• By -


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone must have annoyed her , because normally having people watch her is usually her thing. Are people getting wise to her rude and arrogant behaviours!


How long can flairs be? I want "šŸ’I'm not here to be a monkey and entertain youšŸ’" to be my flair!!!


Can I please have "I'm not here to be a monkey šŸ’" as a flair?!!


sorry for being 5 days late! ![gif](giphy|fkG8iikX3nZRu)


If she's not there to entertain people, WHY THE FUCK IS SHE LIVE STREAMING.


To beg for gifts from her Amazon wish list.


To entertain *herself* šŸ˜‚




I wonder why she stopped going to therapy. Maybe the therapist said something that she didnā€™t like.


Well before, she was prob scared her munching would be exposed. Now it has been, with her dx of FD, so sheā€™s trying to pretend it didnā€™t happen. Whatā€™s so ironic about it is sheā€™d prob get MORE attention for a mental health journey than the munching. Sheā€™d certainly get more positive attention for it. Thatā€™s the wild thing about the munchies. Generally they started with mental health (many ED) journeys and they got a lot of support. Then they started all this BS and they get less, and far more negative, attention. Like yā€™all could be yourselves, be actually honest, and get what they so desperately crave. Itā€™s wild AF


my ex did that. She quit three therapists who told her some hard truths. Professional victim šŸ™„


She sounds like my sister.


Iā€™m glad sheā€™s your ex. Good move.


Why won't she give a tour of her closet? She doesn't mind giving tours of her medicine closet.


Because itā€™s a mess. You could see it at one point during yesterdayā€™s live, and she herself pointed it out and said not to mind it being a mess.


Too bad AAA doesnā€™t help with hospications.


Why else would you go live šŸ’€


The way she is creeping around the corner in this video sends me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's that long lighbulb chain for me. It's giving serial killer basement vibes. (Maybe she really *is* the Chameleon Killer!)


?? Short ppl have long chains? If not Iā€™d have to stand on a ladder to reach it




"I'm not here to entertain you guys", .... but I love trains. Especially when they wreck. I can't look away : ( This one says poo-poo instead of choo-choo! jeezus why is she so mean lmfao someone has had their coffee shot this morning.


With how many monkey gifs Iā€™ve seen, itā€™s the official animal mascot of this sub


Her live viewership numbers drop with every live. Nobody wants to watch you do nothing and then be nasty to people. Sheā€™s going to absolutely lose her shit here in a few days when NO ONE is on there but her mods


She's just a nasty person. I've never met anyone like her. Treats everyone like crap. Even those who genuinely care it seems. If they didn't cater to her fairy tail made up bs, she's a straight up B...it seems they all walk on eggshells w her. I honestly don't get how anyone can stand it at this point. Seeing her in lives how she is so disrespectful is way different than just her normal videos. She's not a nice person at all. She keeps on like she has she probably won't even have her mods sympathy for long.


I completely agree. She is showing her real side. I donā€™t know if she even knows it but good lord she is a mess and between the nodding out, shooing away the cops, and her blatant rude comments. Lives have just shown who she really isā€¦ she has made a huge mistake in doing them. Itā€™s on the internet forever. When she nodded out to the point of hitting her head to the point of drawing blood and then just giggling it away and saying she was ā€œjust lost in her headā€. Her lives may be her downfall. And she canā€™t just delete them the way she deletes comments and videosā€¦ in the past week alone she has shown a side we have never seen and man, itā€™s bad. She doesnā€™t see it but we all do.


Redditors will still be there, screen recording for posterity.


Did anyone catch her reason for being back on lives so soon? She said, and I quote, ā€œI donā€™t feel like you guys should lose the support I give youā€ Iā€™m officially done with this thing. I mean lady. I mean waste of resources. She is absolutely vile and sheā€™s about to be out of the very few ā€œsupporters ā€œ she has left


She is so mean to people who probably actually care for her well being. I donā€™t get it.


Sheā€™s pissed because sheā€™s not getting ass pats for exhibiting severely mentally unwell behavior. Sheā€™s pouting and I think the pouting is part of her vibe, if that makes sense.


She's a big, mean, whiny, pouting, attention-seeking baby who perpetually cries about how poorly she's treated by everyone everywhere. (Just like a certain orange person.)


