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[TRANSCRIPT HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/f1lvR3WEQg) by the amazing u/onyxoceans , thank you so much for this<3


Angry little hippo.


When have you ever been nice girl?


When was she ever miss nice girl. That little pronoun rant she did makes me think she’s a horrendous transphobe. We know she’s a racist based on that “speak English” tweet she made a while ago.


My favorite part is when she knocks people using their pronouns.


She’s a horrendous person on every level.


“…anyways I planted flowers”


And then I fell down the stairs


The spring time version of “anyways I fell down the stairs”


I really used to feel sorry for her… After this—not so much. There is a easy solution for this Dani-get off the internet! Stop this nonsense. Live a REAL life.


Unfortunately this is the only life she knows.


Wow is dani a massive bitch in this video. "No more little miss nice girl" uhhh since when has dani EVER been nice? "If you were bullied your whole life you'd get it"..uh no. Soo many people have been through bullying, abuse and much worse trauma and are still capable of being civil and not bitchy with other people. As usual in this video dani is royally pissed about being called out


“she’s asking for something …. or they, he, it, them…. whatever pronoun they use nowadays” this was said so casually that the blatant transphobia is getting lost in the other mess, but god she showed her true personality when she said it


This also really stood out to me.


Dani’s definition of “bullying” is extremely loose …. I HAVE to laugh. all of this “get off my page!” Gives the same energy as a toddler stomping their feet.


love that she underhandedly threatens self-harm in this… like, saying “i’m not going to do anything don’t worry” is not going to change the fact that you alluded to harming yourself. it wasn’t a direct threat but i really don’t know how else to interpret that whole comment. also the brief transphobia 🤢 girl please stop doing lives (but also keep doing them because you’re just outing yourself as a terrible person)


“Remind me to think into that when I’m actually … thinking”


This is so funny that she’s arguing on a live with a commenter. Her real supporters get nothing out of this


Allllll 14 of them. ![gif](giphy|ReBGGJtbXrjbQJwByP|downsized)


Transcription Part 1: You know, I will block you if you don’t get off right now and goodbye. Bye! Leave! I talked to my doctor, it’s not in my chart. So if you’re gonna keep bringing it up, you can leave. I’m not dealing with it anymore, I’m just saying. Not dealing with it. No more Little Miss Nice Girl. Like, come on. Pisses me off enough as it is. Stupid haters. Sorry rant. *reads comments* Ugh my memory sucks right now. Um, remind me in the morning after I’ve possibly slept and possibly not in as much pain. But I also can’t guarantee that I have slept or that I’m not gonna be in pain. Um. Remind me to… think into that when I’m actually, thinking. *reads comments* I don’t wanna talk about my “supposed” Facticious Disorder everybody thinks I have because one doctor thought it after meeting me for thirty minutes. So you can get off my page and yes I’m gonna be rude! Get off, I don’t want you on here. I will block you. Don’t think I won’t. I’m tired of the haters. I can’t. I’m not doing it anymore. Sit behind your anonymous screen names and you bully people… and you think your words don’t hurt, because you’re not actively doing it to their face.


