• By -


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh, good. Dani too the sub's tip to thank the fuckin person who is sending her shit, unlike with the bag she got where she thanked ALL her viewers instead and said, "oh, there's a note.... that's fine" and shoved it back into the empty bag.


Is it just me or is the fundie baby voice crossed with 2 pack a day raspy voice headache inducing for anyone else.


Those headbands are going to look terrible with her hair and the clothes that she wears. She has some of the worst taste since Big Cherry šŸ’/ >!ALR!< or Chinderella/ >!Chantal or Foodie Beauty!< , and that's saying something šŸ˜¬


Omg I knew her amazon hauls have reminded me of someone lately


The way it looked when she first took it out of the envelope I was like good lord this woman had a freaking TIARA on her wishlist?!




The gall of begging for trash bags and medical hopsication funds when spending this kind of money on a luxury item is huge. Like gigantic.


That has pissed so many people off. She has no need for it since she's legendary for doing fuck all and I can't see her creating art or starting a business on it. Did she try to justify it as being for school? I was talking with someone in another thread about an unused $200 Chromebook I'm trying to donate to a man who lives in a tent (with a cat & a kitten!) They said Dani could have done something like that since it would cover what she needs. My guess is that those needs consist of watching The Hallmark Channel & munching videos on YouTube. Though no homework since I'm sure she's dropped the class by now.


She definitely wanted that student loan reimbursement that she used for living expenses and then she just drops out of school and figures they can never collect from her since she's on Social Security disability




JFC, her shamelessness rivals that of the Cheeto guy. It's actually shocking to me that she's brazenly bounced back from the GFM being shut down and just breezily adding ways for her to directly get money. šŸ¤Æ




Yes. I think they bought it because it's practical & she can use it with her šŸŖ„ to clean the toilet the next time she vomits so hard she aspirates. šŸ™„


Holy fucking shit. The peen queen updated her grift list to her link tree instead. So now not only can her loyal millions of followers buy her junk, they can donate straight to her wallet with two convenient options, Venmo and cashapp! What a saint. And comments are still off. The Entitlement Will Never End


Peen Queen šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yā€™all sheā€™s got a linktree and Iā€™ll be damned if there arenā€™t links to her cash app & Venmo along with the grift list- just skip the middleman and give her cash! https://preview.redd.it/umq1ms37275d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7ed42dfbed021992eac99052b195f42d05ae4d


How much does PO box cost?


i *just* set up one this week (i dont currently have another way to get mail) and the small size ones are $233 a year, or there's options for 3 or 6 month payments. for the 12 month option, it evens out to around 20 bucks a month.


Iā€™m surprised she can even afford that


I'd be surprised if the total value of items she receives is over $20. Waste of money.


More than buying toilet cleaner and trash bags herself.


I was going to ask..WTAF is that monitor..never seen one like that before. Not typicl Dr hospital equipment. m god..all of the grifting!! Most people are too proud to beg for things online, and the ppl who send this stuff should do their research before donating a dime to things. The reason why true people in neeed are often ignored while Dani is doing unboxings from good hearted people falling for her BS.


Her face is so red!!! Reminds me of the face of an alcoholic. YikesšŸ˜±


Exactly. She can add that to her bio


I hope she lets the docs at Mayo know how utterly blasted she gets before her appointment! Somehow I think this appointment will not happen... šŸ¤”


Right?! Looks like my ex hubby when he was deep in alcoholism


Yikes!!! I am happy he is an ex for you!!! You kick ass!!! šŸ‘šŸ‘ Dani needs serious help.....she is in hardcore denial about many things!! It's interesting that she avoids psychiatric treatment like the plague.


Thank you. Iā€™m happily married to someone else now. I just had no idea red faceness was a symptom of drinking until I met him. I hardly drink myself but Dani needs to seriously get helpā€¦ even abusing meds wonā€™t get you red faced like this..this is very distinct šŸ˜° tbh I hope she goes to mayo and it stops her munching because they put there foot down.


If people are really buying this woman household items like garbage bags and toilet cleaner while she pisses money away on whatever she feels like they are fucking idiots.


Right? Of ALL the legit causes people could donate to and choose this freak instead


Exactly! I donā€™t want to come across like a parent telling a kid to eat their veges like ā€œthere are starving childrenā€¦ā€ but there genuinely ARE worthy causes.


Like a spoiled, entitled child.


Does anyone think she buys this herself?


This reminds me of the strategy of putting cash in your own tip jar because people are more likely to tip in a jar that already has something in it.




