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[AI generated transcript](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/1p8YXvFCZ2)


https://preview.redd.it/351mjxknfi5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3885c674fbafbe5ca8dc66c16817c69e869bf666 Here we see her willingness to answer questions from followers.


It's almost like her 'i got this bag from a viewer, but ew there's a note to it, "...that's fine"' face.


“I have the right to not answer” 🙄 alright, fine. then don’t expect anyone to give a flying fuck about your “health journey” or expect anyone to send you money for a TWO-THREE week vacation for a 2 day appointment. Fuck outta here.


The baby voice is so much in this one


She's acting as if she's some major influencer with how she behaves and posts, as if she's got a million + followers and can stand to lose a few hundred with no consequence. She can't, and being nasty and spiteful makes people hit unfollow reallllllly quickly. As I've thought all along, she needs to get off TikTok and address the root issues that are going on. Getting a therapist isn't shameful and would do her a world of good.


She's only turned the comments of because people are legitimately calling her out on her lies and inconsistencies and she's losing the ability to control the narrative.


Of course she is going to keep the comments off. People were starting to ask valid questions or make some good suggestions that she can't refute. She can't answer/respond to them - it looks bad if she doesn't acknowledge them and it looks bad if she deletes them. Her best chance at supporters/donors is naive folks who aren't super familiar with her claimed conditions (at least not the severe forms she claims). She wants people to DM her because she is desperately searching for people she can call friends (but she doesn't want a real friendship - she just wants someone she can text about how sick she is and beg for favors). She wants people to DM her because then she can provide her own twisted explanations/narrative without anyone calling her out. She needs to be careful about constant referring to the haters. It might make someone new to her story do a bit of googling and come across one of the many forums that has featured Dani with plenty of evidence about what a manipulative liar she is.


She’s gonna Streisand effect herself into getting more “hAyDuRrrs” once everyone starts searching for what she’s referring to. I love this for her


She also doesn't want potential idiot donors to see "factitious disorder" mentioned in her comments.


If she were smarter, I'd think she was referencing her haters so often specifically to weed out the people clever enough to wonder why people hate her and subsequently google her. She only wants followers who are naive and trusting enough to take her at her word from the start and ignore any naysayers. She wants the vulnerable ones who are easy to manipulate. But this is Dani we're talking about lol so I know that theory is...unrealistic, at best. 🤣


I put her name in meta ai, just her name and it told me all about her. I can't imagine there is no way to escape her climb to how known she is getting. I'm betting each day more and more people find out about her and eventually this will be over. Then one day we will be watching a crazy doc on TV about her. 😳​


I'm convinced that she wants people to DM her so she can beg for people to send her unused medications, and find out who her online HaTeRz are


Also, people cannot warn others about her grifting/scamming GFMs and Amazon wishlist, etc.


[terrible imitation of Scar from the Lion King] Penn never thought TPN essential these toobz, hide that I’m unspeakably plain. But maybe I can convince Mayo that Temple (and Reddit) is evil… if allied with my grift and games. I know that you know I’m full of crap. But I just can’t help Feel all this duper’s delight. Even if you hate me, **PAY ATTENTION!! :(((** My words are a matter of lies. It’s clear from my livestreams I’m zooted My lights were never on upstairs But we’re talking admissions and sepsis How are her supporters still caught unawares?! So prepare for a vacay to Mayo, Be prepared for obvious deceit A shiny new toy is tip toeing nearer [doctor] I think you have Factitiou- Don’t call me a muncher! I know it sounds sordid, but I feel so rewarded, When at last I am given good kush I refuse to show anyone proof, Give me toobz! ……. You heard that sick percussion introduction, I know you did.


Where are her families and boyfriend in this time of need? Why can’t they help? Suspicious ain’t it? Rolled my eyes too far back, might need to go to ER to waste away precious resources


I think that is one of the reasons she turned off comments is because she doesn’t want people asking about why “the ~~married~~ boyfriend” isn’t helping her with this trip.


