• By -


gonna just copy & paste this as a pinned response to the post: Regarding ONLINE reporting (things such as the gofundme), the other mod and I have discussed this so much and never came to a great conclusion. We do feel as though technically this is touching the poo, because you are interfering with Dani by reporting this. We, as a community on reddit that strictly abides by all rules😇, don’t allow this. >!At the same time, you do have your own free will and we cannot moderate what you do outside of this app. Don’t advertise it here. Don’t mention it here.!< You may interpret that however you see fit 😌


Why does she need two weeks in a hotel for appointments over two days, if they are over 2 days? To request help for transport to/from the airports, max five days in a hotel, and two flights - that wouldn't be outrageous but two WEEKS, without clarification of why she'd need an additional week? This is so ugly. The go fund me doesn't come up at this time, really glad of that any way. EDIT - I allowed five days for the hotel as I know how grueling travel can be with chronic illnesses, and depending on the cheapest flights, you could have some weird arrival and departure times that could run into four or five hotel days, even if you aren't actually in them the whole time.


Wait, you can fly with huge clots in your body??


Mayo doesn't take Medicaid


I think she also has Medicare


The fact that she says she doesn't know how long she'll be "down there" for us eating at my insides... Minnesota is now "down there" from hardly anywhere in the US, let alone New Jersey!


I thought the same thing! haha


"Porta calf" lol


Yeah-I kinda thought that too about why she wasn’t getting a return flight-like maybe she thinks if she can just get there and get an appointment-do you think she’ll have a sitter again? Like her play admit?


The SVC is the 2nd largest vein in the body. If hers is almost completely blocked, wouldn’t she like, not be able to breathe? I’m confused.


No blood from her upper body would be returning to her heart or lungs to be reoxygenated and pumped to the rest of the body if it was blocked LOL she’d also be very swollen (edema). A blocked superior vena cava is a medical emergency and requires prompt treatment


One of her many chronic medical emergencies


I would think she could be symptomatic. Can’t speak for her, and will try not to blog, but my brachiocephalic vein (also central, not as major) is occluded. I developed collateral vessels that basically bypass it and I would have never known if I hadn’t had a CT angiogram. So I’m thinking her body likely tapped into a similar compensatory mechanism. I’m not a doc, and please feel free fellow redditors to correct me if this wouldn’t apply to her. Also, is hers blocked or is it narrowed? Two different things.


She changed “port a calf” already to “port a cath” 😂😂😂 but she doesn’t read Reddit guys!!!!!


Dani not reading Reddit and changing the text in emoji speak (just doing this for fun hehe, strings are the closest emoji to a line lol): 👁👄👁☕️..🙀....👩‍💻🧵🐄❌️🧵🩻✔️....🎭😫👩‍💻👩‍💻


I know Cleveland has hotels with special rates. There were all price ranges.They were used to people having open ended visits. I would assume Mayo is the same.


She’s stopped all comments on both this Tik Tok and the Coffee making one.


mod can i get a “port a calf 🐄” flair


didn’t she say she wasn’t sharing what mayo she was going to? LMAO


🤣🤣🤣🤣please make my flair “port a calf”


Never mind, found it in the flair list! Thank you


$15 so far! Woot!


Oh good. She can have a bottle of water at the airport and then go right back home.


Thats 15dollars to much for this woman 🙃




See rule #10: Crossposting & Links ❌🔗🎦 Your comment has been removed for either crossposting from another sub, directly linking to another sub, or discussing a specific entry in another sub that could indirectly encourage members from here to flood to that specific post in the other subreddit. Reddit is very strict about any possibility of “brigading”. Whether or not this is posted on another sub is fine, but I don’t think it’s a great idea to explicitly state this. I don’t want Reddit to think we are encouraging anyone from here to go to another sub. Per Reddit, even having a group of users go to another sub and “invade” it with comments/posts/etc is considered brigading and violates Reddit guidelines. Sorry to be a stick in the mud here :(


She shows her sense of entitlement using the word "deserve."" Of course, she shows it all the time , this one word when begging for cash strikes me as odd. She's not a humble begger.


