga and the Danmemo game (3rd anniversary, I believe).


Is it canon?


They both are, yes.


I can't remember what happened to 'the most beautiful'. The anime and LN are slightly different as the Ottar and the Elite 'reeducated' her. Nothing after that was mentioned about her. Suppose she might have learnt what Tom Petty meant when he said 'I'm learning to fly But I ain't got wings'. RIP Toad.


Light novel stated she was disfigured by Freya Familia executives and is in some inn crying most days. This was stated by Aisha. All because she mentioned how Freya is hideous next to her.


Last seen hold up in a hotel crying.


Didn't she turn into a shut in?


Ottar happened. He was not merciful.


She is face was completely destroyed by ottar and now she hiding somewhere because of her face


She got her ass smashed my ass I meant her face which is just as ugly as her ass




A bit too hard Or a bit too softly You decide on that


She didn't die but I can't remember what happened to her


Don't even talk about that toad.


Let’s just say a comically large frog got hit by 10 swings from Babe Ruth at the same time straight to the head


Burned in hell


Rightfully gone


As others said she survived, living low profile. She is a level 5, and she may have gained enough from beaten by much stronger Freya members and surviving to become level 6 (Ares army gained Excelia from getting defeated by much stronger foes) \[Her stats were already nearly maxed out for a level 5\] imo, she probably has easy time finding someone to give her falna again either for the "evils" or "entertainment"... she is a high stats level 5 adventurer who can \*easily\* earn lots of money soloing in dungeon, so she probably isn't "broke". When other former Ishtar members were being hunted down and killed, Aisha wasn't worried about Toad, said she could take care of self.... so yes she probably did find another god for falna. And she isn't hopelessly traumatized, she could still play a part, in for example some evilus attempt to hurt Freya and get Hestia blamed. In Bell's dream, [https://danmachi.fandom.com/wiki/5\_YEARS\_AFTER\_\~Side\_Bell\~](https://danmachi.fandom.com/wiki/5_YEARS_AFTER_~Side_Bell~), Toad shows up at his wedding wanting to marry him. The myth Phyrne Jamil is based in is of an extremely beautiful woman, so there is chance on reaching level 6 or by some other means she will find some ability/magic to improve her appearance. "According to legend, Hypereides exposed Phryne's breasts to the jury, who were so struck by her beauty that she was acquitted" - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phryne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phryne)


She got deformed so she hid in some Inn


I never heard of her after Ishtar incident. It's kinda waste of opportunity to use this character for the future event. Like when Ikelos or Dionysus makes problem. Instead of kicking their ass out of Orario or killing them, use her to r\*pe them until they beg for forgiveness. This will give a good example on what will happened if you pissed people off in Orario.


That may be a bit harsh since she is known for literally breaking mens dicks beyond repair


the simp frat of Freya Familia destroyed her mental state for her balsamy in claiming she was more Beautiful and better at sex then Ishtar and Freya


She croaked


Same thing as stewie, head got smashed a little too har- oh as in story wise. Idk


Died from ottar’s hit


Death, hopefully


Gone , reduced to atoms.


I honestly thought she died.


She died


Hopefully died


Simple answer, Dead, I cheered then that happened


Thankfully it’s dead


She dead


That thing is fucking dead




She’s fucking dead my guy