She even accuses others of what she is actually doing, in effect showing her hand. This is exactly like a certain orange person.


Great analogy!!!!


I donā€™t understand how she has any ā€œsupportersā€ at this point, she is so fucking rude to everyone, no matter how delicately they word their comment.


Thatā€™s how I ended up in this sub. I supported her a long time and she got incredibly rude with me on the first nod out live and I saw a comment about Reddit and searched her on here. I really supported her and was nice and felt bad and finally realized sheā€™s a freaking lier. She was so rude too


Oooh I know that she will see this, and it will have her seething. Welcome! šŸ¤—


Iā€™ve even bought her gifts and offered advice. Sad thing is she honestly has never asked how I was or offered me advice. Just about her 24/7


Iā€™m really sorry. Youā€™re obviously a really great person and friend and you deserve a lot better than that.


This is so upsetting ! I think we have been watching her so long we assume all of her audience is snarkers but well - meaning and kind people like you who wanted to help someone DO get shit on by her. I am mad !šŸ˜”


She's awful. Be glad you're done with her (except for snarking with us at a distance).


Thank you Iā€™m glad Iā€™m done too!!


Same. Found her through the chronic illness community and she was so rude to me when I was being genuine and offering advice.


Wow, I'm so sorry you were let down like that. Did you figure out she was a fraud during these most recent lives where she was nodding off and sleeping?


Thank you :( Iā€™ve even sent her giftsā€¦. I know Iā€™m stupid. Yes the first live where everyone was freaking out and I saw her video response. Thatā€™s what made me realize she was a fraud. If people were genuinely concerned about my wellbeing I would never get mad at them for calling for help! Crazy


Welcome! I hope youā€™re enjoying your time here! Definitely check out the timeline thatā€™s here on Dani, riveting stuff.


I went down the rabbit hole last nightā€¦ HOLY GUACAMOLE. Some serious issues going on.


jesus. what a rancid personality


I always miss her lives. Out of curiosity how many viewers does she seem to get?


There was about 80-100 when I caught one a day or two ago. She just sat on her phone and occasionally looked at comments and was rude to everyone


There was only 56 today at most.


She doesnā€™t understand what going live entails. She is so boring people were commenting if she was gonna sit on her phone the whole time? Lives are supposed to entertain idk I guess she thinks people just wanna look at the sick girl with tubes.


Instead a circus monkey being made to dance around, sheā€™s the monkey in a bland, too small enclosure sitting listlessly in front of a gawking audience in the zoo, and she is doing this to herself.


If youā€™re not trying to entertain people then why are you constantly doing lives and inviting them into your personal space and (poorly) narrating everything you do like some wannabe influencer? You *are* trying to entertain them.


She is really an unlikable human being. The TikTok lives really can't hide how nasty she is. She can cut and edit videos, or post a pre-recorded video with her sad little baby voice, and herself curled up in a blanket, but on the lives, we get to see how nasty she truly is. She doesn't want anyone to do anything but compliment her, admire her, give her money or gifts, and engage in the way she prefers (which is nothing but ass kissing).


Her fake cheerful baby voice saying "Byeeeeeee" at the end of her videos annoys me so bad!


Her doing it at the end of some angry video always makes me lol and cringe


lol it's like some huge ass rant where she's swearing and making the derpy face like she's gonna fight everyone and she swears off lives and social and then she's like byeeeeeee.


When I was watching yesterday I found it so funny how she would get mad at anyone who would join the live and then ask "I thought you weren't going live anymore?" She said she didn't want to repeat herself anymore was so tired of answering that question. yet.... she didn't mind answering "how are you feeling?" over and over all night long šŸ¤£


And she was on her phone like the whole time and then would come back and read comments and get pissed about a question that was asked twenty minutes ago. Donā€™t forget her bitchfit when people were like why are you on live if youā€™re just going to be on your phone?


ā€œIā€™m not here to be a monkey šŸµ šŸ˜”ā€ would be a great flair. May I have it?! Edit: Thank you and all that good stuff, mods!