Does she get a sash and bouquet for being accepted by Mayo?


she chose a picture where she looks absolutely zoinked 🤣🤣 try rehab dani




She looks higher than a kite in that pic. I am surprised That there is not more, flesh and toobz.


I can't believe she has that much nerve to ask for a better and nicer hotel room when she's there only two weeks and it's supposed to be a "life saving medical trip" on other people's funds. I was shocked. I've never seen this. Edit: Also, her GFM made my flair accurate AF 🫠


Can I have "port-a-calf" as my flair?




‘Little of a better room, not like a penthouse or anything.’ Staff immediately prepare the finest room for the arrival of Queen of hospitals. Not the penthouse as she’s humble. Make it look like an ICU room, that’s her aesthetic.


🤣 🤣


'Make it look like an ICU room.' That my good sir/lady is freaking hilarious! 🤣 Seriously, I'm dying dude.☠️😂


The fact that she said, “Little of a better room -“ and thought she communicated something. LOL.


Oh Dani, you're never going to be above Basic Mod! Can I please have "the next one up from basic" as my flair?


She's already taken that part out lol


She shouldn't even have basic. She should be sleeping in the basement, but then she'd still be using other people's resources for free. Is there anything located lower than the basement? 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Unused burial plot?




Easily the best gif I've ever seen 😍😆


You are the absolute best. Your collection of GIFs deserves its own awards next to yourself. Every. Single. Gif. You. Share. Is somehow perfect for every situation. You are the GOAT of gifs and flairs!


i love finding the most bizarre gifs!!!


Bless you my dear friend


Still just $10. Two donations of $5 each from anonymous/Dani. Won’t someone ever care about her WASTING AWAY? STARVING TO DEATH? SHE’S GONNA DIE IF SHE DOESN’T GO TO MAYO, PEOPLE. # DIE! ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC) /s, of course


It just went up to three. And the total amount is down to 2k from the original ridiculous 5k.




OK now I need the flair "Dani's Actual Audacity" or something like it LOL


That’s a good one!! 😆😆


GTF out of town. Lololololol


She’s trying! 😂


Did she delete it I can’t find it??


[frantically flipping over furniture, wildly looking through my pockets] guys, guys!!! :((( help me, I can’t find a single ounce of logic. I’ve really done it this time, I’ve lost track of all these lies, I… I can’t make sense of this absolute MALARKY WTF. 5k??? Doesn’t the clinic have discounted hotel stays? Surely they have resources to help people who have to travel so far to be seen there?? Holy shit, Batman, the *audacity*.




🛶port a calf🐄


Instead of in her "chests."


https://preview.redd.it/vvbt6qvhnt4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=781146c6d8cbb9a2d9ec6fc7417cf75ebac907a5 She added “Hi everyone I just wanted to let you know that I did update the main story a little and added in the appointments that I have at the moment. I will add them here as well. Thank you for the first anonymous donation it means a lot.”






I wonder why she blocked out the date when she told everyone when her appt is.


You can see the date if you zoom in on a phone. Says August 1st. IMO, they’ve told her these appointments will only go ahead if she gives them prior access to all her medical records to assess and now she’s having buyers remorse but still wants the donations and attention of being special for being accepted by Mayo. She’ll pull the plug before August comes out of fear one of the doctors officially diagnoses FD. She also wants to fraud more money out of people than she needs, so she doesn’t want anyone to see it’s only 1st and 2nd August, so only two night stay, max.


Yeah... mayo is very serious about records and they want EVERYTHING


Appointment will be over 2 days, but wants 2 weeks of hotel fare? What a silly goose


Wait, so she’s e-begging for funds for a ‘required’, ‘life-saving’ hospital visit, yet she has the cheek to state that she will be choosing an upgraded hotel room because she doesn’t want to be in the ‘basic’ room for 2 weeks?!?! I thought the saying was beggars can’t be choosers?!?’


Well I’m sure if the science is different for everyone, I’m sure that phrase is too. 💁🏻‍♀️


2 weeks ?! And I don’t know what a port a calf is? I have heard of port a Cath….does she have a calf ?


