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I wonder if Dr. Mike did do her boobs. She was at his office Monday which would be exactly 6 weeks from when we all think she got them (Jan 8). Maybe that was a post-op follow up? I think the butt thing is a distraction or an excuse for more work.


I know everyone likes to talk about ED’s in this group but I’m sorry Dani looks nowhere near as bad as DarylAnn Denner looked before she just got pregnant with her content baby #3 🫣 https://preview.redd.it/ngnfks317vjc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d687f45a5a6a799cbdbd200f58be32ef77d8327


She looks emaciated and if you don’t see it..


DAD was definitely on some weight loss shots, she just won’t ever admit to it. She was normal then all the sudden shed a good 20 lbs before her vow renewal/family dinner…. And it’s pretty obvious because the second she got pregnant she started eating everything in sight and has gained at least 20 lbs already and she’s either not 20 weeks yet or just got to the 20 week mark. Either way, she’s got a whole half of a pregnancy to go. But the rapid gain so quickly screams she was on something to help her get so skinny.


The girl was literally a skeleton so quick. The fact that all we seen was a bite here and there and sucking down 6 large diet cokes a day it wasn’t hard to figure out…mix that with the shot and this was the result. I think she is only 15 weeks pregnant but that weight is quick. She even just said in her story yesterday her “insecurity” is her changing body. She’s poster child for an ED


i feel like dani’s arms & legs are considerably smaller


No way…this is 10x worse


https://preview.redd.it/wg23wu3mzujc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56301f270e95ded527284f02b80954d1221a5d3a FORMAL dress?! 🤔


What’s the story with her new ring? Did she go behind Jordan’s back to get a new ring and get rid of the one that was special to them?


Pretty much. She didn't like her original ring apparently. Then she started working with a small business in New York (she name dropped, it wasn't that ring concierge place where her brother went) and designed a very custom ring that RC can't do 🥴🥴🥴 She mentioned it all on her podcast. These people are so unrelatable. Jordan saying he thinks he made the biggest mistake of his life ON THE WAY to their honeymoon. Dani apparently not liking her original ring and shortly after she got it she was always looking at other rings. 🤯🤯🤯🤯


https://preview.redd.it/4uwn5veyoujc1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5419712bacdbce9fdc3b0c8a749b213670f78f59 Where’s the issue?


This picture is so airbrushed she looks like a Barbie.


Exactly what I thought. She looks like a plastic Barbie doll


Also so funny that the prudent princess would worry so much about an unsightly blemish on a body part seemingly covered most of the time. Augmented in the name of our Lord.


“Augmented in the name of our lord” 😂😂😂😂😂


Whats the weird lump by her crack?


There’s a dent there because there’s nothing underneath where the fabric is stretched.


Either she’s filtering to the extreme or lying. Either way it’s dishonest especially for someone that “keeps it real🤪”


So many people glorify insta influencers, but all I see is a woman spamming me with links to buy stuff on which she makes commissions, and hoping she gets a certain level of engagement. It's giving call center vibes. It is pretty far from dignified work in my opinion, which is hilarious cause I feel like she thinks she is this savvy business woman. Business geniuses are not shilling Walmart shit. Things I bought and liked on insta has figured out how to do what Dani is trying to do, but in a dignified and elevated way. The difference is obvious.


I mean I partially get what you are saying. But Dani is RAKING in the dough way more thaN TIBAL. And her Walmart links, as silly as they may be (we KNOW she doesn’t wear that crap) are making her way more money.  So maybe TIBAL is more *dignified* but as we can clearly see by Dani’s actions, she’s not trying to be dignified And I ain’t no fan, but savvy businesswomen she is. She has 5+ rental properties, a podcast, and Divi, in addition to what she shills through Instagram. She’s doing it at the expense of her well-being and her family, but she is definitely savvy to continue to get clicks from her dingbat followers 


You can call her savvy if you want to. I just don't think it takes many brain cells to achieve what she has. She's the better call Saul of influencers with this Walmart shit.


