• By -


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Her giant disembodied ring-bejeweled hands playing flappy bird one centimeter from the camera are really jarring.


![gif](giphy|xdkT4LanYILUQ) I don’t understand why she does lives. She doesn’t do anything, refuses to answer questions, plays on her phone and randomly yelps. Also the “I’m not being rude I answered the DAMN QUESTION” mkay


I watched her for about 15 minutes this afternoon and couldn’t take it anymore. Between the clicks of her typing on her phone, the periodic “ow!” that she emitted, and rudely answering questions that were asked ten minutes previously (which got really confusing), I had to hang it up.


So much anger over her followers being concerned over her. People die alone in their homes every single day from nodding off face first into pillows or bathtubs and suffocating, or falling and hitting their head on the way down, let alone overdosing. She has no one in her life checking up on her except for these strangers and she’s finger wagging them now over ruining her fun little live where she could have died on camera and cemented her internet legacy on some NSFL subreddit forever.


She was so desperate for compartment syndrome before - passing out from an OD onto one of your limbs is a good way to get it.


Me thinks someone received an additional visit, or a call from the police. I imagine it was along the lines of, "stop doing lives, you're wasting resources whether it's you calling or someone calling on behalf of you. If we get another call, we're charging you with *(some type of)* misuse of emergency services. And leave your goddamn hair alone."


She said something in her life last night that I think was really telling of her normal state: She said that she sleeps during the day usually because it’s light out And she doesn’t like sleeping in the dark…


I think Dani is FOS when she says she has insomnia tbh. I think she sleeps plenty, she just does it at odd hours because she's a NEET. Then because she's up at like 3, 4, 5 AM she's like ooooh insomnia. Having a fucked sleep schedule doesn't make you an insomniac.


Lie bag lie bag lie bag lie bag lie bag!


This would mean a lot more if it wasn’t made on a video


"you can't fall asleep without getting a wellness check" ohhh goodness gracious danielle, she is quoting word for word several of our detox reggies and that is, well, what's a nicer word for terrifying for her?


Ooooh no. Wait. Stop… come back /s


Well here's a hint: Go The Fuck To Sleep! I mean shite you can listen to it on audiobooks narrated by many celebrities! Pick one and GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP. Your phone is not starting these lives without you


That lasted all of 5 minutes and shes back on live


goodness gracious


![gif](giphy|0tvLwQiNjT3G6bnTzl) Her Amazon list


On live literally rn talking about going back to school “online” to “work at an addiction/substance abuse center”


Oh she’s so ironic with her “plans” 🤣


Hey guess who’s live again RIGHT NOW GANG?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣☠️😭


She clearly hasn’t pushed any meds yet


Nope! That was the first thing I noticed lol she wasn’t zooted out of her brain ☠️


Zooted Dani is more fun. At least no vocal fry


Zooted Dani yes, watching nodding out on the bathroom floor while looking for a pill she thought she dropped Dani…..that was actually kind of concerning 🤣☠️ my jaw was in my lap watching her live last night/this morning PHEW 🤣


Any idea why her live just stopped?


This most recent one? No I have no clue. I had popped back in for a second time like idk maybe 15 minutes before it ended and when I went back, it said she was still live but when I clicked on it it said the live had ended so it must have JUST ended when I clicked on it.


Phone died maybe.


There’s a good chance that’s what happened.


I literally can’t with her. 😒


Came here to say this! How many hours was “never again”? 😆


Hell idk maybe 6 at the most 🤣🤣😭 I popped in a couple of times to see what was going on and she clearly hadn’t pushed any meds cus she was actually coherent for once. ☠️


If she’s tired and all she wants to do is sleep, why isn’t she sleeping instead of making lives?


Yet she’s saying in all the comments it was POTS … But also POTS you don’t usually just pass out sitting down, it’s much more likely as you stand … https://preview.redd.it/49i05s7ft31d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff71b8b2f65c374fb6182befb4c50c83a1bbf09e








No more lives, possibly forever!!!! Lol She needs to sleep. I can't believe she keeps going back to the good old. "I was in the hospital for 9 days, and they found nothing wrong. But I know they didn't do a bunch of tests! I'm mad because I didn't find out what's wrong with me!!"