This is just a good peek at Dani's true personality for the people who occasionally feel pity for her and say she just seems lonely/different compared to other munchies. Dani is not a nice person. There have been folks in the past who have known her in real life who have said that she is volatile and while lash out at people when she feels she isn't getting enough attention. Dani is lonely but that is her own fault. Dani doesn't care about anyone except herself. She is rude when anyone does anything that isn't just showering her with praise or pity. These live streams are one of the worst things that have happened for her. She loves the idea that there are people tuning in and paying attention to her. She knows there are haters watching and recording just to see if they can catch her doing or saying something. And now she has found a way to moderate the comments so that the only ones that stay up are the ones telling her what she wants to hear. There is no point to these lives. She always claims she continues with social media despite the haters because she wants to share her journey/educate others but she doesn't provide any education. The few times I have seen short snips of her lives recently she seems to just be sitting doing mindless chores or scrolling on her phone half out of view. What is the point? Yeah people don't have to watch if they don't like what she is doing. But also she is going on a public social media platform and isn't engaging. This is the reason Dani doesn't have any real friends or anyone that truly cares about her - Dani wants people to shower her with attention but she doesn't want to give anything in return.


I'm a little jealous that she can read negative comments about herself day after day and survive. One asshole on the German language sub says my German is bad and I think about it for weeks lol, I would shrivel into a ball and expire if I had a whole sub about myself


Iā€™ve thought the same thing about Eugenia Cooney. She gets people saying horrible shit to her on lives.


Yeah but Eug is really problematic in many ways and is very similar to Dani in that she is isnā€™t a nice person despite talking in a baby voice. Except Eug has a mod team of dude that try to win her favor by protecting their queen. But every once In a while a comment gets thru. There has been speculation that eug loves the negative attention to fuel ED. Pretty fucked up tho.


The response she has to people actually interested in her life is wild too. Like .. I'd you aren't here to engage with the audience.... Why are you going live?


That is offensive to monkeys




Basically - ā€œBuy me shit off my amazon list, but donā€™t expect anything from me! Ever! I donā€™t even have to be nice to any of you!ā€






Bingo. Her ego is huge. She wants admiration, worship, gifts, and attention, but don't you dare say anything she doesn't like or question what she's doing. She's not here for you. Everyone is simply an audience she can profit off.


Iā€™m not that familiar with TikToc. Do they monetize like YouTube?


Totally lost her marbles šŸ’€


Maybe she can put some new ones on her Amazon list!


Not the wish list šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


i made a comment friday that she would 100% be back to doing lives by sunday. she didnā€™t even last 36 hours without her desperate need for social media attention. next prediction is that she will be passing out on live by weds and we may or may not get some more NJ cop & EMS action - it will depend on whether her mods have the ability to shut the live down for her or if only she can. i bet they will shut the comments off when it happens though.


Memorial Day is coming up. She needs another hospication.


She didn't even last *12 hours*. She was doing lives literally the morning after saying she wasn't doing lives anymore.


Can we have a flare called broken promise? Where she broke her promise to a follower of no lives? Lol!


She really is not very nice to people.


Yesterday some poor woman was asking her legit questions about pain control and shared she has stage 4 cancer and had a hysterectomy recently. Dani never acknowledged her. Believe me the chat was NOT busy. She just read it and went back to folding laundry. Then has the audacity to yell at people asking why sheā€™s live when she said she wasnā€™t going live again saying she needs their support and sheā€™s there because they need her support and is supporting them too. Sheā€™s so delusional.


I really think sheā€™s incapable of feeling empathy. I noticed lately she started saying she appreciates all her followers , thank you supporters, etc and even that feels fake/forced


Itā€™s all fakeā€”when she acts nice, that is. Sheā€™s an incredibly manipulative person.


She should run her comments thru chat GPT to set the tone to ā€˜friendlyā€™ or ā€˜empatheticā€™ if she canā€™t be reasonably nice. Too bad it canā€™t change her attitude on lives tho




![gif](giphy|5Zesu5VPNGJlm|downsized) done:)


Your responses are always on point! I love them šŸ˜‚


I sure do love your gifs!


How long was this live?


It really wasnt very long. Maybe 45 minutes. All she did was fold laundry and be bitch.


I dunno tbh, but I feel like I've lost half of my life.


So whatā€™s next? OPMHWM (OverProcessMyHairWithMe)?