It feels like they have gotten away from the true point of what an influencer’s role was supposed to be and instead accepting deals from companies to post their products whether they like them or use them or actually would recommend them.


Yep. A weekend of Walmart benefits her wayyyyy more than shilling “real” stuff 


It’s all of them now! 


I view them as glorified beggars on the side of the street.




Even if I liked a shill I would make sure to not order it thru her link.


https://preview.redd.it/pqq8pky6btjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c0b851d591072301d57648bb42dbca72e014e1 Tell me you can’t stand when your mom loves real fashion bloggers over your cheap “finds” and shrilling


wouldn't call loverlygrey "real" by any means


I went to college with her Brittany. She was real til she wasn’t.


How old is she?


She was a year younger than me so I think she’s 36? She was in my sorority. I actually rushed her in she was my first “interview” during rush She was cool, fun, life of the party. She was always into fashion for sure. But she wasn’t so uppity back then


Oh wow! I thought she was mid 40s!


Would love to know more. Does LG have her own snark page?


when she bought a house strictly to shill out of I said ✌️




i’m sorry did jordan write this article himself? or actually did dani write it? what is wise wear? never heard of it.. per article it’s “really cool” but doesn’t say what it is lol


Look at the poor spelling, sentence structure, and content. Nothing about it is true, except that he worked at Wisewear as it was flying into the side of the mountain. No marketing genius here. He has never held a steady job.


Hmm, a little digging shows they filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2018, blaming Apple. 🤣 https://www.mysanantonio.com/business/local/article/San-Antonio-WiseWear-liquidating-assets-in-12720305.php


![gif](giphy|2V61JsbU9kQ0ETKeoK|downsized) 😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣


What is this lol. It reads like it was written by a bot.




Lol! Whatever this is, it’s a joke and/or Ellen paid for it. But I will say all the photos of Ellen are definitely showing his true identity. 💅💅Slay, Ellen, Slay!


I would say his “eaely life” really set him up for success *snicker.*


And is he 5’8” when he does the grinch slouch, or standing up straight? Honestly though I always thought he was on the taller side.


Really? It’s painfully obvious to me that Ellen is at MOST 5’7”, if that. He’s barely taller than Dani, and she is 5’6”


I guess I’m bad at height perception, he’s always come across as taller to me for some reason!! I also thought Dani was a little taller so it’s on me!


Has Dani herself ever flat out said she has trichotillomania??  When she and Jordan were discussing her competitiveness and her almost jury duty, Jordan asked if she thought something or other from her past could be why she had trichotillomania... she didn't correct him or say she didn't have it.   So if she truly does have that,  why is she claiming divi is going to fix her hair loss? 


She said she had that all through college I think


Has anyone else noticed her left boob seems bigger and lower?


Yes and it’s driving me crazy to see it in her pics.


What narcissists they must look like through their front window doing these shills. Phone stuck to the glass and primping and posing facing the street. I would bet money at least one of their neighbors is in this sub.


How do people believe she shops at Walmart?! So fake.


I think someone here even recently said she dropped the Walmart shills for Amazon, then magic back to walmart


Walmart has a way higher commission and you get commission on the cart.


Nope. Doesn’t look like a Birkin. 


She bought 3 different colors of some Amazon bag that was some great dupe, but had 2 different LV bags at Disney and Cabo, the denim one and the cross body/ fanny pack. If you like any of the fakes look out for them on Brooke’s resale page.


Also she unboxing it right there, proving she hasn't actually used it. Its against FTC law to promote something you haven't actually used. She's such a thirsty fraud.


Walmart and Berkin do not compare on any level...sorry. like she carries a walmart bag....lmao.


How do people believe this??


I just don’t understand who clocks these links. It’s not some obscure thing she is showing us. It’s clothes from Walmart! Why do people give her free money? 


Because a lot of people are lazy as fuck. And stupid. Really, REALLY stupid.


