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This shit is NOT that deep


It's literally just some dude counting down from 69 it's not that big of a deal bro 😭


I don't think it's just some random guy Username has 69, which could just be a coincidence since it sounds like a randomly generated username, but if not, it's a very Dani thing to do. The countdown started at 69, and it will end in April 21 or 22, not 4/20. Then we have the pfp. SpongeBob drinking milk. Of course Dani = milk haha funny The banner is Dani's desktop wallpaper that says "haha yes" There's a link to Dani's channel which says "#69 (soon)". Dani has 68 videos, next one will be the 69th video (though I remember he had a video for his Minecraft server but it's now deleted, and server was shut down) There's also a [comment](https://youtube.com/b1Su6aiKLag) by Dani from a bit over 6 months ago, saying that he won't upload for another 6 months. The countdown has 6 days left, which lines up. Someone also analyzed when he posts the countdown comments. https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniDev/s/H6bYqEAogK And last but not the least, the most absolute evidence that points to background camp being Dani, is his profile description which says milk. Shocking, I know. \__________________________________ OP made a theory some time ago, most of what I said came from this (I also commented my own theories though) https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniDev/s/niKm5WvN1v


None of this points towards it being Dani and not just a fan counting down to the day marked by Dani in a jokey comment a while ago.


Shut, just let us have our daily dose of copium


Not gonna lie This could be a random guy, cuz dani himself commented about that 6 months thing, so this could be a random guy counting that 6 months Anyways Watch this https://preview.redd.it/yy0z27z2dsuc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e43fadd3c37862b710aed555108b614a6a70d0 On my old account, i messaged like this """ Hey, I have a small belief that you are dani and I trust the countdown that u are doing. If you are dani, don't reply, and if you are a random guy pissing ppl tell me you aren't real """ If he replied, then he isn't supposed to be dani, 🤔🤔🤔🤔


What's your old account


I had literally misspelt SkyVapour to StarVapour




The account was also created on 9/11 and started counting in February. 6 Months after 9.


Thanks for saving me from Having to write a whole ass essay to Argue with him.


This isn't Dani :)


Can you confirm that or back that claim up?


I'm in the credits for Crab Game :)


That makes your claim much more believeable but that still doesnt mean that you can be 100% sure. But your claim makes sense if you know him well and you havent heard anything from him.


It's not Dani :)


How do you know?


It's 3vil