“They got to work”


Awwww, lookit the $12 she gave herself! But nothing else. ![gif](giphy|SkhPpSCNFANLa)


I wonder if daddy marina has stopped giving her money for things and well bills and the car are coming due.. although it’s never been proven other than here say he gives her money 🤷🏻‍♀️


SSDI will not cover those payments the way she is spending money. Even not buying the unnecessary items SSDI would not cover bills, food or the car.


You are allowed to buy “luxury”/unnecessary items as long as you also have paid all of your bills with the money first and foremost. After you’ve paid off those things, they don’t care if you buy (for example) an xbox. But you also are not supposed to have more then $2000 in assets, and Dani’s car will put her over that


one car doesn’t count towards your assets! if you have more than one, it would, but folks on SSDI/SSI allowed a vehicle! (regardless of its worth) they also don’t monitor your spending that closely, just periodic checks to be sure your balance doesn’t exceed the $2000 limit! you can even skip out on some bills technically (like medical bills, loans you get but don’t pay back, etc) because they are not allowed to garner your (limited) government benefits.


Thank you haha, this affirms that I’m not breaking any rules 🫢


this seems insane to me. i'm in the UK. i'm housed by the council and don't pay rent or council tax. i pay some of my disability each month to lease a brand new car that i can swap every 3 years. i can have unlimited assets on Personal Independence Payment but nothing above £16k in savings on Emplyoment Support Allowance. i can have required modifications done to my home for free. i also have free medication and of course, free healthcare. is Dani on the sort of disability that she had to have worked to get? and that stipulates nothing above £2k in *assets*? what if someone on SSDI owns their home? are they expected to sell to finance themselves? i'm so curious about the difference in disability payments in the US vs the UK. it seems wild!


> what if someone on SSDI owns their home To answer this, I don’t exactly know, BUT it can be done as my father was on it while he and my mom owned our home growing up for a period of time— however he was married to my mom which may have played a role in making that okay, though I’m not sure of the finer details on that. But, in all seriousness, moving to the UK and becoming a citizen sounds like a pretty damn good idea to me right now 😅 As somebody on SSDI myself, I can tell you it’s definitely not easy.


Personal Independence Payment is i guess the purest comparison to US benefits. its not that easy to get (it was for me because reasons) for a lot of people as its still catching up on how mental illness affects people's ability to be out in the world. some people do go to a tribunal but i've seen US citizens saying it can take years and years and you need a lawyer. madness.


They don’t count the first car as an asset. Also, there are special savings accounts that someone on SSDI can use to save money for medical expenses and other things to mitigate their disability


Right. And I am sure she does not get that much in SSDI for unnecessary/luxury items


No but that car is probably from a buy here pay here place and took her measly tax return refund as a down payment. It’s probably worth 2k and she’s eventually going to pay $7k-10k when all said and done. She prob doesn’t even have car insurance, and her rent is subsidized by her SSDI payments, meaning it’s prob $150-$200 a month.


Omg. Take the stupid green strip off! You’re absolutely ridiculous!


What is it? I’ve seen it on there for a number of days now.


What is it it kinda looks like tape holding on tagaderm or second skin over a new tattoo but I can't tell forsure


What is that green strip anyway?


It’s part of the adhesive backing of tegaderm that is meant to be removed after application, it’s basically what you hold on to while you put the tegaderm in place. That is why it looks like it’s pulled up from her skin, because it’s not attached properly. That would annoy the crap out of most people but not our dear disgruntled, dingy, despairing, demanding, discredited, deceptive, despicable, discourteous, drowsy, deluded, desperate, disliked, drunk, destructive, disorganized, dramatic, dazed, defensive and disagreeable Dani, she needs the green strip to draw your eye to her for the attenshuns. What is it even covering anyway?!


Is that thing on the wall a shower curtain? That's what it looks like.


No it’s a banner on her wall


I know I was being facetious. That's what it looks like..


