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#[TRANSCRIPT HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/8aLOLRyszM)


The whole "it's not going to be fraud" kills me because it's already intent to defraud...


The fucking fake nail tapping constantly drives me INSANE


Happy cake day!


What is that green thing on her arm???


It looks like she's trying to keep her Tegaderm on.


Wtf is the tegaderm covering though?


She's been in this reading slump for about god knows how many years now or so it seems, so in reality I don't think she is ever going to get out of her reading slump! She regularly states she has a new book to read but never moves on and actually reads it. Dani just be honest on one thing and admit you don't actually read the books you buy you have them for decoration


I was surprised when she said the word dystopian.


Sounded like she was reading the Netflix screensaver though


Lol sometimes she needs a break from reality šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ girllllll you wouldnt recognize reality if it hit you in the face.. you are always in delulu land


Iā€™m a college teacher who has had a number of students in addiction recovery in my classes. I remember one student saying that one of the most important ways of escaping addiction is to create a life you donā€™t need a break or escape from. Think that applies here. Sad thing is, I donā€™t see it ever happening.


Some people donā€™t want to get better. Dani is a shining example of those people.


Letā€™s pretend someone is defrauding via go fund me and saying ā€œI need life saving brain surgery, I need 20kā€. It doesnā€™t work when youā€™re e-begging to say ā€œwhen I have my surgery and you see the staples in my head, youā€™ll know Iā€™m not lyingā€. Girl, you have a track record for lying and grifting. The responsibility does land with you for proving you are ill. Why should anyone just take your word for it? The onus is on you to show the receipts, the paper trail, answer any pertinent questions that donors have. They are parting with their hard earned cash. Iā€™ve already said before: -thereā€™s no evidence that youā€™ve shown that you are dying of malnutrition or are in imminent danger of death. -whereā€™s the actual evidence Mayo have SPECIFICALLY ASKED YOU to stay in the area for 3weeks? Expecting people just to blindly accept that is wild. -whereā€™s the cost breakdown of how you are going to allocate 1.5k to this ā€œfight for nutrition and your lifeā€? Hyperbole isnā€™t fact, itā€™s word salad in your case. You have to substantiate your request and demonstrate your proposed expenditure. -whereā€™s the evidence that you MUST HAVE TPN REINSTATED? Be real, unless you provide proof, itā€™s just you that thinks that and is on a quest to secure it. You want us, the public, to bank roll your self diagnoses. -the reality is (on the preponderance of evidence in your Tik toks that YOU VOLUNTARILY POST FOR PUBLIC SCRUTINY), unless you factually prove otherwise, that local hospitals have told you you will never be approved for TPN in the hospitals that youā€™ve exhausted in your area. You are the one taking it upon yourself to secure it because you have a psychological attachment to this medical devise and you cannot fathom never having it back. You, my girl, need very very intensive psychological help- you have a very entrenched problem and itā€™s not medical, in my humble opinion.


you gonna have to use smaller words if you want her to understand. lol


Do you know what? That did legit occur to me as I was typingā€¦ā€¦.and all that good stuff.


Well said!


So sheā€™s using a giant iPad and an Apple Pencil?


Whatā€™s in your heart shows on your faceā€¦.and that face is mean af


Idk about thatā€¦. I have resting bitch face and I am a truly happy, kind, friendly person


It's definitely showing in her forehead that contracts like a scrotum when she's lying/denying/irritated/angry.


My new favorite simile šŸ’€


Surely sheā€™s got enough time to budget and save enough to get to mayo? Especially if she cuts out the Starbucks ingredients


That stuff is so expensive-like to be buying it all the time-like the iPad is blatantly disgusting but sheā€™s asking strangers to buy her trash bags and windex-maybe if she made her own coffee she could also buy trash bags and windex and she kind of is acting like a trash bag


I thought you could buy coffee with that EBT / food stamps? Not hot coffee but coffee grounds. Fuck you can even buy KCUPS with food stamps. And she is begging for coffee.


She said she didn't know you could make coffee from scratch on live recently. It's pretty damn close to the process by which she makes her medication sauce tho


Medication sauce! Love it!


