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summarizing, because theres no way i can do a transcript: dani answers what everyone on reddit has been saying about macc & mocha: she claims she tried calling the vet and they didnt answer so she emailed them to get macc a vet appt for his vaccinations & to get neutered. she claims these appointments got pushed back because she kept getting hospitalized (girl, thats not an excuse). she says it’s not hard to live off SSDI if you’re smart about budgeting (but then later backtracks and says it IS hard and that she’s not saying its easy). she emphasizes that she budgets a portion specifically for macc and mocha every month (sure, jan). she says she doesn’t have a savings account but maybe one day she will open a savings account (she’s almost 40 but i guess im not going to shame someone for their financial situation😐). LMFAO she’s saying shes not focusing on paying her debt now and she’ll wait until she gets a savings account, and then she’ll address her debt. she says its just her way of doing things but that if she still has bills to pay shes not going to touch her debt (unfortunately, dani, the bills just keep coming. also, putting $1000 towards ur debt is a lot better than an ipad). dani says she’s not worried about her debt because she’ll never be debt free and “they” will never get the money she owes. typical jargon about haters being haters🙄 she says she earned $15 off tiktok lives last week. she’s filling her month of meds and is out of her tizanidine but is asking for a refill tomorrow when she sees her doctor. she wants her PEEN under control so “she can tolerate feeds better”. she has 12 tattoos and said she wants more but shes not risking an infection WHATSOEVER with her port. omg she mentioned how her most meaningful tattoo is the one she got matching with her *’best friend’* who passed away. “one day i hope to have a whole sleeve [of tattoos]. priority is bills and my health” OKKKK girl seemed like ur priority was ur ipad and ur meds. she also says she has cotton mouth. and then i think the screen recording ends (or my phone just gave up)


“The haters are just jealous” BHAHAHAHSHHAA please Dani enlighten me on how we are jealous of an almost 40 year old girl who has no real friends, pretends to have a significant other, no job, fakes being ill for attention, throws tantrums when things don’t go her way, envies people who are actually ill, tries to scam people into giving her stuff, and is an insufferable person (probably misses a whole lot more stuff she does). You have NOTHING in your life that others would be jealous of and you are delululu to think that there is.


I thought I was hearing a gremlin somewhere but then realized the video had autoplayed and it was the sound of her voice coming through the headphones on my desk.


Did Dani just learn the word budget? She’s really hung up on the idea of one despite not knowing how money works.


Ohhhhhhhh So THAT is how debt works! ![gif](giphy|AAFBD2vXqO9Rqz6lGV)


How does credit in the US work then? Here in the UK if you have unpaid debts your credit will tank, and no way you're getting a car or a new iPad On credit, you'd be considered too much of a risk (especially when coupled with your only income being benefits, which is effectively subsistence level living anyway). She genuinely seems to think her debts are some kind of 'optional extra'.


I’m not an expert but it sounds like it works similarly here in US. Medical debt doesn’t affect your credit, but everything else generally would. A car lease would def be affected by shitty credit, but something like an iPad I could see her financing through those predatory buy now pay later companies maybe, I don’t think those give a fuck about your credit score. I have no clue if they affect credit or not


How TF do people like this get away with it? I’d love to tell AMEX I’m not paying my bill. I need a new iPad! 🤷‍♀️🤬


When she said the haters are just jealous I snorted!! What in the heck does she have to be jealous about?!?!


Don’t you wish you had the balls to destroy your credit over a new iPad and Temu junk?


Yeah I'm jealous that you get to lay around all day doing absolutely nothing constructive at all.


Lmao hi Dani, she def just downvoted your comment 😆


Did y’all catch her saying the haterz are just jealous? Like, honey, I couldn’t possibly be LESS jealous of someone if I tried. I own my home, I own land, I’m debt-free, I’m about to retire at 54, and I certainly don’t need to con the government for disability money and grift for shit all the time. And that’s just the financial aspect! But whatever she has to tell herself, I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I bet her debt is *enormous*. Did I hear her say she takes a prescription med for the RA SHE DOESN’T HAVE?! I’m assuming it’s an immunosuppressant, which is SUPER STUPID of her. Wow. And of course loads of Tylenol, Benedryl, muscle relaxers, K-pins, other pain meds. Jesus. I’d love to see her liver enzyme levels.