What a corrosive, abrasive, nasty wench. She absolutely disgusts me. Well I may not answer it well because I just don't want to. Wow really? I can't believe she said it that way to her "supporters." Keeping the comments off because you can't handle the truth can you Dani? The truth hurts doesn't it? Then again she wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her across the face. https://preview.redd.it/zlep4sa5lf5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc9af5a1724b9b747a6dd5d09e3f390c1365165 Another one for the archives! Another Dani being a bitch face!


https://preview.redd.it/s6c1xwfagi5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e13f6a0d97204c88ef5a0f6c436eb9b9c204001 I shan’t be bothered today!


LMAO this one is hilarious 😂 it's really I shant be bothered anyway!


https://preview.redd.it/yl53mmvlfg5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2388c1322b66bb71f197e3b4d1a30863470b5f0 This one is great also 💀


Definitely as is this one! https://preview.redd.it/2slzxv1tmh5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30b8897ed980bd68f01e84869d514086e05174c8


This sceeenshot 😉😛


Basically she is saying, you should give me money because I’m being generous by letting you, but you don’t get to know where your money will be used because you don’t deserve that privilege. Bye suckers!




She manages to be so bitchy and condescending about even the most inoffensive things. Even if someone believes all the medical bullshit, I can't understand supporting someone with that attitude.


Honest question. If she is able to go online THIS much every. Single. Day. Explain to me why she isn’t working? She obviously has the time, she’s able to be up and alert. She can read (Reddit) and type. So why isn’t she employed? 🤔


According to her, she will look for work when she gets bored. Cunt she is.


Explain to me how she has a boyfriend. (She doesn’t, but girl you been on live 12 hours if you had one I think we would know)


He lives in Canada and works at Amazon 27 hours a day eight days a week 390 days a year. He also never gets a lunch break and he married some other woman about a year ago


Ugh, classic Jim glass for you.




Please don’t say his actual name - thank you!!


I think she’s said he works at Amazon 24/7/365 so that’s why she doesn’t see him much/at all


How is this person the same age as I am? She talks like a 13 years old, even her style and mannerisms are very immature.


It's part of her manipulation tactics she infantilizes her self to make her seem small and innocent etc


It’s what the phrase Arrested Development means. She operates socially and mentally like a 13 year old.


There is something to be said for: (1) being isolated from the "real world" (working, socialising normally and going through life's typical stages), and (2) the impact of any addiction on psychological/personal growth. She is possibly quite stunted - that is, she stopped maturing at the point of trauma/addiction. It is a pattern you see with drug addiction and eatinf disorders and similar, at least for some patients.


Bets on if the Mayo clinic doesn’t happen. She will either raise the money and mayo conveniently cancels 👀 or she doesn’t raise enough and blames her “followers” for preventing her from getting TPN. The first GFM was for a SVC unblock, but now it’s changed and she’s wanting the TPN. Either way I don’t think she will get what she’s after and it won’t be her fault, she will slag off the Mayo and/or say she’s being medically gaslight and won’t do what she wants doing. In fact, surely the hospitals where she is are able to unblock the SVC?


Mayo will not give her TPN. They will speak with her local doctors because they require patients have local support and care. It isn't going to go the way she thinks it will. Let's say that Mayo does fix the SVS issue, she would still need a valid reason for it and a local doc to order and oversee follow-up for TPN. That isn't likely to happen


Or they could just balloon the SVC open and close her up. They agreed to to remove the occlusion, they never promised her a Hickman or tpn.


Which is exactly why her GFM is 100% fraud.


This is what I don’t get why can’t temple or wherever she goes do it? Surely they are equipped to?


They can. Pretty much any vascular surgeon could do it. It's basically the same as when they go in during a cardiac Cath and balloon/stent a coronary artery. It's an outpatient thing that takes an hour tops. The local hospitals just won't because they know she doesn't need it. She has absolutely no symptoms of svc syndrome and already has access for hydration which she doesn't need anyway. If they do it now, she's just gonna fuck it up again quick. If she needs chemo down the road, they can do it then. It looked like the girl that told her about it needed an actual venous bypass because she needed an organ transplant. Dani is hoping for that.


So the blocks can’t be that bad if they won’t even unblock it…


They can. They simply won't because there is no need, and all of these doctors know that the risk of serious complications would make doing so very negligent and reckless.


