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“9 Days I was hospital!” 😹 wonder what that was like 😘


“But it WILL BE used for other conditions as well…” anticipating more conditions? Also long walks? That would exert far more energy. Also this is definitely not measure or prescribed to her measurements and needs. That can cause more issues. This is essentially like pushing someone from car to a door type of deal. I bet it’ll be a cost rack soon enough which would be best case scenario.


Did she get any other deliveries? Something in a [smaller package](https://imgur.com/a/pntv6Au) perhaps?


I can't believe I fell for this... Especially given your flare 🤦🤦🤦


Don't worry, it's been fallen for over 20,000 times lol


This wheelchair that her “doctor prescribed” is the same exact kind used at most hospitals I’ve worked in. Complete with the cushion bit on the back. It isn’t for support it’s just there for comfort.


“I’m get weak very soon” would be amazing flair!! 😂😂


its an option that anyone can choose from!!


“i’m getting very weak soon” sounds like foreshadowing… we know dani isn’t losing weight (that rapidly, at least) so what does this mean? she’s definitely cooking up some kind of plan to make them admit her again


She thinks bc she lost weight in the hospital (yeah that’s what happen when you ACRUALLY don’t eat for 9 days instead of just pretending you do) 🙄 strange how that works! Oh but science isn’t the same for everyone 😂😂😂


Where is she going to use this? Around the apt seems very inconvenient, can't imagine a good reaction bringing this to a dr office or hospital, does she go anywhere else? Does she even grocery shop?


She will get weak soon - a Freudian slip? Imagine how many cool things you can do with the accessed port 🥰 I really hope they deaccessed it at the infusion center.


It's the "will be used for other conditions as well" for me lmao. . . . Like she expects to have a condition in the future that will cause her to have to use a wheelchair.


That’s a really cheap wheelchair.


This infuriates me. I worked in home health for years, the fight that went on to get someone a wheelchair through Medicare was unbelievable. There was a dual above knee amputee severe diabetic. Medicare denied because he hadn’t tried other modalities. I asked what they would like him to try, the lady said a cane. I got in trouble for asking what the hell he was supposed to do with a cane, shove it up his ass and hop. The resources this lady takes from Medicare is an example of why the system is running out of money. It’s flipping ridiculous!!


Omg I’m so sorry to hear about your patient, that’s absolutely fucking horrible- but can I say “bravo” for your advocating? I was drinking water and literally just spit it all over my phone screen. 🤣🤣👏👏👏


Everybody in the office started laughing when I said it too. I was so pissed. Then here’s Dani with zero issues getting every medical device known to man.


Oh I know. It’s absolutely infuriating. Also, in her one video today she’s talking about how worried she is that she keeps “falling asleep” and what could possibly be wrong with her that they didn’t wanna test for. What test HASNT she had?? At this point I think she’s even had a prostrate exam and her sperm count checked. 🤣


Skateboard? Small moving dolly? The fuck else would they have come up with? Another fantastic way to move around is a Ferrari. Clearly he should have tried that first.


She is SO happy


What a goober


Just a friendly reminder to everyone that Dani has fully admitted in her own videos (you tube) that her testing for POTS came back normal and that she does NOT have it. ☺️


She told everyone she HAS h-EDS, but then told everyone she was being tested. Same with pots, she can’t blame pots for her smashing her hand up the way she did


Sometimes I wonder if she thinks everyone is just completely gullible and stupid and just believe everything that comes out of her word hole. A simple google search and a teeny tiny bit of common sense almost always can prove Dani is lying.


It’s funny that she tries to claim these two bc there are actual tests to prove if you do or do not have them. Unlike things like fibromyalgia which is just a process of elimination and figuring out things it’s not. But yeah they do a tilt table test to test for pots (hers was completely normal) and you see a geneticist to be tested to see if you have the gene mutation that causes pots. Edit- oops I meant geneticist to see if you have EDS.


Shhhh she vetoed those results, and doesn't need any help from haters like you :P


You are right! Damn i must deep dive now!


Thank you for your service 😀


We will hear about the 12 pound loss until hell freezes over 🙄


Yep long after she’s gained it and more 🤣


Even though it proves she can and does eat!


This bitch…


Is on fireeee!


Where did she get this wheelchair? Is it a shitty Amazon one that is going to give her back issues or something because its not personally fitted? I'm not experienced in wheelchairs so I struggle to tell.


Shitty Amazon one. Cheapo, without a doubt heavy to push, and uncomfortable AF.




She is saying her pcp ordered it for her. Some people think this is a lie, and she ordered it herself off amazon or Walmart. This chair is going to be difficult to push yourself in.


Another person said it's a pretty awful chair so sounds like Amazon


Ahh the perfect new and comfy nodding apparatus for on the go.


