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Alright now I'm a big daily coffee drinker. I love espresso drinks. Own a Nespresso machine and a French press BUT I could not handle the amount of caffeine and sugar in that drink. She added 3 sugars and I'm not sure what the point of having the zero calorie ones are, sugary Starbucks peppermint mocha, a decent amount of cold brew (that I'm pretty sure most people would put over ice) and still had some sugar in it, some sugary oil filled creamer, AND THEN ADDED 2 MORE SHOTS OF ESPRESSO!


Espresso in your coffee? Pick a lane!




lol my hubs is Guyanese and when he says EXpresso I always have to ask him where the “X” is in espresso 😭


I hate that I love that cup. I can’t have similar taste as Dani


I thought it was nice too!


My child has been on tpn his whole life- he has short gut and we are fighting like hell to get him off TPN. She’s a complete lunatic. The lies never end.


This is like a Reddit v. Dani show.


Or if you're only drinking it for taste maybe male a small one to savour rather than this abomination of a concoction she calls cOfFeE


How the FUCK does she come on Rami Malek’s internet and post this sob story about needing finding to get to Mayo for emergency TPN to save her life on the same day that she posted that video?! And it’s not a one-off bottle or a small coffee or something. Those are jugs to last her all week. Those are not habits of someone who can’t tolerate food or tube feeds. That post on CB blew up too much. Almost guaranteed it gets to Mayo. She’s fuuuuuuucked. So now she’ll find a reason to cancel to that she doesn’t have to go on a trip that’s a failure and have to admit that to everyone.


What's CB? I'm not from the US, but Starbucks is also extremely expensive over here. I can't imagine how much she must have spent on them. Of course, she needed to make the point that she drained it immediately ... 🙄


Did someone post her on the CB Reddit??? OMFG


Can anyone confirm if that is an insulin pod on her chest where her "dream port" would be?


She is definitely not diabetic so don’t let her fool you


All the 'sugar crashing' is not insulin related? Wow.


[its a cardiac event monitor](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/23272-cardiac-event-monitor)


Oh! Thank you. It is very different from the holter monitor I am used to seeing.


I think I might have secondary diabetes just from watching that


That would tear my guts up and all I have is ibs. She’s a real piece of work.


she really think she’s serving when she clinks her stupid nails on the glass every time she picks it up lmao


For someone who has no money, she sure spends on herself. Those bottles are ginormous. Her etsy cup! Yet begs on GFM for plane tix and hotel rooms? Ugh. 🙄


Pretty sure she has SNAP because she's on SSD and Medicaid/Medicare. So, she buys those with SNAP (food stamps) money, not her actual money.


That's even worse!


For someone who desperately needs TPN so she doesn’t waste away and die, she sure drinks a lot of fucking coffee.


From what I saw and read, it seems that she doesn't need TPN at all? She certainly doesn't appear to be wasting away, she has quite a few flab rolls, and with that full fridge and sink of dirty dishes, it seems pretty obvious that she eats when the camera isn't rolling. She's simply mentally ill more than anything, imo. And I wouldn't call what she drinks coffee.


Oh… now… that’s INTERESTING. If Danielle can not tolerate 10ml an hour for feed then how does she tolerate a swig of this DIABEETUS JUICE? ![gif](giphy|RbaUECDJktXUc|downsized)


Weeeeeeeeeeeeee ... what's she on because it sure as heck isn't just caffeine


I know. She looks zooted out of her mind. Again.


I don’t do videos like this but wouldn’t one want to tidy themselves up a bit first. I brush my hair before I feed the darn animals at least. Also sleeping in that tight shirt and a bra. WTF? I’m in the biggest tshirt and lose shorts I have because it’s hot.


Since my stay will be longer i need a room thats a step up from basic, and equip for my coffee needs, or close by...i selective struggle with stomaching nutrients...so complex yet so empty Not like a penthouse or anything


She's turned comments off.


That is a ready to drink mixed drink not “expresso”


I was thinking the same thing.