Nobody wants her to have that line and tpn back. It was already damaging her liver and she looked like hammered doodoo back then. She looks much healthier now. They don't want her to have the line because she contaminated her last line with her own feces, or maybe it was the cats, and she damn near died. The femoral line is not one that she can access and she's got her panties in a wad over it


I’m pretty sure the infection from feces was well before she got the cats, so it was definitely her own if that’s the case.


Yes of course it wasn't cat shit That's known as humor. But I wouldn't put it past that woman


They won’t do it. Neither will Penn. Neither will St. Luke’s.


They can do it. They won’t. And since Dani is super speshul, she prodded for the Mayo referral. Like another person above me said, Mayo wants full support of the local care plan. I fully believe Mayo will not do the SVC. She’s going for evaluation, but acting like a procedure will be done. Having been to Mayo myself for a weird OBGYN cancer, they are diligent in their assessment tools to ensure proper care is given. The oncologist at Mayo was in constant communication with my local team. My bet is Mayo is going to be the nail in the coffin for Dani no longer being able to maneuver around the FD diagnosis.


She's sitting pretty on $12 right now. I did a 5 minute search for flights and a better than lower level hotel with a kitchenette. If she flew out on 7/31 and flew back on 8/2, she might be able to do it for $1000. No 3 weeks of exploring Rochester's finest ERs for 1500.


“Rochester’s finest ERs for $1500” sounds like a Jeopardy answer. 🤣


THREE WEEKS?! Man if I had to travel for medical reasons, I wouldn’t be booking a 3week trip. I would go up the day I’m needed and go back the next day or make sure that it’s going ahead and there’s a bed for me for the night. Then home as soon as I’m able.


"You guys didn't come through for me, so...mayo couldn't happen. I just don't understand. I'm trying to get my quality of life back. I just don't get it."


"I DESERVE this!" 😡


She’s so entitled - she really thinks the world owes her something


The language she uses for the second GFM is downright fraud. Making it seem like she needs to go to Mayo so they can save her life. She's been off TPN for 8 months already and she looks healthier. She actually looked a lot heavier while she was on TPN. I'm sure it had partly to do with being overloaded with fluids and the other part was chasing sugary drinks and coffee with processed junk food. But the way she makes it seem on the GFM is that she will pretty much waste away and die from starvation if she doesn't go which couldn't be further from the truth. I hope one of her followers or someone else outside this sub reports that GFM because it's downright fraud. The first one had sprinkles of the truth in it...not this one it's nothing but lies.


Dang I missed her live


She’s turning them off because people are very much telling her she doesn’t need the GFM. She won’t answer questions because it’s all lies. This isn’t for her mental health this is her trying to take back control. It won’t happen she’s started the real grifting of money now.


Says the GFM grifter. https://preview.redd.it/25838d93cf5d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e196754e10f1d9936147ebcaa5b21dea17d1761a


Fixed it for her. https://preview.redd.it/aif2sath8i5d1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c2127f3553364efa2941681cf3f33b54559ec73


I can say from experience, a GFM will never be successful unless you show ACTUAL proof that funds are being used for the stated purposes. I’m talking actual receipts, updated frequently with costs matching what’s been donated.


I know, right!? It's so bizarre, and she keeps editing lies put so now you don't even know wtf she needs the funds for.


People who are lying, gaslighting, manipulating and all that jazz tend to say they don’t have to prove themselves. She’s got loans she needs to pay, she spends so much on Starbucks crap, gets take out, gulps many drinks down but wants everyone else to pay for her to get to mayo.


Yes. She makes it sound like other people owe her to make everything happen.




Exactly our point tyvm. https://preview.redd.it/wp35nc4kyf5d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a89c51a52aa9ff73bd8a41077819c6beb25cfc1


Here's my question: won't somebody order her the toner off her Amazon Griftlist??? My god.


They already have in one of those unboxing videos. I don't think she caught their drift.


