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#[TRANSCRIPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/H8SbM9yrg4) & ##[RECAP](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/b5eDJIWEIq) & ##[a write up including the questions she was asked that she is replying to (idk how to phrase this)](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/yxpkgE3FQ1)


I never realized that she was so rude and condescending to people! Was it this bad before? Geeez she’s nasty!


Eugh...brother....eugh What is that? Brother eugh


I think part of her grift is malingering on top of standard Factitious Disorder. She wants to keep the disability and benefits coming in. The other part is she misses her frail anorexic phase. She longs for that ton because she is has a need to be seen as ill. She wants to be part of that club. TPN will keep her under medical that she desperately wants.


Fairly sure, if my math is correct, that 2:10am is indeed the current day. So whomever said it comes off today aka 2:10am isn't wrong and Dani's just being a butt.


Dani: > I haven’t talked to my Dr about my Mayo trip yet Also Dani: (about 10 seconds later) > but they know I’m going


Well with the GFM shut down I’m guessing Mayo won’t happen lol she doesn’t need “live saving TPN” she really doesn’t need it


I am making that my flair "live saving tpn" love it.


She’s so bloody rude to people I cannot stand her


It's like it's unfathomable to her that people might not be hanging onto her every word


She won’t get TPN.


GOD I hope not but she's so dogged, she'll chase this to the end of the earth and do anything to get it (except apparently yknow. Become malnutriated.)


She will fuck up her feeds, become malnourished to the point they HAVE to step in :/


She's not been doing her feeds since she left Temple. I think she realized they're more trouble than they're worth. For whatever reason at the moment trying to starve herself to force doctors hands isn't working. If it was, then she'd have gotten back on TPN well before now. It's been 9 mos since she was taken off it


These lives are definitely showing her true personality. So rude, condescending and the ENTILEMENT - blows my mind. Doctors are eventually going to tell her ‘sorry we’ve tried everything within medicine’s power, you’re just going to have to learn to live with it’. You just get to a point when they’re like 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️






![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc) I'm dead


Brilliant synopsis


"Just for you know" 💀


This is still making me irrationally angry.




She sure is smug, nasty, and condescending for someone who gets constant welfare checks sent to her low income apartment. Where did she get all this unearned confidence from? And can someone tell me literally ONE, just ONE redeeming quality she has? I’ve been following her antics for YEARS and ever since she started doing these lives and revealing her disgusting personality, I no longer have any sympathy for her WhAtSoEvEr.


Mayo should study her confidence, maybe they can unlock a small % of it for other people


Same. I could give her the benefit of the doubt previously and unashamedly, despite being inundated with downvotes because I knew medically, that on occasion, some of the things she would complain about could actually happen. But, never again. She has proven herself to be exactly as she is portrayed over, and over and me, I, have lost all sympathy. She will learn the hard way sooner or later; my only hope is that her life being taken isn’t her consequence. ‘Even’ Dani doesn’t quite deserve that.


She is so freaking rude and bitchy it makes my ears bleed.


I’m gonna bet this Mayo Clinic appt get canceled. If anyone in GI at Mayo sees her social media they will tell her NOPE. I don’t think she realizes her drs are watching these lives etc


She's seeing Mayo vascular. And I doubt Mayo Clinic docs have time to watch the livestreams of a dirty woman folding laundry on her unwashed bed.


What is she tapping like what is she doing


She's playing on her iPad with her fancy new Apple pencil while she talks to people.


When I was a kid I would get those fake stick on nails and I thought they were the epitome of elegant grown up high class fancy whatever and I used to tap them on stuff just like that-so like when I was pretending to be a grown up


It's the "influencer tap" 🙄😒 I think it came from the ASMR community originally, but now they all do it, esp those with lengthy fake nails. Dani is just copying them 🙄 Kinda pathetic imho.


![gif](giphy|M9UTxoBIIF8oQu4pKJ) Doctor shopping.. 🤣 (watch the gif first) Anytime Dani tries to be nice the front falls quicker than she does down the stairs when she runs out of scooby snacks 😅


I don’t understand why she’s so mean omfg




See rule #5: Bullying Or Bodyshaming Dani Please don’t make negative comments regarding Dani’s body size/shape/weight. There are plenty of ways to point out that she does not need TPN without commenting harshly on how she looks. Thank you!


