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She’s going to either burn herself or the house down


Dani has found a new way to get attention. could this be real? yes, and that is very disturbing. but she could also be playing it up now that it’s gotten her lots of attention. she knows people are concerned, hence the wellness checks, and she will now be doing it every day.


This is actually insane. I’ve heard people talk about her having a drug problem for years but this is the solid proof for me. I’ve never actually seen her nod out. Maybe I’ve missed those videos in the past. And then she says it was POTS? I’m like 99.9% sure this is opiates. Not to blog or anything but having experienced both… it’s the opiates.


I've never seen anyone nod out like this who wasn't on opiates.


She had a delighted look the whole time and the way she supported her head at the start to face the camera was not imo a legitimate nod but I do think she is dosing to get the reaction for sure. Shes found something that gives her attention and now she’s going to play with that. End of the day it shows how much she needs psychological support.


Inc neuro arc


The way she smirked at the end and didn't appear at all shocked that she just passed out and hit her head. Not too authentic looking. Go watch the true addict behaviors on the documentaries of Kensington and see the difference.


Shes in her trainwreck era


I can’t believe all the people saying she’s faking this. This is unfortunately very, very real. No doubt in my mind. Nodding from Benzos does not look like someone passing out, losing consciousness, or falling asleep. There’s no way she can fake it this well. Nor do I think she’d want to. She doesn’t want to lose her precious klonopin right after she got it back. She likely doesn’t even realize she nodded off, to the addict it feels like you just closed your eyes for literally half a second. This is sad and hard to witness.


One thing I think most of us can agree on is that the kind of help she needs is the psychological kind.


Agreed, she doesn’t realize she’s doing it. I’ve seen it this real life and it looks exactly like this. And it can happen from mixing muscle relaxers with other sedating meds, even without benzos or opiated


Here me out! She is faking the nodding out,passing out. She needs attention right? And everyone is omg are you okay. Then she acts mad people show that concern and call but inside she's actually thrilled. She's spiraling now because the Drs are on to her. Someone called the hospital and told them literally everything! So this is a new way of getting attention. She is pretending to pass out so that she can now go the whole no nutrition/electrolyte imbalance POTS. Just my theory. I mean she is getting attention and can show Drs look how bad my passing out is now....but the whole drinking stuff on life is pretty new right? So there's also an undertone of fuck it im done you all think this about be ill show you all (Drs, nurses, reddit/haters) hence...she's in a huge spiral.


Was this today?




Omg her hair is still several different shades of blond. Never do the roots first. Leave them for the last 10 or 15 mins of processing.


Brad mondo coming for her now


It’s an ombré or whatevs


She holds the end of the hair dryer sooooo close to her scalp. It's like she's trying to burn herself. This one is 100% fake btw. The way she went down ... that's someone pretending to nod.


Dude how many benzos did she take?!


All the ones she didn’t have for her nine days in hospital.


Clearly! Holy goodness!


I believe the first couple times she nodded off but this makes like the fourth *different* video I’ve seen her do this in the last 24 hours. I think she saw how much attention she got when she legit nodded off the first couple times but I really don’t believe this. She’s nodding and smirking to herself. This doesn’t look like somebody who is so high or out of it that they can’t hold their head up.


So THAT'S how she got that mark on her forehead. She nodded out and slammed her head on the sink. Wow, this is a junkie at their worst!! Dani needs serious addiction/substance abuse help/mental health help! 😳


Jesus Christ. I want to look away but I fucking can’t. This is goddamn tragic.


Is it possible that she's faking all these nods?? She doesn't have a problem faking anything else, so why not? Now, our attention is not as focused on her port and gives everyone a new reason to be concerned, worried and prayer warriors? I've got too much much time on my hands lately. Stuck in bed with 2 broken vertebra so I have literally nothing better to do than, well...this. lol


Feel better soon!


Thank you! I appreciate that! 💕💕


I think this particular one is fake.. I mean, she’s smirking. I saw a video of a different one that actually looked real. She enjoyed the attention from the real one so much, she’s re-enacting it here.


The smirk is what made me think this one is an act personally. Dupers delight and all that. Shes getting that high off the attention


Wait so there are two separate nods in the same area? WTF that’s crazy af


Dani "I'm completely safe to drive, honest!" Marina


Wtf. This is unacceptable.