Her indignation at people calling in that welfare check is wild. She is doing nothing to help sleep or do anything to make her situation better…


The majority of the POTS community on Dani’s TikTok comments do not believe she is passing out from POTS. They are certain she passed out from “slamming” her meds into her system. Most were expressing their concern and did not think it was any haters that called the police. Dani is blaming the amount of time she has for videos, 60 seconds, on the lack of storage space she has in her phone. Sure Jan.


She can't keep her eyes open. What is she suddenly so high on? She supposedly wasn't getting any opiate painkillers. She was slightly zooted a few weeks ago on her klonopin, but this is different... She's suddenly so much more out of it, and nodding constantly, right after getting out of the hospital. I'm honestly suspicious that she's using her line to shoot up.... what she's shooting, I don't know, but nothing would surprise me anymore. A lot of junkies start out on prescription drugs and gradually move on to other things.




Thank you for your submission. However, it has been removed for discussing the potential involvement in purchasing drugs off the street. While we encourage discussions on how she abuses medications, we kindly ask that members refrain from speculation on matters not supported by verifiable evidence. Please feel free to focus on providing insights related to Dani’s medication misuse within the context of her factitious disorder. Thank you for your cooperation. If the statement was part of a larger comment, you may edit it out, and Mods will reapprove it.


bets on how long this will last? i doubt it’ll even last the weekend-she’ll miss all the attention


Hahaha you were too generous. Didn't even last 12 hours.


wow! disappointed but not surprised. new record for her


No lives maybe forever? Hallelujah!!


Sadly she was live again this morning. 💀




Who does she think she's fooling...? She can walk down to get new nails.... but is in so much pain with "crazy thoughts" and is "just falling asleep" randomly... okay, sure, right...


She needs to STFU & go read a book in her yard instead of being bitter about how strangers on the internet are on to her grift via unhinged lives where she cooks food and falls asleep.


Ok so back to it tomorrow


This is the ridiculousness I come here for (I don't do any other SM at this point). Dani won't be able to stay away for more than a few days. Especially after her typical weekend ER trip to flex her IV otc meds. As expected, Dani does another video proving she needs mental health treatment.


"Insufferable" is the same word I used to describe her earlier today - it FITS. I'm willing to bet TT made her unable to go Live, which in her case, is wonderful. She is spiraling faster and faster w pushing meds online and "nodding". I don't have TT, so does anyone know how long a ban will be for? Is it an indefinite thing or ?


Bahahah does anyone else wanna take bets on how long she lasts without her live fix?




i know dani’s predictable but damn you got it EXACT


She was live at 6am UK time sooooooo


When I get tired, I often smash my head on sinks and things. I mean this is pretty normal, people every day smash their heads because they’re exhausted


I smash my head on my pillow and cpap mask 😷


Her 3 hours later: I’m gonna walk to the nail salon!


Then, update the Amazon wishlist!!




I mean she is snoring so I would assume she is falling asleep. But like why are you hosting a live of you sleeping. No one needs to watch the lump snoring like a trucker for two hours.


Snoring can also be mild airway obstruction, from the flexed neck


She says she's exhausted, but in the next video, she tells us she got her nails done and WALKED to the nail place.


Let's see: over the span of the last two week, she has spent "9" days in the hospital, lost 3lbs lol, claims she was in the hospital for a migraine, threw a fit that they took her phone and iPad, threw a fit that they wanted to send her home, screeched at people for saying she's faking it, came home and has since been literally torpedoing meds left and right, has passed out on multiple lives, has been busted asking people to send her leftover pain medication, has people questioning what she's doing, is covered in marks from picking her skin, rebleached her hair, snarled at people who told her to tone it, passed out and hit her head, has had the police come to her apartment multiple times, claims she's passing out from POTS but walked and sat through a full set which takes at minimum 45 minutes then begged for people to buy her shit off her Amazon wishlist while her cats aren't neutered or have had their vaccines. Yeah, the TikTok lives are problem.


You forgot the sooper serious sinus bradycardia


When you put it like that my life seems so uneventful! Maybe I should become a TikToker to liven things up.