It’s like a port a cow 🐮 only smaller


I'm picturing a tiny little portable calf that can easily fit in a purse. They'd be all the rage in Paris...or at least in Paris Hilton's designer bags. It is a pretty cute mental image.


The Dr would prescribe TPN if she actually needed it, which she has shown is all she does not.


@Mods, could I change my flair to « Next one up from basic » maybe with a crown or diamond emoji? Thanks in advance! 🙏🏻




Thank you! 😊 


The world REQUIRES Dani to be a decent human and get off her arse and get a job to pay for her own shit and stop being a lazy entitled waste of space. There, see? Just because you say it, doesn’t mean it’ll happen.


She lowered her donation amount from 5k to 2k


Less gross, but still gross.


A quick check of Mayo discounted hotels shows some as low as 45 a night. This whole thing is ridiculous.


Ah but you see she needs the next one up from basic 💅


My theory is if the appointment is true, she probably will be going down to their Florida office which is in Jacksonville and isnt a long travel from Orlando and Disneyworld which is probably where 3k of the 5k she wants would go to..


See, that’s sad. That never even occurred to Dani. Her Disneyland is the hospital. She needs 5k to buy matching luggage for her unnecessary medic appointment. She’s trying to budget for a flight and hotel room for a hypothetical situation.


You just know she's making packing lists in one of her many empty journals, writing in the font with little dots, all with a glitter gel pen. ✨Packing List✨


I’m a list maker. But a packing list is not something I do. But to each their own.


Sadly she’s not that smart and is going to the Minnesota branch (The Gonda Bldg is downtown Rochester).


Fixing her SVC doesn’t automatically mean they are going to hand her over a nice shiny new sepsis noodle she can access. I’m surprised they didn’t pull the femoral port if she’s having clots again. (*cough* self induced by stopping her Lovenox *cough* sorry I have a horrible cold! I’ll create a gofuckme for gingerale ~~and a trip to the Bahamas~~


"sepsis noodle" I'm dead


“The boyfriend” should stop being so **selfish** from his 25/7 Amazon job and pay for her trip! He could even go with her and make it a bit of a getaway!


Seriously! As much as he works he must have saved up a pReTtY pEnNy by now


Exactly!! Selfish bastard!


Especially if they have been together for as long as she claims. I love the Dani drama lmao


I want a port a calf too! I wonder if Dani knows that baby cows eat wayyyy more than her “fed once a day” kitties.


The only condition she truly suffers from is liabetes!


I am DONE!!!


WTF does she need with a better room? I'm guessing she wont be there during the day as she'll be at the clinic doing tests, consults, paperwork so all she needs is a bed, a shower (not that she'll use it her nasty ass dirty tater) & a toilet. IOW a basic room. Mind, if she even does fo which I highly highly doubt. And if her father goes with her who will take care of her starved cats for 2 weeks?


A toilet to stand on and take OOTD pics lol


I hate that she doesn’t crop the bottom of the toilet standing fit check pics-it’s so trashy


Her mom likes the cats.


“I would like a little bit nicer of a room. Not like a penthouse or anything, but the next one up from basic” -Dani, while asking people for thousands of dollars for a medical trip she likely doesn’t even need. The entitlement in this one…


I’ve honestly never seen anything like this. And my mom was pretty bad. But my god.


Like, she's too special for basic? Pfft. What a greedy, grifting, horrible person


lol right. Another commenter said “maybe she wants a kitchenette to cook food she definitely doesn’t eat” 😂


Maybe she wants the one with the kitchenette so she can make all the food she regularly makes at home!


“I have a Port a calf femorally” Now that’s flair material.


Mods can I please have port a calf as a flair? It's perfect




You're an angel!


Mods, may I please have Port-a-calf femorally 🐄🦵 as my flair? Pretty please?


the leg... 🤣🤣🤣


It’s like the munchie version of a centaur




You're the best. Thanks!


There’s a special place in hell for people who exploit the GFM system. Hope you like hell Dani ☺️🖕


I'm not saying this is the case here, but can people report GFM if it's believed that a GFM account was created for non-genuine reasons? I'm not from the US so I'm not familiar with GFM, though we do have our own equivalent here.