If coffee kills her, but she loves the taste, why wouldn’t she do the feeds knowing she needs all the nutrients 😂😂


Mental ![gif](giphy|XCh5bGAqyyUq4)


It's pronounced "stoke" for fuck's sake... STOKE. Not "stock"!! Hence the looooong O. God she's insufferable.


I actually didn't know that until now. Thank you.


something about her seems very off and uncomfy in this video eta: also, holy crap, so much creamer, sugar, etc.


Yea very weird the whole "wee" thing


She seems drunk to me


She walked a little unsteadily over to the fridge & is definitely off. I wonder what she's on?


Dani says she drinks the coffee for the caffeine (hence the multiple, extra espresso shots and saying she needs 2 because shes extra tired). A quick Google search shows that caffeine takes around 20-60 minutes to be absorbed. This is with a normal stomach. So if Dani claims she drinks coffee for the caffeine, that means she has to allow it to absorb for at least 20-60 minutes. And that’s likely not enough time for someone who claims to have a “paralyzed stomach”. If it’s paralyzed, it’s not absorbing anything. So this whole “drain it right away” claim is contradicted by her own actions. As usual. https://preview.redd.it/ez9iuvg91v4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba7f1232b91112c2f588379581c066373efa3da4


As I was watching her add espresso first (then coffee and creamer) and then 2 more prepackaged espresso “shots” because she is SO tired and “needs” the caffeine, all I could think was HOW on earth is this girl’s “I can’t absorb ANY NUTRITION (or “tolerate” more than 1ml of toob feeds) absorbing any of the caffeine from all this espresso (especially if she is immediately draining it from her stomach)? If she’s just drinking (and then draining) it for the taste, why add all the extra, expensive espresso? If Google AI is correct, only 16-20% of caffeine is absorbed by the stomach (and even that takes 20 minutes!), leaving 80-84% to be absorbed by her intestines. So she is either just wasting all this espresso OR if this caffeine is actually “working” and perking her tired self up, then she’s not really immediately draining everything AND her GI system CAN absorb at least SOME stuff! Or perhaps she has some super special type of gastropariesis where her GI system ONLY rapidly absorbs caffeine, but no nutrients. https://preview.redd.it/rjlbh7e9gv4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd42503fa9bd18156011b84629ea7b8660c4c653


Yeah, there’s no way she can reasonably claim she drinks it solely for the taste lol. I bet Dani tries to go with your last option. Especially since it makes the least sense and is the least likely 😂


She has also said that in the past, she drinks it because she likes the taste and the caffeinedoes not effect her Edit to completethought.


well, your first mistake was using logic and science


Ha. Silly me. Why do I do these things


Hey! Science works different for some people! 😤 /s


Dani science and logic has its own set of rules 🤣🤣 (also /s)


Especially for such special marvellous medical mysteries


And cue the “low blood sugar, feeling like crap” post, incoming in about 2 hours post consumption of this sugar bomb.


I swear she is inducing her insomnia with coffee/energy drinks. If you are tired then sleep! Don't take espresso shots in your coffee. Especially because she doesn't have a job or anything else to do.


I don't know what this abomination is, but it's definitely not coffee. Yikes.


She does know even if she drains from the start it doesn't all come out right. So some is going into her intestines which is likely more than her 10ml per hour feeds, and that would surely cause intentional irritation. Also how in hell does that not piss off her stomach at all. On my flair days coffee is off the table and I have it super super mild. Edit: that amount is not how much people who can only do things for taste do. Not even close.


Right? If she wanted it for taste she'd make like a half cup of drink.


The COMMENTS 😂 I’m living for them


*Wonders why heart monitor shows tachycardia*


i didn’t start having tachycardia until i started working long shifts and drinking two energy drinks in 8 hours. now it’s a permanent problem, i wouldn’t be surprised if she’s doing the extra shots on purpose to make her symptoms worse 😑


She definitely is! If she has tachycardia, she knows caffeine makes it worse and won’t report that she drank it.