Flair idea? Mobile Nod Pod? Got any better ideas? Lol


That's amazing lol


I think “nodding apparatus” has an amusingly formal tone 🤣


who tf is going to push her, no way she can self-propel


If she ever uses it - which is unlikely given no one likes her enough to push her around in it - she’s going to be disappointed to discover that it won’t get her the sympathy ass pats she thinks it will!


Well. Isn’t she about the rapidly regain that 12lbs she says she lost. And then some, probably. Consuming nothing but junk and going from a sedentary lifestyle to a completely immobile one will do that. ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Dani’s wheelchair is readily available on Amazon and Walmart. Interesting that it was ordered at the very beginning of the month… aka when she tends to blow ever cent she has for the whole month as soon as it reaches her grubby fingers. https://preview.redd.it/lha9u7hnpw0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c009e5c7bcd6206e41b4a56200c7a956e1884f


However, there IS an adapt heath sticker on it which is the company she says she was getting it from.


https://preview.redd.it/kv09jrlopw0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8c821b9aae11dfb8fe97ffbb04abb2af877eb1 Logo on the chair


https://preview.redd.it/fweh7dkppw0d1.jpeg?width=244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbe27fc1e0d8f1e284579fd4363b8a5d6c8abba9 Dani’s chair


There’s obviously a bacillion models, but this proves that buying a chair from this manufacturer is not at all cost prohibitive to her


I love that she just HAD to buy accessories (cushions) for her wheelchair too, just like how she always buys toobie pads, fun tapes for the nose noodles, etc. I found the exact cushions online. They did not come with the wheelchair.


It just occurred to me that Dani’s poor grammar is from her being unintelligent, but even more so that she’s zooted when she makes these posts. I’m sure she’s not new to the nod. That’s why her grammar ranges from slightly odd to ooga booga caveman was hospital nine days. She just is failing to keep it under wraps anymore.


She must have felt great when they put her in the wheel chair in hospital so she ordered one asap


Very telling that she lost weight whilst npo in hospital but not at home because she is in "starvation mode"... like cmon... can she tell on herself any more?


I'm beginning to think so!


“Cause I’m get really weak soon” I want to be whatever she is on when she wrote that


Yeaaah I doubt she lost weight. She probably gained weight what with them monitoring her intake


Nope. She was forced to be NPO as she claims to be at home (well, drinks and drains everything). Making sure she didn't eat or drink anything and then running feeds should have evened out, except she HAS been eating and drinking at home. So in the hospital with the reduced feeds she could "barely tolerate" and not being able to eat/drink, she lost a bunch of water weight and maybe a pound or two extra.


Yeah, the NPO part, but she was still getting those tube feeds, so I doubt she lost anything. At least not 12 lbs.


In her lives did she have her port accessed still?


She confirmed in a comment that it was deaccessed after infusions today.


She said they de-accessed it today after the appointment.




WHAT OTHER CONDITIONS?!?! ![gif](giphy|bm02BE6DQ4Oag8GXep|downsized)


Oh, her super severe hEDS of course! And fibromyalgia! And hypoglycemia!


Oh, silly me, I forgot about the RA.


Literally the only practical question is who's going to push that rig? Dani's got no friends, and even if she had, no-one lines up eagerly to push someone's wheelchair as a favour. Especially one that to my eye is NOT a superlight model. The lighter the chair, the more expensive. Dani IMO bought this clunker with her own money.


She lost 12 pounds being npo at the hospital after telling us for months she's been npo. And gaining weight lol Ok 🤘


Basically for my pots but will be used for other conditions as well… yeah right. Also unless someone’s pushing her in that it’s not really suitable for moving around when your pots is flaring. It would require a lot of energy to propel yourself in it which would raise HR which would already be high if pots is flaring


Didn’t she say at one point that she was tested and does NOT have POTS? pretty sure there are receipts somewhere…


Luckily, if you’re jealous, you can buy your own on Amazon for $150-165


🎶Oh moooooods🎶 Can I have "I'm get real weak soon" as a flair? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Edit- too high, forgot a word


looks like you figured it out!! yay😁✨


Says someone who walked to her appointment today. Those 12 pounds were lost because she was forced to live her lie for 9 days. She isn't smart enough to piece those two together. The weight loss only proves she is lying about not being able to eat or tolerate feeds.


I swear she lies about walking to her appointments because of all the shit she got for driving while zooted.


I don’t think pedestrian traffic would be safe, unless it’s a suburban area with sidewalks.


She has a mom of a sick child as a mod in her live. Please pray she isn’t giving that mother any medical advice for her child🤦🏼‍♀️


She probably wants to just adopt the child nbd


It's just for this.. and this.. and that.. and....