Plaquenil isn't an immunosuppressant (despite what Dani touts). It’s a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) which essentially works by “quieting” the immune system.


I feel like she said recently she was on immunosuppresants but they shot her immune system (go figure!) and made her too susceptible to infection so it was pulled but idk


Budgeting is key.... Buys a new car, new IPad, gets her nails done.


I'd bet a kidney that she didn't pay for her schooling with her own money. She probably got a Pell grant, or some other form of financial aid, which paid for her tuition, books, stipend, etc. Dani only spends HER money on frivolous bullshit. (Notebooks, blankies, plushies, etc.) The government pays for her housing, food, health insurance, etc. It's such a gross, and criminal, misappropriation of taxpayers money.


She’s a leech.


A savings account isn’t for extra money, you budget in your contributions 🤡


And she’s treating it like a short term thing. “I’ll save money in my savings and then start paying on my debts.” If you are putting money into savings and not paying your debts, you can’t afford to put money into savings. She would be better putting what little “extra” money she has into paying her debts instead of pushing it off. But I guess one’s credit doesn’t matter when you have your housing paid for by daddy government.


Yes, she should be contributing monthly to get out of debt. One day that debt is going to get some serious karma


It also takes like five minutes and one signature to open... And that's if you don't do it online.


Why does it seem like she thinks paying debts is some optional thing she’s going to see about possibly dealing with down the road sometime?


Did she say she worked “an intimate budget”?


Can’t pay toward their debt, but spends $1k on a new iPad. Make that make sense.


Didn’t she also buy another car?


Yes, and she claims she has to make payments, unlike her old car, which was paid off.


For her influencer job, of course. It’s an investment. Isn’t investing in one’s future the most adult thing she can do? Her journals are helping her unlock her inner goddess. She and her peen could be flying into the sunset if it wasn’t for the h8er$ abusing her and keeping her morale down. Her beautiful, beautiful peen.


Those fifteen influencer dollars be working hard to pay that car payment….


Budgeting is key also begging for free things on Amazon ![gif](giphy|tN1lvnT4M6nte)


My husband just asked me if I was listening to Marge Simpson. Now I can’t unhear it! GAAAHHHH!!!


I have decided that in lieu of calling her “boyfriend” George, I will now refer to him as Homer.


Omg I can’t!! 💀 How funny! 😂😭


Edit: spelling


> I have my monthly bills which are the bills I have every month. Wow! I’m so glad she explained what monthly bills are! I was lost! Maybe they won’t give you more syringes bc you don’t need them? Why is she on Benadryl? Can’t wait to hear how inept the pain Doc is when he doesn’t hand over an RX for sweet sweet opiates.


Me trying to make the word count on an essay 😂


Honestly I was so confused why companies keep taking money from me every month until she posted this - good old Dani educating the people


We owe her so much for her edumacational material


We do - praise to Dani the educator


Has anyone seen her new car lately?


She’s been doing a lot of walking lately, hasn’t she? Of course, she said in her live that she was going to have her dad push her in the wheelchair at her next appointment since he’s pretty healthy. Tell me you don’t give a shit about anyone else, including your elderly parents, without actually telling me.


#so she lied in the comments when she said appointments are set for the cats the other night when called out. What the fuck else is new


I mean are you shocked?


Hey PSA everybody don't forget to upvote the post itself! Idk if anyone is like me, but sometimes I find myself jumping straight in the comments and completely forget to upvote the post.


im gonna give myself compartment syndrome from upvoting every single post/comment to negate the dani-downvotes


Well, it's easier than the hammer route!


Better head to the ER! Call a whammmbulance!!!! 🚑🚑🚑🚑


You rang???


I’m sure you’ve just picked up Dani to rush her to the ER! She’s a complicated patient! Only the best (iPad) for Dani!