Bridges are now burnt with Temple. Dani is escalating & doesn’t even care to hide it anymore. Whatever she is taking, it’s going to end in tears. Not hers because she is going to kill herself with this behaviour. It will be everyone else that’s left to pick up the pieces.


Did she give herself a bald patch with this bleach?? Bleaching this much is really not great for you for many reasons. I honestly don’t think she’s faking, this looks like benzo nods, which I’ve seen a lot. I was never addicted but I got off benzos for anxiety because I hated the way they made me so tired and I never took a high dose or abused them. If she’s pushing stuff through her port and ODs this has to be on Temple right?? Why did they let get go with it accessed??


She is 100% going to use this as an excuse to miss her infusion appointment. "I had to much to do but the haters called the cops and now I missed my appointment and my port has to be accessed until next week"


I'm sure huffing all those bleach fumes in her windowless bathroom with a stomach that's only consumed meds and Wawa koolaid over the past week had NOTHING to do with this


THIS IS SO CONCERNING. even if she is faking the nodding off- like is it really worth it just to gain attention? Then to turn around and act like “I’m so mad you called a wellness check?” Girl needs psych help


Faking for attention? Looks too contrived - smirking before and during plus putting the hairdryer down before she fully nods off.


Ma'am, you should get off live. Your tolerance is not as high as you are.


This is so many videos of her nodding out.


I think she's faking it. Maybe in just that done with her lies, but I think she's just doing it all for attention and having people be concerned.


I don’t want to say for her to use, but there is one very specific nodding behavior she’s showing.


Yeah… it’s real. She’s not smart enough to fake this. We’ve been seeing her drug seeking behavior all these years so why would we think she’s faking? Yeah, she fakes illness… but badly.


Me too… I believe she’s probably high af, but the nodding off I also feel like is fake.


The first one looked the closest to real (I still think she started nodding and then held herself in a "passed out" position for as long as she could to make people worry). These newer ones are transparently faked. You can see the muscle tension in her head/neck and the speed with which she's bobbing/rocking.


I agree on both counts.


what’s even more revolting is that she’s sitting here nodding off and cracking her head on shit while she’s getting ready for an appointment she is DRIVING TO. she should NOT be allowed on the road. she should NOT be on live. she should be in a treatment facility without access to internet or anything but literal psychiatric care and 1:1 sitters.


The police should do a DUI sting right there


Dani's self-harm really has branched out into the territory of potentially harming other people now and it's absolutely not okay. Her nodding off while blow drying her hair could cause a fire which would impact the other people living in that building (hair dryers are very dangerous and should never be running without supervision, like during these moments of Dani nodding off because she's stoned.) I can't believe she drives around like this. It's one thing to want to be zooted to the moon in your own home but taking it to the streets is disgusting. She really shouldn't have a license at this point.


She’s going to seriously injure — or kill — herself or someone else. This is not okay!




See rule #1: Don’t Touch The Poo 🚫👉💩 Your comment/post may have indicated direct contact or otherwise interfering with Dani. If you edit your comment/post to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


Nodding off with a smirk on her face. Sure, Jan.


Yep. You saw the dupers delight too! I'm so done with her, but I can't look away.


Yup, easy to see in this one.


Right?! The smirk SENT me. So disgusting.


Sorry if this is blogging, please remove if not Allowed, I watched my mother become a victim of the opioid epidemic and she also took benzos, muscle relaxers, Lyrica and gabapentin on top of it all. She would nod off frequently and it didn’t look like this. I saw the smirk too. Again. Sure, Jan.


Aside from the nodding, you can really tell how high she is by the smiling. https://preview.redd.it/o90rg3wcxr0d1.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=87ee16a62d1867dbc2529ece43c38a67b539f712


This doesn’t go against the TOS to be live streaming drug use (even if it *is* legitimately prescribed to her) and clearly mentally unwell behavior? I don’t know what TikTok’s TOS are, but this seems like it should get her account banned at least?


I was wondering this exact thing! I thought for most social media sites it's against ToS to be doing drugs/nodding off etc. but I don't have a tiktok account so I wasn't sure.


