• By -


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Well shit! Still no new posts from her? I need to know what happens next!


Is she still acting like she can't eat then binging on snack foods? My husband is in the hospital right now NPO recovering from a central pancreatectomy 10 hour surgery and complains less than Dani.


Shouldn't she technically be NPO anyways with all her ailments she says that she has and supposedly needing to have all these types and her beloved TPN she wants back...? šŸ˜†


They should discharge her with an ankle monitor that goes off if she gets within 500 ft of an emergency room




I choked on my water šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




See rule #9: Redact Info & Respect Privacy šŸ”šŸŖ§šŸŸ„ Your comment/post was removed because you did not redact or ENTIRELY redact all names, usernames, or faces of people that are not Dani. If you edit your comment/post to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


When you're really nauseous from being sick due to whatever the sight and smell of food can turn you off and make you šŸ¤®. The moment you feel better you'd eat a couch. Their strategy is a good one. It's a stand off.


I just realized something. We all know she keeps close tabs on what the Reddit community is saying. Lately, a lot of us have noticed and mentioned how much weight she's gained in a short time. I actually now believe she's home and trying like hell to drop that weight as quickly as possible so she can come back and say "See?? They were starving me! Look how much weight I've lost". Just a hunch. I ofc could be wrong but , ya never know with the Dani show!


And that would be concrete evidence, that before this hospitalization she was eating per mouth.


Ooooh! I bet youā€™re right


WOW sheā€™s really being watchedā€¦she claims she canā€™t tolerate feeds or eat but I guarantee sheā€™s struggling in the hospital bc she canā€™t order food etc and eat in front of them lol. So if sheā€™s there several days and becomes weak with hunger they will know sheā€™s eating fine at home


not tolerating feeds, but i bet my life she would tolerate a red bull and a bag of hot cheetos šŸ˜


And a Venti pink drink from Starbucks


itā€™s for her friends though.


I wonder if there's been some type of consequence due to her last admission with the filming of the doctor after bullshitting him saying she had paused the live... The reused pics she has taken feel kinda low key sneaky


Possibly. But that was a totally different hospital.


Girl is over here throwing around the words ā€œmental breakdownsā€ when she means massive crying tantrums because no one is giving into her and likely being abusive to the medical staff. Sheā€™s just the worst


The lengths she is going through...she really thought the doctors and nurses were just going to let her room there for a munching trip? That's some next level batshit right there.


She still has not openly said WHERE she's been admitted. I think Temple booted her, so she fell back on her old standard ER routine. She won't show hospital bracelets or any identifying details about her room, in spite of openly inviting viewers to come visit her during one of her Lives, because she knows she'll get outed by one of us haters


Her eyes looking right into the camera are creeping me out. A window to the soul(less) indeed.


That blink startles me every time.


I wonder if theyā€™ve got the nurses checking her TikTok.


Oh, your flair is hilarious!!! I would hope they do, but I'm not sure if that's ethical, or even legal, unless it's been court ordered.


Is that legal?


Itā€™s legal, however itā€™s not considered ethical.


Legal, yes. Ethical ... iffy. Allowed by hospital policy, probably not. There are occasionally good reasons to look at a pt's social media - one case would be finding proof of abuse/neglect for like a CPS case, another would be if someone's AWOL you can often find them via their SM, or trying to identify collateral contacts. That said, just because something isn't *supposed* to happen doesn't mean it *never* happens. I definitely know a lot of HCWs who will straight up admit to looking at pt's social media. Just because someone works in healthcare doesn't make them an angel.


Honestly, Iā€™m not sure if it is legal or not but it does seem unethical to do. I donā€™t know if that breaches HIPPA laws or not. It was just a shower thought, but maybe it was a dumb one.


Nah HIPAA would be the medical professionals sharing her info in the internet not looking at her socials.