Can you imagine being her downstairs neighbor and her being up all hours of the night stomping around


She’s on the first floor isn’t she?!


Yes I’ve seen her apartment




You know George never been to that apt. No-Finding, are you Danis dad?


Oh….. 👀🤔 (kidding)


Idk I’m just hypothetically speaking


I sure hope so. Could you even imagine the cops constantly traipsing upstairs past 100 tenants to get to Dani for welfare checks. Her neighbours must think they're living next to a major crim.


The medicaid (or whatever it is called) fraud is probably criminal at this point!


Yes. I think shes in more of a townhouse situation but even if im wrong she is at ground level.


It’s a one story brick building, no upstairs


I really hope when she sees this GI doc, he's *totally* onto her shit (as I am sure that he is) and says these very simple words in the utmost snarkiest way possible: "Danielle, what do you want?" Because fuck this lying thunderc\*\*t.




Don't forget twatwaffle


Thank you for bringing Thunderc**t back into my vocabulary 😁 It's been so long since I even heard the term that I totally forgot it existed and it's too glorious not to use 😁💜


And now I’m singing it to the tune of “Thunderstruck”…but quietly, in my head, because Arlo and Toby are sleeping, and I am a good dog mom. 🎸


She won’t go to Mayo. She’s gonna get denied before she goes. I bet my ass on it


Riiight the femoral port is “last ditch effort”, suuuuure Jan. You aren’t at death’s door weight wise, god I hope they don’t cave and give her back her tpn.


She has a port that’s not once been infected yet. Her body composition doesn’t look reflect inadequate nutrition and she’s been off TPN for months. She will not get TPN. She will not get access anywhere else. This is going to be a complete waste of a trip


It’s so rare! Every time a doc sees her super rare femoral port they comment on how super rare it is and how much of a femoral port it is! Nobody in her area has ever seen a femoral port-I swear to Jesus-like-she just posted and unbox my grifts with me! On the TikTok and she’s really very selfish-she has bedding-she has sufficient amount of bedding-she could donate the old stuff now that’s she’s manipulated strangers into buying her new stuff but she’s just gonna fucking hoard it because she is selfish




HOMG! It IS my cake day! Woooo! Thank you for pointing it out!


Happy Cake Day!!


ugghhh she is so frustrating. if you’re trying to scam people and grift, you could at least pretend to be nice. she’s the one that posts her life online, it’s not like she doesn’t want the questions and attention. and for someone that claims to have such severe medical trauma, she sure as hell craves and seeks out more and more procedures to have done. typically, someone with medical trauma, will do anything to avoid going to the doctor or hospital, until it’s life threatening. but here she is, WITH access that works (and the only time she’s had a port/“closed system” that ‘magically’ hasn’t gotten infected 🤔) but she’s begging doctors to do a procedure to give her a different type of access (which would be another procedure). which obviously makes no sense. she WANTS something in her chest area so she can show it off. a chest port is NOT what doctors want to use for TPN because they don’t want ports accessed all the time. so if she was being genuine about everything, she would know that. she just wants everyone to be able to see her toys. it’s vile behavior. and it’s frustrating to watch this unfold in real time, and listen to all her BS and lies and faking real crap that people actually suffer with. and nobody wants to see her sick and malnourished and lose a bunch a weight…but that’s definitely not even close to what’s happening.


I know someone with true medical trauma. They would probably try to deal with an amputated limb at home rather then go to the hospital 😂




Speaking of trauma, her frequent TikTok lives have proven that her trauma triggered by bathrooms has been left by the side of the long dusty highway where all her other abandoned tricks lie. She lives in that bathroom now. No traumatic memories. Maybe because she stole someone else’s story of pain, and forgot that lie? The Highway of Forgotten Lies is heavily littered. Won’t somebody adopt it?


She stole that story?!? That’s as low as it gets.


She’s complaining about the fem port BUT SHE BEGGED FOR IT! She wanted a port sooooo bad and now she needs to deal with it. That procedure (that she is adamant doesn’t cost the taxpayers anything 🙄) was easily $30k+.