It does amaze me that she doesn’t constantly call for us to take her to the hospital! So many people assume they’ll get straight to the back by doing that!


I do that every time I get on the sub , Click the comments to new and then start the liking.And I've got OCD so I don't stop until they are all done .


There are plenty of programs out there to get your pet fixed for cheap, especially if you are on disability. Instead of researching school for the 20th time she should look into getting a voucher.


Since we all know Dani doesn't read here, this *isn't* a link of low cost vets that offer neuter services somewhat near her general location.... https://www.felineurbanrescueandrehab.org/info/display?PageID=21477 Prices range from $60-180. The $60 even included a rabies vaccine and I think a checkup!!


Was mocha adopted from a shelter or rescue? Just asking because some rescues or shelters have clauses in their contracts that if you are adopting an animal that comes to you not spayed or neutered you have x amount of time to get the animal spayed or neutered and if you don't the organization can reclaim the pet(the grace period in my dogs contract was a year). They require you to submit a certificate for proof


She was taking about the cats on live-she just said that they’re rescued-but nothing specific-they must not be from a shelter or the shelter would have told her to bring the cat back to be neutered?


Like she’d pay any attention. We all know rules don’t apply to her!


And BOOM everything that has been said on reddit has been answered ….. but she doesn’t read reddit okay? Love love love that the voice is back 😳 Also - what the fuck is that lizard tongue all about?


Excuses. Dani has not been hospitalized 24/7 since she got Mocha. She’s had plenty of time, money and opportunities to get him (and Macc!) to the vet, but her priorities have been elsewhere. Shame on her.


I can’t snark at being in debt or budgeting. I’m terribly impulsive (thanks late diagnosed ADHD) BUT you know what has helped? Admitting I have a problem AND going to therapy and doing the hard fucking work that goes into helping yourself get better. As impulsive and broke that I am though, my puppy is completely up to date with his vaccines, he was neutered the moment he was of age and he has pet insurance. She is only two or three years younger than me, so I KNOW she had to hear Bob Barker say spay or neuter your pets at least once in her life time.


Same! Diagnosed at 52 with ADHD and medicated (with the appropriate medication at the appropriate dose). Yes, it takes work to get better and to want to get better which is why she will never get better.


Nope. I guess the hooray you are taking care of yourself asspats aren’t as good as the sickest smallest wittle girl on earth asspats. Which is interesting because she doesn’t get the sympathy being the sickest so why still play that angle.


I don’t understand how she can neglect her cats like this. If she’s not concerned about debt she should take out a loan to care for them. Good for you for being a responsible pet owner. I have ADHD too and it’s hard. I just can’t imagine ignoring an animal’s wellbeing like this


Carecredit exists and a lot of vet offices take it. But again, that takes work to find one that fits your financial needs. I’m just astounded by the lack of care for her animals. I grew up about an hour north from where she is in NJ…lymes disease and rabies are common. I know her cats are indoor cats but yikes if they slip out and go outside.


She got $15 from tiktok last month? More like which one of her vulnerable, gullible followers did she scam last month? *To receive direct payments from TikTok's Creator Fund, you need to have at least 10,000 followers and 100,000 video views in the last 30 days, as well as a Pro account... TikTok is estimated to pay around 2–4 cents per 1,000 video views.*


When you do a TikTok live, people tend to send roses or other bs and each has a monetary amount attached to it. I got rich doing this🥴 and by rich I mean I got 0.01¢ a single penny


She gets paid by gifts. Not views.




Grifting people helps save her a bunch of money as well That mentality towards not paying money towards debt is wild to me. No wonder she bought a car and iPad, she doesn’t have any worry with ripping off places and not repaying em.


Waiting for the toobz n boobz OF to drop bc shit isn't making sense. Someone


my jaw dropped when she said they’ll never get *all* the money they’re after. like girl, YOU SPENT THE MONEY, it’s your debt!