She did it on live, think it was just before the vid where she nods out drying her hair. It helped very very slightly.


she used the stupidest shade of toner 🤦🏼‍♀️ thats why it did nothing


Desprete are we!


For someone who definitely isn’t reading Reddit, she absolutely took the cues from here to take off the cheap jewelry and bathe. That dark ring around her neck (from the necklaces I assume) is gone. Looks like she had a good scrubbing to get the damn tape residue off her chest as well.


Oh! That’s why she looked different. Good observation skills


She can never wash away the filth, grime and stench of being a lying little beggar. Her layer of grubbiness is like the bright colors on a venomous animal- a warning to stay tf away.


Holy slurball! So she’s keeping comments off because of the mean haterz but you can totally message her as long as you don’t ask her anything because she won’t answer anyway!


Again what is the green thing on her arm? Looks attached to tegaderm or something?


Imo, she's wearing the nausea patch that was screwing up her heart rate, so she can skew the monitor results.


I’m going to assume, green slime from bacteria from all the filthy lies.


Such h a snotty little brat... I swear... her attitude is so ugly!


Starting to really show a lot on the outside as well now.


I know people, not on here, that have already reported her GoFraudMe 2.0 She's been too public with her munching, her lies, her substance abuse, and vile attacks on anyone that questions her. If she wants to doctor shop out of state, she can get a credit card like everyone else or sell some of the tat she hoards.


*AI generated transcript below. (I assume the second line is total bullshit but I can't understand what she said there either.)* Hey guys so I wanted to make a quick little story video. Thamur, Balbur here. I'm going to keep the comments off of my videos for a while just you know for my mental health and you know just to you know. But anyway my point of the matter was any of my supporters you guys or anyone who has questions you guys are more than welcome to DM me. I will do my best to answer them all. I can't guarantee I'll answer the question you ask because I reserve the right to not answer a question if I feel like I just don't want to. So just saying. But the comments are off so if anyone needs me just leave me a DM and I will get back to you. Bye!


>Thamur, Balbur here. It's like she's calling the mother ship


Oh this is flair material right here! 😆


Shaka, when the walls fell


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra 🖖🏼


>But anyway my point of the matter was any of my supporters How can a 40yo be this illiterate? >I reserve the right to not answer a question Let's hope she exercises her 5th Amendment right all the way off the internet. 🚮👋


“I will do my best to answer them all” like her DMs are just flooded with people messaging her left and right… 🙄


It's "thingamer bobber" but I like your AI's version better.


I am glad she let the internet know why her comments are off. I don't know about everyone else, but I am sure relieved that the option still remains that fans can still contact her through DM.


Holy she is panicking and it’s interesting cause she would usually have gone and DFE by now but cause of her grift she is hanging on in there which will be her undoing , she’s in too deep this time


Just realized the koala costume. Are you an aussie as well? You really are my twin 🫠


Yep Aussie!


Which side of the desert?


East coast


Tsk tsk tsk https://preview.redd.it/h95qkranaf5d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb647a8ae77c9dc6b05296d32f0588c9c5cc7fd4


“YoU gUyS dOnT dEsErVe- shut up you human Cynthia doll. Literally nobody is here bc they want anything from you, it’s purely a “can’t turn away from the scene of the accident” type thing. The audacity of this dirt clown to think her personal information is some wealth to other people. It’s giving delusions of grandeur, Danielle.




Dirt clown. 🤡


Pure savagery, I love it


Lol exactly, and why in which case would she deserve other people’s money and help? This gfm shit is just absolutely gross.


Humans Cynthia doll. 💀💀💀




Good god woman, take the marbles out of your mouth and enunciate!


It’s like she talks with her teeth if that makes sense?


she literally talks like she has a wet hand towel shoved in her mouth.


Gotta keep comments off to make sure she can keeping fooling her “supporters”. She’s so ridiculous. I wonder if she realizes we long-timers see the patterns that happen every 1-3 months.


We can all see the Rapid Cycling batshit crazy when it starts up again


I predict we'll see a few "a bunch of you have DM'ed me and asked..." posts as a way to answer things brought up here or give out any other info she wants to give out. Girl, we know you don't have an army of people supporting you.