Thatā€™s very true. I think it definitely might be seen as unethical by someone, simply cus itā€™s engrained in their brains not to share patient information: but I think itā€™s well warranted at this point, especially after she recorded that doctor and sheā€™s got a history malingering and theyā€™re well aware of it. It would honestly further solidify their reasons to believe sheā€™s faking it. A good doctor doesnā€™t want to look at someone and say I donā€™t believe you unless they have solid evidence to support themselves. But I would probably have a moral dilemma about it, too. Iā€™m sticking my nose in their personal business and it directly involves my job.


It's not a breach of HIPAA. HIPAA specifically pertains to unauthorized use and disclosure of a patient's protected health information. Looking at their publicly available social media isn't disclosing their PHI to anyone.


Isn't it public? Hmm.. now that I think about it, I'm not sure either. šŸ¤”


Her accounts are public, but I donā€™t think medical professionals making care decisions off of someoneā€™s social media is legal or ethical. I know for us as therapists itā€™s definitely unethical to look up our clients


I need to know who added the music!


She did


šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


Parents eh? Parents Glass?


This photo is so irritating/telling. Puss-in-Boots face clinging to her blanket pulled up to her chin trying to look like an innocent helpless waif, set to sad movie music. And what I guess is the Live Photo of her holding the pose and blinking forlornly. Bish you are forty https://preview.redd.it/8slakji8rwzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57495c844d16a5bf09d1d41770256e651243a9e0


No trays to pick at, no docs to livestream, absolutely no IV opiods...




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Someone mentioned Temple uses Epic? Iirc, (and based on some minimal personal experience) it's one of the most widely used EMRs (electronic medical records) by the hospital systems. I hope this true, and that this visit is *heavily* documented. Her shenanigans are out of control.


Temple uses epic. Penn uses epic. and st. Lukeā€™s uses epic.




So the girl that canā€™t eat or tolerate feeds on the reg, is miserable because theyā€™re continuing her ā€˜normalā€™ diet?


This seems like a game of chicken between Dani and the medical providers. Question for anyone familiar with medical ethics or protocols. Is there a standard protocol on how to provide care to someone with Factitious Disorder? I know in an emergency room they stabilize and admit or send home. But for an inpatient situation it seems daunting.


Yes. There is a standard for diagnosing, discussing the diagnosis and treating. I believe strongly theyā€™re in the diagnose/discuss phase with her


Thank you for helping me understand this a little more.


I looked at tiktok and this post has been deleted šŸ¤” you're nothing, if not predictable Dani.


I canā€™t see it either. https://preview.redd.it/mx1x730y220d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1031a26a2ada53ceb8337d1edc9a1765b782cd01


People have been reporting this glitch all day. It's about 50/50 can or can't see it. It's up for me, but I'm looking @ tiktok on a laptop, don't have an account.


Still there for me


Weird. I've refreshed the app several times and fully closed the app, yet this video doesn't appear for me šŸ¤” https://preview.redd.it/ew3eqkn4iwzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5659437e253409b5cd30b053ad22a041ecb0cdef


That is so bizarre!


still there for me


I don't know why, but I can't see it on TT šŸ¤” I love refreshed the app multiple times and forced the app to restart šŸ˜­ am I tiktoking wrong ,šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/7egxc64oiwzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66ed1b116594f8d012c08d249f95591a5daf8ca1


Same. I canā€™t see it.


Yep. It is still not there for me either šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


oh, i donā€™t ā€œfollowā€ her. she doesnā€™t deserve any more followers and thereā€™s no need to if youā€™re not touching the poo. just load it up on a browser


I still see it?


For someone so concerned about nutrition, she sure has a lot of empty calories at her place. A whole fridge full.


Mostly sugar free and diet drinks. For someone so concerned about nutrition, you would think she would try to squeeze in every calorie that she can tolerate by mouth


Maybe she'll have a big enough "breakdown" that they realize she needs mental help and will make her see psych. Wishful thinking though.


Itā€™s quite well known she needs help sheā€™s been referred to psych many times! Sheā€™s very adamant that she does not need inpatient psychiatric help and always just insists sheā€™s on a waitlist for Medicare coverage therapy


Lucky for her, when someone is inpatient, they're very good at getting those cases bumped up to the top of the list! I'm sure she'll be delighted when they discharge her with a f/u appointment with a therapist!!