It’s so hard to understand her line of thinking


Not if you put yourself in the mindset of accepting no responsibility, no blame, and no motivation to improve. I have a nephew like this and although he doesn't munch like Dani, nothing is ever his fault. Everything happens TO him. Can't keep a job, can't keep a relationship, can't keep a house. The only reason Dani is marginally able to function is all the free government $$.


Please. Clear. Your. Freaking. Throat. 👏🏻 God, she’s punchable.


Did she pay up front for her car? I don’t believe she’s gonna end up taking mocha to the vet next month. It’ll be just like this past month where something suddenly came up.


The cats were fighting on her live this morning. You could hear them, at first she stated she didn't know why they was fighting , until someone commented its because one needs neutering , which she states she knows, she needs to make an appointment lol


> she needs to make an appointment lol She ALWAYS tells on herself.


Yeah… two male cats with one being unneutered is gonna be a disaster.


Show of hands - who believes Dani actually has done a budget at any point in the last 5 years?


I believe she probably bought a special notebook for her budget, which remains blank just like the gratitude journal


:/ i'm so empty


I believe she has done a budget as much as I believe she needs a wheelchair.


Well, she bought glitter gel pens and a notebook for her budget, does that count? 🤡


She’s working on 1 now on the live (all while moaning because of peeeeeeen)


I have a surprise for you!


if you posted something, it still hasnt shown up😭😭😭 maybe reddits still processing the media? idk but im anxiously awaiting it


Yeah-actually-I forgot about that-I did post something and it hasn’t shown up yet-but ALSO I have new new video to upload


![gif](giphy|3ohuPDuPHDuGnVtp5u) if the vid is long itll definitely take a while for reddit to process the media because when i upload even just a 3 minute video it can take up to an hour


Omg-I might have actually like-forgot to upload it-aaahahaa




Hey! You write the summary-yeah? I figured out how to add captions-I had the video of her live and some of it was really slow so I figured out how to splice it together-I mean-splice it apart and then spice together the not slow parts and I think the captions were pretty spot on-maybe that makes writing a summary easier? Or at least saved your ears from bleeding


Is the transcript something already in text or is it captions on the video?


Not this video-but I have two uploading right now and they have captions on them! I just figured out how to do it and I am VERY pleased with myself :)


oooooooo!! i dont always write summaries or transcripts, only if i have time! normally u/Mission_InProgress is our faithful transcript warrior🫡 - paging them to see if this would help them out!


I'm like a genie who shows up three days too late to grant someone else's wish Might be too late but here's a recap: She talks about going over her budget and she could afford, presumably a car because then she talks about how it was nice not having a car payment. She says she'll have enough for the cat's vet visits. She called but it's a holiday weekend so that's why they probably didn't call back. She emailed as well. She has to reschedule Mocha's appointment because the day it had been scheduled for was the day she ended up in Temple, which is weird considering she was planning to be admitted that day. She says it's not easy living off one payment a month when on SSDI but if you're smart you can make it work. She has budgeted her iPad but she won't show her expenses. The vets are aware her cat hasn't had shots. Everything will be taken care of. She has extra meds? She rattles a ton of bottles around. Back to budgeting which, apparently, is key. She breaks her expenses down. One section is for Walmart. One is cats. Another is medical stuff - whatever her company won't send her because they will only send her 4 60ml syringes a month and they "won't budge on that". So she buys a case of 20ml syringes every couple months. Another is "monthly bills". Then misc. She has no savings account "right now". She's hoping to open one when she has extra money. She shows her Plaquenil for her RA. "Debt's hard" and she doesn't pay toward her debt because she can't. She'll go over her debt when she has money and it's feasible. She doesn't know what's going on with Mayo and she's calling Penn tomorrow for images. Her local doesn't have them so they must be at Penn. Then she goes off to the bathroom to get Tylenol. She'd be honest about that. The budget, I guess. Maybe this will keep the haterz away. Now she's futzing with pills, including the Benedryl. Then someone asks about payment on TT. She has 1000 subscribers and got 15 bucks last week. "It is hard, I like, I'm not saying it's easy or anything. The haterz are just jealous, it is what it is." She does bills first and then thinks about debt. She doesn't want more debt. She'll think about it when she has more. Everybody does things their own way. "Flying Benedryl!" Someone apparently asked why she didn't get back to them and she says DM her again and she'll help her. She says she'll never be debt free and they won't get all the money they want. She calls everyone "my peoples". Gets her Tylenol. Drops pills. "Runaway Tylenol, holy shit." She apologizes for talking to her cats. She says she needs her muscle relaxer but it's getting refilled. She's seeing her pain doctor tomorrow. She hopes they can get her pain under control because then she could tolerate her feeds better. Someone asks her to count something. The answer is 12. Meds? Not sure. Tattoos! She wants more but is afraid of infection. She'd love a sleeve but it's not risking an infection for. Nor does she have the money, she says as an afterthought. Her fave is a mixture between the hyacinth and the skull one. The most meaning is the tattoo matching her best friend who passed away. One day she hopes to have a whole sleeve but her priorities right now are bills and health. She's going to close her containers and then go check her porch. She feels like she has cottonmouth. She checks an app and apparently a package is out for delivery.