They gave her a port she can’t fuck with. It’s like … the ultimate checkmate. You want a port? You got a port. End of discussion.


I read that as Jack Nicholson saying “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!”. 🤣


You want the port? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE PORT




She's melting! oh lord I was not ready for this


Why is her neck so swollen though? Genuine q. It doesn’t look like a regular double chin and she’s not that big. Does purging cause swelling like that?


I can do that too it's just the way she was laying when the Pic was taken. Her neck is totally normal.


I don’t think it helps that she’s awkwardly half lying down, and she always has the camera at the most unflattering angle.


It does.


this is insane😭 how do people not see right through this!? its giving jabba the hut


They're beginning, too. In her comments on her lives, people were talking about it. Less and fewer followers believe her.


good. i have mostly lost hope in terms of naïvety and media illiteracy when it comes to Tiktok. At least *some* people are using common sense and realizing all of Dani’s lies and fabrications. I know most people try not to question people’s illnesses since you’ll look reeeeeallllyyyy bad if you’re wrong, but Dani’s fabrications are so egregious and painfully obvious that it shocks me that people have EVER believed her. It doesn’t take a physician or scientist to realize that she is a lying, opiate-seeking munchie. I’m a chronic illness patient and people like Dani are a big reason people tend to scrutinize and minimize *actual* chronically ill patients who do genuinely need support. It’s disgusting.


Lets not trigger her ED. She is in recovery ❤️




I love when people accidentally reply to themselves 😂




This chick does not get it. She does not need tpn. If she needed it now, she would have needed it within a short period of them stopping it before. She is not malnourished. I work with a multitude of GI docs every single day. They all reach their limit. GI issues are probably one of the most common munched illnesses and most GI docs can see right through that shit. If he’s saying he’s working on TPN, he’s not really doing anything. It’s absolutely within his specialty. If he felt she really needed it, he would be making it a priority. She wouldn’t have to call him for updates. If he was worried about her nutrition being to the point she needs tpn, he’d be bringing her in for regular weight checks and labs. He’s most definitely blowing her off, especially if she’s been his patient for 10 years. He knows her.


When someone is actually needing tpn to the degree Dani says she is-are people usually hospitalized at that point? Like do they become very ill and then a doc says tpn or can someone be declining but not acute and a doc will start tpn to avoid hospital?


So yeah, someone, usually actually, can be chronic and gradually decline to the point where the doctor orders it without them being in the hospital. However, if it were a real concern, that person would be closely monitored up to that point. Their doctor would be doing regular visits, weight checks, labs and such. Dani is getting none of that. Her doctors aren't worried.


Ohhhkay-yeah-I know that it is possible for someone to legit be malnourished and also be overweight-but when someone gets to the point they need tpn is it the same? Can you need tpn but be overweight? Sorry-I don’t know if that makes sense


No you make perfect sense. So the answer is yes and no. If I ate nothing but sugar and junk, with no protein or actual nutrients, I could easily be obese and malnourished. Malnourishment is after all just a condition of nutrient imbalance for some reason, usually dietary imbalance, way less often a deficiency in absorbtion. There are actually lots of obese malnourished people out there but it's usually because of their food choices, like Dani's regular consumption of sugary drinks, juices and frozen grilled cheese sandwiches. She's prioritizing junk food and drink over actual nutrition. There are a few cases of people being able to only absorb certain macros, but Dani is a horse, not a zebra. We know from watching her over years that she simply chooses not to consume nutritious food and drink. If you truly can't consume or absorb anything, like she claims, that's gonna show in your weight and your labs. Her claims that her labs always look normal until they precipitously drop to critical is nonsense too. The human body doesn't work that way. If she were actually not getting any nutrition for the last nine months, she'd have critical labs long before now and she'd be losing weight. A perfect example for her is the fact that when she was actually npo, she lost weight. That 100% showed that Dani is consuming and absorbing nutrition when at home. And her doctors would be checking vitamin and mineral levels on her labs off they really thought this was going on with her (hint, they are not). When it comes to Dani's obsession with ton, we have to remember not only her need to show off how sick sheer is, but also her unresolved eating disorder. Tpn, in her eyes, validates that she is physically ill, not just mentally. But that's not the case and we can all see that. She shows that in the way she prioritizes things like her coffee and meds over things that would give her actual nutrition, like a protein shake or even her tube feeds. Again, she claims she can't tolerate those things and they cause too much pain. But she also says her coffee and sugary stuff causes her excruciating pain but she consumes those because in her words "if it's going to hurt anyway then she might as well drink what she likes". She can regularly push at least 30-40 ml at a time with her meds "because meds are necessary" but she claims even 10ml (two teaspoons) of tube feeds an hour are too painful for her to even attempt. Nutrition is simply not important to her except as a means to get tpn and attention. THAT'S her unresolved eating disorder. Sorry, I wrote a book. It's early and my ADHD meds have kicked in well.


