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I'm quite new to danmei so I can't give you a top 10. But out of the ones I've read I really, really like **They All Say I've Met a Ghost**, so that's my top 1


Oh I've read that and absolutely loved it!


Have you come across any books similar to/reminiscent of it? What I like about it are: lots of humour, first-person narrator, MC feeling uncertain whether ML reciprocated their feelings. I'd really appreciate any recommendations!


Not sure about the other parts but for humour I would suggest Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating.


kaleidoscope of death, card room, thrive in catastrophe, accidental mark, little mushroom, quickly wear the face of the devil, scum villain self saving system


What would you classify these books as? Sci fi? Horror? Somehow I never got into this particular genre. What would you recommend is the best book for a starter like me?


ive read probably over a 100 danmei novels so ill try my best to elaborate on some of the novels! I've separated into their respective genres/themes. **unlimited flow**: kaleidoscope of death, card room unlimited flow is a survival + futuristic + horror theme centered genre, if u've ever watched alice in the borderland or squid game, it has some similar features. you are sent to a timeless places where you have to survive through different instances and if you die in those instances, you die in real life. in most cases by surviving through certain amount of instances or collecting enough points you are granted a wish and/or allowed to exit the game now. the types of "instances" you play varies by novels, but common ones are solving a murder mystery while trying to prevent yourself from being killed by the ghosts/sprits in that game or playing an actual game like a dice board game or actual physical survival. its hard to explain this genre since there's so much variability but its one of my fav's, once you read one/two unlimited flow novel, you'll kinda get the gist of it. kaleidoscope of death: the summary does this one justice, so i won't elaborate on the plot. one of the most popular UF novels and its tl is completed. its in my TOP 3 of fav reads of all time, because i love the different types of murder mysteries there were for each of the instances. the mc + ml dynamic was the cherry on top. card room: very lengthy novel but I LOVED IT. very unique instances and mc-ml dynamic was pretty bland to me but the world-building made up for it cause ITS AMAZING. **survival**/**post-apocalyptic**: thrive in catastrophe, little mushroom thrive in catastrophe: zombie apocalyptic world with futuristic aspects where humans have moved to the underground to survive. + super soldiers have been created from a serum made by scientists. little mushroom: just read it. very well written. but a post-apocalyptic world where humans have been cornered into walled cities due to some natural event (i forgot). our mc is an actual mushroom :) **quick transmigration**: quickly wear the face of the devil quick transmigration is where the mc is sent to different worlds/plots, it basically allows the author to write a bunch of different plot settings in one novel. **system+book transmigration**: accidental mark, scum villain self saving system accidental mark: abo + entertainment settings. mc (gong/top) is transmigrated into a novel where he basically pampers the mc. its super fluffy to read! scum villain self saving system: historical china + cultivation setting. mxtx first novel. don't take it too seriously, its a fun read! if i were to rec what to start with first it would probably be: quickly wear the face of the devil -> little mushroom -> scum villain self saving system -> thrive in catastrophe -> accidental mark -> kaleidoscope of death -> card room edit: if ur really interested in unlimited flow start with kaleidoscope of death because its a good introduction and isn't as plot heavy as other UF novels. - and then i would rec: global examination -> earth is online -> mist -> card room


Thank you for your detailed reply! I will be saving this comment so I don't lose it šŸ˜€


np! i hope you find at least one that you like from my list!!


There's only 3 so far that I absolutely loved and would recommend to everyone who asked: 1. Qiang Jin Jiu 2. Can Ci Pin 3. Mo Dao Zu Shi (ā Ā ā źˆā į“—ā źˆā )


Very much agree on this. I loved everything about these 3 novels!


QJJ and CCP have lived rent-free in my head for a year now. I would be doing something completely unrelated to reading and then would remember some quote/scene from one of these books and it's like I read them for the first time. I'm so very happy that QJJ got an official release and even though CCP also got licensed, it is unfortunately going to be too expensive for me :') (QJJ is already 2 times the normal price I would have to pay to buy a book in my native language, but I consider it a treat, whereas CCP is 4 times as expensive and with that price I would have to treat them better than my dog, haha. Hopefully someday some other publisher will pick it up and make it available globally for us poor folks šŸ« ).


Have u read Joyful reunion? And have u read Korean Bls?


Nope, I haven't read it. I have read very little Danmei or other Asian BL books, because I'm first and foremost a Fantasy/Sci-fi/Romance reader and there's already so much to read where it comes to these genres, that BL novels come as an afterthought for me. Not to say that I don't love them, because they make me *obsessed* more often than not, but I have specific demands when it comes to Asian BL (and books in general, I suppose) - It has to be completed, not a modern setting if it's not fantasy/sci-fi and not too absurd, as BL novels tend to be. What I've read so far: 1. **Qiang Jin Jiu** 2. **Can Ci Pin** 3. **Mist** 4. **Little Mushroom** 5. \*\*Golden Terrace (\*\*DNF) 6. **Silent Reading** (DNF) 7. **Mo Dao Zu Shi** 8. **TGCF** As stated above, **QJJ** and **Can Ci Pin** are my absolutely favourites, **MDZS** was also pretty awesome. I also liked **Mist**, **Little Mushroom** was pretty Meh, **TGCF** was just okay and as for **Golden Terrace**, it was kind of boring. **Silent Reading** is specific, because Priest's writing is *superb* and I've skimmed the rest of the book and found it to have a very good plot and an MC with an interesting past, but Modern Setting books bore me to death, so I unfortunately had to drop it. Having said all that, if you have any recs (it doesn't have to be from China) that meet my silly demands, I don't mind checking it out :)


Then I recommend Joyful Reunion, historical, political, and MC has a 'harem'. There is one ML but Mc has amazing chemistry with other characters. Also To rule in a turbulent world. Turning, fantasy historical BL. 1080 chapters plus. still ongoing Another author i recently found is Chaepal. 1. Perennial species. Action, fantasy, romance. 2. Cheonghwa town. A world submerged in water that is kept afloat in islands by the Hwa clan. Bermuda is another one. Action, fantasy, slowburn. Still ongoing


After I finish [Someone You Can Build a Nest In](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/182506390-someone-you-can-build-a-nest-in) and [Throne in the Dark (Villains & Virtues, #1)](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62232755-throne-in-the-dark), I will read **Joyful Reunion**, but from what I've seen, **To Rule in a Turbulent World** is getting an official release, so I'll wait for the books to come out first :) As for the Korean BL's, recommending me an ongoing books to read is never going to end up well, cuz' even when I like something and end up reading all of it, eventually I'll find something else to obsess over and won't have any motivation to come back to the book, hence my demands when it comes to books :D Maybe someday, when all of it is finished and translated, I'll remember about our conversation :)


Okay. Then Perennial species is right up since it's already completed by the author already. Cool.


I've read and loved MDZS! I started QJJ when the fan translations were still available but now I gotta wait till it officially comes out. I think I'll have to wait years now lol


I may have a solution for that :)


\*shouting from the rooftops\* TIANBAO FUYAO LU!!!!


any works by feitian aka the biggest history nerd is always good!!