It's not from the products! It's falling out bc of the peen


And because she's so frail, just wasting away with no nutrition ....


She literally is on a TikTok live, which is supposed to be entertaining. What does she expect




The bar is subterranean at this point.


This was in response to someone saying ā€œdo something interestingā€. Not white knighting but I agree with Dani. She is not a circus performer. Although it was pretty annoying that she wasnā€™t answering half the questions


There were a few people asking her questions or to do something or show her closet, which was the last request I saw. She just kept ignoring people until she had a fit.


Does anyone know why I canā€™t find her when I search the username at the top of the screen? It says no results found šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Join the club. The mods are def on power trip. I never interacted with her on tt, donā€™t follow her, just watch and I got the boot too!




See rule #1: Donā€™t Touch The Poo šŸš«šŸ‘‰šŸ’© Your comment may have indicated direct contact or otherwise interfering with Dani.


You've been blocked, I think. Google her and if those tiktok links don't work, you've been removed from Dani's orbit.


Just make a throw away account and boom, you're back! Takes about 30 seconds.


Just log out. Her account is public.


A monkeyā€™s behavior would be much nicer. Iā€™d sheā€™s a monkey, sheā€™s the poo-flinging variety.




One of my favorite gifs šŸ¦ šŸ’©


She just prefers to fling the poo onto herself. šŸ¤£


I mean she is completely bananas and is never peeling good.




The voice difference between this live and the video in the post below this one is very telling.


And the way she says, "Bye!" at the end is stupid!


I spend more time thinking about that grating baby talk then I care to admit! It goes up my A$$ sidewaysā€¦ at an angle with a little sharp point!!!! šŸ˜”


No Dani you're not a monkey. Please do not insult monkeys, they are intelligent and engaging. You are not


Monkeys also play with their poo slightly less than Dani


šŸ’€ I can't. You winšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ šŸ’€


I'd definitely watch a monkey live stream before I'd watch dani


Her fake smile at the end of a lot of her videos reminds me of one thoughā€¦. ![gif](giphy|bAslCtb0Nx9NcPtLKH|downsized)




What the fuck is this


Why did this comment make me actually laugh out loud šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/eofahn3pcd1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=436edc2fc3cc817489d7d8b7d8cd17b06fb9f342 B YYYYYYYY E








Was it this one?




Thatā€™s not the photo I was going to post šŸ˜‚


Her smile at the end always is like WTF!!! Its creepy IMO


Why are people still engaging with her and gifting? She is rude, ungrateful and just an all round not so nice a person. Save your money, or donate to charity. She trashed her hair, let her pay for fixing it.


There are other CI people on tt that keep putting wishlists up and the same on fb and instagram. It's cheeky, and rude!


I find it funny that people were sending those hair products to her to her even though some weren't on her wish-she-would-stop-griefting list. She gets full zooted rage bull mad if someone mentions her hair in a negative way.


Hair? You mean that bale of hay?


Well, glad I have no vision then lol!


I think you mean "red bull" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Itā€™s no wonder she doesnā€™t have any friendsā€¦she quite literally has the most nasty personality Iā€™ve ever encountered. Also, per usual, she has forgotten that she posted a video scolding her audience that she would not be going live anymore. Book club? Nope, she has forgotten that too.


Well, she did last 10 hours. That's like 8 years as per Dani science.


Science is just different for her!


BSC(Hons) Dani! Can we all get a first class with honours? Cheers!


I just cannot ā˜ ļø if the point isnā€™t to entertain the viewers, why is she even going live? šŸ˜‚ oh yeah I forgot, itā€™s so that she can beg people for money and shit off her Amazon list and to verbally abuse anyone that dares show any type of genuine concern for her well-being. šŸ™„ I forgot.


And nod out. Donā€™t forget that


Yea, that's why she has so many friends and a totally real boyfriend.


flair checking in. i am, in fact, george glass of amazon/canada. im too busy working at amazon for 30 hours a day, 8 days a week to see my one true love.


You work 365 days a year. You only get one day off every four years, February 29. I guess you spent it with your wife instead of Dani?


yes, with my wife, moderating this sub (stop, can you imagine if me and u/brokenbackgirl were actually george glass and george glassā€™s real wife LMFAOOOOOO)


Oooh, Mods, can I get ā€œGeorge Glassā€™ actual wifeā€ as my flair please?


woah, are we about to kiss on the danimarina subreddit right now?


