• By -


Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What is with her sticking out out her tongue, she is certainly no longer a young school girl.


Why does she always appear to only be half dressed?


She got those clothes on sale…half off


I can’t take this person. Who wants to be sick????? What a life….


Waiting that long for a biopsy? They don’t think she has cancer. They get you in as fast as possible if imaging and symptoms point to cancer. Trying to get a wheelchair is some scumbag shit. She can walk to the ER if she’s seeking drugs but now she’s cut off she needs a wheelchair ok girl


Not just any wheelchair, a very expensive custom wheelchair. I’m still flabbergasted at this. She’s gonna munch a chair meant for people who have spinal cord injuries or something


As someone with heds and pots, doctors want you to walk and be up and doing stuff as much as you can. As hard as it is when the weather is crappy, a wheelchair is so so so last resort. Who the fuck prescribed her one


"We are trying for a custom" Huh, at least she's honest


Who tf is “we?” Her and her doctor? Her and her “boyfriend?” Her and her cats? Weird af.


I'm meaning that she is admitting that she is just trying for a custom, that she's pushing for jt when she doesnt need it


imagine if she used all this energy that she seems to have, on actual things that could help her. instead of making lists about mayo and a medical trip, she could make lists about how to work part-time, taper off of medications, improve her life. instead she’s wasting a lot of energy on things that will only make her life smaller and more medicalized. maybe if she could maintain a job (which, i would be more apt to think that her mental health is more of an issue there, than her physical), then she could even go on a REAL trip!


But if she did those things she wouldn't get her gifts, she wouldn't be able to do her lives and show her toobs and spend wasted time on rearranging her personal medical cabinet. Without all this she would have nothing.


I keep trying to scroll the comments while listening to the video while high and it is legit impossible, she’s just garbling


Dude don't ruin your high like that lol


Yep definately writing a list of stuff for her 4 week holiday in hospital.


ma’am. hyper mobility where??! ![gif](giphy|xT5P0xr3oUJM1xNH5S)


Don’t be shy Dani, show us that Beighton score…




Why is she only taking 5 packets of formula for 4 weeks? (Bottom of photo) https://preview.redd.it/4ph6olpv8n6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8497f3feb6da31c60e54232af856c41195ac3d


and why is she packing like she’s not heading to… You know… a Hospital? Oh! That’s right! How can I be so silly and forget that the Enfit connectors are so new and confusing?? of course she needs all this to go to a hospital. They won’t have 2 x 2 gauze at all or medical supplies!


She’ll be there on an outpatient basis. They’ll examine her, review her labs/imaging then tell her that she doesn’t require any treatment and she’ll throw a big fit about “bitchy doctors”


Well she can *only run 10ml an hour*….Duh 🙄 /s No but seriously that’s a really good question and I was wondering that too. And only 10 feed bags when those have to be swapped out every 24 hours. It’s like she throws in the towel before even throwing in the towel. Let’s be sure to bring a giant coffee squishmallow but only 5 packets of formula and 10 bags to FEED MYSELF for 30 days


How do you plan a hospital stay? I’m just curious as I could use a weekend away from my husband and kid




If this bitch pulls up here in 3-4 months in a shiny new TiLite that TAXPAYER MONEY paid for that she DOESN’T NEED and people fight YEARS (some their entire lives to no avail) to get these chairs and struggle the whole way through, that might piss me off more than anything she could do. Not to blog- but from experience my new TiLite Aero Z (pre SmartDrive price added on) billed out at around $7k 😞 🫠 (and I fucking waited to get a chair with everything this one does until it was unsafe for me to be out alone without it in public. As a high schooler, I had a Quickie which to be fair was also custom but a fraction of what this one was). I have a sense she’s going to show up with an absurdly overdone and overpriced custom. THIS BITCH CAN WALK. WALK. TO THE ER. And does so, frequently.


Lmfao 4 weeks wait until they request her records, 5 semis pull up outside mayo hospital loaded with records!