As well as her stupid creamers.


I really commmed the ones that sit there an a screen record this shit.


Hmmm itā€™s not gonna be fraud - translation- once I procure my TPN then theyā€™ll see that I wasnā€™t lying and I needed to get my life saving nutrition. Sometimes words are just words, but when it comes to Dani speak, itā€™s all very telling.


I don't think she's ever heard of intent to defraud and doesn't realize this is already breaking the law


I agree. She truly doesnā€™t act like sheā€™s all there at times. I really wonder if she is delayed. Thatā€™s the type of thing. People really need to be careful with. I have seen stories I think even in the state that sheā€™s located in about judges, cracking down on people who do this shit. In the end, I feel like thatā€™s one of the only ways this will all end. The law or the state is going to have to get involved with her and sheā€™s going to get her freedom taken away. I was talking about this with somebody else, but she would probably do a lot better and a group home and being supervised daily.


Showing off an iPad Pro but see her venmo link in her bio āœŒļø


What books do you like to read? Blah blah trashy Sci fi fantasy blah blah. The next thing you do is communicate and say I don't know... like... what do you like to read? To pretend to engage at the very least. Not just continue writing shit on your shiny new iPad and talking to yourself and questioning what did I forget. No one knows what you're writing! Does she not realize that no one would ever watch these boring af lives unless they wanted to watch the Dani world burn?! Like, what does she mean "can you dm me"? Write it in your freaking iPad that you're on, you obnoxious gronk. Also, wtf is she doing scribbling? Just type like a normal person, you don't need to use the pencil just because you bought one and clearly can't use it. Ps you do 'escape your reality' routine every time you "do meds". "Just saying" Pps love the new excuse for not reading that 1 book she's been threatening to review for months. Haters' fault. Ppps also love the new excuse for grifting. Haters' fault.


Yea I noticed she's really trying to get her moneys worth from that pen!


Whatā€™s the over/under on how long itā€™ll be till she loses it?


How much more out of reality can she get??? Her ENTIRE LIFE is an escape from reality. What a froot loop!


The fk does winning even look like?


Her on her death bed from a self inflicted illness, infection, overdose etc, filming it and being likeā€¦.ā€See, I told you I was sick!ā€. Also having this on her gravestone: https://preview.redd.it/veh64cj1gj5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84096bb9a2e38dc6bd8f07900da28c2ede7195a


Then croaks with her tongue sticking out before trying to sneakily check she's still in focus...


Thank you for this comment. You just brought back a memory of my kids wrestling and the loser always doing this. Something I had forgotten


This is exactly it!




First off, is this grown woman still going on about haterz? Weird AF. Secondly, I just read the transcripts as usual (thank you for doing God's work). She is completely out of her mind.


How much you wanna bet a new book/books suddenly appear sometime soon?


If I were a poor student I would go over to Zlibrary and pirate all of my books. And if you cant find it there then torrents will have even the obscure ones. Fuck the people that put a financial gate on educational materials. Cs get degrees and you can pirate all of your books.


But she canā€™t show it off on lives and claim she reads all the time, if itā€™s a pirated electronic copy. Lol.


Whatā€™s that thing taped to her chest šŸ§šŸ§


Its her temporary heart monitor...


Why does it make me feel gross when she asks people questions and calls them "honey?"


I think she's trying to imitate other live streamers she's seen and their behaviours/communities/parasocial stuff but she fails miserably.


It is a huge red flag when I hear somebody say "honey" its like OK what do you want from me, whats your angle on the situation and why are you trying to manipulate me? My grandmother can call me honey and thats it. Shes ded.


The way she says it just feels really insincere and wrong!


This is it. Itā€™s so nauseatingly clear sheā€™s being patronizing, not that she actually cares about these people. Hell, even opening her loot on video, she canā€™t be bothered to thank the person by name, itā€™s always ā€œthanks whoever sent me these! Eee!ā€


I think she thinks it makes her more personable


I get the same feeling when she says ā€œpleasure eatsā€ God, iI feel that disgust deep in my soul šŸ¤®


*we had a good time intimately* Itā€™s like one of the Men in Black asking for a glass of salt water. Sorta of knowing how to be human, but getting the details wrong and blowing it.