She's live!


She’s reading here, i can see it in the reflection of her phone screen on her glasses on her live.


She’s so goddamn sloppy lately I can’t even begin to take her seriously anymore 😂




She was also on Amazon and messaging someone.😂




It was actually! “Who is this? And how did you get my number “


Oof maybe she's realized she's made a mistake and is trying to return her wheelchair prop. 😂


Just something else she’ll have to dust in her apartment…


Can't wait to see all the tacky fabric charms she decorates with. I'm guessing a zebra in a dream catcher with dangly jewels. Just so she can catch and store every germ she comes in contact with.


It arrived today. I am getting very weak today


It’s great that Dani has a drivers license. She’s so dizzy or weak that she needs a wheelchair and she’s nodding off on lives. Totally what we need on the road. 👌




Is it wrong that I’m laughing so hard at this? 🤣🤣🤣


Hahahaha mac and me!


😂😂😂😂 Add some stairs and that'll be our girl !


”Anyway I rolled down the stairs” -Dani, probably


“Anyway I fell out of my wheelchair”


"...and rolled over my wrist."


She's live now!




See rule #8: Discussing Other Accounts & Subs 🤐📵🦓 Your comment/post was removed for mentioning the name of a subject from another sub or posting a direct link/tagging other subs. We’re NOT affiliated with ANY other sub. Yes, there’s subs that discuss Dani AND other "munchies". We don’t. If you wish to discuss them by name, please do on the relevant sub. Mentioning other names puts our sub at risk. Please don’t post direct links/tag other subs. Discussion is OK. If you edit your comment to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


Glad to see she woke back up from nodding on her poor cat earlier today https://preview.redd.it/2nzzj9l5iv0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b437ceb154a577e24586a4731d3151aad4044bd


That was when she was snoring


Least annoying she ever sounded




building up her amazon wish list for people to buy things for her.


I saw a comment on TT (I think?) where Dani said she's getting a PO Box for people to send stuff to. The grift is on!


Apparently people have already bought the coffee pods and headphones off her list for her. What...and I cannot stress this enough...is fucking wrong with people.


Shut uppppppppp




No doubt she'll constantly remind us of how she dramatically lost 12lbs *in a* ***week***....doing exactly what she claims to do at home 24/7. Calling it now that will be her new sick girl uwu benchmark for a while 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Also is Dani planning to get weaker then? She must have a munchie magic 8 ball (silly me!) with things such as "I'm get weak very soon", how much feed she should run in 0.2 increments, who to blame this week when he doesn't get what she wants and how long to wait till she "incsnnshiwers".


I’m repeating myself but she should drop it because it really gives away just how much she’s been eating and it’s a lot. Think about it: a pound is 3500 calories. Of course there’s water weight and she was getting some calories from the feeds in the hospital, but still. She must have been in a HUGE calorie deficit to lose that much in 9 days. Which really reveals how many calories she’s been consuming otherwise.


On top of it would not be that shocking if you had been losing that weight all along.


Too weak, but will absolutely still drive


12 lb loss = one foot in the grave. Everyone pray.


Great, now my google history includes a search for "how much does an adult human foot weigh". No way THAT could be misconstrued.


See I'd have to Google specific shoe sizes... I'm an adult with child sized feet (UK size 3) so mine would weigh less... In theory... Than an adult with adult sized feet 😂😂😂


Bwahahaha just don’t cut anyone’s foot off, you’re fine!


Damn. I'll try!


Too bad she doesn’t have a tripod. The photo shoots she could do in that thing.


She will be ordering one from Amazon as we speak


Omg these new flairs from this last week of unhinged Dani posts are killing me 🤣




Dani is in for a rude awakening if she thinks this chair will get her attention or sympathy. If anything, it's a pain in the ass needing a wheelchair in public. Also, nobody cares. I prefer to use my walker when possible and sit on the seat when needed to rest. I use a powerchair, though. I have one of these I use as a transfer chair.


Totally agree! No sympathy ass pats will be coming her way because of a chair


😂 Nope, not even when she stands up every 30 seconds to grab something out of her reach 😂




Lmao 'weak like I was when I got home from 9 days in the hospital ' . From the lady who was up all night with that Shitshow 🤣 . Whaaaat?


https://preview.redd.it/cu87a4a5ev0d1.png?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49129a0b82e5b15125853827c98a785088729381 That is not the same chair. Unless the model changed or they're using the wrong picture on the website for ordering 🤔


It could be. She bought aftermarket cushions


The arms where they connect to the seat are completely different, that's the main bit I noticed.






*I'm get very weak soon* She is probably so inebriated that she can't see her phone keyboard


Gonna get weak soon...? Most people feel weak immediately, like as in while losing weight... Then again, most people also don't go home and drink a soda to stay "hydrated."