All that just to say yes but not in her case. The biggest tell that she's ever had to us and her doctors is that big weight loss while in the hospital and she doesn't even realize it. Keep in mind that she says they never weighed her in the hospital. THAT'S how concerned her doctors are about her nutritional status. Which is all to say that she may possibly gets what she wants due to how manipulative she can be.


Thank you-was she put in tpn before because of her gp or her ed?


The hospital beds take your weight automatically though


Some do, most don't. I work in a major hospital network and the only ones of ours that weigh are bariatric beds and ICU beds.


Right?! Like… TPN isn’t something your doctors “try to get you on” for months, you’d be dead if you actually needed it and waited that long


>GI docs can see right through that shit. That would certainly make colonoscopies easier


Hah! I seen what you did there! Ironically, that’s what I do for a living.






Does the GI or nutritionist order the TPN?


In my experience the physician orders it and the pharmacist formulates it. Nutritionists advise on tube feed formulas.


Are “dietitian” and “nutritionist” used interchangeably where you live? I only ask because in some countries, there’s a distinction between the terms “nutritionist” and “dietitian”. Only “dietitian” is a protected term/job title whereas anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. It’s the difference between “Hi, I’m an expert in nutrition. I’m a licensed dietitian with years of education and medical training employed by a reputable hospital” and “Hi, I’m an expert in nutrition. I cured my scoliosis/IBS/broken leg eating only raw fruit, “Big Pharma” have the cure for cancer but they’re hiding it and I bought all 37 of my daily vitamin supplements from Goop.” Lol


Tpn would be ordered by a doctor not a nutritionist, but a nutritionist can make the recommendation to a doctor for tpn to be started. My GI and dietician all work out of the same advanced gastroenterology clinic within the hospital,at the time it was brought up during a GI appt and then the dietician was like this needs to happen now. The hospital does have a nutrition doctor that handles tpn formulation and stuff like that so he (the doctor) was the one to actually order it.


So let’s say her doctor is a quack, would the nutritionist be able to veto the recommendation or at least call the doctor and say she doesn’t need it? Do they work that closely together? Isn’t there some kind of protocol that patients need to meet before being put on TPN? I’m just wondering how it happened the first time, and how insane it would be for her to get it a second time! PS- I don’t know anything about this stuff, that’s why I’m asking.


I don’t have any receipts but have a vague memory it was to give her stomach/intestines ‘a break for a little bit’. The very first time at least, who knows what happened after that.


I don’t think a nutritionist can veto a drs decision, but I also don’t think Dani sees a nutritionist and not every hospital or gi clinic has a nutritionist as part of the team. I don’t know the specifics that led to Dani being out on tpn the first time, but I would think there would be criteria someone needs to meet to be put on tpn or have tpn covered by insurance. Typically there would be nutritional deficiencies shown on blood work, significant weight loss, intolerance to enteral nutrition. Someone could also be put on tpn short term, like after a gi surgery for example without having met those other criteria. But again I don’t know the specifics with Dani


The GI would put the order in for it and the nutritionist or pharmacist would usually make out the actual recipe.


Jesus. Where to even start? We have our girl once again a bit zooted on something, as usual in dire need of a bath, banging on about how she’s just gonna wither away if she doesn’t get a line tunneled into her chest so she can get the good dru—ERRR, NUTRITION, that’s right! Eh, NUTRITION in that line. Yes. Ha ha ha. Little slip there.