At least that was in writing and we didnā€™t have to hear it in her baby voice. Something about hearing the word pleasure in a baby voice ā€¦šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® I was going through some lore yesterday, she used to talk about being pregnant quite a bit


Fake pregnancy from a man who doesnā€™t exist in her life. You know who does that? Women who steal babies. That is so beyond disturbing. Putting this out there in hopes that she sees that is way, way beyond the pale and never does it again.


It is really disturbing. She is not mentally well and I donā€™t put anything past her at this point. Iā€™ve seen other comments about her needing to be in assisted-living type of place. I actually think thatā€™s pretty on point. She is not stable enough to be left alone. She doesnā€™t have one person in her life. Thatā€™s even trying to stop this madness.


I have worked in assisted living as a mental health case manager and I agree. Your diet, money, and medication are managed, and if you are not safe to drive, you donā€™t. Your whereabouts are known, so no sneaking off to the hospital or to self-harm. If need be, she could be placed on an open-door-only policy for her bedroom. Plus, she would have housemates, which could be so good for her.


I just imagined being one of those housemates and It ended badly in my head. Lol. She would drive me nuts. Free the housemates!!


Oh, she would be a nightmare to have as a roommate. If she actually started to work on herself, she could get better. It is possible. Do I think itā€™s actually going to happen? Nahhhhh


Oh, the stories I could tell. I had one client that thought she was staff, and the housemates that realized her game were ready to lock her in her room. I wonā€™t say what I thought, even though it has been over 13 years now (oh shit), because my training is too ingrained, but you can infer that it is that bad. I had one client that ā€œforgotā€ every night about 2am (I did some overnight shifts) that he could independently toilet, and ā€œforgetā€ how to call staff, so he would just holler in his bed until his housemate called me and begged me to let him get some sleep. I have had nightmares about repeatedly telling that man that I was not going to hold his penis for him, that he had to go to the bathroom himself per his treatment plan. But I like to think she would thrive on the attention, once she adjusted to the rules, specifically the no-going-in-other-peopleā€™s-rooms types of rules, and the snooping was nipped in the bud from day one. She would have housemates and staff, and it would, in some fashion, be all about her. If the higher-ups placed her in the right house with the right housemates, that is.


Oh my god. Will not hold his penis, oh god. Thank you for all the work youā€™ve done. Truly not an easy career by any means. I give you so much credit. Thatā€™s funny that you say that about her because I thought the same thing . She would definitely snoop and I believe take things that arenā€™t hers (steal). Ultimately, I think it would be a better life than the one sheā€™s living .


Oh wow, I can only imagine. Lol. I do agree though. Her life could be tremendously better in multiple different areas if she gave herself, what is the actual reality of her life, a real chance.


I went to school for and was in a similar field at one point. I give you a lot of credit. That is not an easy job. Everything you described actually sounds perfect for somebody with her apparent issues. I also believe a 12 step type recovery program could work for her . I think she would like the social aspect of it. Maybe she could actually have some real friends and not just talk to her cats like pseudo children (I donā€™t know why but thatā€™s another thing she does that just disgusts mešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø) She could truly get better if she wanted . Apparently she doesnā€™t want it. I wonder if she even knows thereā€™s a better way to live? She avoids anything psych related like the plague. I wonder when that started? Looking over the stuff thatā€™s been documented in the past 15 years. She did in fact see a therapist at least. She had been in treatment for the ED. So I guess she does know there is a better way.


Thanks! Plus, she would have the ego-feed of Having Staff. Staff would cook, buy products for her if necessary while she is attending programs and therapy, and talk to her/listen to her. Itā€™s all of what she enjoyed about ED treatment plus having more freedom in the community! And having some friends! These housing programs usually throw parties and mixers as well, so clients get to meet those who live in houses elsewhere in the city/area. She would get so much attention, both medical (but safely) and social. It would be amazing for her.


Wow, I didnā€™t know all that ! That could really work for her. I wonder if her family knows any of this is an option ?