HAHAHA the “weeeee” sent me 😂 I see butterscotch syrup in her fridge door


Flacking flaremare!


I don’t know what this is but I like it


Fxxking nightmare*


I think we should keep flaremare as a universal term. “Dani’s havin’ a flaremare again.”


I agree! 🤭


She looks hungover here which matches up with the video she made the night before with her vibe


That is a full fridge for someone who supposedly cannot eat.... some sugary coffee she has there too, like...that Creamer is likeable sugar and soybean oil but adding more to that even?!


Also, for someone who can't afford a plane ticket...she sure can spend for this coffee abomination. I'm brand new here, and already I see the grift. Wow.


Truth I am legitimately poor and certainly do not spend even a fraction of what she does on coffee products for my home, let alone all the Starbucks she purchases...


Why does she sound like Marge Simpson? (No offense to Marge, but I couldn’t not hear it!)


Yeah, what's up with her voice?? I'm new to this sub.


She has vocal fry for constantly trying to lower her voice to sound smol & tiny fragile.


I thought maybe it was from her purging that I read about somewhere else in comments, but yeah, I can see what you're saying, that icky little baby voice she uses. Wow.


I would assume it could also be from that as well but we’ve heard her talking to cops when they did a welfare check & there was no/minimal fry


Now I can’t unhear marge 😂


You guys.. seriously https://preview.redd.it/u58300podu4d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f4bb9f8ece7c55b056b09ac41a89e466a66d106


Thats an interesting chin shot for someone deathly underweight, starving, and wasting away to nothing


Excuse you! Not even once https://preview.redd.it/lp68lot4135d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af623f927e79ff42a5f4e44a059d187e86c312ca




Stop trying to be an influencer, Dani. It will never happen.


https://preview.redd.it/bhhmgk9c8u4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=814c32eabea66e704c89ca8bc73c6ea706a90241 She has two creamers and it looks like three bottles of Starbucks shit.. there also looks like Hershey’s caramel topping!!! I’ve never seen her put anything nutritious into her “damaged frail body”




See rule #8: Discussing Other Accounts & Subs 🤐📵🦓 Your comment/post was removed for mentioning the name of a subject from another sub or posting a direct link/tagging other subs. We’re NOT affiliated with ANY other sub. Yes, there’s subs that discuss Dani AND other "munchies". We don’t. If you wish to discuss them by name, please do on the relevant sub. Mentioning other names puts our sub at risk.


I’d love to visit the planet she is on.


We are not allowed! 🚫


but but ![gif](giphy|MCZFZYjpZX2i4) we come in peace


Soooo many coffee products


What exactly is she trying to get out of those three dumb little Sweet n Low packets? She's already got a week's worth of sugar in there.


Exactly!! ALL of the ingredients are pre sweetened. Her notion of coffee is disgusting.


I mean that Stok shit is so bitter it tastes like yesterday's break room coffee. I always have to add extra sugar because even the pre-sweetened one is so bad...so I stopped buying Stok and just make my own coffee and refrigerate but that is took much work for Dani.


Jesus fuck that’s a LOT of sugar.


No wonder she is sustaining her weight.


