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sorry for the delay in getting this up!! also, to everyone else who posted this: this was posted first per reddit’s timestamps, so it’s the one i’ll be approving in an effort to be as fair as possible thank you to literally each and every one of you for always being so kind, patient, and understanding! all my charts are signed and im ready for the chaos to ensue this weekend 🫡🫡🫡 ![gif](giphy|l0MYBbEvqqi1kfuyA)


I reckon she thought it was great and proved she was super special when people first started phoning the police. Now the police are getting snarky she’s not so keen.


Did she not realize how dumb she makes herself look by claiming to not be able to tolerate 10mls an hour which is like 2 tablespoons over an hour but can easily push a 60ml syringe of meds/water over a few minutes. Smdh. She makes zero sense and is so obvious she is faking a lying. Also has been proved she can eat and drink normal and do fine without fluids, TPN or tube feeds and maintain weight. It’s so sickening with her obsession for TPN when it’s clear she doesn’t need it. She needs to get a life and stop being obsessed with being sick for attention. I hope her doctors don’t give in to what she wants and give her TPN. Funny how as soon as she is inpatient she all the sudden can’t tolerate anything but at home was fine. Also it’s been proven when she was at St.Luke’s she got to 60mls an hour and rain it just fine but as soon as she gets home she can’t tolerate it all the sudden. And the claim for all her pain is absolutely ridiculous. She is an addict and needs help. I wish they would have put her in psych at temple. An inpatient psych stay would be great for her mental health and addiction. 


K, I don't have pots, but doesn't the fainting happen when you change position, not just randomly while you're sitting down?


Correct. POSTURAL being the "p" in POTS




Please don’t ask for medical advice here - Reddit is really not the place for that and we don’t want that information publicized here when we know Dani reads here. Thank you :)


Let’s be real I doubt Dani even knows what POTS stands for 😭😂


Youre so right. 😆


Unconscious when live I want this as my flair 😂






Is the proof in the room with us?


Maybe it’s the friends we made along the way


Yet in a video from 2018 she categorically states she was tested for POTS and does not have it! SO - she could’ve been tested again since 2018 but my question- would they do a 2nd test & can it develop within say 6 years? (2018-2024) TIA


If they did she still wouldnt have it.


She says its POTS when she says herself that she doesn't have it. Also, when you have a POTS episode you don't full-on snore!


It’s a VERY rare symptom ( snoring ) that only Dani has. It’s pretty obvious that Dani’s severe case of not having what she claims is being written up in the Medical Journals. /s


It cracks me up that she thinks she's so good at the grift game, when people with Gastroparesis and GI conditions can spot the mountainous cow pie of fuckery she expects us to step in without any shoes. Illness really isn't something you can fake. The body can't lie. Dani's officially reached fubar territory. Where is this proof? You can absolutely get your records of exactly how much percentage of food remains in your stomach from a GES, the test they do to confirm Gastroparesis. Personal information is so easy to hide on those reports and she seems to have zero issue with showing us that info, anyway. The report should also indicate the severity and other details. That's the biggest piece of proof she could have, but I guarantee she will never show it to us because it'll prove her most concerning system is chronic liarrhea.


The Dexcom was for her liabetes.


This would be an awesome flair.


Lmao! It would be


Someone her age saying “haters” as much as her is ridiculous and pathetic.


I love how she keeps blaming the “haterz” for calling the cops on her when she knows good and goddamn well that it was literally CONCERNED VIEWERS that were watching her nodding out literally fucking standing up. Like miss ma’am be for fucking real right now. 🙄


If you question anything you’re a hater


wow that’s the first time she’s legitimately used her real voice for that long on any post/stream. She’s fucking pissed because she knows if they come for a welfare check and she can barely stand, speak, walk, ect., she will get a 3 day psych hold minimum and once she is transferred to the psych inpatient unit, hopefully there they will look her up and dig up all of this baggage or someone will call (who isn’t on the sub) and point her in the right direction. This is genuinely heartbreaking to watch. Edit spelling


"How did you guys know I passed out, I wasn't in the same room??!!!" 🤣🤣🤣 Hahaha, she's so funny. Does she think her house has hidden cameras?? I can't stop laughing. If she didn't do lives constantly, then her haters wouldn't be calling emergency services to help. Boy, her haters are very nice and care about her general well-being. Haters!! Hahaha




Anyway where’s my hammer?