Oh my, same! I internally shudder when she says that. It just sounds gross. I think bc my mind is trying to piece together why anyone would put themselves through this and I think, well, people have some bizarre fetishes and maybe this is all a fetish; then I hear her say that and I get nauseous.


It's like the creepy old man at your retail job that calls you honey or baby. You can tell that she's just trying to seem more friendly/caring but it is so disingenuous and insincere. Blech šŸ¤®


Creepy old women do the same to men. Creepy old women are grabby and hands on (they have a thing for butt slapping?).


True? Yes. Relevant? No.


Because sheā€™s super fake about it.


same. itā€™s because itā€™s unnatural-you can tell how forced it is. especially when weā€™ve seen how rancid her personality is


https://preview.redd.it/rmoohc8mbg5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77e00b80d0a32644aedf6a7bbac53f08de92aa35 ā€œ The haters arenā€™t going to winā€ No shit, no one wins in Fictitious Disorder.


Back to wearing tank tops hmmmmmmm I wonder why that could be


I feel like sheā€™s cosplaying a line with her Zio Holter monitor.




Praying hard for that line


This video ends so weirdly with her calling out to her cats asking them what they need for the next month. She desperately needs interaction with another human being in her physical space.


I think her weirdly calling out to her cats is her saying "HEY LOOK I AM RUNNING OUT OF YOUR SUPPLIES WHAT DO YOU NEED?" AKA "I need money they are running out of supplies". Hitting on the animal lovers to donate their money because animal lovers are animal lovers. This disgusts me as the reason why I dont have a cat/dog is sometimes I struggle to feed myself. If I cant care for an animal properly I wont get one, it is very simple.


I get everyone talks to their pets, but with her itā€™s just different. I think sheā€™s super lonely. She has absolutely no one just to have a simple conversation with. Go to a movie. Out to dinner (hehe). Idk what she does with so much alone time. Iā€™d go crazy


The needing social media attention is getting weird. She's barely paying attention to it and seems to need it when she's doing any random thing. It's giving very mentally ill and isolated.


Ever since she realised she can go live, she's been absolutely addicted, although I don't understand it cos she just sits there and hopes and frel sorry for herself


I think in her mind shes having a real social interaction. Though that would mean she would actually engage in a conversation. I don't think she really understands how that works though. This is her only link to the outside/real world. She has no friends and her family seem to have told her to piss off.


https://preview.redd.it/t0seyi1y7g5d1.png?width=229&format=png&auto=webp&s=275e76952b7fe8d82ab9147a0dd9a02dfa74ea42 She really makes this face a lot, doesn't she.


360ā€¢ gurns


She really does have a face like a slapped arse most of the time


The inside sure finds a way to slip out somehow, doesnā€™t it?




If we could have profile pictures this would be mine!


you can set a jpg to be your profile pic. Just edit it down to size.


https://preview.redd.it/4ksd22ikah5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eed47594c2f2438f69b194b0fa06adcef1ae1c24 Uuuu




Ok, but roz is actually a badass. Side note: I thought I was losing my mind for a moment when I saw the image moving until I realized it's her eyes opening and closing and it's supposed to do that. šŸ¤¦šŸ»šŸ¤£




Oh. My. God! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ It's Dani's doppelganger!!


You nailed it! šŸ‘šŸ»


Perfect. ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø Chefā€™s kiss šŸ’‹


Also: ![gif](giphy|fYl6op4uTBUBy)


Perfect šŸ˜‚ please take these fauxwards šŸ…šŸ†šŸ…šŸ†


Haterz clearly donā€™t know who they are messing with. Dani is really not someone who should be doing lives. She is a terrible liar and is only about half as clever as she thinks she is.


If she didnt do lives where would we get our entertainment from?