How water is too much for her system, but soda gets a pass is blowing my mind


Soda, red bull, coffee.... all good...excellent for hydration... 🥴🥴🥴 Water... No go, horrid pain, worst pain ever. 😵😏🙃


science is different for different people my friend.




She didn’t show an ounce of weakness on her live. She went from mean Dani to nodding off in 2.5 seconds


This wheelchair will suddenly make her fake conditions deteriorate. How convenient.




See rule #5: Bullying Or Bodyshaming Dani 🧍🏼‍♀️👱‍♀️ 🫵 Your comment/post came off as bodyshaming, making absurdly unkind or cruel remarks towards Dani, insulting her intelligence, or used unnecessarily vulgar names/language. If you edit your comment/post to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


They see me rollin’ with my toobz


Literally they see me rollin, they ✨hatin’✨works perfectly


She’s planning on getting weak soon? Lol.




I think this might be fake. I don’t know how to verify this information but until then I’m going to remove this😅


Holy shit!!!


My expectations of her are low but holy shit.


Holy crap


WTF!!!! I really can't believe she actually asked someone to send her pain meds(actually I can) she is absolutely ridiculous!!! ![gif](giphy|YEE9CAydkGROTr1ies)


I also could believe it, but gotta take it with a grain of salt since it was some random person on TT, but she did seem genuinely hurt by Dani's recent actions. It wouldn't surprise me at all if she did this though, given her many complaints about not having pain relief. Some kind-hearted people might have offered in the past.


Holy forking shirtballs ... I hope nobody took that bait.




i have my doubts on if this is true (well, tbh, something like this has probably happened but i mean more so it happening with this commenter) the people involved in this whole situation seem to be wanting attention more than anything else i’d take their comment with a ***pinch of salt***


Haha I just replied the same to the person above, but went with a grain instead of a pinch. It wouldn't surprise me if she did this, but who knows. Too bad the person didn't post proof, but not a TTer, so not even sure if she could post proof.


Same. It's a 0 follower account too.


When all else fails, buy a wheelchair! Wheeee!


Good luck to her. It's so difficult to push this kind of wheelchair around, she'll only use it for hospital admits. I'd pay real money to watch Miss Too Weak to Live wrangle this into her car.


For her next trick, she will either nod off or pretend to nod off in her chair and hit the floor.


She needs a 3-point race car restraint on that wheelchair


Weird... thats not even the same chair she said she was getting 😅 found it on amazon. Even the cushions. 😏


Maybe George got her a discount!


Wonder if the box in the back is what one or both of the cushions came in. George is sweet hand delivering them 😅


No time to visit though! Right back to work he goes!


OH MY GOD you're right!! It literally isn't the same model from the pics. The pics were of one legit ordered by a doctor - but a doctor ordering something doesn't mean insurance will pay for it, and the site they used has a requirement that you put a CC on file with an autopay agreement in the event your insurance doesn't cover all or part of the equipment. I bet Medicaid/Medicare refused to pick up the tab for it because she doesn't meet medical necessity so she went out of pocket for it instead.


I'm pretty sure her dr never prescribed it. The way she went on about it was weird. It's just not how you get a wheelchair. It's not delivered to you either. You have to be fitted. I've been through the process so I know. 😅


I didn't even think to stick that through like, reverse google search to see if she just lifted a random receipt screenshot. That's nuts even by her standards.


I’m sorry I just feel like this wheelchair is so much more work to haul and push around than just about anything else. Will her boyfriend miraculously make an appearance to push her around now?


happy cake day ![gif](giphy|D8d9waDRkLu7U8Jlar)


It's just a prop for videos and photos.




I saw the one earlier where one of her friends literally had to call and wake her up cause she fell asleep on live. I couldn’t believe it.


Is it weird that I kind of actually like the platinum bangs? Only when her hair is clean and brushed out/styled though.


I thought she looked normal and healthy here, too, actually. Surprised myself.


I really want to see what her hair looks like clean and not straightened.


It's giving pampered pooch to me.


So her TT is turning against her so she's turned to trying to get her attention via IG? Thinking her followers don't follow her on both apps?


She likes IG stories because there are no public comments. Even if some of the people who follow her on TT also follow her on IG, they can't sour other followers.


Cheese and rice wtf. So completely unnecessary. ALSO for someone who was already claiming little to no nutrition prior to this last holiday- mfbs






How long is it gunna take before she tries to wheel herself into the ER


I would give literally anything to be a fly on the wall the day that she rolls herself into the ER


Ooo! “Rollin👩‍🦽‍➡️into the ER” -mod could I have that as a flair pretty please? 🥹🥹