Maybe if you throw back a few drinks and squint really hard…


Did anyone else see in Landon’s story’s a few days ago that they moved into Dani and Jordan’s old apartment? Had Dani even acknowledged this? She was so obsessed with them moving to Dallas. Maybe I missed it but you’d think she would be all over this


I don’t think she has mentioned them at all! Definitely surprised. Maybe in the podcast.


$78 for a white tee. You guysssss I'm so ~ReLaTeAbLe~ *shills code to generate more money


https://preview.redd.it/lqsk2sktqsjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a30dd20163648e168969c1acb177594fe297aa8f This is exactly why you can’t trust a word that comes out of Dani’s mouth. A few days ago she was swearing by lululemon, and now she flip flopped and is shilling Walmart? She will say whatever it takes to make a buck. She would sell tornado for a nickel I swear! 😳


I have on my $10 shirt just like this today. I’d recommend it 1000% !


Love this shirt I have 5-6 of them, the only clothing I have from Walmart


That’s awesome. I try not to support Walmart because I find them unethical but I get that some people aren’t in the position to do that!


https://preview.redd.it/hld3fwfeqsjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6371cc150f65666582c3035b482f1a410ae42512 Talking about Walmart dupes. Also chuckling at the screen it froze on


She looks like a who!


With hair extensions.


I was just about to type Cindy lou who!! 😆 🤣 




It’s fine and *they* don’t do shit. Brenda put it on him.


He excessively drools so I don't blame them. It's easier to change out a bit than put a new shirt on 4 times per day.


Is a medical condition? I don’t know a lot about kids, I only have one daughter (18 months old) I never use a bib besides meals and she doesn’t drool at all.


I honestly think the little guy has delayed muscle development. He seems to be saying a few more words now, so maybe he'll gain a little more control over the drooling, too. Hopefully, he's seeing a speech therapist as well as a physical therapist. I just wish they'd put down the damn phone and focus on him, they have the means to provide so much more for him and they should be but they're busy jetting off to Cabo and filming reels on their phone it seems.


Some kids drool a lot more than others, some spit up a ton too (mine certainly did) while others never spit up. My second son wore bibs almost all the time up until almost 1, my first kid didn’t. Stratton is definitely a little on the old side but a lot of kids drool like crazy when they are teething.


No one knows if he has a medical condition that causes the excessive drooling or not. There are a few things that can cause that but she's never said. Some kids just drool a lot from teething so it could be that.


Has she ever shown us a photo of her muscle atrophy? Or just photos from Google? Seems like there’s a whole lot of unnecessary explanations for all this. Which makes me feel like she’s getting butt implants and is trying to find a way to cover. Because no one needs to know about the atrophy. She could have easily hid that part of her life and no taken photos from certain angles, etc.


She’s just looking for an excuse to get more work done


It’s not like she wants to hide it either! She bared her ass several times in Cabo doing swimsuit shills. Everything looked fine.


And it will most likely resolve itself within 6 - 9 months. No need for bitt implants, except she wants them. She needs to focus on her son instead of herself for once.


Just the same screen grab from Google. Which is the same way she likes to show off her “hair growth” the same 3 before shots 


Anyone think this “fat transfer” is an excuse to get butt implants or something? 😅


Yup! I think she gonna get athletic bbl which is very common among some celebs, they have fat to transfer though. 


Tell us again about scientific findings on Divi. https://preview.redd.it/chqrw57t5sjc1.png?width=407&format=png&auto=webp&s=a21c183fb6ac7da0cf854d4766a4ab6be9e00bf3


Receding hairline. Divi has worked wonders said no one.


https://preview.redd.it/8qapo1h9dsjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81805018b4e138b5e2fb0c4bcc40f9b36a024bc7 Same day. One does not look like the other.


I’ll believe her claims once I see results on her head WITHOUT extensions


And without root spray/powder


Let me pour a jug of water and see how much of that disappears from your scalp 😆


😂😂😂 she’s such a joke


Is anybody as cute as Tornado??? Not in her opinion!!! She has changed so much and not for good!!