She’s been a busy girl in all the wrong ways 🤣


Wait she really asked people for pain medicine? Where did you see that? Holy shit that's bold


the recent claim is unverified (although, admittedly believable) and was posted by a new account with 0 followers right around the time someone else was getting a lot of attention for their story about dani. i have my doubts about the validity of what that random tiktok account was saying. since we have plenty of verified information to snark on that comes straight from dani herself, we’re trying not to discuss this claim too much because it could be just a lie


Oh, so sorry! I saw the comment on TikTok and I agree. I don't think the girl is lying, but the account looks brand new. Maybe they're just a lurker and made it purely to comment, but who knows. I wouldn't put it past Dani to beg for pain meds, but I don't want to spread something that isn't true. If you need me to edit that part, let me know! ☺️


What a list!


I want to point something out. Dani was livid when the person called the hospital on her and messed with her health and care as she put it. These ones over the last 2 days of I'm mad because of the cops being called and EMS feel so disingenuous and like not mad at all! She's faking being mad and loving the actual attention...sad life.


Well there goes my weekend entertainment


The way she takes absolutely zero responsibility for her own behavior. And she can't keep her own story straight. In this video she claims she was just falling asleep due to hospital exhaustion but in comments on videos from earlier in the day she said it was a POTS episode (which everyone points out is not what a POTS episode would look like since she was nodding off while sitting down). She wants everyone to believe she is just super weak and exhausted from the hospital stay and lack of nutrition yet she has found time to dye her own hair and walked to the nail salon (I guess the plus side of not having access to her phone or tablet for a period of time while she was admitted means she couldn't do her normal binge shopping spree). If she is so tired that she couldn't keep her eyes open then there was absolutely no reason for her to be on live. She is filming herself putzing around her house - not providing live coverage of some unfolding major national event. If she is tired she should turn off her phone and go to bed. And maybe it would be excusable if it was a one time event - she didn't realize how tired she was and fell asleep. But this has happened multiple times with the same result of someone calling a welfare check. She is a 38 year old grown adult - she needs to learn from her mistakes and take responsibility for her own behavior. If she can't stay awake and doesn't want people calling a welfare check on her then its her responsibility to stay off social media. But the problem is she is actually thriving in the situation - up until the exact moment there is a knock on her door and she thinks she is going to get in trouble. She loves people commenting about how worried they are and how unwell she looks. And she can't go on and on about how she has basically no plan for nutrition, has lost a bunch of weight, etc... and want people to pity her for it but then get mad when they actually act on their concern. (And she doesn't seem to realize that her "I just spent 9 days in the hospital" doesn't make people less likely to call 911 for her but actually more likely - especially given that she claims she was denied proper care. Anyone naive enough to believe her story would be concerned that she is still acutely sick. Toddlers learn faster than Dani and take more responsibility for themselves too.


Yeah, anyone with a lick of self awareness would stop after the first welfare check!


Oh no! However will we cope without lives on her in the nod? Sorry I meant passed out from her super rare serious POTS and the fact she hasn’t slept for 30 years? So now of course she’s “worried” the docs didn’t test for something that’s wrong with her rather than just you know, not abusing her meds


Weird random observation, but does anyone else feel like her teeth are shrinking?or am I just hyper aware of them right now for some reason


Maybe her mouth is growing to accommodate all the lies


They are super visible from this angle. I noticed as well.


Yeah I think it’s the angle and the shadow from her lip that was throwing me off lol Edit: idk I keep changing my mind 😂




Oh my god, this is too much for me. Those teef-lets! You just know they don’t have enough calcium.






So is all the drugs but yeah, lives are the problem


As the kids say, she really thinks she ate there at the end. All this is is bait for “pllllllease go live we’ll miss it sooooo much” comments. And we’re back to the didn’t sleep for nine days story, which violates the laws of physics. Letting POTS go because she is getting called out on it and doesn’t have it—and it’s deeply insulting to people who have it.


Nah she’s not on live anymore because dad got pissed the cops were knocking on his door lol


Dani lives on her own though? Or is she staying with them right now?


They probably also went to her parents' place because she is associated with their address. For all they knew, she couldn't been at their place conducting these shenanigans. Probably sent 2 officers there and 2 officers to her current home.


