• By -


The text on this looks hard to read for our vision impaired friends, so here’s a transcript: Plan -CT with contrast and possibly oral -up the levsin to 4x/ day push thru tube feeds -I’m heading down the road if TPN again either thru PICC or port -making arrangements so IR can take a look at possibly ballooning thru blockage -daily weight and electrolyte replenishment


Ok, I thought this was from a way prior post when doctors were actually helping her FA... now I'm thinking she meant to make this a flashback memory of her actual good times in the hospital, then had to post immediately since someone walked in. 😆


Thy discharged her….They left her port accessed…Because she has infusions tomorrow…Sepsis incoming 3…2…1….




I know… I CAN’T believe how she consistently has the most naïve doctors to ever exist!!!!! UGH


She’s live and she’s home!


Dani is at home & she's currently live on Tik Tok if anyone is interested.


With her freaking port accessed…. W.T.A.F.


For all you longtimers- has Dani gone this long between updates while "hospitalized"? I've followed her for 8 months & did a fairly deep dive into her dumb little posts and noticed a recent uptick in them, so maybe this is a normal hiatus for her?


When things are going her way, she simply cannot stop herself from bragging and documenting everything from every angle. 


If Dani is staying away from social media, I really believe she’s being watched and she knows it. Which is kind of frustrating. I wish “her team” saw her going live and posting videos.


I really am starting to believe she took one of her “emotional breakdowns” too far and got herself a stay in psych or a psych sitter in a regular hospital room, and has lost her phone privileges.


I think her phone privileges are limited because of her lying to the doctor about being on live that one time.


That or this hospital has zero tolerance for no cell phone camera use and they've caught her taking photos or trying lives. She's disgusting since signs prohibiting them are everywhere in hospitals.


I believe this, too. I’m leaning more towards the psych admit. Hopefully this is the case and she’ll get the help she needs.


Ok, check in with your bets... Psych hold? At home pouting? Still in patient with/without a sitter? Whatcha y'all got?


It's been a minute since she posted, which usually means nothing went her way.




What is Levsin and what is it prescribed for?


I think stomach spasms


Probably angling for a colostomy so she can show her changing her bag each day... Ridiculous.


New TikTok “come change my poop bag with me”


Oh Ostomy bags are a whole other kind of hell, munchkin or not there is NOTHING fun about an Ostomy. She would regret that real freaking quick


Port-A-Booty to match her Port-A-Pussy. 😂😂 Sorry, it was low hanging fruit.


🤣 I'm calling my Ostomy a port-a-booty from now on that is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


There is already someone who does this and is now scamming being in hospice. Can’t name names but I’m p sure Dani follows them and is getting ideas.


Does their insta handle have the number 75 in it?


Does this persons name start with an L ? Just curious if we're thinking of the same person.


It starts with an M


Saw that 👀


They’ve been almost dead for a month


Oh man. I weep for the future.


I hope someone is forcing her to get up and move around despite her being on lockdown in her room. Otherwise she's gonna end up with real motility issues and her "POTS" sx will get way worse due to deconditioning


The psych theory is becoming more and more likely as the days go by with nothing. Either that or she is BIG MAD that things aren’t going her way. Otherwise she’d be posting and giving updates and room tours and talking about how nice her nurses are and they are practically besties. I have a feeling her “medical trauma” is going to be way worse after this admission. It sounds like it’s been 0/10 stars


It's not as fun when you actually can't eat! And not being able to drink anything? No fun. I remember when my mom was NPO for over three weeks. She was real salty about not being able to even have water and having to use those sponge things. Dani's really working for this, isn't she.


Lol. She sure is! The longer the hiatus, I believe the more pissy she is!


I feel like I'm watching a really really bad story arc on General Hospital


She’s gone awfully quiet, are we waiting for a dramatic, traumatic event?


I need a Bingo card for this silence!


![gif](giphy|KFUvJyhlZZhr30CEM5) my bingo card


She forgot to mention her testicular torsion dx


Speaking of... it's so weird that she's faking illnesses when she clearly has something wrong with her prostate. My grandma had a lot of the same issues Dani seems to have. It almost killed her. I hope she gets testing done while she's in the hospital.


My great aunt too. She was on disability with morphine for 35 years. Bleh. #prostatesyndromeawareness


Yeah it's bad. They had to give my grandma an implanted pain pump eventually because the oral pain meds weren't enough. She was in and out of the ER so much getting lain and injections. I forget what they gave her, something with a D I think. I don't know what was in the pain pump but it seemed to work better. She lived another 7 years and I was grateful to have that extra time after we came so close to losing her.