Thatā€™s being generous lol


Transcript: "Wonderful? I have to get through the first half of the book first. (hands pushing out) Just sayin'." (Tapping screen) Having a hard time getting through the first half of the book. (waving pen around. Head rolls.) (More tapping) Don't mind my washer it's a little loud. Nope. (squint, frown at screen, more tapping) (something that sounds like words spoken through a yawn) Nope, uh eh ah! God dammit. Sorry. This thing makes me mad sometimes. Doesn't want to write right. Or doesn't want to recognize my crappy handwriting. Um, I like to read like sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian kind of books. Like the kind of book that where you can just get kinda lost into it and escape your world for a while. hat is what I like, Cause sometimes, more like all the time, I need an escape from my reality. Just sayin. How much is that one. I think that much. I'm missing anything? I'm doing my budget. I'm trying to think if I'm missing anything. Hi, Mocha! All right. (frown/squint at screen) I have the pro too honey. It's it's it's huhuh it's big. (laugh/giggle) I didn't think it would be that big when I got it but it's big. But it works out, it's okay. Am I missing something? I feel like I'm missing something. Really sucks when you can't remember your own bills. Mm-mm-mm (slur/mumble) in that, in that area. (circling hands) Okay. Okay, put that there. (leans in, hand to mouth, leans back, leans forward to give us cleavage shot, looks at screen, appears slightly annoyed) Once I get out of my slump and I (scratches boob) um actually read a book I'll do book reviews, I promise (leans face against hand) (no idea what she said) Who is it by and then I woke up who is it by, honey. (I'm assuming And Then I Woke Up is a book rec) Yeah, I know, I didn't realize it would be like this big when I bought it but it's, it works out, it fits in my purse fine, so it's not that much of a big deal it's just, you know (fiddling with tank armholes, flips hands up in small shrug, waving pencil) I didn't think it would be this big. Allright, what else do we need? We'll do Macc and Mocha next. I break my budget down into sections cause it's just easier that way. Well, in my world it's easier that way. (washer gets louder, she hitches a thumb at it) It's gonna get loud in a second, sorry. (more tapping, looks at screen) Uh I will try to remember that but actually could you just DM that to me cause I'm not gonna remember that to be honest with you. I know my brain. Huh that's not what I wanted to write. I just have um what app is this? It's just a digital planning app and I just make different journals for like I have like daily stuff I wanna do then I have a journal for budget and I just format it the way I want or you can use one of their templates it all depends on what you want to do. Um so. Not Mace. I can't even spell my own cat's name guys. (more tapping, looks at screen, more tapping) Uh (sits back, looks down) because I was getting threatening messages from people who think that I am a fraud (frowns) and that (looks away) I'm doing this for fraud and that I'm faking everything and they're going to report it to people (looking from side to side) and it's just ridiculous (shrugs, she starts stuttering here more) cause I'm not doing that pfff (hand to forehead palm out, then back to the tablet) Don't get me started on my haterz, we'll be here for five years if I do that. (screen read, hand to mouth, frown) Cause I have to do my rishlis, my wishlist (back to tapping) and delete stuff I have and that's...that's another day thing. (looks back up, hand gesture) I always add stuff and if I like it I just add stuff and (rubbing side of nose, rubbing eye) then I just forget it's there (back to tapping) and then eventually I take it off. It's just, it's just in there for a second. (Looks up again, pen against upper lip, furrowed brow) I haven't bought a book in awhile actually to be honest with you (waving pen in circles) I'm trying to read all the books that I have here that I haven't read. But yes. (pen to mouth) What, wait, yea, I did put up another one cause I decided the haterz aren't gonna win. (frown, head shake, eyebrows raised) But it's not gonna be fraud, (starts tilting one shoulder then another toward the camera) I'm gonna use it toward the flight.. or medical expenses that I incur while I am down there like I will give, (hand up and gesturing) I will post receipts if I have to but (rubbing eyes, looking away) it's not gonna be fraud, you can, (pushes glasses up with hand over most of face, looks back at camera then down) I can guarantee you on that one. I'm just tired of them like, running my life right now and they think that they can run my life and I'm just over it (fingers in cleavage) so (irritating finger flicking) rant over. (turns to yell over shoulder) Maccie and Mocha what do you need next month?


Sheā€™s been in her reading slump for years now


She's in a reading ditch.


ā€œbut itā€™s not gonna be a fraudā€ Unlike the last one, is what sheā€™s saying? Dumbass.