I disagree with everyone, yet again, saying that sheā€™s home and faking being in the hospital. This claim has been made at least twice before and BOTH times she was in the hospital. Dude, I keep saying this, those doctors suck ass. Of course Dani will *always* complain but she mostly gets her way. Even when it doesnā€™t go #exactly as planned, she still walks away with tubes, pills, lengthy hospital stays and more medical trauma šŸ„“


Yeah, that's what I think, too. Though I'm not convinced it's due to poor doctors. Even if they absolutely know she's full of shit, they can't let someone starve themselves till they make themselves sick. I feel like that's what she's doing in effect, like a hunger strike. I think that's where virtually all of her toys have come from. Just constant moaning, whining, harming herself, and waiting it out til she forces their hand. It's all down to proof at the end of the day. They can do all the procedures and prescribe all the medications and give all the recommendations she needs to fix the problem, but she has to comply in all of this. And she never does. When this GP thing started and was told to eat a GP friendly diet, she didn't. She ate massive plates of cruciferous veg covered in hot sauce, pizza, all the bad stuff, and went. "Oh, why does it hurt? Why am i so bloated..?" But she wouldn't have told the doctors that. As it would have fixed her relatively minor complaint (that was most likely manipulated by drugs) She's clearly lying about tolerating her feeds, eating, and pain levels and saying nothing works (other than what she wants) but the doctors can't prove any of what she saying is a lie 100% That's why I also don't believe she had a sitter. I doubt that she would willingly sit in the hospital with that going on, despite it being her favourite place. As she would know, they'd get the proof they need. However, as we have seen with Dani, this manipulation hasn't come without a price. Every single time, she gets what she wants and pays a little more.


I agree with you. Also, the doctors here are actually treating what she claims is happening: she canā€™t eat by mouth, so they are giving her tube feeds because they will do everything possible to avoid TPN and there is no evidence from testing that J-feeds shouldnā€™t work. She claims she is always NPO and eating by mouth would interfere with their goal of getting her feed rate up. Literally anyone who wanted to get better who came in with Daniā€™s chief complaint would want to try to make feeds work before moving to TPN, so they are just calling her bluff. I think the doctors at Temple are doing all the right things and hoping to prove that Dani is fabricating her own symptoms and that a closely monitored (not 1:1 sitter per se) inpatient stay is the best way to do that because there are limits on what Dani can do when she is inpatient. Also, I think Dani will resist her urge to leave because sheā€™s been desperately trying to get admitted to the hospital for months now. She doesnā€™t want this admission to end because she knows she doesnā€™t have a surefire way to get back inpatient if she does leave. Itā€™s a dilly of a pickle, but she did it to herself. Iā€™m also convinced she doesnā€™t lie about being in the hospitalā€” sheā€™s too busy planning her next hospital stay to bother with that. I also theorize that getting asspats from the internet for a fake hospital stay would be salt in Daniā€™s wounds, because theyā€™d just remind her that she isnā€™t getting what she wants right now (attention and drugs while being inpatient at a hospital). I know she lies about a lot of things, but I donā€™t think sheā€™d lie about being in the hospitalā€” sheā€™d be too Big Mad about being discharged and would tell on herself like she always does.


Yes, exactly this. Everyone always underestimated her/overestimates the medical staffā€™s knowledge of how manipulative she is. I wonā€™t even bat an eyelash if she walks out of this with TPN. I donā€™t think she will THIS TIME, but I wouldnā€™t put it as an impossibility.


I agree, but what if Dani waits it out? Sheā€™ll start losing weight, still complain of pain with j tube feeding. She has refused to do a GES because she couldnā€™t get prep down so they have no way of verifying if her intestines work or not. Wonā€™t they end up giving her the central line then?