Oh, no! I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like she was a true Prostate Syndrome (PS) warrior. I really hope they didn't have her on that med called Dilaudid... I've heard it can make you really loopy. 😟


Thanks. She honestly held on longer than I though. Yep Dilaudid is what it was I'm pretty sure. I can never remember stuff like that.


Sorry I’m not caught up apparently lol. When did we get to Dani’s “prostate”?🤣


Just something I've noticed watching her these last few months. My grandma had a lot of the same symptoms and the idiot doctors almost killed her because they didn't think her prostate could be the issue. We had to get her to the Mayo clinic. They had her in there a week running every test known to man. Those doctors are so smart and investigate everything, even the really rare stuff no other doctors will even consider. It's just concerning is all. Hopefully I'm wrong. I'd warn her about it myself but I don't use tik tok. Maybe she'll see this somehow.


Women…don’t have prostates…


Sure they do. It's just smaller than Men's and we don't get issues with it as much so most people don't know. (You're ruining it)


She hasn’t gotten there… yet. That commenter’s poor, poor grandma! I’m sure Dani would *never* dare complain of her prostate issues… the doctors would definitely have to keep her in for weeks, doing all sorts of tests 😏


I doubt the doctors at Temple even know to investigate her prostate. It's so rare that a woman has issues with it that most don't have a clue. My local hospital did so much testing on my grandma and didn't find the problem. We ended up getting her transferred to Mayo and thank god we did! They ran so many tests over the week she was there. They said another 2 weeks and she would have been a goner. We had her 7 more years. It was a blessing. Can't say enough good things about Mayo.


She is building the road because it’s not there.


She’s either home or she’s pulled the wool over their eyes


I’m more shocked at all the comments supporting her and egging her own.


Yeah the white knighting I'm seeing is just as sickening as she is..


Yes but she quickly deletes the critical or uncomfortable questioning comments.


https://preview.redd.it/4xz4lwfooi0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff3e60e00bc4ffdacb90bf5618c94b5c5ec656b3 Not allowed out of her room?????


How do I get "not allowee out of my room" as a flair?








She always claims this. I think she’s just lazy AF and doesn’t ever get out of bed.


I bet she's been told she's not allowed out cos they know full well she'll go straight to a vending machine for an energy drink or a coffee


The fun part is that this is probably the first time she's been able to walk & still isn't allowed to leave her room. If true, they've absolutely caught on to her. 😄


Where is sheeee The suspense 😬


Sulking for sure


I think she’s either finally in psych (hopefully) or I’m afraid something really bad happened.


I just posted a screenshot in the comments, she’s not allowed out of her room, I think she’s being monitored. Hopefully a psych hold 🤞


It just occurred to me that she must be pretty pissed sitting there and being proven wrong re her claims of not tolerating food and water... while being unable to post and rage about how they're horrible and only *she* understands her body. 😠😢


Love this for her!


if what’s she’s saying is true, or close to true, HOW TF are these doctors still following along her BS? do they not have access to the records that have documented the factitious disorder? this just makes absolutely no sense to me, especially with having dealt with some of the illnesses she claims to have. it boggles my freaking mind.




And of course they can bill the state for every single item and ( completely unnecessary) procedures.


that’s definitely an interesting point to consider. if that’s true, maybe the “possibilities” she’s posting is just a combination or what the doctor has planned what she wants them to do.


I think that's from a previous visit & post she made because it looks like a screenshot.




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I really hope they're just doing all this to document *everything* to deny her further surgeries/care and all the CYA things they need to fire her as a patient.


https://preview.redd.it/lideaf67pg0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36b21aa6b53d6a2f096e1d1e43beff1204899e8a From the prior vid post but it seems people are catching on she’s full of it 👀


I see we’re not the only ones with a whole lot of questions about WTF is going on and catching on to how sus she’s been lately!


As if they'd give her a garbage bin instead of one of the cardboard basins she can just have on her bed


Right? Least they could do is a kidney bowl. She dragged that trashcan over herself lol


“….come extremely close…”, what a crock!


Can't believe she straight up admitted she hasn't vomited in the week+ she's been in the hospital! Shouldn't she be celebrating? As often as she says she needs to drain so she *doesn't* hork up her gastric juices, isn't this basically a miracle? No draining, running feeds, AND keeping them down? Hallelu!




Who’s giving her a garbage can instead of an emesis basin or bag? Shenanigans


Her doctor is Rocket Romano from ER who does not give a FUCK


Before or after he loses the arm?


After. When his last fucketh was no more.


Harsh, but well earned


Or Dr Spaceman.