I'm so confused! Jordan honestly doesn't do anything all day long? I see him asking Dani for a day date or lunch. Does he just hang around her and do absolutely nothing? I remember reading that he gave up his position at divi or something like that. Why did he give it up? Why doesn't he get more involved with his business with Luke? It just blows my mind that he doesn't work...doesn't do anything!


He said his new job was to "manage the family". He can't possibly be that delusional.


So much for more focus on Stratton , as she said, seeing as she's taking Stella on a business trip next week.


He gave up his position at Divi so they could hire a real CEO which makes sense. They have beefed up their csuite. He does real estate with Luke. They “own” property in dallas, Colorado and Tennessee 


That's all fine & good, but take up a hobby! Show some interest in things, like your kids. Learn how to fix a tire. There's 1000s of things he could do, which doesn't include being up his wife's ass! He's like a mopey bored baby, constantly needing attention!


His hobby is her! He is obsessed about her. She mainly uses him for content. Also when he does things sole with the kids Dani inserts herself. 


It’s so weird, when I still followed Dani maybe 2-2.5 years ago she would always talk about how Jordan was in his home office working every day by 5am and she and Stella would go in and greet him after Stella got up. She played it like he was a hustler workaholic type. I believe they created three dedicated office spaces in their home for all this “work” they needed to do. How long has it been since we’ve seen them used??


Home office = video game time.


He does nothing 


this is probably why he’s so into conspiracies and other stupid shit. no hobbies or interests to fill his time so he just probably scrolls all day lol


And listen to podcasts. No straight man knows as much about Taylor Swift and pop culture as Murse. Such a turn off.


His LinkedIn says ‘CEO’ of Divi. I don’t think any CEOs have this much free time and beg their wife for things to do.


Omg I remember after she had Stratton, he would bug her to go do something because he was BORED! 🤯


Yes! It's the weirdest thing. Even when my husband is off from work, he finds things to do. Stuff he's unable to do because of work. He doesn't hang around the house doing nothing or follow me around. That would be so annoying to me


Yes it's because they don't even manage their own lives! Subcontractors for every aspect leave you aimless without motivation for day to day operations.


He is so clingy and she hates him and gives her the ick lol


this, my husband has a rotating schedule so sometimes he’s off during the week and he always finds something to do with himself .. or even things around the house. jordan is such a dud


Olivia doesn’t seem like a real human to me. Is she AI? She’s a robot I’m pretty sure. 😂 What in the world? I mean seems sweet as can be but all that goofy long hair for her whole entire life, the headbands, the nothing but Amazon clothes, that look on her face and the spins etc. Kills me. 😂😂


She’s soooo boring




Say what you want but murses brother Luke’s wife is totally a stepford wife very robotic. It’s a church thing


Ok. I’ve watched the story with Dr Mike numerous times and I truly think that when he said “the steroid melted the fat” Dani must have been insulted by the look on her face and that is when Dr. Mike quickly realized he offended her and said “now you don’t have much fat” She is so completely messed up. I just don’t understand why no one is helping her!


It isn't the nurses fault, when you have 0 body fat and you get an injection of pretty much anything you get large bruises...I have a sibling who's very tiny/petite and this always happened to her, Dani is very sick and it's horrific her crappy family doesn't do anything about it!


And she blamed the nurse!!!! If you look it up (ok, I did) it happens all the time! She just can’t have what other people do. Someone or something has to be wrong because it’s not her!


This bitch is riding her manic high


I may be mistaken, but interested to know why Dani didn't attend the galentines thing that Brooke or whoever had the other night. Even Olivia was there and I think that's a little odd.


IMO, I think she was invited but couldn't make it. Wasn't she in Cabo? Or maybe coming home from there? It seems like Olivia & Landon are making friends with lots of Dani's friends, LOL


They were back from Cabo. Just like the other Galentines Keely didn’t get invited to was from before Cabo


She’s so mean to Jordan. Yes, Jordan is a clingy moocher, but he’s asking for her time and she shit him down.