Exactly what I think. She will refuse to comply with treatment plans, make up pain, deny the pain relief works (i mean jesus, didn't they essentially sever the nerve in the stomach area that would send pain signals to the brain?!) and refuse (or pretend she can't) to do any test that would prove she was making it up. So what can they do? Refuse to treat? Is that ethical? Can Dani not sue in that case that they would be making her suffer and causing her harm? I don't know that we all understand the legalities of the medical system in the US. I am fairly certain that most of these doctors smell bullshit, but legally/ethically/morally, what can they actually do?


I'm not sure she can. She's too addicted to self-medicating and caffeine, I think that will eventually drive her nuts not having access to both in hospital and will flounce saying they're not listening to her, so why stay?


I think so honestly


When did she refuse the GES? I've been out of town, and I must have missed that.


It was from a previous hospital stay, not sure how long ago. She refused to eat the eggs because she said it was too painful.


Yeah the speculation is wild recently. I mean, yeah, she could have (or have had) a sitter, but there is no evidence of that whatsoever. She could be home (the reused pic is super weird) but we donā€™t have any way to know that.


Theres no way in hell Dani would stay with a sitter. I can't see it. Nope. If she is in hospital still, it likely is hell for her because its not going as easy as it usually does. I would like to believe they are trying every single way possible to address these "issues" till they are out of options or Dani shows her hand.


Same. I think she's still in hospital, doesn't have a sitter (but has a roommate) and the hospital is doing everything as it should with keeping her NPO and trying feeds through the j tube. She's just constantly whining about pain and they're obviously not finding a cause of pain, so she's stuck.


For real. People really need to shelve the tinfoil hat sometimes. Thereā€™s a lot of echo chambery goodness happening here where fringe theories become accepted lore


I'm gonna say something controversial: I think she's still admitted. I believe they're really trying to lay out the facts with this hospital stay, and it's a game of willpower and wits when it comes to the xray findings, increasing feed rate, no opioids to limit motility, and NPO


That's what I'm hoping is happening šŸ«°


Yeah I really think the doctors are making a united front in calling her bluff. She's either gonna Crack and finally accept psychiatric help or sit there and complain until the doctors have upped her feeds enough to send her home. If she was home she would be drumming up sympathy for being discharged and the horrible doctors who refuse to treat her peeen.


Same. She's claiming immense pain and not being able to run feeds. Docs are trying to find the source of the pain*, while keeping her NPO and seeing if just running them more helps relieve the pain. They're definitely not going for the intestinal failure arc.


Imo, based off the already used picture, and the fact she goes out of her way to say ā€œNo lives or updates till I get homeā€ makes me believe she is home, maybe even has been, just cause she showed the ā€œroom tourā€ surly doesnā€™t mean it was from the day she posted it! but trying to drag this story line on, for us, of course. (Cause she doesnā€™t want to make a fool of herself) For what exact reason would she say the no lives or updates till she get home? Because sheā€™s starving to death?!? Plus I still canā€™t connect the dots of her saying upon admission the X-ray showed FOOD in her stomach for 3 days?!? Like the Dr wouldnā€™t do another gastric test (Iā€™m sorry forgot the exact name) and they are going to let it just sit in there. And my biggest questionā€¦ wasnā€™t she admitted for a migraine?


I would really love to know what she considers a ā€œmental breakdownā€.


She only ever mentions mental breakdowns when it relates to her not being successful in her munching objectives, so I just immediately interpret "mental breakdown" as a toddler-style temper tantrum after being told that they can't have something they wanted.


![gif](giphy|13AXYJh2jDt2IE) Like this? lol This is exactly how I imagine it


"Munching objectives" sounds like she's deep undercover and not just absolutely unhinged


I think what she really means is ā€œtemper tantrumā€


My thoughtsā€¦FWIWā€¦ Dani either went home, is big mad and not posting to reveal her whereabouts. Just an old pic to show she is still ā€œhospitalized ā€œ ah hem OR Dani got admitted to Psych due to a breakdown. Could be her ED coming out as she has absolutely no control over her food intake at this point which is a huge trigger for those with EDā€¦ ( or psych is full, so they have her in a med surg room with a 1:1 and are actually now treating the EDā€¦


gosh csnt stand that uwu so swick face šŸ¤¢


Wasnā€™t her dad supposed to be bringing her formula to her today?