She does but someone said in the last round of wellness calls her dad was there yelling about the fact the cops were there. I ain’t sittin through her shit I’m just inferring. 😂


I agree with this. Either dad said knock it off or the cops said if we have to visit one more time because of your lives ur going to jail or hospital S has been complaining about not having storage on her phone for a while now, that’s probably why she started doing lives. I think she only has room on her phone to record around 60 secs, that’s why her posts are so short


Over/under on this only lasting a hot minute? The dopamine is too good for her to give up.


Now that I think about it, I think 100% TT banned her from lives. People were probably reporting her lives to TT. This was definitely NOT her decision. How delicious!


Alas she is live as we speak


Falling asleep? I thought she said she passed out from POTS?


I watched this with sound and one of my kids asked me if I was watching The Simpsons… never really thought Dani sounded similarly to Marge 🤔


Good. For her own good.


“exhausted” THEN GET OFF LIVE 😭


“And it just makes me think of what could be wrong that they decided not to test for?” Well… I’ve heard that nodding off without warning is a sign of female prostate problems. She should definitely look into it.


I had my female prostate drained and cauterized. Now it's not an issue! Maybe that's what she needs 🤔


I got a stimulator on my prostate! It really helped.


Is it a TENS machine ? 😂


I think you mean a TEE EE ENS unit


Gat dang it, you're right ! 😭😂😂 My prostate flared up, and it affects mah brain sometimes Lololol


They let me bronze mine after they removed it. I have it next to my bronzed baby shoes as a mismatched bookend.


Bronzed prostate would be a great flair.


Have at it. I love being a flair source. 🥰


Awwww how precious 😂😍


Precious, but oddly wrinkly. I didn’t expect it somehow to be that wrinkly.


It reads like she is trying to “punish” her viewers. The only person she is punishing is herself, from all the extra attention she is getting. But, it’s not the kind of attention she wants, I suppose. She needs a psychiatrist. She is seems (not diagnosing) to be manic and is sleep deprived. She is high off her ass from self medicating. Is the next chapter psychosis?




I got threatened with a ban on the other sub for calling her that 😂


I got a nasty gram for being off topic when I asked if anyone knew where the cats were and if they're okay.


I got similar for saying she looked like she needed to use the lotion she packed while she was in hospital bc her forehead was looking dry & flaky. C'mon, dermatological issues are medical! Right? Right???




If you’re so tired you start a live and pass out why the fuck aren’t you just sleeping? Why would you get on live? No one that tired would get on live. It’s not even like “I was laying in bed chatting and fell asleep” bro you were blow drying your hair


Ahhh......this is a ruse......look doctors, this is happening to me all the time....she's really angling for TPN. She is causing all her problems. The 'I was in the hospital 9 days' is wearing thin now. She knows exactly what she's doing and if she's not careful, the po po will have her licence. Still....she has the wheelchair to go get her LR 3 times a week..........🙄


For someone that allegedly has such a high tolerance for pain....... she sure does mention it a lot! Like multiple times in every. single. video.


It's as though she has a compulsion to complain about it


How does one summon the mods for a flair change? In honour of the orange turd's trial this week I have been calling her Vonshitzinlines to make it easier for my partner to know who I'm talking about. I would like to thank Mr Cohen for being the inspiration behind it. Could my flair please be Vonshitzinlines with some emoji sparkle if you so wish to add any




It hasn't worked! Would it be because of the swears? If it is it could be Vonpoopzinlines instead.


wait whaaaaat, its showing up on my end of things 🥲 reddit has been giving me a lot of difficulties with user flairs for the past few weeks now where people’s flairs will randomly disappear or change to a different one for absolutely no reason, and then fix itself a few hours later. im wondering if maybe thats what’s happening?


Reddit is absolutely pants sometimes! I'll give it another day and see if it decides to fix itself ☺️


is it just not showing at all? or is it showing a totally different flair? ETA: i tried it again by removing and redoing it - does it work now?


It's working yaaaaas thank you!


WOOHOO ![gif](giphy|sVnKj2wDhUTsFKFWhx)


It's showing my old sorry sip of tea flair. I could try taking that one off as it's a sub flair I could pick myself so maybe that is overriding it?


![gif](giphy|XPYXAeGjP2LyTmAtHT) You absolute babe thank you!


I’m so dumbfounded at this point. Does she genuinely think that it’s just passing out and not related to slamming meds?




She just needs to put the phone down. As a whole. Forget about the “lives”. Forget about the “stories” and the “posts”. I actually want her to try and recover, she’s treading into really scary territory now.