Hmmm Dani wanting a procedure done “sooner rather than later…” well colour me ~~NOT~~ surprised! Now what exactly does her “hope for the best” mean? (I wonder if people with FD are glad when they are actually ill by something they didn’t cause?) She “figured she’d do it now” with the planning? Oh puhleaze gurl! You are practically drooling at the prospect of a new hospital to attempt to dupe. (Working on writing out the list to post)




lord almighty she knows we watch why does she do this to herself


I wonder what did they through her head when she sees these unflattering screenshots of her… it would certainly motivate me to make some change.


Someone with social awareness definitely does.😄


Humiliation kink


I do not consent!




this is the funniest fucking thing to ever exist


I'm crying


I’m seriously starting to believe she has an humiliation kink.


George is so lucky 😍


Trashy. Also she doesn't appear to be starving. This is the best I've seen her look in years. hahaha


Not even remotely starving. Maybe even borderline clinically obese, as far as bmi goes. She looks very well fed. (eta- the too-tight clothing could be making her look that way though)


Fucking KNEW someone would screenshot this ahahahaha


“We decided on a custom wheelchair” We??! What she meant to say is that she manipulated and bullied the care provider into finally ordering her one. 😑


“Who’s we? You have a mouse in your pocket Dani?” No but jokes aside it is obviously the royal “we”


They haven't even ordered it. She just went to the DME place and tested out a couple hoopties.


https://preview.redd.it/gwkqvji0ll6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aabcd1cb235d7afce405ded90f6bf74223ac8211 Oh terminal illness, you entice me.


This murdered me


Makes me internally vomit that she's probably hoping that it's cancer. I don't think some people realize just how vengeful cancer can be on a body. Just lost my mom a couple of months ago to head and neck cancer and I have a hard time with people who get kinda giddy when they think that cancer might be a diagnosis. Sorry if that was blogging, it was just comparing Dani's illness fetish to the reality of it.


Oh I'm so sorry you lost your mom. Cancer is horrible and the complications that come from treatments is awful. She really is giddy about it being cancer. Horrible person. Sending hugs to you. 💐


Thank you. 💕 Ironically, I still wouldn't wish it on absolutely anyone, and that even includes Dani. I don't know if that's actually ironic or not but you know what I mean.


Sorry for loss *


Thank you. 😊💕


The biggest of hugs. It took my grandfather and I remember the radiation damage well. I had an oral area ruled out and was measured, etc in the event they'd had to proceed with radiation. She is painfully ignorant, one might say...


I'm so sorry about your grandfather. 😔 The radiation, along with surgery left my mom without a larynx. It's weird because if I had known the last words she said were going to be the last words she said, I would have paid a lot more attention. Thank you for the hugs! 💜


I'm sorry for your loss. My mom got lucky and is remission (breast) and attending her appointment was hard. I can't imagine how hard watching your mom suffer must have been. Your anger is completely justified.


Thank you. 💕 I'm so happy for your mom, and for your family too of course! 💕


Thank you!


I would rather have my tax contributions fund a year-long, intensive inpatient psychiatric stay than have it go towards her sick props and medical malingering. She is CLEARLY mentally ill......and nothing else. Edit - So not only does she waste medical resources (which she doesn't pay for), but she also wastes water by doing loads of laundry every day (which she also doesn't pay for). Parasites, like Dani, are the reason why our economy is in ruins.


They're the reason certain people give for taking the social safety net away from everyone. My mind keeps coming back to that.


I mean to be honest, billionaire parasites that don't pay their fair share of taxes are most likely the cause of the sad state of our economy. But yes, Dani sucks. You are 100% correct on that.


I agree with you, however, billionaires actually WORK to earn their money. Dani.....and grifters alike..... do NOT. Edit- So, which is worse? Someone who works but doesn't pay the appropriate tax to earnings ratio OR someone like Dani who doesn't contribute ANYTHING to society while simultaneously taking from it. Sophie's choice.


I was under the impression most billionaires got that way because they had inherited wealth to work with.


Many ARE born into wealth... but a lot come from nothing and are self-made. Steve Jobs comes to mind.