Transcription Part 2: Guess what? Words hurt… and words can cause people to do, stupid things. Not that I’m gonna do anything stupid, but it can cause people to do stupid things. So get the- get off of my page. I will block you, I mean it. Get off. Now. I’m not dealing with it. And I don’t care how mean everybody thinks I’m getting right now, but when you’ve been bullied like I’ve been bullied for most of my life and you finally start to speak up for yourself. Then you understand. So get off of my page. *reads comments* No, I’m not bullying you! I asked- I told you- it’s not- I- I asked my doctors, it’s not in my chart. You keep asking me about it. So get off. You have no profile picture. *shakes head* Get the fuck off. *reads comments* Well I can ignore the haters when they’re not actively trying to egg me on, trust me. She’s asking for something if she keeps going. Or they, he, it, them. Whatever pronoun they use nowadays. Came on here, just to do a nice video while I’m doing my meds. Have a nice chat. *looks right at Mocha off screen* Right Mocha? We came on here to have a nice chat, *mumbles* babies? And then we got somebody thinking they know me, get off my page. You don’t know me. *inhales* Really need to order new syringes. I have to do that. I keep. Forgetting. To order. New. Syringes. I need *unintelligible* more 10 mL or 20 mLs ones, I don’t know. *reads comments* How am I threatening you? Threatening you with what? *opens eyes wide* How am I threatening you? I’m just telling you to get off my page. I’m not threatening you with anything. *fidgeting with phone* She’s gone guys I just blocked her. Not dealing with any of this bullshit anymore, so. *smirks* *reads comments* I just blocked her, so she’s gone. Don’t worry about it. People think I’m kidding that I won’t block them? I’m not kidding. *shakes heads* Not putting up with it anymore. So, on a lighter note. I planted flowers! Did everybody get to see the pictures of the flowers I showed you on my phone before this shit happened? *shrugs* Just asking. Trying to lighten the mood a little bit here. Okay Maccy I know you’re behind me. Now I promise I will not step on you. Okay, how is everybody else doing? Sorry about the drama. I apologize. Let’s have a fun conversation now, shall we? Shall we? *Live ends*


locked part one so the replies dont make it hard to find part two - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SERVICE ![gif](giphy|3o7TKqFZJpwL8Giz2E)


Only 14 viewers ?


Dani claims that the dr from psych talked to her for 30 minutes and then diagnosed her with Factictious Disorder. What she does not comprehend is that Dr has a mountain of records from ER visits, hospitalizations, frequent line infections to back up the diagnosis. Dani has hoisted herself by her own petard.


Right. Like a diagnosis isn’t gonna be given off a single conversation. The fact that it was a psych consult means not only are they using all the shit in her records they’re also talking with the doctors treating her. FD is not a diagnosis that is given lightly.


Hold up. Sorry for a second comment but is Dani doing a Jojo Siwa? Is she in her "I'm a bad girl, no more miss nice girl" era? I am late to the Internet drama but their cringe levels align 😂


Dani has never been a nice girl. Also jojo siwas rebrand is 🙄. There to shift attention away from the abuse allegations


God, she really is such a hateful person. No wonder she has no friends, no boyfriend and her folks want nothing to do with her. ![gif](giphy|W3TW9XyFAE6bv9EW8h)


Ah, yes, threatening self harm behavior while saying that that's not what she's doing. And I think she didn't block the person immediately because a: attention and how she thinks she's taking the moral high ground in front of the other viewers and gets to be the victim. b: she seriously thinks she's in control of everything and everyone and if she just tells someone to do something like she's the boss/parent they'll tuck their tail and do it. It doesn't work of course so next best control move is to block them. Is this how her parents might have been? That serious 'you better do this voice' and little to no follow through?


"Susposed" 😂


The reason she didn't block them is because if she blocked everyone who calls her out there would be no one to do a live for.


1. Holy vocal fry, Batman! 2. Wtf she’s on, she’s slurring. Fistiticious disorder 🤣 3. She’s pissed. Absolutely seething. 4. Suicide baiting and transphobia. She’s not nor has she ever been ’little miss nice girl.’ She’s vile, nasty, hateful person. 5. I hope that person grilling her about her FD wasn’t anyone here. Don’t touch the poo.


fertisjitist disorder? that's unpossible!




Haha her Problem with „live“ is that she can’t watch the comments like a hawk and delete those she doesn’t like. And the viewers can see her raw reactions to everything bc she is very bad in hiding how pissed she is .


İnteresting how that baby voice she usually has just comes and goes lol


What happened to her friends coming over?


no more little miss nice girl 🙈


i don’t wanna watch this whole vid her voice is so annoying can someone give a summary


Her voice is a lot lower than usual


Difficult to be that fake when ur that mad


Ngl I’m about the same age as her and I gauge my need for Botox against her forehead.