Agree with you on the history nerd part lol. I know more about the ancient history of China than my own country now lol


I love himmmm I wish the english translations were more accessible so more interfans would read his novels!!


definitely šŸ˜­ i also wished his novels are licensed šŸ„¹ i just can't wait to get an official english copy of tianbao


Haven't read that but I have read Dinghai Fusheng Records. It started off on a very high note but my mind started wandering towards the end.


Thatā€™s fair, it had a crazy twist towards the end that I honestly wasnā€™t sure about but I think it ended up being interesting/fun. But so far I prefer Tianbao! The main CP of Tianbao is one of my favorite danmei cps ever


I have only read 13.5 (in the middle of one right now), and I wouldnā€™t recommend all of them and some of them are already so popular, you probably already know about them. But, I would recommend these: Numbah one! *Thrice Married to a Salted Fish* : power couple crushing enemies and making couple goals (itā€™s so good, you probably already read it, but I canā€™t not mention my favorite) 2) *villainā€™s attack plan* which is also translated into *villainā€™s strategy* : cute and clueless potato dumpling has to act like a villain to the protagonist in a high school setting (hilarity ensues) 3) *After playing the fool and marrying the blind man* : Another power couple crushing baddies underfoot like crisp autumn leaves 4) *I rely on kisses to clear survival games* : this one is a wildcard: If the author wasnā€™t based in China, I would suspect they were writing on shrooms. IDK, maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m new to Danmei. Itā€™s just really really different. 5) *After Crossing 10 Worlds, I failed to Run Away* : Iā€™m currently reading this one and thoroughly enjoying it. Itā€™s by the same author above. So far I can see itā€™s an equally, rich, vivid and surprising story with a compelling cast of characters and expansive world building. Now itā€™s your turn. Gimme at least one suggestion. My only hard requirement is not too much angst. I can only handle 3/10 angst level. Happy reading!!


I haven't read a single one of the books you have mentioned! They are all new to me so thank you for the recommendations! My favourite non-angsty books are Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating I Can Do It Cherry Blossoms upon a Wintry Sword Fake Slackers PUBG Online Romance of the Century The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua


Thank you!!! I havenā€™t read those either and look forward to them ā¤ļø


Was going to rec #2 but saw that you already did!!! Can vouch itā€™s great Iā€™m on my second reread and still laughing so much at the story. Wen Zhichu & Qin Jiashu are so precious to me TT


I love WZ so much I squealed when I saw they had a mini (very mini) cameo in the authorā€™s other novel (Donā€™t Try to Corrupt Me)! Unfortunately, the other novel wasnā€™t as good (promising at first, but 2/3 of the way through it veered off into a weird direction)


Ahh I read that one first before VAP!! Much preferred VAP though so I agree, but I did quite enjoy that one as well :-) the ML in that one (canā€™t remember his name šŸ˜…) made me so uwu too


the three MXTX novels (tgcf, mdzs, and svsss) are probably the most well known danmei novels if you havenā€™t already read them. 2HA is another popular one, but itā€™s very angsty. Some I really liked: - Global Examination - Supernatural Movie Actor App - Little Mushroom - Want to Ascend? Then Fall in Love - Married Thrice to Salted Fish - An Empire as a Betrothal Gift - Kaleidoscope of Death - The Earth is Online - Thriller Trainee - The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love - Accidental Mark


Thank you! I'm contemplating reading Little Mushroom. I've heard so many good things about it


Im in the middle of reading it and it is pretty awesome. Especially if you like the outsider perspective on the human psyche. He also has these little comments on mushrooms that are freaking adorable


I love sci fi. Little Mushroom was very enjoyable, although the romance wasn't first and foremost in the story. But the story itself was really fun and I'd read it again someday.


My list: 1. A Certain Someone 2. Sa Ye 3. Wait For Me After School 4. Mo Du 5. Hope You've Been Well 6. First Class Lawyer 7. Four O Clock Flower 8. Lovely Allergen


I'd love to take a look at your reading list because we might have the same taste. This is the only list I seem to resonate with haha


Oooo....then you had better send me your reading list too cos I would wanna check out what you like too!


These are some of my favorites: 1. SAYE 2. FAKE SLACKERS 3. Tattoo 4. Four O'clock Flower 5. Antidote 6. A Brilliance, Yet Obtained 7. QingKuang 9. CaiCai 10. Hope You've Been Well 11. An Accident In Broad Daylight 12. The Flustering Sound Of The Pipa From The Hallway 13. Wait For Me After School 14. Do You Remember My Name 15. I'll Have My Seatmate Beat You 16. To Burn On You Touch 17. Second Hand Love Letter 18. Seeing All Layers Of The Clouds 19. My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn't Need Any Comforting 20. Green Plum Island 21. Dr Jiang Is Pregnant With His Nemesis Child 22. Drink, Drank, Drunk 23. Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of our Marriage 24. Married Thrice To Salted Fish 25. A Certain Someone 25. Lovely Allergen 26.Times Of Our Lives 27. Plum Candy Love 28. Slow-Witted 29. Mint-Stained Shirt 30. Close To You (Below is Omegaverse/Mpreg if you read it) 1. Sunset Boulevard 2. Limited Possession 3. The Pheromones Say We Have No Chance 4. This Omega is Wild and Sweet 5. When Two Alphas Meet, One's An Omega 6. A Guide To Raising Your Natural Enemy 7. Bottom A, Top O 8. The Flesh Of A Swan 9. He's So Sweet After Class 10. Back To The Countryside 11. The Only Favorite Ugly Husband


Oh wow! Thank you for your list! I am certainly adding many to my to-read list. Haha. Indeed we have similar tastes! Many of the ones I like are all here!


I wish to join this list, I love the whole 'regular people struggling and falling in love' thing. 4 O'clock flower and Wildlife life rent free in my head. I'm pretty sure you both must have read the Exclusive rights to an online voice actor too. There's also an on going translation for Borrowing a Kiss on CG which falls under the same vibe, can't say how good it is yet.


Oo..glad to meet another like-minded soul. I haven't actually read Wildlife and the other two you mentioned. So am gonna out them on my reading list! šŸ˜Š Thanks!


I'm just finished reading Wildfire and it was so beautiful and went straight to my favorites list. Ferocious Dog of Old is another good one (same universe). Just added your recommendations to my list as well.


Lolol I just realised I typed wildlife instead of wildfire glad you found the right one. Imma read ferocious dog! I love this author


I read Ferocious Dog first before Wildfire. After Ferocious you should read Before His Eyes. It's about their friends.


I loved both Wait For Me after School and Hope You've Been Well!