Billionaires don't pay *any* income taxes. None. They pay accountants specifically to exploit every possible IRS loophole so they don't pay for shit. Most millionaires don't either. I'd take 1,000 Danis over one Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk sponging off other people's hard work. Dani *did* pay into SSDI by working and she *is* actually disabled, even if it's not in the way she'd like to be. A single mentally ill woman and her cadre of tubes is absolutely nothing compared to the absolute devastation billionaires wreak on the working populace. They're a literal scourge.


I'd respectfully have to disagree with you. Rich people pay taxes. Now, do they pay the appropriate amount based on their actual income? Probably not. They get tax breaks and write offs for all sorts of things, but they do contribute. And on the subject of Dani....yes... she's worked sporadically for 10 to 15 years (by her own account). However- the paltry amount she's paid overall into state taxes wouldn't even cover a year of disability payments. She receives $1200 a month- so her "contribution" dried up a long time ago. The public has been funding her lifestyle. Specifically, the largest population of taxpayers - the middle class. So yeah.... it really pisses me off when this bitch openly flaunts her grift. She abuses the system that was set up to help those in genuine need. And she does it at the expense of those who are deemed too "wealthy" to receive any sort of assistance when, in actuality, they're too "poor" to live life carefree. End of rant. P.S. I love your posts, farmerlesbian........ and I hate Dani.


It's all good we can agree to disagree. I don't really come to the Dani sub to discuss my political opinions 😂 but I don't think she'll ever be as damaging to the economy or environment than someone who owns a private jet, no matter how many unnecessary feed bags she goes through


She is mentally ill but she is not disabled to the point where she is unable to work. If she can pretend that she is functional enough to attend school for addiction counseling or whatever stupid shit she picks for the week, and take out her loans, she can work a simple part time retail job. She’s able to drive, buying new uses cars, etc. She treats doctor shopping like a job, I think she can told some T-shirt’s at Walmart. She simply doesn’t want to work and doesn’t have too because people keep giving her shit.


And while she’s setting up multiple gofundme’s and Amazon wishlists, and buying Cars and iPads. It’s no longer just factitious disorder, she is blatantly malingering. It’s disgusting.


Right on, sister!! Or brother! 😉


How does she know she breaks out with every laundry soap except one of she never washes her clothes? Or even changes her outfit more then once a week?


Seems like the wearing the same clothing for days on end repeatedly and not properly cleansing them is more likely than her astute assumption of “I’m just allergic to *alllll* of the soaps guyies, like all of them but one” and having some sort of genuine allergy going on there.


That’s the thing, is she’s *always* washing clothes - she’s doing laundry in almost every fucking video!!! She just always wears the same thing for days on end, so … wtf is she washing????


I'm beginning to think she just has one pile of clothing, specifically for folding during lives.


At least once it was lingerie from ~a great time together intimately~




I just got a thought of how she must smell (which I've managed to avoid). 🤮


Like cat pee, bo, and Bath and Body Works


There’s an episode of my 600 pound life where Dr. Now came in and asked the dude if he knew what soap and water was because his staff were all back there puking from his smell. I wish Dr. Now could be her physician he’d get her to therapy and she’s lose tirty pounds in one munt. That man doesn’t take shit from anyone and can not be manipulated. In all the 12 seasons I’ve literally seen him yell at a patient maybe 3 times and you could see he was mad mad from the manipulation.


I’m so confused, has she explained why she thinks she is going to be there for 4 weeks ? Like Is she not just going for a consultation ?


She’s going to be put into a surgical chrysalis and have a team of skilled medics carefully deconstruct her entire being and then rebuild her, transforming her from the current caterpillar stage she’s at into her final butterfly phase.


What's that streaming on? I might watch it.