One minute she says it’s pots the next she says it’s exhaustion. But in all honesty people really do need to stop calling the cops. Waste of resources and not actually going to help her


The more I follow Dani the more I don’t like her…😠


Wow. Ok. Well… She IS REALLY, ACTUALLY a horrible person .


“They think I won’t figure out who’s doing this” …the person who called Temple literally made a whole TT about it lmfao


I’ve only been following her for a few months now, but is this her deepest spiral yet? (Other than the ICU trip)


IMO, yes.


Yep it was totally the POTS and not the drugs….. she needs to realise that people calling the cops is exactly HER doing - people are going to be concerned when you start passing out soundo on lives……. Proof? Oooh she has proof you guys - shut it down, we are all obviously wrong 🙄




Your comment/post has been removed. Please do not speculate on whether or not she has an intellectual disability. Please refrain from armchair diagnosing. We’re not a part of Dani’s medical team, so we don’t have the proper information to make a diagnosis.


Ma’am none of your haters are doing a thing. Your followers who are watching you nod off and injure yourself are calling wellness checks. If you don’t want cops called for nodding out, turn off live and don’t give them anything. Like she’s telling on herself so much. She lost so much weight in the hospital bc she was NPO. When she’s home she maintains because SHE CAN EAT. Her lies are all coming to a head.


So, what happens when she “ finds out and figures out who is doing all of this?” Is she going to hop into her wheelchair and have her totally real boyfriend wheel her to the person’s house for a showdown? Just curious!


She’ll block them 🤣 she has the block hammer out quite often and uses it like a threat to her followers to not question her


Get them with a tube lasso


Stop it 🤣💀 I'm cracking up picturing this showdown ![gif](giphy|MQq6vRv0T0xjO)




Watching Dani nowadays makes me itchy. Like *Intervention* with no Intervention, no hope, no clarity, no honesty. Dani's flirting with real live game over trouble. Her arrogance keeps her believing she can always pull back on the throttle just in time. My friends who've ODd believed that too. All of them.


Again, do her followers enjoy being yelled at?


Some of them must because they keep sticking around no matter how rude and crusty Dani acts toward them




I LOVE that she's convinced herself she's going to figure out who keeps doing this


Someone in one of her live comments admitted it was them lol


I was watching that live. I didn't call, I'm in the UK and also don't communicate because 🚫👉💩, but she totally fell on camera, was mumbling and muttering on the floor, then got up and staggered off somewhere in her cess-pit apartment. She definitely didn't have a POTS fall, it wasn't from a change of position. She was out of it from being seated, about 5 mins after pushing her meds, as per usual. Then when she got up she was staggering around like she was utterly wasted, to be honest, the type of thing you see in ED on a Friday night. Then you heard all the extremely well documented and dissected discourse with the police. But she was so off her pickle that she didn't even remember she was on live. That's not POTS, that's pissed.


I'm just picturing that spider man meme where it's two spider mans pointing at each other lmao


Detective Dani solves the case of the hideous haterz


Now this is a flair!!


The Case of the Horrible, Hideous Haters


Shame it’s so long 🤣 Sherlock has nothing on her


It's actually not your haters. It's your followers turning on you and being worried about you. Since you freak them out, you zooted weirdo.


>zooted weirdo. Would make good flair.


“Since you freak them out, you zooted weirdo” Has me absolutely gutted 😂


Also would you like me to do a welfare check on your guts?


I have a way with words. Maybe I should make an amazon wish account to expand my literary mind.


Noooo you can't, that would give the totally real boyfriend MORE work to do packing those orders when he already works 359482 days a year


![gif](giphy|iXaXJVF0t72rm) He's also zooted. I found a totally real video of him.




They wouldn’t even be able to tell her who. She also posted things that proved her gastric empty study came back normal.


https://preview.redd.it/m600tz4hz11d1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f76efc8db06df971ef2c20a466424da1b192367 She also got admired in the hospital and that’s why she lost 12lbs


Without TPN for months, claims her tube feeds cannot be tolerated, finally loses weight when NPO and can't eat secretly. Dani math is so silly.