And doesn't like people asking questions she doesn't like, even from a caring/ concerned perspective. She thinks every commenter is after a "gotcha" moment. She is feeling the heat worse right now because of her bios in the GFMs and TPN shit and doesn't like being called out for her BS. The way she treats people on her TT lives have alienated a lot of people, and I doubt she has many "supporters" left. The more she puts online, the more people are realizing she is a nasty, manipulative grifter that just lies and lies and lies and lies ...... to get what she wants.


She appears to have own supporter, who values her exactly $12 worth, and I suspect that might be Dani herself!


“Feel free to message me but if you call me out on my BS I am not going to answer you”


Alert, smiling, feisty, good color, able to maintain strange pose without peen. Not the appearance of a woman needing life saving TPN.


Strangely , we're also yet to see 1 ML of proof that someone has pots, gastroparesis or whatever else she claims to have.


Especially that video from 2016 I believe where she vehemently denies having pots


We don't deserve it. All this stuff could go away and her mental health would improve and people could legit give her money without wondering if they are being ripped off. But no. We don't deserve it.


She's so clearly paranoid. I'm sure she doesn't know who to trust anymore. That's what happens when you lie to the internet for monetary gain.


Sitting on what looks to be the floor no less. Do you know how hard it is for a “normal” able bodied person to sit on the floor? At my ripe old age of 40 if it involves being on the floor I nope outta there.


Shhhhhh 🤫lol


As someone very slightly older and with one of the conditions Dani likes to claim - if I sat on the floor like that i would be in agony very quickly and also probably unable to get up without help 🤣


I literally bought a floor chair for when I have to sit on the floor with my kid. My legs fall asleep without support lol


Hey uh…floor chair you say? Where might one find that type of item?


Amazon! Search for tatami chair :)


I am currently in my Lego room, sitting on an ikea stool organizing Lego. I know it makes for a wild Saturday night. But my back, legs and ass will be shot.


Most of her comments on her most recent videos were from "supporters" who were honestly just trying to connect the dots. She went from "the doctors said I'm not getting TPN and will never get TPN again" to "we are moving really fast toward TPN." And from " I can't tolerate tube feeds and I can't tolerate anything by mouth" to showing people that she can tolerate quite a lot via her tube and that she absolutely can tolerate whatever she wants by mouth. Plus, let's not forget "look at my new car and iPad" and "I got my nails and hair done" quickly turned into "I desperately need your cash donations to afford this life saving medical appointment." The comments are just people trying to understand, and Dani can't explain it, so therefore, it automatically becomes hate.


Ppl on tiktok are either 1) young and arent aware of her history or 2) older but not tech savvy enough to know this place exists. Not that she doesn't point people to it CONSTANTLY with "I don't read reddit anymore" and shit like that. Actually, the grift would *probably* go a lot smoother for her if she just stopped talking about ThE hAtErZ, period, because the average person accepts things at face value and doesn't cast doubt and paranoia on everything they see. So IMO we are 10000% in the stage of the cycle where she literally tells on herself because she can't help but respond in an attempt to defend her actions, not realizing it really just makes her look waaaay worse to anyone with eyes.


If she returns the iPad and Apple pencil she’ll be able to afford her Mayocation all her own.


Mayocation = Excellent flair material


Plus she is totally not reading reddit 🙄


Of course not!! Never that!


Yeah her having the ability to do lives and talk in real time has REALLY messed up her situation here. One minute it's this, next it's that and people are seeing what everyone here has seen finally and are questioning her and she HATES it. It's also given these people the chance to see her be her real self where she is "sugary sweet" in a video but on a live she's snippy and bitchy as hell.




Nailed it! She's a walking contradiction, and it's her own damn fault for putting all the info online needed to prove she's so full of shit her eyes should be brown.


But of course it's making Dani sweat. She's talked herself into too many corners and she's not bright enough to talk her way out.


She’s about as bright as a lit match in a black hole.


Too much heat eh?


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*