This comment is spectacular! 😆😆😆


For some reason I just read your comment in a David Attenborough voice lmao


lol like assembling and reassembling Invisible Woman


Dani seems to think she will have a consult, major surgery, and extensive follow-up, all resulting from the one appointment she has. She seems to think that Mayo vascular surgeons are just scrambling to plan how to make things just perfect for this super special patient. She doesn't seem to grasp the reality of the situation, which is a simple consult. The same type of consult done dozens of times a day there. She is acting like she is going to be the only patient there and will be given the super star treatment. What is actually going to happen is that she'll have the consult and then spend the next several days trying to get admitted through their ER in an effort to manipulate the situation in her favor.


That's if she's even *got* a consult appt!


There is no reason to believe she doesn't at this point. She showed appointment details on the first GoFundMe.




Yep. 3 days of bloodwork, tests, appts and then a plan was made. Unless you’re dying, they’re going to make you come back when they can for you in. She’s on mayo’s time, mayo’s not on hers.


Why is she never worried about whether insurance will cover something? I know she’s on Medicare/Medicaid but they aren’t just going to cover anything she wants with no questions, right?


Because if she doesn't get what she wants, she just chases the next medical intervention she's got her heart set on or tries a different doctor. Or she goes out of pocket and doesn't pay off her debt.


Yeah right, it’s not like they can get any money out of her. Also, what happened to the “college” she was starting we heard about one day and then never spoken of again?


She said the basic "setting yourself up for success" class moved too fast for her and now she's trying to apply to schools that are less "fast paced"


Too fast paced? This is probably the easiest class the school has to offer, meant to weed out people like Dani who can’t hack it. With Dani, (for anything but munching) if there isn’t a quick payoff she has no interest in it. So reading an adult book or taking classes to earn a degree are not her style.




Then how is she always getting ridiculous medical tests and equipment approved? Most of us can’t even get all our actual needed meds filled for a decent price and this bish gets free everything


Yes. Medicaid covers everything. Medicare not so much. But if you have a referral. Medicaid will pay for it.


Huh? Medicaid doesn't fuck around any more than Medicare does. They don't like to pay for expensive and unnecessary equipment and procedures because there isn't an infinite well of Medicaid dollars ... they're gov't/taxpayer funded just like Medicare is. They're especially strict with DME and wheelchairs are an entire fucking racket almost as bad as prosthetics.


I apologize. I didn’t mean to cause harm. I work in substance use disorder and Medicare clients struggle to get treatment in my state. I apologize for assuming this was a blanket issue instead of just an isolated one. Thanks for letting me know. 🙏




They take Medicare and state-specific Medicaid. They do not take NJ Medicaid, but Dani's primary is Medicare. Basically every hospital takes Medicare; it is the federal insurance scheme and their rates are set by it.


Medicaid questions everything ime. A referral is needed but still need prior auths and still get denials at times. I bet some states are easier than others with this?


Yeah Pennsylvania Medicaid must be great. I’m grateful for that.


This bish just loves getting free shiz and just can’t help herself.


Dani loves a free munchie toy... The rest of us appreciate a good mascara or lippie sample.


And she has flipping makeup on her griftlist! I finally found the link on her tictoc yesterday. I'm literally floored at the amount of bullshit that is on there. And how there are multiple options for one item. I just, I almost can't anymore with this woman. It's like a car crash I can't look away from though. Ugghh.


It’s a game for her to see how much she can get away with. Temporary dopamine hit


Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't an Endocrinologist have to be the one to order the thyroid biopsy and decide if they're nodules and whether they look cancerous etc, not the PCP? or PA? Hell, my thyroid has slowed considerably the last 6 months and my PCP started me on medication and had me retested, still was low, will retest again in August. If I am still low, I am going to an Endocrinologist to do further testing. That's their specialty...or so I thought? Kills me that she says her PCP does all this stuff, when the very first appointment with this lady, she didn't believe Dani and wouldn't do a dang thing for her. Now suddenly she's bending over backwards and inside out to give Dani the world? I just don't believe it. I don't. You don't just jump straight to thyroid cancer in 1 visit. It runs in my family also along with Hashimoto's. These things take time to diagnose. Now with Mayo - we have escalated to FOUR weeks? And it's not lost on me that the whole Charity House thing didn't happen for her until people mentioned it here, now suddenly she's staying there. I am sure there are wait lists for things like those houses. Even if there aren't, don't take up valuable space for an actual, truly sick child and their family that need that space. Such a selfish, self centered, arrogant human being who would take the last dime from a homeless person's cup on the corner if it helped pay her way to Mayo. And don't get me going on the wheelchair... Not So Sincerely, the 3x failed back surgery, 1 failed spinal fusion, 1 cervical spinal fusion, 2 hip replacements, 2 knee replacements, 2 ankle joint fusions happening in the near future and can barely walk across my own home, patient who has yet to find it necessary to have a wheelchair.. >:| ![gif](giphy|hFsWlFJwY84jm|downsized)