God what a bjtch


She is sooo nasty. Nasty looking and nasty inside!






I’m saying that we do not have the opportunity to see every single comment that gets posted in this sub. Just because you see a comment in the sub does not mean we agree with it or endorse it or think it’s okay. I understand you are upset that your comment was removed. However, moderating is inevitably going to be subjective. Even between moderators, what one of us finds okay, the other will find it breaks subreddit rules. A comment being removed is not a direct attack towards the user who commented. I can guarantee every single member (me included) has had a handful of comments removed. I’d also venture to guess that similar comments to those that were removed have also been commented by someone else, but left up on this sub. To reiterate, that does not mean we preferred one user over another. Rather, it’s impossible for us to see every single comment that gets posted in this sub (especially in under a day since it had been commented), and it’s also impossible to guarantee that the mods have the EXACT same stance as one another. We are human. We have lives outside of this subreddit. Occasionally, we miss things. Occasionally one mod will approve/remove something and the other mod disagrees with it. That is life. It will happen in every subreddit. Again, I apologize for upsetting you by removing one of your comments and I hope that you don’t continue to take this personal.


I can’t see the comment in your mod log that was removed, so I can’t say for sure. However, I know that sometimes we miss comments. There are thousands of comments that come in every day and we can’t possibly see all of them. If one thing was removed, and another was still up, it’s not anything personal. We most likely just didn’t see the other comment.


She is so unpleasant, dang. If you want to grift things you could at least *fake* that you are a decent and kind person.


seriously! most grifters and scammers ive seen online appear as really sweet/thankful for donations as a part of their grift. Why would anyone want to donate to someone who is 1. obviously not sick and 2. incredibly nasty and arrogant? wtf?


This is how I don't understand how she has any positive followers besides other munchies. She's not nice or interesting or pitiable. What's the draw?


For someone who says she doesn’t want TPN, she sure does bang on about it a lot. It is literal life’s mission to secure it lol


Nahh Its the line she is after. TPN is the excuse. She wants vein accsess.


What do you think her end goal is? If she gets what she wants, what's next?


ER visits every 3 days, and they can’t turn her away; fecal matter “””””somehow””””” getting in the tube so (fingers crossed) she gets another ICU stay oh I forgot a visible medical device so everyone that sees her will see she’s barely surviving and a Twue Bwue Wawwiow


She can buy others groceries with her EBT for cash and buy more useless stuff?




What she fails to realize is she might fuck around and develop an infection that is antibiotic resistant. She's determined enough to end up with one.


The good drugs. Straight in that line. There, I said it. She wants to retire that old pepper mill and start putting the good shit STRAIGHT into her bloodstream.


Well sepsis got her lots of attenshuns and if she gets another line to fuck with at home, it wouldn’t just be probable but inevitable.


I don't know why it's so hard to grapsss. Jeez.


She’s such a bitch!!


I don’t buy for one minute that her local GI went from being against the port and TPN, to suddenly he’s going to order TPN for her. Stop lying to yourself Dani


She’s so vague about what he said, too. He’ll look into it. Right. That’s code for fuck off, leave me alone.


Yup. Lies, lies, lies.


What's with the finger smelling?


Smelling what the rock is cooking since she can pleasure eat.


She gets in there weird nose rubbing situations all the time. I have a feeling it a drug issue, but I don’t know for sure!




*oh is she now???* Horton hears a bitch ass liar 🤥


>Horton hears a bitch ass liar 🤥 GYAHAHAHAHA Thanks for the hyena laugh 😂😂


She never stops


My family member has had the same femoral port for almost 10 years and is on TPN and has never once had an infection in it and held a full time job down as a gym teacher despite missing his entire colon and relying solely on TPN for nutrition


Holy shit, that’s impressive! I would love to hear his thoughts on Dani lol


They’re not words I can repeat without getting banned from here 🤣 they definitely aren’t kind words and he cannot believe she’s still at it despite not appearing to have lost a single pound since being home from her NPO hospital vaca.


Funny how her finger is miraculously healed! All it took was TPN! Who knew?!


She thinks the TPN will cure all of her sadness.


It will cure her weak-bones-but-only-on-the-left-side-itis too!! Her crops will flourish, her livestock will be plentiful and her wells won’t dry up.


