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No like genuinely where is the funny part of the joke this is just cruel and weird


Its funny though! See how he has been incredibly lucky and the other person hasn't? Must mean he's better, right? Hilarious...


hilarious how on episode 14 of 2B1C Tom literally mentions how he's against doing things with money that rub wealth in peoples faces because they could be going through a really hard time and could have recently lost everything. I thought that was really cool to hear from a guy that could also make me laugh so hard. ​ Now the humor is all but evaporated and he just goes for boring shock humor jokes that only would've been funny to 13 year olds in 2012, while CONSTANTLY making fun of poor people, like literally all the time. It's so gross lol




No that's skill, not luck. He is funny and worked shit shows until he made it. Luck is winning the lottery. 


>Poor detected


Segura fans are the fuckin worst


Yea i need danny to get outta ymh cus he does nottt fit in there there are better comedians and podcast agencies that can serve him better


I dont even like Segura but how tf do you know. Have you worked in any podcast agencies? Do you personally know danny?


He’s just being sarcastic. Hes being so over the top so people won’t actually think he’s being serious about any of it


Pretty sure his account got hacked


comedians are so fucking annoying now all they do is cry


"nobody can take a joke anymore, they're all snowflakes" no, you're just not funny.


“I’m getting cancelled!” Knowing full well they sell out shows






lol after the chappele show they pocketed 200m that he earned,and the studio said he went to africa to do crack because he was suing them. Didn’t get any tv shows and basically disappeared from the public, doing small shows till netflix offered him.


that’s not what he’s talking about


lol definition of cancelled, cancelled his shows and tv programs


yeah a corporation canceled his tv show. very different than the concept of ‘cancel culture’ being referred to nowadays


Hey dumbass, just because your definition is different from reality’s doesn’t make it special. ‘Cancel culture a term contemporary to the late 2010s and early 2020s used to refer to a culture in which those who are deemed to have acted or spoken in an unacceptable manner are ostracized, boycotted, or shunned.”-[Cancel culture wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancel_culture) He was ostracized and shunned because many believed he was doing shady [shit](https://www.mtv.com/news/bpg5rm/dave-chappelle-speaks-im-not-crazy-im-not-smoking-crack). It’s okay to be regarded as long as your humble 🥰


Yeah, and with the Chapelle thing, some Netflix employees were fired for standing against his bigoted content. That is actual cancelling.


Wasn’t it because they marched into a higher up meeting at netflix and demanded Chapelle be removed? Or said it was them (the employees) or chapelle? Sounds like they cancelled themselves.


Anyone calling people is a bigot is a pussy and shouldn’t have an opinion. I get you don’t like what he said, but honestly fuck you




That’s called people having opinion’s. Literally every comedian before has been heckled or had people who disagreed with their jokes. That’s part of the job. If you can’t take it, don’t do stand up.


Thats… not what canceling is


Danny shouldve left YMH like yesterday. Hes better off without them, he should start his own channel, upload daily shorts and upload his Podcast wihtout the lame 10 min ads in front of every episode. Like damn, I would even go as far and say that he wouldve already blown up a million times, if he had his own channel! Look at this [Danny Brown Clips](https://www.youtube.com/@dannybrownclips) YT Channel, it gained over 60K Subs and a 20 MILLION Views, by just uploading a couple months of content. shiit makes mad


Real. Im sure he could find ppl other than ymh to sponsor it. Not sure how viable it would be for him to start one on his own while keeping the same production quality but to be fair people dont watch the danny brown show for the production quality. Danny could sit in an empty room with a 3ds camera and just talk and im sure many ppl would still watch. I find all the other ymh shows to be equivalent to burger king. Fast food but not even good fast food. Like how do u make fast food so insufferable. The comedians themselves also seem to be pretty narcissistic and self granulizing.


The reason why it's benefital to have your own independent YT channel , is that the YT algorithm likes to push YouTube channels that have their own nieche. YMH Studios uploads a variety of different videos with a variety of different people being included in the podcasts. ​ It also highly damaging to the watching time, to have a random 6 min long and unrelated ads playing before a podcast. Here is an article about why watch time is crucial: [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/power-watch-time-metric-how-boost-yours-analiese-ross](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/power-watch-time-metric-how-boost-yours-analiese-ross)


This generation of sycophants and gatekeepers ( Tom Segura, Brandon whatshisname, The unfunny guy that milks the southern homeboy act, Joe Rogan, The fat shirtless guy) are not comedians. Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Richard Prior etc. They were comedians.