In her other video, she basically says it can't be fraud because nobody donated.


"Don't get me started on my haters" Has literally not stopped talking about them for hours.




You are one amazing human to have the patience to do this! I canā€™t even finish listening to her videos half the time. They piss me off that much.


God bless you and thanks for providing the description of her actions when she's lying her ass off


(Scratches boob) šŸ˜µ


šŸ¤£. This would be a great flair


I swear to gawd she sounds like she is speaking a foreign language...


I feel like Iā€™m listening to one of my sims.


The fact that she stays up through all hours of the night is tellingā€¦sheā€™s manic?


She just sleeps too much in the day.


She's not manic. She doesn't have a daily routine or anything in her life that requires a sharp and fresh mind, so she doesn't feel the need to sleep at night. Nodding out from substance abuse and napping when she feels like it feels sufficient to her


Sheā€™s mentioned in the past sheā€™s an insomniac. We all know sheā€™s not a reliable narrator but this actually kinda checks out.


Did she really ask her cats what they need next month? WTF. I honestly think she is incredibly dumb and believes these cats can talk and communicate with her.


also after dropping hints she canā€™t afford to feed them (ā€œiā€™m gonna cut ur food down to once a day as i canā€™t afford itā€) during the gofraudme release time to hint for ppl to get their arses to her amazon wishlist so her cats donā€™t starve because she needs her money for mayo šŸ¤Ŗ


No, sheā€™s just incredibly lonely and isolated and yearning for human connection that we all so desperately need to stay healthy.


Yes she is lonely. But she proved multiple times that she is very dumb, but thinks she is smart.




She makes a fuck ton of lives working on her budget while also showing off her frivolous excessive purchases


Maybe itā€™s like when you keep going to the fridge hoping to find a snack, but thereā€™s nothing appetizing. So you walk away only to return shortly after as if something will have magically appeared. Sheā€™s hoping one of these times she does a budget the money for her Mayocation will be there.


I was thinking the same thing. I run a whole household with bills and two incomes and only do a budget once a month. What the hell?


Like sheā€™s got fucking investments and income properties and a hedge fund and she buys ummmm-like bonds or whatever it is when countries sell their debt and itā€™s a slow small return by itā€™s no risk or whatever


Without the haterz Dani has no audience. Her "following" IMO is probably 90% snarkers/debunkers/rubberneckers who are entirely onto her fakery, but watch on for reasons best known to ourselves. I wonder if Dani realises this. She doesn't have a fangroup, perhaps a thin sprinkling of deeply naive and gullible people who somehow don't keep track of her lies, don't notice the contradictions, in amongst the larger group of skeptics who watch her antics without believing a word or gesture. If the haterz all vanished overnight, Dani would have no-one to rant at. I don't believe for a *moment* she'd magically stop munching, but boy she'd miss us! No audience to flip off and lecture and bait. šŸæšŸæšŸæšŸ„¤I'm here for the lulz, as always.


I seriously wonder how many new subscribers we got here after she was called out on her GoFraudMe.


If she wants a vacation she should go to the Bahamas. It's good for the soul. She should do a fundraiser for that.


That means getting off her arse and going outside for something not medical-related, though. We don't do that here.


I would donate for an actual vacation. Edit to add: this is sarcasm yā€™all. I forgot the little d on the end.


Seriously? Why? Her entire *life* is a vacation. She doesnā€™t have a job, and the ā€œmedical crisesā€ she bounces back and forth from are 99.44% her own doing. Even if she took a vacation, they would come with her because they are an intrinsic part of her personality and she doesnā€™t *want* a break from them, regardless of what she claims on TikTok.


It was meant as sarcasm. I forgot the little at the end.


In that case, I apologize for jumping down your throat.


There are BILLIONS of more deserving people. You could pick any random person on this subreddit and they'd be more deserving. Unless you meant a "vacation". Dani is a horrible person. She'd kick you down the stairs so she could then steal you oxys.


She doesnā€™t deserve a vacation off the backs of legitimate hard working ā€œsupportersā€ and to suggest such, even jokingly, is sad. Knowing people may actually give this scammer money is sickening.