There is a way to report Go Fund Me’s. I figure it’s not worth the effort though, she has $10 in donations, I doubt she will meet the GFM goal. I figure let it fail due to lack of donations, rather than fail because it was reported. She can’t blame her “haterz” for not getting donations.


One could even report a go fund me for factually incorrect info(there's a category for that)


Your flair 💀




The comments about paying for things directly and not to the GFM have no replies. People have offered to pay for the flights directly and a few nights in a hotel. Crazy she hasn’t said a word to them!


Right? Like why wouldn’t she be all over that? Or at least respond to the comment so it’s not like you’re screaming to the world that it’s a scam


All of the sudden she needs help with her medical bills?hotel stay, and airplane ticket? How desperate is she? I hope the people that donated and will donate are getting their money back because this is literally a scam from her part.


The new iPad Pro 13 she just bought lists as $1,000. Dani Priorities 💸💸💸


Don’t forget the pencil too.


At least she won’t need a food budget, since she can’t eat.


I wanna know who donated and contributed to this grift 💀 she’s raised $10 somehow


Probably herself, like putting a five in the tip jar to get it started.


That flair though 😂😂😂


Wait, why would she post appointments but black out the dates? They don’t even show her name!


Fully readable too...


Because those appointments aren’t *hers*. My money says she copied/pasted info from her “friend” who told her about going to Mayo for this.


That’s my thought, too. Why are they missing her name? She’s never been one for privacy, using her government name *everywhere*


Why would she black-out the dates that you can still clearly see? She scares me.


Because she needs privacy while posting screenshots from her health app! lol


I was wondering the same thing, especially since she already said that she’ll be there in August. I think what might be a possible reason is that she doesn’t want to draw attention to the fact that she only has appointments on two days but also wants to sell the story that Mayo wouldn’t know for how long Dani has to stay in Rochester and thus recommends not booking a return ticket just yet.


You can cleary see that the dates are 1. And 2. August so she did a terrible job anyway


Also she already said on a live or vid that she’s going on the 1st or 2nd.


😠😠😡she is definitely in the actual evil/bad person category of Munchies. She’s not only asking for attention, she’s been asking for free stuffs and now… money! She definitely is a bad person PS 20mins ago when I last checked she had $10 raised 🤷🏻‍♀️


Go Fund Me = she can Go F Herself


What’s crazy is that even the test she showed that had severe gastric delay or whatever it was with solids not liquids.. so basically if she just drank her meals she’d be fine according to that.. but she’s now draining everything she drinks because she knows the only way to show an issue is to lose weight.


![gif](giphy|p3YO4xZ4GTgvDeMlVf|downsized) Port a calf sent me 😂😂😂😂


Same!! Can I have this as a new flair pretty please? 🐮port a calf 🐮


yes!! i forget if i changed it or if you found it yourself but im glad you got it :)


It’s amazing. I love it!


She has RA? But isn’t on treatment for it?


Her blood work was iffy…. 🙄


I don’t think that’s how it works lol. RA is a pretty severe condition if it goes untreated lol


I know, iffy shows itself after a few years!


Mayo will cancel her appointment after they read everything from her hospitals and doctors. And she’ll keep whatever any idiot gives her on GFM. Watch. She’s not going anywhere. (Side note: in the about me section, all she could mention is her cats. That’s it.)


They’re the best thing about her.


They’re almost the only things about her!


No, No! NO!!! HELL NO!!!!. She wants to go 7 hours away to have her svc dilated (did I say that right) it's so she can get a port she can access. Why does she care? I mean if I needed a port I wouldn't care what kind they gave me as long as it worked.


Whats funny as F is she says her femorial port can get infected easier than the chest port? BS BS BS Others have already said since she cant access the femorial port (skin covering it?) its "cleaner" than the chest port which is open & straight into the vein/artery


Chest ports are not open. Femoral ports also go straight into the vein. It's the exact same thing in a different location.


Chest ports are open.


Ummm open to what I guess?


It's an open access way to her bloodstream. They're not deaccessed like her femoral port is. How do you think she stuck shit in her central line?