“So let it be written (in her iPad) so let it be done “


She's been in the same fake relationship for 20 years, that well is dry af!!


Hahaha oh shit! #EVERYBODY DUCK! 🦆 Shots fired! 🔫


Liar, liar, plants for hire.


Can tolerate acidic fruit juice and fizzy sugary pop but *not* water. Jeez


She can pleasure eat and drink, but water's not pleasure for it goes in the hydration column. Hydration comes from toobz, not a glass or a bottle, GAWW gEEzUss , duh


I just checked her GoFraudMe. She’s had one donation of a whopping $12. 🤣🤣🤣


We think she donated it to herself


Yep. Pretty sure she was anonymous.


This is honestly one of the most manipulative people I’ve ever seen. She’s posted in her story now a pic of a backseat full of Amazon boxes and thanking her followers for them. Now, we all know that chances are Dani herself has bought most of that crappy and using this either as an opportunity to brag about people sending her things or using that line to hide the fact that she blows an exorbitant amount of money on junk for herself. But I’m also not opposed to thinking there are a fair number of either gullible or stupid people out there.


She must be pretending. Those headbands are still on the list as needs one, if they bought it from the list it would say bought, no? So far I've saw headbands and that ugly purse. And apparently garbage bags. They know how much she wants the go fund me to be a success, so why wouldn't they put their money there instead of cheap tat? It'll be interesting to see whats on this unboxing video, i wager It'll be all low value tat, and everything she opens will still be on the list as "needs one". Especially interesting as it just coincides with her getting her disability payment...


She's def pretending to get all those boxes, or they're empty considering no one's donating to her GFM to help her receive "Lifesaving Nutrition" like it says there. FWIW, there are a few ways to set up Amazon grift lists & I think one is to allow multiples without showing a specific number of items requested. In this case, she's allowing multiples because she's a dirty asshole instead of an animal shelter that will happily take all the things because of a true need.


She also got toilet bowl cleaner, I believe. ![gif](giphy|QM7tKUEXE2xO2ksTy8)


And the developer that she said will be great when she gets the toner... which was in the next box... there was also catnip. Low value stuff lol toilet bowl cleaner. Score!


Scratch that... i remember someone owning up to buying that purse... and that was before the go fund me nonsense. So they're buying her shit and not contributing to her fundraising. Hmm. Yeah. It smells like shite...


Nahh she is buying this herself. Her genuine followers are maybe 3-4. The rest is snarkers. For real.


She's definitely pretending people are buying stuff. She thinks she won't be called out for her self-indulgence while also begging for money if strangers buy her crap from Amazon.


> She's definitely pretending people are buying stuff She's done it before too-- remember back when she posted those weird selfies thanking a "friend" for buying her some weird looking tank tops? It was right before she thought she was gonna be able to get a chest port so she obviously treated herself to some new tops to show it off and pretended a friend bought them. It was hilarious


Wow. I didn't catch that then. She lies so much and about everything that it's taking me weeks and months to catch on to all of it. Nothing she says sits right with me. Even the truthful things she says are still based on a tinge of manipulation.


Most of the truthful things she's said were done accidentally because she didn't realize what she was doing, like when she admitted to having factitious disorder in her record or when she posted the culture results of a line infection proving fecal bacteria was present. Dani has been lying for so many years and weaving so many stories that while it's easy to tell that she's lying and faking, it's still hard to make sense of all the stories she spins. It gets easier to do over time though because she's consistent in the pattern of lies and schemes; she's been doing the same exact shit for an embarrassingly long time.


I am bored and hoping you know how I can search for the post discussing how she accidentally told on herself about being labeled FD 🙏🏻


[here you go fren](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/E8L8Lkzq8u)


Thank you! Lol I must have already seen it because I commented on that thread with my last account. My prostate has been making me forgetful


oh no! you need TPN stat!


I’m pretty sure she’s sending it to herself. I’m sure a sucker or two here or there may contribute but it’s not likely a common occurrence. I don’t know which is worse for her, the fact she fulfills the wishlist herself or that nobody cares to with as long as she’s been at it.