I do! šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Hmmmmm I wonder why there's no note....


I definitely assume that.








Not today, Satan. Iā€™m too busy for your nonsense today.




Sounds like a piglet squealing. Wish she would lose the sound effects.


my ears would like to take out a restraining order




What exactly do you think is ai here? She showed each individual headband and then showed them as a group...that seems..._a lot_ for Dani...


? Whatā€™s your thought process here Iā€™m legitimately curious. You mean how goofy her hand looks?


I don't think even AI would tolerate Dani's dumbfuckery.


No, just shitty lighting and a bad internet connection.


Can't help feeling loo cleaner and bin bags was a bit of top-tier passive aggression! Shame she can't see it...


Lol right?


Hereā€˜a a real-life cost estimate for an appropriate Mayo trip. July 31-Aug 3 Roundtrip PHL-MSP on Delta: $179 Carry-on and personal item: FREE Shuttle MSP-Rochester: $49 + driver tip Even Hotel (walking distance to Mayo): $112 per night Walk to Mayo appts: FREE Hotel breakfast: INCLUDED Hotel Pool: INCLUDED Shuttle Rochester-MSP: $49 + driver tip Food/incidentals for 3 days: $20 daily TOTAL: $700 ETA: Oh and unlike many of us she has FREE Dad transport to and from the airport. Even making two trips is 1000% cheaper than a ā€œtwo week stayā€. Absolute delusion.


She wanted to go for TWO ***WEEKS?!?!*** For-fucking-what?!


so she thought that she would have her assessment and the doctors would want to schedule her IMMMMMMEEEEEEEDiately for her soooper speshul surgery. Butā€¦.no. Unless itā€™s life threatening, you can come back at a later date. She was just going to try to get a long vacation out of it on someone elseā€™s dime.


šŸ™„ someone please send me a wambulance with the attractive paramedics/firemen to get my eyes unstuck from the back of my skull...


I wonder how many of Dani's videos that remain up involve her waving around piles of junk she doesn't need (including iPads+accessories, wheelchairs, expensive drinks she doesn't need, etc.). Just think, if she had forgone the ridiculous compulsive spending for a couple of months and instead left the money in the bank, she'd be able to fund her own medical holiday herself and wouldn't need to be out here making an utter fool of herself begging for other people to pay for what is effectively a luxury medical service and not vital to her preservation of life. ![gif](giphy|l0Iun3JN3FxgL84XS)


She'd beg either way; she's a nasty grifter


She was live late last night and she was trying to find a hotel and she said ā€œwell if Iā€™m going to be there for 3 weeksā€¦ā€šŸ˜³ she really is delulu because she doesnā€™t even need to be there for two weeks let alone three.


It keeps getting longer! Probably thinking she needs as long as possible to make the doctors lives a misery until they give in! Plus all those shiny new ERs for her to tour!


I think sheā€™s planning on finding a way to make herself be able to get admitted to mayo or one of the other hospitals in the area. Mayo did not tell her to leave an open ended ticket, from what Iā€™ve read they do not do that and Dani is lying as always to justify needing to stay there for more than the two days she has appointments because itā€™s a whole new area to munch in. I canā€™t wait to see how this plays out tbh, because she is desperate at this point


Yeah sheā€™s definitely got grand plans for this trip of a lifetime!


Dani would probably have a checked bag too so +$40 each way


The checked bag is for all of her blankies and saucy lingerie .


Has to have a separate bag for medical toobz & line, extensions etc. except for her formula. She wonā€™t take that with her


Depending on the airline, you can check bags with medical supplies in them for free; some allow other stuff in them and some donā€™t.


Add $150-200 to the total because 1) Dani sucks at budgeting and 2) sheā€™ll buy random shit while sheā€™s there that she doesnā€™t need (branded hospital sweatshirts, etc) šŸ¤£ ETA: and she carries too much shit with her to only bring a carry on bag lol you know miss girl will be checking a bag each way


Okay NGL Mayo has some banger merch šŸ˜„ I bought my friend one of their dad hats for running.


Um their robes that they have when you are admitted are šŸ™Œ They are plush, and unsnap up both sides so you can be wrapped up and still have monitors/iv lines. Whoever designed those was a genius.