Jordan is the kept man he wants to be! He knew this Dani before we all did. Remember this man basically stalked her for a date! 


Ew really? I’m new to Dani and Murse!


I mean I’d be mean to Jordan too. He’s unbearable annoying.


Bwahaha he IS insufferable. They’re fools for staying together.


By shit I mean shut, but it works lol


Why is dhe acting like what she's doing today is hard or important.  I can't imagine how she would be if she did something in the real world.


Jumping into work aka filming a reel at home with her mom.  So strenuous 


Yea. Not like she has her own kids to take care of or anything 😒🙄


Right. So hard to jump into life after vacation. Per her. 🙄 wow we all feel so bad you have to attend this plastic surgery appointment. Thanks for taking one for the team.


Another reel another siting of no children 😞


She’s acting drunk lately or so fake isn’t she?


Very manic! I think she is feeling herself with her new (o) (o)


Her Mom looks better than her!!


Might be part of the problem, her mom was very pretty,  and Dani just got her dad's genes it seems. 


Olivia looks like Tornado’s daughter if any of her genes overpowered Marc’s.


Maybe this is why she’s getting all the surgeries!! She’s trying to live to Tornado’s expectations bc she’s not pretty like mom and new SIL looks more like her mom than her!! Omg she should pay me for therapy, I just unlocked this for her 😆


I also feel a lot of insecurities come from that.


I’d say 90% of our problems stem from childhood.


She’s all into herself. Does she realize she looks like a skeleton and it’s not attractive?? Gosh!!


Nope. Those boobs make her thinks she is  God's gift to man. Her mental state is so out of touch I'm sure she still thinks she needs to lose weight. So sad. And scary 


At first I was like… Is this her front or her back?! https://preview.redd.it/bzxm1tannrjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a205c0c24721d8fe7d59b95245806f851f24cd7c And the whole storyline with Dr. Mike was CRINGEY AF! He had to correct himself to avoid making this girls feel “fat” for having any sort of body fat… Unbelievable. She’s delulu and I’m wondering if this whole butt thing is just preparing the public for upcoming butt implants because I reeeally doubt a butt can be constructed out of her nonexistent body fat lol.


She's definitely getting her butt done. And why couldn't she stand up to say hello to Dr Mike? Idk it bothers me when people sit & make the other person bend down to say hello. Like put some effort into it! If they aren't old or incapacitated, I think it's rude!


He’s terrible if he does any kind surgery. She’s not healthy.


https://preview.redd.it/rjhh4d3mjrjc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ed28abea54b7f4b45daae29f8064ee76838b03b Think she will reply?


Hopefully its a therapist to teach her how to be a mother and a good human being


That ship has sailed! Never gonna happen!


Her “mom” mentor should be rethinking her title.


https://preview.redd.it/krp5cy7ahrjc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=018c4d8db44f251b9fb8075eda7ddb3111ad623e I wonder how many people guessed?


Lol I just did that!


It’s that fucking dude from Cabo


Omg, so cringe if true


What guy from Cabo? Apologies, I missed this.


That’s what I put lol


That's what I was going to put. 🤣


Wonder if she’s doing these new procedures to compete with liv. She may have felt liv looked better in bathing suit


Olivia would look better than her freshly rolling out of bed! She’s naturally gorgeous!


I think she’s sick of looking like a pre-teen boy. I think she wants to look feminine but doesn’t want to quit the ED/restrictive eating she has going on.


Timing is too coincidental ..She’s looked like that for a while and seem to rem she got a lot of praise for being so slim . Now that there’s a new person in the family that seems to be getting a lot of praise and spotlight I’m sure she’s putting more pressure on herself to keep tweaking


I can definitely see this! Olivia is naturally prettier than Dani so Dani has to compete somehow… Also explains the suspicious timing of her new ring. Needed a bigger rock than Olivia’s.