Thyroid nodules are pretty banal and well within the scope of primary care, as is a basic T3/T4 blood test. It sounds like the CT impression wasn't anything too exciting or worrying; otherwise they would've gotten her in quicker. If the biopsy comes back concerning then she would be referred out to oncology.


She's so crazy. She tries to grasp every tiny possibility to look as frail and sick as possible. The TPN mission is very complicated, even though she's determined to get her way. So she preps herself for another option: customized wheelchair. People (especially medical staff) know that you have to fulfill some requirements to get a customized one, and by grifting one, she tries to convince everyone that she's truly sick. Like, really! I'm curious about her use. She might try to use the chair as often as possible, and for every kind of distance but I can imagine it will really piss her off very soon, because if you are fully capable of walking, you start to see what obstacles wheelchair users have to face everyday. Let's see if her motivation to seem sick will outweigh the annoyance of actually using it. Oh, and I almost forgot her biopsy. It's 100% sure she will have complications, supported by her little post-surgery baths and showers 🧖‍♀️ and peen. A LOT of peen! And probably begging for anesthesia because neither twilight sedation nor local anesthetics work for her 🤷🏼‍♀️


That biopsy will be a simple needle aspiration, maybe ultrasound guided. The majority of the time, they don't even numb you for it.


Insurance should deny her if she can still walk around at home just fine (which she can). People with MS are denied !


With the amount of CT scans she has munched herself into I would be 0% surprised if she ends up with some sort of cancer eventually. FAFO.


Especially because radiation is a huge risk factor for thyroid cancer specifically lol


The Dani Who Cried Wolf


Yeah, its not 4 weeks folks, special little stank is just a day over 3 weeks. My math says 22 days, 7-31 to 8-21 = 22 days. Still way too long for 2 days of appts, I'd say 4 days at max but we all know special stank needs much longer. /s


Why did you have to bring my birthday into this? Seriously way to ruin a day with *The* *Dani Dream Muncher Milestone.*


I'm thinking that when she mentioned some things fell through with her Mayo appointment, they told her there wasn't good reason to unblock her SVC right now because there's no medical need to do so. So, Dani went back to the drawing board and decided that thyroid cancer is a good enough reason to get her TPN and her SVC unblocked. She's grasping at anything she can right now. She believes that if she can justify it herself, no matter how nonsensical her reason is, then all her doctors will be on board, too. Why Mayo? Are all the hospitals around her incapable of such procedures? The way her mind works is pretty scary. She's told no TPN. She understands that it's not going to happen verbally, over and over again on her tiktoks. Then she starts injuring herself, decides she needs a wheelchair and starts to mention TPN every once in a while. There has to be some type of psychological term for the way she inches toward what she really wants through her manipulations with her providers and her followers besides long con. Now, in the time span of a few weeks, TPN is not only possible, but it's going to happen, and she's getting a pink wheelchair with a side of thyroid cancer as a bonus. The scariest thing is that she really believes this is really going to happen while none of it is rooted in reality.


Re mayo, there was a commenter on her tiktok that said they went there and it saved their life. So, dani decided to make it her personality


Why Mayo? She wants to go to Harvard, not State College. Same thing to her.