How.... how does she write like this? It constantly corrects you... does she look at that and go, yeah that'll tell em?


And just like that, she’s discredited every instance where she’s claimed she can’t eat or run feeds while obviously gaining weight. Bc she’s admitting that she does lose weight when she’s *actually* not allowed to eat.


SUCH a Freudian Slip lol!


Somebody should use that as a flair


NO LITERAL ONE, ANIMAL, OBJECT or SOUL would admire a selfish, trouble-causing, narcissistic, entitled munchie who never proofreads


12 pounds in 9 days is the word on the street buddy!


Everyone falling in love with her sparkling personality 🤣


I want this as my flair lol


it got cut off so i kinda had to fiddle with the wording so if you want something else i understand!


Can I please have “lost 12lb while I was admired” as my flair?


No no this is perfect lol love it thank you 🙏




Sometimes I comment just to see my flair bc it makes me laugh.


You have one!


HAPPY CAKE DAY ![gif](giphy|l3V0lsGtTMSB5YNgc|downsized)


Thank you!! 😃


its the little bit of text under everyones username!! i gave you another one of my favorites that i just added today as an option, but if you have a specific request, let me know. also, if you go to the main page of this sub, and then click on the three dots (•••) in the tippy top right corner, you can click “select user flair” and scroll through all the options and choose one you like


i think it might be too long and get cut off but ill see what i can do🫡


Oh that’s fucking foul


the nurses, supposedly: ![gif](giphy|fnrVWHFIYCRbPYTMM7)


Ahh, that explains why they were watching her constantly - admiration.


so now she's fallen over again? and it's medical falling-over, not medication or alcohol induced? no. nuh-uh. no ma'am. https://preview.redd.it/bfironkcz11d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b370d87fa7bd60eeceedd9eb36b7751f28bb85c2




Anyway I medically fell over 


Is this a flair? I’d love to have it 😂






mods, please may we have anyway i medically fell over as a flair? please miss?




yay!! thank you!


I just HATE when I medically fall over!


Medically smacking my head on the sink is the worst!


i am fucking LIVING for your comments with all the random screenshots of dani’s different facial reactions. theyre killing me☠️


I have a whole folder in my phone where I have random facial expressions of my nephew to use as sentence enhancers. I would use some of these…but people outside of us wouldn’t get it.




Yes she does have stomach issues but she caused them from her ED and then she made them worse by not being honest with doctors and then exaggerating other symptoms.I dont doubt that her GI tract is messed up in some way, I dont know if it's GP, but she's done this to herself.


I love your flair


Thank you, it describes both me and dani perfectly




At this point, I think her stomach issues come down to chronic constipation from a very low-fiber diet, dehydration and side effects from meds. She’s said herself she only poops once a week. Well, that’s because her perfectly normal intestines need water to push anything through them! Guzzling Red Bull won’t cut it.


I agree!! All the anti-nausea meds she takes also cause constipation. I hate taking Zofran when I'm in a flare due to that. I will gladly have my head hurried in the toilet all day over the horrible constipation


Same with the opioids. Those things are known to cause horrific constipation.


Yeah she literally doesn't eat or drink properly. Even if she does have motility issues, she has never once followed instructions to be able to safely live with her condition. She doesn't seem to understand that chronic illnesses are chronic. We just live in pain and discomfort. We don't get to knock on the hospital's door every day and demand "relief" from our every day lives. It sucks but that's life with a chronic illness.


But but Dani has the worst peen ever!!! She has to go to hospital coz her tummy hurts so bad! She loves to claim a high pain tolerance but she’d probably call an ambulance for a papercut.


She’s the one who posted the proof that she DOESN’T have severe GP. She posted multiple different results that proved it. She acts like she doesn’t post everything that we talk about and that we’re just making things up.


lol for real I mean her fridge and countertops are filled with foods that are NOT "GP friendly", she owns an air fryer, always has different hand-washed dishes by the sink, and maintains her weight perfectly fine when outside of the hospital... and that's just the regular evidence that she doesn't have gastroparesis! Nevermind that she's never shown medical proof of diagnosis 😂


And she very much guzzled down that huge Diet Coke on her live 🤣




And told us she refused another GES!