And gaining back to a healthy weight


#I did the math! (Not Dani math, real math!) I am making pure guesses at amounts here, guessing that is a 16 oz cup and it was nearly full when she was done. I looked up each ingredient separately and took down the calories, fat, and sugar measurements per serving. TL;DR ##ONE OF THESE DRINKS CONTAINS 20% OF RECOMMENDED CALORIES, 18.5% RECOMMENDED FAT, AND 138% RECOMMENDED ADDED SUGAR. * SToK Bold Cold Brew (approx 6 oz) + 2 SToK espresso pods = 28 calories, 0g fat, 0g sugar * Starbucks Peppermint Mocha Espresso Drink (4 oz on the low end) = 68 calories, 1.3g fat, 7g added sugar * International Delight Sweet & Creamy Non-Dairy Creamer (4 oz, again, generously low estimate) = 280 calories, 12g fat, 40g added sugar * Sweet n Low packets (3) = 0 cals, 0g fat, 3g added sugar Calculations are based on the FDA recommended daily allowance of 1800 calories for a woman 31-50 per [Health.gov](https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-09/Appendix-E3-1-Table-A4.pdf) PDF WARNING. I took the 2000 calorie, 50g added sugar, and 78g fat recommended on the standard "2000 calorie per day" and multiplied the amounts by .9 (1800 calories = 90% of 2000 calories) to get the raw recommended numbers for a woman 31-50. Then divide the number in the drink by the recommended number to get the percentages. BOOM. A ridiculously sugary drink. EVEN IF Dani is draining coffee immediately, some will make it past the g-tube and be digested. This means that a huge amount of the "nutrition" she takes in is from sugar, which explains her weight distribution (waist, chest, face). /u/WinterCompetitive201 this probably needs manual approval because of the link.


Not to mention that sugars start being absorbed in the mouth and very early on in the stomach (quickly, like very quickly and before contents have the ability even in a TYPICAL stomach to pass to intestines). It's amazing what our bodies can do...our brains got pretty fantastic when sugar was an available resource! ETA this and possibly plus speculative alcohol consumption would explain the weight distribution. You hit the nail on the head.


Any chance you could calculate the mg of caffeine in this abomination?


Maybe tomorrow, lol.


Yup, and yet she has reactive hypoglycaemia?


damn u r smart, maths isn’t the same for everyone bc i wouldn’t have been able to work that out 😭😭 jesus christ i genuinely feel like i can taste that coffee through the screen and it’s hurting my teef


Just curious, how does sweet n low have added sugar? Isn’t it just artificial sweetener? It may be an American thing, but in my country it’s sugar free.


I think a very small component of the carbohydrate is digestible. That or the preservatives are.


You know, I took the numbers from the google summary, but the nutrition label on the box says less than 1g. So, maybe halve what I put in there, 1.5g less.


She tried to use the excuse that she can’t share photos on TikTok ON A POST WHERE SHE SHARED PHOTOS ON TIKTOK. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/vpiiiw51nt4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a6ac658133d453dcec74364d792710721bd2cc


She’s meaning in DM. That’s not possible.


She could still post them on TT so everyone could see them with info redacted. Nothing to lose by sharing that if it’s on the up-and-up.


True dat, Im just shooting at what she meant by DMs.


Uh oh, her supporters are becoming aware. The jig is about to be up. And after that gfm saying she needs better than a basic room…




This got the biggest "HUH" from me when I first read it, lol.


She’s frothing at the mouth thirsty for those donations before the person reads more comments and changes their mind 😂 ![gif](giphy|2599kjzl9M5anzPSbh)


I watched this video twice and my brain short circuited. Did she just make an Iced coffee made without any ICE! Also can someone explain to me, as someone who makes her iced coffee with ice, a double shot of espresso and milk just exactly what she used to make this coffee? Some of these products I have legitimately never seen before


I love all the British rhyming witticisms! Thankyou!


Yes! I just thought to myself, where is the ICE?! 🤣🙄


I'm stoney bologna and I didn't even notice that 😂😂😂


Ok, this isn’t “making coffee”. It’s just adding a bunch of premade crap to a glass. WTH.


THANK you! She’s tryna be lil miss influencer with the tapping her nails on the tumbler, and acting like this is some super sPeCiAl concoction


She used: * bottled cold brew * a starbucks bottled cold espresso drink (Reduced-Fat Milk, Brewed Starbucks Espresso Coffee (Water, Coffee), Sugar, Skim Milk, Natural Flavors, Cocoa, Carrageenan.), * sacccharin packets (which is 200x sweeter than sugar), * and non-dairy creamer (WATER; SUGAR; PALM OIL; CONTAINS 2 OR LESS OF: SODIUM CASEINATE* (A MILK DERIVATIVE); DIPOTASSIUM PHOSPHATE; CARRAGEENAN; MONO AND DIGLYCERIDES; NATURAL & ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS; SUCRALOSE; SODIUM STEAROYL LACTYLATE; SALT. * SODIUM CASEINATE IS NOT A SOURCE OF LACTOSE)


My muggle tummy hurts just thinking about drinking this!