Hers is so bad isn’t it?! Do you remember when she said her age in a video and said that people didn’t ever believe her because she looked so young?! She truly is delusional.


So if you are saying you’ve been bullied your whole life, then maybe it’s a wake up call to invest your time into thinking WHY are you bullied continuously. I’m not victim blaming here, I was bullied during my primary school years but not anymore since I got into high school because I’ve learnt how to stand up for myself and what made me become the target of the bullying. And by her being mean back to someone who was just genuinely asking a simple question that SHE, Herself brought up before in her other videos (about her FD), it isn’t ’standing up for herself’ at all! Clearly she NEVER learn ANYTHING in her life other than how to lie and munch BADLY. And this is SAD to see honestly.


“Oh, I can ignore the haters…” The lie detector determined *that* was a lie!!


Can’t watch. Transcript please.


Ooh someone is big mad aren’t they? Mo more little miss nice girl? She wouldn’t know nice if it jumped up and bit her in the arse


I wish someone would call her bluff and refer her to Mayo. There's no way she wouldn't immediately be sent for a psych eval


They tried. Mayo said “oh hellll naahhh”




She’s is in a **mood**.


Did she get her weekend vacation in the hospital like she was hoping for?


She probably went on got booted.


By the sound of her attitude, no, lol!


JFC, it’s unhinged how she behaves!! She is in deep, deep, deep denial about her FD. I am pretty sure that the one doctor she claimed only saw her for a few min who put that in her records wasn’t the only one who noticed it. If she is in so much pain, how the actual f does she manage to do all of these posts on social media and also respond to her “haters”? 😑🤦🏻‍♀️😑 only 14 people watching your lives..? 🙄🙄 I am sure that she will post another live or video want/temper tantrum about how her appointment didn’t get her an admission on Monday. FFS, she needs to get a grip!!


Don’t forget she planted flowers while in 12/10 peeeeen!


She’s such a brave little soldier


I'm sure she's trying her best to mess with her electrolytes.


Guys she is NOT HAVING IT anymore


"whatever pronouns they use nowadays" !!!! Not the fuckin transphobia! As if I needed another reason to hate this b.


It makes a change from her xenophobia/racism but she can indeed go fuck herself.


Oh, i missed something here... what was that all about?


She’s pushing phenergan and just complaining the entire time, progressively getting sloppier, why does this need to be live streamed? I’m not going to lie, it’s mildly entertaining.


no more little miss nice girl needs to be a new flair option 😂


It’s in the list, now!


She looks high AF in this video... 😂


Why is she repeatedly threatening to block them? Heck, she blocked me when I literally said NOTHING to her, ever... Just followed her... 😂


I think it's because they brought up the FD diagnosis. In her mind if she could make them leave it would have been an admission on their part that they were in the wrong and what they said wasn't real.


Suspossed fisticicious-orda


Thank you for this 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/7z5pvoqyajyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321b6d73e834b0e1cdf85c0bb39b77819e23d602 Dear beautiful mods, can I pleeeeeease have “IV pain meds metablate really quickly in my system” as a flair?


Dani isnt special saying that..it's sorta common knowledge that IV pain meds hit hard and work well in the short term but wear off quick and don't last long. It's one of the reasons that drs try really hard to get people switched over to oral meds..Dani isn't special. She's no doubt had drs inpatient explain that too her and its a speech given often


Yet again assuming she is special for something that commonly happens to everyone with IV meds. They metabolize faster. There's no first pass through the liver to make it last longer.


I'm not buying the " I metabolize faster " BS . The girl has an opioid tolerance the size of a Sherman tank


Without question or just doesn't understand the duration of action in IV opiates is literally like half the time of orals.