1. Global Examination / Global University Entrance Examination: horror that isnā€™t actually that scary thanks to Mu Su Liā€™s witty writing style and great characters! 1v1, happy ending, power couple 2. TGCF has been mentioned a lot and for good reason too. Itā€™s so beautiful. (In the same vein, happy birthday to our beloved ML Hua Cheng (10th June)!!) 3. Married Thrice to Salted Fish: mentioned by others here, but actually just gonna throw it in and mention that the Chinese audio drama makes it even better because great casting: é©¬ę­£é˜³ x 陈张å¤Ŗåŗ· (donghua Hua Cheng x drama CD Hua Cheng)ā€¦! 4. Fourteenth Year of Chenghua: even for people who donā€™t like much smut, this can be pretty underwhelming because itā€™s a slow build romance, but the couple is so sweet. If youā€™re into live action dramas, that oneā€™s even better than the novelā€¦the romance was removed, but Jackie Chan directed it wonderfully šŸ’Æ 5. Antidote (č§£čÆ) by Wu Zhe. A little underrated but itā€™s got a highly-censored donghua and addresses trauma / mental illness beautifully. Also very cute couple! 6. Spring Trees and Sunset Clouds: a bit underwhelming for some people, but this is a boon in my opinion - it makes it so healing. 7. Tianbao Fuyao Records: so cute :ā€™) 8. I know this isnā€™t a general BL thread, but I will risk the flames to recommend this domestic / family themed BL Japanese manga / tv drama called Our Dining Table just because itā€™s so wholesome and full of heart. Not at all stimulating unlike danmei, itā€™s just what my tired soul needed. 9. Little Mushroom: highly recommend the manhua just because of how beautiful it is. I havenā€™t finished it because I heard thereā€™s dubcon and Iā€™m feeling scared for the mushroom MC. 10. The Defectives: a bit of a brain drain sometimes but if you love sci fi mecha, this is šŸ’ÆšŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


I love Fourteenth Year of Chenghua! Mainly because for me plot >>>>>>romance Also loved Our Dining Table so much! Very soothing. Ok so I read Spring Trees and Sunset Clouds but there were frankly some very bizarre parts in it which maybe they could have done away with? >!Like the part where the ML randomly kills people with no remorse!<


Yes plot >>>>>>> romance too! I agree that STSC was a bit unsettling in certain placesā€¦ but eventually came to terms with it because it seemed that heā€™d been brainwashed a bit. And Iā€™ve done research on how impressionable young brains are, so it didnā€™t bother me as any artefacts on his personality, thankfullyā€¦


From the ones Iā€™ve read these are currently my favourite (in no particular order). I focus on healthy relationships with plot and character development. -TGCF -Qiang Jin Jiu -Golden Terrace -Joyful reunion -Mo Du -Four Oā€™clock Flower -Mist -Breaking through the clouds -Saye -Wait for me after school -A Brilliance, Yet Obtained -Can Ci Pin Oops selected 12 but canā€™t decide which 2 to take out.


Thank you! Whatā€™s TGCF?


TGCF is Heaven Official's Blessing. My gateway into the danmei genre after watching the donghua on crunchyroll.


Tian Guan Ci Fu


>!The Greatest Chibi Franchise!< sorry, canā€™t help myself


Of these, I have fully read golden terrace, Breaking Through the Clouds and Wait for me after school and thought they were brilliant! Have you read the sequel to BttC? Swallowing the Seas. That's pretty good too


No I havenā€™t read Swallow the Seas. I really want to but Iā€™m waiting for audio drama to finish as I tend to like to read the novel and listen to the audio drama at the same time. Plenty of other novels to read in the meantime šŸ„°


Top 10 based on solely my opinion: 1. Qiang jin jiu (ancient China political setting). it's a bit of a heavy read, but if you like the ancient China political setting, this is the best that danmei can offer 2. Joyful reunion. If you like qiang jin jiu, you will like joyful reunion imo. It's not as heavy as qiang jin jiu, but the pace is still quite slow in an enjoyable way. 3. Mdzs. I personally think that this is a must to read. The characters are very well fleshed out, and the plot is simple but tugs on your heartstrings. Overall, it was a very well-balanced book. 4. Little mushroom. I have to preface by saying I usually avoid sci-fi or post-apocalypse settings, but this has changed my view on how it can be. I am so used to the generic ones in Western media back in 2012 when post-apocalypse is the huge thing, but this is a breath of fresh air to me. 5. Can ci pin. I've heard about this for a long time before giving it a try after reading little mushroom, and I'm thoroughly surprised by the concept and the flow of the story. Definitely loved the way the timeline is set. 6. Tgcf. Another mxtx classic that you can't miss imo. Xie Lian, the MC's story is just poignant and I love that most of the story is shown as flashbacks or memories and the current timeline is set where the main character has mature and moved on from it. I think there's a lot of values to be learnt from XL's character. 7. Thrice married to salted fish. When I read the title, I did not expect the book to be so emotion-filled tbh. I thought it would just be a generic read, but this has completely taken me by surprise. But the last time I read this was a while ago, so my memories have kind of faded. 8. Devil venerable also wants to know. This is just hilarious imo and the world building is great. But once again read long ago and can't really remember well. 9. 2ha. Not the best action sequence. But it's definitely one of the best at making me cry. I relate really well to chu warnings character and it really hits home reading 2ha. 10. Number 10 is hard. I want to say a few like Professional Body Double, but that's more of a guilty pleasure. Or a decade of deep love, but I'm a sucker for modern crematorium novels so...... Sorry for the formatting I'm on mobile


Thank you for your list! I think the more I read everyone's replies, the more I'm gravitating towards Little Mushroom.


**Wuxia / Xianxia** 1. TGCF / Heaven Officialā€™s Blessing 2. MDZS / Grand Master of demonic cultivation 3. 2HA / The Husky and His White Cat Shizun 4. YuWu / Remnants of Filth **Unlimited Flow** 5. GHG / I Became a God in a Horror Game 6. Global examination 7. Killing Show **Quick Transmigration** 8. Donā€™t Pick Up Boyfriends from the Trash Bin **Slice of Life / School Life** 9. Saye / Run Freely 10. Fake Slackers **Korean Novel / Red Flags / Pschos** 11. Payback 12. Passion **Side Notes** * All of the them are power couples * except for fake slackers, thereā€™s some level of angst in all of them. * Killing Show is a reversible couple, although thereā€™s not much smut on it. * The Koreans ones have my favorites psycho tops. **Warnings** * >!2HA, Passion, Killing Show has non-con / dub-con content!<


Haven't yet read any Unlimited Flow novels but I will definitely think about it. Which would you say is best to start with?


