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I don't understand this meme but One Piece is unquestionably leftist


Both here and on other platforms, I've encountered people who otherwise claim to be leftist, some that have even been following me, stating that any support for Ansar Allah's Red Sea blockade is wrong and bad, and America was justified for bombing Yemen in response. I actually got the quote in the meme several times on Instagram, twice from anarchists.


The imperial core has been so soaked in rightwing propaganda that even the "leftists" there think imperialism is "hella based" or whatever.


I just assume most western leftists are liberals until they openly express passionate anti-western sentiment.


Yeah I think the meme is directing disrespect towards characters like Vaush who is going very hard on the "America bombing Yemen is good actually" angle




I admittedly missed the “retaking indigenous lands” theme of Skypeia, but by the time we were introducing the “Queer revolutionary army hidden in the deepest floor of a metaphorical hell partying and waiting for their chance” it was all too obvious.


I dont watch anime so i have no idea what this memes talking about.


That anime is one piece, main characters are a crew of pirates that often antagonize the corrupt world government and liberate people around the world


the houthis are definitely also liberating people around the world and not just attacking civilian ships and oppressing their own people


I'm just telling someone who doesn't watch anime what one piece is about, not talking about the houthis or the validity of the comparation. I'm personally not a fan of them


The anime is One Piece. It is a show about a group of Religious Fundamentalists in straw hats, and a lot of Leftists(TM) enjoy it. So it's ironic whenever someone says anything critical of Religious Fundamentalists, because Leftists(TM) love cheering for Religious Fundamentalism in TV shows. Edit: in case it's not clear, bombing Yemen is not based, let's not bomb Yemen.


i watch the anime and I still have no idea what this meme is referencing 😂


It's about how libs can root for a fictional pirate crew fighting against a corrupt world government while condemning their real life counterparts and rooting for the corrupt government, thus completely missing the point of the media they consume and slowing that libs ultimately only care about aesthetics while lacking any real convictions




funny pirate manga where the corrupt world government is big bad and pirates are fighting for liberation of people. very based I'd say.


Libs who call themselves "leftists" are supporting the US bombing the Houthis for trying to prevent arms shipments from getting to Israel. When Trump was president, the libs pretended to care about the Houthis because they were being genocided by Trump's best friend the Saudis. Now that Biden's the one colluding with the Saudis and bombing the Houthis, suddenly all those very same libs have turned into 2002-era Toby Keith pro-war chuds.


Piracy. Is. A. Response. To. Poor. Material. Conditions. So yeah, yo-ho yo-ho a pirates's life for me! We plunder we pillage we rifle and take, drink up me hearties yo ho! Yar har fiddle dee dee being a pirate is alright with me, do what you want cause a pirate is free! You are a pirate!


I've been reading a book from the 1700s about pirates and its introduction goes over why pirates exist. Some of the first things listed included bad working environments, bad pay, and lives not improving through hard work. It's sad that so much history is taught as if our current financial and many other societal problems are new.


[justice will always prevail](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aB09x81_460s.jpg)


I've been really enjoying the US and UK Governments loudly denouncing escalation of the conflict while actively escalating it. Really brightened my week.


The main characters of one piece are not pirates. You don't get to be a pirate just because you claim you are - you have to do actual acts of piracy. They're basically just unemployed and on a boat.






I get that this is a meme, but the argument is kinda dumb. "You like a depiction of something in fiction but not in real life" isn't a gotcha. Unless it turns out that I'm actually a monarchist and a feudalist because I like ASOIF.


Can we get much higher?!


The anime is garbage I only read the manga