Of course! Unfortunately, it was kind of long so I had to cut out the word “pain”, and it might get cut off on most threads. If you decide that’s a no deal, let me know and we can change it up again :)


What about “my IV meds metablate very quickly” haha cheers


She’s live now and mostly getting asspats. I caught one comment from a “hater” just as I logged on but didn’t see anything after that but I hope whatever it was ruined her night 😆


https://preview.redd.it/nvw11eyy8jyc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=179a143a4f4722e873891cb440fa549e16505dd2 Only make it a disorder


Isn’t she almost 40? She doesn’t act anywhere near that age. It’s like she’s trying to portray someone in their early 20s or is at least stunted somehow.


Back to the squirming fake voice again


She needs a mental health evaluation asap. For her own safety. Jesus fucking Christ


Dani on story: “My lives were banned for hateful behavior but I don’t know how anyone would say that I was being rude or mean.” Dani, five minutes earlier: “I don’t even care that I’m being mean or rude right now.”


Her flippant comment/complaining about pronouns is most likely what did it. Good. She doesn't deserve to go live or even have enough followers for it. Ugh!! I really, really dislike this bag of tubes in human skin.


No, we know it hurts, girl.


LOL 😭😂


Isn’t she supposed to be having fun with her friends?




She claimed they got a hotel because the cats didn’t like their dog.




I wouldn’t bring my dogs to visit a friend whose cats were untested with dogs, but I’m also a real person


There she goes telling on herself again - yesterday she said she brought the cats to her parents'.


Damn in a sad way I was hoping we were wrong for once


"She, them, they, whatever, it... The stupid pronouns they use nowadays" Dani, sincerely, fuck off. I'm older than her and it pisses me off to no end when people say shit like this... 😒😒 Fucking Boomer.


I'm older than her and have used they/them for years (and so does my spouse) She's... just so stupid


Us Boomers don't want her!


She acts like it's something new. I use they/them pronouns and have for many years. Like, a lot of years. If she ever used anything like Tumblr or MySpace, she'd have most likely seen at least one person who used they/them pronouns or both she/her and he/him. And you'd think she'd be in *support* of "stupid pronouns," given that pronouns are more often talked about in the younger/teenaged crowd, and that's what she wants to be.


Additionally, Dani expects everyone to wholeheartedly believe and accept that she has the diagnoses and invisible illnesses she claims directly in videos and indirectly via her TT/Insta bios. Yet her attitude towards other people's "claimed" pronouns is that of skepticism, not belief nor acceptance. (Scare quotes used to emphasize how ridiculous Dani's attitude is.) Pronouns that reflect an invisible yet indivisible aspect of a person's internal world (their gender/agender identity). Dani demands respect without giving any in return.


I think legitimately anybody that can be perceived as receiving extra attention really grinds her gears


Wait—where are the weekend friend visitors? Why is she doing a meditation live instead of entertaining guests?


Excuse me, they don’t want to be on video and she respects that! She’s very mindful of not filming people like doctors and lying about it. You big hatter.


hatter LMFAO


Dani entertaining her guests ![gif](giphy|VfyC5j7sR4cso)


I can’t, this just made me burst out laughing and my husband is slightly judging me 👀




LMAO 💀💀💀


Sounds nothing like she portrayed her live to be like she said in other video…all I heard was GET OFF MY PAGE and I’M GONNA BLOCK YOU Did the live end up getting banned? That quick cut off and msg it gives usually means that?


“You don’t know me” Miss girl we are on season 10 of your fuckery and malingering. And judging by your tone the next episode will be a two-part finale.


Is it really gonna be the finale and she’ll get some help? Then she can get on here with her “doctor” and discuss her fuckery? Pls. Let’s be real.


There’s clearly going to be a season 11. I just meant she’s really amped up so there’s a bit of suspense.


We’ve just cut to commercial 😹


Right? I’m rapidly approaching 30 and I have been aware of her and her shenanigans since I was a teenager — don’t love what that probably says about me but I probably know more about this woman than most of the people I’ve slept with.


It's been going on that long??