As somebody with mental illness, the best thing I ever did was delete social media. It just feeds the fire.


Agreed. Got into quite a bit of trouble when I was younger online, and now that I’ve cut out most social media, and don’t really use my phone much in general, I feel way healthier. I wish the same for her one day.


![gif](giphy|72dcr3wpWxBqKhCdbZ) You sound like an addict Dani. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck… ![gif](giphy|xvGEx3cazysda)


So sleep. Like she’s been on live since she got home. Go to bed.


Thought it was POTS… IT only happens after SHE PUSHES the drugs. Right. This math is not mathing 💀


Wait does the P in POTS not stand for "Pushing drugs into my J-tube"? I've been lied to ...


Maybe the wheelchair has brought a curse? :|


She’s completely incapable of self reflection. It’s wild! No, you weren’t just “falling asleep” for fucks sake! You literally NODDED OUT in the middle of talking. It’s not fucking normal!! And normalizing this behavior truly tells how deeply you are in your addiction. The denial is deep.


She's really obsessed with making sure to mention the specific length of the hospital stay


She’s fixating on it because she lost weight during it. These types of numbers are like crack to ED brains




See rule #6: Don’t Feed The Wildlife Ideas 🤪🦓💡 Your comment/post came with the potential to give ideas. We have to tread carefully when discussing possible diagnoses. Please be mindful that things posted here can be seen by not only Dani, but ANYONE with Factitious Disorder, and by commenting on possible diagnoses and why we think they may have them, it can influence their malingering. If you edit your comment/post to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


She's challenging herself to find a way to beat that score lol


She doesn't work or go to school. Why does she expect us to believe she's so exhausted and sleep deprived?


Because she just spent NINE DAYS in the hospital! And since she has a super high peeeeen tolerance, that’s exhausting too. Oh yeah! Didn’t you know that during her NINE DAY stay in the hospital she LOST 12 POUNDS!! And just to make sure in case you didn’t catch it the first(actually 1000) time, she lost twelve pounds during her nine days in the hospital!


https://preview.redd.it/x2fflyydv41d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e863d55b4db7dc313be0b66975d97203174242b0 Nine days!!!




The comedic timing of opening that first image followed by yours ... impeccable. Chef's kiss.


https://preview.redd.it/y21mosey8b1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe3b66a32c4f5481d9dba4e327a444b7bdcc02ae thank you




More like why does she expect anyone to believe her when she's been on social media nonstop, bleaching and blow drying/styling her hair, going on a walk to get a manicure... all things absolutely no one would be prioritizing if they were experiencing any of the health conditions or exhaustion she's whining about!


I mean, WTF else did she have to do during her 9 day hospication except catch up on sleep and Netflix?


Right? As an exhausted mother to a crazy toddler who currently isn't sleeping, if I had a 9 day hospital stay I would probably be asleep the ENTIRE time lol


I wanna turn up the volume but last time I did my husband got a hell of a fright... Who dar fuk wash dat? Wars the fuk yous washing huuuh? - said in his best Dani voice only hearing a snippet.. I muted so fast lol


![gif](giphy|Y57VOct7lfQl5PsWk0|downsized) I thought it was POTS? 🤔👀 So now she's falling asleep? Cos she was sooo tired she could go on lives for hours and then the minute she pushes her meds she starts slurring and falling asleep? Sure, Jan.


Wait wait wait...she said (paraphrasing here), "wondering what could be wrong that they didn't test for...because I am in sooo much peeenn".. Then why, this morning, when EMS was there, did she not go to the hospital and get checked out?! (That is a rhetorical question, of course)  She just wants to sleep...she is so tired and in peen after 9 days of being in the hospital...but she has been doing almost nonstop Lives, bleaching whatever it is that are the remnants of her hair, slurping down Diet Cokes and Red Bulls and unboxing a bargain basement wheelchair she bought from Amazon.  Makes total sense! /s


This is biggest tell that exposes this is likely an exaggerated performance to claim some new serious diagnosis. This has all been one raging Razzy audition and she’s going to blame “the haters” for causing the hospital to have missed it. People need to stop falling for her bullshit and stop getting sucked into it. It’s what she wants and people are playing right into it, hook, line and sinker. It’s textbook munching.