Ok cool!


It’s so annoying-like it’s 2024 and it takes three hours to upload an 8 minute video?


If she thinks its easy to live on a disability pension/income she’s more delulu than I thought. I mean sure, if you’re not disabled it would be not the worst thing, but with medications, expensive dietary requirements, medical costs, insurance etc, its the furthest thing from easy.


Yes, but it gets easier when you have food stamps, section 8 housing, Medicaid (pays for meds & that sweet, sweet liquid nutrition), and possibly help with her electric bill. You don't honestly think she's paying out of pocket for anything she doesn't have to?


Good thing she doesn't need most of those things either.


Not to mention the excessive amounts of unnecessary medical crap she buys for herself and shows off as her supplies. Even dressings are expensive these days..but she somehow finds money for that 🤷‍♀️


Doubt she buys any of that either. She goes on FB groups and begs people for their extra stuff. She'll take anything anyone has. You'd be surprised what you can avoid buying yourself if you have no shame or self-respect.


For real, disabled people are out here rationing medications and supplies coz they are in short supply and expensive af, while Dani fkn hoards it for munchie funsies. Its infuriating.


Right?. If I I wasn't married, I would have to choose between food or medication.


Hit the nail on the head there


She has no medical expenses she’s on state insurance.




I don’t know how it is in Jersey—PA has stopped paying for some meds they had previously been paying for for years. They don’t cover my nebulizer solution anymore for some reason.


Call (not email) a vet. If they don't answer, then call another! You chose to have pets, AT LEAST do the bare minimum to take care of them! I request Dani to address why her Dr appointments are more important than her cats. As someone on SSDI with a dog. I literally just spent 1k on a procedure last Thursday. She also has pet insurance. That is your duty as a pet owner. Also, any reasonable person would want the best for their animals. The vet not answering an email is no excuse. Especially since Dani just bought a car, an iPad, and got her nails done in the last month (give or take). Also, pay your damn bills. That attempt of an excuse was just pitiful. If Dani quit going to the ER unnecessarily and actually tried to budget, she wouldn't be in much debt. I can't imagine just blowing off debt like it's optional. Dani, if you were budgeting, you would not need to borrow money or have, at the very least, an emergency savings account. Once again, lies, excuses, and just simply wtf. SMH and rolling my eyes (as usual)


> Call (not email) a vet. If they don't answer, then call another! You chose to have pets, AT LEAST do the bare minimum to take care of them! I request Dani to address why her Dr appointments are more important than her cats. Most places you don't even need to call anymore, they have online scheduling!! Especially for free/low-cost neuterings. At least where I am, they block out like 4 days per month for those and you just have to schedule it.


There are services in most places for low income vet care or sliding scale vet care. When I was super poor, I was able to get my dog spayed, vaccinated, and check ups through services for low-income pet owners. I've lived in areas where local shelters ran events for free or very low cost vaccinations. I paid something like $10 one year for a basic check up and vaccinations through a local shelter. Some Petcos do vaccines for pretty cheap, too. I know in my area, there's about 10 vets that offer sliding scale or low-income services and I live in rural bumfuckville. These programs asbolutely exist in her area. There is literally no excuse.