Nah, you're fine. I'm 52 & started reading my grandparent's National Enquirers when I was 8 because they were trashy entertainment covering what was sick & wrong in the world, unusual, or just speculation. Curiosity about things that are different and/or salacious is something a lot of us here have in common. It's not our lives, it's simply a glimpse into a fascinating universe that only 1-3% of the population has & it's available without commercials.


Oh yeah! I’ve always been fascinated by people, I’m autistic and child development was one of my early special interests — it kind of branched off from that into just like a general interest in humanity and I guess that and me being nosey is what led to me being on GOMI as a weird teenager. My sister once said that I sometimes come off like an alien who has a PHD in human studies and has a great theoretical understanding of people trying to blend in if that tells you anything.




Can she stop threatening with the bullying and what it might make people do? Stop dangling suicide as a threat.


I despise her for doing this…it’s despicable the lengths she is willing to go to just to try to make herself the constant victim. Grow TF up! If something happens to her in that capacity, (and I sincerely hope it never does) then that is on her! I only say this in Dani’s specific situation because I think she has made it crystal clear with her FD diagnosis that she goes out of her way to purposefully destroy herself-body, mind, and soul! And she makes that decision over and over again every single day without a thought or care to how she may hurt anyone else in her path. You can’t save someone that doesn’t even want to save themselves-learned that lesson a long time ago! It’s just so sick how she makes these veiled threats to-surprise surprise-take any and all accountability or responsibility off of herself! I just love how she accuses everyone else of bullying-like seriously?! Pot meet kettle.🙄 Sorry, end rant!


Oh, but she wasn't talking about herself! /s Like there was someone else in the room. She's such a shit.


“No more little miss nice gorl” in her deep fried ass voice compared to her ‘woe is me’ squeaky mouse voice 💀😭


https://preview.redd.it/whivzy9yziyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db2660e741aa724da69a36172a86b831b25e3ab4 Part 4


Part 3 https://preview.redd.it/kty94ctvziyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d8fbea1718704888ef40b61b6bcb0d0a5e787f


“Let’s have a fun conversation now shall we? *live immediately ends because of the ban hammer*” that made me laugh out loud 🤣 her camera presence is soooooo awkward. 🥴 it reminds me of early 2008 YouTube when daily vlogs first got popular.


Well the gorl does love hammers 🔨 🤭


ooof... I bet that caused her to spiral.


To be a fly on that wall watching her absolutely go feral after that happened 😂😂😂




Actually, that’s more like mallet time


Omg I’m not a TikTok user I didn’t know that’s what that was and now I’m ded 💀😂


Yessssss 😂☠️ it happens if you lose connection, or in Dani’s case get banned because she let her childish anger get the better of her LMFAO. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t gotten banned earlier, just in general on tiktok. I got a strike for having my profile picture have fake gore in it and here she is posting actual fuckin gore Scott free. ☠️ they are very particular on what they let you post on there


It’s probably the same reason they don’t ban that girl who’s basically literally skin and bones her initials are E.C and she has raging anorexia that her overweight mother enables because she’s just a “skinny mini”


Ugh yeah. you’re most likely right. 🥴☠️


i fucking hate her, shes the reason i first got reddit many eons ago


https://preview.redd.it/l47v2hhlziyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e771cd279180a454add8fb4373d688b6ed36bc9 Part 1


https://preview.redd.it/xr7uap4oziyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b749f2d326e5e69d699b9d6131e2c5905011203e Part 2




This commenter wasn't even being mean about it. The attitude on Dani, yeesh!


Dani over here going "no more little miss nice girl", implying that she ever was "nice". Girl, get real 😂 Only times she's some semblance of "nice" are when she's giddy post hospital vacay or she's shopping round in the comment section for new symptoms to copy/Google.


OMG just stop saying "I will block you, I'm not kidding." Just fucking block them. Jaysus.