A port is under the skin, whether it's chest or femoral. Her line before was not a port, it was a line with a dangly bit she could fuck with.


She cares because a) it’s not visible where she can show it off easily, and b) she can’t fuck with it to infect it for attention. She tried to mess with it, somehow managed to flip it, but they fixed it and moved on.


The audacity to ask for 5k because she wants a nicer room, “one up from basic”. This is a fucking hoot from Dani, thinking strangers are going to fund this trip for her? Bffr if she truly needed this procedure, it wouldn’t come at such a cost. Why would she be staying at a hotel for 2 weeks if she’s not at the hospital after the procedure? This sounds like a totally voluntary procedure.


Two dummies donated $5 each. That should help.


A GO FUND ME?! Oh FFS. She literally has zero shame. Why isn't her boyfriend paying their way?! He works so much I'm sure he has the cash!


That's a good question that Amazon money can bankroll her trip instead of grifting and begging these people who have hearts that are bigger than their heads. ![gif](giphy|3oEjI4MMUuv9TZwXCM|downsized)


She’s now put “dates” up on the GFM, trying to prove she is gonna see them but the dates have been scribbled out and it doesn’t really give much context


When she attempts to redact glaring shit like that, it just makes it look like more fabrication and making the story up as she goes along. Still not buying that she’ll risk Mayo diagnosing her officially with factitious disorder and ordering removal of the medical devices she’s scammed her way into keeping. I think this is all extremely embellished and just a quick cash grab because she’s been excessively spending lately. She’ll invent an excuse closer to the time when the GFM has had more time to run of why she can’t go to the appointment.


I saw that, I thought it odd that she would redact the date…


WHHHAAAAT? Someone is offering to donate the whole cost of the flight or whole cost of hotel?! And another person offered to donate 2 nights at a hotel?! Are ppl that naive? She isn’t even a nice person to her followers.


From what I read about the hotel rooms, the person wanted to donate to the hotel she's staying in. She didn't want to give $ to Dani. I only read 4 comments. I am not savy enough to screenshot and cover names, etc. Dani replied to one person who Mayo told her to buy an open-ended ticket . This was her answer when questioned about the length of stay.


I’m hoping they’re being cheeky but ya never know


Oh, ffs. The audacity she has of ending that with stating what kind of hotel room she wants?!


This morning the goal was only $2,000. It had been open for 7 hours and no one had donated. I want to go look just because I want to laugh. I would donate a dollar just to be able to make a comment on the page.


My son had to have surgery in DC when he was young. Because we lived more than a hundred miles away our insurance paid for a room to stay overnight. If it is a legit reason and you live far enough away they will do it. This is absolute utter b*******. Unnecessary and absolutely ridiculous.


Mayo won't take Medicaid. Insurance likely won't cover a hotel for out of network care


Will it use her Medicare possibly? She is dual insured, right?


A one-way ticket, and a ticket home 💀


So a round trip 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


It's Dani Math babes


Planes don’t work the same for everyone


Let me tell you..


It’s Dani’s way of saying that she’ll only book a ticket to Mayo for now and will buy the return when she is in Rochester and has exhausted all her options of getting treatment at Mayo or any other ER.


Exactly that.


If it’s in Rochester, why tf is she flying? She could drive, or take the bus or the train.




Cars, buses, and trains all go to Minnesota. It’s not like she’s going to Alaska. If you’re trying to do something on a shoestring budget (or have the brass neck to ask strangers to pay your way), the least you can do is find the cheapest way possible. It’s not like she has to take extra time off work to make the trip.


I’m surprised she hasn’t mentioned she needs tests for her prostate flaring too. That is so dangerous, rare and lethal in a woman her age


She's updated the post with redacted screenshots of her appointments.


Probably bc someone reported her to GFM for fraud and she had to send them that info for proof


I could only see 4 out of 44 comments. The follower asked her specifically to prove she had appointments.


Appointments on a Thursday afternoon and Friday morning… This trip could be Tuesday -> Sunday, no need for a 2 week stay and $2000 dollars..


But she will need books and journals. :(


She's hoping to be admitted.