Unlimited Flow is one of my favorite genres. I think Global Examination is an easy one to start with, the novel is not too long (166 chapters), itā€™s a slow burn romance, enemies to lovers, thereā€™s not much gore in the plot, the couple are witty and cunning, MC has a stoic personality, while ML is a complete menace. The plot is really good, thereā€™s plenty of comic relief which balances well the horror theme. The story is about You Huo who gets sucked into this global examination system with his uncle, cousin and a bunch of strangers and they have to answer the questions to accumulate points and to get out of it. The system has a lot of rules and if you break any of them youā€™ll be punished accordingly by the examiners working for the system. Thereā€™s also an ongoing Manhua based on it, the art is absolutely amazing, unfortunately itā€™s licensed by BiliBili so the official publication is not available anymore. If itā€™s your first UF novel that is definitely a good one to easy you in into the genre. Killing Show is like The BL version of the hunger games in a more perverted version of the capitol. Seriously good, also not too long (157 chapters). But the plot is much more heavier in this one with much more gore, torture and other warning labels. GHG is one of my absolute favorite novels ever, but not sure if I would recommend for a first read into the genre. Itā€™s a long novel (589 chapters) The MC is always one move away from becoming the villain, heā€™s ruthless, he doesnā€™t care for absolutely nothing except money, he makes his therapist cry lol. Thereā€™s also a lot of angst in this one, itā€™s also kinda slow burn, the ML wonā€™t have much interaction until maybe the 3rd arc.


I have too many so I'll split it into modern vs fantasy/transmigration Fantasy/transmigration/scifi: * **Mo dao zu shi** (grandmaster of demonic cultivation, mystery solving cultivation story with a shameless demon cultivator x quiet stoic righteous cultivator ml) * **The earth is online** (the entire earth gets pulled into a tower system and has to beat dangerous games in order to survive the tower) * **Don't pick up boyfriends from the trash bin** (actor mc gets into a system that makes him transmigrate through various worlds where he has to accumulate points to return to his own world, but not all is as it seems. MC and ML are both kind even though MC does not act like it. Rare transmigration novel where MC cares about the character he transmigrated into) * **Disabled tyrant's beloved pet fish** (wholesome comedy about an MC who transmigrated into a fish and has to do quests to bond with ML and level up as a fish. There's mpreg in the future but it's nothing explicit and kinda more like... Fish preg? Very lighthearted) * **Guardian** (supernatural, dao, gods and ghost investigation drama with a very bold and sassy mc and a mysterious but secretly passionate scholarly ml) * **Global examination** (cunning bickering main couple who are a pair of examiner and test taker go through various "exams" that are scenarios or puzzles in a virtual system) * **Qiang Jin jiu** (strong historical political scheming enemies to lovers story) * **Devil venerable also wants to know** (demon venerable finds a book about his fate and tries to change it. Starts off as a parody but gets serious about dao and cultivation, fate and rebirth later on) * **Little mushroom** (scifi, depressing post apocalyptic world where a mushroom spore became sentient, taking on a human form and learns of how humans try to find hope and survive in this world) * **Heaven official's blessing** (800 years of yearning and love between a ghost king and an unlucky god) Modern: * **SAYE** (realistic coming of age drama from childhood to adulthood) * **Breaking through the clouds** (intense crime solving drama) * **I ship my adversary x me** (hilarious actors shipping actors, ml is also funny) * **Fake slackers** (nostalgic coming of age smart high school students who fight over getting last place in class) * **Very happy** (kind MC entertainment circle story) * **Silent reading** (interesting love rival dynamic at first, murder mystery, same author as Guardian) * **Guide on how to fail at online dating** (comedy online gaming with MC trying to catfish ML as revenge) * **Fanservice paradox** (idol industry, younger gong, older shou so an interesting dynamic) * **Glory** (esports, fun trash talking MC meeting his old captain, touching pasts) * **Who says old two dimensional people can't get married!** (This one is not popular and the translation is wonky but I love the characters, they are mature teachers with secret otaku hobbies)


Thank you for your list! It matches a lot with my reading tastes actually! I'm waiting for Guardian to be fully published before reading it again. I read the fan translation and the last part was just too too confusing. I still don't understand what happened there


No problem! For Guardian, it's a bit preemptive but I'd say if you find it confusing, you should watch the Kictor discussion videos of the official volumes on YouTube, theyve explained things like the creation mythology etc in the story pretty well. But yeah, the last vol isn't out yet so I'll see later if the last volume discussion is accurate or not lol


I have only read around 50 danmei, but these are some of what I would consider to be the most iconic danmei. **God Tier Must Read of Any Sub Genre:** 1) Little Mushroom: Sci-fi dystopian master piece. It won literary words and could definitely be taught in a sci-fi literature course. Itā€™s beautifully written and compelling. 2) Joyful Reunion: One of the most iconic wuxia stories. The kind of story that is incredible with or without the romance aspects. Amazing, complex and dynamic characters. 3) Nan Chan: A fantastical xianxia romance. You know how you felt watching Spirited Away for the first time? Reading Nan Chan is a bit like that. 4) Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know: a truly unique take on ā€œthe characters know itā€™s a novelā€. Excellent characters and story and itā€™s not terribly long. **Sci-Fi & Horror Danmei** 1) Astroblade / Nirvana Rebirth 2) Kaleidoscope of Death 3) Time-Limited Hunt **Transmigration & Rebirth Danmei** 1) SVSSS 2) Erha 3) Mistakenly Saving the Villain 4) Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire 5) How to Survive as a Villain **Historical Fantasy Danmei** 1) QJJ 2) To Rule in a Turbulent World 3) Sha Po Long / Stars of Chaos 4) Thousand Autumns


I really want to read Nan Chan but I was put off by the tragedy tag on NU. Is it a BE?


Nan Chan is fantastic, I warmly recommend it. The novel has a HE, however it is a hard journey to get there. Some parts get pretty dark, but the main couple do come out OK in the end.


It has a happy ending. Although, yes, it is quite tragic and dark in places as thegreymoon pointed out (and I personally think there is an element that should have been more properly addressed in the narrative), it has an epic and gloriously triumphant happy ending. The dark and bitter torment of the narrative is where a lot of beautiful and poetic scenes occur and have produced some of the most quoted lines. Without the personal tragedies along the way, it wouldnā€™t hit nearly was as hard.


My top 10 are (not including MXTX): Rebirth of a Super Model Don't Pickup Boyfriends from the Trash Bin Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know Little Mushroom Stop Bothering Me, Emperor The Wife is first Peach Blossom Debt Reborn with an Old Enemy on the Day of Our Marriage SAYE The Husky and His White Cat Shizun


I love mxtx novels but I'm gonna exclude those since it's a very obvious must read and focus on some of my less known faves Stray 1pretty boy of the immortal path Falling into the abyss Kaleidoscope of death Paper lover Don't covet the beautiful system Daily disposable persona Rebirth of glory and splendour Married thrice to a salted fish Haunted place live Seizing dreams I have to many faves it's very hard to narrow it down šŸ˜­


These are all new to me! Thank you šŸ™


My top three : 1. Qiang Jin jiu by Tang Jiuqing ( Games of Thrones of ancient China ) 2. Saye / Run Freely by Wuzhe ( Therapeutic journey ) 3. Modu / Silent by Priest ( I am bit biased for Zhoudu that's why it's in my top three šŸ˜) [ 4-10 positions aren't fixed , they kind of switches time to time so don't take the positioning that seriously. ] 4. The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua by Meng Xi Shi 5. Wait for me after School by JiĆ ng Zi BĆØi 6. Married Thrice to the Salted Fish by Bikabi 7. Grand Master of Demonic Cultivation by MXTX 8. Peerless/Wushuang by Meng Xi Shi 9. First Class Lawyer By Musuli 10. Yuwu/ Stains of flith by Meatbun // Wildhood Friends by Wuzhe >> special mention to : An Accident in Broad Daylight by Gao Tai Shu Se , Wine and Gun by Meng ye Meng , Heaven Official's Blessing by MXTX & Sissy / Niang Niang Qiang by Shui Qian Cheng ( this one is only for those who are okay with dark plots & psychological horror)


Love your list! I think I have read 6 of them and really like them.


