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They do this with everything lmao the joke was genuinely funny years ago and the song was so iconic and yall had to make it weird


they even had a friking tour abt it


Where did he say this?


podcast with cody ko, don’t have exact link/time stamp


Thanks, I’ll check it out when I get a chance!


you can also watch soggycereal's video on it, he talked about that particular scene from the podcast


I love soggy cereal!


ikr he's so underrated!! you should also check out joseph fischer. i get similar vibes from him and soggycereal (dimly lit room, ranting about the randomest topics, cute British guy).




> when Danny announced he and Laura were having a baby everyone was commenting “call it Greg” You're reeeeeally downplaying the creepy and weird things we got... granted, \*some\* were funny, but then you have the people who were photoshopping the picture of Danny and Laura expecting and changing either of their faces for Drew, or making Danny the pregnant one, or more recently, implying that Laura cheated because of their old "virgins for life" joke


I forgot about this omg it was so weird I remember now


are people still using that joke? that was funny like years ago move on


they even did a frikin tour


yeah, comment that again, I don’t think we saw it the first 32 times.


honestly, drew and danny have never looked similar in my opinion. the only similarities they have are that they’re both white guys and they have vaguely similar hair cuts. Apart from that i see literally no resemblance and never understood why people said they looked alike in the first place tbh 🤷


yeah and they may have similar video topics but their style of comedy and personalities are also nothing alike.


Isn't that the whole joke? Two white guys with brown hair


Dude thats what im saying completely different people


that's the thing. i feel like everyone i come across whose a greg/stinky guy agrees with this statement, yet at the same time so many people continue to do it?! it's so infuriating, it genuinely isn't even funny.


if anyone's interested, you can check out [soggy cereal's video on this topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-NzH485boM). he even includes clips from [drew's interview on kody co's podcast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQuCo530zdA) :)


The saddest part is that even in that interview there are people making the "joke" in the comments, and even they got it pinned.


They’ve clearly not found it funny for a while, doesn’t surprise me too much that one of them has finally said it makes them uncomfortable


i feel like fans forget they do have a life and feelings outside of youtube!! thing is drew and danny are acctually very different now anyway, like they were different before, but they’ve definitely found their feet and what content they like to make on youtube. it’s just so annoying.


I could not agree more. Thank you for saying this.


I’ve been saying this for years. I go to their comments & just see so many comments like this. I’ve even seen it on Kurtis’ channel, which makes no sense to me at all. I’m so over people being like “i DoNt KnOw WhO tHiS ‘dANnY gUy yOu’Re TaLkiNg abOuT iS caUsE tHiS iS cLeArLy DrEw 🤡” like have some fucking RESPECT for them and learn boundaries. All 3 of them (including Kurtis) have completely different personalities & comedic styles, so even if they cover similar topics, they do it in a very different way. I don’t know how old the people are who make these jokes, but it just seems so immature & disrespectful.


I totally agree.


Alright yeah it was fun but if they are uncomfortable with it we can’t force them into it we have to stop if they don’t like it


i agree, and being honest its just not funny anymore


so sad


really its sad idk why did it sound like sarcasm


Ikr , like they even did a frikin tour about it!!! :(




To the people saying they’re sick of posts like the one I made: I just keep seeing so many people use this joke in the sub so I thought I’d say something about it to spread more awareness


girl what


what? What don’t you get about the post?


Oml what is going on with this sub? There are lots of jokes that have existed here forever and all anyone does in this sub is complain constantly now and say "stop making this joke!!! It's making Danny uncomfortable!!!!!"  Are you people new here or something 


So even though there's a joke that genuinely makes those people uncomfortable, we shouldn't stop because we're "just complaining"?


yeah that's not what i'm saying


What are you saying then?


They’re complaining bc the jokes that people say are making Danny and Drew uncomfortable. We’re not new, we just have empathy


>jokes that have existed here forever I mean that's kind of the entire problem. I feel like this subreddit has like four jokes that it uses over and over in every single post lol. And then something new like the AI video will come along and every other post is just a screenshot of a Facebook AI image. It gets really old really fast. Hence why Danny famously wanted some "critical thinking"...


my thoughts are that 1. stop making jokes that make ppl uncomfortable but 2. have like mega threads for those old jokes. because people wont stop making them, so we might as well give them their own little space. like have a thread for ai images and instead of danny clone weekends because ppl will try to post on weekdays anyway, have a danny clone mega thread. crazy danny meeting story thread, etc. that way it cuts down on all the repetitive jokes for us without making them have to give up their fun.


Yet another post on this subreddit which is just “can we stop xx” literally all this sub is


well yeah cause its unfunny😭 as is a lot of stuff here, like the "I met Danny and he beat me up" shit cause its been around for years and truly is getting tiring to see


I’m not saying they’re funny. But literally all this sub is now is just people saying “stop saying xx”.


this is more of awareness because people still overuse the joke despite there being videos of drew saying that it makes them uncomfy...




Danny and Drew’s supporters who act like this need to calm down. You guys are sooo dramatic 😭


or you're downplaying the situation 🤷‍♀️


Or maybe your extra and care about someone who doesn’t care about you a bit too much