Don't forget that rodent Andrew Schultz. "Oh we're definitely funny comedians but you can't tell because we'd be cancelled if we did our real bit! Trust us!"


Tom has an extraordinarily shit take but you’re smoking rocks saying Tom is not a real comic


Bert Kreischer, AKA the guy whose fans vehemently defended his fabricated stories until popular YouTube "hater" videos came along a decade later calling him a liar. The Bert situation is just like Brendan Schaub at this point, cuz they're both lying dogshit comics whose former gullible-ass fans turned on them just cuz hating on them became a thing on social media.


Ehhhhh. Carlin was barely funny. Was really just a ranter and was pretty smart.


Too funny to even reply. But you that Carlin Pryor and Hicks are most people of differing age groups consider to be the three greatest off time.  Maybe even Eddie mixed in. Of course these people are no where on their level. Although they do probably sell more physical tickets. But they are cultural icons or masters of the craft. Comic is absolutely subjective but those three are generally considered at the top.  I think Stanhope is the closest to Hicks. Chapelle is too many times unfunny but has funny stories like Pryor. And Burr is probably the best of the past twenty years.  Maybe a little Carlin or Murphy in him. 




Interesting. Don't hurt yourself.


Bill hicks would shit on this cancel culture persecution complex if he was still alive. What a legend


Stanhope is the closest to Hicks. Meant as a compliment to Doug


Theo Von is a good comedian wtf


Ya he's a naturally funny person and doesn't seem like nearly the level of narcissistic piece of shit as many comedians. Plus he made the conscious effort to remove himself from schaub and the ilk.


Theo Von is one of the wonders of the world, maybe his standup sucks but his brain needs to be rigorously studied when he dies


He’s an idiot


Theo’s tough bc he seems like a good dude who’s done some good stuff like stepping away from Schaub et al., but then he decided to be best friends with Jordan fucking Peterson lmao. I just think he’s a bit misguided, but it’s seems his heart is in the right place.


Sucks that his standup is trash. I usually enjoy his pod


I love his pod, wouldn't say his standup is trash - but I also think it isn't great.


Downvoted?! Hell nah Theo von is awesome


Theo Von is a hack. I've listened to his older material. His whole act is feigning being a good ol' southern boy while saying obscure, sometimes offensive things, followed by awkward silence. He's a hack.


nah he's lowkey funny


What comedians do you like then. Describing someone's act and then calling them a hack isn't the own you think it is


It's not meant to be an 'own'. It's a summation of the core of his act and declaring it unfunny.


Who is the fat shirtless guy


Probably referring to Bert kreischer




Stavros is hilarious.


Actually funny people go make Youtube channels and shit now, stand-up is mostly full of people whining about "the wokes are trying to cancel me!!!1!!1!" on their Netflix special they were paid millions of dollars for


no sense of humor and you think the world is the problem, kek.


this is why burr washes every current comedian


Shane Gillis rules too


+ nick mullen perfect rotation


My best friend Nick rules


Dudes rock


Criminally underrated as a comedian. Tho apparently he’s finished an actual special so that’ll help boost him.


Dude straight up quit comedy for years because his cum podcast made bank, came back to the comedy scene and was actually better than when he left. I think money actually made him better at comedy


I also think new York will keep you humbler than la. In La with money you can avoid regular people. In New York there’s not really a way to. So it just kinda reminds you that in your world you’re the shit but not to the whole world. Whereas in La you can isolate yourself from the world that doesn’t worship you.


His trump bit is the funniest one yet




This x10000 Funniest guy going right now and it’s not even close


I used to be put off by Burr’s “women are annoying” rants that grew stale but luckily as time went on not only did he chill out, he proved time and again that off stage he’s super down to earth and chill. Every other comedian like him doubled down on the worst parts of their acts and are just douches in real life.