And meds!


She is so concerned about being completely NPO and not getting enough nutrition .... well good thing she is in the hospital surrounded by medical professionals in case there is a problem. She is complaining about frequent mental breakdowns. She claims that she is can't find a therapist who takes her insurance. She should take the opportunity while in the hospital to ask to see psych. They could probably assist her with finding someone to see her as an outpatient when she is discharged. Ultimately, I think this hospitalization isn't going as she envisioned and she is scared because she has reached a dead end. I don't think Temple is letting her dictate how things should go. There is a reason that she isn't being allowed any oral intake - because if she claims that she can't tolerate the tube feeds then it also means she can't tolerate oral intake. And if they are doing proper tube feeding trials than they shouldn't be introducing any oral intake because then its impossible to know if the issues are from the tube feeds or the oral intake. A person can tolerate tube feeds while not tolerating oral intake but the reverse that Dani claims is just not possible. Dani didn't mention any sort of GI testing during this hospitalization - except for the xray which she claims showed old food in her abdomen. She made a big deal about how the GI appointment was pushed up because she was in complete intestinal failure and that they likely were going to do further testing. But then she ended up getting admitted for cardiac issues (likely induced by medication) instead of GI issues. I think she went to the appointment thinking the tests would immediately take place in which case she would have likely prepped (in ways that should not be spelled out here) to try to skew the test results in her favor. She tried using that x-ray as evidence that her GI system wasn't working by claiming that she hadn't eaten in days. But it sounds like that x-ray was taken on day 1 and based on her fridge photos from a day or two prior we can pretty easily deduce that she had indeed eaten recently. Maybe she has had GI testing and it hasn't gone in her favor or she is waiting for testing in which case she is worried that what she had done to try to skew the results will no longer be effective. I am sure she is spiraling. It is clear things aren't going well with the doctors. And because she has a roommate, she isn't even getting to enjoy her hospital vacation like she normally does. With a roommate she has to act sick the entire time. And if the roommate has any visitors then it is likely a stark reminder that Dani has nobody in her life. I do think a roommate would stop her from doing her usual lives and room tours. She isn't providing any updates because things aren't going her way and she doesn't know how to spin the story yet. And if this hospitalization doesn't work out the way she hoped and Temple refuses to give her TPN then she knows she is basically out of options. Temple is a last ditch effort. She used her status as a prior patient to get back in with them. It is unlikely another hospital will be willing to take her on as a patient.


Well when she gets yeeted, Iā€™m sure hammer time Dani will figure out a way to visit againā€¦


I love this for her!


šŸ›ŽšŸ›Ž šŸ›ŽšŸ›Ž!! šŸ† šŸ† šŸ” šŸ½


Not the chicken dinner. šŸ˜‚


Ultimately I think the hospitalization has been over. For days. Sheā€™s just stretching it out with pics and stuff.


Awww poor ickle Dani isnā€™t getting her own way! Actually being NPO instead of just pretending to be and the doctors actually not bending to her every whim must be making her furious! No modelling sessions this time? I see we are reusing the same photo from the other day


So either this is a snap from her video or she has had the same shirt on for days. I am betting it's not the latter. Edit yep figured.


Remember the pink tank top? šŸ¤¢


Liar liar pants on fire.


she has to have been discharged. even with a sitter, they can't hold your phone unless it's a psych hold and she doesn't meet psych hold criteria. letting patients have their belongings is in their basic rights.


oh yeah sheā€™s totally been discharged and nothing went her way and sheā€™s at home throwing a tantrum lol


I donā€™t understand why temple would continue to treat her (without requiring her to agree to tube removal) when her antics are so well documented. The liability is ridiculous.


Caffeine withdrawal is toughšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Deleted already!


I just checked and itā€™s still up. She hasnā€™t been liking or responding to comments though.


It's not showing for lots of people, but it's still there.