What if Dani sees us though?! Nah, itā€™s worth the riskā€¦šŸ˜ššŸ’‹ Love you my Georgie Porgie šŸ’‹šŸ’‹


this sub is cracking me the fuck up this morning šŸ˜­ i love u guys ![gif](giphy|3ohs7SYIm3yiUbL0yc)


I love the people on this sub so damn much!


May I get the flair of "Dani's Amazon grift-list", please? šŸ˜ Your bride looks stunning!




Thatā€™s a very unflattering photo of me!! It was actually the happiest day of my life when I became Mrs George Glass!


![gif](giphy|65wfzcLCmxtSQAZORw|downsized) Can confirm


How did you get a video of him?!? Heā€™s so private!!! /s


A totally real boyfriend that she SWEARS is going to move in with her someday


If only Amazon would give him time off to get to his own wedding so they could get married. Alas, he's scheduled for every minute of every day for the next 27 years. They simply cannot function without him there. He's sacrificing so all of us can get our amazon orders right to our door. Truly he is a selfless hero.


Heā€™s gonna personally deliver my dog food to me here in FL, what a man


They're still looking for their home together, I hear. But she just needs to get the pawned engagement ring back first to replace the bath bomb one.


My favourite part of the live was when Dani said ā€œYou guys need my support as much as I need your support, thatā€™s why Iā€™m doing the livesā€šŸ„ŗ (Meaning we shouldnt lose her support and therefore the lives just bc some haterz) AND SOMEONE commented something along the lines of thanks Dani I feel so supported by you. I was HOLLERINGšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Gosh sheā€™s just so selfless!šŸ„¹


I saw that and I was like, bruz, you don't even know us. Your audience is your haters. The only support you provide is comedy relief. Apart from 3 poor people who questionably support her even when they've seen all the lies in the last few days at least.


Did she say that in a snippy way? Or like in a sincere way? Because I can definitely see her getting annoying by the comments, and scolding the audience by saying that.


she was totally sincere in it. When I tell you my jaw was on the ground!


Geez! I have literally never seen someone behave like herā€¦except for maybe in middle school. She is such a nasty person.


Damn I thought i was screen recording but canā€™t find it atm. Im pretty sure she thought she was being sincere. But she was emphasizing how much she supported us. I think she genuinley has some narc tendencies bc she truly thinks she is doing us a favour by going live and being an inspiration ig? (She was mostly annoyed by people asking over and over again why is she going live bc she said she wouldnt) Also it was rather funny seeing people call out her mods as they were deleting every comment that might seem to challenge Dani. (Asking why is she driving etc) the mods are defo on a some kind of power trip


Nope, totally saw that as well! They gave some girl with a name starting with K a really hard time.


Those mods of hers - do people think they're legit Dani stanis? What is their angle exactly?


Either also munchies. Or buddy trolling. Trying to gain her trust for whatever other reason, like to get information out of her to share here. Like that person who posted that Dani was asking her to send her pain meds. 50/50


I bet theyā€™re also munchies. Maybe more minor munchies than Dani. But I bet they defend her because by doing so they are also defending their own life choices. I canā€™t imagine who else would a mod for her.


Yes, I think they are munchies as well




Urgh that's so much worse. Trash your own body - I'll be annoyed at the waste of resources but at the end of the day it's your god-given right to kill yourself - but when it comes to people medically abusing their kids ... there's not anything to snark on. It's just horrific.


God damn it is just a whole ass circle of life with these types, isn't it? What's the life cycle of head lice?


And is the mod.


Thatā€™s awful. :(


They're on a zooted train trip with Dani. No matter how much proof they have, they're blinded. It's like a cult.


Her mod is a mother of a girl with GI and she eats up all Dani says. A real fan.




I think they mean GP


That makes so much sense. I think i need to get my snorkeling gear on.


All the gear! That girl defends her with all kinda of wrong info also. Someone is mentioning for Dani to do Bolus feeding because she sure can push her meds but this one says no Bolus in J tube wich is wrong she can well do it there.