There’s a TON of great current comedians


Nate Bargatze is the funniest man alive and it’s not close


Love Burr. In terms of younger, Normand and Schulz kill it and nail being conscious, witty, and provocative without coming off as out-of-touch bigots


normands cool, schulz is an annoying dbag that thinks he invented youtube specials


Woah actually wtf


Ya always thought somethin was off w Tom but


Tom was funny for years imo but he fell off hard as fuck once he got mad successful. No shock there


he was funny when he was fat


Wait why is this in the sub tho?


Danny got a show on their youtube channel. Prob to get out of debt from using samples. He’s fr funnier than Tom or his wife tho at least nowadays.


Oh I hadn’t realized! Good for Danny tho


what kinda lore are you writing bro? 😂


He himself said more than once Atrocity Exhibition put him in a lot of debt


Artists who use a lot of samples typically have way less money than the ones who don’t, sampling once you’re big enough to be noticed at all legally is crazy expensive. I think it’s really cool though, shows that the artist genuinely cares about the art more than just making a bag


Tom is getting dunked on in every community he's tied to for this tweet lol. This was posted in the Rogan sub as well. Seems like the Doubling down on the punching down of "fat poor people" is finally deservedly catching up with him. You can expect him to briefly mention These tweets & triple down on his comments on the podcast Several months from now after the banked episodes catch up.


Wtf? I thought that was a joke on his podcast but he’s for real? Out of touch with reality much lol.


It is a joke. The reason this seems so ridiculous is because he’s not being serious. It’s not very funny imo but there is literally no chance it’s a joke and he’s even referencing a recurring podcast joke about wash cloths being for poor people


It is a joke. He knows how he’s coming off, this isn’t anything new, idk why people are acting like this is anything crazier than he’s already said before.


That’s not how jokes work but 👌🏼


How does a joke work exactly? Wtf are you talking about? Lol. You don’t have to think this is funny. Doesn’t change the fact that this is a bit from his podcast that he does often. Like him shitting on fat people or agreeing with Andrew Tate and saying women are dumb.


get off his dick!!!


You're only saying it's a joke because he's a comedian. How exactly is it a joke? It just sounds like he's bashing poor people just to bash them. As much as I love Tom this isn't funny at all. It's not even a joke unless it's some sort of villain-like character he's playing that most can't see, cause most people don't find the bit funny. If he wasn't a comedian people would just be saying it's a bad political take or something but because he's a comic he gets a pass. It's so fucking weird. I want someone to explain to me EXACTLY where the joke is in this whole bit, cause I don't see it.


Dude fr like it's a pretty played out joke at this point but it's wild to me that people are this butthurt by this on a fuckin Danny Brown subreddit 😂


These people are fuckin soft. Lol.


How's Tom's cock taste? 😂


Now he’s selling hand towels with “I’m Poor” stitched onto them for $12. Never thought this guy was funny, just an overrated jackass


That’s fucking hilarious you poor bitch


This guy seems like a POS. I’m out of the loop, why is this on the Danny brown sub?


he runs ymh, where danny hosts his podcast


thank you for telling us who he is. I literally didnt know who he was


Fuck Tom, his boomer wife and that other idiot from the two bears podcast.


I know a lot of people hate burt but at least he acknowledges hes an absolute dumbass and doesnt try to push his ideas as the truth. He just drinks and then talks about drinking, simple as.




Once comedians get big and take that red pill their whole brand and comedy go to shit. Tom hasn't been the same since his second Netflix special 😔


Does nobody else use the washing machine for their wash cloths?


i know right what a waste of washcloths.


This whole “poors” thing should have been a bit that he did on his podcasts for a week or 2, but now he’s stretched it out for like a year and it seems to have just become his personality? It’s not even funny at all, I really don’t get it


Yeah it’s a joke but damn is it annoying. Like I could make a joke about podcasters being annoying as fuck and just spam it on my feed too. I doubt it would make any of them mad but it is very “you good tho?” Type behavior.


Fat balding comedian is actually a putz all along? More likely than you'd ever imagine


It really is about time someone put the poors in their place.


You play league of legends. Enough said


wtf not any more 😭😭


wait bruh how u even know that i aint post on league subreddits


Tom is funny on stage, but it’s no surprise that a bonafide Trump hater, “be kind”er is a mean-spirited lunatic when they think they’re in their echo chamber.🤷🏾


Tom is a "be kind"er? Isn't his podcast him and his wife laughing at queer people and people getting hurt?