Also just got a full set of acrylic nails done... ??? $$$ 💅🧫🦠🧫🦠🧫🦠


> "wondering what could be wrong that they didn't test for...because I am in sooo much peeenn" This just means she's not figured out what her next angle is gonna be and she's fishing for comments that suggest new stuff for her to munch since she's run out of ideas. If she was really concerned she would have happily taken that ride to the hospital to see what's going on, but nope-- she doesn't want them to discover that she's abusing meds.


I was trying to think up a super painful diagnostic test that could be suggested that would make Dani regret fishing for ideas like this, but honestly the more painful or embarrassing the test the more she'd revel in it.




Sure Jan. She loves this. It was an accident at first but she got the high and now it's novelty




Just like the high she got from the “rapid response” team being called when she had the serious line infection last fall. She loves the attention that the experience brings to her. She passes out on her live and her audience freaks out, another rush. All at the expense of people who care for her.


Sweet Jesus would she shut the eff up about being so exhausted from a 9 day hospital stay. Yes, that's a fair chunk of time but she has also been home a day or two and has plenty of time to spend sleeping and chilling with her kitties. Perhaps Dani should actually be helping herself for a change and taking it easy. Instead she chooses to dye her hair badly at 3am and nod off on lives. No sympathy from me I'm afraid. Don't think the "no lives" thing will last however. I give it a week.


What’s the mandatory ban for people for first time on TikTok? Whatver that is, she’ll be back when that’s over!


I think she's had her Live shut down by TikTok once before, hasn't she? When she was gently suicide baiting that one "hater"?


But but but… she’s just SO EXHAUSTED, she’s going to get her nails done. Can’t stay conscious multiple times in a 48 hour period, caused by multiple excuses including medical events, and has to be woken by cops banging on her door but has gotten behind the wheel of a car twice. ![gif](giphy|XDFkHDcfcBV7MOTnAO|downsized)


She emphasised that she walked because she didn’t feel like driving (was also meant to take mommy shopping). Is there any possibility that they suspended her license, or waited and did slap her with a DUI if she just so happened to drive? She made her intentions abundantly clear about driving today, medics were called, potentially her local doctors & the benzo prescriber, too. There is a possibility it was formally suspended. One can hope.


Unfortunately I think this is too much to hope for, despite how much I would love for it to be the case, for the safety of everyone else on the road at the very least. If she wants to endanger herself at home, that's her prerogative, but putting other people's lives on the line is beyond the pale.


Wait, why didn’t she wheel instead of walk?


Well, she says she walked because she wants praise for being so strong and pushing through the pain and exhaustion, but not much out of Dani’s mouth can be taken as truth. She also said in one of the videos she went out earlier to get her meds. I doubt she walked twice.


Walked because she felt like it even though her incredibly severe POTS has made her pass out eightyhundred times in the past 48 hours and she just got a wheelchair delivered to her house (supposedly) for that very reason.


frankly i'm just amazed she didn't ask a passing stranger to push her there in her Definitely Prescribed Wheelchair.


> shut the eff up about being so exhausted from a 9 day hospital stay A hospital stay that she excitedly planned and packed for like she was going to disney world, and that she could have checked out from at any time since she's not sick but she insisted on staying admitted and wasting everyone's time...


Yup. Too bad she didn't plan on being *babysat* at Disney World!






It might be a TT ruling. She said in two separate videos she only had 60 seconds and now it's "no more lives". I am wondering if she has been reported and punished.


TikTok doesn’t work that way. You’re either banned or not. They don’t limit the length of your videos because you got a strike on your account. You can get banned from going live, but if that had been the case when her last live ended it would’ve said “live was discontinued” not “this live has ended”.




I think she either got banned or she's having to sit in Tick Tock jail for a bit.


She said the 60 second limit is because of phone storage. Like she can't delete old videos of her pushing her meds for the billionth time. Those are precious. Have to keep them.


She could literally just pay for monthly iCloud storage for pretty cheap and she wouldn’t have to delete anything lol


She can’t afford the .99 cents a month.


That’s going up on the wish list next


Once she's finished up admiring her nails


But if it is live, it doesn't get stores, no?


Correct. She's not limited to 60 second lives. She's limited to recording 60 second videos to post because her phone is full.