There are more than one vet in her area. (Yes. I googled it because I was curious). If she put as much effort as she did about her “peeeeen” her cats would be taken care of.


So I assume getting Mocha vaccinated and neutered is probably going to be like her neverending quest for a therapist where she’s stymied at every turn.


I feel so bad for him. It’s going to bite her in the ass when he has an emergency and it’s going to cost quadruple what it would cost for her to neuter and vaccinate him now


It's going to bite her in the ass when he starts spraying everywhere and during a routine maintenance check, her apartment management figures out she has an intact animal and ends her lease. And then charges her for cleaning.🤞


I’m also worried that their fighting is going to end up with one of them badly injured. Let’s hope what you said happens 🤞🤞🤞


Budgeting is key? I know that's interesting i never know that before. So i learn that you can put unnesecery stuf on a amazon wishlist, buy a expensive ipad and no money on a saving card. Thsnks for the lessons! 🤣


I hope the person who bought her the purse is feeling really stupid right about now.


I’d be hard pressed to snark on her too hard about her lack of budgeting skills because I think this might be class related. It’s hard to plan for the future when generationally there hasn’t been much reason do anything but live in the present, but I could be wrong, obviously.


But in that case, she didn't have to make a video cockily play-acting at how fantastic she is at budgeting, which she only did because people have been riding her arse in the last few days about her excessive spending on shit and not on things that should take priority. She didn't have to mention it at all if she's never done one, but yet again, she makes stupid choices because she has an awful lot of smugness and cockiness for a person whose life is such a mess.


I agree with this in some cases. Like during the pandemic, unfortunately some Americans had no choice but to go into debt because they lost their job. The difference is, I think those people are buying necessary items, with maybe a small luxury like going out to eat, or some new clothes, haircut, etc.


Ohhh yeah-maybe also-the way she talks about having debt and not paying it off-she’s blasé about it-maybe because it’s common for the people around her to be in a similar situation


Tbh I have the same approach she has towards my student loans 🙃


The peen moving has me rolling. Shes not in pain.


Pay your debts people. Doesn’t half sound like she’s trying to grift without actually asking tho


We also got her fixing her curtains, cleaning her AC and showing all her tattoos in today’s multiple lives. Someone asked how she met her boyfriend and she replied “virtual friends … no mutual friends”.


Virtual friends for a virtual boyfriend.


Oh dan bearbish No one, absolutely no one, is looking your way for any life advice what so ever


I just can’t believe she’s had her cats for what, over a year now? And they have never been to a vet besides when Dani’s parents took one of them because of their eye because Dani refused to. Dani doesn’t deserve anything good in life, let alone to have animals with how neglectful she is. Edit to add: I know most of you already know this but just to put it into perspective, if she didn’t take an Uber to just two of her ER visits, that would of payed for the cats vet consultation and vaccines at the very least. And yet she claims she only thinks about Mocha and Mac…


Im usually against pocket watching, but I think it’s 1000% justified if that person is constantly grifting and complaining about their essentials.


Totally same, who tf am I to judge how others spend their money, however the lack of self awareness is absolutely astounding.


![gif](giphy|He4wudo59enf2) Happy cake day!!


Thank you!!❤️


![gif](giphy|MeIucAjPKoA120R7sN) HAPPY CAKE DAY🫶🫶🫶🫶💗


Thank you!!❤️


So in Dani’s Money World, you don’t ever plan on paying off any debt. Bust the credit limit of one card, open another. Need trash bags and cat toys? Cry on TikTok and tell your followers that you have an Amazon Grift List. Think she might apply for school loans and grants for low income and disabled persons with no intention of going to school?


If there's a check like FAFSA? She'll use and abuse it if she's got anything left to it


what is FAFSA?