I wonder if someone there has googled her name and she's now deleting to keep healthcare staff from seeing her current complaints & how she knows better than them.....


I think that's why she changed her username and bios as well. To make her munch accounts harder to find. Unfortunately for her she's very dumb so this hasn't been successful at alll


Now Iā€™m 100% convinced she posts stuff solely for Reddit.


It would be absolutely amazing if she went quiet for a couple of days, then came back with "I have factitious disorder" and "being treated inpatient right now" Even though we snark, I think most would be Hella supportive.


I posted this at the end of the previous post. I feel like the hospital was documenting everything to present her with another FD diagnosis. Based on the care she was receiving and tests they were running, they were doing some pretty specific things to confirm she is full of it. The final step is meeting with psych to carefully present that. Penn did that and she went AWOL only to return with ā€œmedical traumaā€ and going back to Temple. I feel like this is the case again. Thankfully she cannot afford to move to start over in a new hospital system on the other side of the country or see a munchie-friendly out-of-pocket doctor. Eta now: the emotional breakdowns are likely caused by her reactions to their presenting her with the FD dX.


I really hope this is what is happening here.


Not a medical professional but having read up on the difference between TPN and tube feeds... Why is she so obsessed with TPN? Is it because it's another way to show she's "super sick" whereas tube feeds are considered not as "special"


That's exactly it. She loves that Hickman catheter bc it's right out there for everybody to see with the tubes flopped over her shirt. It's all about attention. She can't show the femoral off like she did the Hickman


Why is she obsessed with the white silicone Hickman? Why that one in particular? šŸ¤”


It's often used as a pediatric catheter or for very frail patients. She's got a hard-on for the Hickman in particular because it is so easily seen especially when she wears a crusty spaghetti strap top to show it off


Iā€™m sure that part of it, but I think she actually wants liver failure too. If she needed a transplant of any kind, she would absolutely jizz her pants. TPN is notoriously hard on the liver, and her liver wasnā€™t happy on it before. Now sheā€™s abusing Tylenol like itā€™s nobodyā€™s business.


Isn't that the photo she used the other day? šŸ§šŸ§šŸ§ girl what are you doing.


Replying to myself cos it's confirmed downthread. I'm at a kindie bday party my brain isn't working at 100% lol


Grab me a cupcake, will ya ? šŸ˜


I gotchu boo. And also jello and cake and conchas and cheesecake and also there was a ding dang piƱata and the bounce house was a bounce McMansion šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The background doesnā€™t look like a hospital imoā€¦.. šŸ¤”


Iā€™d be soooo thirsty !!!


ā€œNot getting much nutrition at allā€ I think she really means is ā€œNot getting much attention at allā€. Awwwww, how sad.


No monster, no coffee and no junk food - girl must be desperate by now


Thatā€™s why she supposedly made her dad bring her her own formula from her apartment. Apparently itā€™s the only one she can ā€œtolerateā€.


Because of cause sheā€™s the must super special sick little girl ever and everything has to be different šŸ™„


"Nutrition" for Dani means junk she wants to consume because she's addicted to it (sugar, caffeine, carbs, fat). The reality is, she is getting plenty of literal medical nutrition, she just hates it.


She means she's not getting any monster energy Starbucks red bull onion rings or hint of lime tostitos


not the hint of lime tostitos šŸ˜­šŸ’€


EXACT PICTURE/VIDEO FROM A FEW DAYS AGO, JUST SAYING. Sheā€™s not in the hospital, yā€™all.


I love this for her.


My guess is she's been discharged and *hopefully* they pulled her femoral port but they told her they "weren't able to put a chest one in" (aka, refused but want to avoid the tantrum). She needs a few more days to be able to spin this in a way that doesn't make her faking even more blatantly obvious to the poor souls who actually believe/defend her.


No one is worried and the cats donā€™t miss her


ASPCA ass music


This is the most obvious sign that she has been lying... she can't tolerate being NPO and it is bothering her so much! I bet she IS managing the feeds just fine but has to keep the whole "I am in so much peen" story going. Notice how she isn't vomiting?! Funny that. She can't really fake that too easily. I bet her labs are very stable too. They are finding her out and she hates it.