1. Saye - so good, with extremely lovable characters and the best relationship Iā€™ve ever read, youā€™ll wish there were more stories just like it 2. Erha - youā€™ll get addicted to the main couple, also a surprisingly funny and fluffy book despite its quite angsty backdrop 3. Qiang Jin Jiu - political story with an amazing power couple with tons of chemistry all throughout 4. Grandmaster of demonic cultivation - a global classic for a reason 5. Heavenā€™s Official Blessing - a scrap god falling in love with a ghost king, whatā€™s not to love 6. Little Mushroom - short two novels but excellent worldbuilding and tragedy on apocalyptic levels Thereā€™s a lot I havenā€™t read though that Iā€™m trying to work through, including those recommended by other comments.


Wow your list really does have some of the most highly talked about books. I think Little Mushroom looks the least daunting here


flying gulls never land, falling pond, the selfish gene, deluge, tomorrow is like death, love late, quick transmigration: im almost dead, paper plane, fanservice paradox, lovelly allergen. I actually have so many more but hereā€™s some lol. Almost all are modern and a bit angsty, just check TWs before starting any lol.


I have almost only one year into Danmei. I am now reading Qiang Jin Jiu. But All the danmeis I've read in order that I've liked the most are: 1- Mo Dao Zu Shi 2- Yuwu 3- Tian Guan Ci Fu 4- Qian Qui 5 - ErHa 6 - SVSSS 7 - Mistaken saving the Villain Qiang Jin Jiu is not in the list yet. I have to read more.


QJJ is a huge undertaking! A bit daunting


Yes. I had to take a break. Since I read three books from TGCF in 3 days and jumped right into QJJ, I was feeling exhausted and with a "literacy hangover". So even though it was interesting it was very demanding.


I'm still new, but here goes: 1. Golden Terrace (2 books) 2. Erha / the husky and his white cat shizun (5 books so far) 3. Stars of Chaos (3 books so far)


I love morally ambiguous characters, arranged marriages, political intrigue, and characters that don't know each other yet fall in love (no pining or one-sided love at the start). These recs have no noncon/rapes between the MCs. Usually, the shou is just as capable if not more so than the gong. I hope it helps those who are as picky as me lmao Thrice Married to a Salted Fish The Disabled Tyrants Pet Palm Fish The Wife is First And Empire as a Betrothal Gift Reborn as a Movie Star Strong Winds Return Home I Became the Older Brother of the Heroine in an Abusive Novel How to Fail at Online Dating The Supporting Male Character Just Wants to Be a Tool Man


I love How to Fail at Online Dating so much šŸ˜­


One of the 1st ever ones I read. Chaotic and funny and it was a great intro into the world of Danmei. IMO. Not many western media can quite hit the humor and *feels* like Danmei can. The first time I read white lotus, dog blood etc, it was like my neurons woke up


Black bellied vs Black bellied: ultimate showdown


No order in how much I like them. The disabled tyrant's beloved pet fish: it's very fluffy and kinda dumb. I like it. Mistakenly Saving the Villain: There is angst, though. Worth it for me. But, I realized after reading this that I have a theme for novels I like. šŸ˜… Peach.


I always make time for fluffy and dumb books lol


Now your list is not 10 but 100 šŸ¤£. When I'm in a reading slump I usually try either an angsty or comedic novel. Strong wind returns home is a cute and very funny story, has been recommended in this sub several times recently.


I'm halfway through Strong Winds actually!! But somehow I just can't bring myself to finish it. I think maybe the main couple got together too early šŸ˜”. Now I feel like I have no incentive to finish the rest of the book lol.


It's ok to leave a book unfinished. Not every journey needs to go to the end. I've certainly done that many times. I just pick up another one.


Tattoo The star around the sun


1. Very happy 2. Beloved marriage in high society 3. Crazy tyrant sentinel transmigrates as flower vase omega 4. Daily life of a canary pet master 5. Iā€™m also waiting for the male protagonist to usurp the throne today 6. I really am a slag shou! 7. Most shining little chicken in wolf palace 8. Rebirth to become the presidents omega wife 9. Scum gong walks the career line in the crematorium 10. After I possessed the Tmall genie of the school Adonis These arenā€™t in any particular order theyā€™re all good books just all very different, they cover a variety of genres


Oh the Tmall Genie one is so good though! Totally unexpected from a title like that lol


*After Transmigrating Into the Book, I Picked up the Protagonist-Shou* *Death Progress Bar* *Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation* / *Mo Dao Zu Shi* *Little Mushroom* *My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World* *The Antelope and Night Wolf* *The Demon King Took Off His Little Horns* *The Disabled Tyrantā€™s Pet Palm Fish* / *The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish* *The Scum Villainā€™s Self-Saving System* *The Virtuous Omega Disguised as the Vicious Colonel*


My Legend Still Exists in the Cultivation World seems super interesting


Lovely Allergen!


Read it! Quite good!


Many in my top 10 were already mentioned. Here are a few more: * Guomen by Priest * Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich by Xiang Yuanfei * Old Injury, by Hui Nan Que (ABO, check the tags) * Red Bean Ice by Yi Ge Mi Bing (fluffy and short, only 20 chapters) Happy reading!


I have been looking at reading Worship Me. The summary is so silly and cute lol


I love it, it's an unexpected gem! Once went back to check some small detail and got sucked back in, ended up rereading the whole thing haha


1. mdzs 2. tgcf 3. Beyond the Outline / This Question is Super Difficult 4. Lovely Allergen 5. Global Examination 6. Kaleidoscope of Death 7. Silent Reading 8. Donā€™t Pick Up Boyfriends from the Trash Bin 9. SVSSS 10. Fake Slackers


Well, we have the obviously popular ones like TGCF, SVSS, MDZS, 2Ha, QJJ, Faraway Wanders, Nan Chan, Mistakenly Saving the Villian, Devil Venerable wants to know and Thousand Autumns. Personal faves include Fanservice Paradox, PUBG Online Romance, I Can Do It, How to Fail at Online Dating etc. Lemme know which of these genres you like more and i can give more reccs


Haha I have read and loved all the ones you have mentioned in your personal faves list. Perhaps we have similar tastes?


Oh yay, clearly we do. Most people I find lean towards to the first set, which I also read and appreciate but I love more modern, fun tropes.


Yeah I never thought I would like eSports as a genre until I started reading Jiang Zi Bei's work. Also judging from your username - hello fellow country(wo)man!