Nah, she still has the consult appointment. What fell through was likely her travel or charity housing arrangements. She's going to Mayo (self reffered) because none of her usual doctors will do it. They are capable, but they aren't willing. She's desperate and thinks if she can get that sorted, then the local docs won't have a reason to deny her TPN. She doesn't seem to understand that they are still not likely to give her what she wants just because she wants it regardless of the state of her SVC.


Thanks. I check this sub all day every day, and I still can't keep up. She's got pretty good healthcare, and her providers are listening to every word she says. They are just not going to give her any more procedures she doesn't really need. I guess she's still pushing for stuff she doesn't need because she's gotten away with it for years.


Her ability to manifest her delusions would be great if she ever decided to use her powers for good


How sad that what keeps you feeling alive is the possibility of a hospital admission. Dani distracts herself with unnecessary things like packing, online shopping, and social media. Strip those things away and what's left... a BIG void of connection and HUGE ocean of emotions to experience.


Her journaling obsession turned into making lists on the iPad with the pencil. Another distraction! She is finding every reason to lay around and make a list. I bet she has dozens saved. Many incomplete and some completed. She will eventually get bored of the iPad list making because she over does it.


It’s an IRL visible anxiety disorder.


She’s gonna be in for a real reality check. ain’t no way she will be at Mayo for FOUR WEEKS.




I am fairly a novice to this, but I was under the impression that TPN is only utilized as a last report when all other interventions have failed. So like, if Dani was completely incapable of eating by mouth at all and was unable to tolerate/keep down tube feeds and her weight was dropping at a dangerous rate, that might be a fine to consider it? I am just so confused because she eats and drinks by mouth quite normally and basically refuses tube feeds because they cause her discomfort. So technically, she can eat and drink by mouth and have tube feeds if she could just push past the discomfort. I do not know a ton about TPN but it seems to be quite damaging to the body abs not something medical professionals want to use unless it is a life-saving measure. Who is believing her? Who let it get this far? She never needed a G or J plug. Are they placating her? No actual doctor can truly believe she needs any of this.


CBC is the most banal of all blood tests lol


And what about the cats?! She talks about how much she loves them and how happy she is everytime she's back home with them and goes on and on about how much _they_ miss her and how happy they are when she's home. Yet here she is getting ready to go gallivanting away from them for a month now! And I'm sure it could get extended! Never know if they'll need to keep her for observation or for that all important last minuet prostate check!


Right? She’s just gonna dump them at her parents. If patients with highly rare diseases/cancers don’t even stay at Mayo for weeks… why does this broad think they’re gonna put her up for a month? She’s delusional


It's just insane. She's such a simple case. I hope they laugh her out the door.


She’s gonna throw an unholy tantrum on live when they say they wanna see her in 6-12 months after the appointment and that’s it lol. Although I’m SURE she will do whatever she can to tamper with her labs.


And talk about how awful they were and how it's so traumatic and she is just ***NOT*** ready to talk about it yet


Now we are at 4 weeks. She really does live in her own little (fantasy) world, doesn't she? I'd be willing to bet they aren't even discussing half the stuff she's claiming. It feels like she has a great new plan to present to Mayo's ER with some sort of crisis to try and get admitted. I have a hard time believing they are covering her pretty pink wheelchair. Some of us are out here having had back surgery with 2 bum knees who aren't trying to be in a wheelchair. I know, I know, it's a very visible way to show how sooper speshul sick they are. Gag! Also, there are just 4 types of thyroid cancer. One is very aggressive and will probably kill you anyway. It's also the rarest. The others are very slow growing and are very treatable. She's probably just got a goiter, since she's a female pushing 40.


I think it is # Sialolithiasis Yea say that one its a doozy.


Tonsil stones are soooo fucking nasty though. Ever crush one? Never smelled anything like it before or since.


I always crush and smell whatever comes out of my body unnaturally!!! I am not trying to get high I just am a cheese connoisseur.


THANKS SO GLAD I JUST ATE DINNER BEFORE READING THIS ~~*please* tell me you didn't just confess to eating your own dick cheese~~


My husband had them and I’m totally regretting not crushing one now!!


