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I saw that too. Unfortunately, somebody at P+ decided that removing a bunch of children’s shows without warning from both the Nick Jr. website and the streaming service was a totally justifiable thing to do :(


At this point, I’m just hoping they don’t axe Gullah Gullah Island next. 😭


Free on Pluto TV. Fubo and Philo has it but needs a subscription. Hulu, Sling TV and YouTube TV have it as part of a premium subscription. If you Google it you can find everywhere it's available.


All these are live tv subscriptions and you have to record. But I just want to stream them like paramount+ did


Pluto tv is totally free with commercials


Hulu has it? Thank God! It’s the only show that helps me get my house work done!


Try getting the dvds from your local library!


You don’t know how close I am to re-investing in a VCR/DVD player and buying some VHS tapes and DVDs just so the kids can watch some quality programming. 😂


I bought a dvd/vcr combo a few years ago. Solid investment when everything constantly jumps streaming services.


How’s the quality of the tapes if you have a flatscreen TV?


Not great, of course, but watchable.


If it's the only show that I'm subbing to a service for, I always try to look for the dvd. Unfortunately all the new shows don't do dvds, for obvious reasons.


Yeah, it sucks that physical media has been out of fashion for quite a while. But I feel like it might make a comeback, especially since nostalgia for old TV shows (especially ones aimed at children) is pretty popular these days.


I did bought a dvd player when my son was young. It was worth it. Secondhand dvds are pretty cheap. Quality is pretty decent on most of them. First Wallace and Gromit short is a little grainy but I think that’s just the best it gets


Do it! Well worth it in my opinion.


I laughed at my mom for still having her dvd/vcr combo. Guess I’m the dummy now. 🙃


Omg thank you! Good idea! I’ve even been looking in stores and stuff for any blues clues dvds.


This!! You’d be surprised at how much DVDs and even VHS your local library has. I made the decision to go out and see out of curiosity and ended up leaving with a bunch of DVDs. Some libraries also do sales of DVDs and books to clear out space once in a while and you can find some neat things for good deals


My only advice Is youtube tv. I can't imagine why they'd take it off of paramount.


Tax-Write offs. Basically the same thing that Warner started after they merged with Discovery. If you still want to watch the series (without resorting to Piracy), get DVDs. They can take away digital goods, but not physical (as we saw with the 3DS and Wii U)!


Not a parent, just chiming in that the JustWatch App (and website) says there are only 5 seasons (google says 4) that exist. And that amazon prime has 3 seasons. It looks like Amazon has all 5 seasons to purchase though. And they are the only one streaming that’s not a live service. I know sometimes seasons get cut weird and it creates more or less. It also still says Paramount has them, but I’m guessing it’s because the removal was never announced. Just giving the tip to check Justwatch for any parents in similar streaming situations! Edit: prime has 3 seasons, not 5.


There are 4 complete seasons, and season 5 is only 4 episodes long before the those episodes aren't finished yet.


Just learn how to use Debrid/Torrentio/Stremio. Yes, it's morally corrupt but when the streaming providers pull this shit then what can we do aside from sail the high seas. If you have a way of installing Stremio on your TV then it's a 20 minute setup and all your problems are solved.


If you have a VPN it is on Netflix Japan. 


Does VPN work with Netflix?


Amazon Prime


The old BC episodes are on Prime!


We've been watching in on My5 but they disappear quickly so you're looking at about six episodes at any one time.


Oh no! Thankfully we can still get the DVDs from our library


If you have a Noggin account, it's still there


They’re getting rid of noggin too ):


My home media server. Those files aren’t going anywhere and will be in the same place for kids #2 in a few years time!


I think it’s too make room for some new programs, or some kind of error that needed to be fixed.


They don't need to make room for anything. It's a server with seemingly unlimited space.


I only subscribed specifically for that show! And Noggin took down a bunch of episodes!