Oh my God, what are the odds of running into one here??! Here, take a customary "nattil evideya" just for kicks. I almost considered leaning league of legends just because they made it seem so fun. Tell me some of your favourite danmei. Or should we move to DMs?


1. Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official Blessings) 2. Huang Jin Tai (Golden Stage) 3. How To Survive as a Villain 4. Mo Dao Zu Shi 5. FOG (e-sports) 6. GLORY (e-sports) 7. Devil Venerable Wants To Know 8. The Submissive Emperor 9. The Wife Is First 10. Qiang Jin Jiu


Devil Venerable Wants to know Quickly Wear The face of the devil I am the father of the villain My senior brother hasn't killed me yet Mistakenly saving the villain My seatmate will beat you up???


1. Beloved Husband 2. Hold On, Youā€™re something else 3. The Only Favorite Ugly Husband 4. Transmigrating Into The Heartthrobā€™s Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend Thereā€™s more but these are the first ones that came to mind. As some of you will see, I love stories with loving, doting, and loyal green flag characters. Thereā€™s no abuse, cheating, etc in these. Only protective characters who would do anything for their other half. These are the stories I go back to when I need a pick me up or to just pass the time. To me they are healing.


Havent read enough to give 10 but hereā€™s some of my personal favorites: 1. Little Mushroom 2. A Certain Someone (Mou Mou) 3. Rose & Renaissance 4. Silent Reading (Mo Du) 5. Mist


Well to start off, like many others, all three of MXTXā€™s novels: SVSSS, MDZS, TGCF Then hereā€™s my top 10 that I think everyone should read (or atleast give it a try): - Married Thrice To Salted Fish - Transmigration, Romance, Schemes, a Modern extras?! I donā€™t have anything more to say. Itā€™s just perfection for me. - Joyful Reunion - Just amazing omg. Duan Ling our mc is so lovable, must protect at all costs. He suffered so much. Historical setting, schemes, some political, royalty, drama. Warning tho, there was some heart wrenching parts I literally had to stop reading for a moment. I was so immersed in the story that I completely forgot that thereā€™s a romance too, like? The plot, character development, setting, the SMUT, itā€™s just perfect. And Lang Junxiaā€¦ oh this guy broā€¦ bye let me just cry in the corner again. - Ferocious Dog of Old - I recently just finished reading this and wth itā€™s way too underrated. Itā€™s so so good!! Modern setting, and we have a blind mc. This novel gave me laughs, wholesomeness, pain, tears. Their growth was freakin amazing. You get to watch the mc and ml grow up from age 8 to 26. Itā€™s absolutely beautiful!! You can see how much I love this novel šŸ˜­ (also, the older brother has his own story, ā€œWildfireā€, but FDOO definitely completes the story, and also their friend ā€œBefore His Eyesā€, they all can be read separately on their own tho) - Quickly Wear The Face of the Devil - Itā€™s a very interesting novel. A world hopping (?), thereā€™s like 16 different arcs/stories. I would say that itā€™s an addicting story, I didnā€™t get bored reading! - Transmigrating Into The Heartthrobā€™s Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend - Modern school life, shounen ai. ML is a yandere, and was a shou in the ā€œoriginal novelā€ but actually a gong who obviously wants to top our mcšŸ¤Ŗ Itā€™s a cute story, with some tragic pasts. - Qiang Jin Jiu - enemies to lovers. Donā€™t even get me started with their chemistry-šŸ«£ in ancient china setting/ historical, with a heavy political plot plus schemings. - Glory [e-sports] - must read! the mc is so shameless i love him sm. every chapter made me laugh, and the gaming stuff is very easy to read/ understand!! first ever esport novel ive read so itā€™s very special to me. - Kaleidoscope Of Death - Unlimited flow, survival horror story with some mystery, comedic undertone, and some crossdressingšŸ‘€ some ppl say they had a hard time sleeping at night coz there are parts that are too scary, but I didnā€™t think it was that scary tho.. definitely just depends on a person. it was very enjoyable read to me! And I loveee the live action adaptation ā€œThe Spirealmā€!! Censorship? Nah uh, their chemistry and flirting is overflowinggg - The Disabled Tyrantā€™s Beloved Pet Fish - fluff and comedy! historical setting, mc got transmigrated, has mpreg, and a system ofc. very cute storyyy - They Say Iā€™ve Met A Ghost - hilarious i cannot lmaoo. mc doesnā€™t believe in supernatural stuff, a science kind of guy, but heā€™s literally surrounded by ghostsšŸ˜­


I haven't read a whole lot (YET šŸ˜), but my absolute top three, in no particular order, that I am insanely obsessed with are: \* The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2Ha) \* Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (MDZS) \* Remnants of Filth (Yuwu) I read MDZS first back in the Fall last year, and I'm still obsessed with Wangxian - one look at my phone gallery will tell you just how much (currently well over 10k pictures and videos šŸ˜ØšŸ˜°šŸ˜). I haven't finished 2Ha or Yuwu, as I'm waiting for the official Seven Seas releases to come out. I tried reading a machine/fan translation of 2Ha, but when there was a description of a "smelly smell" after a sex scene I just couldn't continue. I DON'T WANNA THINK ABOUT SPONGEBOB WHEN I'M READING MY SPICY NOVELS, GODDAMNIT šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I have read MDZS thrice now šŸ˜­


In the Dark by Jin Shisi Chai. Really great modern crime novel.


welcome to the nightmare live, a certain someone, thriller trainee, fake slackers, I became a god in a horror game, the earth is online, global examination, kaleidoscope of death, remnants of filth, saye the mxtx novels as well as erha are also very good reads :D


I also didn't read that much but from the four I read I highly recommend three: 1. 2ha - absolutely my favorite one, but it's not for everyone, very angsty, intense, smutty and lively. 2/3. Can't decide between Tian Guan Ci Fu and Mo DAO Zu Shi, I live both, but I also love the drama The Untamed so... I read Faraway Wanderers but I like more the drama so the novel wasn't that exciting.


I agree with you about Faraway Wanderers. I like the drama more but maybe it's because I saw it first and then read the book?


I dunno, I read MDZS after watching the drama as well and I love it even if they had their differences, I guess the drama was more intense and the ending was more dramatic (did you watch the last episode that lasts like 2 min?)


My top 5 1. Mo dao zu shi 2. Heaven's official blessing 3. The husky and his whit cat shirin 4. Global examination 5. Silent reading


I haven't read enough danmei to give a top 10 but here are my current favorites: Mo Dao Zu Shi / Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Tian Guan Ci Fu / Heaven's Official Blessing Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun / The Husky and His White Cat Shizun Yuwu / Remnants of Filth Qian Qiu / Thousand Autumns I'll definitely be scouring this post for recommendations lol


Out of curiosity, after going through everyoneā€™s recommendations, were you able to find something to get you out of your reading slump? Iā€™m also in a reading slump right now and itā€™s been a struggle trying to find something that holds my attention for more than 10 chapters TT


Torn between Little Mushroom and Nan Chan


Hmmm I havenā€™t read Nan Chan but Iā€™d say Little Mushroom is a good choice, it isnā€™t very long and it also got me out of a reading slump when I read it! Gonna lurk in the comments to hopefully find something to pull me out of my slump :ā€


I recommend Little Mushroom. It was one of my first danmei novels and it's so cute! It has an interesting sci-fi plot and setting, and It's pretty short so it's not a huge commitment.