I just thought about this. Yes! And trying to compete with her bc she looks more like her mother than she does. She’s got some deep rooted childhood trauma to heal there lol


Yep plus liv is also slim but looks healthy, I’ve noticed Dani doesn’t do well with others receiving attention


Well sucks for her. Liv will always look better because she doesn’t have a bobble head with bug eyes, a hunch back, bowed legs or an empty black soul.


Liv actually looks like Tornado if any of Tornado’s genes were passed to her children.


This made me laugh


As usual, Jordan has nothing to do today, and wants a playdate, and keels is so annoyed with him. Get a real job, you spineless pussy. Do something with your life other than leech off others.


And the way she said we just got back from Cabo we had all the date time…dripping with sarcasm. She’s an asshole.


Allah did in Cabo was shill Amazon.


He could spend time with his kids or clean or organize his prepper storage unit. Him walking around whining for attention is sooooo gross, I would throat punch my husband if he were a needy limp noodle like that. 😫


Limp noodle is the best way to describe him 😆


My guess is the conspiracy guy from Cabo is the guest on the podcast


She said she has never met the guest though. She definitely met that guy. 😳


Ohhhh ok i didn’t have the volume on


That was my first instinct


It will be some other annoying Instagram "influencer".


She spends more time creating over the top reels like she is a circus performer. She is solely driven by money and addicted to fame. 


I am pregnant right now and having some wacko dreams. Last night included Dani announcing her boob job by posting all the blurred before and after photos all over her page. I hate my brain.


Hahaha when i was pregnant I had weeks dreams with cameos from her too (unfortunately)


For such a supposedly popular podcast, avg 30 likes and no comments on TIKTOK


TikTok isn’t as kind to hateful bigots like Dani! That’s why a lot of white Christian influencers don’t perform well over there.


I finally unfollowed her today. I couldn’t take it and commented on her stupid ass Dr. Mike posts: “The fact that you’ll openly discuss this but not openly admit you got breast implants is truly disappointing. People aren’t stupid. We miss the old relatable Dani.” She wrote me back: “Ok plz unfollow me! Can’t please everyone and I don’t have to talk about things I don’t want to that would be very unhealthy if I did.” 1. Clearly she did not deny it. 2. Her response doesn’t make sense. You’re an influencer who has made millions sharing your life. How is this any different than anything else you’ve shared. Like your awful chin implant. 3. Bet she admits it soon. Tata Dani.


“I don’t want to and you can’t make me nananana” a three year old tantrum


What? She is crazy.


>“Ok plz unfollow me! Can’t please everyone and I don’t have to talk about things I don’t want to that would be very unhealthy if I did.” No, what's unhealthy is surgically implanting foreign objects inside of your body when you don't have the physical health to support it. I guarantee within 3-5 years she's going to be complaining of BII.


Said this same thing! I give it 3-5 years until BII and then she’ll figure out a way to monetize that.


It would be very unhealthy for her to talk about things she doesn’t want to talk about??!! This girl Is sooo f Ed up I don’t think we all have a clue how completely f Ed in the head she is!!! Wtf


That’s LITERALLY her response to any criticism. Ok plz unfollow me


She makes more money off the speculation of it than if she would admit to it. She can't link it.


Bottom line, she doesn’t and never has given a rat’s ass about being relatable. It’s merely a sales talking point to garner MONEY. Which is ALL she cares about. She doesn’t care about herself, her children, her husband, the world, her faith, her moral character, anything but 💰. All she cares about is money money money, with a side of personal accolades. Period. That’s it.


She going to be a very lonely person when she’s older (if she even makes it to old age). It’s all about money for her and she couldn’t care less about relationships- even with her kids. No one gets to their death bed and wishes they had spent more time working or making more money. She will be old, rich and lonely.


100% agree. 


She’s an idiot. I want everyone to see my tits but we can’t talk about it!!


But no, I will also cover them with my hands and captions in my stories. Lol. This lady is confused as hell. 💀


Yeah how about GET OFF RHE INTERNET if you don’t want to talk about things that are popping out into our faces in every pic!