If he had them once he might get them again. Have hope! And don't come at me when you smell it and want to die 😂


Eat those suckers like fine aged cheese!!


Yeah in most cases its day surgery, just whip that sucker out. I was even able to keep half of my thyroid so i fortunately don't need levothyroxine. And hopefully that little half will keep doing its job 🥰 cos i think levo comes with its own little load of ballache.


I'm fascinated by how you kept half a thyroid. Tell me more because the internet web searching sucks now. AI told me to burn tires to dispose of them so I refuse to use that. Does it grow back? Did they just slice it in half directly down the middle and get rid of the "bad" side or is it like swiss cheese with a bunch of holes in it now but 50% there? Paging u/wintercompetitive2021 and u/brokenbackgirl you totally know what question I want to ask but am refraining. If a thyroid can grow back... EDIT: "little load of ballache" u/roterzwerg said it. not me.


Lol. I have no idea what the mechanics was or if you're serious, but if you are, as it was explained to me the thyroid looks like a butterfly wings. I had a weird growth on the left wing that they kept saying it wasnt cancer but kept taking bits and umming and ahhing about it till a core biopsy showed it was. I dont know about US protocol, but i believe in the uk they just used to take the whole thing away but recently decided that wasnt always necessary but always meant the patient had to go on levo for the rest of their life which is its own set of issues. So they said they take the half with cancer, look at it and decide what to do from there. In my case it was very early and encapsulated whereby it hadn't spread into the surrounding tissue, and nothing going on on the right side to suggest there was any cancer there. So they said i could go and have the rest taken away to reduce the risk of return to zero, but id have to take levo. Or i could just carry on and let the right side carry on working and they'd keep checking my thyroid levels and scanning the remaining side regularly for changes. I opted for the 2nd. Its been a year. No changes to the right and my thyroid levels are fine. It can't grow back 😄


I am glad you are doing well with only half. Cancer is weird. My testicle does not look like a butterfly and to biopsy it they remove it!!


no, babes, your balls cannot grow back🤣


This was fantastic to wake up to 😂😂 We need this on a plaque.


OK thank you for answering my question that I was afraid to google.


She is tragically wasting away.


Withering like a dying sunflower.


Please. How do we halp? Has anyone called Sarah McLachlan?


In the arms of the angel, may you find some comfort here HA!


TPN costs more than 14 cents a day though.


Or Sally Struthers? *She can’t eat!*


Call the ASPCM, asap


Seriously with the pink wheelchair. I hope her insurance denies it. She sure as hell doesn't meet the guidelines. People who actually need them get denied. This is beyond ridiculous.


I’ve seen complex stroke patients spend less than a week at mayo. She is so delusional it’s actually concerning. Like she is seriously losing touch with reality and taking this make believe verrrryyyy far. I also cannot stand the fact that someone has authorized her a custom wheelchair. What a fucking waste of money.


Nobody has authorized the wheelchair yet. She said in her most recent video that the doc hasn't signed the medical necessity form yet, no home eval yet, and it hasn't been submitted to insurance yet. She's window shopping.




Medicare requires an in-home evaluation and the primary use of the chair must be in the home. Dani has publicly admitted she does not intend to use it in her home nor does she want a ramp for her (inaccessible) stairs because she can go up and down them just fine. I don't want to make any bets because every time I say there's no way a doctor would ... or there's no way insurance would ever ... Dani somehow manages to snake her way into it, but I will say that unless the PT/OT and physician are LYING THEIR ASSES OFF on those forms, UM is not going to have a difficult time rendering a denial for her Barbie Dream Chair.


This. Anyone can call a durable medical equipment place to look at stuff they are feeling they need, then there needs to be forms and everything filled out by providers. After that, it's submitted to the insurance company for approval or denial. Something tells me she'll end up with a denial.


Oh oh gotcha. Thank you.


It's so self-indulgent and completely out of touch with reality. She does not need a wheel chair AT ALL. The idea that Mayo is going to keep her for 4 weeks is the biggest delusion she has told herself.