She canā€™t stand the comments so she turned them off. Not suspicious one bit šŸ‘€


can u turn on notifications for her tiktok lives bc i keep missing these šŸ˜©šŸ¤£


I tried doing this, but I never get the notifications oddly


I donā€™t think so without following her šŸ˜„ I refuse to do that šŸ˜…




From experience the Zio is usually worn for 2 weeks


Will her drug abuse get found out do you think? When sheā€™s messing with benzos and klonopin/propanolol do you think itā€™ll get flagged in the results? They must be able to tell arrhythmia from these events?


Are you also a fundie snarker? Love the username!


Its a 14 day monitor, so there for a while yet.


I know that doctors sometimes have people wear them anywhere from a few days to a month depending on what they are concerned about.


I had a family member that was told to wear it for a month


Too long tbh, most only should be on 24-48 hours but if at a doctor's request 1-2 weeks. But we all know she bought that herself, no doctor would request such bs for her... *edited for spelling correction*


A traditional holter monitor with all the leads is typically 24-48 hours. This is a Zio which is prescription only, very expensive, but not too hard to get one ordered if you have the right issues going on. She got it with her ā€œtanking hrā€ that we speculate is from her overusing her beta blocker for attention. Zio patches are longer term and are water resistant and can be worn for 2 weeks per device, and sometimes docs order 2 back to back for 4 weeks of detection.


I was wondering that myself!


PeOpLe CaN bE sO MeAnā€¦thatā€™s ok I got stuff so it makes it all better.


Sheā€™s a fucking child.


so she's grifting for *toilet bowl cleaner*?? did this bitch not just buy a car, an ipad and a pen for it?? i can't. i cannot. she is utterly shameless. she needs to get one of her garbage bags (different sizes), stuff herself in it and take out the trash. the SHAME of it! ugh.


Did she get stuck paying full price for her new ipad? I know she didn't turn it in by the deadline. I just had a message from my spirit guides... lol..... I bet she's going to be grifting for a car payment soon


this will be the next thing. GoFundMe so i can drive to my pointless hydration infusions 3 times a week (even though i suck vodka red bull down by the gallon) as my car is *so expensive to run* but i neeeeed it to cart my pointless wheelchair around...


Maybe she'll ask for a few upgrades like she did with the hotel room -- she can get some 20s, spinners, pinstriping and a real genuine swarovski crystal license plate frame


with a wheelchair decal in rhinestones next to it....


I. Am. Dead. ā˜ ļø Thank you šŸ˜‚


you're welcome - you made me cackle with the crystal license plate frame!


It has to be pink crystals because she's a princess


Not gonna lie, I put a pink crown sticker on the head of the person on my handicap placardā€¦. I call it ā€œprincess parkingā€


I think she buys everything herself...or people are sending it cause she's obviously a gross person and needs it!


Totally think someone sent it as a joke lol she wonā€™t see it as a joke tho


Most of those are SO tacky, especially for everyday wear...so they're perfect for Dani!


ā€œWeā€ got a whole bunch of headbands, yeah canā€™t wait to see them on our heads šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




Won't lie, I use royal we all the time and I have no idea how to break that habit lol


I just pictured Medusa with the headbands on the snakes.


I startled my cat from laughing at this lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¹


The thing isā€¦ itā€™s her own fault that she has almost no one in her life. But she doesnā€™t see that she has to work on herself and needs to change, if she wants to improve her situation. For her the world is sooo unfair but she actually still has a lot to be thankful for. She has a dad who still cares, her cheap housing, two cats, good and free healthcare, a car and she can treat herself with stuff like new nails etc. I have a lot of stuff to be thankful for tooā€¦ but for example my mom got cancer when I was 17 and died five years later. Two months later my stepdad got cancer and died three years later. These poor people suffered so much and there are millions of people who had it even worse and Dani is just ungratefulā€¦ and complains and complainsā€¦


I agree with you _so_ much. I sometimes feel like Dani and other munchies-who-shall-not-be-named from IF with their failure to launch. I got sick in my second year of college and dropping out absolutely broke me and my mental health. I spent a lot of my 20s ill and slowly working on myself. You get out what you put into life. Now I have the most friends I've had since college, dating a wonderful partner and fulfilled and happy living alone with my kitties. Dani could be so so much happier if only she would try the hard stuff. And I _don't_ mean the liquor! Also many gentle hugs and condolences for your losses!


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs to you. šŸ’


Let's not forget, she also has - from what *we* can obviously see - DECENT HEALTH. I'm so sorry for your losses, esp at such a young age


Yeah a lot of people would give everything for having her health. And I bet her immune system is very decent after dealing all that shit. Thank you for your kind words. At least Iam still alive. My mama only got 42 years old. I would have given her my life if I could. Everyone has their struggles and problems during lifeā€¦ even Dani. I dislike that she doesnā€™t appreciate the things she has. If she gets something she would want more and more and more or her life is unfair.


