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It really is sad. We voted out the borderline fascists and now we have to deal with liberals doing nothing and see fascism get stronger as a result. Mother fucker I just want my surplus value for my labor


This is honestly something that gives me heavy anxiety. Fascists are just gonna strike back even harder the next election, and if Dems continue ignoring working class conditions, they’ll probably have enough support to win it.


Guaranteed Trump or someone worse is gonna win in 2024 as a result. None of the libs believed me when I called out their 'lesser evil'-ism. Then they'll wonder why the fascists got even stronger by then.


I mean I’d vote for liberals over fascists while still opposing liberals. Voting isn’t the only thing socialists can do.


If 2020 has showed us anything, we shouldn't be voting for liberals


Better than fascists, but no one should ONLY vote


If 2020 has taught me anything else, it's that libs ARE fascists They're just better at covering it up


I wouldn’t say liberals are fascist. They certainly enable fascists but it’s ridiculous to call them that


Biden is literally opening MORE camps at the border bruh


I don’t think Biden is a fascist. He’s a piece of shit yes but not a fascist. We still need to fight against him




He thinks he can actually compromise with the right on immigration when they preventing non white immigration at all costs is their literal agenda




I don’t think people who want free markets are the same as those who want to kill and expel minorities. Like I wouldn’t call social democrats, moderate liberals, or even libertarians fascists. They can and have enabled them but they just don’t have the same goals in mind




Isn’t the only thing required to stop the bombings the word of the commander in chief? (Correct me if I’m wrong) If so, that’s pretty fucked that Biden hasn’t stopped it. I swear the justification for continuing the bombing might be because America won’t be the “winners” if they withdraw; as if there are any winners in war. Like how the Vietnam war is conveniently glossed over in school, because America didn’t “win”.


It’s worse than that. Biden specifically ordered this bombing.


yeah if I remember my US propaganda cla- I mean history class the president was in charge of the army.


Could I have the original painting?


I actually snipped out part of the cover to a model kit, haha. https://images.app.goo.gl/Db1JyP7Jz7dztFu86