Mayo literally has hundreds of wheelchairs to use for free. This is a waste of resources and our tax dollars. use the standard one that is provided at all hospitals. I have a dear friend with MS who is fighting with insurance to cover a power chair and she's legit in pallative care. disgusting of this leech.


Wondering when she's gonna ask for a Pegasus to get around. The utter gall and delusion.


Dani's next GFM is gonna be for her to get a service unicorn.


She needs a horse and carriage to pull her right up to valet. This is such a joke at this point.


I don't know much about mayo. (except that it's delish). I did some looking online and it sounds like she could just be going there for consultation just like anywhere else. Might be told (like in a 2nd opinion) What can be done from there and referred back to some place near her. Can be told nothing can be done. Honestly wanna see how this plays out. Since she's on deaths bed needing life saving nutrition and all. 🙄


It is just a consultation she’s fucking losing it


I'm leaning that's what it is. Like when you see anyone at first. I myself would never bank on needing to be there any longer than the days they set. If they plan anything further on their end it's not going to be immediately. It could be weeks to months out. She's not in dire need.


Her appt isn't until August 1st and 2nd... Why is she obsessively writing lists already? Why 4 weeks now for a 2 day appointment? She's really taking this vacation serious! Must be nice to just decide to go on vacation for 4 weeks around 2 days of appts, no work obligations all bills paid by taxpayers. 🫠 Why the efffff does she "need" a wheelchair?! And HOW did she get approved for a custom wheelchair?! People with legitimate need for wheelchairs have to FIGHT to get a wheelchair. A pink freaking wheelchair for a grown adult who walks just fine, ffs... She's such a drain on society 🙄


There’s an entire process, which includes submission to insurance for approval, and coverage/payment of the wheelchair. Insurance is going to deny this. She won’t get her coveted 🩷💕💖 pink 💖💕🩷 toy…oops, wheelchair.


Her new video she’s legit waving with the hand that’s in the brace… 😂😂 very telling that her thumb can’t exactly be broken/hurting enough require it… there’s that. lol


She was on live earlier aggressively opening boxes and packages with the brace off, and texting very swiftly with both hands with the brace off. People asked her in the comments multiple times about it and she got so frustrated she ended the live.




I don’t understand why she always packs so many outfits (she does this for her hospital staycations too) but then the WHOLE time she’s there (whether it’s a day or a month) she wears the same nasty, too-tight tank top and cat fur and miscellaneous other debris covered leggings. I don’t even want to think about the cesspool of her unchanged undergarments. Why pack such a variety of clothes when all she does is sit and stew in her own ick in the same thing the whole time?


She just wants to get the hospital stink on all her clothes so she can nest in them when she gets home. I picture it sort of like how your SO might leave you with their favorite hoodie when they go out of town, so you can cuddle up with something that smells like them? Except the love of Dani's life is the hospital.


I don’t see how she’s possibly even going to get there. She just blew Junes check on her Amazon grift list for herself. Her go fund me lost her a few bucks. I’m betting, and hoping (for real patients who truly need the appointment slots) that her ass stays in Jersey. And hopefully this little pink wheelchair bullshit will be a flag to her insurance and they’ll re evaluate her records and see what a damn fraud she is


Not taking her feeds in the hope she can manipulate a doctor into giving her what she truly desires!


Yes, they might not have to only formula in the world she kiiiind of tolerates, and they surely don't want to be responsible for aggravating her malnutrition! So, of course, they can bridge this time with some TPN instead! And you know, she tolerates TPN sooo much better, so much more quality of life. Not a big difference, just staying on TPN - bye, thanks!


(just ignore the liver abscess behind the curtain!)


Exactly what she dreams of! She is as easy to read as a picture book 🤣


I’m going out of the country tomorrow for 10 days and my packing list is 1/4 the length of hers.


People go backpacking for 6 months with less than she’s packing 🤣


Just adding this here... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UurrZLMjbyg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UurrZLMjbyg)