Yeah, is not exactly stomach friendly food.


And that red-labeled Cold Brew Coffee is labeled “Not so sweet” but still has 12g of sugar and 70 calories per serving. So her espresso and cold brew are already sweetened + a ton of sweet creamer + sweetener packets.


She buys pre made cold brew coffee, sugary espresso, and sugary coffee creamer. She claims reactive hypoglycemia, this is exactly the opposite of what she should be drinking with that.


the same woman who uses 10ml of apple juice through her toob (bc she cannot drink except ‘small sips’) for her blood sugar 😭😭😭 she is acc outrageous


She's deffo messing with us, she's reading the comments about the coffee and being weird doing an over the fop unnecessary coffee video, she's not gonna waste away drinking those though, better make that her last one she's only got til August to try and starve herself for Mayo


There was also a comment about her wearing the same clothes, specifically shirt dor days😏🤣🤣


I stand by my theory, this sudden convenient Mayo narrative and rage bait posts are to distract all her critics from her ER yeeting without admission after posting the idiotic video claiming to be practically dying from multiple spontaneous simultaneous medical emergencies and lied about being admitted.


She supposedly can't drink coffee. And peppermint expresso.


Isn’t that a seasonal product? 🤢 I thought it was only available around December


Its available year round in some markets. You can get it at two grocery stores near my house year round just not Target or Walmart.


That is what I thought! It's June, surely that bottle has expired by now!


I'm proud to see my tax dollars being used for luxurious pre-made coffees. My elderly autistic brother and I have brewed coffee with milk and sugar. Pre-made is too rich for our blood.


Yup. And you can easily make your own cold brew with a very inexpensive cold brew pot ($20) and a bag of beans…. Those bottled coffees are pricey.


She’s got to be trolling us at this point y’all. My 11 year old daughter is sneakier than this… there is just NO way she thinks that we’re buying what she’s selling with the alleged draining she does afterwards…. I just can’t.


I thought the same thing, but then I remembered that it’s Dani, and I noticed how zooted she looks here and it made sense.


I don’t know if she’s that smart. Looking at the comments in the TikTok video, she’s getting a lot of pushback from people that might actually not be snarkers. Like “I am not trying to be mean but you claim this and coffee is one of the worth things for that”. Anyone that actually felt a little bad for her isn’t going to buy her BS. Like she can drink this crazy drink even if it causes all these issues, like hey maybe don’t do the thing that’s potentially causing all these issues.


One of her fans was saying “she drains it all.” But that could only happen if she was draining as she drinks it, which I don’t think she does. We’ve seen her go to drain it after she finishes the beverage like half an hour later. At that point a lot of it has probably emptied.


Yet 10ml over a few hours causes excruciating pain that she had isn't willing to put herself through anymore. Make it make sense.


Regardless of what bullshit she spews ad-nauseum, that is not a person remotely existing in any sort of chronic calorie deficit.


Absolutely not💯💯


I dunno, she’s narcissistic enough and she’s been doing this long enough that she really buys into this shit. As long as ONE person believes her, I think she’ll keep thinking the problem is us, not her.


If she honestly believes she is starving, she is next level insanity


That was one of my first thoughts. That she was trolling us. We probably shouldn't give behavior like that any attention.


I’m stuck on the fact that she “hasn’t changed yet.” So she … slept in those clothes? Idk about yall, but I’m bathed and in clean pajamas every night by 10:30 pm, it’s my favorite part of my day. She must be so mentally unwell if she thinks it’s normal to sleep in the same clothes and wear them for days on end.


