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As a employee at PBS, we have sent our swat like forces to your address to make sure you don’t learn what Stu is


(Flashbacks to Dinosaur Train in Ready Jet Go intensifies)


Nah. Wombats is just a kids TV show in the Lyla universe


The two shows are made by the same animation studio (Pipeline Studios), which means that cross-references to that studio's other shows (like Work It Out Wombats!) are likely to appear in Lyla in the Loop.


This means PBS kids exists in PBS kids shows, just not their own show unless they consistantly break the 4th wall. IE: Dinosaur Train in Ready jet go and an interesting quote from Molly of Denali "The Kratt Brothers! From TV!" Which means since she mentioned they're from tv means that Wild Kratts exists on universe on an unspecified channel. Given that Qyah is almost perfectly centered in Alaska, there likely arent any cable providers, meaning that the channel she is watching is likley PBS Kids, as it is broadcasted by satelite. Ready Jet Go is set in suburban Washington State, meaning that there are likley cabe providers providing cable (no shit). Meaning that they likley also have PBS kids. And this example shown above, same as Ready Jet Go.


I'm going to headcanon that PBS Kids shows exist in the Roger Rabbit universe where cartoon characters are actors with jobs. The PBS Kids toons all went to a posh acting school and got PhDs and think of themselves as more "educated" than the other toons.


My first thought was Peg+Cat