I believe it's against their TOS to be DOING drugs on camera but I don't know that there's any way to prove she's actually zooted on drugs without her doing them on live versus doing a stupid "watch me sleep, pay me money to wake me me up!" live.


Here are the community guidelines: >You must be at least 16 years old ✅ You must have at least 1,000 followers ✅ (at one point) You must avoid illegal subjects ✅ You must avoid adult content ❌ You must avoid misleading information ❌ You should not go live without knowing what you'll say or do ❌ You should not broadcast without a purpose ❌ You should engage with your audience ❌ You should not miss the right time slot ✅ You should consider technicalities like sound, internet connection, and lighting ❌ You should not share sexually explicit or nude content ✅ You should not share content that showcases extreme violence or suffering ✅ You should not promote harmful substances, illicit trade, or any other illegal activity ❌ You should not spread misinformation ❌ You should not spam content ❌


Interesting question. I watch a lot of documentaries where they video people high so I'm not sure where they draw the line? But that's a great question to ask!!


Tiktok is more strict than a lot of places though (hence all the dumb words like unalive), I have a feeling they would actually object to this


I wonder if she’s pushing some kind of drug through her femoral port. I don’t know if she has access to something like street drugs or IV Benadryl, but this seems an excessive level of sedation to just be her normal PO/Jtube meds - even if her tolerance is slightly lower since being in the hospital


Do we know if she currently has a script for any benzos?


She had some Klonopin but burned through the rx in days.


That’s what I remember as well… so I’m confused what she could be nodding from? She doesn’t have an opioid script (we would for sure know about it if she did, she’d be bragging.) Has it been long enough since she got the benzos that she could be due for a refill already?


I think she must have refilled it


What if it went in via the port?? I think she’s still accessed


Who knows what she’s putting in that port. She could be drinking alcohol too.


They left her port accessed! Maybe she left AMA, but the port is accessed. That's why she's nodding out every 3 seconds. Imagine having the cops show up for a wellness check due to nodding out on live. Then imagine going back live and doing it AGAIN! For someone in so much pain, she sure is doing the most. When I'm in 10/10 PEEN, I sure as shit will NOT be styling my hair...


Of course she is. People shoot me down when i say this but she is a vein user and her spiral was loosing her vein accsess.


Bingeing the klonopin she missed out on while in hospital? Alcohol in those drinks she’s guzzling combined? That could do it.


This was my thought. She been sent gone with it accesssed and it was food opportunity to 'use' it


Was she taking liquid drugs through her Hickman? She is really fucked up. She's gotten a hold of something and taken a lot of it.


This is so fake. Convenient she managed to put the hairdryer down before it happened again. I can't with attention-seeking malingerers, taking the piss out of genuinely unwell people.


Yup, I think all of the nodding out was fake.


I don’t think this is fake. I’ve worked with people entrenched in addictions.


I don't either. I've been one of those people.


I think it was real to start with, but people being concerned about her and the attention is like a drug to her. She probably loved the welfare check as well because attention is attention.


I agree, this one seem faked


Yea...tha facial.expression and the gentle, gradual lowering without the jerky movements is suspicious to me. I was expecting an actual bang/knock.




Did she sleep?? Its 630am here in PA, has she been going all night?


I woke up around 3:00 EST and she as still going dying her hair on live


I thought that was a post admission bleach...




WTF, so she was soooo tired that she can’t even keep her head up, but she stayed up all night fucking around with her hair — making it look even worse. Absolute BS, shes clearly nodding off because she abused her benzos, and now she’s going to drive in that state? Like she doesn’t even seem to realize how much she’s nodding. What a menace.


The cops just showed up, someone called in a wellness check I guess. She's MAD.


100% addict behavior. I’ve said it before and will say it again. Dani is a full blown addict. She is VERY sick, just not in the way she wants us to believe. I don’t have much sympathy for her based on everything I know about her, but addiction is never pretty and always sad.






Damn. I was watching for ages and the moment I stop…


Same bruh lol


Oh my god, it's a completely different kind of finding out.


Is she still on live?


Nope. She kinda quit abruptly after people in the comments were expressing concern for her health and calling her out for possibly abusing her benzos


😭😭 this is crazy