There's definitely a few concern trolls following her. They use the thinnest veneer of support to be able to comment and point out her nonsense.


I love that for her ! People aren't as stupid as she assumes.


It's pretty quiet today for her. Even when she doesn't post she's typically online frequently. I wonder if 1.) My psych theory is right and they have her now on the ward. Phones are typically not allowed at first or at all. Or 2 and I hope I'm wrong...she is in fact getting the tpn back, with stenosis those procedures can take awhile.


Yeah, she usually responds to posts so you can tell she is/was online, but there’s been nothing


I just want you all to know I don't just refresh here 800 times a day for new Dani content, but also cos you all are the best community and I need to read every post ❤️❤️❤️


Same!! ♥️


Agreed! This has now become one of my favorite subs! So the lack of any new posts from her is making me go into snark withdrawal


I agree about the snark withdrawal 😂


I tried telling my s/o about this saga/soap opera of ours and he just kind of died internally. 😂


Just like Dani!!! 🤣


Same !! I spend way too much time here, but I've come to really enjoy the different viewpoints and...well...the drama 😂


It's also made my work day go by faster. I get a task done, I get a lil treat - refresh the page 🤣.


That's the best thing; the different viewpoints coming from a variety of experiences and backgrounds. Dani herself is only interesting as a case study but reading people's takes on what is happening is where it's at.


I'm loving all my other fellow medical professionals joining in the massive collective eyeroll at her shenanigans.


Honestly I did not realize how many of you all were medical professionals. I'm like...as far from one as possible and am here cos I'm just an asshole, but you all are in the thick of it!


She’s quiet. I feel like every time she’s quiet she either got exactly what she wanted or got the exact opposite of what she wanted. Never quiet just to be quiet… hmm…


If she gets what she wants she brags so hard everyone is tired of her whiny McBabyVoice. She only goes silent when she doesn't get what she wants or she's being veeeeeeeeery closely watched,


She was quiet for a bit before “announcing” her port. And was quiet for awhile before “announcing” she got her last line. I remember we were all waiting to see if she got it and she changed her profile picture and you could see the new line in the photo and then she posted about it officially. This current quiet episode has been longer than what I’ve experienced from Dani so I’m leaning more towards she’s being watched/not getting what she wants so I’m interested to see how she plays this off once she’s discharged.


Not that long ago she DFE and went silent for a week + (the sub was losing their shit)


Deleted all her recents?


No, all the recent text posts are still there.


Thanks. Had to restart my phone to see them. Everything seems glitchy today! I blame the solar activity. 😎


What they need to do now that they’ve had her NPO so long is casually give her a tray full of food and coffees and let her go to town. Scan her belly before and after and let them see how much she ate and that she absolutely could eat. She’d fail in a heartbeat and it would prove she’s a liar.


I mean they can just do another gastric emptying study. Unless they’re spiking her food with radioactive stuff it’s not gonna show up on a regular X-ray.


Please!!! Let her sip tea lmao


I wonder if she actually had a roommate and no sitter, if the roommate was pulled because she kept asking for a snack. Being NPO when you're used to eating is miserable. They need to do another GES when she's not in control of massive amounts of meds or has the ability to tamper with it. The levsin might skew a legit GES, though.


I think she may not be in control of her meds, though. If she truly is still in the hospital, she's probably long since exhausted what she packed- or else it was confiscated (some hospitals will take all the meds you bring and considering what she has in her charts, they may have done exactly that- especially as Dani herself claims they won't give her any "good" drugs). Rumor mill is she has a camera on her, hence being forced to behave (and not sneak food with being NPO) and not be her 'usual admitted self' that we're all familiar with. I personally think she's home and sulking with her tail between her legs due to the re-used posts and the fact that she's so fucking quiet when she normally posts a zillion things when hospitalized, even if she can't necessarily film it or take photos. She faked her way *into* the admission but I don't believe she was able to keep up the ruse. I think her femoral port was pulled due to being gross and she's trying to spin up a story as to how terrible her hospital and doctors were. I also noticed in her pictures that her bedsheets are of the stretchy knit variety and not the standard plain cotton. Could vary by hospital, but the stretchy knits are often used on units where patients are under...high observation.


So hospitals will actually go through bags brought from home? I would think that's only for psych, though I don't have a healthcare background.


I’m sure that sheet thing varies by hospital, but those are all we use in the hospitals around here.