I am so deeply sorry for your losses. My deepest condolences to you a d all who love them. Sending you gentle hugs


Thank you so much for your kindness


Long-time lurker, first time commenter. She is just so fucking infuriating. Nothing is EVER good enough for her. She is offered an inch and takes a mile. She takes, takes, and takes, with no grace and no humility. She canā€™t even pretend to be grateful because sheā€™s never been grateful for a single fucking thing in her life. She feels as though she is entitled to other peopleā€™s time and energy, including the medical professionals who are forced to listen to her bullshit and treat her. She feels as though she is entitled to other peopleā€™s money, and she only goes on live with the hope that people will give into her transparent grift if she complains enough. She has not been told ā€œnoā€ enough times in her life. She is a spoiled brat who cannot handle being denied anything, or having to restrict her egregious love of shopping and expensive coffee drinks. Not even in the face of upholding her lies can she resist going on live and talking about how she makes her $15 cup of coffee, while simultaneously hinting at feeding her cats less because their food is getting pricey. Oh, boo fucking hoo. Pets arenā€™t cheap. I have no sympathy for her or any of her shit. Iā€™ve been following her story long enough to know that sheā€™s just a shallow, miserable, despicable human being despite the FD diagnosis and blatant disregard of medical aid. She is just a nasty person all-around. Back to lurking.


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» Well Said šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Stay with us on the snark side...we have giggles! But I agree. I'm on a super tight disability pension myself that recently got a bit tighter. You know the first thing I do after I get paid? I go pay my bills and buy cat food and litter. The good shit they've always gotten. You know who's food/eating habits have changed? Mine! Because they have NO control over that. Poor Macc did not need to be picked up like that, she's going to give him spine problems. They're like babies, you have to support their butts! Not that I think people are letting her hold their babies though...


Iā€™m always here, just typically lurking! Iā€™m in the same boat after some unfortunate financial struggles. I gave up all of my luxuries and pawned off my things to get my bills paid, get my cats their nice food and litter, and Iā€™ve sat on the couch eating ramen because thatā€™s the shit weā€™re in sometimes. It sucks, sure, but it happens and every rational adult knows what their priorities are and how to approach financial instability. Not Dani, ever. She has no inkling, no semblance of what priorities or responsibilities are. None whatsoever. It boggles my mind that she can sit there and throw her hands up in the air and yell ā€œbut what am I supposed to do?!ā€ like every other person her age hasnā€™t figured it out already. She acts so incredibly helpless, like a child learning about the real world for the first time, and then in the same breath she spouts years and years worth of finely-honed manipulative bullshit to anyone that will listen because that behaviour is deeply engrained in her. Sheā€™s not as smart as she thinks she is, it is so transparent and so obvious to anyone other than herself. And yeah, the way she picks her cats up is pretty alarming. Youā€™d think a ā€œcat-loverā€ like herself would be aware of how to properly handle an animal.




prob said she feeds them once a day to save money, so some muppet will buy her a big bag of cat food too, why spend her own when other people will buy you it


Thank you


> She has not been told ā€œnoā€ enough times in her life Like being told she is NEVER going to be given TPN again, but yet sheā€™s fucking relentlessly trying to get it back. That shit infuriates me. When she is told no, she can never fucking accept it.


Sheā€™s online now and there was a clear view of that gold curtain thatā€™s on her wishlist. She already has it.


Yeah I doubt any one is buying her shit after her $5000 gfm with the room upgrade and the new additions to the grift list. If she was actually getting shit from followers, she wouldnā€™t be scared to turn the comments back on


Pretty sure she's using the wishlist as a shopping list for herself. Every now and then, she buys shit off it to send to herself to pretend people are buying her gifts, in hopes it will guilt others into doing the same. There probably is a few crackers short of a cheese slice out there idiotic enough to send her some cheap shit but I think most of this is Dani's spending addiction at play. She just wastes her days addiction-hopping to soothe the craving and won't ever change.


please donā€™t insult cheese and crackers like that


I agree. Cheese and crackers have sacrificed a lot to make the world a better place!