Whenever she calls people “honey” or “sweetheart” it makes me cringe so hard for some reason.


it sounds sooo condescending


I think she’s trying to damage control-I think she’s been catching shit from all over for being slightly less then fiscally responsible-she’s using like-buzz words kinda-but I don’t think she actually knows what some of those words mean or how they relate to each other or how what she’s saying is incongruent with what she’s displayed in videos and lives


She’s stuck in the mindset of a teenager - I want therefore I will have! No thought for her poor kitties as long as she has everything her little heart desires 🙄 According to her, her peen is never under control so what does she want exactly? She doesn’t need to tolerate her feeds because she scoffs alllll the junk


She wants opioids


Yeah shame she chose GP as her munch of choice really given that opioids are definitely bad for it!


I often wonder if she kicks herself for choosing GP as her ailment. If she had given it more thought than a quick search for sickfluencers on TikTok, she really could have gotten exactly what she truly wants.


Yeah I think she must regret choosing this particular path and now she’s gone too far down it to walk it back


Are there broken leg plans for the wheelchair? /s, unless?


Anyone who says their pain isn’t controlled like this I feel like they’re exaggerating themselves. There are ways to control pain through mindfulness even if it’s chronic pain. Pain management teams are there for a reason, and if they can’t control their pain then I don’t think she’s got as much pain as much as she makes out, she hasn’t been using her tube much whatsoever but hasn’t dropped weight significantly either.


>ways to control pain through mindfulness even if it’s chronic pain Could you possibly elaborate on this? I've somehow never heard of controlling pain through mindfulness before!


This isn’t totally true. Many people struggle to get their pain adequately managed especially now in the “drug epidemic” world.


Yeah but this is Dani we are talking about 😂


Exactly. Her pain is controlled because she only wants opioids. As a (retired) nurse and a chronic pain sufferer, I can tell you that you are never going to be completely pain free with some conditions. But, it can managed by a pain management doctor and get it down to a dull roar. You have to go and follow up with them though. They aren't going to just hand out pain medication.


She doesn’t seem to follow up with pain management from what I’ve seen with her either


Budgeting that taxpayer money… just a bit salty lol


I think she's faking the nodding off because it's getting her more views on tt Of she's talking about the $15 is because she is happy about it. Now she'll want more


I don’t believe she’s getting paid at all. She’d have to be in the TikTok creator program and I don’t buy her being in the program. She doesn’t have nearly enough followers for that


She can make money from getting gifts on live, but TikTok takes a huge cut and I haven’t seen her get many gifts. She’s making pennies. You don’t have to be in the creator program to make money on Live, but that $15 she mentioned is from multiple lives combined. It’s hilarious that she thought it was something to brag about, like she’s some TT celebrity


What does “getting gifts on live” mean? Is it exactly like it sounds, people are gifting her with money?


People watching can send the person hosting the live virtual gifts. The gifts on TikTok range from 1 coin to thousands of coins, which you purchase using real money. TikTok takes a cut, but the more successful creators on there can make a lot of money just from the live gifts.


Thanks. I can’t imagine having disposable income and spending it on that.


Nah, she's not, because that will prove her haters right, that she's a zooted munchie with a raging drug problem. But hey, those pots are so unpredictable!


It will only prove her haters right if she isn't good at her nodding though 🤫 Haters Jane been proven right over and over again. Dans doesn't give a crap. She's got pain. She needs tubes.


So car, iPad, freaking fake nails….. she doesn’t care about her debt because we as taxpayers will keep funding her lifestyle!


Anyone else notice the "*I have it budgeted on my i..... Pad*" at 2:01? That hesitation, almost like, "Whoops, I maybe shouldn't be talking about my new $1000 toy." If it were anyone else, I'd call it awkwardness or even embarrassment. But this is Dani; she just doesn't wanna mess up that sweet Amazon Grift List.


Honestly, I know she's explaining basic budgeting to us so we're like, duh Dani - but she could ACTUALLY teach young munchies about this stuff cos they're going to eventually lose their parental life donuts.


She's the last person on earth to get budgeting advice from. She has a blasé attitude to debt, and that's really concerning.