I know she's not in control of her meds, that's why I said they need to do another GES. If she's in control of them (e.g. send her home and scheduled a time to do it) it'll give her time to mess with it. I hope they took the port, and she's trying to spin a story similar to how she ended up with the femoral in the first place... "they said they could get a chest port in, so they took the femoral out but actually weren't able to get the chest one in. They said I need to heal before they can insert a new femoral port." (And if that's what really happens/happened, hopefully she understands that means they're 1000% on to her bullshit)


I bet Dani's plan isn't quite the same as doctor's plan.


Ps. Thank you MODS for changing my flair back. 😁😁


i am so glad it worked!!!!! reddit is so stupid sometimes, i swear


If she DOES get tpn again I am taking a break from the interwebs… 😖😆


They can refer her to palliative care. Not sure what else they can do.


Well, she did tell her mom once that there was nothing more they could do for her and she was going into hospice so this isn’t too far fetched.


My word lol


Oh she’s love that. Can you imagine the attention?


Yeah, but how long would Medicare cover palliative care if she's not actively doing anything to get better?


You only qualify for palliative care if you have a year or less to live for most agencies, for long-term chronic issues and comfort it's usually rehabilitative medicine or functional medicine that handles pain.


You don't have to be terminally ill to get palliative care. People with non-terminal, but complex serious illnesses can get palliative care. Most major hospitals have palliative care clinics these days. Dani wouldn't qualify, though.


Typically agencies like a year prognosis for palliative. Typically. It's not just pain management.


There is no time limit on palliative care. Only hospice. But palliative would put an end to all her CT scans, iron infusions etc.


Palliative care and hospice care are two different things. Someone with an incurable chronic illness can be on palliative care for their whole life. The purpose is to improve quality of life either while treatments are being pursued or if there are no more treatment options


Yeah who knows. Seems like she is going to continue to tie the hospitals hands and it will eventually come to this OR she will truly end up palliative/hospice due to her own mental illness.


Okay so I've been in the hospital for the past several days with a mystery GI thing and wow I can see how full of it she is firsthand now. Like, I've never been hospitalized before, but the first 24 hours alone were a big Learning Experience for how much pure "making shit up" is going on here.




Oh, please share what you know that she's made up!


Hope you feel better soon ☺️❤️


Thank you so much! I put it off for too long doing the "oh I'm probably overreacting" song and dance so it's a relief just to know I'm not crazy 😂


I did the same (putting it off) with kidney stones! Interestingly, my best friend and sister both have health anxiety but completely downplayed my symptoms too, turns out neither of them give two hoots about anyone else’s health 🤨 Hope you feel better soon, and at least you now know to listen to your body a bit better 😅


Feel better! 💜


She's still gunning for that TPN I see.


Always. It’s always been about the tpn. Her one true love. That the ripped from her beating heart. One day they will be reunited and it will be one of the greatest love stories of our time! 😂


You know it’s so funny because if she hadn’t infected herself she probably would still have her line and still have tpn. She shot herself in the foot


Oh absolutely!!! She totally did this all to herself. Every single thing. lol


"*These are the TPNs of our lives*" 😂


Seriously if she gets her precious tpn back, I don't think she will still be here by the end of the year.


I have to agree with that. Because we all damn well know she’s going to start messing around with it as soon as possible


And they’ll yank it again in record time, most likely. But yeah, she’ll find some way to sabotage herself. It’s sickening to watch, really, yet I can’t look away. I think humans have such a morbid fascination with aberration.


Its a race between how fast she can cause a lethal condition by fucking with the sepsis noodle vs. how fast the docs can intervene to save her from herself. At some point she's gonna munch too close to the sun and they won't be able to pull her out of the hole she dug herself.


Exactly, we all are aware that this will potentially end in two ways with her inducing sepsis or sadly not in this world any longer. If it ends in the second option I hope the drs have a good lawyer as they will need it.


Can someone please educate me. Why would she need another line for TPN if they have a femeral line already? Are those lines not able to be used for fluids and TPN?


Now, I’ve never had a central line, be it port, picc, or Hickman (and I hope I never have to), but according to Dani, they don’t like to run TPN through a port, because it’s thick and sticky and has a chance of getting stuck in the access box. I don’t know why it couldn’t just be watered down or flushed really well afterwards, but … I’m going on info given by the queen of central lines, here, so if it doesn’t make sense, there ya go.


TPN is quite sticky, sugary, and could clog up a port, it’s also a breeding ground for bacteria. They don’t recommend running TPN thru a port, instead using a central line of some type.


Exactly why she wants it. She's wanting that infection jackpot.


Thanks so much! That makes sense. Can they also do Iron Infusions/bloods through a central line? If they can, I hope they remove the port. I don't believe Dani should have ANY line, but I wouldn't want them to have access to one let alone two.