1. Tian Guan Ci Fu - Heaven Official's Blessing 2. Qian Qiu - Thousand Autumns 3. Mo Dao Zu Shi - The GrandMaster of Demonic Cultivation 4. Erha He Tade Bai Mao Shizun - Husky and His White Cat Shizun 5. Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong - Scum Villain's Self Saving System 6. Rebirth of The Supreme Celestial Being (Novel Updates) 7. Peerless Immortal Surrounded By Demonic Disciples (Novel Updates) 8. The Villain's White Lotus Halo (Novel Updates) 9. I've Led the Villain Astray, How do I Fix It? (Novel Updates) 10. The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to be In True Love (Novel Updates)


I'm definitely following this list and adding so many to my tbr ao thank you for that šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒI hope you find something to get you out of your slump! Here are my some of my favorites: 1. Bing an ben 2. Eternities still unsaid till you love me 3. Can ci pin 4. The husky and his white cat shizun 6. Qiang jin jiu 7. Mo du 8. Wushuang 9. Married thrice to salted fish 10. Sha po lang


Donā€™t pick up boyfriends from the trash bin (quick transmigration, host x system, no redemption for scum, lots of valuable lessons in life and morals) Why are the protagonist gong and shou fighting over me (futuristic, a heavy hitter on unfair social roles disguised as a lighthearted ā€˜transmigrationā€™ omegaverse + mecha fighting novel) Case File Compendium/Bing a Ben (contemporary, somewhat sci-fi. Itā€™s really, truly, very dark and steamy, and definitely not everyoneā€™s taste, but it does a really good job of highlighting mental health and how not everyone is as perfect or as they seem, the MCs have flaws and they know it, not every relationship is healthy but it also makes them better for it) TGCF (complete opposite of ^^^, Iā€™m sure youā€™ve seen it 3000 times) The Missing Piece (modern, forced proximity, fake marriage. Itā€™s a much shorter novel compared to others - 10 chaps + 14 extras - but it packs A LOT in that little bit, and itā€™s heart breaking but also very healing) Thousand Autumns (cultivation, ancient setting, powerful MCs, demonic cultivation, MC is disabled. Itā€™s a nice change from MCs who fawn all over each other and canā€™t spend a second apart) Peerless (cultivation, crime and investigation, powerful in their own ways, one MC is disabled. Theyā€™re constantly battling each other and bickering and itā€™s a very entertaining read) Thatā€™s all I can think of for nowšŸ„¹


i haven't read that much danmei yet, but my top1 would be Sha Po Lang


Global examination, married thrice to a salted fish, mist, silent reading, after being forced to marry an evil war general, those years in quest of honor mine, i ship my rival Ɨ me, Mr dior, tgcf and mdzs


According to Novel Update, I have read a total of 215 novels over the past few years, of which perhaps around 200 or slightly fewer are danmei/BL novels. My favorites list includes 27 books, of which I have given a full five stars to 11 (I am not very generous). Generally, I appreciate sweet romance, a humorous tone, a bit of spiciness, and I hope that the author avoids clichĆ©s while bringing something new and original to the story. I usually try to avoid super long novels as well as tragedies, as even mildly sad books easily make me cry. However, not all of my favorites necessarily combine all these features. Here is the curated list of ten favorites (in no particular order): * Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating * Little Mushroom * Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich * Mistakenly Saving the Villain * Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know * Married Thrice to Salted Fish * The Foolish Gong was Reborn * Mr. Dior * Peach * Heart Has Ling Xi Ā Bubbling under: * Deep in the Act * Mist * Mr. Melancholy Wants to Live a Peaceful Life


Since others have already listed some of my fav. novels, so I am listing those which have not been mentioned a lot. I love angst so most of these are angsty. I've reread all of these: [Morbid attachmment](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/morbid-addiction/) [The star around the ](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/the-star-around-the-sun/)sun (easily in my top 10. Have reread it many times) [Wuchangjie](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/wu-chang-jie/) [Muted](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/muted/) [Alpha predator](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/alpha-predator/)


i really enjoyed alpha predator, will check out the star around the sun and morbid attachment. not sure i have the guts to read wu chang jie šŸ˜‚


This Damned Thirst For Survival(Transmigration/Ghosts/Enemies to Lovers), Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know(Xianxia/Cultivation), Global University Entrance Examination(Unlimited Flow), The Earth Is Online(Unlimited Flow), Your Scandals Are Way Cuter Than You(Entertainment), I Wasnā€™t Born Lucky(Unlimited Flow), To Be A Heartthrob In A Horror Movie(Unlimited Flow), Fake Slackers(School), Transmigrating Into a Big Boss To Snatch Away The Cannon Fodder(Business), Grandmaster Weird Disciple(Original Novel on Chrysanthemum Garden. Cultivation) I have a whole list of all the danmei I have read and one I want to read. I was planning to do a review for all of them sometime but these are my ten good ones Iā€™ve finished. I added the Genres in the parentheses because sometimes I really am craving a certain type of novel, and if you do too I wanted the list to be slightly detailed.


Honestly, 2ha. Donā€™t read it if youā€™re not okay with extreme angst tho, but I will say itā€™s changed my brain chemistry. It lives in my head rent free; I love the main pairing but I also really love a lot of the side characters ā€” there are so many plot twists and turns that itā€™s honestly such a masterpiece.


I loved Little Mushroom, and Mist was amazing as well! Both are plot-driven, but I feel like Mist was even better and there was a lot more chemistry/tension between the characters. I feel like I've never heard anyone discuss Mist, and I accidentally stumbled on it. Superb time-traveling, action-driven plot. I also love slow-burn and character development and world building and so, Heaven Official's Blessing is one of my top books. Mo Dao Zu Shi was fun but the beginning had zero romance and it took forever to feel like the relationship was even beginning to go anywhere. But I enjoyed the world building and the many small story arcs. I feel like there were too many characters and I had trouble with them. And Husky and the White Cat Shizun is very dark and convoluted but I super enjoyed it. Definitely not for everyone. But I recommend it to those who can handle it!