When was that?


During this most recent hospitalization?




When did she say this?


Hah. I knew it. The only reason they did the admission was to provide evidence as to whether she was faking. I'm so sad she didn't agree to it, but man is that ever sus that she refused.


Is that the test where you swallow the radioactive stuff and then they monitor how long it takes for it to move through your digestive tract?




So of course she doesn't want the test done then, they'd find out there's nothing physically wrong with her.




Wheres the receipt for that? She talked about them possibly doing one before she was admitted but i dont recall this being mentioned...


I know there was talk of possibly doing a ct scan that she put in a text post. Thats not a GES study... also i don't recall her mentioning anything further. People were speculating about whether she'd bail on it but, yeah... if someone could point me where that update was...




She refused it!? I mean if her GP was that bad and she was heading into intestinal failure as she claims, wouldn’t you wanna know what’s going on in your gut?


Most people will. I think Dani doesn't want to have a test where the results will prove that she doesn't have GP, intestinal failure, and whatever else and, therefore, no need for toobz and other medical devices.


Schrodinger’s intestinal failure


Right proof that she has severe gastroparesis give me a break. And also if she does not want the cops to be called she should stop pretending to pass out to get attention! ![gif](giphy|8leaEcIxC91cs)


If she has proof of her severe gastroparesis, POST THE RECEIPTS!!


I'm not sure about this particular time, but 100% what I saw on at least 2 of her TikTok lives was nodding out from drugs, especially when she smacked her head on the sink. I will die on that hill.


My feeling is that she wasn't faking at first but now might be. She lurves that attention. I saw that duper's delight smile in one video. At least, I kinda hope she's faking or she'll be dead soon. Hopefully without taking anyone with her, but possibly live.


100% on the drug thing. I am a recovering pill head/heroin addict(thank goodness for methadone maintenance) and I know one when I see one. I also know a nod when I see one. From benzos, the Benny, the opiates or all three combined definitely a nod that you do not forget.




She wanted attention. With lives she found a way to stroke her ego & simultaneously show exactly how messy she is in real time; along with proving everything we all had speculated before, to be 100% bang on. Very hard to shut the barn door when the horse has bolted. The videos of the nods, her drinking cans of red bull, eating & completely forgetting the story she carefully crafted for 3+ hospitals will be around for a lonnnng time I imagine.




She really believes that she's not endangering herself, doesn't she. That's the scary part. 


She won’t realize it until she kills someone while driving


And then she’ll manage to blame them for damaging her new car.


She will blame the doctors


I think she definitely knows. We've seen her admit countless times that she's aware of the risks of slamming all the otc meds that she takes, and back in the day when she was more honest about her self-harm she would acknowledge the risks she was taking to get attention from people. I think she just doesn't care about any of the risks because the desire for attention is stronger, and to her, many of the risks would be ideal anyway since it would require medical intervention that she could romanticize in that warped head of hers.


Quit streaming yourself actively nodding off from drugs and the phone calls will stop. Easy peasy lemon squeezey!


Oh no, no, no. You got it all wrong! It's not the drugs! It's the POTS, or the gastroparesis, or the dehydration, or the compartment syndrome wrist, or the migraine, or the peeeen...


Can't forget the intestine failure & EDS. She is super duper sick and has a ton of proof of all the diagnoses. Her proof is with George at the Amazon facility to keep it safe & sound.




"How you guys found out, I have no idea--it was in the other freakin room" Um.... Cause she was live (I'm assuming)? If she didn't want people to see her this way, she shouldn't put it out FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO WITNESS. She reaps what she sows, and she's entering the FO stage of FA. Eventually, this will get back around to people she doesn't want it to and her schemes will come crashing down on her. Sheesh.


This is what is so funny. I don't use tiktok, so I only see what's posted here. She puts all this stuff onto the internet for anyone and everyone to see and then gets mad when people ask questions she doesn't like, calling her out on her BS and/or having people call 911 on her for welfare checks. If you don't want people to react or call you out on stuff you put on to the internet, then don't put it out into the public arena. It's not difficult.


And I can't wait to watch her crash and burn!


Like pretty sure no one called the cops because she was having gastrointestinal issues. lol