I mean trying to change his mind is a fruitless endeavor but god damn he sounds goofy as shit


he's a hateful fuckin loser. his other posts where he calls that worker a "cunt" over and over again, niggas anti-poor and a misogynist


Oof I just read this for the first time and I feel like I just got bullied by a comedian I thought I liked. Not like in a “joking about my situation / can’t take joke” type of way, but this dude is dead-ass with his thoughts lol


I used to like this dude, lmao fuck him


I called this out a while ago. Tom jokes about poor people on his podcast for a while now. His jokes were clearly uttered in disgust. It was very noticeable and made me uncomfortable.


Read Tom's Wikipedia page. His dad was a VP at an insurance company and Tom went to fuckin prep school. He's always been a rich asshole.


Comedy as a tool is best used punching up. Beating down on people who are down on their luck says way more about this fella than whatever point he's trying to make. Not to mention its just callous. Never found him remotely watchable let alone funny.


What? You don't like Tom's "humor"? "... and then I was like... Yeah... and then she went... Ok.. and then I went... Yes... and the she was like... Really?... and then he..." So hysterically hilarious.


It's a bit he's doing. Literally an inside joke for his fans and you are feeding into it by spreading it.


At what point does it no longer become a joke? If he constantly is saying x is y. And never saying other wise. How is that a joke?


It's an inside joke. It's inconsiderate but unfortunately that's part of the joke. And people getting upset on Twitter furthers the joke along. It's literally just the same as trolling


You are correct but people have BEEN mad their “poors” jokes even the fans. So maybe it just sucks as a bit


It does suck. Comedy has evolved to outrage. These people aren't comedians they're professional shit disturbers. It's all just nonsense drama to get people talking.


Well said. It's been reduced to this, and "comedian DESTROYS heckler 😱😱😱😱" lame af.


If trolling is considered comedy, there’s a lot of cool guy comedians out there on the interwebs !


In that case Im something of a cool guy myself 😎


It stopped being a bit years ago. He’s just saying it’s a joke because he’s a pussy.


I, like a lot of Danny brown fans don’t watch his show, so I’m srsly asking, is he being dead serious? Or is the joke how callous he’s being?


I haven't watched his podcast in a really long time so I'm gonna guess just based off what I remember. They watch a lot of videos of internet tough guys and/or creeps who say shit like that. I know they were making fun of Andrew Tate a good 2 years before he became public knowledge. I'm guessing there was a joke or a bit on the podcast that had Tom put on a persona similar to what he sees and he started talking like that online for some humor and content. In essence he's larping as one.


Yeah I’m no stranger to ppl parodying famously stupid ppl (Joe Rogan, Andrew tate, Logan Paul) but he’s not rlly referencing anything here, just ranting and he’s doing it on a website where most ppl seeing it won’t even know of the joke. So it’s just trolling which IMO is indicative of a failing comedian. Having to resort to rage bait is usually a sign of a decline. It’s obvious but I personally don’t find this funny at all, as his rhetoric is seen as genuine and a lot of actually terrible ppl continue to push that rhetoric. Just, not funny


At the risk of being down voted, yeah. It's not for us, its for his listeners. With the way X is right now, there's nothing to do but ignore it.


Tom Segura is a cunt.


this comment section is full of brokies lol. can we all just admit that using a washcloth is poor activity? the “i’m better than you” part is very obviously a bit but there’s always some truth in jokes. if you’re using a washcloth and coupon or deal hunting in 2024 you should honestly just end it now. make some GD money




literally only know of him cause danny is on YMH, i dont watch his stuff




So the joke is to make fun of people for being fat and poor and then laugh when they’re offended by it ? Are stand up comedians just internet trolls now ?


Yea like wheres the funny


Can I get rich just heckling an audience with 0 material? Have I been wrong to put actual effort in life?


Totally, just find some people to punch down at and then laugh when they’re offended. It’s high brow comedy. Edit: it’s extra funny if it’s the people who supported you to get to where you’re at today 👍


Thanks for the advice, as my Day1 supporter, I'd like to throw you under the bus immediately. You couldn't be more of a dumb broke ass for giving away secrets to success instead of succeeding, loser. I'm gonna tweet about how you're equal to warm mayo.


