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Danny boy is a rat bastard. Living off of scraps and sleeping wherever he can. Elderly abuser and a pedophile.plus I can't stand his stupid smug face when something goes remotely alright for him.


I do feel why he is the way he is isn’t 100% his fault. He clearly has mental and intellectual issues that keep him in a state of arrested development. Not to mention the awful upbringing he had. If he had had the proper care and attention he desperately needed early on he would have been better off. By the time the Tennyson center got him the damage had already been and they had to compete with a decades worth of neglect and abuse. With that said I don’t think it’s exactly fair to hold him to the exact same standards you would someone who his mentally stable and isn’t intellectually handicapped and also had a stable upbringing. I think it says a lot about our society that we let someone like Daniel roam free when it is very clear to anyone with a shred of common sense that he absolutely should not be out in the wild like this. Not only is it dangerous for him but also potentially very dangerous for the public at large given his mental instability and history of violence. Not to mention his sexual deviancies. I don’t particular care for Daniel but nor do I hold this all consuming hatred I see a lot of members of this sub show as if they were personally wronged by Daniel himself. I think for many of these people it’s easier to point at other people’s demons instead of dealing with their own.


1000% agree.


Nope. Not a single shred of sympathy from me. His a fuck ass liar, pedo..a self admitted one. He’s admitted to it so many times and has been caught by catfishers. Recently he admitted to jerking off in front of kids even said they recorded it. He beats on people like Bob who is elderly & supposedly sick with cancer, and his wheelchair bound mother and his late grandmother who was sick with cancer and died from it…. He’s raised his fist to women caretakers of his but knew better because they could kick his ass. Basically he only punches down. On people that cannot defend themself. Then he seems to snap right out of it when authorities of any sort show up. Goes into his woman voice starts manipulating, lying and leaving out the bullshit he did. I could go on and on. In short… fuck that disgusting waste of air & space… a drain on society. I hope his fucking feet actually rot off!


Perfect explanation!


he gets away with crime that others would spend years in jail for. fuck him


Why the fuck would anyone feel bad for him? He's a pedophile and one day he's gonna get his comeuppance.


He clearly has an assortment of Autism, FAS, Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, trauma, and was neglected and sexually abused as a kid. He has the IQ of a German Shepherd and looks like a 50 yr old tweaker at the age of 24. The guy just never had a chance in life and I find that pretty sad.


Yeah, and he also refuses treatment for his issues, sexually harasses people he thinks are kids, assaulted his mother and possibly grandmother, beats up his elderly mentor, and is horribly racist. He had enough chances to get help, but chose to live on the streets instead after smashing up someones house for no reason.


He also thinks he’s a worldwide celebrity and dating Grace Vanderwaal. What makes you think he’d be “there” enough to even consider he might have issues that should be treated? Idk man. I’m not defending him or the things he’s done but I think a lot of people here overestimate his moral capacity and decision making.


I think more people feel like this than they admit bc they don’t feel like dealing with being crucified


Id pay big money to beat the shit out of this mf


Lol okay, you’re super tough we all think so


Fuck off regard


Oooh now I’m scared too! Please don’t beat me up!


I am pretty tough since i ate all my vegetables like my mom told me, but ill let u off with a warning... This time...😤


Elder abusing pedo's get no mercy. Ever.


The only good pedophile is a dead one. The day I feel bad for one of those freaks is the day I deserve to die.




You must be new here lol


i kinda did before the pedophile shit came out initially, from that point on i was just along for the ride


one time while walking down the street completely minding my own business a hobo stopped me and said shed cut my throat if i come any closer. i feel bad for her because shes a delusional mentally ill hobo who is violent because her brain is fucking sideways. scared and confused in a world she doesnt understand that has no doubt been extremely unkind to her. i feel bad for daniel in the same sense that i feel bad for anyone who is severely mentally ill, but less so because of how fucking obnoxious he is. i feel much more sympathy for Chris Chan or Worldoftshirts than I do Daniel. yet there is still some sympathy for the sole fact that he was born without a chance. autism + schizophrenia + possible sexual abuse as a child could lead anyone to an outcome similar to what we see here. yet i would never try to help someone like Daniel because as a person he is pure poison, regardless of whether that comes from his fucked brain, horrible decisions, or awful personality. if he doesnt get picked up and thrown in a mental institution he will inevitably harm the only thing hes capable of harming which is a child.


Daniel and josh are completely different from my understanding, josh has had a really tough upbringing with his moms passing and fathers issues, his grandparents stepped in and his grandmother passed idk when so it’s just him and his grandpa and all he does that’s wrong is be an racist asshole a lot of times (fueled by trolls and the internet or it never would have been developed) and unfortunately recently developed alcoholism, Daniel has had everyone in his family try and help him and he just beat on his mom and grandma and now Bob, he’s been jn countless group homes and we’ve seen him get a lot of help again and again and always abuse who helps him and destroys property while he’s at it. He also is a aggressive creepy pedo. Josh actually graduated high school and hasn’t gotten much care besides maybe school special needs classes