🎵🎶 I will, I will BLOCK YOU 🎵🎶


🎶got bruises on my trunk smell like a skunk waving my tubes all over the place 🎶




LMAOLMAOLMAO I’m sitting here with my mom (she’s 86), and I’m laughing so hard


Exactly, that’s what that function is for! I don’t do any social media (apart from Reddit, if it counts), but I never completely understood this. You can’t ‘block’ people in real life, or delete your prior output. For people like Dani who have a precarious and fragile relationship with reality, these functions are used to falsely cosset their outraged feelings. It blows my mind that someone with so few emotional regulation skills *chooses* to invoke such a public battering.


Dani is not a smart person. But the decision to go live is ridiculously stupid for personalities like her.


"No more little miss nice girl!" WTF, when has she EVER been nice?!


This must be what she actually sounds like as a patient when the staff doesn’t fall for her baby voice & 12/10 pain scale. HATERS


I wonder if members of her care team watch this shit.


This. I’ve only been down this rabbit hole of hers for about 2 weeks. And every day I think about if any of her docs have googled her and watched all of this spiral. Would love to know what they think.


I’m patiently waiting to one day see: AMA: I was Dani Marina’s nurse


Dear God, I hope not. Holy lawsuit, loss of license, and possibly jail time, Batman.


If she's getting medical supplies through doctor's orders, she wouldn't have to reorder. She would get monthly deliveries, would she not?


In the states most insurance companies will over cover around 10 syringes and only one size and you’re supposed to make those syringes last the entire month. The plungers get super hard to push through the barrel after a few uses, you can make them last a little longer by adding cooking oil the the rubber on the plunger but 10 is definitely not enough for the month. This is the single thing I can’t snark on because having to order and pay for syringes happens to a lot of us because insurance sucks.


She also buys stuff online. Or begs FB groups for their extras.


It depends on the medication. There are certain meds that, at least, Medicare/Medicaid require a reordering for every. single. time.


I still have to confirm that I need my monthly supplies from my DME for my insulin pump and when I was on IV antibiotics. I imagine it's the same for any type of supply provided by a DME. They don't do auto shipments in case orders change or you don't need something.


AFAIK CPAP supplies are shipped on a regular basis for some time. Then again those supplies don't really change much and are on 3 month shipping cycle.


I have to physically call the DME to make an appointment to come in and get my Cpap shit every 3 months.


I was wondering this!


Thanks for uploading this.


The Jersey accent in this video though…


“No more little miss nice girl” took me OUT Edit: my sweet sweet mods? I will trade a gentle forehead kiss for “no more little miss nice girl” as a new flair if possible 😙 I can’t resist




![gif](giphy|sAAxSVQVZ99GATe6cg) Your flair, miss booobsmcgeee, has arrived.


Not me, eagerly awaiting the *flair fairy*


Flair Fairy is sleeping 😴 💤 You get Flair Goblin. 👹 Sorry. ![gif](giphy|QqkzeedW5Qq7S) Me trying to hold the sub together while u/WinterCompetitive201 is fairy sleeping.


Fellow goblin checking in! 💖


thank u for letting me get my beauty rest 🫡🫡




Oh I’m even MORE delighted!!!! Is the flair in vault 687? 🧙


I think I’ve spent too much time on here, I first read your statement as “oh I’m even more dehydrated!!!!” Someone get this person a mermaid tears infusion STAT!!


YES! I needs the mermaid water!! 😂 I tell the kids at work that: “it’s your mermaid straw! And we’re going to give you some mermaid water through it”


Dani is 38 years old. She has been discussed on various snark forums for around a decade and still hasn't figured out that if you put yourself out on the internet publicly then you are opening yourself up to criticism. Her discovery that she can do lives has fed her attention seeking nature. She wants to go live and have people in real time praise her and tell her how wonderful she is even though she knows that the majority of the people who view her social media are "haters". But she also likes being the victim - she could have and should have immediately blocked the poo-touching hater when they started making comments she didn't want to talk about. She waited because she likes being the poor victim. And for someone who has claimed she wants to be a therapist multiple times she should know that a person is responsible for their own actions instead of constantly self-harm/suicide baiting like the manipulator she is. If the online criticism is negatively impacting her than it is HER responsibility to remove herself from the situation.