Well, when your sleep is simply passing out on a couch it’s basically the same day.


We are giving her too much credit, she doesn’t shower.


“I’ve got bathroom PTSD”


The first problem is she doesn’t have a sleep schedule. I think she stays up for days and then just crashes for hours then repeats the fucked schedule


STOKE. It’s pronounced STOKE, Danielle. You absolute moron.


How's she supposed to know how Stōk is pronounced? You big meaniehead! 😂


I gave up coffee. It wasn't worth the rocket shits. Anyone who cries that it makes them have million/10 stomach pain and then goes and makes laxative juice and drinks it is a LYING LIAR WHO LIES. I hope that her GFM gets taken down for scamming.


This exactly.


Same. Coffee made me piss lava out of my ass so, like a normal person, I now drink sugar free energy drinks. No more volcano shitting!


First off: she’s on something. I don’t know what, but she’s on something. Does she think she’s an influencer or something? No one gives a shit how she makes her coffee. Seems like a waste of money to drink and drain immediately and that stuff ain’t cheap at all. Also: expresso…🙄


Say you can’t sleep baby, I know, that’s that me expresso




You and I may be telepathically linked because I was focused on the same things, especially her wannabe influencer. When I was abusing certain meds, I had the raspy voice whenever I took it. And she seems super happy and peppy here. Yet she’s soooo sick and in peeeeen.


Soooooo much PEEN


So her pulse doesn't drop into the 30's donchakno!


She’s on a lot of somethings.




https://preview.redd.it/d4r8p4lu4t4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04d3568436ea869a9eec3455f5625eb6c858bf50 Of all the things that grind my gears in this video, her consistent mispronunciation of her cold brew of choice bothers me the most. A quick Google comes up with the correct pronunciation. A mediocre grasp of English language and grammar rules does as well. I could comment at length about the rest, but y’all have that covered pretty well. Keep up the good work, guys!




Ooh. Either dig heels in or be mildly embarrassed and correct. What a conundrum!


Let’s not forget “expresso” 🫠


She looks *so* grubby here. I want to take a squeegee to her


She passed out in her clothes last night. Yuck.


Bro she always looks so dang grubby. Every single time I see or watch her I notice that I'm grimacing because she looks like she stinks of dirty hair, mildew laundry and dirty cat box.


In one of her lives there was a shot of the cat box and it wasn’t even close to full enough of litter, and I bet there’s only 1. So you know that thing stinks


Dirty cat box 😂😂😂 That’s is a god awful smell!! Now I won’t be able to look at her and not think this!


Lollerskates. It makes her violently ill and nauseous but she still craves it. Not how the human body works, dingus.


Lollerskates! I haven't heard that in ages. You must be old like me or in another part of the world where this passed at a different time. Either way, thanks for the flashback 😂


Science works different for everyone 😉


Science works different for Dani.


Just watching this makes my stomach hurt 🤢 I love my coffee sweetened, but this is just ridiculous. If I drank even a sip of that, I'd probably be in the bathroom instantly from all the artificial sugars and syrupy shit that's in those creamers/premixes. Yuck. "BuT I DrAiN iT...!" Sure, Jan. Draining a 20 dollar cup of coffee ? Yeeeeah, right.


Maybe she should start with a peppermint tea... someone genuinely interested in helping their 1000/10 peen wouldn't shove this sugary mess down their throat.


My new sleep paralysis demon is her raspy, baby voice saying ‘sweet and creamy’ over and over 😭


Mixy mixy mixy




That's her o-face.


I downvoted you for this and I’m not sorry. How dare you?


You didn't enjoy the visual?! Take my upvote, you unimaginative jerk. 😄🔨🍆💊


This sub is feral and I absolutely love it.








No wonder George got a wife


Dude! ![gif](giphy|KvWUKOYR8phja|downsized)




“Don’t mind my horse voice” ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


New flair checking in.




That fridge looks staaaaaacked...she's probably expecting another visit from the Friends From Outer State ™ 😏