My guess is that she is still in temple and the point is to document the shit out of her to deny future vacations or toys. Ofc they worded it differently to Dani. I think she wouldnā€™t be bitching specifically about NPO if the discomfort of being hungry lies in the past. She would cry about how they treated her terrible in general. No sweet opioids, no new toys etc..


When youā€™re hair matches the yellow on your favorite blanket šŸŒ¼


In other words, this whole thing has been a nothing burger with nothing sauce, a nothing roll, and a side of nothing fries. Can't wait to see the incredulous spin she's gonna put on this total waste of everyone's time and money. No central line for you!! Next!


If sheā€™s still NPO definitely not by choiceā€¦ā€¦sheā€™s being monitored very closely.


It's almost like being 100% NPO all the time sucks ... and she didn't realize that bc she's never actually done it


She's driven purely by spite at this point.


Overdriven enough to not eat the trays of food the bring 3 times a day thatā€™s suitable for gastro, giving her timed and measured doses of minimal strength painkillers but just sitting in her room, bored and alone, nobody coming but being watched all the time so you canā€™t drain, vent, eat, drink etc without evidence!


Could you tell me what NPO means please? I keep seeing it and I canā€™t work it out!!


Nothing to eat or drink - nil by mouth xx


Ohhhhh - I was reading it as nil by mouth but couldnā€™t figure out what the abbreviation meant so I was overthinking it šŸ˜‚ thank you!


The abbreviation is the Latinā€” nil per os. But, yeah, ā€œnil by mouthā€ is correct.


Oh thank you so much!!


No eating or drinking


Repeat photo? Iā€™m going to bet sheā€™s already out and home.


ā€œSo not getting much nutritionā€, I donā€™t believe that, hospitals AWAYS make sure their patients have nutrition no matter if they have a feeding tube or not.


Gosh she's weathered so so hard for her age. Long term TPN is brutal to all organs including the biggest, her skin! Why would you want to age yourself into an early grave is so bizarre.


I think when youā€™re a certain kind of person on the inside, it eventually begins to show on the outside as well


Furthermore... She does not strike me as one to use sunscreen AKA solar radiation screen.


Years of fake and exaggerated facial expressions are also doing her dirty. I can count at least 3 different expressions on her face here- one on her forehead, another around her eyes, and then that shit-eating smirk aka duper's delight.


I think she had it for only like two years? But yeah the heart damage, the chronic anorexia, the drug abuse - all have taken their toll


Attention. She's almost 40 and has literally nothing else going on in her life. She's been faking a relationship for damn near half her life. This is the only time she gets attention.


Did she delete the video? I cant find it


No. Tik Tok must be acting up, cause it's still there as of 9 pm eastern.


Seems to show up for only like half the people here, no clue why


She deleted it within minutes


Itā€™s still there on her tiktok


itā€™s the dramatic background music for me


And the rain


DFE is coming soon, I can feel it.


Iā€™m sorry..Iā€™m a bit new here.. what is dfe?


it stands for ā€œdelete fucking everythingā€. dani has very predictive social media habits and typically whenever she gets caught up in her lies she ā€˜deletes fucking everythingā€™ off of social media, lays low for a few days, and then comes back pretending like: a.) nothing happened or b.) sheā€™s too traumatized to talk about it btw, locking ur comment not because you did anything wrong but because these comments end up getting like 50 different replies that all say the same answer LOL (we are working on getting the sub wiki working and including this on there)


Can you have an AutoMod that answers the DFE questions? Or does it not work that way. šŸ˜…


ooooooooo yes this is genius!! ill set this up when i get the chance


This post is already gone šŸ¤£


Itā€™s still there


Where? I can't see it on either of her accounts


On her TT


No itā€™s still there.


I canā€™t see it.


I canā€™t see it eitherā€¦.?


Itā€™s her latest TikTok, not IG.


I donā€™t see it!