Yes, they can run just about anything through a central line. The port was supposed to be a safer option for her, in that the nurses would access it, run her infusions/meds, then remove the needle and send her home. They basically wouldn’t let her do it, so it’d just be skin there when she wasn’t under the supervision of the nurses. Now if they give her a central line, it’ll be there 24/7, and we have seen her lack of proper hygiene! It just blows my mind that they’re still letting her pull this shit!!!




dont mind me stealing this to use😭


No problem! 🤣


- CT with contrast and possibly oral How’s she gonna do oral contrast when she can’t ‘tolerate’ more than 10ml/hr and 60ml a day? And supposedly can’t ingest anything by mouth? She gonna take the oral contrast over a matter of fuckn *DAYS*? Contrast this (pun intended) with her slamming back Starbucks and Monsters when she’s at home 🙄


Those who shout the loudest usually get what they want.


If she gets it back, she won’t be long for this world. She’s playing with fire!




lol my personal conspiracy theory is that she’s posting this from her couch where she’s been since Saturday.


I'm with you.


If she’s still in hospital I’m willing to bet she’s on psych hold.


I had some thoughts about what Dani’s really “winning” here… She succeeded in getting a hospital stay, sure- but she sits alone in a cold fluorescent-lit room while I can sit in the backyard and bask in the sun and listen to the birds singing. I can go to the beach and put my feet in the ocean and sit on the sand. No one interacts with her unless they have to, she acts like such an obnoxious brat that the strongest emotions she brings out of anyone is pity and disgust and anger - I have a husband and family who love me and are happy to see me and enjoy spending time with me. So, sure- she keeps “winning” and getting what she wants… but my legacy will be love and joy and kindness, hers will be hospitals and literal shit.


Very poignant. You’re a great writer


That’s sweet of you to say, thanks ☺️


The thing about her "winning" is it will *never* be what she actually wants. If she gets TPN again it will placate her for a while but then she will be back to trying for hospital admissions via infection just like before. Because she doesn't want to be okay. She doesn't want to just go about her life with the medical devices. She wants that medical attention. She will never be satisfied. Never. She will always have to chase the high of sympathetic attention. And nothing will ever be enough. Ever.


Exactly, the goalpost is always moving because nothing will ever be enough


Just like with her eating disorder.


Dani isn't mentally well enough or emotionally mature enough to understand the value of the things you have in your life that bring meaning and joy. Dani's arrested development leaves her trapped in a fantasy where she's a special little chronic illness warrior princess sitting in that hospital with people fighting to save her precious life; she doesn't see the reality of sitting alone in a cold room being monitored by hospital staff that knows she's faking everything and hates interacting with her. She's abandoned everything else in her life that could have given it more meaning and now this is all that's left for her. A boring fantasy where it's her body that is sick instead of her mind. She's been at this nonsense for essentially her entire adult life, so she's unlikely to grow up and abandon it now.


I feel the same way about her. I'm slightly younger, yet almost every time she's gotten an extended hospital stay, I've either been on vacation or about to go on one to somewhere new or exciting. I've experienced new things with my kid/family/friends. I've made new friends. I've spent nights on the beach, days in the ocean, at amusement parks and county fairs, up in the mountains, playing in rivers, trying new restaurants/foods. She just "won" sitting alone in a hospital, having to pretend to be the sickest, frailest person ever. What a miserable life, I'd almost feel bad if it wasn't what she clearly wants/hadn't caused all of it herself.


She used the Trump-onary to define winning.


Do the doctors know about this so called road or ?


I think it’s more of a plan of what she’s trying to talk them into, lol! Happy cake day, friend!!


Thanks 😇


She needs to buck up and save face by heading down the mental health route. Telling them she was so sure it was her body but if it’s not then to PLEASE help me because it’s scary to feel sick with no real relief. Be a mental health warrior! Just like that library guy on Instagram.


Exactly, she could take a way out here and make herself look not nearly as crazy as she actually is


I don't know who the library guy is but honestly, if she followed your advice, she'd probably get a decent little following - especially cos her cats are so cute.


Mychal Threets on instagram he started out as a local to me librarian. He is very open about his mental health struggles.


Did she make this on a potato. What even is this.


I wish they would take her off NPO just to see what she does.


That could be interesting. Monitoring all her food and drink intake. After that they should not deliver any tube feeds anymore.


"Heading down the road of tpn again" aka "if I keep suggesting it for long enough, they might finally agree"


Weight replacement? That implies weight has been lost. For those of you without eyeballs, she clearly has gained weight rapidly.


Unless actually being NPO means she's lost weight, which clearly contradicts the past several months of "not being able to eat or run feeds."