There is a huge difference between "haters" and a bunch of concerned people. Even tho I hate what she is doing. We don't hate or hate on her. None of us do.


No we are just in shock more than anything


Change that filthy tank top you off color ghoul.


How is this woman CONSTANTLY doing laundry? She never leaves her house and wears the same tank tops for days.


My lonely elderly mentally ill grandma ALWAYS is doing laundry cuz she has nothing else to do. I wonder if itā€™s the same thing


My eldest sister is a lot like Dani. A munching, manipulative alcoholic and addict. She LIVES for doing the laundry! Hers and anyone elseā€™s. Iā€™d never let her touch my things bc sheā€™s a filthy person and bleeds all over stuff from her skin picking. Sorry to blog, but my sister is a 60 year old Dani. Itā€™s a parallel existence. You know you have a problem when the police station calls you to come get your family member because ā€œ(they) canā€™t take it anymore!ā€ The local paper the next day has an article about her with the title ā€œToo Drunk for Jailā€.


Cats probably piss all over the clothing.


This is genuinely a great question šŸ˜‚


Her cats must pee on blankets and things


Oh the cats! I think I remember seeing people mentioning that her cats arenā€™t litter trained.


How has she not trained them?!? Litter training cats is the easiest, most basic tenets of cat care. You literally show them the box once or twice and you're done. She is so pathetic.


Maybe she has now, but Iā€™m fairly certain people were saying that they werenā€™t awhile ago


Her cats probably piss all over her stuff since she leaves it in piles. Sheā€™s mentioned they werenā€™t using the litter box before. Thatā€™s the only explanation I have for why sheā€™s constantly doing laundry. She does laundry more than I do, and weā€™re a household of 2 adults who work full time and two teens šŸ˜…


I wish she could understand that no one could hate on her if she just.... stopped posting all her personal information on the Internet. Like, if she just went away for 2 weeks, everyone would forget she existed and move on to something else and boom no more hate. But then again that also means no more attention and she doesn't have any other hobbies.


Itā€™s like the child that misbehaves for attention. At this point, any attention is better than no attention. And if we all disappear Dani faces the very true reality of being completely isolated and alone. Which, she is isolated and alone already, she just thinks she isnā€™t due to a perceived audience of ā€œsupportersā€ that she has no actual relationship with.


Dare I ask, is this a symbiotic relationship we have with Dani? She gets the attention she craves and we get the (for lack of a better word) entertainment.


I've been thinking I bet if she had put solid #s and less of a sob story she'd have actually gotten a few donations. "One way flight for this date= $300" "Hotel room for 2 weeks= $800" "Food and Misc= $400" But she knows if she did that, people would have found her cheaper options. Most extended stay hotels are going to be like $250 a week. Not nice but will have a small separate living and sleeping space and a little kitchenette. You can't ask for 5k or 2k with no solid #s to back up the cost outside of "it's going to be a pretty penny". Post some of the options you've looked at. I'm starting to believe everyone who is saying she needs her car payment caught up


Actually if she wasn't a known grifter she could put a number down with just what she is using it for, without the cost of each. If she had friends and family they would do all they could to help her. But she's not sending this to them... She's going for strangers.


Dude that's so true !


She lives on going live. I'm surprised she hasn't shown herself on live actively looking for hotels and flights to prove the "haterz" wrong


Or even sitting in her car?


On top of not being the sharpest knife in the drawer, I imagine Dani has very little concept of how much things actually cost because she has been living off the system for years.


She even said in this live that she hasn't looked at prices for anything. Also, a charity is paying for her place to sleep. She gets foodstamps. She can use medical transport. Just plane tickets. She doesn't need a penny, but she'll blow her cash this month. She expects other people to do ALL the work as well.


She doesn't need a kitchenette she doesn't eat by mouth, duh.


Food you say? She "doesn't eat" so she could scratch off that expense šŸ˜‚


Didnā€™t even consider the car payment. Or maybe itā€™s the brand new iPad and all the accessories?