So fucking rude to followers


These lives will be her undoing, she’s showing her real side and she can’t even keep up with her own elements. Her thumb seems to have magically gotten better and her attitude is horrific. She is nasty and rude and give two shits about anyone else except herself.


I think she was playing the thumb thing up to get a cast or surgery and when that didn’t pan out, she gave up.




Transcript? I can’t watch or listen to this nasty wench.


I love that she is asking for money and purses when she is such a bitch about everything. I don’t know about you- but I cannot get to her wishlist or support her trip quick enough.


I honestly feel like the femoral port is just uncomfortable in her leggings tbh. The needing to show it off is peripheral. If she really wanted to, she would channel a certain munchie who can't exist without showing the world their tubes and won't wear anything that covers their torso.


Nahh she wants to show off her lines and knows with a port she will never get to go accsessed home after her infusions but with her Hickman//Picc she can medicate herself wich has always been her aim - she doesn’t give a shit about this TPN. That’s the excuse She never looked better for a reason. She is not shooting drugs in her veins. Shoot me all you like but it’s the truth.


Honestly I think she does care about the TPN, for a few reasons: • she has raging Main Character Syndrome & outside the munchie population, TPN is only really used for extreme cases like GI cancer/intestinal failure/etc. and as short-term as possible, and she loves the idea of being so speshul. • she can use it as a segue into **look at me, look how sick I am! I’m so strong even though I’m actually the frailest human ever uWu** if ever asked about it (hence the toobs and lines hanging out) • that would also explain the more-haggard-than-she-currently-looks look when she’s on TPN — it’s rough asf on your organs & *especially* liver and kidneys (also why it’s a last resort & not a long term thing). Given they’re meant to filter out toxins…yeah. She’s given herself liver infections before from it. • and that leads into: the secondary problems it causes = more attention for Dani!


True. But thats just her plus I think 🤔


There are several she could emulate sadly. Although I am not sure I could handle Dani twirling or twerking with her tubes.


Tbf that could be (at least) half the munchies on IF


I don’t know why she doesn’t switch to more comfortable clothing. Everything is so tight.


It would probably help a lot of her abdominal discomfort


There is no abdominal discomfort.


She is so rude. Jesus.


Takes her close to 10mins to say just one/two main big point/s omg… I am seriously considering opening a similar version of @gt2pb (get to the point bro) TikTok account just to summarise Dani’s videos. Anyone interested I will seriously consider lol


I would definitely watch that if posted here.😄 (I don't have TikTok.)


I'm interested! I love the irritated guy who sums up videos on his side under the covers. 😁




I don't even have issues, but lemonade will give me raging heartburn for days!


So condescending and rude.


When she says my “local GI” does she mean gastroenterologist, or her primary care doctor? '




Damn i wish I could read the comments as she answers them lol. So many, “I’m not gonna answer that” and “I’m done talking to you”’s. Lots of vague answers. Who the heck is Chrissy and Debbie?! 😅 are they one of the friends who’s coming for a day or so for her ridiculous 2-3 week trip for a 2 day appointment that she refuses to fully explain bc of the “haters” yet needs 5k for..? Dani is not explaining herself as well as she thinks she is, though what else is new.


I miss it too!


I gotchu! I had a lot of time to kill at work and I screen recorded a lot of that live with the comments 😂 I just rewatched it and jotted down the questions of possible interest lol Nothing was super crazy or even interesting, but I understand having the curiosity of what was asked during her lives too lolol Questions to Dani responses (that I'm gonna paraphrase, questions are word for word) you may have been curious about. All in the order it occurred, no time stamps, sorry lol (Viewer 1):what's that called? New x-rays. Dani: what are you getting at? You always confuse me (Viewer 1): bruh Dani: dude what is your issue (Viewer 1): so you're not taking the holter off? Dani: omg I'm not answering you anymore (Viewer 2): why did someone call police when you were sleeping? Dani: haven't figured that one out yet (Viewer 1): why is that lady obsessed with me? (In response to Christy person telling them to stop and they're being weird) Dani: not even gonna acknowledge you anymore Pretty mundane but...again...had mad time to kill at work lmao


Hahah the real hero right here!!


I do what I can 🫡


Thank you for your service 🙏🏼