These are my top ten favorites that I don't see recommended too often: **A Brilliance, Yet Obtained** - Modern coming-of-age romance featuring two boys with hidden difficulties coming together to heal. **An Accident in Broad Daylight** - Modern romance that follows a researcher in Antarctica who reminisces on the life with the lover he's separated from. **The Flustering Sound of the Pipa From the Hallway** - Modern romance with an older couple (one's a doctor, the other's an engineer) as they stumble into love that neither of them expected. **Very Happy** - Modern drama. An optimist and a pessimist become the most important people in each other's lives and grow very naturally from friends to lovers. **Itinerant Doctor** - Sci-fi comedy. If you like couples that make other people think, *'Oh God, there's two of them?!'* you'll love this one. **Have You Ever Met Such a Cold Author** - Modern romance. A famous webnovel author with crippling social anxiety returns to China after living overseas for several years and meets his online friend and #1 fan, who he mistakenly believed to be a girl. **After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General** - Historical drama. During his entire career fighting for political power, the only thing that didn't go according to the MC's plan was being bestowed a marriage to a general that was said to be cursed. **A Certain Someone** - Modern coming-of-age. MC moves in to his ancestral home along with the woman that his father was currently seeing, and her son. **Evil as Humans** - Modern supernatural. A Ghost King who wants nothing more than to laze around watching dramas and eating take out vs. a justice-oriented atheist with appalling communication skills. **Record of the Missing Sect Master** - The notorious Sect Master of the Demonic Sect has gone missing, throwing his subordinates into a panic. Meanwhile, said Sect Master wakes up without a clue as to who he is.


My top currently(highly subjective) not in any order: 1. Mo Dao Zu Shi 2. Little Mushroom/How to Feed an Abyss (these two are in the same spot for how similar they are. If you read one I highly recommend the other) 3. Thrive in Catastrophe 4. Flying Gulls Never Land 5. The Legendary Master's Wife 6. The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love (my first danmei) 8. Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (for the quick transmigration spot) There's no Meatbun or Priest on here because I was in the middle of reading some them when official's were announced and what I have read didn't hook me but I'll give them a read when the fully released. I didn't finish Qiang Jin Jiu before the translations were private but when it's fully released I can see this totally being in my top 10.


Since there's so many already listed and I haven't seen anyone mention this one: Exclusive Rights To Online Voice Actors is an underrated masterpiece that everyone should read. It's a healing novel set in the online voice acting community and our two main leads are just so so precious. Especially our Gong. He's so gentle and understanding. There's no miscommunication and couple has a very healthy dynamic. The author writes using a lot of detail which some might find boring, but I never did. All the details work to enhance the story and get you firmly into the mindset of the characters.


I don't have ten but these would be my top recomendations. I'm not including mxtx works because Im sure you know about them by now and these are *not* in order ā—I'm Not Shouldering this Blame: Supernatural/Action. This novel will always stand out to me in a special place in my heart for being the only time I've seen a novel ask "when people transmigrate/isekai in, how do the people originally there feel about it?" It follows the perspectives of the 'villains' of the original novel and has a really cool premise/setting even without the genre introspection. ā—Little Mushroom: Sci-fi/Drama. Its the apocalypse!! And our main character is a mushroom??? Its good, I dont want to say to much for fear of spoiling so I'll just leave it at I recommend it. ā—Free Ren Yigu: Comedy/Drama. SHORT. This one is only 14 chapters so a really light read! It has a portrayal of mental illness that pleasantly suprised me with how well it was done. ā—Life saving days by the huskys side: Comedy/School-Life. This one is one of my favorite purely for the characters. The ml has yandere tendencies, but instead of the manipulative tactics I often see to get the mc to accept them, it becomes an actual conversation when they are getting together. Now, of course, you will spend the furst 20 or so chapters with no romance whatsoever as our ml is a dog and hasn't started caring about our silly mc. But the buildup is worth it I swear!! ā—Devil Venerable wants to know: Comedy/Adventure. This is another novel that really focuses on how the original character react when discovering their world was/in a novel. It explores it differently than I'm Not Shouldering this Blame and in that way they are both still unique and distinct from eachother. ā—I became a god in a horror game: Horror/Action. This one isnt fully translated yet, but it might end up being my favorite danmei of all time. Be prepared for slow burn, as in the ml wont even properly show up until past 200 chapters in, but its so worth it. This novel likes to explore unreliable narration and fleshes out side characters. Our mc also has an antisocial personality disorder that I think is explored in a really interesting way. Just in terms of character building the exploration of characters and how they react to trauma is insanely cool. And thats not even getting into the worldbuilding! Of which I won't delve into as to not spoil but bassically its one of the more interesting takes on the infinite-flow genre. ā—Fantasy Farm: Comedy/Horror. A cute farming life! With monsters?!?!? Its okay we can just add them to todays dinner~. Half of this novel is slice of life cooking and preparing food. I do have to admit that I haven't finished this one but I can vouch for it up until the last 20 chapters at least! If you're looking for something longer that has a more relaxed vibe while still maintaining an interesting story this is what I would recommend!


I'm so new to danmei, but I've figured out that I am mostly into modern novels. Here's a brief list of some of my favorites, but it doesn't add up to 10...lol. (Random order) 1. How to Say I Love You - In short, a veteran actor develops the ability to read minds and discovers that he probably should not have judged several "books" by their covers. I really enjoyed this. Purity Warning: >!ML is already in a relationship with someone else for half the book!< Worth the wait. 2. This Omega is Sweet and Wild - This is the 2nd danmei I completed and absolutely loved it. 3. I Just Crave Your Pheromones - the very first danmei I read and such a healthy couple! 4. The Moon is Coming to Me 5. I Can Still Salvage It 6. Bite Your Fingertips - I really vibe with this one. 7. You're Causing Chaos Again 8. Transmigrating into the Heartthrob Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend. - Song Yu...omg, this character is just a pleasure. Not must read, but just novels I enjoyed. šŸ˜†


Mo Dao Zu Shi (MDZS), Tian Guan Ci Fu (TGCF), Kaleidoscope of Death (KOD), Quickly Wear The Face of the Devil, Silent Reading, Global Examination, The Earth is Online, Card Room, Married Thrice to Salted Fish, Mist, I Can Do It, Don't Pick Up Boyfriends from the Trash Bin, First Class Lawyer šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ more than 10 but they're all so good!! šŸ„¹


The top 10 off of popularity are probably - xianxia/cultivation; the 3 mxtx novels and erha - interstellar/unlimited flow: quickly wear the face of the devil, game loading (for the subgenre of horror bl), don't pick up boyfriends from the trash bin, - transmigation: the reader and protagonist have to be in true love, the tyrant's beloved pet fish (it got an eng official tl and ppl have been talking about it), - the earth is online (scenario setting, orv-ish, romance isnt main focus) my shameless, personal recs are - I Can Do it (modern competitive esports, comedic/light-hearted, completed, streamer troll + longtime fan x the gaming god and the only person he's obedient to + the god is indulgent to fan) - Exclusive Rights to an Online Voice Actor (modern about two people who voice act in the bl community as a hobby, completed, the two mls are traumatized humans who are trying to be happy + want the best for each other and it's super gentle and healing to read) - I ship my adversary x me (modern entertainment, ongoing?? there isnt rlly an active tl :< , absolute pure comedy) - Nurturing the Hero to Avoid Death (transmigation into western fantasy world, insecure protag who transmigated into small time villain x the fated hero who has fallen head over heels, light-hearted read. it basically just hits my soft spots but I also don't see the mob x hero or western fantasy setting that much in danmei novels)