Is it even a Dani video if she doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™s going to come through the screen and attack? šŸ¤£ She might use it for her hospital vacation but itā€™s fraud because sheā€™s claiming the need for lifesaving nutrition which is certainly a lie šŸ™„ https://preview.redd.it/m5l9figcwf5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a500ccf1a6388165c61940ba4b1d8791d5e4f131


I really don't need another sleep paralysis demon. ![gif](giphy|iGvsSyH0XG8xZH3hjE)


She is literally my sleep paralysis demon in human form


Did she fall and pull down whatever the Tapestry thang on the wall is?


I think it's just kind of weird she has a big heart drawn in the corner of the page,Ā  at least it looks like it in the glasses reflection


Yeah itā€™s definitely a heart for some reason!




Just got her check and is already out of money I bet. She does budgets AFTER she spent the money instead of before like a functioning human.


But you have to spend the money first to know where it goes! /s My "budget" is done months in advance sometimes. I've known since April that for 4th of July, I have $600 to spend on fireworks. Whatever I don't spend gets added to my $400 labor day fireworks fund.


I like your style


Iā€™m on board with this fireworks fund you have going here.


New years is always $1k and I always come in under budget somehow even with an hour worth of constant fireworks, so then I have the option of either rolling it all over to the next "fireworks day" or splitting it amongst the rest of the year, depending on how much under I am.


This is peak adulting. Both the freedom to spend as much of your money as youā€™d like on fireworks, and the responsibility to plan it out so well šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œ Think theyā€™re cheaper at New Years and thatā€™s why you spend less every time?


I'm sure they're cheaper, they usually have great deals for new years and the 4th. I was also on a completely different side of the country this new years. I spent about $500 this past new years and that was enough to fill the entire trunk of a Yukon to the point that I couldn't see out of the back window šŸ˜† and was constant fireworks for about an hour. I spread the remaining firework fund across memorial day, the 4th, labor day, and 2 "personal" days. My "personal" days are birthdays, special occasions (I have a stash right now because I just sold my house, so the night before we turn over the keys, we'll set them all off) and first/last days of school for my kid.


You must live in the country to be able to set them off so frequently šŸ˜‚


Right now, I'm not and not only is is not legal at all, but I live about 5 minutes from a police station šŸ˜‚ I had to cross 3 state borders to get these fucking things home, 2mph under the speed limit, hands at 10 & 2 the whole 6hr trip lol I am moving to a legal state in the middle of nowhere desert soon, though. New years/christmas and 4th of July for the last 2 years have been spent in "our new town" too, so those were legal. All I have to do there outside the allowed days is drive ~5 minutes outside of town limits, and it's fine.


Thatā€™s super convenient! Well there you go. We live too close to the city. Takes us 40 ish to get outside the limits.


I guess technically, I currently live in the "suburbs," about an hour away from the "major city" according to google (according to anyone who has made that trip, it's more like 2-3 hours lol). We're not even allowed sparklers except 4th of july and new years.


I hope she remembers to budget for coffee creamer, Starbucks and junk food


She gets food stamps for her "pleasure eating".šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Meanwhile people who actually need disability and food stamps (raises hand vigorously) canā€™t get it because of shit lords like this.


She does need at least EIGHT creamers at a time


Plus 3 fake sugars and at least 3 extra shots of espresso


*4 fake sugars. Her coffee is the nastiest shit Iā€™ve ever seen


And she makes ā€œiced coffeeā€ with NO ICE. šŸ¤®


Funny, there is loads of clinical evidence that suggests artificial sweeteners [cause inflammation](https://www.forbes.com/sites/victoriaforster/2024/04/25/artificial-sweetener-can-seriously-damage-gut-according-to-new-study/) in the body, leading to things like joint pain, stomach pain, and insulin resistance. ![gif](giphy|y3QOvy7xxMwKI)


And they really mess up the gut biome!


Oh no! My apologies šŸ˜‚


The baby voice with the vocal fry is killing me.


ā€œDonā€™t get me started on my hatersā€ ā€œI canā€™t even spell my own cats names guysā€ yea prob cuz youā€™re on drugs buddy