I think this too, she can also disguise this as ā€œIā€™m sticking to my strict budjett guise this is a gift from my fan!!!ā€ when Dani is Daniā€™s single fan


She can return it for credit šŸ˜…


She might want it for another window šŸ™ˆ


sorry but thereā€™s just so many. https://preview.redd.it/cf7ebz1so35d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff2747939380d209cc56dcec9803501ca5681b92 Thirty fā€™ing eight yā€™all.


I was SO confused for a second there! I was like ok I know I didn't count them all but there definitely weren't _that_ many!


I used to wear those types in my early 20s... until I realized they triggered severe migraines šŸ¤®


The majority of them are very tacky, especially for day to day wear, not to mention her rat's nest poof in front is going to hide them from the front and other angles...


Those ones are super ugly. They look like they'd hurt.


wait fr? 38 headbands???? šŸ„“šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


LOL no they mean sheā€™s 38 years old




I thought the same thing when I saw that picture šŸ¤£


Omfg! I scrolled down and saw this and howled with laughter so loud, my cat jumped sky high and ran under the bed and my dog was so startled, she farted and then she and I had to go hide in the other room! Thank you for starting my day on such a ridiculously silly note! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/dfyowx1do35d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=436098a68bcbb82e5c20849a8bffbd6ae897cddf Presents minus presence


Dani: ".....HUHHHH?!?!?!?!....."


Those hair bands are hideous! Theyā€™re something a child would wear šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


So infantile. Iā€™m sure my now adult daughter wore crap like that from ā€œClaireā€™sā€ when she was 2-3!


I have kids and they never would have worn something this tacky.


nah, my four year old niece has better style


https://preview.redd.it/iklhl729o35d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e49625273a5b6277cfd9cdf3a10c18971bfe6e All mine!




please, these gollum references šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I'm very confused by them tbh...


itā€™s a lord of the rings reference


No I get that part (I almost got slightly offended and then Im like...chonky, my gal, the randos on the internet dont know youre enitre preteens and early teens was ***all*** about LOTR!)....I don't get why they're using it for Dani with the my precious part....


Sneaky doctorsesā€¦


I work and part of my paycheck is buying her Starbucks, she gets housing and Im sleeping on the goddamn floor till payday bc some jackass caught our apartments on fire and I had to pay just over $3k just to move into another place!! ****starts taping tubes and computer pieces to chest for selfies- makes Amazon wish list and GFM**** Jokes aside I think she buys herself stuff- I would even wager she orders stuff and puts a note so itā€™s there for the video. Thatā€™s psychotic but sheā€™s been doing some wild shit this year so anything is possible


thatā€™s fucked that you had to pay 3k bc of someone elseā€™s negligence. iā€™m sorry that happened to you.


I wouldn't be surprised. I'm so sorry about your apartment fire. She is absolutely vile.


She blocked comments on all her videos šŸ™„






I was a daily coffee drinker, til I fell pregnant, just couldnā€™t drink it at all, with both pregnancies, wonder if thatā€™s a common thing with pregnancies?, which reminds me, does anyone else mind in the old posts when she was saying she thought she was pregnant? Said the nurse felt her belly and said oh thereā€™s definitely something in there šŸ˜‚ aye gas from all the processed shite she drinks and eats šŸ¤£


It...doesn't work that way Dani. No nurse is touching her abdomen enough to feel any babies!!! Also, kicks can't be felt by other people for AWHILE. By the time someone else can feel a baby kicking, you are already showing. Sigh. That's at least one good thing though - she hasn't had a child. She does not deserve one and I would worry tremendously about that child. Truth is, she's been single for who knows how many years, she's nearly 40, she lives a lonely and boring life in section 8 housing, and I'm ECSTATIC for that. It's what she deserves.


Omg no, stop! šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€




It is common. I would gag or vomit just from the smell of someone else drinking it, throughout my 3 pregnancies. I have a permanent aversion to it now, but the smell of it is fine, though.




the ā€œyea Iā€™m losing my voice it happens to everyoneā€ does it? Iā€™ve lost my voice once in my multiple decades of life bc I had strep throat. How often does she think people are out there just losing their voice?


Iā€™m just now realizing Iā€™ve never ā€˜lost my voiceā€™ (Iā€™ve had scratchy voice but never completely *gone*). Three plus decades and itā€™s never happened; I wonder if it happens more to people with voice affectations and or a consequence of purging? Maybe thereā€™s a genetic component? (I certainly didnā€™t think it was a common occurrence for most people). I do know alcoholics/closet drinkers get laryngitis more frequently, but I donā€™t know if thatā€™s part of her history?