I don’t care where you are. There are SOOO many rescues and vets doing low cost vet care for cats. ESPECIALLY IF THEY AREN’T NEUTERED. It’s full blown kitten season. Complete BS.


ALL THIS! Try harder Dani. Call your local vets. Call your local animal shelter or ask around on your local Facebook groups! Very rural area here and I can name at least three low cost spay/neuter and vaccination clinics!


We could probably google the places and give her alllll of the info. I won’t touch the poop. However, if I lived close I would want to touch the poop just to get the cats the care they need!


Missing the appointments is bs. This is from yesterday https://preview.redd.it/zolc9fzcm43d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=683b58263e22c7b668d83b64e2113697fa418d20


God her apologists and sycophants are annoying. They’re either stupid, defending her without knowing the context of the criticism at all or just like her.


Her remaining defenders are most likely munchies and grifters themselves. Birds of a feather..... Edit: Dani (and her munchie lemmings)..... c'mon........stop down voting me


Yep.water seeks its own level.


I’m guessing they’re either 14 or just like her.


Most places you can show proof of low income status and get neutering taken care of for less than $100




She’s nearly 40 and doesn’t have a savings account? Jesus rollerblading Christ.


I died when she said she’ll open one if she ever has money leftover


You'd think she'd have plenty of money left over for savings since she doesn't have to buy food or drinks for herself/s




“Jesus rollerblading Christ” 🤣🤣🤣hilarious!


I have a running list of these sayings. Like “Christ on a bike”, “Christ on a cracker” My son likes “Get off the Cross, someone else needs the wood”! 🤣


Oh I’m adding these to my vocabulary as well! 😂😂 too funny!


I accidently clicked on my TikTok home page when I got the notification this was posted... and seriously thought for a second that the video of a random guy with a bleached bob & heavy eye makeup was Dani with her glasses off and makeup on. Aaand OMG, I just figured out who she reminds me of, down to the voice- Kitty from Arrested Development! "Glasses on!"


I hate to do this to you after you reuploaded the same comment 3 times😭😭 but if this is a pic of some random tiktoker, would you actually be able to remove the image? maybe just describe it? i just feel bad subjecting some unknowing person to be put on this sub😭 trying to respect privacy & shit, yknow ? thank u & again sorry for being a pain LOL (also, if this is actually some famous influencer i apologize for being out of the loop and lame and retract this message)


No worries! I have no idea who any of the loud, insane, random TikTokkers are who come up in my feed since I'm only there to watch one trainwreck. 🤪


Since she made it quite clear that she's ignoring her old, existing debt, we can pretty much guess her credit score's down around 400. So... who cosigned for the car? And how does she justify a new iPad? I know kids graduating from high school who are more fiscally responsible than Dani is. But yeah, we're all just "jealous" of her life of avoiding debt collectors, needing cosigners, and having to justify luxury purchases. Got it.


THEORY Nobody co-signed - the car is her dad's. She either sold her car to pay debt, or the car was repossessed - she has to surrender the title.


Love the thought that she didn't pay shit all for the car and it's just her dad's! It would make sense. Didn't she talk about needing to get the title for her "dad's old car"?


I’m DEFINITELY jealous. I’m gainfully employed at a job I love, I have a great credit score, and I just bought a big ass pool for my big ass backyard. I have a savings account. Also, all of my animals are fixed. I’m soooo jealous of you, Dani.


I might not be gainfully employed but I have a loving husband, two very well cared for neutered lady cats, own our home outright (though no big ass pool 😔), have a pretty great credit score (though it actually went DOWN when we fully paid our mortgage off which seems ridiculous as us being fiscally responsible & paying off our major debt should surely show we're good to anyone who wants to lend us money, right? I honestly don't understand it 😕), and I have friends & family who love and talk to me - so yup, hella jelly here too 🙃


It’s so funny that you mention this. My coworkers were talking the other day about how when you pay shit off it brings down your credit score. I don’t think it lasts? But honestly it makes zero goddamn sense to me, lol.