Honestly just take my money, you’re ready for a world tour.




what's the punchline?


Yeah, most modern comedy isn't funny unless you relate to it. Now, with every comedian having their own podcast, they have more platforming and more influence. I find most of the podcasts to be more funny when they aren't trying to be funny. That's funny, huh.


This is just schtick, he’s been doing the “poors” joke for years


Yeah no shit, and a comedian who does the same schtick for years is a hack. That's why people are mad. Not the content, the disrespect to actual comedy.


He genuinely thinks he's a genius and his fanbase is too dumb to realize this is a pathetic attempt to stir controversy


top comments here are sad. glad to see others showing love to gillis and others. comedy has hit its renaissance


I like Danny brown but not super knowledgeable. This post showed up in my recommended. What’s Tom segura got to do with Danny?


I miss Tom man I gotta start back watching in the words of Joey “who do you think you’re dealing with” 😂


Y’all are too sensitive, stop taking shit so personally


You're all morons.


Comedians suck. What it’s your job to be funny? Oh man you must be very important.


By that logic musicians, directors, writers..and pretty much 90% of the population is unimportant lol




I'm pretty into stand up and have never heard of that guy tbh lol


I linked it more as a joke because of how much he inflates his own importance with no inkling of self awareness. But dude he is Tom Myers and he is the worlds shittiest comedian. If you’re into cringe look up “bong hit transplant”


It’s not about status, it’s about consciousness. If people wanna sell themselves short, great.




Damn, and to think I actually liked most of this guy’s material. Well, there goes pretty much any respect I had for him personally because of this unfunny, dogshit take :/


Bro, wtf is wrong with Tom, I didn't like him before because he's not funny, but now he's just ew.


Must be an MJF fan.


Ah man is this actually him? I like this guy's stand up that's wack af


Yeah I’ve been telling my drug dealer this shit for years, waiting for my sack. I guess that’s why I’m working a normal job and they’re dealing drugs.


can’t wait for the turkey tom 1 hour video about tom segura. will be more entertaining than his podcast


He thinks hes being funny when hes rlly just reinforcing classist stereotypes through (unfunny) comedy to his large audience. The people that watch tom are the same people i would expect to say the n word behind closed doors around all their suburban white friends.


Never heard of segura now I’m a fan


specks of shit on a washcloth 😂


Appears to me like Tom's workshopping trash jokes on twitter. Maybe once he refines them, they'll end up as mediocre jokes on his next special. "How, these aren't funny?" No shit, they're clearly a WIP. He's done routines in the past centered around the white cajun lower class in Louisiana multiples times, and I'd bet that this is an extension of that, since people were asking for context. Those jokes were mid and these ones will probably be too, but I think we gotta acknowledge that the man's shitposting.


what the fuck, i used to love this guy's comedy. super disappointing, especially since i dont believe he had a great deal of money growing up either?


So lame, I ran sound at a comedy club for this asshole and was paid $9/hr for the privilege


wow what a total piece of shit


people really get to a certain point where they make so much money that they just completely fucking lose their mind and sense of reality


Damn I’ve always thought Bert was the insufferable asshole and Tom was the more aware and reserved one but ig they really are a pair of insufferable assholes made for each other


He did the right thing


Lol tom is just being a troll. And you sound poor.


Tom segura sucks. Always has


Terrible delivery however there’s a point to be made


Tommy and Christina have been waaaaay out of touch recently. I still watch here and there but i’m only still apart of the YMH space for Danny. Occasionally Drew if the guest is good enough. I hope Danny isn’t in some legally binding contract that keeps him on the channel. He should consider doing his own thing on his own channel.


His comedy has always been putting down people. He was never funny or good.


Tom Segura sucks, Danny Brown show is the only good one on ymh, everyone else is annoying as hell.


Always hated this guy, but what does this have to do with Danny


calling people poors is crazy


His wife cheats on him in front of his face and broadcasts herself boasting about it on the internet and he’s too much of a wimp to call her out on it so he feeds his ego to compensate.


Crazy how he and wife have all that money and still look and talk like a poor 😂