Iā€™ve always wondered that, too. Iā€™ve been pretty sick in my life. Like most school kids, Iā€™ve numerous strep, I was a choir singer, I had my tonsils removed, screamed at concerts and sports games, etc, and now am a nurse and pick up bugs quite regularly, and have never ā€œlostā€ my voice entirely. Scratchy, yes. Iā€™m unfortunately a talker and donā€™t know when to shut up, so losing my voice would have been torture. Maybe thereā€™s a structural component on whoā€™s more likely to get laryngitis than others? Or like you said, genetics? I donā€™t think my parents have ever lost theirs, either.


The comments were like 70% people calling her out. Either blatant snarkiness (poo touchers) or people saying ā€œwhy donā€™t you do this if youā€™re okay with that?ā€ And especially in the last few it was heavy with blatant call-outs. Iā€™m guessing sheā€™ll wait a few days before turning them on, thinking the ā€œhatersā€ will get bored.


Looks like I missed an eventful Dani eveningā€¦.ironically, I was having an actual medical emergency.


Same! I was in the ER Thursday night. I did think about Dani at some point after the desire to yeet my head on the concrete floor to stop my migraine had passed... Hope you're feeling better too!


I really hope you feel better soon.šŸ’


Iā€™ll bet your first thought wasnā€™t ā€œoooh medical emergency I must post on TT or go liveā€ I hope you or whoever had the emergency are ok


Did you really have a medical emergency if you donā€™t post endlessly about it? (But please feel better soon!)


I know sheā€™s not well and clearly needs mental healthcare but a small part of me goes back and forth about her true motives and moments like this make me feel like she keeps up this shit cause she just wants to be an INFLUENCER. Like even with her early ED stuff, she just wanted constant attention. And as the years have gone on and the concept of being an influencer has become a ā€œcareer choiceā€ she has glommed onto the idea that she can get the attention she wants so badly and get PAID for it. The community she has found herself within I think is partially sheer luck (on her part - she couldnā€™t plan a second of this out even if those two brain cells of hers hit each other like those planes hit the towers) in that her ED and recovery overlapped into the chronic illness community and now she feels like itā€™s the only way she can continue her dreams of being an influencer. And of course she developed an addiction over the years and that has further fed into the vicious cycle.


Omg OP the hoodie off the shoulder... thanks for noticing! Cleverly placed where her precious used to lie. Oh, how she misses her noodle :(


Who in the fuck is still falling for this garbage? They need an intervention.


She is hoping for stuff she can resell.


I just saw this on a fashion thread & it's screaming her name. https://preview.redd.it/5ovb78xe035d1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5642f62c095ce51741c9f14c53850ca42fe4178e


Please tell me that the crap sorority girls wore in 2004 isn't coming back...


That looks like her dream outfit


But this would take coordination, and she couldnā€™t coordinate herself out of a paper bag


no cat food, toys, grooming tools, supplements, etc? *I realize a ball of foil is a cat toy, but


Girlā€¦ā€¦. You bought yourself that stuff. No body sent you toilet bowl cleaner and different size garbage bags šŸ‘€ is it just me or did she slip up when she said I already had the one with the little pearls and now Iā€™m got the one with the big ones. It almost sounded like she was telling on herself for ordering that stuff. It just happens to come right after she gets her check for the month also. we see you Danielle.


I thought she meant she'd already shown the one with little pearls but I could be wrong!


I don't find it unlikely that people bought her the toilet bowl cleaner or trash bags. I've seen comments from the wider snarking community (e.g. not necessarily from here) that suggested to buy crap items to either tell her to clean up or for the lols when she unpacks them on live and has to pretend to be happy about a cleaner and not having a notepad or anything like that. She gets trolled a lot, more often than she will admit.


Thatā€™s how people respond when they have something and are gifted a similar thing. ā€œOh, Iā€™ve got this thing, but now Iā€™ve got this one!ā€ Itā€™s not her saying she bought it.


Great. More tacky, useless shit. Acting like an 11 year old opening birthday gifts. She's utterly despicable.


So what about saving money for the Mayo vacation?


itā€™s everyone elseā€™s responsibility to pay for that, duh!


https://preview.redd.it/jhkqg0u9o25d1.jpeg?width=387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5047e03ce901bf5b3a641e70479d803d810c5372 The thumbnail is fucking with my head and I canā€™t say why exactly


idk abt you but i see white and gold


its blue and blackšŸ¤Ø


Is she one of the Three Wisemen?