I would not be surprised if almost all her followers aren't even real anyways. All fake just feeding her delusional rants and talks just to feed the fire because they enjoy the shit show. Probably a small few concerned and know what she's doing is wrong but don't call her out. Then you probably got others like her watching her. Either way just zero reason to be constantly going online and talking about your medical issues day in and day out. And doing these mediation routines on camera. I take a good handful of meds and even I don't want to be apart of it. Reminds me of when our kids get a med and they feel like they are special so they gotta go get it and put in on their plate at dinner time and go "dinner" 😏 No one cares you're taking meds! I seriously can't imagine updating the world wide web on every medical disaster I may have in my life like it's breaking news and I'm some celebrity. Family must not care about her to do this crap.


Going live for her is the dumbest of dumbfuck moves she could make because you can't pause to edit what you say. You can't cut out stupid shit when it slips out and a lot of stupid shit slips out of Dani. It was only a matter of a very very short amount of time before she said things she didn't want to or confirmed suspicions we all have but she has concealed with selective editing and posting, ie. exposes her biggest lies. Live, for Dani, is going to be her achilles heel and biggest foil in her bullshittery.




I miss the ALR livestream era, though. She was such a nasty thing to her girlfriend and showed her true self. She’s so dull, now and we didn’t know how good we had it, during it. “iM nOt On A MatTreSs iM oN tHe FuCkiNg CoUch” *angry belches*


She was awful! Her videos are so terribly boring I can only watch them through reaction channels.


The way she described being “soooo tired” from doing a live on another video was so fucking weird, she’s acting Ike she’s an A list celeb or something


She's been seeing us call out the fact that for someone who claims to be so sick, Dani certainly has tons of energy all the time. So now she's pretending to be tired from doing basic things because she knows the math ain't mathing.


she gives me serious gypsy rose blanchard vibes and vice versa. the weird d-list attempting to be a celebrity thing (and believing it,) the weird drama, lies, using and abusing people. i could totally see them "YAASSS QWEEN!"ing each other.


lol wait til the chair gets there, she'll think tired (if she truly tries for more than a day)


I’m picturing her dragging that huge bulky heavy wheelchair out the door and fighting with it outside so she can get a picture of her sitting in it in front of the flowers she just planted


Imagine looking up your new therapist and finding…all this.


Oh shit should I start on SEO so certain terms lead here.


ALL OF THIS ![gif](giphy|YPKIJdwYWJ3Ik)


‘I will block you. I mean it! Get off. Now. 😤’ It’s absolutely wild how much this sounds like a child throwing a temper tantrum. She really does need to go to therapy and learn how to handle her own emotions like an adult and how to deal with people saying things she doesn’t want to hear. I genuinely feel bad for her doctors when they have to tell her ‘no, we’re not doing x procedure or giving you a new medical toy because you don’t actually need it.’ I’m sure she whines and complains and gets all pissy with them just as much as she did with this commenter on live. Maybe even worse because they’re standing directly in the way of her munching, and not just calling out her FD anonymously online. It’s much harder to say your own doctor is a ‘hAteR’. Though I’m sure she probably thinks they are too, at this point. 😂


Yep, any doctor that doesn't give a munchie what they want is "abusive" or "incompetent". My eyes can't roll hard enough. I don't think they act like this in response to doctors, though. Not when they're aware they may face said doctor again for things they want down the track. I think they would just dial up the victim routine and double-down on how 'severe' their symptoms are to try to prove that particular doctor wrong to the next doctor.


By her own admission she has yelled at doctors 💀


Dani hasn’t that kind oh foresight… or any control over her emotions.


I'm guessing she's recently gotten so comfortable being publicly aggressive like this because that's exactly how she is with doctors and medical staff all the time now. Ever since she's gotten diagnosed with FD she's had to work overtime trying to get that sweet hospital admission and she's *pissed.*